Summer School 2012 Programme Book

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Od ideje do inovacije From idea to innovation



Od ideje do inovacije From idea to innovation



From Idea to Innovation: Complexity of the Creative Process Summer School 2012 Programme book

Publisher: RAZ:UM - Research & Arts Zone at University of Maribor Maribor, 2012 Editor-in-chief: Dean Korošak Editors: Andreja Nekrep, Karolina Bucka Kustec, Marko Samec Design and Layout: RAZ:UM: Urška Samec, Marko Samec Print run: 80

Poletna šola je bila izvedena in programska brošura je bila izdana s pomočjo sofinanciranja s strani Evropskega socialnega sklada in Ministrstva za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport Republike Slovenije. The Summer school project was implemented and the programme book was published with the financial support of European social fund and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. University of Maribor Slomškov trg 15 2000 Maribor Slovenia CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Univerzitetna knjižica Maribor 001.895 SUMMER School “From idea to innovation” (2012 ; Maribor) Od ideje do inovacije: complexity of the creative process = From idea to innovation : Summer School by RAZ:UM : [programme book] / [editors Andreja Nekrep, Karolina Bucka Kustec, Marko Samec]. - Maribor : RAZ:UM - Research & Arts Zone at University of Maribor, 2012 1. Vzp. stv. nasl. 2. Nekrep, Andreja COBISS.SI-ID 71083521 COBISS.SI-ID 69766401


Foreword 6 Programme schedule


People 16 Abstracts 18 Address book 62

Foreword... About the summer school “From idea to innovation: complexity of the creative process�


Various strategic documents both in Slovenia and in the European Union are emphasizing the importance of research, innovation, the bridge between science and economy, technology transfer and innovative entrepreneurship. The Research and Innovation Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia 2011-2020 (RISS) is focusing on the promotion of high quality research, efficient management of the research and innovation systems, the mechanisms of knowledge transfer, innovative entrepreneurship as well as the promotion of research and innovation both in society in general and in education. A new programme of the European Union (Horizon 2020) is also emphasising innovations and their social significance. The programme supports the transfer of ideas onto the market, whereas one of its main objectives in the participations of SMEs, inclusive innovation and safe society. Despite these strategic goals, Slovene universities lack courses on the importance of innovation and intellectual property management for both present and future generations and the link between creativity and innovative entrepreneurship. For this reason, the University of Maribor would like to present the project entitled “From idea to innovation: the complexity of the creative process”. Through a summer school, lectures and workshops conducted by national and foreign experts from the field of innovative entrepreneurship, intellectual property, design engineering and systems thinking, the University of Maribor aims to provide graduate and postgraduate students, thesis advisors and internship advisors with information on the complex link between creativity and the development of innovation. The project is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (MIZKŠ) within the framework of the public call entitled Implementation of the Bologna process – co-funding the participation of external experts in the teaching process in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Prof. Dr. Dean Korošak and Andreja Nekrep project coordinators


Programme schedule

Sunday 16/9/2012 Nedelja Arrival of participants

Prihod udeležencev

Monday 17/9/2012 Ponedeljek LOCATION: Tovarna Podjemov, Maksimilijana Držečnika 6, Maribor


LOKACIJA: Tovarna Podjemov, Ulica Maksimilijana Držečnika 6, Maribor

Registration of Participants

8:30 - 8:50

Registracija udeležencev

Welcome word prof. dr. Danijel Rebolj, rector of the University of Maribor and prof. dr. Karin Stana Kleinschek, vice-rector for research and development at the University of Maribor

8:50 – 9:00

Uvodni pozdrav prof. dr. Danijel Rebolj, rektor Univerze v Mariboru in prof. dr. Karin Stana Kleinschek, prorektorica za znanstvenoraziskovalno dejavnost Univerze v Mariboru

Panel 1: Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property

Sklop 1: Podjetništvo in intelektualna lastnina

Process of identifying and pursuing business opportunities prof. dr. Miroslav Rebernik, University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics

9:00 – 11:00

Proces identifikacije in realizacije podjetniških priložnosti prof. dr. Miroslav Rebernik, Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta

Coffee break

11:00 – 11:15

Odmor za kavo

Elements of a good entrepreneurial idea Matej Rus, MSc, University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics

11:15 – 13:15

Sestavine dobre poslovne ideje mag. Matej Rus, Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta

Break for lunch

13:15 – 14:30

Odmor za kosilo

Characteristics of a good business plan Jurij Verhovnik, MSc, IRP, Institute for entrepreneurship research

14:30 – 16:30

Značilnosti kakovostnega poslovnega načrta mag. Jurij Verhovnik, IRP, Inštitut za raziskovanje podjetništva

Coffee break

16:30 – 16:45

Odmor za kavo

Intellectual property and competitive advantages Boštjan Figueroa, MBA, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office

16:45 – 17:30

Intelektualna lastnina in konkurenčne prednosti Boštjan Figueroa, MBA, Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino

The use of patent information in developing new ideas dr. Irena Hreljac, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office

17:30 – 18:15

Uporaba patentnih informacij pri razvoju novih idej dr. Irena Hreljac, Urad Republike Slovenije za inteletualno lastnino

Technology and knowledge transfer from research organization into industry dr. Anton Habjanič, TehnoCenter of the University of Maribor Ltd.

18:15 – 18:45

Prenos znanja in tehnologij iz raziskovalnih organizacij v gospodarstvo doc. dr. Anton Habjanič, TehnoCenter Univerze v Mariboru d.o.o.

Discussion and networking


Razprava in mreženje


Tuesday 18/9/2012 Torek


LOCATION: Main building of the University of Maribor, Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor, Room of Fran Miklošič

LOKACIJA: Rektorat Univerze v Mariboru, Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor, Dvorana Frana Miklošiča

Panel 2: System Thinking / Complex Systems

Sklop 2: Sistemsko mišljenje / kompleksni sistemi

General Introduction of the scope System Thinking / Complex Systems prof. dr. Marko Marhl, University of Maribor, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

8:45 - 9:00

Predstavitev sklopa Sistemsko mišljenje/ kompleksni sistemi prof. dr. Marko Marhl, Univerza v Mariboru, Pedagoška fakulteta in Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko

Introduction to Systems Science with Applications (lecture) prof. dr. Josip Stepanić, University of Zagreb, Croatia

9:00 - 10:30

Predstavitev sistemske znanosti z aplikacijami (predavanje) prof. dr. Josip Stepanić, Univerza v Zagrebu, Hrvaška

Coffee break


Odmor za kavo

Introduction to Systems Science with Applications (workshop) prof. dr. Josip Stepanić, University of Zagreb, Croatia


Predstavitev sistemske znanosti z aplikacijami (delavnica) prof. dr. Josip Stepanić, Univerza v Zagrebu, Hrvaška

Break for lunch


Odmor za kosilo

Cities as Living Organisms? On Structural Analogies between Urban and Biological Systems dr. Cyril Riha, Center for Theoretical Study, Prague, Czech Republic


Mesta kot živi organizmi? O strukturnih analogijah med urbanimi in biološkimi sistemi dr. Cyril Riha, Center za teoretične študije, Praga, Češka

Coffee break


Odmor za kavo

Cities from the Sky. The Satellite Images Perspective on Urban Systems dr. Cyril Riha, Center for Theoretical Study, Prague, Czech Republic


Mesta z neba - pogled na urbane sisteme iz perspektive satelitskih slik dr. Cyril Riha, Center za teoretičen študij, Praga, Češka.

The Blue Ocean Strategy – A Systematic Approach to Create Uncontested Markets (lecture) dr. Andreas Kornherr, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, Vienna, Austria


Strategija modrega oceana: sistematičen pristop k ustvarjanju tržnega prostora brez konkurence (predavanje) dr. Andreas Kornherr, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, Dunaj, Avstrija

Wednesday 19/9/2012 Sreda LOCATION: Main building of the University of Maribor, Slomškovtrg 15, 2000 Maribor, Room of Boris Podrecca

LOKACIJA: Rektorat Univerze v Mariboru, Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor, Dvorana Borisa Podrecce

Panel 2: System Thinking / Complex Systems (continuing)

Sklop 2: Sistemsko mišljenje / kompleksni sistemi (nadaljevanje)

The Blue Ocean Strategy – Workshop I: Identification of possible Blue Oceans and creation of Strategy Canvas dr. Andreas Kornherr, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, Vienna, Austria


Strategija modrega oceana - delavnica 1: Identifikacija možnih modrih oceanov in ustvarjanje strateškega grafikona dr. Andreas Kornherr, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, Dunaj, Avstrija

Coffee break


Odmor za kavo

The Blue Ocean Strategy – Workshop II: Working out of concepts and short presentations dr. Andreas Kornherr, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, Vienna, Austria


Strategija modrega oceana - delavnica 2: Izdelava konceptov in kratkih predstavitev dr. Andreas Kornherr, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, Dunaj, Avstrija

Break for lunch


Odmor za kosilo

Panel 3: Design engineering

Sklop 3: Inženirsko oblikovanje

LOCATION: Secondary technical school Maribor, Smetanova 18, 2000 Maribor, hall SSŠ-18

LOKACIJA: Fakulteta za strojništvo, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, dvorana SSŠ-18

Design thinking (workshop) prof. Vojmir Pogačar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


Koncipiranje zamisli (delavnica) prof. Vojmir Pogačar, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo

Coffee Break


Odmor za kavo

Networking inside design process dr. Andrej Skrbinek, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


Mreženje znotraj konceptualizacije doc. dr. Andrej Skrbinek, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo


Thursday 20/9/2012 Cetrtek LOCATION: Secondary technical school Maribor, Smetanova 18, 2000 Maribor

LOKACIJA: Srednja strojna šola Maribor, Smetanova 18, 2000 Maribor

Panel 3: Design engineering (continuing)


Sklop 3: Inženirsko oblikovanje (nadaljevanje)

Ergonomic aspects and technical support with the creation of the rapid prototypes (workshop - part 1) dr. Jasmin Kaljun, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

8:00 – 11:00

Ergonomski aspekti in tehnična podpora pri izvedbi hitrih prototipov (delavnica - 1. del) dr. Jasmin Kaljun, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo

Coffee break

11:00 – 11:15

Odmor za kavo

Creation of the rapid prototypes (workshop - part 2) Andrej Cupar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

11:15 – 14:15

Izvedba hitrih prototipov (delavnica - 2. del) Andrej Cupar, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo

Break for lunch

14:15 – 15:30

Odmor za kosilo

Open innovation - from basic research to an innovative product prof. dr. Volker Ribitsch, University of Graz, Institute of Chemistry, Austria

15:30 – 17:30

Odprta inovacija – od temeljne raziskave do inovacijskega izdelka prof. dr. Volker Ribitsch, Univerza v Gradcu, Inštitut za kemijo, Avstrija

Friday 21/9/2012 Petek LOCATION: Secondary technical school Maribor, Smetanova 18, 2000 Maribor

LOKACIJA: Srednja strojna šola Maribor, Smetanova 18, 2000 Maribor

Panel 3: Design engineering (continuing)

Sklop 3: Inženirsko oblikovanje – nadaljevanje

From sketch to airplane - complexity of design process dr. Gregor Veble, Pipistrel Ltd., Slovenia

9:00 – 10:30

Od skice do letala - kompleksnost snovalnega procesa doc. dr. Gregor Veble, Pipistrel d.o.o.

Coffee break

10:30 – 10:45

Odmor za kavo

Ergonomic evaluation and technical support with correction of the rapid prototypes (part I) dr. Jasmin Kaljun, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

10:45 – 14:15

Ergonomska evaluacija in tehnična podpora pri korekciji hitrih prototipov (I. del) dr. Jasmin Kaljun, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo

Break for lunch

14:15 – 15:30

Odmor za kosilo

Analysis of methods of implementation, ergonomic aspects, technical support for creating the rapid prototypes (part II) Andrej Cupar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

15:30 – 18:30

Analiza izvedbenih metod, ergonomski aspekti, tehnična podpora pri izvedbi hitrih prototipov (II. del) Andrej Cupar, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo


Saturday 22/9/2012 Sobota LOCATION: Tovarna Podjemov, Maksimilijana Držečnika 6, Maribor

LOKACIJA: Tovarna Podjemov, Ulica Maksimilijana Držečnika 6, Maribor

Panel 1 - Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property – continuation and conclusions

Sklop 1: Podjetništvo in intelektualna lastnina – nadaljevanje in zaključek

Financial issues in new venture creation and financial plan preparation using special Venture Factory software (workshop - part I) Matej Rus, MSc, University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics

9:00 – 11:00

Financiranje izgradnje novih podjetij in priprava finančnega načrta s pomočjo aplikacije Tovarne podjemov (delavnica - I. del) mag. Matej Rus, Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta

Coffee break

11:00 – 11:15

Odmor za kavo

Financial issues in new venture creation and financial plan preparation using special Venture Factory software (workshop - part II) Matej Rus, MSc, University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics

11:15 – 13:15

Financiranje izgradnje novih podjetij in priprava finančnega načrta s pomočjo aplikacije Tovarne podjemov (delavnica - II. del) mag. Matej Rus, Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta

Break for lunch

13:15 – 14:30

Odmor za kosilo

How to Pitch an Idea Jurij Verhovnik, MSc, IRP, Institute for entrepreneurship research

14:30 – 16:30

Kako učinkovito predstaviti poslovno idejo? mag. Jurij Verhovnik, IRP, Inštitut za raziskovanje podjetništva

Coffee break

16:30 – 16:45

Odmor za kavo

From idea to success dr. Andrej Duh, 4G NEURON Ltd.

16:45 – 18:45

Od ideje do uspega dr. Andrej Duh, 4G NEURON d. o. o.

LOCATION: Main building of the University of Maribor, Slomškovtrg 15, 2000 Maribor Closing ceremony with diploma awarding


LOKACIJA: Rektorat Univerze v Mariboru, Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor 19:15

Zaključek in podelitev potrdil o udeležbi


People People

Project manager prof. dr. Dean Korošak, University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and RAZ:UM

Project coordinator Andreja Nekrep, University of Maribor and RAZ:UM

Honorary committee prof. dr. Danijel Rebolj, rector of the University of Maribor prof. dr. Karin Stana Kleinschek, vice-rector for research and development at the University of Maribor

Organizing committee prof. dr. Dean Korošak, University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and RAZ:UM Andreja Nekrep, University of Maribor and RAZ:UM Karolina Bucka Kustec, University of Maribor dr. Marko Samec, University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, and RAZ:UM prof. dr. Marko Marhl, University of Maribor, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Matej Rus, MSc, University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics prof. Vojmir Pogačar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


Participating lecturers prof. Dr. Volker Ribitsch, University Graz, Institute of Chemistry, Austria prof. Dr. Josip Stepanić, University of Zagreb, Croatia dr. Cyril Riha, Center for Theoretical Study, Prague, Czech Republic dr. Andreas Kornherr, Research & Development, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, Vienna, Austria prof. dr. Miroslav Rebernik, University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics Jurij Verhovnik, MSc, The Institute for entrepreneurship research doc. dr. Anton Habjanič, TehnoCenter of the University of Maribor Ltd Boštjan Figueroa, MBA, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office dr. Irena Hreljac, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office dr. Gregor Veble, Pipistrel Ltd. dr. Andrej Duh, 4G Neuron Ltd. Andrej Cupar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering dr. Jasmin Kaljun, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering doc. dr. Andrej Skrbinek, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering prof. dr. Marko Marhl, University of Maribor, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Matej Rus, MSc, University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics prof. Vojmir Pogačar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering




Panel 1

Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property 19

Process of identifying and pursuing business opportunities Miroslav Rebernik University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics, Razlagovaulica 20, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija

Whenever you meet people interested in hearing about your business idea, you will sooner or later be asked the same question, i.e. “Can I see your business plan?” Namely, the business plan is considered to be the basic tool for a successful presentation and sale of business idea so that every business person (lawyer, banker, and accountant), investor or potential business angel who has serious intentions will wish to learn more about it. Business plan is also a good way to identify a business opportunity and sort out ideas with no market potential. In order to prepare a good business plan, one has to think thoroughly about the business idea so that it will be able to be transformed to a good quality business plan. The business process flow and combinations of different business functions have to be considered so that they can adequately support the progress of the venture.The entrepreneur’s role in the company must be determined as well as the products or services, the supply and sales markets, sources of finance, etc. All this should be done before the actual start of the business in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. This is a good side of business planning. The bad news is that business planning takes a lot of time. The preparation of a business plan is not demanding only in terms of its contents, but also in terms of time. This is especially the case when one is developing it for the first time and does not have alot of experience with business operations of a company. The estimation is that about 200 to 400 hours of work must be invested to preparea really good business plan. It is very often that in the first 4 to 6 months after its completion, at least half of this business plan will be outdated. This is not due to bad planning but due to the ever changing market circumstances, which have to be re-evaluated. The ultimate goal of business planning is to develop a tool which will help the entrepreneur to control the company and help “sell” the business idea professionally and convincingly to potential business partners (financiers, buyers, suppliers, employees). A good quality business plan serves as a reliable compass for the management of company’s business operations in the first few days or weeks. However, business circumstances usually change quite quickly, which requires changes and supplements of the business plan. Business planning is a skill which can be learnt. Even though the first business plan will require a couple of hundred hours of work, the second one will take up half of this time, and so on. Finally, skilled entrepreneurs will prepare a useful business plan in one or two weeks. Realistic business plan will show which problems are likely to occur during the business operations and will help to prevent them. The plan will thus enable the entrepreneur to make decisions with greater competence and higher level of trust. Within entrepreneurial ecosystem future entrepreneurs can find a useful advice. At the University of Maribor business incubator Tovarnapodjemov can help during the planning process to ensure a long-term success of the new venture


regardless of whether entrepreneur is making first steps into entrepreneurship, have just started with business operations or whether have been involved in entrepreneurship for a longer period of time.

Literature: Timmons, J.A. New Venture Creation. 1999. Rus, M. and Rebernik, M. Planned to success. 2012.


The characteristics of a high-quality business plan Jure Verhovnik Tovarna podjemov – podjetniški inkubator Univerze v Mariboru, Ulica škofa Maksimiljana Držečnika 6, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

A business plan is one of the first key steps towards forming one’s own business idea or undertaking (business). It is important to know that not an every idea is a priori a business idea and that it is necessary firstly to identify and analyse numerous starting points in order to minimise the risk of a business failure. When forming a business plan we have to be aware of certain starting points and rules which enable us to write a document that is logical, clear and above all, useful for the businessman and other participants, such as investors, banks and business partners. To achieve that, it is necessary for the authors of the business plan to be aware that the plan represents a guiding principle and a basis for business decisions in the future. That is why it is crucial to include every business field into the business plan (market analysis, competition, marketing strategy, HR aspect of business, tax/financial aspect of business etc.), which is required or appear while implementing business, and to take into account the following starting points: a business plan should be objective to convince the participants and must also be clear for non-experts, a good business plan is based on a unified writing style and is distinguished for its clarity, a good business plan is also well graphically designed and last but not least, a business plan lives, which means it must constantly be supplemented, upgraded and updated. Keywords: business plan, business fields, objectivity, participants


Intellectual property and competitive advantage Boštjan Figueroa MBA, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office, Kotnikova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana

To become and remain successful on the market,one has to be able to defend his key competitive advantages long enough to develop new ones. Important competence for building competitive advantage is ones intellectual property (IP) – patents, trademarks, designs, copyright, and know-how. Intellectual property rights (IPR) give its owner for a certain period of time an exclusive right over the use of the creations protected by these rights. In addition, the use of all the possibilities that contemporary international system of intellectual property rights offers can help in significantly reducing development of the time and costs of new products and services. Strategic approach to intellectual property is needed to capture a whole value the system offers. Throughout a development of an idea requires bearing in mind the possible and preferred exit strategies – a way to monetize a developed project. Certain exit strategies (e.g. licensing out) would usually require different approach to intellectual property than others (e.g. in house production). In regard to obtaining intellectual property rights there is sometimesno way back, once a mistake has been made. For example if technical solution has been publically disclosed before applying for a patent, one cannot obtain a patent protection for it. Another important issue regarding intellectual property in development of the projects is to assure that no third party’s’ intellectual property rights are being violated. Both examples, ifpotentially happened, would close some of the exit doors and diminish the value one can expect when monetizing its project. To optimize a potential value of a development of project, the intellectual property strategy which addresses these issues should be developed at the beginning of the project.


How to use patent information in developing new ideas Irena Hreljac Slovenian Intellectual Property Office, Kotnikova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Access to information is easier today than ever before. New research is published in electronic form much before or even without being printed. But there is a huge resource of information which is often being neglected and these are: the patent and other intellectual property rights information databases. Researchers, students, professors, entrepreneurs as well as multinational companies can all benefit from extracting information from patent documents. All patent applications become public 18 months after filing. Many of these can be freely browsed through internet. Despite the 18-month gap from filing the form until its publication, patent applications are in most cases the first publically available document about a new technological development – many times they precede scientific papers and most of the time they are published before the product is launched on the market. This and the fact that the documents in patent databases are systematically structured by bibliographical data, which includes precise classification of a technological niche of a certain invention, makes the patent databases the most systematic and comprehensive source of information about new technology development. They can be used in different ways and for different purposes. For example, a researcher can search the database to check if their idea for a project is really new. This becomes even more important in the light of the fact that, according to the EC, more than 30% of money invested in R&D is wasted on research which has already been done before. A researcher in academia or industry, or an entrepreneur with an idea for a product can also use the technical information in patents to search new ideas or to find a solution for a technical problem. It is a relatively unknown fact that more than 90% of documents in patent databases are not in force (they are either non-granted patent applications or expired patents). Even the patents in force can be freely used in countries where the patent has not been registered. By using the patent database, we can check whether and where a certain patent is still in force. Enterprises of all sizes use competitive intelligence to steer their future development strategies. Patent information can help in providing the newest available technology trends, information about competitors’ research focus as well as markets, most prolific inventors etc. Existing businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs can also find a very useful source in product development, branding strategy, competitive intelligence etc. in trademark and design databases. All of the mentioned search strategies, together with practical examples will be discussed in the lecture.


Some useful links:– the largest freely available patent database - free patent database with integrated basic analysis – largest European trademark database, includes several national, EU and international applications - search EU trademarks and designs


Knowledge and technology transfer from research organizations into industry

Anton Habjanič

TechnoCenter at the University of Maribor, Krekova 2, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

Knowledge and TechnologyTransfer is the name given to cooperation between business enterprises, particularly small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs), and scientific institutes. The combination of the terms: knowledge transfer andtechnology transfer is intended to emphasize that it is not only the transfer of complete technologies whichis important, but also the networking of knowledge for the application and further development of thesetechnologies.Knowledge and technology transfer takes place between players from the worlds of business and science and can be created or realized in various ways. In the lecture, various forms of commercialization and approaches for successful “knowledge and technology transfer” will be described. The aim of knowledge andtechnology transfer is above all to create even stronger links between the scientific potential of the regionand industry. This should on the one hand enable better assessment of the results from research anddevelopment. On the other hand, business enterprises should be encouraged to bring their actual researchneeds to the scientific community directly. Both approaches pursue the goal of generating marketableproducts and services as well as competitive advantages. Analyses of successful projects have shown thatsuccessful innovations are not created in isolation but are instead the result of cooperation, networking andan acceptance of new ideas in interdisciplinary partnership. In nowadays, the transfer of knowledge and technology is becomingincreasingly important. On the one hand, internationalisation of the markets has changed the frameworkconditions for SMEs and set them new challenges in terms of competitiveness. On the other hand, SMEsand research institutes can balance out existing deficits in resources and infrastructure by way ofcooperation and thus better exploit their innovation potential. In view of the increasing complexity andinterdisciplinary linking of modern technologies, SMEs in particular need more support and links to the necessary research infrastructure in order to bring products and processes to market maturity.Interdisciplinary innovations in particular cannot be easily realised by specialised SMEson their own.Similarly, for innovations in modern technological fields basic and top level scientific research is essential. Business enterprises are becoming increasingly open to research and innovationoffers in order to increase their innovation potential through externalresources – but universities and intermediary organisations are also squaringupto these demands.Highereducation and research institutesareinterested inexpanding their capacities, research processes and results from collaborationswith commercial enterprises. At the same time cooperation with industryenable the universities to design and market their research and teaching on amore practical level. Knowledge and technology transfer takes place in various ways. Business enterprises and academicinstitutes have a wide variety of transfer forms to choosefrom which enable them to develop, exchange and utilise knowledge and technologies in line with their needs. For the promotion of common goals, there arealso


a series of funding schemes offered by the stategovernment and EU funds, depending on their type;these transfer forms can best respond tothe particular needs of the cooperation partners.

Keywords: Knowledge transfer, technology transfer, commercialization, research anddevelopment.


Financial issues in new venture creation and financial plan preparation using special venture factory software

Matej Rus

University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics, Razlagovaulica 20, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija

For entrepreneurs, the old adage rings true: “It takes money to make money?’ If you’re just starting out, you need money. Capital requirements for new businesses depend on a number of factors. If you’ve performed all research properly and have formed a thorough business plan, then you should have a clear idea of the amount of money needed to begin your venture and the most likely sources for acquiring those finances. Traditionally, however, it has been hard for small entrepreneurial ventures to obtain capital, especially the start-up phase, and this difficulty has been magnified by the increasing cost of money in the financial markets. That’s why financial planning is so important. If you’re prepared to obtain financing, whether it’s for a start-up or for an existing business, you’ll reduce the skepticism lenders typically express when the buyer of a small business comes knocking on their door. The uses of money are the most basic questions in a lender’s mind. Bankers, for instance, will not want to make a loan that puts them in the position of investing in your business. They want to stay liquid, to reduce their risk. As a small-business person, you must always have a clear understanding of what you need in terms of capital and how it will be used. By doing this, you’ll be able to determine the best source for raising money to finance your business. With the help of tool for business planning provided by Tovarnapodjemov, you can efficiently and easily create a comprehensive business plan. ( Its key added value lies in the financial planning tool that allows you to facilitate the compilation of financial statements including the cash flow statement, the in-come statement and the balance sheet. The tool is primarily intended for start-up companies that are planning for the first five years of the company.

Literature: Timmons, J.A. New Venture Creation. 1999. Rus, M. and Rebernik, M. Planned to success. 2012. The Entrepreneur Magazine. Small Business Advisor. 1995. OECD. Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs. 2006.


How to effectively present a business idea Jure Verhovnik Tovarna podjemov – podjetniški inkubator Univerze v Mariboru, Ulica škofa Maksimiljana Držečnika 6, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

Authors of the numerous business ideas that are forming recently on the market believe that they are unique and expect them to be acceptedin the environment with open hands. However the facts show, that it is not true that many “holders” of a business idea are not aware of the importance of an effective presentation of the idea to the environment, which is also why many good business ideas remain only “on paper”. An effective presentation of a business idea consists of two key elements. The first is a concise summary which should not be longer than 1 or 2 pages and should be: dramatic, interesting and striking, it should contain the problem, the solution/vision, an introduction of the business team, references and competency of persons involved and a clear demonstration of innovativeness. The main goal of the summary is to create interest among the readers for the business plan and the team. The second key element is a visual presentation (PPT) which should include the perceived problem or the opportunity, the solution to the problem, potential clients/customers, and a vision of the undertaking, a business and sales model, technology and intellectual property, marketing and sales, competition, business team, financial projections, term plan and a summary and collaboration proposal. When forming both presentations/documents, it is necessary to take into account the readers/viewers; their knowledge, interests, expectations and their time. The presentations should be short, interesting and clearly displaying the business opportunity. Also, the presentation should be well prepared, interesting and above all, stimulating.

Key words: presentation, references, business team, target group Literature: Rus, Rebernik (2004) Poglej preden skočiš. Maribor: IRP Rus, Rebernik (2004) Uporaba pravil poslovanja. Maribor: IRP Rus, Rebernik (2004) Načrtno do uspeha. Maribor: IRP


From idea to success Andrej Duh 4G Neuron d.o.o., 1000 Ljubljana,, Slovenia

Different organizations and people have been trying to describe entrepreneurs, but there is not much of unification. Early in the 20thcentury Joseph Schumpeter gave the definition of an entrepreneur (or a ‘wild spirit’) as the person who destroys the existing economic order by introducing new products and services, by creating new forms of organization. Today entrepreneur’s new business only in few rare instances may be the revolutionary sort that destroys the global economic order. It is more likely to be of the incremental kind that enters an existing market.According to Bygrave (1997): “An entrepreneur is someone who perceives an opportunity and creates an organization to pursue it”. Kawasaki (2004) says: “The reality is that ‘entrepreneur’ is not a job title. It is state of mind of people who want to alter the future”.Entrepreneur. com says an entrepreneur is “someone who assumes the financial risk of the initiation, operation and management of a business”. By combining these definitions, entrepreneur is a person who knows how to recognize opportunities, is comfortable assuming risksto execute an opportunity, and is a future altering state of mind (Fairbrothers, Winter, 2011). Is having new ideas and having a passion to make your ideas come to life enough to start your own business? Of course, starting your own business is not just having a dream. There are real steps to ensure your business a successful start. How to decide if your idea is worthwhile, how to get started executing an idea, and answers to many other ‘how tos’ can be found in many books, web portals, etc. In the following presentation I would like to present my own experience in participating in startups. Ihave always been a researcher who loves the phase of implementation and practitioner who loves to study new ideas. I am more a researcher than an entrepreneur, however being involved in entrepreneurship allows me to do what I am most looking forward to: I’m working on implementing new ideas. And some implementations are even successful…

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, idea, implementation, success. References: William D. Bygrave (1997). The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship.Wiley; Second Edition. Guy Kawasaki (2004). The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything. Portfolio Hardcover.

30 Gregg Fairbrothers, Tessa Winter (2011). From Idea to Success: The Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network Guide for Start-Ups. McGraw-Hill.



Panel 2

System Thinking / Complex Systems 33

General introduction to systems thinking and complex systems

Marko Marhl

University of Maribor, Faculty of Education & Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

A systems thinking is thinking in systems, a process of understanding how different parts of a given system influence one another and how the system dynamics is provided. For successful systems thinking it is important to understand the structure, dynamics, and the evolution of systems. Usually the easiest part of this process is to recognize the systems structure, which is, however, the consequence of the dynamics being exposed to a permanent evolutionary process. A complex system is characterized by a complex dynamics; the system consists of numerous interrelated, interdependent, and tightly interacting, usually non-linearly interacting, components that form a complex and unified whole. Systems thinking techniques may be used to study systemsin different fields ranging from physics, biology, medicine, computer science, engineering, sociology, economy, etc. In nature, ecosystems are prominent examples of understanding how various elements such as air, its temperature, its movement and the weather in general, how water, soil, plants and animals work together. In social systems, like e.g. companies, systems consist of people, structures, and processes that work together to make an organization successful or unsuccessful. Systems thinking is used as an approach to problem solving. The first step is always recognizing the systems structure andthen understanding its dynamics. This enables making predictions on systems outputs, and even influencing its dynamics and modifying the outputs. System dynamics might be understood qualitatively or in some cases we also succeed to describe it quantitatively. Physics is a typical example of being able to describe several natural systems in a quantitative manner. There exist mathematical equations to describe different dynamical processes in natural systems. One could claim that Physics deals with the simplest systems, since they can be described by mathematical equations. One could imagine how practical and useful it would be to have mathematical descriptions, i.e. mathematical models for functioning of our body, for example. The diagnostics and the disease treatments could be much easier. And what about social systems, companies, or trades on world markets, for example? Is it possible to understand all the processes and to describe them mathematically in order to be able to predict their behaviour in the future? It is hard dealing with complex systems, in particular in social systems where not all the processes are deterministic, but rather stochastic and hence even more complex. However, systems thinking techniques are general and may be used to study any kind of systems. There are also some general rules and analogies. In natural systems, for example, there are common physical rules leading to particular structures, which are very often the results of optimal fluxes (Bejan and Zane, 2012). In social systems there are some common


patterns in behaviour ranging from self-organization, diversity of knowledge, indirect collaboration to adaptive mimicking (Miller, 2010). Our life in cities, and the whole organization and functioningof the cities, is a nice example of how to show analogies between systems. The scaling rules, for example, concerning cities and living organisms share several common points (Bettencourt et al., 2010). Systems in economy, companies, particular markets, their structures and dynamics attract even more systems analysts. Interest in making profits is probably a motivation enough for comprehensive studies and rapid development of methods in system analyses. Peter Senge, for example, strongly emphasized the importance of systems thinking for improving working organizations (Senge, 1990). The importance ofsystemsanalyses leading to understanding of systems dynamicswitha holistic view of complex systems in economy is also reflected in the so-called “Blue Ocean Strategy” (Kim and Mauborgne, 2004). It is to overcome asituation in which the existing market structures limit our thinking. It is about focusing on the big picture, how to reconstruct market boundaries in order to create uncontested market space reaching beyond the existing demand. Therefore, the main point of the Blue Ocean Strategy is “value innovation”, when a company achieves value innovation that creates value simultaneously for both the customer and the company. This is a way of linking ideas with innovations, a way of a successful move from idea to innovation. References: Bejan, A., Zane, J.P. (2012)Design in Nature: How the Constructal Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, and Social Organization, Doubleday, New York. Bettencourt, L.M.A., Lobo, J., Strumsky, D., West, G.B. (2010) Urban Scaling and Its Deviations: Revealing the Structure of Wealth, Innovation and Crime across Cities. PLoS ONE 5(11): e13541. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0013541. Kim, W.C., Mauborgne, R. (2004) “Blue Ocean Strategy.” Harvard Business Review, October, 76-85. Miller, P. (2010) Smart Swarm: Using Animal Behaviour to Change our World, Harper Collins Publishers, London.Senge, P.M. (1990) The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization, Doubleday, New York.


Introduction to system dynamics with applications With emphasis on innovation system

Josip Stepanić1, Mirjana Pejić Bach2, Josip Kasać1

1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, I. Lućića 1, HR – 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia 2 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, J.F. Kennedy square 6, HR – 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

System dynamics is a method for analysing characteristics of complex dynamic systems with feedback loops. Its objective is to gather understanding of such systems. Its accompanying part is systems thinking, which bridges the qualitative and quantitative approaches to systems’ analyses. This article introduces the principles and basic elements of systems thinking. Emphasis is put onto systems science’s approach to process of innovation. Keywords: Systems, complex systems, system dynamics, innovation, emergence 1 INTRODUCTION System dynamics is a methodology used to understand how systems change over time. The analysed systems are characterised with the feedback loops. According to Kasać (2012), it is an academic discipline, originally rooted in the management and engineering sciences, but nowadays a developed tool useful in the analysis of social, economic, physical, chemical, biological, and ecological systems. On a general level, system dynamics links the behaviour of a system to its underlying structure. This is its rather important contribution, as one feature that is common to all systems is that a system’s structure in some environment determines the system’s behaviour. On somewhat more specific levels, system dynamics can be used to analyse how the structure of a system can lead to the behaviour that the system exhibits. Also, it is possible to investigate which parameters or structures need to be changed in order to improve system behaviour. Operationally, system dynamics uses concepts drawn from the field of feedback control to organize available information into computer simulation models. System dynamics, along with cybernetics and general systems theory forms systems science. System dynamics is particularly important in analysing nontrivial systems, usually denoted as complex systems (CS) or complex adaptive systems (CAS). Complex systems defy intuitive solutions. As a rule the models are nonlinear, bringing about responses the amount of which is of different order of magnitude in comparison with their cause(s), and bringing about the delay in rise of responses (Birdseye Weil and Utterback, 2005). As Kasać (2012) stated, attempts to deal with nonlinear dynamic systems, using ordinary processes of description and debate, lead to internal inconsistencies. Underlying assumptions may have been left unclear and contradictory. Mental models are often logically incomplete. Assumed resulting behaviour is likely to be contrary to that implied by the assumptions being made about underlying system structure and governing policies.


The system dynamics procedure untangles several threads that cause confusion in ordinary debate. When a model is built from the observed, and agreement is reached regarding its structure and policies, the model usually exhibits the actual behaviour of the real system. 2 ELEMENTS OF SYSTEM DYNAMICS System dynamics models provide a framework and an easy-to-understand graphical interface for observing the quantitative interaction of variables within a system. The graphical interface can be used to describe and analyse complex systems. It is better than a set of equations for communicating the structure of a system to many practitioners. A diagram represents an intermediate transition between a qualitative and a formal, quantitative description. All system dynamics models are made up of only four basic building blocks: stocks, flows, connectors and converters. Stock (level) is a generic symbol for anything that accumulates or drains. It fully describes the condition of the system at any point in time. Stocks, furthermore, change gradually over a period of time. Flow (rate) is the rate of change of a stock. It is always expressed as a quantity over periods of time. There are flows of money (salaries in dollars per month), finished products (number of cars coming off the assembly line by day or month), people (number of travellers per hour), and information (so many bits of information per microsecond in a computer). Converter is used to take input data and manipulate or convert that input into some output signal. Connector, graphically depicted as an arrow, allows information to pass between converters and converters, stocks and converters, stocks and flows, and converters and flows. In Figure 1 above, the connector from converter 1 to converter 2 means that converter 2 is a function of converter 1; in other words, converter 1 affects converter 2. Decision functions (drawn as valves) control the volume of various flows. Their symbolic representation is that of a valve or a faucet superimposed on a line of flow. The clear separation of system concepts into the two classes of variables - levels and rates - has interesting and useful consequences. The level variables are the integrations of those rates of flow which cause the particular level to change. It follows that a level variable depends only on the associated rates and never on any other level variable. Furthermore, in any system rates of flow are not instantaneously observable. No rate of flow can depend on the simultaneous value of any other rate. Rates depend only on the values of the


level variables. If levels depend only on rates and rates depend only on levels, it follows that any path through the structure of a system will encounter alternating level and rate variables. 3 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF SYSTEM DYNAMICS MODELS The system dynamics models contain any number of stocks, flows, connectors and converters. It is possible to identify specific fundamental dynamics processes out of which more complex ones are built. These fundamental processes include compounding, draining, and stock adjustment processes, among other processes which involve two or more stocks. Two illustrative examples are extracted further in this section, covered within systems thinking. 3.1 Stock Adjustment In the stock adjustment process the flow into or out of stock is adjusted so that the stock can reach a target level. The stock tends to a fixed target level other than zero. For example, it is a model of the recruitment of staff where a target level of staff is required. The stock adjustment process is a typical model of decision functions. The decision functions may appear as a simple equation that determines a flow in response to the condition of one or two levels. Decisions fundamentally involve three aspects. The first is the creation of a concept of a target (desired) state of affairs. The second is the apparent state of actual conditions. The third is generation of actions that will be taken in accordance with any discrepancy which can be detected between the actual and the desired conditions. 3.2 Feedback Loop System with a feedback loop is closed set of causes and effects (Pejić Bach and TeŞulat 2008). If we extract one element in it, and denote is as a cause in order to follow further changes, the consequence further influences the initial cause. In that sense, each element is simultaneously a cause and a consequence. Feedbacks can be positive or negative. Situations in which augmentation of one element causes changes which will eventually furthermore augment that element, we call a positive feedback loop. But note that a positive feedback loop does not have to be considered as a positive in the affirmative sense. Negative feedback loop operates conversely: augmentation of one element causes changes which eventually bring about lessening of that element. Systems rarely have one feedback loop, either positive or negative. Generally they include several or many mixed feedback loops of both characters. An interesting example is a model of world population with elements such as agricultural land, industrial capital, non-renewable resources (Meadows et al. 1992). The


sketched, illustrative part of the model, includes two positive and three negative feedback loops, Figure 1.

Figure 1. Feedback loops of population, capital, agriculture and pollution, according to Meadows et al. (1992). Large-size sign “+” denotes a positive, while large sign “–“ denotes a negative feedback loop. Small-size sign “+” denotes that an element near the end of the corresponding arrow augments the element near the tip of that arrow.


4 INNOVATION SYSTEMS Innovations are improvements in systems, in particular in their underlying products, processes etc. They are initiated by ideas, which are thoughts or concepts formulated after some mental activities. As a rule, during transformation of ideas to innovations, some information processing occurs, e.g. in the form of data collecting and processing. Notions of ideas, innovations and information are linked to a system or its environment. It is important to note that innovations bring about improved adaptation of a system to its environment. Therefore, they have to diffuse within the system, which is accompanied, highly dynamic and complex problem (Meier, 1998), yet completely different problem than creation of an innovation. Their functioning many times as emergent phenomena and their relation to other notions like dissipative structures is interesting (Stepanić, 2010). Whole complex of activities resulting in innovations is considered as an innovation system. It is important to note that it is not formed, purposefully or spontaneously (i.e. organically) in order to result in a single or few innovations, but in order to bring about innovations with a finite rate. Stamboulis (2008) presented the system dynamics model of an innovation system, in which stocks, the innovations, are created in a purposeful commitment of resources to innovation related activities.

References: Birdseye Weil, H. and Utterback, J.M. (2005). The Dynamics of Innovative Industries, [WWW] <URL:> [Accessed 8 August 2012.], Kasać, J. (2012). System Dynamics, in: Stepanić J. and Fabac, R. (eds) With and Within Complex Systems, in preparation, Maier, F.H. (1998). New product diffusion models in innovation management – a system dynamics perspective, System Dynamics Review 14(4), pp.285-308, Meadows, D.H., Meadows, D.L. and Randers, J. (1992). Beyond the Limits, White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, Pejić Bach, M. and Težulat, D. (2008). Analysis of a System with Feedback Loops (in Croatian), Sustavi 5, pp.1113, Stepanić, J. (2010). Analysing Relation between Emergence and Development of Complex Dynamics of a System, Martinas, K., Matika, D. and Srbljinović, A. (eds) Complex Societal Dynamics, Amsterdam: IOS Press BV, pp.199202,


Stamboulis, Y. (2008). Exploring the System Dynamics of Innovation Systems, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, [WWW] <URL: conferences/2008/proceed/papers/STAMB454.pdf> [Accessed 8 August 2012.].


Cities as living organisms? On structural analogies between urban and biological systems

Cyril Říha

1Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University in Prague and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1; 2Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Nám. Jana Palacha 80, 116 93 Praha

The idea of an analogy between biological and physical systems was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1917); his book describes living organisms as physical entities strictly obeying the laws of physics. It explicitly uses parallels between the construction of bridges and the skeleton of animals, between the heart and the pump, or the veins and a plumbing system. The key point is that the form and growth of both living and non-living systems are all dependent on their scale, and thus controlled by universal analogous principles that can be expressed in mathematical equations. For example for both an elephant and a bridge it holds true that the bigger the entity, the proportionally more, i.e. for the unit of weight, it is affected by gravitation; therefore, its skeleton must be adequately more robust. This insight has been accompanied and extended by research on metabolic processes in living organisms (Rubner 1883, and later Kleiber 1932) and their relation to the size of organism. At the end of the century, these partial results led to the establishment of a general metabolic theory of biology (West et al. 1999), linking together quantifiable characteristics of sizes, lifespans, metabolic intensities, or birth rates of all mammals (and with some adjustments other animals, and even plants). According to this theory, smaller animals live a shorter time than bigger ones; on the other hand, their metabolism is adequately faster. Thus, all animals have approximately the same number of heartbeats in their lives. It may sound surprising; however, it is a simple application of the law of energy conservation that we know from physics. From the other side, recent studies have attempted to apply this metabolic theory, inspired a century ago by the knowledge of physics or engineering, back on buildings and cities (Bettencourt et al. 2007). Their ambition is to propose an universal theory of urban metabolism that would bring into coherence the form, size and the number of cities (structure) with the distribution of substances (energy) inside the cities and outside them: the movement of people and means of transport for employment, amusement or shopping; shifts of capital, raw materials; the spread of education; but also such matters as crime or pollution. Again, the key factor for the urban functions represents here a size of the city. They scale non-linearly with size, functions connected with distribution of energies sub-linearly, whereas special social functions super-linearly. From this perspective, the traditional methods of comparing cities, based on linear per-capita measurements, seem to be completely inadequate; different principles of comparison considering the size effects, by analogy to the research on living organisms, are needed (Bettencourt et al. 2010). The circle of inspiration between physics and biology is closing. The aim of these trans-disciplinary studies is to reveal a real, effective and quantifiable connection between the urban and the living systems, often hidden behind rather vague terms and superficial metaphors of “organic architecture”, “life of cities” or their “metabolism”.


Keywords: metabolic theory; living organisms; urban systems; scaling References: Bettencourt, L., Lobo, J., Helbing, D., Kühnert, C., West, G. B. (2007). Growth, Innovation, Scaling, and the Pace of Life in Cities, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104, pp. 7301-7306. Bettencourt, L., Lobo, J., Strumsky, D., West, G. B. (2010). Urban Scaling and Its Deviations: Revealing the Structure of Wealth, Innovation and Crime across Cities, PLoS ONE 5(11): e13541. doi:10.1371/journal.0013541. Kleiber, M. (1932). Body size and metabolism, Hilgardia 6, pp. 315–351. Rubner, M. (1883). Ueber den Einfluss der Körpergrösse auf Stoff- und Kraftwechsel, Zeitschrift für Biologie 19, pp. 535-562. Thompson, D´Arcy W. (1917). On Growth and Form. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. West, G. B., Brown, J. H., and Enquist, B. J. (1999). The fourth dimension of life: Fractal geometry and allometric scaling of organisms, Science 284, pp. 1677-1679.


Cities from the sky. The satellite images perspective on urban systems

Cyril Říha

1Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University in Prague and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1; 2Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Nám. Jana Palacha 80, 116 93 Praha

The modern discipline of urbanism has always been tightly connected with a bird’s perspective. The architect is the one who looks at the city primarily from the top, laying out the ground plan of the city and deciding about the distribution of main urban functions in its space – living, working, recreation and circulation (Le Corbusier 1943). The ideal is a strict, rational organization of contemporary cities. Le Corbusier (1925) talks in this respect about the imprint of the work of human brain that should be visible from the air. Exactly this macroscopic perspective on the city was strongly criticised by the following generation of architects, urban planners and sociologists for the neglecting of human scale (Mumford 2000). According to them, our considerations about cities should not be concentrated on utopian plans, but on the real needs of the people. The bird’s view was replaced by the perspective of pedestrian. However, in the recent urban studies, we find several attempts to rehabilitate the macroscopic perspective and to show even its practical and un-utopian usefulness. They use satellite images not for the planning of new structures, but for analyses of existing structural characteristics of cities. It presupposes that urban systems are considered as examples of complex systems (Batty 2005); their structure and organization results not only from the controlled or conscious action of urban planners, but at the same time from the spontaneous inter-action of different local urban factors that unintendedly leads to the emergent global properties of the whole system. Cities on the macroscopic images of the Earth look like small shining spots. By analysing of these spots, we can show various, often surprising properties of urban systems: a) The most general one is the regular scale-free distribution of city sizes, i.e. that the number of big and small cities at any scale is the same, following exactly power-law distribution. This regularity was observed already by Auerbach (1913), and is often expressed as a rank-size rule or later as a Zipf’s law for cities (Zipf 1932). b) According to Henderson (2009), the light intensity of the spots representing cities can be used as a measure of its economic activity or GDP. Satellite images provide here very useful auxiliary tool because they give us the data for a whole Earth, at any scale, in short time intervals, and by uniform methodology, which the standard measurements not always do. c) The colour of the light from the satellite images can show us the distribution of urban functions in the city area (Hájek 2010), traffic being shadow, parks green, roofs of building often red etc., or more detailed and generally the distribution of land covers in a given territory (Pumain and Guérois 2008). Again, this method is able to both verify and add our data from cadaster offices and other traditional sources. d) At the end, even the not shining places in the urban space are of a great interest. They represent a so-called negative space, the rest of the city besides buildings and roads. According to de Geyter et al. (2002), these


places occupy majority of urban area even in most densely populated cities. Moreover, they are structurally distinct in different regions, in opposition to the structure of built space and infrastructure; thus, they dominantly create the character of a city. In conclusion, the macroscopic view on cities can be effectively helpful, not for arranging new perfect urban plans, but for teaching us something about regularities of the existing, often imperfect state of our cities. Keywords: urbanism; satellite images; bird’s perspective; complex systems References: Auerbach, F. (1913). Das Gesetz der Bevölkerungskonzentration, Petermann’s Geographische Mitteilungen 59, pp. 74-76. Batty, M. (2005). Cities and Complexity: Understanding Cities through Cellular Automata, Agent-Based Models, and Fractals. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Le Corbusier (1943). La Charte d’Athènes. Paris: Pion. Le Corbusier (1925). Urbanisme. Paris: Crès. de Geyter, X. et al. (2002). After-Sprawl: Research for the Contemporary City. Rotterdam: NAi Publishers. Hájek, P. (2010). Kombinace více funkcí v architektuře [Multi-functional Combination in Architecture]. Unpublished Habilitation thesis. Faculty of architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague. Henderson, V., Storeygard, A., and Weil, D. N. (2009). Measuring Economic Growth from Outer Space. NBER Working Paper No. 15199. Mumford, E. (2000). The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism, 1928-1960. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Pumain, D., and Guérois, M. (2008). Built-up encroachment and the urban field: a comparison of forty European cities, Environment and Planning A 40, pp. 2186-2203. Zipf, G. K. (1932). Selected Studies of the Principle of Relative Frequency in Language. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


The blue ocean strategy – a systematic approach to create uncontested markets

Andreas Kornherr

Katharinengasse 16/3/23, A-1100Wien, Austria

Blue Ocean strategy is an indispensable tool of modern innovation strategies originally developed by Kim and Mauborne (2005)1aiming at the development of uncontested markets, i.e. the so-called Blue Oceans. In sharp contrast to Red Oceans, i.e. me-toos markets which exhibit incremental improvements and innovations, Blue Oceans are based on value innovation.Value innovation creates value forboththe buyer and the company by applying four general rules: elimination, reduction, creation, and increase. Elimination and reduction to achieve cost savings by reducing and/or eliminating those factors, on which classical completion is based and creation and increase to create and increase those factors, which really deliver value to the customer. Lee and Goodrich (2012)2 describe Value Innovation as ‘Delivering exceptional value to the most important customer in the value chain, all the time, every time’. Using these four rules in combination with six fundamental questions1 (e.g. looking at steady trends, alternative branches, complementary products and services, etc.), which are forming the basis for a systematic approach to finding and creating these uncontested markets, a new value curve is compiled. This value curve – the so-called strategy canvas– describes the basic factors of the business model like: price, quality, targeted market, design, service, etc.By comparing the new strategy canvas with the ‘old’ one, i.e. the value curve of the already existing Red Ocean product or business model, the challenges and opportunities of the Blue Ocean strategy can easily be visualized and discussed with colleagues and topmanagers. Figure 1 displays the strategy canvas of the famous Nespresso capsules – a coffee system available now in more than 50 countries worldwide and one of the best examples of a Blue Ocean product. Turnover and margins are rising every year since the mid of the 1980s (reaching more than 2,7 Bio €), customer are willing to pay a considerable extra price for a cup of coffee due to simplicity, extraordinary marketing and branding (George Clooney effect) and the intensive customer relation. AlthoughNespresso is an extremely impressive and profitable example of a successful implementation of the Blue Ocean strategy, a considerable increase of both revenue and margins is typically for such business models as Kim and Mauborne (2005)1 point out. With Blue Ocean products a company is able to significantly increase its margin compared to Red Ocean products (see Figure 2): a comparatively small number of new Blue Ocean products (only 14 %) account for more than 61 % of the total profit. The lecture covers a basic introduction of Blue Ocean strategy together with an in-depth discussion of business cases – special attention will be given onhow-to guides and practical applicability of this effective innovation method from an industrial point of view.


References: 1.Kim, W. Chan, Mauborne, R. (2005). Blue Ocean Strategy. Harvard BusinessSchool Press 2.Lee, R. K., Goodrich, N. E. (2012). Value Innovation Works. University ofColorado

Strategy canvas - coffee

Espresso machines Nespresso Coffee powder machines Instant coffee

6 high 5 4 mediuml

3 2 low

Fig. 1 Strategy canvas of Nespresso capsules in comparison to classical Espresso machines, coffee powder machines and instant coffee. Source: Personal Evaluation

customer relation





price per cup


Fig. 2 Consequences of Blue Ocean (blue colour) and Red Ocean (red colour) products on financial key figures. Source: Kim and Mauborne



Panel 3

Design engineering 49

Draft conception / design thinking Vojko Pogačar 1 University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Design Lab, Smetanovaulica 17, Slo - 2000 Maribor 2 D-COMP - Design Centre of Excellence, Smetanovaulica 18, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

The program of this workshop is based on three hypotheses: 1. Everything that surrounds us (all objects and basic needs together with human relations)is related to the processes of design. According to design guru - Victor Papanek’s definition: “All is design!”; phrase 2: “Nothing can be so good that it could not be improved!”– representsa fundamental postulate of design; phrase 3: “Any idea carries so much energy that it can be realized!”. This statement also includes a sense of self-realization on the basis of a vision, foresight (personalfulfilment /creation/materialization!). Of course, a good idea has no expiration date, but it is closely connected to the development of technology and materials! In our history, there was a deep gap between an idea as a concept and its materialization, realization, creation (to go into the matter/to move from ideas to the substantial...). The ideas generated by our brain must be uttered by words –they must be translated into words! The words have to be translated (transformed) into a visual image, and finally the image has to be materialized (transformed) into an object. The creative process in our brain emerges from the time-space singularity, where we can imagine anything without any restrictions, except if our representational capacities are somehow limited! The fundamental religious dogma about the creation of the world is based on the following proposition: “In the beginning was the Word!” which was formed on the basis of the Creator’s idea! Regarding the importance of ideas, we can agree that they represent “an initiativeto create whatever”, but the manner of realisation can become a very complex problem. Nowadays, it is hard to imagine that in times of the Roman Empire certainindividuals, who knew how to write, read and count had been considered wizards and demigods! From the historical perspective, Leonardo’s ideas and technological designs wereconsidered visionary and “magical”! But they were also inspired by the results of the cultural and technological heritage of the Greeksand Romans! Therefore, this period is called the Renaissance! Actually, Leonardo could design his own prototypes for bicycles or flying machines only from materials and technologies they had available at that time, but these prototypes were far from being functional. After we waited for almost 300 years for the first functional bikes and flying devices, such as helicopters, parachutes or Dragon gliders, we have to wait even longer.


In order for an idea to be realized in functional perfection, technological and material background is required. The development of our civilisation is at some level analogous to the advanced phase of the Greco-RomanEmpire. For example: in 25 BC, they were able to create extremely complex sculptures, such as the Laocoön Group. The creation of such sculpturesrepresentsa great challenge even today! But after the collapse of the Empire,various technological achievements and skills of that civilization were forgotten for almost 1500 years! But today, in the era of computer technology, almost “unbearable lightness of creation” is possible! The translation process from one dimensional level to another is facilitated and relatively user friendly. If drawing used to be the primary method of translating verbally expressed ideas into an image, it isnow computer technology that enables the transformation of an idea into 2D and or 3D models, which allow much quicker realization of the physical processes through rapid prototyping! Within the framework of the workshop, participantswill be informed of different modern processes and methods. However, the main focus will be on design thinking methodology in order to capture ideas and develop them in the traditional manner so that participants will be able to make their first handmade materialization. The general selection process of ideas is conducted according to the methodology of individual annotations of either the most popular or the most problematic items, needs or relationships in our environment. Each participant will select one favourite idea that will be put into practice through design thinking methodology. The materialization process throughrapid prototyping will improve our understanding of the original idea and deepen the relationship between the idea and the materialized object. It may also open new and more focused questions, enabling the next step to even better solutions which will help us to further develop our ideas! Such a process: idea - materialization - analysis – correction of ideas materialization,…, leads us through several iteration steps into a much more realistic result than the initially vaguely or unclearly defined idea! In terms of the analysis,considerable attention will be paid to moral and ethical aspects of idea materialization since we are all well aware that the Greek-Roman Empire collapsed in a few centuries after its peak because of the moral and ethical disintegration of society! Keywords: design-thinking-methodology, rapid-prototyping, cycling-model, materialization, moral-ethical-aspects of materialization.


Ergonomic aspects and technical support with the creation of the rapid prototypes

Jasmin Kaljun

University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory for Intelligent CAD Systems, Smetanovaulica 17, SI - 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

In order to deliver suitable design solutions, design engineer has to consider a wide range of influential factors. Ergonomic value of the product is certainly one of the issues that need to be addressed. Less experienced designer could meet several problems to find ergonomically appropriate design solution. Although the existing ergonomic Computer Aided Design (CAD) can provide some assistance in ergonomic design evaluation, the designer still has to possess a substantial experience and knowledge in field of ergonomics in order to choose and carry out the adequate design actions to improve the ergonomic value of the product in reasonable time. Product ergonomics is an interdisciplinary scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system. In this context, the user has a central role in product development process. Product ergonomics applies theory, principles, data and methods to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. The ergonomic quality of a product can be defined by a match between anthropometric data and formal attributes. However, quality of ergonomics is not only based on anthropometrics, as the field of human factors has been realizing over the past thirty years. Cognitive and experiential processes play a major role in deciding whether a design is usable, efficient, satisfying, easy to use, or comfortable. On the other hand, ergonomic solution must not adversely affect other characteristics of the product. Among others, ergonomics is very much connected to aesthetic appearance of the product and seeking an optimal balance is a delicate manner. Exactly that kind of skill a good designer needs to have: finding the optimal balance between the two aspects. The best way to “test� the ergonomic quality of the product is to offer a prototype of the product to potential users and collect and evaluate their responses. In this case instant changes of the prototype may be needed in order to test different solutions. Rapid prototyping is therefore ideal manufacturing process in this case. Rapid prototyping technologies (RP) that is, manufacturing of a product by layering the material respectively, is increasingly used in industry. Those are still unconventional technologies which are mainly used in production of prototypes, conceptual design, quick production of tools etc. Recently these technologies have also been increasingly used in production of final products for the market. RP technologies are important as they possess potential to reduce total product build timefor 30% to 50%, even when the product is fairly complex.


The whole production process of making a prototype by RP technology is based on creating a 3D computer model of the product (solid model), slicing the model in layers, layering the material layer-by-layer and certain procedures of post-processing. Build time is less than the time necessary for production of a solid model or modification of existing solid model. Significant reduction of time necessary to launch a product on the market is the main contribution of RP to integrated design and production cycle. In all RP processes, model of the product is first created in CAD modeller in order to get 3D computer solid model. In fact, CAD model of the product can be created as a solid model or as 3D surface model. After that the 3D model is sliced in layers, and then, in suitable format, it is transferred on RP machine.

Keywords: ergonomics, rapid-prototyping, user centred design, CAD, expert knowledge.


Open innovation - from basic research to an innovative product

Volker Ribitsch

University Graz, Department of Chemistry, Heinrichstrasse 28, A 8010 Graz, Austria

Innovation does not only take place in a closed society inside a company. In most management literature it is discussed as an interactive process between companies and market – customers. In case of technology companies it is the interaction between those and research groups, seldom also with research organizations. The benefit is in any case the utilization ofcreative / innovative potential of external sources as the basis of innovation. The market and most frequently research groups are seen as a source of new ideas, new technologies, problem solutions. This reduces the risk to investinto innovative activities – i.e. the risky process of basic innovation. Open Innovation is an interactive, distributed / dispersed open innovationsystem (Chesbrough 2001, 2003a, 2003b). „Open innovation is characterized by cooperation for innovation within wide horizontal and vertical networks of universities, start-ups, suppliers, customers, and competitors. Companies can and should use external ideas as well as those from their ownR&D departments, and both internal and external paths to the market, in order to advance their technology” (Laursen / Salter 2004). The amplification effect of open innovation is based on extension of ideas and problem solving strategies. Target is to integrate external sources to get better access to customer demands and also to problem solving capacities. In contrast „Closed“ innovationprocessesrelay on creative inputs, ideas and know-how of a limited group of peopleof engineers and members of the R&D departments. Especially in the process of technology innovation many general ideas, problem solutions are available and can be provided by much larger groups of people and organizations and can be integrated into the innovation process. Nowadays information- and communicationmedia provide new possibilities to crosslink these groups with the companies R&D departments and to integrate them into the innovation process. They become active partnersrespectively partially process drivers. This cooperative process is also the basic to fulfill the demand for Rapid innovation. Speed is an essential part of the innovation process; the process must compel to short deadlines, the necessary iteration cycles become shorter and shorter. Rapid innovation in this sense sustains Open innovation when it comes to setup partnerships, to “connect and develop” with agile entities selected from the innovation market, bringing their know-how, and their vitality from the outside world.


Based on studies about Open-Source-Softwaredevelopment, customer initiated product development (sport article industry) and the development of high technology processes and goods, the process of open innovation is promoted in all industrialized nations. This is clearly expressed by the EU in the strategy of FP7 and the future “Horizon 2020” framework programs. These “open innovation process” taking place between Universities / Research organizations and companies will be discussed using some examples of technologytransfer processes from universities to companies. The advantages, benefits and limitations of this strategy will be pointed out.

Keywords: basic research, technology transfer, open innovation, rapid innovation


From sketch to airplane - complexity of design process Gregor Veble Pipistrel d.o.o. Ajdovščina, Goriškacesta 50a, SI-5270 Ajdovščina, Slovenia

Aircraft design is a complex discipline, connecting the development and research activities from a broad spectrum of technicaldisciplines. The Design center at Pipistrel d.o.o. Ajdovščina comprises engineers from the fields of aerodynamics, structures, mechanical design, control systems, electronics and rapid prototyping. In close collaboration, the center is capable of providing solutions that put the products of the company at the pinnacle of the worldwide aircraft design. The design and development process at Pipistrel is presented using the examples of the Taurus G4 and Panthera aircraft. Both aircrafts are the result of research and development at Pipistrel, starting from the initial idea, the sizing of the aircraft, performance estimation, the structural concept, all the way to detailed component design and prototyping. Keywords: aircraft design, multidisciplinary, rapid prototyping 1 INTRODUCTION The Design center at Pipistrel d.o.o. Ajdovščina began its work in its current form in 2007. It was assembled around the project of the four seater cruise aircraft Panthera that was first introduced in April 2012 at AERO Friedrichshafen expo. The center currently employs 11 engineers from the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics and aerospace, two of which have a Ph.D. degree and one having a M.Sc. degree. The team uses the techniques of computer aided design, computer aided engineering and rapid prototyping in order to size, design and build prototypes. The thought, engineering and technological processes of aircraft design will be presented using the cases of the Panthera and the Taurus G4 aircraft, both of which are unique in their respective categories and are the world leaders in terms of energy efficiency. 2 PANTHERA AND TAURUS G4 AIRCRAFT Panthera (Figure 1) and Taurus G4 (Figure 2) aircraft are both four seat aerodynamically and energy efficient composite aircraft, but this is where the similarities end. Panthera is planned to be serially produced as the first Pipistrel aircraft to obtain the CS-23 EASA certificate, and is designed for comfortable and energy efficient travel for four. Taurus G4, on the other hand, is the first four seat electric aircraft in the world, developed with a single purpose, namely winning the NASA Green Flight Challenge sponsored by Google 2011 (Tomažič et al. 2011). It is composed of two fuselages, borrowed from the self-launching Taurus glider,


with a newly developed middle wing, as well as dedicated electric propulsion and battery systems. Panthera required solutions suitable for serial production and later servicing of the aircraft. Taurus G4 was built as a prototype, where the solutions sought are simple from the point of view of building a single airframe. At the same time, Taurus G4 used as many pieces of serially produced aircraft as possible, while Panthera was designed anew from the ground up. Therefore, Panthera took about 3 years to build from idea to the first prototype, whereas Taurus G4 was built in mere 5 months. None of these projects would have been successful without the use of computer tools and rapid prototyping techniques.

Figure 1: Prototype of the Panthera aircraft (left), Taurus G4 in flight (right). Source: author

3 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN Aircraft conceptual design is an iterative procedure. We developed our own computer tools that allow us to take the geometrical properties of the aircraft (wing and fuselage shape and size, etc.) and the aerodynamic properties of wing sections in order to predict the expected flight performance characteristics. Both Panthera and Taurus G4 were sized and designed using these tools. Each change in shape and mass of the aircraft affects the expected performance, and therefore through each iteration a balance of various engineering aspects then leads to a configuration which meets the initially set criteria, such as desired minimum flight speed, cruise speed or lift to drag ratio. As an example, the predicted lift to drag ratio of the Taurus G4 aircraft as a function of aircraft velocity is shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2: Predicted Taurus G4 lift to drag ratio as a function of velocity

The Panthera conceptual design was fairly straightforward. The aircraft is sporty and has a classical configuration; therefore the sizing process focused mostly on minimizing the external surfaces of the airplane in order to still meet the minimum flight speed requirement as well as optimizing the cruise speed. The obtained predictions encouraged us to begin the design of an aircraft that will meet or exceed the flight performance of the competition, at less than two thirds of the fuel consumption. When designing the Taurus G4, at the initial stage there was a dilemma whether one should build a two or a four seat aircraft. Performance predictions showed no real advantage of either first or the second configuration. However, the four seat solution was optimal from the point of view of using standard components and this is why it was chosen. 4 AERODYNAMIC DESIGN After determining the general geometry of an aircraft, the external CAD 3D model of the aircraft needs to be created. In order to determine the shapes of aerofoils, wings and propeller we use our own in-house developed tools that automatically optimize these shapes given the performance demands (Veble 2008). A full 3D model allows us to study the configuration using computational fluid dynamics tools (CFD). We are using the Open FOAM open source package, which allows us to perform parallel computations on our own 32-core computer cluster. The CFD tools are still somewhat unreliable for accurate drag estimation, but they can give excellent results in order to determine the lift and stability characteristics of a configuration and to determine any possible aerodynamic issues. In Figure 3 we show the modification of the engine nacelle for the Taurus G4 based on CFD calculations.


Figure 3: The optimization of the Taurus G4 nacelle based on CFD analysis. Source: author.

5 DETAIL DESIGN AND RAPID PROTOTYPING After finalizing the shape and placing the main components, the detail design phase begins. The inner composite structures as well as articulated mechanical components are designed as CAD models. Even before production, the components are structurally evaluated using finite element methods (see Figure 4). Such calculations allow for weight reduction of components during the design phase, which is one of the reasons for the energy efficiency of Pipistrel designs. For rapid prototyping based on complex CAD surface models we use our own milling machine (see Figure 5), which can be used to create either a master model of a component, or for direct milling of prototype moulds for composite parts. All of this allows us to proceed from an idea to a finished component in a matter of days.

Figure 4 (left): Finite element analysis of the engine mount for Taurus G4. Source: Pipistrel. Figure 5 (right): Pipistrel’s 8-axis milling machine milling the mock-up of the Panthera interior. Source: author.


The production of prototype composite parts as well as component assembly is performed in our prototyping department (see Figure 6). Taurus G4 composite components were made using milled moulds that are only useful for a single component production, and many solutions were found and implemented during the assembly phase. With Panthera, most of the solutions were prepared in advance in the CAD environment. If solutions were found to be inadequate, the CAD process was repeated, or in the case of minor component corrections that were performed during assembly, they were reverse engineered into the CAD system.

Figure 6: Prototype production of Taurus G4. Source: Pipistrel.

6 TESTING After production of the prototype, ground testing needs to be performed in order to confirm the computational structural predictions, as well as flight testing. In Figure 7, the load testing of the Taurus G4 wing assembly is shown. Taurus G4 performed 40 hours of flight testing in the USA before the actual competition (see Figure 8). During the testing, the validation of predicted performance figures was performed, and these matched the initial predictions well. The measured flight performance was the basis for determining the flight profile at the competition.


Figure 7 (left) : Load testing of Taurus G4 wing assembly. Source: Pipistrel. Figure 8 (right): Preparation for in-flight aerodynamic testing using tufts. Source: author.

7 CONCLUSION The computer aided process of aircraft development at Pipistrel has proven itself to be quick and efficient. The Taurus G4 aircraft won the competition for the world’s most efficient aircraft, which validates the approach and gives us confidence that the Panthera will meet the predicted expectations as well as the expectations of our customers.

References: Tomažič, T., Plevnik, V., Veble, G., Tomažič, J., Popit, F., Kolar, S., Kikelj, R., Langelaan, J. W., Miles, K. (2011). Pipistrel Taurus G4: on Creation and Evolution of the Winning Aeroplane of NASA Green Flight Challenge 2011, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 57(12), SI 183 Veble, G. (2008). A Parameter Free Cost Function for Multi-Point Low Speed Airfoil Design, CMES-Computer modeling in engineering and sciences 36, pp.243-260


Address book

Karolina Bucka Kustec Department for Research University of Maribor SLomškov trg 15 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 2 23 55 248 Fax: +386 2 23 55 266 Dr. Andrej Duh 4G Neuron d.o.o. Železna cesta 14 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 51 662 715

Boštjan Figueroa Slovenian Intellectual Property Office Kotnikova 6 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Email: Phone: + 386 1 620 31 38 Dr. Anton Habjanič TechnoCenter at the University of Maribor Krekova 2 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 2 2355 365 Dr. Irena Hreljac Slovenian Intellectual Property Office Kotnikova 6 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 1 620 3142


Dr. Jasmin Kaljun University of Maribor Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory for Intelligent CAD Systems Smetanovaulica 17 SI - 2000 Maribor Slovenia Phone: +386 2-220-7697 Email:

Prof. Dr. Marko Marhl University of Maribor Faculty of Education & Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Koroška cesta 160 SI - 2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 2 22 93 681

Dr. Josip Kasać Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb I. Lućića 1, HR – 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Email: Phone: +385 1 6168 357 Fax: ++385 1 6168 351

Andreja Nekrep Department for Research University of Maribor SLomškov trg 15 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 2 23 55 253 Fax: +386 2 23 55 266

Dr. Andreas Kornherr Katharinengasse 16/3/23 A-1100Wien Austria Email: Phone: +43 (0) 664 844 68 48 Prof. Dr. Dean Korošak University of Maribor Faculty of Civil Engineering & RAZ:UM Smetanova ulica 17 SI - 2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 2 2294 323 Fax: + 386 2 2524 179

Prof. Vojko Pogačar University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Design Lab Smetanova ulica 17 SI - 2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386-(0)2-220-7715, +386-(0)31-66 13 06 Prof. Dr. Mirjana Pejić Bach Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb J.F. Kennedy square 6 HR – 10 000 Zagreb Croatia Email: Phone.: +385 1 2383 464 Fax: +385 1 2332 618


Prof. Dr. Miroslav Rebernik University of Maribor Faculty of Business and Economics Razlagovaulica 20 2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 2 22 90 254 Prof. Dr. Volker Ribitsch University Graz Department of Chemistry Heinrichstrasse 28 A 8010 Graz Austria Email: Phone: +43 316 3805418 Dr. Cyril Říha Center for Theoretical Study Charles University in Prague and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague Nám. Jana Palacha 80, 116 93 Praha Email: Matej Rus, MSc University of Maribor Faculty of Business and Economics Razlagovaulica 20 2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 2 22 90 258


Dr. Marko Samec University of Maribor Faculty of Civil Engineering & RAZ:UM Smetanova ulica 17 SI - 2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 2 2294 314 Fax: + 386 2 2524 179 Prof. Dr. Josip Stepanić Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb I. Lućića 1 HR – 10 000 Zagreb Croatia Email: Phone: +385 1 6168 466, ++385 1 6168 592 Fax: +385 1 6168 466 Dr. Gregor Veble Pipistrel d.o.o. Ajdovščina Goriška cesta 50a SI-5270 Ajdovščina Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 5 365 81 60 Fax.: +386 5 366 12 63 Jure Verhovnik, MSc Tovarna podjemov – podjetniški inkubator Univerze v Mariboru Ulica škofa Maksimiljana Držečnika 6 2000 Maribor Slovenia Email: Phone: +386 2 2294 276 Fax: +386 2 2294 271






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