Cairocature - issue 16 - 2018

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Cairocature is an international Egyptian e-humor & Satire magazine. our members will provide you with their works. We present cartoon, Illustration, portrait, Interviews , News & caricaturists.

Editor in chief Samira Saeed

All pages design by :Eng. :Saad Sedawy Web site Facebook E-mail


Contents 4 12 26 38 48 50 52

Caricature for Palestine Exhibition

Interview with Thierry Coquelet - France Interview with Paulo Sergio - Brazil Julian PENA-PAI - Cartoon History Study Profile Adil Sabri - Iraq News Caricature Anas Alathwary & Rashad Alsamei - Yemen Ahmad Al Dandarawy - Egypt

Bernard Bouton - France Arturo Rosas - Brazil Stefan Wenczel - Austria

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Kamil Jerzyk - Poland Exhibitions & contests







Frassini A Ahmed Art Director







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Interview with

Thierry Coquelet

12 12

‫أعٌش فً شمال غرب فرنساا ررساا هناسانارسا‬ ‫هنمعمارٌ فً مررس أنجٌه نافاوانالج هناجاماٌافا‬ ‫لعمفا فً هنعرٌر مج هنمشارٌع هنمعمارٌ ‪ -‬باماا‬ ‫فً ذنك مرٌن مالهً رٌزنً النر‪ -‬باارٌاو لفاً‬ ‫ذنك هنلقا‬

‫بارأا هناعامال مارسااء أقاناا لقاا‬

‫فرهغً لشارما فً باعاك ماااب هناماارٌامااااٌار‬ ‫هنجماعٌ‬ ‫نطانما ماج هنمارٌمااٌر ملضل ًعا مسمًا باننسب‬ ‫نً أنا أرسء منذ أج منا طوالً هآلج أنا أرسء‬ ‫أقنا ألقاا فرهغً ملهحر مج هنسلهة أنا نسا‬ ‫فناج مارٌمااٌر محارف عفى هنرغء مج أننً‬ ‫ساهما فً بعك هنماب هنجماعٌ هنمسنٌ مقل‬ ‫& ‪"Wanted! Caricature‬‬ ‫)‪Western" (2012‬‬ ‫‪"La Trilogie des malfaisants" (2015).‬‬



I'm living in the North-West of France.

All the day long I work for French com-

I studied architecture at the Angers

pany specialized in CAD software, so I

School of Fine Arts, worked for sever-

can draw caricatures only during my

al architects - including Disneyland

spare time. It means that I draw three

Paris theme park at the beginning of

times a day: a bit early in the morning

this project. In the same time, I start-

before my day work, at noon during the

ed to work as an illustrator during my

lunch break, and in the evening after

spare time and contributed in some

dinner. The fact that I do not work at

collective comic books in a realistic

the company itself, but at home as a


teleworker, is quite comfortable in that

Caricature has always been a great


topic of interest for me. I draw caricatures since I was a child. Now, I draw

I also draw during the weekends and

caricatures during my spare time, as

holidays according to my personal obli-

an amateur. I'm not a professional

gations. So, I can draw about five or six

caricature artist even though I con-

hours a day, but it can be extended to

tributed in some professional collec-

at most 10 hours a day according to

tive books like "Wanted! Caricature &

some projects like "Wanted!" or "La Tril-

Western" (2012) and "La Trilogie des

ogies’ des malfeasants" which require a

malfaisants" (2015).

greater attendance.




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‫طلل هنٌلء أعمل فً شرم فرنسٌ ماخصاصا فاً‬ ‫برهمج هنممبٌلار ‪ CAD‬نذه ال ٌممننً رسء رسلء‬ ‫مارٌماالرٌ إال خالل لقا فرهغً هذه ٌعنً أناناً‬ ‫هرسء قالث مرها فً هنٌلء‪ :‬فً هنصابااا هناباامار‬ ‫قبل عمفً هنٌلمً ظسرً ه أقنا هسااارهحا هنا اره‬ ‫لفً هنمسا بعر هنعشا لحقٌق أناً ال أعامال فاً‬ ‫هنشرم نوسسا لنمج فً هنمنازل بصاواااً مالظاف‬ ‫اطباٌاقاً أٌضاا خاالل عاطاالا ناسااٌا ه سابال‬ ‫له عٌار لفقا النازهمااً هنشخصٌ ناذه ٌاماماناناً‬ ‫رسء حلهنً خمو أل سا ساعاا فً هنٌلء لنماج‬ ‫ٌممج مرهاا إناى ‪ 01‬سااعااا عافاى ه ماقار لفا ًقاا‬ ‫نبعك هنمشارٌع‬

‫لنسذه هنسبب هآلج هساخرء هنممبٌلار أمقر باماقاٌار‬ ‫مج ذي قبل فً رسء هنمارٌمااٌر نٌو فقط بانناسابا‬ ‫نفمارٌمااٌر هنرقمً هنمامل لنمج أٌ ً‬ ‫ضا نفمارٌماااٌار‬ ‫أقالء ألالً بارساء عافاى‬ ‫هناقفٌري فً هذه هناحاانا‬ ‫هنلرق حاى ٌصبح أحرهاا ماقاٌارً ه ناالهااامااء لٌاواااح‬ ‫مسارً ه جٌ ًره نفانقٌب قء أقلء بمسحسا ضلئًٌا لإجاره‬ ‫جمٌع هناعرٌالا لهإلصالحااا عافاى هنشااشا لباعار‬ ‫ذنك إذه أممج رفاعاااساا جااناباا ً بضاع سااعااا أل‬ ‫بضع أٌاء أل أسااباٌاع أل شاسالر قابال فاااحاساا مارة‬ ‫أخر إنسا طرٌق جٌرة الناقار عمل هنمر بوعااناٌا‬ ‫قء إذه ماج مل شً ٌبرل جٌ ًره بماا فاٌاه هناماوااٌا‬ ‫ٌممننً هنبر فً هإلصرهر هننسائً‬

‫مج لجس نظري هنخاص اعامر هنمرهجعاا رهئامًاا‬ ‫عفى عرء هناشابه أل هناالهزج باٌاج هناماباانا ا غاٌار‬ ‫هنمافٌ ل هنزهئرة هذه هنمشامل هً رهئما مرابط‬ ‫بشمل لقٌق جاماٌاع هناماشاامال ه خار هنضال‬ ‫هنظالل هنقلهء ه نلهج إنخ) هً قانالٌا لناماج‬ ‫ٌاماماناناً رساء‬ ‫بسبب هنالهزج بٌج هنشبه لهنمبان‬ ‫عافاى‬ ‫نوو هنرسء مرهرً ه لامرهرً ه مارها عارٌارة‬ ‫سبٌل هنمقال أاذمر أج ألل رسالمااا ماارٌامااااٌار‬ ‫نفممقف رلمً شناٌرر ‪ )1100‬هحااجاا إناى أماقار‬ ‫مج ‪ 21‬رسمًا فقط اعرٌل اواصٌل رقٌق جره نفلجه‬ ‫طالل ساماك أل‬ ‫حرة هنشمل ناعالما أخار‬ ‫زهلٌ خاص هنخ) لفً هننساٌ نء أمج رهضاٌاا‬ ‫ااامااامااا عااج هنااناااااٌااج ا اااحاااااا بااعااك هناارساالء‬ ‫هنمارٌماالرٌ ه خر إنى رسء لهحر أل رسمٌاج‬ ‫ال الجر قاعرة قر ناجاعال هناماقاٌار ماج هنارسالمااا‬ ‫لهنمرهجعاا نلجه لهحر لهنعمو صحٌح أٌضا‬

‫مج هنمؤمر أننً أفضل هنرسء هناقفٌري نمج اقناٌا‬ ‫هنمررس هنقرٌم هنااً هساااخارماساا عابار هإلنااارناا‬ ‫اسا رق لق ًاا طلٌالً لهل أمر ال ٌالهفق ااماامًاا ماع‬ ‫ماطفباا هنناشرٌج ال سٌما بسبب هنملهعٌر هننسائاٌا‬ ‫هناً املج رهئمًا قصٌرة ج ًره نسذه هنسبب أجبر نوسً‬ ‫عفى هساخرهء هناماماباٌالاار أماقار ماماا أرٌار أرلهااً‬ ‫هنموضف هناااقافاٌارٌا هاً قافاء حابار جااف لأقاالء‬ ‫رصاص مج هنجرهفٌا لأقالء رصااص مافالنا‬ ‫لفحء لأنلهج مائٌ‬


‫شارماا بااناواعال فاً هناعارٌار ماج مشاارٌاع هناماااب‬ ‫سااله فااً هنااقااصااص هناامااصاالرة أل‬ ‫هنااجااماااعااٌا‬ ‫هنمارٌمااٌر أنا أساماع باماشاارٌاع جامااعاٌا ماقاٌارة‬ ‫لأرغب فً هنقٌاء بانمزٌر لنمنً ألر أج أنشار مااااباا ً‬ ‫بأعمانً هنخاص ربما ٌلمًا ما‬


From my own point of view, revisions always mainly depend on either a lack of likeness or the balance between 'not enough' and 'too much' exaggeration. These problems are always closely linked. All the other problems (lights, shadows, textures, colors, etc.) are secondary. But because of the balance between likeness and exaggeration, I may draw the same sketch again and again so many times... For example, I remember that my first caricature of the actress Romy Schneider (2011) needed more than 30 sketches, just by modifying a very tiny detail of the face (the sharpness of a shape, the smoothness of another one, a length, a thickness or a special angle, etc.) and, at the end, I was not completely satisfied with the result! Some other caricatures need just one or two sketches at all... There is no rule. We may make a lot of sketches and revisions for a single face for which a colleague would make just one... and the opposite is also true!


This is why, now, I use much more computer than before in the process of caricature, not only for full digital caricature, but also for traditional ones. In this case, I first draw sketches on paper until one of them becomes interesting and opens a good track of exploration. Then, I scan it and do all the adjustments and fixes on the screen and after that, if possible, I push it aside a few hours, a few days, weeks or months before opening it again. It's a good way to effectively criticize one's own Definitely I prefer traditional drawing, but the 'very old-school' cross-hatching technique I use takes a lot of time, which is quite incompatible with publishers' requirements, especially because of the deadlines that are always too short. That's why I force myself to use the computer much more than I would like. My traditional favorite tools are ballpoint pen, graphite pencils, colored pencils, charcoal and watercolor.



I have already participated in several collective books projects, whether in comics or caricature. I enjoy a lot collective projects and would like to do more but I would like very much to publish a book just with my own works. Maybe one day... I also hope I'll find the time to learn how to paint (some attempts I did in this way make me want to pursue and improve myself). These are wishes.

First, drawing is a great experience of patience. We do, we undo, we redo a drawing again and again, and at the end we have to face the fact that each drawing is just the sketch of the next one. This is an experience of time, something very different than what we live in the everyday life. Like any art, it is the learning of doubt, and in the same time the way to overcome it.

They are nothing more than steps in a life, but not goals. The main goal would to be a better illustrator and, last but not least, a better man. In fact, this goal is like the horizon line: the closer we get to her, the further she goes. "Happiness is not at the top of the mountain, but in how to climb" Confucius said. This is one of my favorite quotes.

I also learned that we are not born artists; we do not become an artist overnight. It's the other artists who raise us in our sensitivity to art and in our technique as a knock-on effect. This is why we should always thank the masters who inspire us.

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What is your message to the world? Well, this is a very big question! Who am I to send a message to the world? There are a few hundred people who really follow me on the social medias, and a few dozen very good friends among them. So, it is very little compared to the whole of humanity! This is already something of an exercise in thinking by myself!... It's because I draw caricatures that I'm suspicious of them, and especially of how people interpret them. In a way, caricature is an art of ambivalence because it contains two contradictory ideas : likeness and exaggeration. It means that there is no more beauty than ugliness in a single drawing. Maybe the perfect balance between them could be a part of what we call tolerance. Let's start with this idea! Thank you very much!

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‫أامنى أٌ ً‬ ‫ضا أج أجر هنلقا هنماافاً ناااعافاء هنااافالٌاج‬ ‫بعك هنمحالالا هنااً أجارٌاااساا باساذه هناطارٌاقا‬ ‫اجعفنً أرغب فً ماابع نوسً لااحاساٌاناساا) هاً‬ ‫رغباا فسً نٌسا أمقر مج خطلها فً هنحاٌااة‬ ‫لنمج نٌسا ه هرهف هنسرف هنرئٌسً هل أج أملج‬ ‫ً‬ ‫رجاال أفضال‬ ‫رسامًا أفضل لأخٌرً ه لنٌو آخرً ه‬ ‫هذه هنسرف هل مقل خط ه فق‪ :‬مفما هقارباا ماناه‬ ‫مفما ذهبا بعر لقال مالناوالشاٌالو هنساعاارة‬ ‫نٌسا فً قم هنجبل لنمج فً مٌوٌ اسفقه‬ ‫هنرسء اجرب رهئع نفصبر نحج نعٌر هنارساء مارة‬ ‫لفً هننساٌ عفٌنا اقبل حقٌق أج مال‬ ‫افل ه خر‬ ‫رسء هل مجرر خطلة نفرسء هناانً شً مخاافاف‬ ‫امامًا عما نعٌشه فً هنحٌاة هنٌلمٌ ماقال أي فاج‬ ‫هل أج نمٌل إنى هنشك لفً هنالقاا ناواساه نصال‬ ‫إنى طرٌق نفا فب عفٌه‬ ‫اعفما أننا ال نلنر فنانٌج فنحج ال نصباح فاناا ًناٌاج‬ ‫بٌج عشٌ لضحاها لنمج هنونانٌج هآلخرٌاج هناذٌاج‬ ‫ٌقرلنا فً حساسٌانا نفوج لفً اقنٌانا ممرجاع ناذه‬ ‫ٌجب أج نشامار رهئاماا ه سااااذة هناذٌاج ٌافاسامالناناا‬ ‫لٌعفلننا هنوج هنحقٌقى‬ ‫هنمارٌمااٌر هل فج مج هناناقك نه ٌحااالي عافاى‬ ‫فمراٌج ماناقضاٌج‪ :‬هنشبه لهنمبان هذه ٌعاناً أناه‬ ‫ال ٌلجر جمال أمقر مج هنقبح فً رسء لهحر‬ ‫ربما ٌممج أج ٌملج هنالهزج هنمقانً باٌاناساماا جاز‬ ‫مما نسمٌه هناسامح‬



Interview with Paulo Sergio

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‫باولو سيرجيو‬ ‫أبارأ عامافاً باقاره ة رساائال‬ ‫بعر انالل قسلاى‬ ‫هنبرٌر هإلنمارلنً لهنرر عفٌسا ساله مااناا طافاب‬ ‫عمل أل أحٌا ًنا بعك ا ٌ​ٌرها فقط عفى رسء‬ ‫نذنك أبرأ فً رسء بعك هنرسلء هنمرالنٌ للضاع‬ ‫هنفمساا ه خٌرة عفى ه خر هناً منا قار بارأا‬ ‫بسا بانوعل بعك ه عاماال هناااً أقالء باساا عافاى‬ ‫هنممبٌلار لهناباعاك هآلخار اارساء لاافالج ٌارلٌاا ً‬ ‫لرلاٌنى هنٌالماى هال ماج ‪ 8‬إناى ‪ 00‬سااعا‬ ‫لعارة ما أعمل فً عطف نساٌ ه سبل‬ ‫أحٌانا أعمل ممصمء جرهفٌك حٌث ٌااعاٌاج عافاً‬ ‫عمل ااعارٌال حساب هناناصالص هناخااصا باماااب‬ ‫ه طوال نمج بصرهح هذه نارر جره‬

‫هنرسلء هنمارٌماالرٌ ه لنى هناً قما بسا عنارماا‬ ‫منا أعمل فً لماانا ناالاصااالا حاٌاث رساماا‬ ‫نصحف هنشرماا هنمبٌرة لهنشارمااا هنامااالساطا‬ ‫هنحجء لأحب هنعمال رسلمً بعر سنلها رعاا‬ ‫نً صرٌق رساء مارٌمااٌر ملهالب نافاماشاارما‬ ‫فاً ماعاارك هنااواماااها فاً مارٌاانا أخار ناذنااك‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫شارما فً رسء مارٌماالري ماج ملضلعه مارة‬ ‫هنااقاارء لحصاافااا عاافااى ماارمااز مشاارف فااً فاائ ا‬ ‫هنمارالج بعر ذنك برأا هنمشارم فً ماعاارك‬ ‫أخر‬



After a delicious coffee I start my work by reading and answering my emails for job requests and sometimes some drawing changes. So I start to sketching some cartoons and finalizing others that I had already started. Some works I do on the computer and others I draw on the drawing board. My work schedule is from 8 to 11 hours and I usually work on weekends too. Sometimes I work as a graphic designer, where I have to edit and revise texts from children's books and booklets. But honestly they are very seldom. My first cartoons I did when I worked in the communication agency where I had drawn for newspapers of large corporations and medium-sized companies. Customers loved my drawings.Years later,



a friend of mine, a talented caricaturist invited me to participate in a humor exhibition in another city. So I participated with a cartoon whose theme was soccer and I got an honorable mention in the Cartoon Category. Well I got carried away and started participating in other exhibitions.



At the beginning of my career I used the traditional method working with brushes, crayons and pastel. After some years and with the emergence of computer science I worked a long time using software like Photoshop, CorelDraw, and Illustrator. Today I use the both methods that ensure high quality results. For me all tools are welcome but I love to using brushes especially when I draw my cartoons in watercolor technique. In the case of caricatures I prefer Photoshop. At the beginning of my career I used the traditional method working with brushes, crayons and pastel. After some years and with the emergence of computer science I worked a long time using software like Photoshop, CorelDraw, and Illustrator. Today I use the both methods that ensure high quality results. For me all tools are welcome but I love to using brushes especially when I draw my cartoons in watercolor technique. In the case of caricatures I prefer Photoshop.

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‫فً برهٌ مسٌراً هساخرما هنطرٌق هناقفٌرٌا فاً هناعامال‬ ‫باساخرهء هنورشاة له قالء لهنباساٌل‬ ‫بعر بضع سنلها لمع ظسلر هناماماباٌالاار عامافاا ناوااارة‬ ‫طلٌف باساااخارهء بارهماج ماقال فالاالشالب لهنسااارٌااالر‬ ‫لملرٌل ررلل‬ ‫هنٌلء أساخرء مال هنطرٌقاٌج هنفاٌج اضمناج ناائج عااناٌا‬ ‫هنجلرة باننسب نً جمٌع ه رلها هاً مالضاع اارحاٌاب‬ ‫لنمنً أحاب هساااخارهء هناوارش خصاٌا ً‬ ‫صاا عانارماا أرساء‬ ‫هنرسلء هنمارٌماالرٌ فً اقنٌ ه نلهج هنمائٌ‬ ‫فً حان هنرسلء هنمارٌماالرٌ أفضّل هنولالشلب‬



I have too plans for future in my professional life. Publish a caricature book, set up my exhibition with my works and make sculptures and these three are the big challenges. Throughout my career there were many jobs where we needed to search clothes, anatomy of people and animals, cars, architectures, cultures from other countries. All this opened up a range of extraordinary knowledge. Every job has come up with an opportunity and the challenge of learning. When I do cartoons for the humor exhibitions I research on how personalities, I look their photos and read their biographies. My message has 5 letters: PEACE. I wish the people love each other and live in peace and share this peace. Without war. Without conflicts.

I appreciated the questions and I wish success to you and Cairocature Magazine.

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‫نري خطط نفمساقبل فً حٌااً هنمسنٌا ماناشار‬ ‫مااب مارٌمااٌر لإقام معرضً هنخاص ماع‬ ‫أعمانً ل هنمنحلااا لهذه قالق خطلها هً‬ ‫هناحرٌاا هنمبٌرة‬ ‫نري خطط نفمساقبل فً حٌااً هنمسنٌا ماناشار‬ ‫مااب مارٌمااٌر لإقام معرضً هنخاص ماع‬ ‫أعمانً ل هنمنحلااا لهذه قالق خطلها هً‬ ‫هناحرٌاا هنمبٌرة‬

‫مل بحث هل فرص لاحري نفااعافاء عانارماا أقالء‬ ‫برسلء مارٌماالرٌ نفمعارك أقلء بانبحاث فاً‬ ‫مٌوٌ املٌج شخصٌااً لأااطافاع إناى صالرهاء‬ ‫لأقرأ سٌراسء هنذهاٌ‬ ‫رساناً نفعانء مملن مج عرر بسٌط ماج هناحارلف‬ ‫هناى املج مفم هنساالء أااماناى أج ٌاحاب هنانااو‬ ‫بعضسء بعضا ً لأج ٌعٌشله فً سالء بارلج حارب‬ ‫لبرلج صرهعاا‬

‫خالل مسٌراً هنمسنٌ مانا هناك هناعارٌار ماج‬ ‫هنلظائف هناً ماناا ناحاااا فاٌاساا هناباحاث عاج‬ ‫هناامااالبااو اشاارٌااح هنااناااو لهنااحااٌاالهناااا‬ ‫لهناقاقاافااا‬ ‫لهنسٌارها لهنسنرس هنمعمارٌ‬ ‫هنمخافو‬ ‫مل هذه فاح عانء مج هنمعرف غٌر عاري‬



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Master Julian PENA-PAI Cartoon History Study

I work for 10 years very hard for this history

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Adil Sabri Iraq

Born in 1971 - Baghdad - Iraq Bachelor of Fine Arts - BaghdadUniversity Worked in most Iraqi newspapers and magazines; Alef-Baa Newspaper - Al-Sabah - Al Mada - The Conference - Mashreq - Shams Al Sabah for children - Win the second prize of the major cartoon second magazine for amateur cartoonists in 1988.

‫فناج هنمارٌمااٌر عارل صبر‬ ‫ هنعرهق‬- ‫ ب رهر‬- 0790 ‫ملهنٌر‬ ‫ جامع ب رهر‬- ‫بمفلرٌلو فنلج جمٌف‬ ‫عمل فً أغفب هنصحف لهنمجالا هنعرهقٌ ؛‬ ‫ مفحق‬-‫ هنمشرق‬-‫ هنمؤامر‬- ‫ هنمر‬-‫مجف هنف با – هنصباا‬ ‫شمو هنصباا نألطوال‬ ٌ‫ حائز عفى جائزة مسابق مجف هنف با هنقانٌ هنرئٌس‬0788‫نسلهة هنمارٌمااٌر عاء‬ ‫شارك فً معرك هنمارٌمااٌر هنعرهقً هنشامل هاللل‬ 1101‫ل‬1117ً‫لهنقانً نعام‬

Participated in the first and second Iraqi caricature exhibition 2009 & 2010

‫ حاى‬0788 ‫عمل فً مجف هنف با هنب رهرٌ منذ عاء‬ 1112

worked in Al-Baghdadi magazine from 1988

‫حصل عفى هنجائزة هنقانق مج رهر ققاف هالطوال عاء‬ ً‫ رلرة هنوناج طانب مم‬- 1100

until 2003 He won the third prize from the Children's Culture House in 2011 - the course of artist Taleb Mekki Worked in the supplement of the morning sun



‫عمل فً مفحق شمو هنصباا هنصارر عج جرٌرة هنصباا‬ ٌ‫هنب رهر‬



Turkish cartoonist Musa Kart wins press freedom prize The Swiss group hands out the honor, known as its International Editorial Cartoons Prize, every two years. “The jury has chosen Musa Kart, iconic cartoonist of the Istanbul newspaper Cumhuriyet, for his talent and courage in the defence of freedom of expression,” a statement from the group said. Cumhuriyet — which means simply “Republic” — was set up in 1924 after the Turkish republic was founded in 1923. It has been fiercely critical of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and has run front-page stories that have angered the Turkish head of state. A Turkish court last month handed out multiple sentences to 13 journalists and executives from the paper for “aiding and abetting terror organisations”, but the group remains free pending appeal. Kart was sentenced to three years and nine months in prison. The prize was judged by an official from Geneva’s government, the head of Human Rights Watch Kenneth Roth, along with cartoonists from leading publications including Le Monde, the New York Times and The New Yorker. “Musa Kart is both a witness and especially a victim of the deterioration of freedom of expression in Turkey,” a Le Monde cartoonist known as Plantu said a statement. Kart has denied the allegations against him.





Anas Alathwary Yemen



Rashad Alsamei




Ahmad Al Dandarawy Egypt





Bernard Bouton



Arturo Rosas



Stefan Wenczel





Kamil Jerzyk






Exhibition "at the end of the pencil, women's rights" " at the end of the pencil, women's rights in Cannes throughout the festival: report from fr3 Provence CĂ´te D ' Azur to 19/20 May 2018-Vernissage successful in the presence of David Lisnard, Mayor From Cannes And Press Designers Fathy Bourayou, khalid gueddar and Kristian Dessinateur. the exhibition is presented at the house of associations, 9 Rue Louis Braille 06400 Cannes, throughout the time of the Cannes Film Festival.



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INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST THEME HONESTY, a weapon against Corruption For centuries and for different circumstances and factors, our societies have been corroded by a terrible scourge: corruption. This evil is embedded in all levels and spaces where human values are deteriorated or do not exist, conditioning our growth in every way. There is an antidote for this type of pollution of the spirit that can be enormously effective if it is applied and cultivated since childhood. We refer to HONESTY. 1. All illustrator and cartoonists who live in any part of our Mother Earth, amateur or professionals from 18 to 120 years old regardless civil status, religion or sex can participate. Members of the competition’s Organization can not participate. 2.The theme on which the works should be inspired is HONESTY, a weapon against corruption. 3. Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 illustrations without dialogues, speech or text balloons. The works may or may not have achieved any mention or award in other similar events, but they should be original and belong to the author who send them, it means, copies and/or plagiarism identified by the jury will be disqualified immediately. 4. The technique is totally free, in color or in black and white, and the delivery will be digital, in 21cm x 30cm, in JPG (horizontal or vertical), in RGB colors and in high definition (300dpi). The name of the file must be the title of the work. 5. The title of the work, the name of the author or authors, an e-mail, a phone number, address and country of origin, as well as a brief curriculum (no more than 15 lines), a photo or cartoon of yourself and a miniature of the work must be attached in a Word document when sending each illustration. 6. The deadline to send the works is October 14, 2018. And they must be sent to the following address:

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7. Prizes and awards guaranteed by our sponsors: FIRST PLACE USD 1,000 = +diploma SECOND PLACE USD 500= +diploma THIRD PLACE USD 250= +diploma HONORABLE MENTION (which the jury may consider convenient) diploma The results will be announced in November 7, 2018 and will be officially published in: 8. The jury will be integrated by five members, all of them are important and well recognized national and international cartoonist. Their decision is unappeasable. 9. If after the jury’s decision, a plagiarism or copy of other work is detected in any of the participating works, the author or authors will assume all the legal responsibility that the situation demands them, as well as the disqualification and return of the prize if the work had been awarded. 10. The most important works will be part of the traveling exposition which will be in different showrooms in Cusco and Peru. A major selection of participant illustrations will be part of the virtual catalogue. 11. The author accepts all conditions mentioned in this rules and waives copyrights of the illustration to the competition Organization to use it in different publications including audiovisual applications related to International Cartoon Contest LA SONRISA INCA. For further information about the competition, contact to:



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Here comes the 3th edition of abcd's International Hall of humor. Be sure to sign up and participate in the success of this exhibition that reaches its third edition. These are cartoons, comic strips and caricatures in an amazing exhibition! Registration: Mustbedonebythe10/ The regulation and registration form can be requested by Email: Seap.Escoladearte@Gmail.Com The exhibition will be at the shopping square of the girl, in diadema, from 09/08 to 28/08. Works: UP TO 3 works per artist, free theme, role a3, in portrait position (Vertical). Awards: 1th place: Tablet + Table Pen + full scholarship at Seap 2th place: Table Pen + Bag of 50 % on Seap 3th place: Artistic Materials Kit with color pencils 24 colors, gouache gouache and watercolor.




sharpen your pencil and contact us 84

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