Texas State Parks Pass TPWD offers four types of passes:
•Texas State Parks Pass – for individuals and families. •Texas Parklands Passport – for qualifying seniors, veterans and disabled persons. •Youth Group Annual Pass – for nonprofit youth groups of 13 to 17 year-olds. •Restricted Annual Activity Pass – for activities at specific parks.
The Texas State Parks Pass is good for one year and includes: •Unlimited free entry to more than 90 state parks for you and your guests. (Card holder must present the pass to get free entry.) •Discounts on camping (some restrictions apply), park store purchases and equipment rentals. •Other special offers. A Texas State Parks Pass costs $70. You can buy a second pass for someone who lives at the same address for $25. For more information click here and read the Texas State Parks Pass Details.
Make this FALL the year your children remember for the rest of their lives at a state park near you.
Supporting our STATE & NATIONAL PARKS improves not only the quality of our lives, but also those of all of the animals that live there.
WATER - the single BEST ingredient for making FUN HAPPEN in the SUMMERTIME! 2 Santa Fe Good News
INSIDE this Issue If you're not making your Momma & Jesus proud, you shouldn't be doing it. ~Aaron Watson
STARTS on Page 27. «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« There's a whole LOT of fun to be had here!
Reviewed on Page 20.
E LOV There's a great LOVE Hint for us on Page 5.
A Praying Nation Starts on page 18.
Christy Jordan cooks up some delicious meatballs and cherry cream cheese pie starting on page 8.
Details on page 32. Look for this symbol throughout the magazine... It marks items that are designated as GOOD THINGS, just because they are GOOD & NOT because someone paid us to say so! It's kind of like our own GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SEAL of approval...
We look forward to bringing you ALL of the GOOD NEWS we can find each issue. If you ever have a GOOD REPORT you'd like to share with the world - please email us at
Reviewed on Page 20.
The Santa Fe Good News (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at:
Plea s our e supp ad or whe vertise t can never y rs ... ou the they ke NE GOO ep WS D to y comin ou f g or FR EE !
When each of us do what we are assigned to do... all of God's children get taken care of by our hands.
Call us or email us if you have any ideas about how we can better serve you.
(409) 370-0030
*If there is something GOOD to say about someone, something or some happening we want to print it so that you will know about it.
WHY? Because a balanced diet (words or food) is a healthy way to live. If you only feed yourself a steady diet of bad news... you can't possibly live the GOOD, abundant life GOD intended for you to have.
AFFORDABLE advertising to fit any budget.
Word of mouth advertising by GOOD NEWS readers is the BEST way to advertise any business!
Pretend YOU are being interviewed by OPRAH and tell us what you know for sure. Remember YOU are someone important too! Email your answers to lynn@ santafegoodnews. com and we will print them in our next issue.
4 Santa Fe Good News
The good life...
A whole lot of GOOD STUFF goes on all over the world every single day that we never hear about. Why? Mainly because we were trained to watch the news on TV and to read the newspaper. These are not bad things, but they are NOT the whole story and sometimes we think they are. Our culture changes constantly and social media is driving these days. Therefore...
We have to re-train ourselves.
We have to find news reporting that covers a broader more balanced spectrum. The blood and guts has to have some warm fuzzy GOOD STUFF mixed with it or we literally will depress ourselves. I'm not saying this just because I happen to have a GOOD NEWS MAGAZINE, but... there is a reason I have one. No one can digest all of what is available to us today and remain healthy. At some point common sense has to kick in and boundaries have to be set.
A GOOD LIFE By the same token, an intelligent person has to stay informed with what is taking place in the world today. You can rely on being told of every awful happening if you've got that ONE FRIEND who insists on watching the news 24 hours a day though. And you thought they weren't a good friend? Ask them for the highlights. You can keep up and they can feel useful - it's a win/win! Seriously, if you've quite talking to that friend because all they ever wanted to talk about was the awful news - you can pick and choose your NEW "news" habits. There is twitter, Facebook or the 5 o'clock news, but we probably don't need all of them - every day. If you feel like you need more, check out the Good News Network or any one of dozens of GOOD NEWS options that are now available to us. Show all of the GOOD STUFF to your children too. You don't want them to grow up believing the world is an awful place do you?
If we watch and read too much traditional news reporting we lose any good perspective towards our lives, the world and humanity in general. Cynics (a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons) have always existed, but not in the droves that exist today. What we consume in any form affects our outlook on life.
We have the opportunity to re-train ourselves and create a better life for ourselves and our families, but we have to choose to do it. I have to wonder if this trend is a contributing factor in the increase in suicide rates. According the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention the highest suicide rate (19.1) was among people 45 to 64 years old. The second highest rate (18.6) occurred in those 85 years and older in 2013. They watch and read the news more than any other age group. Is this All that being said, reading the Santa Fe Good trend just a coincidence? News Magazine will not cure all of what ails anybody, but it can be a small part of a cure. Guard your heart Ingesting too much bad news would lead anyone above all else, for it determines the course of your life. to the natural assumption that the whole world has gone Proverbs 4:23 New Living Translation. What we allow to hell in a handbasket. Get yourself a good mix going if into our minds greatly affects our hearts too. We can't you want to live a Good Life. begin to create a Good Life for ourselves without giving some thought and care to what we allow to enter into it. Bringing good news is imparting hope to I can't dream of living a happy life if all I ever watch on one's fellow man. TV is the news. ~Patti Smith 5 Santa Fe Good News
Watch 10, family-friendly entertainment channels for one low price!
6 Santa Fe Good News
A Month Upgrade
Your DOLLAR is always your best way to VOTE FOR what you want. Order Now
Love is a word that gets thrown around like it is somehow meaningless or cheap. Real love is neither. Real love always costs us something, means a lot and is the main reason most of us continue to get out of bed every morning.
Meanwhile these three remain: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 GNT Good News Translation
Are You MISSING Some GOOD STUFF? If you only open the magazine through your subscription link - you are missing out on a whole lot of GOOD STUFF! The Santa Fe Good News Magazine website is full of great stuff that for whatever reason did not get into the magazine. It's also got capabilities that allow you to read exactly what you want to read. You can go right to car articles, recipes, cigars, local news & events, guns, etc. at the click of a button rather than having to go through the whole magazine.
Of course we want you to read the whole magazine, but... we also want you to get all the other great features too! Just click on the photo below and it will take you to a whole NEW magazine experience. And yes, the website is FREE too!
Reading written words allow our minds to travel elsewhere If they are good words they take us to a good place. Won't you travel with us?
Try it out today if you have some time!
Cherry Cream Cheese Pie I blame this pie almost entirely for my childhood weight issues – and man was it ever worth it! Grandmama used to make this around Christmas time and she’d send an entire pie to our house! Fortunately, my brother was dropped on his head as a child and didn’t eat things like this, which meant I got to eat his share. My sister pretty much came out of the womb counting calories, so I’m pretty sure I ate her share as well. Opening the refrigerator and finding this looking back at you sure was a beautiful sight! The fact that it is so incredibly easy to make just adds to the wonderment of one of my favorite Christmas pies.
Instructions "Hi, my name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."
There are over 1000 recipes with step by step photos on right this very minute and they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, free of charge.
Ingredients 8 ounce pkg cream cheese, softened 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk 1/3 cup lemon juice 1 teaspoon vanilla (use the cheap stuff like me if you want, no shame in that!) store bought graham cracker crust 1 can of pie filling of your choice (I love cherry or blueberry)
1. Make sure cream cheese is softened at room temperature to prevent pie from being lumpy. In mixing bowl, place cream cheese, condensed milk, lemon juice, and vanilla. Mix until creamy and smooth. Spread into pie crust and cover. Refrigerate several hours. Top with pie filling and return to refrigerator until completely chilled. Serve cold.
Note: This is a soft pie. It won't get firm so keep it in the refrigerator and serve cold.
Dr Pepper Meatballs
and Comfort From Isaiah A couple of years back (two, to be exact), I happened upon a day of turmoil in my life. “Happened upon” may not be the best way to describe it, but when we are looking in the rear view mirror and see the bumps, bruises, and scrapes of life along a road that looks far smoother in hindsight than it felt while we were on it, “happened upon” makes perfect sense. I don’t even remember what the crisis was at this point, isn’t that the funny thing about crises? During
Step by step instructions, photos and sometimes even videos can be found for all of Christy's recipes at www.
Cherry Cream Cheese Pie
GOOD NEWS never goes out of style... it's GOOD no matter when you happen to run across it! GET YOUR FREE COPY TODAY! It's easy. We only ask for your name & email address. What are you waiting for? SHARE the GOOD NEWS!
the moment, when your heart and world seems to be in turmoil, they are all consuming. But days, weeks or years later, you can’t even recall what they were about. But I do remember that I was entirely unsettled. God, tell me what to do. Tell me this is going to turn out alright. I heard nothing in response, but I kept it up, knowing I would eventually get an answer. Sometimes the answers come immediately but more often than not, they come in an unfolding process, bit by bit, as if pulling back each petal of a flower to reveal the center. And as I had this talk with my boss on the way to get my kids from school, I picked up my daughter and then headed to get my son. I was trying to be in the moment with Katy, but that conversation with God was still taking place in the back of my mind. And then, my son got in the car. “Ma, I need to tell you something so can you listen a minute?” “Sure.” My breath caught at the words that came from my son’s mouth. “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.” He went on to recite the entire 40th chapter of Isaiah and from the first word, it felt like a soothing balm on my heart. The entire 40th Chapter, starting with “Comfort, comfort…” and ending with: “Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing. O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights? Have you never
heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
And just like that, every fiber of my being smiled and felt peace. Sometimes we feel the distance more than others, no matter how close we are. No matter how often we pray, read the Word, or seek wisdom. Sometimes we have to walk a few steps before we are able to notice the steps beside us. But all too often, if we just stay open to it, God will send us a little message just to say “See? I gotcha kid.”
When he was finished, I was stunned. “Why did And He sure does. you just tell me that?” “I’m trying to memorize it so I have to practice.”
Now, let’s get to cooking…
***Editor's Note: Christy has a BRAND NEW website - click below to check it out!
This is More Than Just a Cookbook... It's a REAL GOOD READ! Order her NEW COOKBOOK by clicking right here!
I set out to write the one cookbook that I myself would use the most when it came to planning suppers for my family- I hope you'll find it as useful as I intended it to be. Please keep in mind, though, that the recipes in this book and the meals you and I make are really just a tool to bring our families and friends together. Because at the end of the day, the supper table is where we teach our families where they came from and they let us know where they hope to go. Values, heritage, history, dreams, and encouragement are passed around with the serving platters and roots grow a little deeper with each bite. We may have high hopes and aspirations when we set off into the world each morning, but if you really want to make the world a better place, end the day by coming home to supper. -Christy Jordan
Ingredients Approximately 2 pounds frozen meatballs (store bought or homemade) 12 ounces Dr Pepper (1 can) 1 cup ketchup ½ cup brown sugar (dark or light) 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon granulated garlic
Instructions 1. Combine everything except meatballs in a dutch oven or similar pot on stovetop. Stirring constantly, bring just to a boil over medium high heat. 2. Carefully add meatballs and stir to coat. Continue to cook over medium heat until sauce has reduced by at least half and is nice and thick (roughly 20 minutes), stirring every so often to prevent meatballs from burning. 3. Serve on their own as an appetizer or over rice as a meal.
11 Santa Fe Good News
Made in TEXAS by TEXANS... just for you!
ORDER yours today!
Hello Cooler Weather!
Tips for Making Fall Camping Reservations
Dreaming of cooler weather and fall foliage? Now is a good time to start planning your fall trips to State Parks. Making camping reservations online is the best way to go. However, some facility reservations, like cabins and group lodging, have to be made through the Call Center. Try these tips to get the reservations you want: •When making telephone reservations, try calling mid-week and earlier in the morning when call volume is typically lower. The Customer Service Center (512/389-8900) is open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. (closed on major holidays). •For your convenience, reservations for shelters or campsites can be made online up to 333 days in advance at
Click here to start planning your next trip!
Next Upcoming Market Dates Oct. 1st - 4th 12 Santa Fe Good News
GOOD ADVICE Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful.
Your life is always moving toward something.
Do you
~Ralph Marston
We are on Facebook & we post a lot more stuff there that won't fit here or is submitted too late for the magazine?
Supporting America
Do you
it's a personal preference.
want to be our friend?
You Can W Listen NO e! d i W d l r o W 13 Santa Fe Good News
It's a Miracle! If you have arthritis this is an awesome product... It is a topical product that is supposedly safe for even 12 year olds that actually works great! My daughter uses it too and loves it. She likes the fact that it has no scent like some joint creams do. "Even though my body feels like I'm 90 sometimes, I don't have to smell like it!" You can click on the link above or Google it yourself to investigate it like we did or just ORDER it... if you happen to be one of the few people that it doesn't work for - the money back guarantee means you haven't lost anything for giving it a try. 14 Santa Fe Good News
If it's GOOD NEWS about anything or anyone anywhere... We Want You to Know About It! 15 Santa Fe Good News
Why is the GOOD NEWS so good? Because it’s never out of style – it doesn’t matter if you find it TODAY, TOMORROW or NEXT WEEK – it’s still just as GOOD!
Do you have 2 hours a week that you can give to help somebody?
H.I.S. Ministries provides for those who for whatever reason have fallen into hard times. If you are enjoying a season of blessing...
We would LOVE to have you volunteer with us!
Please don't hesitate to SHARE it with others!
P.O. Box 1426 Santa Fe, Tx 77510
For OUTSIDE wounds...
The Good News is… Every time you open up the GOOD NEWS... you expose yourself to a world where the GOOD is celebrated & the bad is not glorified.
For INSIDE wounds...
SHARE some Good News with your loved ones today. It's FREE for everyone!
16 Santa Fe Good News
One gave all.
May you hear God's voice in your heart, know His touch in your life and feel His love for you each day. SPIRIT & SOUL
* *
* * *
To live joyfully is to live in hope. ~Judith Bruder
I Saw What Happened!
Sunny Side Up!
Remember my love endures forever, I have not abandoned you. This is only temporary...the lives you live here.
I know the plans I have for you and they are good plans. You can choose to believe that and you won't suffer near as much or nearly as long. Or you can choose not to believe me and if that’s your choice, then I can’t help you. I want to help you. I want to ease your suffering, but you have to choose to let me. You have to choose to read what I’ve said and believe it. I can offer you water, but I won’t make you drink it.
words will make your burdens lighter and heal you. And my words will ease your grief. I hear your prayers and cries and I want to help you. I’ve always wanted to help you. Sometimes things seem to be more than you can bear, but you can bear them and I’ll help you if you let me. I have put all you need within your reach. Reach out and take what I am offering. There are people who have my hands to help you. There are people with my funds to assist you. There are people with my heart to love you through this time. I’ve sent you all the help you need to ease your way.
I do love you. Don’t throw that love away when you need it so badly Right now you’re thirsty, drink. My right now. words will apply salve to your wounds. My
GOD 17 Santa Fe Good News
Let your light shine.
Fear is Nothing to Be Afraid Of! Fear is not weakness, but temptation to be led astray. There is nothing wrong with you that fear would attack you. Realize that attacks are the norm, the battle is fighting them off with truth rather than being led astray by them. You focus on Me and what I’ve told you, then you’ll not be tempted to be afraid of anything.
If you had anything to worry about I would have told you so.
When bad things happen we get a fresh glimpse at how AWESOME most people really are. This was posted on social media after the execution of Deputy Darren Goforth in Houston, Texas... Today while in uniform I went to a gas station to fill up my equipment and a man walked up to me and said "Sir I have your back while you get your gas." The man stood in the middle of the parking lot looking around. I then went inside to get some water and he remained in the parking lot watching me. On my way out I shook his hand and thanked him. While leaving the parking lot he was still watching my back and waved good bye as I drove down the street. Thank you sir. It is people like you that give us a reason to suit up every morning. Continued
Click here to find a participating church near you... or I'm pretty sure any church would welcome your family with open arms. 18 Santa Fe Good News
A Praying Nation
The officer who posted it is not known, but the day before we shared another post on social media written by another officer, Johnny Wells. "I see a change, a storm of support for LE brewing on the horizon. In New Braunfels, my weekends and the weekends of my coworkers are spent protecting the tourists that come to our city to float the rivers. I tend to work the same duty location every weekend. Directing traffic at the last river exit helping all those tubers safely cross the street.
Hundreds of strangers pass by me every weekend day. But yesterday as I droned along in my duties at that crosswalk. Distracted by the tragic murder of a brother officer I began to take notice at the overwhelming number of these strangers that passed by me and simply said "Thank you for your service," or "Thank you for what you do," or just "Thank you."
Now I normally get a few thank yous per day, but this weekend it seemed to be nearly every other person. A drastic and dramatic increase of smiles, nods, and a few hand shakes, high fives, and even a fist bump from a young 20 something.
With so many police officers being killed recently, I felt compelled to start a movement to pray over our local police officers. In the spirit of the national "See You At The Pole" day on Wednesday, September 23, please join me at your local police station at 7:15am to pray over the men and women who work there. Created by Beth Armstrong.
Out of tragedy comes triumph and so far I see us headed in the right direction. A ripple in the pond that I foresee becoming a tidal wave to wipe out the cop haters and take back the respect for those that put on the uniform." This is some very GOOD NEWS!
19 Santa Fe Good News
“Les Voyageurs” Beautifully Imperfect by Marilyn R. Gardner The picture of the sculpture is so to search for the part of their bodies remarkable I think that it cannot that is incomplete. be real. It must be a photograph, They are works of art, digitally altered by a master. sculptures that resonate with the But it is real. The sculpture is modern-day soul. Sculptures that just one of several in a display called tell the story of the nomad, the “Les Voyageurs” by a man named pilgrim, the traveler, the refugee, the Bruno Catalano. They are sculptures immigrant. They are incomplete and that show men and women travelers. imperfect, yet that is what makes Each has some sort of bag or suitcase them so beautiful, so unique. They with them and it is clear they are on are beautifully imperfect. a journey. But the thing that makes As I searched to find out a them stand out, that makes such an impression on me is that each of them bit more about the artist I discovered have a significant piece missing from Catalano is a third culture kid, the center of their bodies. As though a global nomad. He was born in they are leaving a part of themselves Casablanca but moved to France at behind or as though they are leaving 12 years old, settling in Marseille. 20 Santa Fe Good News
He went on to become a sailor, and it was both of these things that inspired his sculptures. In a June 2013 article he is quoted as saying: “I have traveled a lot and I left Morocco when I was 12 years old. I felt that a part of me was gone and will never come back.” “From years of being a sailor, I was always leaving different countries and places each time and it’s a process that we all go through. I feel like this occurs several times during life and of course everyone has missing pieces in his or her life that
that he won’t find again. So the meaning can be different for everyone, but to me the sculptures represent a world citizen.”* There are many in our world who perceive themselves like these sculptures, as though they have missing pieces. There are those of us who feel we are not whole, that we are missing vital organs. The vital organs may be a place, a person, a community brought about by a death, a move, a crisis. And we see this as a problem, a flaw, something that needs to be remedied. But these sculptures tell a different story, taking something that we see as a deficit and turning it into an extraordinary and beautiful work of art. These travelers are beautifully imperfect.
If you enjoyed Marilyn's article and would like to read more of her work she can be found on her blog at She also has a book, "Between Worlds" available through Amazon. Just click on the it below for an inside look.
At a deep spiritual level I believe this is what God wants to make of us — He wants to take these human bodies with their missing parts and connect them so that though they have missing pieces, they are still strong, still intact. He wants to take the broken, lost pieces of our soul, and put it together, welded stronger than steel. He wants to make of us not sculptures, but living, breathing people that are broken but whole. Many More Photos: As you look at the pictures of these sculptures, what do you think? Do they resonate with you as a traveler, a pilgrim? Shared with permission from Marilyn R. Gardner. *[Source – article-2340857/]
Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids?
"Where you spend your dollar will always tell you where your heart is." 21 Santa Fe Good News
The Art of Living in the Presence of God is Really How to: 1. Be happy for more than 5 minutes at a time. 2. Smile and laugh and to enjoy life. 3. Get up every day for a reason and with a purpose.
When we are conscious of His presence, life can't help but be sweet. We are full of peace, love and joy because it trickles down to us. "Cease striving and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 New American Standard Bible. Stillness has to be learned and practiced with great effort in today's world. It doesn't come to us easily that's for sure.
I'm just sayin'...
Full Service Horse Trainer Cleveland, TX
GOOD STUFF Founded by a 5th generation Texan, Texas Humor began as a Twitter account in December 2011. Since then, it has grown to an audience of over 200,000 Texans united by their love of chips and salsa, southern living, and the greatest state this world has ever seen. We want you to be 100% happy with your order and experience purchasing from this store. If you ever aren't or have general questions, please contact us at
GREAT Hats & T-Shirts
TEXAS Humor 22 Santa Fe Good News
NEW Supermarket NEWS A while ago a new supermarket opened in Ajax Ontario. It has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain. When you pass the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and there is the scent of freshly mowed hay. In the meat department there is the aroma of charcoal grilled steaks with onions. When you approach the egg case, you hear hens clucking and cackling, and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying.
This is what happens when we cut down far too many trees.
someaoyn!e tod
I don't buy toilet paper there anymore. Author Unknown
Do you ever get tired of advertising that claims something is FREE, but it's REALLY NOT? The GOOD NEWS is REALLY FREE, there are no strings attached! Please SHARE it ... We will both be really glad you did!
Pleasea share sip of
The bread department features the tantalizing smell of fresh baked bread and cookies.
The smile on your face is the light in the window that tells people that you are at home. 23 Santa Fe Good News
Rather Read Your Books Yourself? V
13 Great Resources for Finding FREE Public Domain Books of all types!
A GOOD IDEA Click Here
Click on the photo above & discover
Want to read the GOOD NEWS on an APP?
Click here & the pages will flip for you!
any good books lately? LibriVox FREE Public Domain Audio Books LibriVox is a site that sets out to make digital audio recordings of every existing public domain book and offer them FREE to the world on the net.
effort to digitise and archive as many free e-books in as many languages as possible, that Michael Hart launched in 1971. Gutenberg, set out to do for literary appreciation in the digital age what public libraries The site, founded by did in the 19th century, has now Montreal-based writer and web completed 45,000 books. developer Hugh McGuire, recruited 13 people to this crusade in the week The texts, poetry, short it launched back in 2005. Together, stories, plays, novels that are the 14 read and recorded Joseph featured on LibriVox have all been Conrad’s Secret Agent. read aloud by volunteers, who record the works in chunks of about The group, which now has 6,600 a chapter, or about 20 minutes of contributors, has since gone on to audio each. complete 8200 works, with 600 in progress, in 35 languages. The outfit is vehemently egalitarian-
volunteer to read in any language you speak, as long as you can make yourself understood in it. You don’t need to audition, we’ll accept you no matter what you sound like.’ Volunteers use free software and any old rudimentary audio equipment they have to hand to do their recording: the variations in sound quality are more than made up for in the enthusiasm and intimacy of their readings. ‘It’s a more personal experience,’ says McGuire, ‘it feels like someone’s reading to you rather than a professional packaged thing.’
McGuire’s idea was to make ‘We accept all volunteers in all The files are hosted on Internet the audio equivalent of Project languages,’ runs its blurb. ‘With all Archive as MP3 and OGGs. Gutenberg, the non-profit volunteer kinds of accents, you’re welcome to 24 Santa Fe Good News
WHERE is there a Buc-ee's near you? Alvin Angleton Bastrop Travel Center Brazoria Cypress
Eagle Lake El Campo Freeport Giddings Gonzales Lake Jackson League City Luling Travel Center Madisonville Travel Center New Braunfels Travel Center Pearland Port Lavaca Richmond Texas City Waller Travel Center West Columbia Wharton Travel Center
Please share the GOOD NEWS with your friends and loved ones. Our goal is to bring balance into our world by sharing the GOOD STUFF and leave sharing the bad news for others to do.
Don't forget your BEAVER NUGGETS!
America's Best FREE Source for GOOD NEWS!
Love builds houses that last for eternity. GOD
GOOD LIFE Looking at just a couple of GOOD THINGS can change the outlook of your day...
25 Santa Fe Good News
Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Boot Campaign Inc whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. You can select a different charitable organization after signing in. •AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. • Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at
Directions for living the GOOD LIFE...
Today YOU will write another chapter in the book called "Your Life".
Will you write a comedy or a drama? The choice is always yours. Reminder: Fill your minds with all that is good. Phil. 4:8 26 Santa Fe Good News
Customer Facebook reviews LOCAL cinema is re-opened
by a LOCAL family... Why should you patronize a hometown theater? Here's one GOOD reason "We take the movie watching experience seriously and want to actively promote an environment of quiet and courteous movie watching." They are working very hard to bring back the enjoyment and affordability of taking the whole family to the movies.
All tickets are $5.00
Call (281) 756-7166 for show times or friend them on Facebook! 27 Santa Fe Good News
GOOD REASONS to subscribe to the GOOD NEWS! 1. It’s FREE! 2. It’s available 24/7 online & storable to be read w/o an internet connection. 3. It has really pretty pictures. 4. It’s almost all Good News, instead of the other way around. 5. It has GOOD food in it. 6. It never gets old because GOOD is always GOOD, no matter when YOU hear about it. 7. You can share it for FREE. 8. It’s got variety – so there’s something for everyone. 9. It has national, regional & local GOOD articles, ideas, events & topics. 10. It doesn’t pile up in your house.
hbor g i can. e u n o y D r O e v O Be a G L whene A C O L shop
11. It has gun reviews, law enforcement stories & other man stuff. 12. It’s Christian based. 13. It’s family owned. 14. It won’t ever depress you. 15. It will make you laugh, cry & think sometimes. 16. It’s read all over the world. 17. You can copy anything you like & share it. 18. It’s guaranteed to be full of GOOD STUFF. 19. It exists to encourage you. 20. It has a variety of reviews – on everything. Country music, movies, books, restaurants & even motorcycles occasionally. & #21 is... it’s ALL American made!
Just a little something to ponder... If you are unkind to your opponent - you will be unkind to me, because you are unkind. It's never wise to put unkind people into leadership positions. That is how Hitler was able to hurt so many people.
28 Santa Fe Good News
Mae Bruce Library Events
Displayed October 1st - 31st Dairy Farm Exhibit courtesy of the Santa Fe Area Historical Foundation. Guest Speaker October 22nd at 6PM Rebuilding Galveston presented by Jodi Wright-Gidley, author of Galveston: City On Stilts. Click the link below for a listing of many other events scheduled by Gulf Coast Reads.
"The Promise" was inspired by a dilapidated house on Galveston’s West End and by an interview Ann conducted when she was a freelance writer for The Islander, a Galveston magazine. She wrote the novel to remember the dairy farmers, cattle ranchers, fishermen, and their families who lived on the rural part of the island at the time of the historic 1900 hurricane. Their stories have been overlooked in most accounts about the storm, and "The Promise" is Ann’s effort to give voice to the forgotten.
Mark your calendars... This is 2 events you won't want to miss!
The Texas City Model Train Festival doubles the fun!
Bring the kids out to see some awesome vehicles up close. Bulldozers, cranes, police cars, fire trucks, rescue boats, military vehicles and much more! There will be food, moonwalks, face painting and other fun activities for the whole family. Oh, and did we mention it is FREE to get in?
Train enthusiasts unite... The Texas City Museum is hosting a two-day festival featuring unbelievable displays of model trains of all sizes. Bring the kids out and have a great time! Interested in being a vendor? Want more information? Contact us at
ADMISSION Looking for something both entertaining and educational to do with the family this month?
Adults (13 years+) Seniors (60 years+) Children (4 years+) Children (3 and under)
$8 $6 $5 Free
Saturday Train Rides Passengers (2 years+) Infants (1 and under)
Summer Hours 10am. to 5pm Seven days a week!
$4* Free
Parking in the lot at 2602 Santa Fe Place is FREE with purchase of museum admission.
Rent our museum!
(409) 765-5700
r o m
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GOOD rumors are always worth spreading!
The annual Christmas Tree Lighting details are being firmed up and it looks like it will coincide with the Christmas Parade this year. This will make it an even BIGGER event for us to look forward to.
What's happening? Aldersgate’s 30th Annual CountryFest Bazaar When is it? October 17, 2015 from 9am-4pm Where is it? Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 13217 FM 1764, Santa Fe, TX Why? Because it's fun and food for the entire family! If you have any GOOD NEWS or something GOOD to say about someone or a business or an organization we will make room for it right here. Just call or email us with anything of GOOD REPORT and we will be happy to SHARE it with the whole world!
Takes Recommendations! We only review family owned establishments and only do it for FREE, so we don't have to put lipstick on any pigs. Email lynn@ Only the really GOOD & local stuff please, we don't have a Triple D budget!
30 Good Read
years of life spent building houses, welding, teaching, etc.
Does it matter? When it's done what do you have? A gold watch, if you're lucky... No one remembers or cares about the war you fought in or the houses you built or the fires you put out. New people come in to take your place. Life moves on and everything in the past is in the past, including all the money you made, spent and wasted. So if the money is irrelevant and what you did for a living is irrelevant, then what really matters all these years later? The love you shared is all that remains. And it remains in the hearts and minds of all those you shared it with.
We all need love and God is love, how perfect is that design?
This SPOT is for
You loo & your customerked s will too.
CALL U 4 0 9 3 7 0 - 0 S0 3!
Click HERE!
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.� ~Winston Churchill
Can You Spot the Truth? How is one to know who to believe? We are deceived on so many levels today, especially on the internet. "The proof is in the pudding" as they used to say implies that there is a lot of evidence that I will not go through at this moment and you should take my word for it, or you could go through all of the evidence yourself. Taking someone's word for it these days is probably not wise. If it sounds too GOOD to be true, it's probably not. Look for results rather than promises. The Bible says you will know them by the fruit they produce.
$1.00 a Card $4.00 for Lunch & the Visiting is FREE! (for Members, $5.00 for Guests)
Mondays & Wednesdays at
Santa Fe Senior's Center
14304 Beriton (409) 925-7653
! s e
iz r P T EA
GOOD FOOD so you can stay for lunch afterwards if you like. WONDERFUL PEOPLE to socialize with!
32 Santa Fe Good News
9am til 11am
“Austin at its best -- just outside the city -- in the Texas Hill Country is Merryvale.�
Step into our world and discover the unexpected!
We are located 15 minutes from Downtown Austin. Shown by Appointment... Phone: (512) 934-2009 33 Santa Fe Good News
34 Santa Fe Good News
Coming Next Month... MAN CAVE
SIGNS are NOTES to Ourselves We buy signs for our homes that say things like: Live, Laugh, Love, Friends & Family Welcome Here and God Bless Our Home, etc. because they are what we want our lives to be filled with. They aren't just home decorations; the words express how we REALLY want to live. Look around and see what signs you own. What you bought is what you want to see in your life. Let's get started living THAT LIFE today!
35 Santa Fe Good News
Living the good life is living life like you want it to be! What are you waiting for?
“Sharing the Good News is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.�
LOCAL NEWS NEWS If It's GOOD & It Happens Here ... We Want You to Know About It!
The Galveston County Animal Shelter has REDUCED the "Adoption Fee" for cats and dogs that are already Neutered/Spayed ("fixed") to half price--$42.50, which includes all their shots including rabies and microchip. And often there are pets available who are "Sponsored" - meaning their "Adoption Fee" has already been paid by a generous donor to help you get them out!
We would appreciate it very much if you told all of your friends that you saw it in the GOOD NEWS!
It helps us keep our advertisers happy.
School districts all over the nation are HIRING School Bus Drivers ... Call (409) 925-2775 locally.
Coming Next Month... 36 Santa Fe Good News
Another really GOOD NEWS story, a GOOD review on a Glock & hopefully a GREAT place to eat if we can find one to SHARE!
LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Workforce Solutions - Texas City 3549 Palmer Highway Texas City, TX 77590 Phone: 409-949-9055
CARPENTER – SANTA FE – JP 7027515 The Carpenter is responsible for the full range of rough and finished skilled carpentry work. Experience in any of the following categories is a plus: Metal door and frame installation and repair, door hardware installation, overhead door installation and repair, metal building repair - metal siding and trim, floor tile installation vinyl, ceramic, painting, drywall and concrete. Experience: Three years journey-level experience working as a carpenter in a commercial, industrial, or facilities operations setting. TWIC required, valid Drivers License required, and HS/GED required. MEMBER CUSTOMER SERVICE – ALVIN – JP 3332785 Delivers excellent service to all members, guests, and program participants. Responds to member and guest needs, promotes memberships and programs, and maintains cleanliness and organization of the lobby area. Clearly articulates our commitment to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
Minimum Requirements 1. Certifications required within 30 days of hire: CPR/AED, and First Aid, Child Abuse. 2. Minimum age of 18 years old. 3. Excellent interpersonal and problem solving skills. 4. Ability to connect with people of diverse backgrounds
questions and inquiries. * Respond to guest inquiries and requests and resolve issues in a timely, friendly and efficient manner. * Field guest complaints, conduct research and resolve and negotiate solutions for guest satisfaction. * Receive, input, retrieve and relay messages to guests.
GUEST SERVICE AGENT – LEAGUE CITY– JP 6403110 * Greet guests and complete the registration process to include, but not limited to, inputting and retrieving information from the computer, confirmation of guest information and room rate, selection of rooms, coding electronic keys. * Assist guests with check-out including, but not limited to, ensuring rooms and services are correctly accounted, handling money, processing credit and debit cards, accepting and recording various forms of payment. * Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of hotel information including, but not limited to, room categories, room rates, packages, promotions, the local area and other general product knowledge and answer guest
ELECTRICIAN – GALVESTON COUNTY – JP 8391497 Performs Residential & Light Commercial Electrician work. Job sites vary in Galveston County. Residential/Light Commercial Experience. Must have personal hand tools. Must be Texas State Licensed. Apprentice or Journeyman Level. Must have reliable transportation. CERTIFIED NURSING AIDE – ALVIN – JP 2859588 Requires valid Nursing Aide Certificate. Must be 18 years of age (company policy). Must have current TB Test Must have 1 year of college (technical or vocational school).
The LAST Word...
We are not the only ones who keep scrolling in search of landing on a post that will give us what we are looking for... some satisfaction that lasts longer than a sound bite. We want something that will hold our attention long enough for an "empowering sensation" to settle in. A point in which we are ready to walk away from Facebook or surfing and go about living our lives in a better frame of mind than we were in when we sat down.
Where is that post? What does that website look like? That's the goal we are aiming at for the Good News. We want a magazine that inspires us to enjoy the life and blessings we have been given. When you finish reading it, we want your mind to have been renewed, your heart to be full of love and joy gladness, and your spirit to soar with new energy to make a difference in your little piece of this world.
I believe that all wisdom consists in caring immensely for a few right things, and not caring a straw about the rest. --John Buchan