Cairocature July 2017

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Cairocature is an international Egyptian e-humor & Satire magazine. Its purpose is to introduce the art of caricature in Egypt; our members will provide you with their works. We present cartoon, Illustration, portrait, Interviews , News & caricaturists. you will find cartoons from all over the world from the second issue , follow to read online & download

Editor in chief

Art adviser

Samira Saeed

Saad Sedawy

Web site Facebook E-mail


4 8 14 24 36


Saad Sedawy cartoon Cartoon and poetry


Arab cartoon

( Sedawy & Omar Al Sawy )

Iraq ( Aly Ateb—Maytham Rady Aly Alawy - A Aziz Aldahar

Mohammed El Zawawy

Yemen ( Arwa Mokabel Rashad Al Samaeey ) Algeria ( YOUCEF AÏMEUR

Interview with

Morad Morapet )

Wesam Khalil ( English & Arabic language ) Interview with


Interview with Halit Kurtulmus Aytoslu

Omar Talal Hassan

( English & Arabic language )

( English & Arabic language )

World cartoon

Cartoon from Egypt Ahmed El Dandarawy


Bernard Bouton - France YANG LIJIE - China TVG - India

Khaled El marsafy Samira Saeed



Dina Abdelgawad Portaicature













‫‪ 6‬سنوات على رحٌل‬ ‫الفنان اللٌبى محمد الزواوى‬



01 10



01 12



Interview with Wesam Khalil

We are all human beings. God created us on the same body and on the same land to live and coexist on it.

14 03

‫وسام خلٌل‬

‫اسمي وسام خليل‪.‬لول و لي الي لام ‪3791‬ل‬ ‫أحب ا رسم منذ ا طفو ل‪.‬ل الاو وا ليس رسلاملا‬ ‫وااتب ومعيم ومحب جم‪.‬ع أنلوا ا لملعلرال‪.‬‬ ‫ذ ك وجي اي ب‪.‬تي ماتب‪ .‬رائع‪ .‬اى مخلتليل‬ ‫اآلياب وا فنوول از بجوائز الي ا لرسلم الي‬ ‫سنواتى األو ىل بيأ رسلم ا لالار‪.‬لالاتل‪.‬لر الي‬ ‫وق متأخر جيا اي ‪ 13‬سن‪.‬ل‬ ‫تخرج مو اي‪.‬ل‪ .‬ديار األ لملاول أ لملو الي‬ ‫وظ‪.‬ف‪ .‬ال الق‪ .‬ها با رسمل وبا تا ي؛‬


‫أنا قي‪.‬ال ما أرسم وربملا ملر ا رلهلر يوو رسلم‬ ‫اارتوو واحيل أح‪.‬انا أرسلم الالرتل‪.‬لو ‪.‬لومل‪.‬لا للل‬ ‫و او براو ام ال أرسم اث‪.‬را و انى متابع جل‪.‬لي‬ ‫حرا‪ .‬ا لالار‪.‬لالاتل‪.‬لر ا ليو ل‪.‬ل‪.‬ل أحلب مرلا لي‬ ‫ا للاللار‪.‬للاللاتلل‪.‬للر اللثلل‪.‬للرال أقللوم بللجللمللع ا للرسللوم‬ ‫ا اار‪.‬ااتور‪ ..‬يى جهاز ا امب‪.‬وتر ا خاص بلي‬ ‫اختر مجمو ‪ .‬اب‪.‬ر مو رسامي ا الار‪.‬لالاتل‪.‬لر‬ ‫للجللمللع أ للمللا للهللمل أحللب مرللا للي ا للاللار‪.‬للاللاتلل‪.‬للر‬ ‫واسللتللمللتللع اللثلل‪.‬للرا بللاألاللاللار ا للجلل‪.‬للي اقللتللنللا‬ ‫اتا وجا ا اار‪.‬اات‪.‬ر و متعتي ا حق‪.‬ق‪..‬ل‬


My name is Wesam Khalil. Born in 1973. I like painting since childhood. My father was a painter, writer, educator and lover of all kinds of knowledge, so I found in my house a library of various literature and arts. I won prizes in drawing in the early years. I started draw cartoon too late at 35 years old. I graduated from the College of Business Administration. I work in a job that has nothing to do with painting.



So; I rarely draw and perhaps passed the month without drawing a single cartoon. Sometimes I draw two cartoons a day ... but in general I do not draw but I am a good follower of the international competition movement. , I like watching the cartoon. I collect it on my computer and I chose a large group of cartoonists to collect their works. Watching the cartoon, enjoying the good ideas and acquiring the catalogs is my real pleasure.

‫اي اث‪.‬ر مو األح‪.‬او أرسم ا اار‪.‬اات‪.‬ر وربما‬ ‫لي ل ا لفللاللر للو طللر‪.‬ل د للاال‪ .‬بللعل‬ ‫ا عناصرل خصلوصلا لنليملا أقلوم بلتلحلو‪.‬لو‬ ‫ا للعللمللو ا لل‪.‬لليوس د للى رقللمللي مللو خللالو‬ ‫اوتوروبل‬ ‫اي ا بيا‪ ..‬مارسل ا لرسلم ا لز‪.‬لتلي وا لخلط‬ ‫ا عربي واأل واو ا مائ‪ ..‬اال‪.‬او ‪.‬و وا جلوا‬ ‫وا حبر وا حفر ليلى ا لجليلوي حلتلى أالمليل‬ ‫يراستي ا جامع‪..‬ل ل‬

‫اما رسم التلابلا للطلفلاو الي تلجلربلتلي‬ ‫يى ا جائز ا لتلرلجل‪.‬لعل‪.‬ل‪.‬‬ ‫ا وح‪.‬ي وحصي‬ ‫اي مسابق‪ .‬سوزاو مبلارك لالتلب األطلفلاول‬ ‫مو قب‪.‬و ا صيا‪ .‬اي ا خامس‪ .‬وا ثالث‪.‬و ملو‬ ‫مرس تعلرال ملواقلع ا لالار‪.‬لالاتل‪.‬لر ليلى‬ ‫االنترن وبيأ ا مرارا‪ .‬يى ا فور وان‬ ‫سع‪.‬ي جليا لنليملا حصلو أوو الار‪.‬لالاتل‪.‬لر‬ ‫ارترا به يلى جلائلز ملو ا صل‪.‬لول وقلي‬ ‫نرر ا اث‪.‬ر مو رسومي ا اار‪.‬ااتور‪ ..‬الي‬ ‫ا اتلا لوجلا الي ا سلنل‪ .‬األو لى ليرجل‪ .‬أو‬ ‫واحي مو أ ما ي طبع اغال اتا وج اي‬ ‫دسبان‪.‬ا‬ ‫با طلبلع ا لفلالر لي األالثلر أ لمل‪.‬ل‪.‬ل رسلم‬ ‫ا اار‪.‬اات‪.‬ر ‪.‬علتلبلر الي ا لملقلام األوو لملو‬ ‫اارى و ‪.‬س جما ي اا تصو‪.‬ر ا ز‪.‬تي ملثلالل‬ ‫ذا ‪.‬صعب ي‪.‬ك أو تعلر أ لملا لي دذا لم‬ ‫تقرأ توق‪.‬لعلي دذ أحلاوو و لع ا لفلالر الي‬ ‫طر‪.‬ق‪ .‬ا رسم ا تي تناسبهال‬ ‫أرسم مو ا ح‪.‬ا مو ا ملواقل ا لتلي أ ل‪.‬ل‬ ‫ا‪.‬هالل مو ا اتلب ا لتلي أقلرأ لاللملو األالالم‬ ‫ا تي أرا ي ا لل مو سيوك أطفا ي ا صلغلارل‬ ‫انى أبحث و ا فار طواو وق‬



I often draw the cartoon and may have modified the idea by adding some elements. Especially when I turn manual work to digital through Photoshop.

I draw from life, The positions I live, Books I read, The movies I watch and The behavior of my young children. But; I search for idea all the time.

At first, I practiced oil painting, Arabic calligraphy, watercolors, gouache, ink and leather engraving until I completed my university studies. I also drew a children's book in my only experience and won an encouragement prize at the Suzanne Mubarak Children's Book Competition.

Often; the pencil is used first in the final work. But there are many sketches on any other paper with ink.

By coincidence, at the age of 35, I got to know the internet cartoon sites and started to participate immediately and was very happy when my first cartoon had a prize from China. a lot of my cartoons had printed in catalogs in my first year. So much so that one of my works was printed as a catalog cover's in Spain. -Of course the idea is the most important. The drawing of the cartoon considered it primarily a work of thought and not as aesthetic as oil paintings. This is probably why you can't know my cartoon if you did not read my signature. I try to put the idea in the drawing method that suits it.

07 18

I use Water colors, charcoal, ink and coloring by Photoshop. I hope to develop my work so that I see an improvement in the final form of the cartoon in terms of form and idea. I hope to have a special exhibition in a special hall, print my works in catalog.

‫غا با استخيام ا لقليلم ا لرصلاص أوال الي‬ ‫ا عمو ا نهائيل و لالو لنلاك ا لعلي‪.‬لي ملو‬ ‫لليللى أس ورقلل‪ .‬أخللرى‬ ‫االسللاللتللرللا‬ ‫باستخيام ا قيم ا جا أو ا حبرل‬ ‫أستخيم األ واو ا مائل‪.‬ل‪ .‬وا لفلحلم وا لحلبلر‬ ‫واذ ك أستخيم برنامج ا فوتوروب‬ ‫آمو اي تطو‪.‬ر ميي حتلى أرى تلحلسلنلا‬ ‫اي ا راو ا نهائي رسومي مو ح‪.‬ث ملو‬ ‫ا راو وا لفلالر ل آملو أو أقل‪.‬لم ملعلر لا‬ ‫خاصا اي قا ‪ .‬متم‪.‬ز وأو أقوم بطبلا ل‪.‬‬ ‫أ ما ي اي اتاب خاص بى‬

‫ا رسوم ا اار‪.‬ااتور‪ ..‬ي لملو النلي والالرسل الهلي‬ ‫لملو لو‬ ‫تحتاج د ى ثقاا‪ .‬خاص‪ .‬لنليملا تلتلعلر‬ ‫‪.‬حتاج د ى جمع ا معيوما ود اي ص‪.‬اغتله الي رلالو‬ ‫اار ل مع مرور ا وق وام‪ ..‬ا ملعلرال‪ .‬تلزيايل تلتل‪.‬ل‬ ‫ليلى ثلقلاالا‬ ‫ا مرارا‪ .‬اي ا معار ا يو ‪ ..‬ا تعر‬ ‫مختيف‪ .‬وتنتج ثمار اار‪..‬‬



I hope to develop my work so that I see an improvement in the final form of the cartoon in terms of form and idea. I hope to have a special exhibition in a special hall, print my works in catalog. Cartoons are an artistic and intellectual work. It need a special culture when exposed to a cause or subject that needs to gather information

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and reformulate it in the form of an idea. Over time, the amount of knowledge of the artist increases. Participation in international exhibitions gives exposure to different cultures and produces intellectual dialogue.

‫جم‪.‬عنا برر ل وقي خيقنا هللا يى نفلس ا لهل‪.‬لئل‪.‬‬ ‫ليل‪.‬لهلال‬ ‫نع‪ .‬ونتلعلا‪.‬ل‬ ‫و يى نفس األر‬ ‫ومهمتنا أو نجعو ذا ا عا م أاثلر سلعلاي وأو‬ ‫نللعللمللر األر ل وأو نللتللراللهللا لليللى ا للحللا لل‪.‬‬ ‫األا للو مللو ا سللالم واألمللو حللتللى ‪.‬للأذو هللا‬ ‫ونعوي د ‪.‬ه سبحانه وأ‪.‬اي‪.‬نا طا ر مو اإلاسلاي‬ ‫وا ظيم‬


‫اا‪.‬رواات‪.‬ر مجي‪ .‬متم‪.‬ز اى مصلر وا لملنلطلقل‪ .‬ا لعلربل‪.‬ل‪.‬ل‬ ‫تجرب‪ .‬رائلي بلملجلهلوي الريى تلقلر‪.‬لبلا وملع ذ لك أثلبلتل‬ ‫وجوي ا اى امها األوول أنا رخص‪.‬ا أترقب صيور ا او‬ ‫رهرل و ى منص‪ .‬رباب ا فنان‪.‬و ا مصر‪..‬و النفتاح يى‬ ‫ا اارتوو ا علا لملىل أمليلى أو تلتلفلا لو ملعلهلا مل سلسلا‬ ‫تر ا ا ل‬


We are all human beings. God created us on the same body and on the same land to live and coexist on it. It is our mission to make this world happier and to preserve the earth. And to leave it to the best situation of peace and security so that God's permission and return to God and our hands is empty of corruption and injustice.


Cairocature is a distinguished magazine in Egypt and the Arab region. A pioneering experience with almost individual effort, however, proved to be in its first year. Personally I look forward to it read every month. It is a platform for young cartoonists to open up to the global cartoon. I hope that it find institutions to sponsor it.



Interview with Omar Talal Hassan

I wish good, peace and progress to children all over the world.

24 13

‫عمر طالل حسن‬ ‫‪ 2‬ـ هل ٌمكن لك وصف الروتٌن الٌومً مع الرسم‬ ‫؟ عدد الساعات التً تقضٌها ٌومٌا ً ؟ متوسط عدد‬ ‫الرسومات ؟‬ ‫وخاص‪ .‬أ‪.‬ام‬ ‫ـ دنني أ مو ‪.‬وم‪.‬ا بيوو انقطا‬ ‫ا جمع وا عطو أبيأ ا عمو غا با منذ ا صباح ا باار‬ ‫وال أتوق د ى سا ‪ .‬ا غيا وألني قيما أنام بعي‬ ‫ا ظهر اإني أواصو ميي وأح‪.‬انا أبقى حتى‬ ‫منتص ا ي‪.‬و تقر‪.‬با و يى ذا اي‪.‬س ي يي‬ ‫سا ا محيي يعمو ‪.‬وم‪.‬ا ل‬

‫نرجو إعطاءنا مقدمة عن والدك ‪ ،‬وأهم انجازاته فً‬ ‫مجال أدب األطفال ‪ ،‬وكٌف تأثرت به ؟‬ ‫ـ أبي أي‪.‬ب األطفاو طالو حسو ‪.‬اتب لطفاو قصلصلا‬ ‫ومسرح‪.‬ا وس‪.‬نار‪.‬و ا وروا‪.‬ا لطفاو وا لفلتل‪.‬لاو‬ ‫منذ بيا‪ ..‬ا سبع‪.‬ن‪.‬ا مو ا قرو ا ما ي ه أالثلر ملو‬ ‫‪ 13‬اللتللابللا لللطللفللاو صللير اللي سللور‪.‬للا واألريو‬ ‫‪.‬لعلتلبلر رائليا صلحلاال‪.‬‬ ‫وا سعوي‪ ..‬وأبو ظبي وا عرا‬ ‫األطفاو اي محااظ‪ .‬ن‪.‬نوى أصير مجيل‪ .‬للطلفلاو بلعلي‬ ‫وبلعلي لا‬ ‫لام ‪3331‬‬ ‫ا تغ‪..‬ر مبارر اي ا لعلرا‬ ‫أصير مجيت‪.‬و لطفاو ‪.‬نرر يى مواقع مهم‪ .‬لطلفلاو‬ ‫وا فت‪.‬او منها ميون‪ .‬حي بو ‪.‬قظاو وا لنلاقلي ا لعلراقلي‬ ‫وا ي‪.‬ار ا ينين‪ ..‬وا منار ا ثقاال‪.‬ل‪ .‬ا ليو ل‪.‬ل‪ .‬لقلي تلأثلر‬ ‫بوا يس جيا بعي أو بيأ أرسم لطفاو تلعليلمل ملنله‬ ‫ا‪ .‬أقرأ ا نص وأتفهمه قبو أو أبلارلر ا لعلملو ليلى‬ ‫تجس‪.‬يه بخطوط وأ واو ل‬


‫‪ 3‬ـ هل تقوم بعمل مراجعات فنٌة لما رسمته ‪ ،‬أم‬ ‫إنك تقوم بالتحبٌر مباشرة ؟ وهل قمت بإلغاء أحد‬ ‫الرسوم ألنك غٌر راض عنها وإعادتها ؟‬ ‫ـ دنني أرسم بيق‪ .‬وأ ‪ .‬مو خ‪.‬ا ي د ى ا نص‬ ‫ا ماتوب وال أحبر اي دذا م أقتنع تماما بما‬ ‫أخططه وقي أ غ‪ .‬أاثر مو رسم م أر َ نه‬ ‫اما ‪ُ.‬نرر ‪ُ.‬حسب ييّ و هذا اأنا أراجع ما أرسمه‬ ‫حتى أر ى نه تماما ل‬ ‫‪ 4‬ـ كٌف دخلت مجال الرسم ؟‬ ‫ـ دنني اي األساس خر‪.‬ج اي‪ ..‬ا فنوو ـ ا قسم‬ ‫ا ترا‪.‬يي وقي يرس قبيها اي معهي ا فنوو و م‬ ‫‪.‬خطر اي با ي ‪.‬وما أو أرسم لطفاو اقي ااو ا ّو‬ ‫مي أثنا ا يراس‪ .‬وبعي ا أو أرسم يى غرار‬ ‫ا رسام‪.‬و ا عراق‪..‬و ا ابار او أبي قيم ي ‪.‬وما‬ ‫قص‪ .‬لطفاو وطيب مني أو أرسمها ه‬ ‫او أبي أراي بها‬ ‫ورسم ُ ا قص‪ .‬يى م‬ ‫ونرر ا ي اي دحيى ا صفحا ا تي ااو ‪.‬رر‬ ‫يى تحر‪.‬ر ا اي صح ا موصو‬


My father Talal Hassan is children's writer, he has written children's stories, plays, scenarios and novels since the early 1970s. He has more than 30 children's books published in Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Iraq. He is a pioneer of children's journalism in Nineveh province. After the change in Iraq ( 2003) , he issued two magazines for children, published in important children's sites , including Hay bin yakzan blog, Iraqi critic, London Diar , and the International Cultural Minbar, I was very impressed by my father , After I started drawing for the children, I learned how to read the text, and I understand it, before I begin working on it with lines and colors. I work daily without interruption Especially on Fridays and holidays, I start working often since early morning, do not stop at lunch hour, and because I rarely sleep in the afternoon, I continue my work, sometimes staying until almost midnight, so I do not have a fixed number of hours per day.

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‫و‪.‬وما بعي ‪.‬وم ونصا بعي نص ودذا بي أجي نفس‬ ‫رساما متفرغا لطفاو وقي رسم حتى اآلو ا عي‪.‬ي مو‬ ‫اتب األطفاو اما رسم يعي‪.‬ي مو ا مجال ا عراق‪..‬‬ ‫مجيتي وا مزمار وقنبر وا حسني‬ ‫وا عرب‪ ..‬منها‬ ‫ا صغ‪.‬روقوس وقزح وا ‪.‬ناب‪.‬ع وب‪.‬بون‪ .‬اي ا عرا‬ ‫ومجي‪ .‬سم‪.‬ر وا نور اي مصر وسامر اي األريو‬ ‫وا ربو اي ا سعوي‪ ..‬وا عربي ا صغ‪.‬ر اي ا او‪ .‬ل‬ ‫‪ 5‬ـ كٌف تأتٌك الفكرة للبدء فً رسم جدٌد ؟ وكٌف تحدد‬ ‫مالمح الشخصٌات ؟‬ ‫ـ اار ا رسم لطفاو واذ ك مالم ا رخص‪.‬ا‬ ‫أستمي ا مو ا نص ا ذس أرسمه اني غا با ال أاتفي‬ ‫بمحييا ا نص بو أ ‪ .‬د ‪.‬ها مو مخ‪.‬يتي ما ‪.‬غن‪.‬ه‬ ‫اي رأ‪.‬ي ل‬ ‫‪ 6‬ـ هل ترسم من الحٌاة ؟ هل تعتمد على شخصٌات‬ ‫حقٌقٌة ؟‬ ‫دنني أرسم ما ‪.‬ر‪.‬يه ا نص اني اي ا حق‪.‬ق‪ .‬أم‪.‬و د ى ما‬ ‫و غ‪.‬ر واقعي و نا ‪.‬يعب ا خ‪.‬او ا منطي يوره باو‬ ‫حر‪ ..‬و ذا ما تواره ي اي ا نصوص ا تي ‪.‬اتبها‬ ‫وا يس و‪.‬طي ي ا حر‪ ..‬اامي‪ .‬اي تجس‪.‬ي ا ل‬ ‫‪ 7‬ـ أي األدوات تفضلها فً الرسم ؟ أٌها أقرب إلى‬ ‫روحك ؟‬ ‫ان أخطط بقيم‬ ‫ي‪.‬ي‬ ‫و سنوا‬ ‫ـ اي ا بيا‪..‬‬ ‫ا رصاص وأ وو بأ واو مائ‪ ..‬أو خرب‪ ..‬حتى تعيم‬ ‫ا رسم وا تيو‪.‬و باألجهز ا حي‪.‬ث‪ .‬وبع ها استوريتها‬ ‫مو‬ ‫بواسط‪ .‬مااتب‪ .‬خاص‪ .‬اي مي‪.‬نتي ا موصو‬ ‫ا منرأ لل مو أمر‪.‬اا وأنا اآلو ال أستط‪.‬ع أو أستغني‬ ‫و ذه األجهز مطيقا ل‬



I paint carefully, I add from my imagination to the written text, I do not usually ink if I am not fully convinced of what I am planning, I have canceled more than cartoon I did not land, what is published calculated on me, so I review what I draw, so I satisfied him completely. I was originally a graduate of the Fine Arts College. I studied at the Institute of Fine Arts before, and I never thought I would paint for children. It was all my inspiration during and after the study that I draw like the great Iraqi painters. He asked me to draw it for him, The story was drawn reluctantly, but my father praised it, and published it in one of the pages that he supervised editing in the Mosul newspapers, day after day, text after text, and if I find the same full-fledged cartoonist, He has written for several Iraqi and Arab magazines including: Al-Azhar, AlZaman, Qanbar, Al-Hassani Al-Saghir, Qizah, AlQubayn and Baybouna in Iraq, Samir and Al-Nour magazine in Egypt, Samer in Jordan, Al-Shabal in Saudi Arabia and Al-Arabi Al-Saghir in Kuwait.

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‫‪ 8‬ـ ما هً أهدافك على المدى البعٌد ؟ طموحاتك ؟‬ ‫ـ أ يا وطموحاتي يى ا ميى ا بع‪.‬ي أو أتلواصلو ملع‬ ‫ا م األطفاو وأغني تجربتي با تعيم ا مستمر مو مليلي‬ ‫وأ ماو اآلخر‪.‬و رب‪.‬ا و ا م‪.‬ا اال أجمو وال أحيى وال‬ ‫أرو مو وا م ا طفو ‪ .‬ا تي أ ‪.‬رها وأتمتع بها مع ال ّو‬ ‫نص طفو ي أرسمه ل‬ ‫‪ 9‬ـ إذا أردت أن توجه رسالة للعالم ‪ ،‬فما هً ؟‬ ‫ـ دو ح‪.‬اتي ايها مرتبط‪ .‬باألطفاو و لوا لملهلم وا لطلفلو‬ ‫الأتلملنلى ا لخل‪.‬لر‬ ‫طفو اي او بقلعل‪ .‬ملو بلقلا األر‬ ‫وا سالم وا تقيم لطفاو اي جم‪.‬ع أنحا ا عا م ل‬ ‫اطلعت على مجلتكم الجمٌلة كاٌروكاتٌرر ‪ ،‬واطرلرع مرعرً‬ ‫علٌها أبً كاتب األطفال طالل حسن ‪ ،‬وأنرا أشراركره فرً‬ ‫أن مجلتكم االلكترونٌة مجرلرة جرمرٌرلرة ‪ ،‬مرترقردمرة ‪ ،‬فرً‬ ‫أعمالها ورسومها وإخراجها ‪ ،‬وتقدم الكثٌر من الرمرترعرة‬ ‫والفائدة ‪ ،‬أتمنى لكم المزٌد من التقدم والنجاح ‪.‬‬



The idea of painting for children, as well as the features of characters, I draw from the text I draw, but I often do not content with the text limitations, but added to it from my imagination what enriches it in my opinion‍ل‏ I draw what the text wants, but I really tend to be unrealistic, and here the fantasy plays its role freely, which is what I usually have texts written by my parents, and gives me complete freedom to embody them. At first, for many years, I was planning with a pencil , And color in water or wooden, until I learned drawing and coloring with modern equipment, some imported by a correspondent in the private city of Mosul, of origin .. from America, and now I can not dispense with these devices at all. My goals and aspirations in the long term, to communicate with the world of children, and enrich my experience of continuous learning from my work and the work of others Arab and world, not the most beautiful and beautiful and the most wonderful of the worlds of childhood, which I live and enjoy with every text I draw children.

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My whole life is connected to children and their worlds, and the child is a child in every part of the earth. I wish good, peace and progress to children all over the world. I saw with me my father your beautiful magazine Cairocature, your magazine is beautiful, advanced, in its work and its drawings and output, a lot of fun and interest, I wish you more progress and success.





‫فراش تحت الماء‬

‫قصة ‪ :‬طالل حسن‬

‫رأ‪.‬ل‬ ‫ذا ا صباح ومع اطال ‪ .‬ا رمس مو ورا األال‬ ‫ارمق ا فرار‪ .‬ا ز ر بنلظلر سلر‪.‬لعل‪.‬‬ ‫اي برا‪ .‬ا ما ا تي اط ّو ي‪.‬ها ما أثار ي رتي حتى دننلي‬ ‫وقا أ ذه ز ر ا ن‪.‬يوار ل‬ ‫اي ُ أو ال أصيقه ل‬ ‫دنها ز ر دذو با ترا ا فرار‪ .‬نفسها و ليليّ أو أصلي‬ ‫ي صي‪.‬قتي ا فرار‪ .‬ا لتلي زارتلنلي ا لبلارحل‪ .‬لنلي‬ ‫وترا‬ ‫ذا رغم غرابته واألغلرب أو لذه ا لز لر ا لنل‪.‬ليلوالر‬ ‫ا حى وبي ي واأنها باق‪ .‬وري اقي ُ لهلا أ أنل ِ بلاقل‪.‬‬ ‫راح تتفت أاثر وأاثر وتزياي جماال ايما ارتفع ا رمس‬ ‫وري مختيف‪ .‬األ واو ل‬ ‫وازياي سطو ا ل‬ ‫اقا ي أ ال تصيقي ا ّو ما تر‪.‬نه ل‬ ‫وقب‪.‬و انتها ا نهار وقلي ملا ل ا رلملس ليلغلروب بليا أو‬ ‫قي ُ ها أ اني أراكِ اآلو ل‬ ‫ا ز ر ‪ .‬ع تفتحها و‪ ّ .‬ارتفا هلا لو سلطل ا لبلرال‪.‬‬ ‫و م جناح‪.‬ها ا ميون‪.‬و ااختف تماما وقا أ واآلو ؟‬ ‫واأنها ي نفسها تم‪.‬و يغروب ل‬ ‫اأجبتها حائر أ مهما ‪.‬او اأن ِ موجوي ل‬ ‫او ما رأ‪.‬ته ذا ا صباح أثار ي رتي اقبلو رلرو ا رلملس‬ ‫ُ و نا أقبو طائر صغ‪.‬ر ‪.‬حي بسر ‪ .‬وقي تمياله ا لر لب‬ ‫بقي‪.‬و الحظ ُ حرا‪ .‬طف‪.‬ف‪ .‬او سط ا برا‪ .‬حلتلى الي‬ ‫و ت بي أ أ‪.‬تها ا ز ر أنجي‪.‬ني أرجلوك وخلبلئلنلي بل‪.‬لو‬ ‫ااذب نظرس ل‬ ‫أوراقكِ ل‬ ‫دذو البلي‬ ‫البي أنه ا هوا وتيف ُ حو ي ‪.‬س لنلاك لوا‬ ‫اأجبته يوو أو أ تف د ‪.‬ه أ ابتعي ني ابتعي ل‬ ‫أنها سما‪ .‬صغ‪.‬ر تهرب مو سما‪ .‬اب‪.‬ر أو سما‪ .‬البل‪.‬لر‬ ‫وحام ا طائر ا صغ‪.‬ر حو ي مر وبا و و ‪.‬قلوو أ سلتلقلتليلنلي‬ ‫تطاري لل‬ ‫ا بوم‪ .‬ا صقر‪ ..‬خبئ‪.‬ني خبئ‪.‬ني ل‬ ‫وأمام أنظارس ا مذ و ‪ .‬راح تبرز ر‪.‬ئا ار‪.‬ئا مو أ ملا‬ ‫اصح ُ به منفعي‪ .‬وأنظارس مازا منرغي‪ .‬با ز ر أ‬ ‫أر ما ‪.‬ربهها مو قبو ل‬ ‫ا برا‪ .‬ز ر غر‪.‬ب‪ .‬جم‪.‬ي‪ .‬م َ‬ ‫ذا ال ‪.‬همني ابتعي ني ابتعي ل‬ ‫ي صي‪.‬قتي ا فرار‪ .‬بلو أالاي أجلزم بلأنلي سلملعل ُ‬ ‫وترا‬ ‫وبصو نا س قا ز لر ا لنل‪.‬ليلوالر ملخلاطلبل‪ .‬ا لطلائلر‬ ‫صوتها و ي تقوو ي أ ال تصيقي ا ّو ما تر‪.‬نه ل‬ ‫ا صغ‪.‬ر أ ا‪.‬ها ا طلائلر تلعلاو واخلتلبلى بل‪.‬لو أوراقلي دذا‬ ‫ا ي ز ر نعم ز ر دنني أ ر ا ز ر الأنلا نلفلسلي‬ ‫أري ل‬ ‫ز ر ؟ دنها ز ر رائع‪ .‬تتفلتل أملام أنلظلارس الال‪.‬ل ال‬ ‫و يى ا فور أسر ا طلائلر ا صلغل‪.‬لر د لى ز لر ا لنل‪.‬ليلوالر‬ ‫أصي ما أراه ؟‬ ‫وانيس ب‪.‬و أوراقها ا تي راح تنلالمل الوقله حلتلى يثلرتله‬ ‫وطواو ا نهار م أبعي أنظارس و ا ز ر يوو أو ‪.‬رغيني‬ ‫تماما اما تيثر األم صغ‪.‬ر ا ل‬ ‫ري نها حتى صي‪.‬قتي ا فرار‪ .‬باق‪ .‬األز ار ا لمليلونل‪.‬‬ ‫والي‬ ‫وراح قرص ا رمس ‪.‬غوص ر‪.‬ئلا ارل‪.‬لئلا ورا األال‬ ‫ح‪.‬و مر بي وح‪.‬تني قائي‪ .‬أ صباح ا خ‪.‬ر ‪.‬ا ز ر ل‬ ‫راح ز ر ا ن‪.‬يوار تغوص تح ا ما حلتلى‬ ‫نفس ا وق‬ ‫م أري يى تح‪.‬تها بو أرر د ى ا ز ر ا تي خرج ملو‬ ‫غابا تماما ل‬ ‫أ ما ا برا‪ .‬وقي أ أ‪.‬تها ا فرار‪ .‬انظرس ل‬ ‫أ ذا معقوو ؟‬ ‫يوو أو تلتلوقل‬



‫وبيأ م‪.‬رس ‪.‬عذبني وال ‪.‬سم ينوم أو ‪.‬قربني حتى ا فجر‬ ‫‪.‬بيو أنني تسبب ُ اي الك ا طائر ا صغ‪.‬ر ح‪.‬و م أ لتلفل‬ ‫د ‪.‬ه وأخبئه ب‪.‬و أوراقي ل‬ ‫صح‪ .‬أو ز ر ا ن‪.‬يوار أوته و مته برا ب‪.‬و أوراقهلا‬ ‫ذا ما بيا ي انها غاص به د ى أ لملا ا لبلرال‪ .‬وملو‬ ‫‪.‬يرس عيها مو ا نباتا ا مفترسل‪ .‬الاالتلرسلتله أو ملا‬ ‫غرقا اي األ ما ل‬ ‫لملحل ُ حلرال‪ .‬الو‬ ‫و ني ا فجر وا رمس تته‪.‬أ يررو‬ ‫سط ا برا‪ .‬ذه ‪.‬س ا ر‪ .‬و ‪.‬س سلملال‪ .‬أ لي دذو‬ ‫ا ز ر ا مفترس‪ .‬؟‬ ‫ومع اطال ‪ .‬ا رمس مو ورا األا انرل ملا ا لبلرال‪.‬‬ ‫وملا دو ظلهلر‬ ‫وبيأ تطو ز ر ا ن‪.‬يوار ملو األ لملا‬ ‫تماما وا ما ‪.‬قطر منها‬

‫يى ملقلربل‪ .‬ملو‬ ‫حتى برز ا طائر ا صغ‪.‬ر ورار‬ ‫ا ز ر و و ‪.‬قوو أ ذه أجمو ‪.‬ي‪ .‬ق ‪.‬تها حتى اآلو ل‬ ‫اري ز ر ا ن‪.‬يوار قائي‪ .‬أ تعاو د يّ دذو ال ّو ‪.‬لوم‬ ‫انتظارك وستق ي‬ ‫قبو غروب ا رمس وستجيني اي‬ ‫َ‬ ‫نيس أجمو ا ي‪.‬ا ي ل‬ ‫ي صي‪.‬قتي ا فرار‪ .‬باق‪ .‬ا وري ا مليلونل‪ .‬ال‬ ‫وترا‬ ‫تصيقي ا َو ما تر‪.‬نه اصح ُ واأني اقي رريس أ بو‬ ‫ذه ز ر ا ن‪.‬يوار وسأصي ا ّو ملا رأ‪.‬لتله‬ ‫سأصي‬ ‫منها رغم غرابته ل‬ ‫تمت‬

‫‪34‬‬ ‫‪23‬‬

Cartoon of Ola. Wessam — Misr Tourism cartoon contest - Turkey 2017



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1st winner: நெடு மாறன் (India) 2nd winners: Mahboob Raja (India) & WO Orons (Uruguay) 3rd winners: Manoj Sinha (India), Muhammad Talat (Egypt) & Júnior Arruda (Brazil) Current challenge is Adel Emam the Egyptian famous comedian



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‫كاريكاتري ‪...‬عاتب‬






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World Cartoon



Interview with Halit Kurtulmus Aytoslu

55 66

‫حوار مع الفنان‬ ‫خالد كورتولمس ‪ -‬تركٌا‬ ‫أوال وقبو او ري أرارام جز‪.‬و ا رار يى د طائي ذه ا فرص‪.‬ل دنه رر‬


‫قي ان مهتما با رسم منذ وق مبار جيال انا أ ر ا رسمل انه طلر‪.‬لقل‪ .‬ليلحل‪.‬لا ل لذ لك أنلا‬ ‫أرسم او ‪.‬ومل يى األقو أرسم رى واحي او ‪.‬ومل أنا النلاو الي الو ملو لو أراه وأحسلهل‬ ‫ا لز‪.‬لتل‪.‬ل‪ .‬واأل لواو ا لملائل‪.‬ل‪.‬‬ ‫‪.‬س وا‪.‬تى اقط ا رسم ا اار‪.‬اات‪.‬رى و او أ‪ .‬ا ا ليلوحلا‬ ‫وا باست‪.‬و وا منحوتا ل‬



First of all thank you very much for giving

Sometimes days , sometimes weeks . But if

me this opportunity. It's an honor for me.

you decide, I will do drawing in a very short

I have been interested in painting since very

time .

early ages. It's my passion to paint. It's a

I have been interested in painting art for

way of life. So I draw every day. At least I

many years. Painting took a long time. But

draw something every day. I am an artist in

the world is starting to change so fast. We

every subject I see and feel. Not just car-

were supposed to adapt this change. Cartoon

toons, but also oil paintings, watercolors,

art was a very convenient tool for me .

pastels and sculptures. I do not make much edits in my works . Leave it like I first did. But the thought process lasts much longer .


‫ال أقوم با اث‪.‬ر مو ا لتلعلي‪.‬لال‬

‫الي أ لملا ليل وأتلرك‬

‫ااو مو ا مفتر‬

‫أو أتا‪.‬‬

‫مع ذا ا تغ‪..‬رل ح‪.‬ث ااو‬

‫ا يوح‪ .‬اما رسمتها ألوو ملر ل لالو لمليل‪.‬ل‪ .‬ا لتلفلال‪.‬لر‬

‫او ا اار‪.‬اات‪.‬ر أيا مر‪.‬ح‪ .‬جيا با نسب‪ .‬يل اي وق‬

‫تستمر فتر أطوول أح‪.‬انا أ‪.‬ام وأح‪.‬انا أسلابل‪.‬لعل و لالو‬

‫قص‪.‬ر جيا وصي بأااارس ومرا رس د ى ا جما ‪.‬ر‬

‫دذا قرر‬

‫أقوم بتنف‪.‬ذ االر ا لرسلم الي وقل‬


‫جيال‬ ‫قي ان مهتما اي ا فو ا ترا‪.‬يى سلنلوا‬

‫ا تي استهياتهال هذا ااو تأث‪.‬ر وسائو ا تواصو‬ ‫االجتما ي اب‪.‬ر جيال يخي ا مجاو مو قب‪.‬و ا صيا‪.‬‬

‫لي‪.‬لي ل أخلذ‬

‫و او أنا ا ىو رسام ا اار‪.‬اات‪.‬ر خا ي‬

‫ذ ك معى وقتا طو‪.‬الل و او ا عا م بيأ ‪.‬تغ‪.‬ر بسر ‪.‬ل‬



In a very short time , I reached my thoughts

this artist is left with different

and my feelings to the masses I had targeted.


For this , the influence of the social media was very large. I was a little coincidental but I am a cartoonist after all :)

The greatest resource for an artist is life itself. I love the whole drawing process. For

I thought the idea was just important. But

this reason, pen, eraser, brush, ink

over time I learned that it is very important

what if I use and enjoy.

to emphasize style and technical thinking. I get a good idea and I play it with a nice technique, I enjoy it. Of course,

61 70

‫ا تقي‬

‫أو ا فار مهم‪ .‬ل و او مع مرور ا وق‬


‫أنه مو ا مهم جيا ا تأا‪.‬ي يى األسيوب وا تفال‪.‬لر ا لتلقلنليل‬ ‫أحصو يى اار ج‪.‬ي وأنا أجلرب تلقلنل‪.‬ل‪ .‬لطل‪.‬لفل‪ .‬وأنلا‬ ‫أستمتع بهال بطب‪.‬ع‪ .‬ا حاو ا فناو و طرح أالالار بلطلر‬ ‫مختيف‪.‬ل‬

‫دو أابر موريألااارا فناو و ا ح‪.‬ا نفسهال‬ ‫أنا أحب أيوا ا رسم ايهال ا لقليلم ململحلا‬ ‫ا فررا ا حبر او ما أقوم باستخليامله إلنلهلا‬ ‫وحتى أستمتع به اث‪.‬را ل‬


‫أنا سع‪.‬ي جيا رسم ا اار‪.‬اات‪.‬ر ل أبحث يائما اى‬ ‫أحواو ا ناس مو حو ي وحوو ا عا مل أنا أستملتلع‬ ‫برسم ذه ا مو و ا ل ومو واجبي أو أرارك‬ ‫برأ‪.‬ى وأو ‪.‬صو رأ‪.‬ى بلعلي يراسلتلى ليلملواقل‬ ‫يناس مو خالو رسومى ل أر‪.‬ي أو أستمر بهلذه‬ ‫ا طر‪.‬ق‪ .‬يى ا ميى ا طو‪.‬ول و او ال بي لي ملو‬ ‫تطو‪.‬ر نفسي اي نفس ا وق ل يى حي سوا ملو‬ ‫ا ناح‪ ..‬ا فن‪ ..‬ل‬


As I said before . Everything is developing very fast. We, as writers, must adapt to this change. We have to work continuously. Every day, we have to draw at any moment. I do that. I get more free when I draw, and we must always be objective. Because there is no absolute right or absolute wrong. There is a wrong on every side. Every wrongdoing is a truth. We, as cartoonists, should see them. And we have to draw in this direction. Everyone should have one goal. Peace, Peace, Peace .......... What can they do in this matter? We should always think about it.

Every magazine about cartoons is important to me. Cairocature is a beautiful and successful magazine


‫اما قي مو قبو ل او ري ‪.‬تطور بسر ‪ .‬اب‪.‬ر ل و ‪.‬جب‬ ‫ي‪.‬نا أو نتا‪ .‬مع ذا ا تغل‪.‬ل‪.‬لرل ليل‪.‬لنلا أو نلعلملو برلالو‬ ‫مستمر او ‪.‬وم نرسم اي أس حظ‪.‬ل أنا أاعو ذ لكل أرلعلر‬ ‫با حر‪ ..‬نيما أرسم و‪.‬جب أو ناوو يائما ملو لو ل‪.‬ل‪.‬لول‬ ‫ألنه ال ‪.‬وجي ح مطي أو خطأ مطي ل ناك خطأ يى او‬ ‫جانبل او خطأ و ا حق‪.‬ق‪.‬ل ونحو ارسامى الار‪.‬لالاتل‪.‬لر‬ ‫‪.‬نبغي أو نرى او جانب خطأه ل و ي‪.‬نا أو نرسم اي لذا‬ ‫االتجاهل‬ ‫‪.‬للجللب أو ‪.‬للاللوو لليللجللملل‪.‬للع للي واحلليل ا سللالم وا سللالم‬ ‫وا سالم لللللللللل ماذا ‪.‬ماو أو ‪.‬فعيوا اي ذه ا مو و ؟‬ ‫‪.‬جب أو نفار يائما اي ذ كل‬ ‫او مجي‪ .‬و ا اار‪.‬اات‪.‬ر مهم‪ .‬با نسب‪ .‬يل والا‪.‬لروالاتل‪.‬لر‬ ‫مجي‪ .‬جم‪.‬ي‪ .‬وناجح‪.‬‬



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SICACO2017 CONTEST Our committee will establish Korea Int'l Cartoons Museum within 3 years by your 35,000 works / and World Cup Cartoons Gallery by your 1,5000 soccer cartoons. We have extended the deadline of SICACO2017 by two months due to new theme within World Cup Cartoon. Please inform it your cartoonists and mass com. We hope many cartoonists take part in my SICACO2017 contest. ‫ل‬3This year's contest comprises a Thema section (titled Success+Failure /+ World Cup) and a Free section ‫ل‬3The size of works should be smaller than 297mm × 420mm. ‫ل‬1Any color, free style, and unlimited items(+2 hand drawing original best works - not so bad, color printed works) ‫ل‬4Each entrant should provide title, name, age, address, career, e-mail, and telephone number on reverse. ‫ل‬3The deadline for entry of original works is August. 31, 2017. (+50 more days) ‫ل‬6Entries should be addressed to the Sejong Int'l Cartoon Institute. ‫ل‬9The most creative cartoon will win the Grand prize of $3,000, Gold prize of $1,000, Silver prize of $500, Bronze prize of $300, selected works will be awarded. ‫ل‬8Exhibit the cartoons at the Sejong & Daejeon Galleries in Oct. 2017. ‫ل‬7Submitted cartoons will not be returned, but exhibited forever in Korean public halls, art galleries, & museums. ‫ل‬33Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes : cards, posters, catalogs, magazine, books and web etc. From Dr. Lim, Cheong San, President of SICACO(the Sejong Int'l Cartoon Institute) ,433Wolpyeongdong, Daejeon 35221, Seoul Korea C/P : 82-10-5425-6115, Tel: 82-707757-9944 E-mail :,



COMPETITION for 15 Th Comic Showroom VELES /Macedonia 2017 Propositions: - The competition is open to all comic artists from all over the world. - Entries must be 1-6 pages long. If the entry is only one page long it must have at least 5 panels. - Entries must be sent in A4 format (21x29,7cm). Please send only quality print copies (least 300 dpi). The submitted prints will not be returned! - No specific theme is set. - The storytelling in the comic can be written in any official language. - Each visual artist (pencil, inker, colorist or letterer) can take part with only one submission, while each scenarist can enter with more than one submission. - The same comic entry can be submitted by more than one artist. - Each participant must send: photography, short biography, personal address, telephone, e-mail and additional info of the year when the comic is made. Without this the submission will not be evidenced! - All submitted comics will be presented properly and will take part in the official comic showroom in Veles; and will be considered for other possibilities of promotion as stated in the Comic Centre’s policy(exhibitions, promotions , review “CREATOR” - With the act of submission the author/s is/are passing the rights of publishing in any form to the Comic Centre of Macedonia: through exhibitions, promotions , review “CREATOR” - The entries will be reviewed by three member international jury. - The jury will give the following awards: 1st award: “Golden Comic”, 200 EU and Diploma; 2nd and 3rd award: Diploma; Best scenario award: Diploma; Award for the youngest author: Diploma; Award up to 18 years: Diploma. - The deadline for entries is September 20th, 2017. - The comics can be sent via postal service or e-mail. Postal address: Comic centre of Macedonia “For the comic competition” Vasil Gjorgov Street 78 1400 Veles



9th International Tourism Cartoons Competition 2017: VACATIONS from the past to present Theme The theme of the competition in 2017 is VACATIONS from the past to present Categories Cartoons will be accepted in two sections: Adult Category: This category is open for the all of cartoonists who are 17 and older. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award, second award, third award, Professor Atila Ă–zer recognition award and three mentions will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album. Young Category: This category is open for the cartoonists who are 16 and younger. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award and two achievement awards will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album. Submission Guidelines * The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists. * Each performer is allowed to submit maximum three works. * The cartoons submitted to the competition may be prepared as original drawings, digital printings or computer printouts. The drawing technique is open-ended. Drawings may be colorful or black and white. On the other hand, performers are required to put signatures on their drawings. * Participants must write their names, surnames and addresses behind their drawings. Also, they must complete the Participant Information Form placed under submission page and send it together with their drawings. * Cartoons sent may be of the ones previously published somewhere but previously awarded cartoons are not allowed to submit. * Cartoons submitted for selection will be able to be printed in the publication of Anatolia Tourism Academy and in other printed materials of this organization such as books, catalogs, brochures, postcards, web sites and posters. All rights for any other publishing except these belong to the owner of drawing. * The cartoons that will be selected after the first evulation will be announced between January 16 and 22, 2018. The objections will took into account between January 16 and 22, 2018. * Finalist cartoons will be published in the album. Cartoonists whose drawings published in this album will be sent a copy of the album. * Regardless of award-winning or taking place in the album, all the cartoons submitted for selection will not be returned. * All the cartoonists participated in the competition are implied to agree on the conditions and regulations of the competition. * Cartoons can be sent by way of postal service or Cartoon Submission system.

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XILINGOL INTERNATIONAL CARTOON COMPETITION/China, 2017 Regulation .0The Competition is open to all Caricaturist, Cartoonist, Painter around world regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc. .1Theme: Green Grassland, Earth, Environment, Green Home .2Entries: At most 8 works .3The size of the works: A3 (420mm * 297mm). Digital works: The shortest side length 2480 pixel,300dpi, Size no more than 5MB. .4Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art will be accepted. .5Artist should the original works. Please send electronic copy of your work to the following email address: / .After your works was selected, the committee will notify you, send your original works mail to the committee, to participate in the final awards. .6Works have been awarded in other contests previously will not accepted. .7Author's resume and photo (entry-form and biography) should be submitted with entries together. First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse side of the works. .8Please down load the entry form on site: .01Authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright. .00Organizer will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling. .01Deadline: August, 20, 2017 .02Prizes: GRAND PRIZE : 15000 RMB(pre-tax) + Certificate of merit + Catalog 1ST PRIZE : 10000 RMB(pre-tax) + Certificate of merit + Catalog 2ND PRIZE : 5000 RMB(pre-tax) + Certificate of merit + Catalog 3RD PRIZE : 3000 RMB(pre-tax) + Certificate of merit + Catalog EXCELLENT PRIZES : 300 RMB(pre-tax) + Certificate of merit + Catalog HONOURABLE PRIZES : Certificate of merit + Catalog SELECT : Certificate of merit + Catalog .03E-mail:




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