The Santa Fe Good News Magazine

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The good life... The GOOD TIMES Aren't Really Over for Good!


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2 Santa Fe Good News

A Month Upgrade

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INSIDE this Issue We don't have to agree in order to be kind and respectful of one another.


STARTS on Page 34. «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« You are very The BEST Read...starts on page 6. SPECIAL...

How Doctors Die

It’s Not Like the Rest of Us, But It Should Be...


Is a NEW feature on Page 18.


It’s time to live a life worthy of you. And Christy Jordan's Smoked Ham & Veggies Pasta Salad to keep the kitchen cool this summer is on page 9.

The Redneck Gospel videos are featured in our BEST of Social Media this issue.

How do I know? Because everyone is special. Need proof? If you were God would you make most people awful & just a few special ones? See, told ya!

As we celebrate 8 years of spreading the GOOD NEWS, It denotes GOOD STUFF that we are not paid we want to say thank you to you, anything for promoting! our readers, because we wouldn't Kind still of like our own GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SEAL of be here without alll of you! approval...

We look forward to bringing you ALL of the GOOD NEWS we can find each issue. If you ever have a GOOD REPORT you'd like to share with the world - please email us at


The Santa Fe Good News (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at:

Plea s our e supp ad or whe vertise t can never y rs ... ou the they ke NE GOO ep WS D to y comin ou f g or FR EE ! Call us or email us if you have any ideas about how we can better serve you.


(409) 370-0030



*If there is something GOOD to say about someone, something or some happening we want to print it so that you will know about it.

WHY? Because a balanced diet (words or food) is a healthy way to live. If you only feed yourself a steady diet of bad news... you can't possibly live the GOOD, abundant life GOD intended for you to have.

AFFORDABLE advertising to fit any budget.


The good life...

The GOOD TIMES Aren't Really Over for Good!

Everyone knows that some things will never be the way they once were and Mayberry RFD & I Love Lucy television shows are probably permanently a thing of the past but… we do always have options in this life. Rather than try to cling to our great memories, we would be better off creating new ones. We can’t stop the “changes” that are taking place in our country or in our world. Technology will not stand still for anyone, but what we can do is adjust with the times. Just because tragedy and gore is what sells, we don’t have to buy it, watch it or dwell there. We get to choose how much “bad news” is allowed to enter our minds through media of all types. When we start to overload on all the repeated horror posts, videos and news reports, we can shut them all off. How much of it we consume is up to us… It will require discipline because it’s addictive for some reason, but we can do it and if not for ourselves, then we can do it for our children.

Word of mouth advertising by GOOD NEWS readers is the BEST way to advertise any business!

We don’t have to let them grow up in a violence ridden, fearful environment. We can control the amount of outside influence that is allowed into our homes. Our children are missing

4 Santa Fe Good News

out on the best parts of their childhoods, because we are fearful. We, the owners of the Good News Magazine created it because we believe everything in life is best if balanced. We have law enforcement backgrounds and are well aware of how wicked some people are, but it’s not most people – it’s actually only a few. Life is just like it was in high school - there are a few bad kids in every school, but most of them are GOOD kids. We have to stop looking at the world through a minority lens. Minorities are important, but the majority is important too and we’ve stopped realizing this. The majority of people mean no harm to anyone, they are GOOD people. We are all different, but we are not all bad. So when you leave your house today use some common sense and don’t put yourself in harm’s way if you can help it, but don’t be afraid. If a violent criminal, a horrible disease or ISIS comes your way, you are in God’s hands and He ultimately will determine your outcome. We can live in a GREAT PLACE and enjoy some really GOOD TIMES right now, if we want to. That's the GOOD NEWS as we see it. Everyone is not EVIL and crime is NOT running rampant. (FBI statistics show that violent crime has been steadily declining since 2008 and there are fewer missing persons of all ages — down 31 percent between 1997 and 2011.)

Are You MISSING Some GOOD STUFF? If you only open the magazine through your subscription link - you are missing out on a whole lot of GOOD STUFF! The Santa Fe Good News Magazine website is full of great stuff that for whatever reason did not get into the magazine. It's also got capabilities that allow you to read exactly what you want to read. You can go right to car articles, recipes, cigars, local news & events, guns, etc. at the click of a button rather than having to go through the whole magazine.

1. If you focus on nothing but missing people and children, before long you begin to believe you can’t let your children out of your sight for a minute. 2. If you read post after post about child molestation, you will never leave your children alone with anyone ever again. 3. If you watch crime show after crime show about homicides, rapes and assaults, you begin to believe there are violent criminals everywhere you look. It's called paranoia. 4. And if you scare yourself silly, you scare your children. They sense everything.

Of course we want you to read the whole magazine, but... we also want you to get all the other great features too! Just click on the photo below and it will take you to a whole NEW magazine experience. And yes, the website is FREE too!

Reading written words allow our minds to travel elsewhere If they are good words they take us to a good place. Won't you travel with us?

Try it out today if you have some time!


How Doctors Die It’s Not Like the Rest of Us, But It Should Be... by Ken Murray, MD, Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach. He had a surgeon explore the area, and the diagnosis was pancreatic cancer. This surgeon was one of the best in the country. He had even invented a new procedure for this exact cancer that could triple a patient’s five-year-survival odds– from 5 percent to 15 percent–albeit with a poor quality of life. Charlie was uninterested. He went home the next day, closed his practice, and never set foot in a hospital again. He focused on spending time with family and feeling as good as possible. Several months later, he died at home. He got no

chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical Of course, doctors don’t treatment. Medicare didn’t spend want to die; they want to live. But much on him. they know enough about modern medicine to know its limits. And It’s not a frequent topic of they know enough about death to discussion, but doctors die, too. know what all people fear most: And they don’t die like the rest of dying in pain, and dying alone. us. What’s unusual about them is They’ve talked about this with their not how much treatment they get families. They want to be sure, compared to most Americans, but when the time comes, that no heroic how little. For all the time they measures will happen–that they spend fending off the deaths of will never experience, during their others, they tend to be fairly serene last moments on earth, someone when faced with death themselves. breaking their ribs in an attempt to They know exactly what is going resuscitate them with CPR (that’s to happen, they know the choices, what happens if CPR is done right). and they generally have access to any sort of medical care they could Continued on page 16. want. But they go gently.

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7 Santa Fe Good News

Make this SUMMER the year your children remember for the rest of their lives at a state park near you.

GOOD FOOD Julie Hutson sent me this handed down recipe a few years back and I posted it under “guest posts” on SouthernPlate. My mother and I quickly got to making them and found they were the best pickles we’d ever eaten – tasting like the old fashioned ones my grandmother used to spend weeks creating! Over the past few years, I’ve developed my own way of making them and simplified it a bit for me (I tend to simplify everything, but my household clutter, go figure) and so I decided that I just HAD to bring this recipe to y’all for the benefit of everyone who has never tasted a truly wonderful sweet and sassy pickle. You are in for a treat – and very likely the best pickle you’ve ever had in your life. Whenever I share this recipe with folks who aren’t familiar with it, I often get confused looks and statements like “Sooo you’re taking pickles…and making pickles. I don’t get it.” Well, that’s actually not the case at all. What we are doing is taking store bought pickles and making REALLY GOOD pickles out of them.

"Hi, my name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."

See the difference? ~winks and grins~

Sweet Sassy Pickles

Ingredients Instructions 46 ounce jar whole dill pickles ½ cup white vinegar ½ cup pickle juice (from jar) 3 Cups sugar 1 heaping tablespoon Pickling Spice

There are over 1000 recipes with step by step photos on right this very minute and they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, free of charge.

1. Drain all pickle juice from jar into a bowl, set aside. Remove pickles from jar. 2. Into that pickle jar pour ½ cup of reserved pickle juice, ½ cup white vinegar, 3 cups sugar, and pickling spice. 3. Put lid on tightly and give it a good shake. Sugar will not be dissolved, but that is okay. 4. Slice whole pickles into slices, thick or thin, based on your preference. Return pickles to jar. 5. Place lid on jar and shake again. Set out on counter for a few hours, turning upside down every hour or so, and then right side up again the next hour. Place pickles in refrigerator after a few hours. Allow to marinate for about three days for full flavor.

8 Santa Fe Good News


“What can I cook for supper that won’t heat up the kitchen?”

Ingredients •1 pound box bowtie pasta •1-2 cups smoked ham, diced •1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

It ’s time to live a life worthy of you.

Often in life we get caught up in all of the things being said around us. The co-worker who constantly complains or the facebook friend who has their status set on perma-whine. Negative people seem to have the ability to suck us into a vortex of gloom and cynicism and it can get to a point where we may not realize our own contribution. Even if you start out positive, gloom and despair are highly contagious and we all come down with a case of it from time to time.

•1 cup frozen peas, thawed slightly

Today, I want you to pay attention to *your* words, to what you are putting out into the world. Our words have an effect that remains long

•1 large cucumber, peeled and chopped


•½ bell pepper, diced •1-2 cups grape tomatoes •1 Cup Buttermilk Ranch Dressing

Smoked Ham and Veggies Pasta Salad

Instructions 1. Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain in colander and pour running cold water over pasta while stirring, until completely cooled. Allow to drain fully before pouring in large bowl. 2. Add all other ingredients and stir until well combined. 3. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Keeps well for three days in refrigerator.

9 Santa Fe Good News

after we are gone. They are like a scent, perfumed and fragrant, or acrid and foul. What is it that you are putting into people’s lives? But even more importantly, what is it you are putting into your own life? I’ve noticed in my life that if I am worried and go around internally talking to myself about how worried I am, I become more so. If I am sad and inwardly carry on a dialogue of all the different reasons why I must be sad, I only sink deeper. But if I counter that… if when feeling sad I tell myself “Well now let’s think about all of the places we can find joy today…” I begin pulling myself up. If when worried, I tell myself “You know, God is in charge of this and worrying is useless because not Continued

GOOD NEWS never goes out of style... it's GOOD no matter when you happen to run across it! GET YOUR FREE COPY TODAY! It's easy. We only ask for your name & email address. What are you waiting for? SHARE the GOOD NEWS!

This is More Than Just a Cookbook... It's a REAL GOOD READ! Order her NEW COOKBOOK by clicking right here!

I set out to write the one cookbook that I myself would use the most when it came to planning suppers for my family- I hope you'll find it as useful as I intended it to be. Please keep in mind, though, that the recipes in this book and the meals you and I make are really just a tool to bring our families and friends together. Because at the end of the day, the supper table is where we teach our families where they came from and they let us know where they hope to go. Values, heritage, history, dreams, and encouragement are passed around with the serving platters and roots grow a little deeper with each bite. We may have high hopes and aspirations when we set off into the world each morning, but if you really want to make the world a better place, end the day by coming home to supper. -Christy Jordan

Editor's Note: Christy has a BRAND NEW website - click below to check it out!

GOOD FOOD only is it not going to make my situation better, but it will make me feel worse…” I slowly begin to feel peace. So today, I want you to own your words. Each and every one that comes out of your mouth. Pretend that Jesus himself is standing beside you auditing your behavior this day (He actually is) and choose your words as we are instructed to in Ephesians. Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only words that are useful for building up and encouraging so that they can be a benefit to all those who listen, including yourself. (paraphrased from Eph 4:29). Lay a foundation today that will lift you and everyone around you up each and every day after this as you continue to build up yourself and others. Don’t you just love people like that? Well guess what? You ARE a person like that! Be grateful and talk about it. Look for joy and point it out. If you find yourself surrounded by negativity, rise above it. If you find yourself in the midst of people tearing others down, get back to the foundation you are constructing.


did you miss an issue of the GOOD NEWS?

It’s time to live a life worthy of you.

In doing so you will make your life far more worthwhile than it has ever been. Now, look around you. You are surrounded by blessings. Focus on them. What are you going to be grateful for this day? ~Christy

It's ok. You can always catch up by downloading & storing issues on your phone, Ipad or computer. Click here for the recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade & a note about the folks who have it figured out. GOOD READ!

Step by step instructions, photos and sometimes even videos can be found for all of Christy's recipes at www. 11 Santa Fe Good News

Feels GOOD Feels RIGHT

BIG Difference...

Letting a child eat a whole bucket of Halloween candy feels good because it makes him so happy, but it's not right to let him do that. We know what is right, but we sure like to do everything that feels good. Why don't we choose to do what feels right everytime? Because of time... The right way usually takes longer. Sometimes it takes a lot longer and we are always in a hurry. Because of money... Doing what is right can cost us some cash sometimes that we wanted to spend on something else. Something for ourselves. Because of effort... Doing the right thing can sometimes be a whole lot of work!

Helping people is almost always the right thing to do and most of the time doing that involves time, money and effort. Most people are inherently good, but we are also inherently selfish and lazy too. Every day we get to decide who we are going to be. We always get to make the choice. On the really GOOD DAYS in life- the choice winds up both feeling good and right!

Two Wolves – A Cherokee Parable “An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life… ‘A fight is going on inside me,’ he said to the boy. ‘It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego. The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you and inside every other person, too.’ The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, ‘Which wolf will win?’ The old chief simply replied, ‘The one you feed.”

~ Author Unknown



Next Upcoming Market Dates July 30th - Aug. 2nd 12 Santa Fe Good News



How many of us can be honest enough to admit that we are still married to the same person only because of the grace of God?

God Loves Drunk People Too A man and his wife were awakened at 3:00 am by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.

"Well, you have a short memory," says his wife. "Don't you remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him and you should be ashamed of yourself! God loves drunk people too you know."

"Not a chance," says the husband, "it is 3:00 in the morning!"

The man does as he is told, gets dressedand goes out into the pounding rain. He calls out into the dark, "Hello, are you still there?"

God is GOOD!

He slams the door and returns to bed. "Who was that?" asked his wife.

"Yes," comes back the answer.

"Do you still need a push?" calls out the "Just some drunk guy asking for a push,� he husband. answers. "Yes, please!" comes the reply from the dark. "Did you help him?" she asks. "Where are you?" asks the husband. "No I did not, it’s 3:00 in the morning and it's bloomin' well pouring with rain out there!" "Over here on the swing," replies the drunk. Author Unknown

You Can W Listen NO e! d i W d l r o W 13 Santa Fe Good News


It's a Miracle! If you have arthritis this is an awesome product... It is a topical product that is supposedly safe for even 12 year olds that actually works great! My daughter uses it too and loves it. She likes the fact that it has no scent like some joint creams do. "Even though my body feels like I'm 90 sometimes, I don't have to smell like it!" You can click on the link above or Google it yourself to investigate it like we did or just ORDER it... if you happen to be one of the few people that it doesn't work for - the money back guarantee means you haven't lost anything for giving it a try. 14 Santa Fe Good News

If it's GOOD NEWS about anything or anyone anywhere... We Want You to Know About It! 15 Santa Fe Good News

How Doctors Die It’s Not Like the Rest of Us, But It Should Be...

Continued from page 6. Almost all medical professionals have seen what we call “futile care” being performed on people. That’s when doctors bring the cutting edge of technology to bear on a grievously ill person near the end of life. The patient will get cut open, perforated with tubes, hooked up to machines, and assaulted with drugs. All of this occurs in the Intensive Care Unit at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars a day. What it buys is misery we would not inflict on a terrorist. I cannot count the number of times fellow physicians have told me, in words that vary only slightly, “Promise me if you find me like this that you’ll kill me.” They mean it. Some medical personnel wear medallions stamped “NO CODE” to tell physicians not to perform CPR on them. I have even seen it as a tattoo. To administer medical care that makes people suffer is anguishing. Physicians are trained to gather information without revealing any of their own feelings, but in private, among fellow doctors, they’ll vent. “How can anyone do that to their family members?” they’ll ask. I suspect it’s one reason physicians have higher rates of alcohol abuse and depression than professionals in most other fields. I know it’s one reason I stopped participating in hospital care for the last 10 years of my practice. How has it come to this–that doctors administer so much care that they wouldn’t want for themselves? The simple, or not-so-simple, answer is this: patients, doctors, and the system. To see how patients play a role, imagine a scenario in which someone has lost consciousness and been admitted to an emergency room. As is so

Do you


often the case, no one has made a plan for this situation, and shocked and scared family members find themselves caught up in a maze of choices. They’re overwhelmed. When doctors ask if they want “everything” done, they answer yes. Then the nightmare begins. Sometimes, a family really means “do everything,” but often they just mean “do everything that’s reasonable.” The problem is that they may not know what’s reasonable, nor, in their confusion and sorrow, will they ask about it or hear what a physician may be telling them. For their part, doctors told to do “everything” will do it, whether it is reasonable or not. The above scenario is a common one. Feeding into the problem are unrealistic expectations of what doctors can accomplish. Many people think of CPR as a reliable lifesaver when, in fact, the results are usually poor. I’ve had hundreds of people brought to me in the emergency room after getting CPR. Exactly one, a healthy man who’d had no heart troubles (for those who want specifics, he had a “tension pneumothorax”), walked out of the hospital. If a patient suffers from severe illness, old age, or a terminal disease, the odds of a good outcome from CPR are infinitesimal, while the odds of suffering are overwhelming. Poor knowledge and misguided expectations lead to a lot of bad decisions. But of course it’s not just patients making these things happen. Doctors play an enabling role, too. The trouble is that even doctors who hate to administer futile care must find a way to address the wishes of patients and families. Imagine, once again, the emergency room with those grieving, possibly hysterical, family members. They do not know the doctor. Establishing trust and confidence under such circumstances is a very delicate thing. People are prepared to think the doctor is acting out of base motives, trying to save time, or money, or effort,

We are on Facebook & we post a lot more stuff there that won't fit here or is submitted too late for the magazine?

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it's a personal preference.

especially if the doctor is advising against further patients in such stories, but in many ways all the treatment. parties are simply victims of a larger system that encourages excessive treatment. In some unfortunate Some doctors are stronger communicators cases, doctors use the fee-for-service model to do than others, and some doctors are more adamant, but everything they can, no matter how pointless, to make the pressures they all face are similar. When I faced money. More commonly, though, doctors are fearful circumstances involving end-of-life choices, I adopted of litigation and do whatever they’re asked, with little the approach of laying out only the options that I feedback, to avoid getting in trouble. thought were reasonable (as I would in any situation) as early in the process as possible. When patients or Even when the right preparations have been families brought up unreasonable choices, I would made, the system can still swallow people up. One of discuss the issue in layman’s terms that portrayed the my patients was a man named Jack, a 78-year-old who downsides clearly. If patients or families still insisted had been ill for years and undergone about 15 major on treatments I considered pointless or harmful, I surgical procedures. He explained to me that he never, would offer to transfer their care to another doctor or under any circumstances, wanted to be placed on hospital. life support machines again. One Saturday, however, Jack suffered a massive stroke and got admitted to Should I have been more forceful at times? the emergency room unconscious, without his wife. I know that some of those transfers still haunt me. Doctors did everything possible to resuscitate him One of the patients of whom I was most fond was an and put him on life support in the ICU. This was attorney from a famous political family. She had severe Jack’s worst nightmare. When I arrived at the hospital diabetes and terrible circulation, and, at one point, and took over Jack’s care, I spoke to his wife and to she developed a painful sore on her foot. Knowing hospital staff, bringing in my office notes with his the hazards of hospitals, I did everything I could to care preferences. Then I turned off the life support keep her from resorting to surgery. Still, she sought machines and sat with him. He died two hours later. out outside experts with whom I had no relationship. Not knowing as much about her as I did, they decided Even with all his wishes documented, Jack to perform bypass surgery on her chronically clogged hadn’t died as he’d hoped. The system had intervened. blood vessels in both legs. This didn’t restore her One of the nurses, I later found out, even reported my circulation, and the surgical wounds wouldn’t heal. Her unplugging of Jack to the authorities as a possible feet became gangrenous, and she endured bilateral leg homicide. Nothing came of it, of course; Jack’s amputations. Two weeks later, in the famous medical wishes had been spelled out explicitly, and he’d left center in which all this had occurred, she died. the paperwork to prove it. But the prospect of a police investigation is terrifying for any physician. It’s easy to find fault with both doctors and Continued on page 26.



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and locally, this GOOD man needs a new heart...

P.O. Box 1426 Santa Fe, Tx 77510 18 Santa Fe Good News

They all need miracles.

Help me become the measuring stick by which I judge others by.




* *




It's amazing what people are REALLY thinking when you meet them along the road of life. Being reminded that we all have STUFF to deal with makes it easier to be nice to everyone we meet battles really are being fought all around us. Wonder what would happen if we just prayed for everyone we came in contact with in one day? THAT WOULD BE A MIGHTY HARD WORKING BUNCH OF PRAYER WARRIORS!

I Haven’t Left You!

Sunny Side Up!

The Good News is…

Every time you open up the GOOD NEWS... you expose yourself to a world where the GOOD is celebrated & the bad is not glorified. SHARE some Good News with your loved ones today. It's FREE for everyone!

 

One gave all.

You may think I have. It may feel like I have. You may want me to leave you alone, but I won’t. I said I’d not leave you and I haven’t. I never leave you, you leave me. I’m right here waiting for you where you left me. You know nothing is going to work right until you get back over here with me. Are you not frustrated enough yet to want my help? It’s a much quicker route to where you want to be when you give up trying to control your life yourself and depend on me to do it. I won’t make you follow me, you have to choose to. I’ll be standing by, eager to help you, but you have to choose me. You make a thousand decisions a day without me and then wonder why nothing is working out. I have shown you the way, it’s through me, not without Me. Before you take off on another rabbit trail, just consider the possibility that I might know more than you do.


19 Santa Fe Good News

Let your light shine.


In as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40

Lester Tipton by Bryan Hodge You might sometimes wonder if your good deeds of kindness are really making positively difference in the lives of others. You might wonder if you are leaving a lasting positive influence on others. I’m here to tell you that you may well be, far more than you ever know. When I was in preacher training school, struggling as most students to make ends meet, a deed of kindness was done unto me which I will never forget. I was driving the nearly 45 miles between my home





What we do every day can make a big difference in other people's lives.

and the school on four bald tires. Suddenly, one of my rear tires blew. I managed to get the car to the side of the road and off the freeway. I walked from there to the home of a church member. His name was Lester Tipton. All I wanted to do was use his phone to call someone to pick me up. He, seeing the predicament I was in, took me to a tire store and bought me a new set of tires. Lester is dead, but his kindness still encourages me. I often think about his act of kindness. When the world is unkind, and when even some brethren behave like the devil, I think upon Lester Tipton. His kindness reminds me that are good, kind souls out there. Moreover, his act of kindness reminds me how encouraging deeds of kindness can be to others. This motivates me to show kindness.

did it to Me… Inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me” (Matthew 25:40, 45). Jesus after setting forth the parable of The Good Samaritan said “go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). Let us remember (1 John 3:17), “Whoever has this world’s good, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?” How you treat another may help to edify another years later.

Furthermore, remember God appreciates these acts of kindness – “For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister” (Hebrews 6:10); “For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward” (Mark 9:41). Brethren, as we go throughout our lives, let us show kindness. Let You may view more articles us remember the words of Jesus, by Mr. Hodge on his website at “Inasmuch as you did it to one of h t t p : / / b r y a n h o d g e . n e t / a u t h o r / the least of these My brethren, you bryanhodge/ 20 Santa Fe Good News


“Austin at its best -- just outside the city -- in the Texas Hill Country is Merryvale.�

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We are located 15 minutes from Downtown Austin. Shown by Appointment... Phone: (512) 934-2009 21 Santa Fe Good News



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Social Media Best QUOTE...

A great attitude becomes a great mood, which becomes a great day, which becomes a great year, which becomes a great life. Author ~

BEST Cartoon

GREAT video! One Man Sees the Difference His Life Made... RIP

He Saved 669 Children From Nazi Death Camps… But Doesn’t Know They’re Sitting Next To Him.

The BEST Story... God Bless Columbus, Texas On April 25th our lives changed forever. John and I, (Mary) were traveling across the U.S. from our home in Riverbank, California through San Diego, Arizona, Texas, Florida, New York, Maine, the Great Lakes and Yellowstone. The trip was to visit every Major League Baseball Park across the United States while visiting family, friends and sight seeing. It was a wonderful time until tragedy struck. Driving on I-10 we noticed other travelers looking and pointing at us, which wasn’t unusual. Our tow vehicle was a Volkswagen Woody and people often look and Continued on page 24.

22 Santa Fe Good News

It is easier to get what you want by flattering people and being polite to them than by making demands. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

The BEST Prayer... Click here.

's n a M s i Th dy" o b e m So "LOVE Video

These Redneck Gospel videos are posted on Facebook a couple of times a week by this Freedom Loving, God Fearing, Gun Carrying AMERICAN.

The BEST Laugh...

To live joyfully is to live in hope. ~Judith Bruder 23 Santa Fe Good News

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God Bless Columbus, Texas Continued from page 22. take pictures, but this time was different.

Someone on the scene called people in town that met us at the fire station. At the station, all greeted I went to the back to look and hollered to John us and a man named Dale and his wife Darene, came to that it was fine, but the main area was suddenly filled help us. They were truly sent directly from God. Within with smoke. I yelled, ‘we’re on fire somewhere.’ It hours we were in a hotel with phones, clothes, shoes, was total terror and 10 minutes later, it was burnt to toothbrushes and a place to sleep. the ground. Everything was gone in a flash and next strangers surrounded us. Firefighters, rescue workers, We went to Wal-mart to the AT&T store, where and police. John got out with flip-flops, shorts and a a woman handed John a $100 bill and B’Dazzeled, t-shirt. I had one shoe, shorts and a t-shirt. We were where they gave us clothes off the shelves. These folks somewhere in Texas, no wallets, money, phones, treated us like their own, spending hours getting us absolutely nothing but the clothes on our back, less one in a place. Everywhere we went, people knew them, shoe. smiled and greeted them with hugs and open arms, and treated us the same. Good people that love the Lord, Then something amazing began. I will never and I could feel how much they loved helping others. remember every good deed, because there were too Arrangements were made for breakfast the next day and many acts of kindness for one person to receive in a our friend, Doylene who lives in Texas City to drive lifetime, let alone hours. It was hot and several young into Columbus and pick us up. men showed me to a shaded bench offering water, soda, and comfort. We didn’t know what was going to Once alone that evening, we were beside happen. Were we going to be left here? How far are ourselves and cried. In hours, we went from having we from town? How can we get in touch with anyone? nothing in a strange town to a clean room, personal What is going to happen to us? A woman holding me items, clothes in the closet, and money in our pocket. We said, “I won’t leave you, I promise.” don’t know how it happened, but God bless everyone that helped. Imagine a total stranger saying this to you knowing you have nothing and nowhere to go. She did After little to no sleep, Doylene and her sister not leave our side; her shirt said ‘Katy.’ Another women arrived. Even though the kindest people had surrounded found my little dog, Poquito and brought him to me. us, it was wonderful to see familiar faces. I could feel She comforted me until I was calm. We don’t know some relief; we were going to get home. Dale had asked who they are, but God bless you. us to breakfast and at the restaurant a big table of folks from the Methodist Church greeted us like royalty. A fireman wrapped a sponge around the bottom of my foot because the ground was so hot and another We were amazed by those that welcomed us gave me his socks. Let me say that again, he gave me and made us feel so blessed. Dale handed John a white his socks, what a show of kindness. I don’t know who offering envelope. In it was money, but what made me they are, but God bless you. cry were the dollar bills. Strangers reached in their pockets and gave us their dollars. We don’t know who During the chaos, we tried to find our other they are, but God does, God bless you all. dog, Dakota, an Australian shepherd. I yelled for him to leave the motor home. There was another explosion One of my favorite things is to help people, but and I didn’t see him again. Later a fireman handed me we have never been on the receiving end. It’s a very his tags and we were sure he got out. Over the next humbling experience. There’s no way to put into words several days, many went to the site looking for him too. how devastating this was or the kindness we were We can’t thank you enough for helping us try to find shown in a 24-hour day. How do we say thank you? Dakota. We don’t know who you are, but God bless you. THANK YOU strangers, firefighters, Dale and Darene, the Methodist Church, the lady at the phone The paramedics took us to the fire station and store, paramedics, folks at the scene. Thank you in the ambulance, a young man gave me money. I said everyone that touched our lives in Columbus, Texas. we couldn’t, but he insisted. Another gave me the shoes off her feet, others helped my husband with water and GOD BLESS YOU ALL, wrapped his bloody hand. Someone put band-aids on my knees, and another wrapped my arm. We don’t John and Mary Lindsey know who any of you are, but God bless you. 24 Santa Fe Good News

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any good books lately? LibriVox FREE Public Domain Audio Books LibriVox is a site that sets out to make digital audio recordings of every existing public domain book and offer them FREE to the world on the net.

Gutenberg, the non-profit volunteer effort to digitise and archive as many free e-books in as many languages as possible, that Michael Hart launched in 1971. Gutenberg, set out to do for literary appreciation in The site, founded by the digital age what public libraries Montreal-based writer and web did in the 19th century, has now developer Hugh McGuire, recruited completed 45,000 books. 13 people to this crusade in the week it launched back in 2005. Together, The texts, poetry, short the 14 read and recorded Joseph stories, plays, novels that are Conrad’s Secret Agent. featured on LibriVox have all been read aloud by volunteers, who The group, which now has 6,600 record the works in chunks of about contributors, has since gone on to a chapter, or about 20 minutes of complete 8200 works, with 600 in audio each. progress, in 35 languages. The outfit is vehemently egalitarian McGuire’s idea was to make – ‘We accept all volunteers in all the audio equivalent of Project languages,’ runs its blurb. ‘With all 25 Santa Fe Good News

kinds of accents, you’re welcome to volunteer to read in any language you speak, as long as you can make yourself understood in it. You don’t need to audition, we’ll accept you no matter what you sound like.’ Volunteers use free software and any old rudimentary audio equipment they have to hand to do their recording: the variations in sound quality are more than made up for in the enthusiasm and intimacy of their readings. ‘It’s a more personal experience,’ says McGuire, ‘it feels like someone’s reading to you rather than a professional packaged thing.’ The files are hosted on Internet Archive as MP3 and OGGs.

How Doctors Die It’s Not Like the Rest of Us, But It Should Be...

Continued from page 17. I could far more easily have left Jack on life support against his stated wishes, prolonging his life, and his suffering, a few more weeks. I would even have made a little more money, and Medicare would have ended up with an additional $500,000 bill. It’s no wonder many doctors err on the side of overtreatment. But doctors still don’t over-treat themselves. They see the consequences of this constantly. Almost anyone can find a way to die in peace at home, and pain can be managed better than ever. Hospice care, which focuses on providing terminally ill patients with comfort and dignity rather than on futile cures, provides most people with much better final days. Amazingly, studies have found that people placed in hospice care often live longer than people with the same disease who are seeking active cures. I was struck to hear on the radio recently that the famous reporter Tom Wicker had “died peacefully at home, surrounded by his family.” Such stories are, thankfully, increasingly common. Several years ago, my older cousin Torch (born at home by the light of a flashlight–or torch) had a seizure that turned out to be the result of lung cancer that had gone to his brain. I arranged for him to see various specialists, and we learned that with aggressive treatment of his condition, including three to five hospital visits a week for chemotherapy, he would live perhaps four months. Ultimately, Torch decided against any treatment and simply took pills for brain swelling. He moved in with me. We spent the next eight months doing a bunch of things that he enjoyed, having fun together like we hadn’t had in decades. We went to Disneyland, his first time. We’d hang out at home. Torch was a sports nut, and he was very happy to watch sports and eat my cooking. He even gained a bit of weight, eating his favorite foods rather than hospital foods. He had no serious pain, and he remained high-spirited. One day, he didn’t wake up. He spent the next three days in a coma-like sleep and then died. The cost of his medical care for those eight months, for the one drug he was taking, was about $20. Torch was no doctor, but he knew he wanted a life of quality, not just quantity. Don’t most of us? If there is a state of the art of end-of-life care, it is this: death with dignity. As for me, my physician has my choices. They were easy to make, as they are for most physicians. There will be no heroics, and I will go gentle into that good night. Like my mentor Charlie. Like my cousin Torch. Like my fellow doctors. Many thanks to author, Ken Murray, MD, a Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at USC.

Cheer yourself up... Read the GOOD NEWS regularly! If you need some guidance, Christian Women's Job Corps is for you. Their goal is to provide a Christian context in which women in need are equipped for life and employment. Women receive training in life skills and job readiness. Often computer skills are taught as well. Each ministry is customized to meet the needs of the participants and their community. FREE classes are available nationwide. In Galveston county call (409) 763-0378 or (409) 7631673 or click here to see the availability in your area.

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GOOD LIFE Looking at just a couple of GOOD THINGS can change the outlook of your day...

27 Santa Fe Good News


Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Boot Campaign Inc whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. You can select a different charitable organization after signing in. •AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. • Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at Hear God talk directly to you through daily messages. Messages to bring you back to love, to strength, to happiness and in times of need to ask for prayer.

Today we believe God wants us to know that ... if you feel yourself floundering in the sea of life, try leaning back and floating.

Let yourself be supported. Gaze into the beautiful sky and allow time for your spirit to be refreshed. Then when Editor's Note: This is an EXCELLENT devotional page! If you are feeling stronger, simply choose a direction and start swimming. you've been looking for a GOOD one - you just found it! Click the photo.

28 Santa Fe Good News




Customer Facebook reviews LOCAL cinema is re-opened

by a LOCAL family... Why should you patronize a hometown theater? Here's one GOOD reason "We take the movie watching experience seriously and want to actively promote an environment of quiet and courteous movie watching." They are working very hard to bring back the enjoyment and affordability of taking the whole family to the movies.

All tickets are $5.00

Call (281) 756-7166 for show times or friend them on Facebook! 29 Santa Fe Good News


GOOD REASONS to subscribe to the GOOD NEWS! 1. It’s FREE! 2. It’s available 24/7 online & storable to be read w/o an internet connection. 3. It has really pretty pictures. 4. It’s almost all Good News, instead of the other way around. 5. It has GOOD food in it. 6. It never gets old because GOOD is always GOOD, no matter when YOU hear about it. 7. You can share it for FREE. 8. It’s got variety – so there’s something for everyone. 9. It has national, regional & local GOOD articles, ideas, events & topics. 10. It doesn’t pile up in your house.

hbor g i can. e u n o y D r O e v O Be a G L whene A C O L shop

11. It has gun reviews, law enforcement stories & other man stuff. 12. It’s Christian based. 13. It’s family owned. 14. It won’t ever depress you. 15. It will make you laugh, cry & think sometimes. 16. It’s read all over the world. 17. You can copy anything you like & share it. 18. It’s guaranteed to be full of GOOD STUFF. 19. It exists to encourage you. 20. It has a variety of reviews – on everything. Country music, movies, books, restaurants & even motorcycles occasionally. & #21 is... it’s ALL American made!

Just Something to Ponder... Being honest can sometimes be very expensive... and it seems like common courtesy is always FREE. Why do we not take the easy way out and at least be courteous about everything? It's cheap and easy - and we always like that!

30 Santa Fe Good News


Celebrate summer with wind and wave at the Texas City Kite Festival on July 25th!


Click on photo for more details. The FREE EVENT takes place on the water at the junction of the Texas City Dike and the levee (Skyline Dr.) and features competitions in kite flying, a kiteboarding hydrofoil race, and the WORLD’S FIRST-EVER TANKER SURFING COMPETITION. The festival is FREE; parking at the levee or dike is $5.00, with free overflow parking at the corner of Bay St. and Dike Rd. Maps are available at the website.


It only comes around once a year... then it's gone!

You've asked for it so here you go... Join us Saturday, August 8th for ANOTHER Movie on the Dike! Click on the photo for more details. There is no fee to watch the movie. However, you are still subject to the dike access fee unless you are a Texas City resident with a dike sticker on your vehicle. The rate is $10 per vehicle (holiday weekend rate). It's still a very cheap date!

The LAST Word A Better Word for Exercise? IT'S



There are many ways for ADULTS to have fun. Children who have been taught how to play don't have to exercise, they know how to have AS ALWAYS, THANKS FOR READING fun instead! THE GOOD NEWS!

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