APCRSHR in focus 3

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Indonesia Faces Population Problems Page 2


The 6 Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights YOGYAKARTA 19 - 22 OCTOBER 2011

Black Berry Increasing Opportunities to Have Sex in Thai LGBT Communities Page 3 Julia Suryakusuma Page 7


Saturday, 22 October 2011

in Focus

Today is the last day of the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights. At the end, it seems that there many participants who are wondering, where will the next conference be? The answer is the Philippines. Yes, we will have the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Manila, Philippines, and hosted by The Philippines NGO Caouncil (PNGOC) on Population, Health, and Welfare. As said by the International Steering Committee (ISC) member, Eden Divinagracia, Ph.D, Friday (21/10), the next conference tentatively will take place in SMX Convention Centre which is located next to Mall of Asia, the largest shopping center in Asia. "But the next conference will not be as usual, because we will hold it in early February 2014. This is to respect the 3rd Women Deliver Conference, which will be held in 2013," she said.

Eden also stated, the committe is optimistic to have more participants come to the next conference. It would be a "reunion and nostalgic" momment for the participants, because the first conference was held in Manila. In the closing ceremony of the 6th APCRSHR, there will be a hand-over session from Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Darwin, MPA, as the Chair of current organizing committee to Atty. Zenaida Reyes, the Chair of PNGOC. On the other hand, Prof. Terence Hull, Ph.D, said that each conference is always unique and special. This one was the only APCRSHR which provided a large space for the youth to speak up and share their minds. "It has not happened at other events, where youth were only given a small part." Terence also hopes that the next conference will adress more particular population's issues. For instance, the influence of global warming in determining the future world's population.

The 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights YOGYAKARTA 19 - 22 OCTOBER 2011

APCRSHR Focus I Volume 3 I Page 1

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