Brief2 butchesr

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Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Brief 2: Butchers Branding The Brief


Produce the branding and identity design for an independent local butchers in Leeds.

Roberts and Taylors is a (proposed) butchers shop that was established in 1942, and therefore has a great sense of heritage.

This should encourage audiences to use the butchers rather than supermarkets to purchase meat.

The branding aims to combine the traditional with the contemporary to encourage local audiences today to appreciate the craft of butchery again and the benefits of buying from a butcher rather than the supermarket. For example quality is often better and there is a level of trust and honesty, the brand aims to communicate this sense of quality. This is done through attention to detail in the branding and the use of a stamp to personally brand certain items.

Context Many people choose now to buy meat from supermarkets to save money and time, but this has lead to many butchers closing down. There was a time when everyone would buy their meat from their local butchers, who provided local produce, which is very important. Relationships would be built with customers and butchers would be friendly places to visit and purchase a range of local meats, they would and can also advise on cooking and preparing meat, which is something you cannot often get in supermarkets.

The store sells convenience items in addition to just meat products, as today most adults shop in supermarkets as it is convenient to buy more than one product at once. A friendly and approachable tone of voice is key in this branding, as the more personal service is another positive aspect of a butchers over a supermarket.



Predominantly local adults, but not excluding any other adults who may be in the area or wish to purchase from the store.

Brand Guidelines Wrapping Loyalty Cards & Stamp Take Out Bags Sealing Stickers In-store Product Labels Packaging for condiment jars Packaging for accompaniments Recipe & Tip Cards Business Cards Letterhead


Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Primary Research in Stores

Visits to a range of butchers shops were carried out to gain a better understanding of what makes a successful butchers shop and the difference between the types of stores, such as the butchers in the market which have a more diverse audience in comparison to local village butchers shops.

These visits also helped decide what necessary products needed to be produced. I found that many sold products to use with meat products, such as sauces and accompaniments such as stuffing. This provides convenience to the busy modern customer as they could purchase a wider range of products from the one store. 2/11

Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Butchers Branding Research

Looking at a wide range of existing butchers shop branding it was clear that use of animals and knives were common themes. This however seemed a somewhat violent and off putting approach. This research also helped identify common colours and again helped see what products would be appropriate to produce. 3/11

Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Development - Processes

Hand rendered techniques were explored to try and communicate the craft of butchery. Woodblock type printing was also attempted using the font Perpetua. This again was done to connect to the tradition and craft of butchery. Woodblock printing was appropriate due to the age of the technique and the way in which it is a craft in itself. The prints gave texture and the natural

imperfections of the process really worked with the craft element of butchery. However, this process wasn’t appropriate for the mass production of the products needed, and when trying to produce a digital variation of the texture the authenticity was lost. 4/11


Brief 2 - Butchers







Samantha Walker

Development - Logo Design

Mainly typographic logo variations were explored with the aim to design a contemporary looking logo that also reflected the craft and tradition of butchery. Some typefaces and techniques were used that aimed to reflect the traditional look of printing processes, but these looked artificial. 5/11

Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Primary Logo:


Illustration Style:


C - 29 M - 51 Y -85 K-0 #ef9134

Secondary Logo: C - 92 M - 80 Y -43 K - 49 #242a43


HEADINGS - PERPETUA BOLD Body Copy - Avenir Medium

The Identity The has a simple, contemporary aesthetic, with the serif font adding a more traditional element. The use of est 1942 emphasises the age of butchery and the store itself, with the aim to instil trust in the brand. The use of dissecting lines gives subtly references the action of cutting meat. These are used throughout the brand also. Logo and headings throughout use traditional font Perpetua in bold. The secondary logo can be used at much smaller scales.

Colours take influence from traditional butchers colours, with the orange being less violent than red. The combination of colours also gives a contemporary look. The illustrations used throughout are deliberately off set to create the illusion of a more traditional printing method. Animals do not have faces to remove any personality of which can be off putting.

The stamp is used to apply the logos where appropriate, creating a similar look to the woodblock whilst being quicker and allowing a more personal element as the store could apply this themselves. The stamp also works with the way meat is often stamped as sign of quality. 6/11

Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Store Products Identity was applied across a range of products for inside the store. The elements such as the dissecting lines give a brand consistency across different items. A pale grey stock is used throughout to complement the brand colours and work with the traditional aspect. 7/11

Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Business cards, Loyalty Cards & Letterhead

Business cards and a letterhead were produced for the more business focussed aspect of the store. Loyalty cards and a secondary stamp were produced to encourage customer loyalty and provide a service to save, as many supermarkets do today. Both business and loyalty cards would be brand stamped by a member of staff giving a unique product each time and suggesting quality in addition to reflecting the more personal aspect of a butchers shop rather than a supermarket.


Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Packaging for Convenience Food Items

Although butchers typically only sell meat, to provide more convenience for the customer Roberts & Taylors produces and sells its own range of accompaniments and condiments. The illustration style was applied to highlight ingredients and flavours of the products, whilst continuing the brand identity. The label connects to the jar lids as a seal to mark quality.


Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Recipe & Tip Cards

Complementary recipe and tip cards would be available in the store, again to provide convenience to the customer but also to add a more personal and friendly aspect that butchers are known for. The sourced photography all use wooden background, this complement the brand aesthetic and ensures consistency. 10/11

Samantha Walker


Brief 2 - Butchers

Brand Guidelines Book A complete set of brand guidelines was produced to assist the application of the brand identity. This uses the same pale grey stock as the other brand products and is stitched with a heavier weight cover. The design and feel of the book is also in keeping with the brand. 11/11

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