Soft Secrets
Readers Stu ff PoBox 17250, 1001 JG, Amsterdam, Holland or E-mail
Dear Soft Secrets
Dear Soft Secrets A.M.
Our Shiva Shanti grown from seed and well looked after. She’s our mum! She provides us with some beautiful cuttings all year round. Happy growing to all SSUK readers! The Boys from the smoke.
Achtung! Always dry your buds in a DARK place. Light destroys THC in dried buds! Great job guys, and what a mother she is! Such a spacious grow room is the dream of every grower. 3, maybe 4 more harvests to go and you can finally go back to the tattoo artist and have your dragon coloured up!
Hi Soft Secrets, Love the paper, best of its kind bar none. I’m sending some pics of Orange Bud & Northern Pride that was courtesy of yourself’s, they’re not the biggest but they taste & smell great, there’s really notting like homegrown is there. Chris, Dublin. Nice going Chris. Let her bloom peacefully towards the end.
Dear Soft Secrets, Rob, Kent To us this looks like an indoor variety that was grown outdoors. It looks ok, still there are lots of risks with this. It’s better to only grow outdoor varieties outdoors. Why? Because they bloom in a shorter period than indoor varieties. Moreover, especcialy the white strains are very sensitive to moulds. Air humidity outdoors is very high later in the year.
You are truly beautiful. Your publication is so informative. Thanks to your tutoring I can show you my first hydro garden. The plants are Super Silver Haze purchased from the Greenhouse coffeeshop in Amsterdam. A truly wonderful smoke. (Used Triple F and Shooting Powder) Stevo, Sheffield Great use of Mylar on the walls, dude! This is the way to go!
Attention Guerilla Growers! Fancy a FREE packet of High Quality Seeds? Then send us a picture of your garden, including a visible copy of SSUK, and we’ll send you the seeds. BUT: should your garden happen to feature your topless girlfriend or wife, you even get a pack of Black Label stock, the label of the champions! NEW! Editor’s choice of the month will receive 3 packs of choice of prime Black Label stock, so you better start snappin’ away! Send all entries to Soft Secrets, PO Box 17250, 1001 JG, Amsterdam, Holland, or e-mail them to
All right , all right, you’re the queen of queens in this issue!
NOTE: All entries are handled with the utmost discretion. We don’t publish out of focus pics, and we don’t like photos of plants in veg stage. It’s fat buds & hot tits we want to see!