NEW Start...

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The Day I Bought My First Harley...


NEW Year  NEW Day  NEW Life NEW Outlook NEW Harley ?



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2 Santa Fe Good News 2 Santa Fe Good News

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AFFORDABLE advertising to fit any budget.

You are not a stray and uncared for. You are blessed. Never forget that you have God's love and protection if you want it.

SHARE the Good News... Random Acts of Kindness Week February 14th - 20th This is LOVE WEEK!

Get some GREAT IDEAS by clicking right here...

We can never love too much!

YOU and I my friend are in pretty good shape! You probably are not in jail if you are reading this. Chances are you are not an amputee, paralyed, or blind (just because of the law of averages) and obviously you are not one of the poor souls in a coma. And I'm just guessing that you aren't sitting around reading the Good News if you are hungry, on welfare, in a homeless shelter or are receiving food stamps, because again those people usually don't sit around reading magazines on the internet. If you are not living in France right now, you are not in a hospital (sick or caring for someone who is) and you yourself don't have cancer - I'd say you're in pretty good shape! We woke up today and if we aren't burying one of our children this week - you and I would do well to spend our time being grateful. And praying for those who are in much worse places and have much greater needs than we do my friend. God Bless

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” —Jim Rohn

No one can go back and make a brand NEW start, but anyone can start today and make a brand NEW ending!

NEW Year, NEW You by Cresta Ogle


NEW Life Ask Yourself the RIGHT Questions in 2016 by Regina Brett 10 GREAT FOOD provided by Christy Jordan 12 The Prayer Corner


The Lord's Corner


Clay Walker's Book "Jesus Was a Country Boy" gets

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

GOOD reviews along with a few other GOOD BOOKS 22 The Day I Bought My 1st Harley as told by a woman. 28 LOCAL Good News, Events & occasionally some Good Rumor starts on page 30. The BEST of Social Media returns with some great humor you don't want to miss! 38 Employment Classifieds 42 The Last Word


Call us or email us if you have any ideas about how we can better serve you.

Plea s our e supp ad or whe vertise t can never y rs ... ou the they ke NE GOO ep WS D to y comin ou f g or FR EE !

There's a time to plant &You've a time to mow... got

one life...

if you get them confused you'll just stir up a lot ofLive dust. it.



(409) 370-0030 *If there is something GOOD to say about someone, something or some happening - we want to print it so that you will know about it. WHY? Because a balanced diet (of words or food) is a healthy way to live.


If you only feed yourself a steady diet of bad news... you can't possibly live the GOOD, abundant life GOD intended for you to live.

What are you waiting for?


The Santa Fe Good News (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at:

GET your tickets HERE!

Washed Ashore is included with your paid Zoo admission and is free for Zoo members. The aquatic trash in our oceans is harmful to wildlife like sea turtles. One group came up with a creative solution that would both remove some of the debris and also educate people about the dangers of plastic pollution. The group is called the Washed Ashore Project, and it is a non-profit, community-based organization with a mission of educating and creating awareness about marine debris and plastic pollution through art.

"Will you come see me? I'll be waiting for you at the Houston Zoo." Not-So-Fun Facts About Plastic Pollution: • The average American will throw away approximately 185 pounds of plastic in a year. • Plastic bags are petroleum-based and do not biodegrade. • More than 100,000 marine animals die each year from eating plastic pollution in our oceans. • Sea turtles and other ocean creatures mistake plastics and other garbage as food (such as jellyfish) and ingest it. This causes blockages within their digestive system.

There is roughly 315 BILLION pounds of plastic in our oceans today. To plan your next visit CLICK HERE

The Houston Zoo is the place to see a special Washed Ashore art exhibit featuring giant sculptures of the sea life most affected by plastic pollution, made entirely of marine debris collected from beaches. From a Styrofoam coral reef to a plastic bottle sea jelly to a recycled plastic whale rib cage (that’s 10’ tall and 23’ long!), guests of all ages will have a blast interacting with these awesome creatures while learning all about how they can help save wildlife.

ZOO Hours 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Last entry 5 p.m. The Houston Zoo is open seven days a week, 364 days a year. We are closed on Christmas Day. We close early on Christmas eve, and are closed during the day on Thanksgiving Day.

General Admission Zoo Members – FREE Children 1 and Under – FREE Children 2-11 – $13 Adults 12-64 – $17 Senior 65+ – $10.50

FREE Afternoon February 2nd *See the first Tuesday dates for more details. 7 Santa Fe Good News

NEW Year

“To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

NEW You  Ahh, a New Year; a time for reflection, a time for rejuvenation, a time to resolve to make changes and to do things differently this time. One question though – how come resolutions never seem to pan out? I think I might have an answer. I’m Cresta Ogle and I am a recovering resolution-maker. I used to make a giant list of all of the things I was going to change each and every New Year’s Eve. I would lose weight. I would get in shape. I would save enough money to pay off all of my bills and buy a house with cash. I would travel around the world. I would devote my spare time to supporting and volunteering for a charity. I would keep my house immaculate. I would be an amazing wife and mother. I would remember to floss my teeth every day. I would not leave socks on the bedroom floor.

to give it all to Him, (And, as I know from firsthand experience, it does take effort! I am constantly catching myself meddling where I should just be sitting back and letting God take the wheel.) I have been able to witness literal miracles happen in my life, both big and small. Miracles? Yes! Real, true, genuine miracles! If it’s an unexpected blessing, to me, it’s a miracle. That $20 rebate check I forgot I sent in for? A God-given miracle! The person in front of me at the drive-thru paying for my coffee? A small miracle, but a miracle all the same! Being in the right place at the right time to be able to purchase our new homestead? Definitely, God has blessed us with that! And all because I got out of the way, got away from trying to do it myself, and gave everything to the Lord.

My daily, repeated prayer goes something like this: “Hi, God. I know You’ve got a lot of things to do today, and I know You’re really super busy with big, huge deals, but You said for me to cast my burdens upon You and that You won’t let me stumble, so here I am. Today, Lord, I give everything to You. Thank You for working things for my good! In Jesus’s name, Amen.” What a relief to know I I have stopped making resolutions. Yep, altogether don’t have to do it alone! stopped! I refuse to do it anymore. Why, you ask? Because resolutions never work! SELF-improvement, for me always leads to disappointment. “I’m going to lose 40 pounds this year!” Resolutions are SELF-improvement. Therein lies becomes gaining 5. “I am going to save $12,000 this year the problem. SELF-improvement is me trying to improve - $1000 a month!” ends up being our savings sucked dry myself. But, as it says in the Bible, God wants us to let because something goes wrong with the car or there’s Him do the improvement: “He must increase, but I must a desperate repair that needs to be made immediately decrease.” (John 3:30) If I am trying to resolve to do to the house or barnyard. You’ve undoubtedly heard of things “better”, I am in the forefront. If instead, I “let go, Murphy’s Law? Well, when I am holding tightly to the and let God,” as the popular saying goes, I am decreasing reins of my life, trying to steer with every muscle in my and He can increase. That is what God wants for me! He aching body, I am guaranteed to have Murphy himself has amazing plans for me that I can’t even fathom right come knocking my door down! now. But in order for His plans to come to fruition, I have to get out of the way. Instead of a resolution this year, maybe we should all just relax. God’s got our backs! I’m working on being I can look back on my life and see, very clearly, more mindful of that and consequently, I am working the times that I was working on SELF-improvement less… on me. versus the times I got out of the way and let the Lord improve me. Since I have been making a conscious effort As you can see, I would resolve to do everything from the lofty to the mundane. I was always determined, always positive about my goals, and I was always really severely unrealistic about what I could accomplish in the course of a year.

by Cresta Ogle

8 Santa Fe Good News

Texas State Parks Pass TPWD offers four types of passes:


•Texas State Parks Pass – for individuals and families. •Texas Parklands Passport – for qualifying seniors, veterans and disabled persons. •Youth Group Annual Pass – for nonprofit youth groups of 13 to 17 year-olds. •Restricted Annual Activity Pass – for activities at specific parks.

The Texas State Parks Pass is good for one year and includes: •Unlimited free entry to more than 90 state parks for you and your guests. (Card holder must present the pass to get free entry.) •Discounts on camping (some restrictions apply), park store purchases and equipment rentals. •Other special offers. A Texas State Parks Pass costs $70. You can buy a second pass for someone who lives at the same address for $25. For more information click here and read the Texas State Parks Pass Details.

Make this WINTER the year your children remember for the rest of their lives at a state park near you.

Supporting our STATE & NATIONAL PARKS improves not only the quality of our lives, but also those of all of the animals that live there.

9 Santa Fe Good News


NEW Life

Ask Yourself the Right Questions in 2016

By Regina Brett

By February, you skip the gym, you eat the doughnuts, you forget to go to yoga. Instead of resolutions for an entire year, how about a few simple questions to ask yourself through the year to stay on course?

The odometer changed to 2016 and we’ll make all kinds of resolutions we don’t intend to keep.

medicine cabinet. I ask myself that might be food or a gift or simply a question every morning. Most nights better attitude. when I see it again, I smile because I lived my “Yes!” 5. What can I learn from this? 2. Do you want to be happy?

Everything that happens is our teacher. Cardiologist Terry Gordon wrote in his book “No Storm Lasts Forever” that when his son was left paralyzed from an accident, Terry heard an inner voice say, “Treat this as if you chose it.” The gift? He treasures every moment he has with his son.

As soon as I start to feel irritable or restless or cranky or sad, I pause and ask myself, “Regina, do you want to be happy?” Sometimes the answer is no. I want to pout and Albert Einstein once said, complain or wallow in sadness. But “If I had an hour to solve a problem once I ask that question, I know I’m and my life depended on the solution, actively choosing to be unhappy and I would spend the first 55 minutes I usually stop. 6. What would people who loved determining the proper question themselves do? to ask, for once I know the proper 3. What part of me is disturbed by question, I could solve the problem in this? I saw this in a blog post by less than five minutes.” Teal Swan. If you ask yourself this My friends in 12-step question every day, you’ll get an So here are 12 questions to recovery programs have taught me answer from somewhere deep inside. ask yourself in 2016: that anytime I’m emotionally upset In time, she wrote, it creates a new by anything, the problem is me. I’ve way of being where you “live your 1. If today were the last day of my learned to pause and see what button life in alignment with self love.” life, would I want to do what I am inside of me just got hit. Then I can about to do today? respond instead of react. 7. What is the kindest thing to do right now? Steve Jobs, the founder of 4. What can I bring to the occasion? Apple, asked himself that question To the telemarketer. To the every day. If the answer was no too Instead of thinking what you server who forgot your coffee. To the often, it was time to do something will get out of this event or situation, neighbor whose barking dog keeps else. I taped it on a note inside my focus on what you can bring to it. It you awake. Just be kind. It’s not even Too often we pride ourselves on having the answers, when having the questions might be more valuable.

10 Santa Fe Good News

that hard to do. 8. Where am I on my own calendar? If you’re like me, you still buy a paper calendar every year. If you’re like me, you put in ink everything you have to do for others. If you’re like me, you are nowhere on your own calendar. Go get your new calendar and put yourself in it – a hike, a massage, a play date with friends.

Please support our advertisers whenever you can... they keep the Good News coming to you for FREE!

9. What am I grateful for right now? I once knew an old Amish man who always prayed for a “grateful, humble heart.” “How grateful are you?” Mose Yoder used to ask me that. Not grateful enough.

10. If this situation never changed, what quality would I need to develop to bear it with grace? My friend Beth taught me that one. The solution isn’t to force our will against life, but to grow when challenged. 11. How can I be of help? Instead of doing what makes you feel good ask, how can I be of help? The other person might not want it. If they don’t tell you anything, offer three things you can do and let them choose. Finally, at the end of every day, ask yourself this: 12. Did you love? That’s the measure of a good day and a good life. Did you love? If the answer is yes at the end of every day, the answer will be yes at the end of your life. And if you say no, you have the great gift that every new year offers: Another day to do it better.

By Regina Brett Connect with Regina on her Facebook page at ReginaBrettFans 11 Santa Fe Good News

To BUY Regina's books click here.

GOOD FOOD “Your family is important. They left your home this morning and spread out to spend a day making new memories, acquiring knowledge, and growing up without you! Make it a priority to sit down to supper tonight with them and find out who they became today.” ~Christy Jordan "Hi, my name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."

Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole Christmas and New Years behind us and most folks are in the middle of winter, snuggling within their quilts and homes, cooking up stews and cobblers. Oh I’m doing the cooking part, but not the rest of it, my mind is on other things. You see, soon as January hits, I get to expecting spring. I can’t help it, it is my absolute most favorite time of year for a number of reasons, but one in particular – I get to see my daffodils. Now before you go to thinking that I’m looking pretty far off you gotta understand that daffodils are usually in bloom here by February and the first sign of yellow, my heart wakes up and declares SPRING! I go by my own time table with the seasons, I’m just a wild woman that way. You see, at the end of the day, I’m just a rebel to the core. Oh yeah, I even eat raw cake batter. I do shocking things like that…and I plant daffodil bulbs in December. While I am still pretending to be partially sane, let me bring you a casserole today. There are so many variations on this casserole that you could throw a rock at the internet and hit fifty on any given day. This is mine, it’s pretty easy and awfully good. Modify it, play with it, make it your own.

12 Santa Fe Good News

The almonds are optional but I gotta tell you, I love what they do to this dish!

Ingredients •1 box Uncle Ben's Long Grain and Wild Rice (quick cooking or regular), cooked according to package directions •Cooked Chicken (1-3 cups, whatever you have), shredded •12 ounce can cream of mushroom soup (can use fat free or cream soup of preference) •14 ounce can French Style Green Beans, drained •1 Cup Slivered Almonds •1 Cup Sour Cream (optional, not used in this tutorial, but I love it in there)

Instructions 1. Place everything except topping ingredients in a large bowl. Stir until well combined. Spoon into greased 9x13 baking dish. Top with cracker crumbs and drizzle melted butter over. 2. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

Topping •1 Sleeve Ritz crackers, crushed (or whatever crackers you have) •1/4 - 1/2 cup melted butter (however much you wanna use)

Pulled Pork BBQ Sliders The makings of these pork sliders are what make them so good. Slow cooked Southern Style pulled pork BBQ is made overnight in your slow cooker (and so very easy!). Then we make Jordan Rolls (don’t freak out if you have never made yeast rolls, you CAN do it and I can show you how), or you can just buy some rolls. And we top them with a little vinegar slaw. To streamline the slaw, I bought the bag of pre-shredded cabbage (which had some pretty carrots in it for color) and just added in the rest of my ingredients. Directions on page 13. 13 Santa Fe Good News

There are over 1000 recipes on right this very minute and they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, FREE of charge.

Step by step instructions, photos and sometimes even videos can be found for all of Christy's recipes at www.

***Editor's Note: For more GREAT recipes click below to go to Christy's awesome website!

This is More Than Just a Cookbook... It's a REAL GOOD READ! Order her NEW COOKBOOK by clicking right here!

I set out to write the one cookbook that I myself would use the most when it came to planning suppers for my family- I hope you'll find it as useful as I intended it to be. Please keep in mind, though, that the recipes in this book and the meals you and I make are really just a tool to bring our families and friends together. Because at the end of the day, the supper table is where we teach our families where they came from and they let us know where they hope to go. Values, heritage, history, dreams, and encouragement are passed around with the serving platters and roots grow a little deeper with each bite. We may have high hopes and aspirations when we set off into the world each morning, but if you really want to make the world a better place, end the day by coming home to supper.

14 Santa Fe Good News

-Christy Jordan

GOOD NEWS never goes out of style... it's still GOOD no matter when you happen to run across it! GET YOUR FREE COPY TODAY! It's easy. We only ask for your name & email address. What are you waiting for? SHARE the GOOD NEWS!

Pulled Pork BBQ Sliders Ingredients

Continued from page 13.

•Pork Roast (approximately 5 pounds) •1 tablespoon salt •1 teaspoon black pepper •1½ cups cider vinegar •2 tablespoons brown sugar •1 tablespoon hot sauce •1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

Instructions 1. Put roast in slow cooker and sprinkle salt and pepper over it. Pour cider vinegar on top. Cover with lid and cook on low for twelve hours (I cook it overnight). Remove pork roast and shred with forks (this will be very easy). Drain juices from slow cooker, reserving two cups of liquid. Return pork to slow cooker. To the reserved liquid add: Brown sugar, hot sauce, and crushed pepper flakes. Stir well. Pour over shredded pork and place lid back on. Place on low or warm setting until ready to serve. Can be made ahead of time and refrigerated, reheating in the microwave. 2. I estimate this to make enough for about eight sandwiches, give or take. 3. *This sauce is not spicy. If you prefer a spicier sauce, double the hot sauce and crushed red pepper flakes. And add even more to taste. 15 Santa Fe Good News

Made in TEXAS by TEXANS... just for you!

ORDER yours today!



We were designed to appreciate NEW THINGS. Every New Year we always seek a NEW LIFE as though the one we have is awful. It's a goal that keeps us pressing on in the race and getting up every morning but... let's CHANGE using wisdom this year. Trying to change everything at once is usually a bad idea anyway. Some things can be improved upon, yes, but surely not everything even needs to change. We don't always need to reinvent the wheel. We might just need to re-consider our schedules and our resources. Perhaps what we really should be seeking every year is better balance. Maybe we have all of our pieces, but they aren't in the right order or at the right levels. Balance is not effortless... it does take some attention. Maybe instead of resolutions - a great NEW LIFE may mean just making a few tweaks!

Make the sky your limit this year!



Next Upcoming Market Dates Jan. 28th - 31st 2016 16 Santa Fe Good News




“Austin at its best -- just outside the city -- in the Texas Hill Country is Merryvale.�

Step into our world and discover the unexpected!

We are located 15 minutes from Downtown Austin. Shown by Appointment... Phone: (512) 934-2009 17 Santa Fe Good News


Helping One, Not Everyone


Try Church again...

CLICK HERE! Sometimes this man is brilliant... THIS is one of those times. Please SHARE his message with anyone who needs help dealing with the overwhelming amount of BAD NEWS in our world today. He's really put forth an AWESOME idea for coping with life today! Note to Church members and Pastors: The magazine is currently looking at trying to embed audio sermons directly into the magazine itself this year. If you have a favorite uplifting message you would like to share, please contact us. It will be FREE publicity for your church and it will be on the internet for as long as the magazine lives. All you have to do is get the file to us. Please contact us at for details about the submission of files.

Most church congregations have gotten away from acting like they are better than others. Maybe it's time to shop around again. Perhaps you can find your family a NEW church home this year!

The Good News is… Every time you open up the GOOD NEWS... you expose yourself to a world where the GOOD is celebrated & the bad is not glorified.

SHARE some Good News with your loved ones today.




  G!

One gave all. 18 Santa Fe Good News

It's FREE for everyone! May you find the open arms of Christ throughout the pages of the Good News.

May you hear God's voice in your heart, know His touch in your life and feel His love for you each day. SPIRIT & SOUL



* *

* * *


As we walk uphill towards home, we never have to walk alone.

I Think You’re Great! Stop hiding the real you inside that shell of a body.

Sunny Side Up!

I made you to show you off to the world. Once you realize who you are, it’s up to you to let the world to see yourself. When something is hidden, it is of little value to anyone. To shine means to let the glory that’s in you get out. All the beer in the world won’t get anybody drunk if it stays contained in the keg now will it?


SONG TRACKS 1. “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” 2. “I Surrender All” 3. “He Touched Me” 4. “Softly and Tenderly” 5. “Jesus Loves Me” 6. “It Is Well With My Soul” 7. “The Old Rugged Cross” 8. “I Need Thee Every Hour” 9. “How Great Thou Art” 10. “I’ll Fly Away” 11. “Jesus Paid It All” 12. “Suppertime” 13. “When I’m Gone”

Available for pre-order at Cracker Barrel now, (click the link above) or it will be in stock beginning February 12th! 19 Santa Fe Good News

Let your light shine.

We search the world looking for all of the GOOD & we SHARE it. All of the beauty, food, photos, humor, uplifting & encouraging writing & all sorts of other GOOD STUFF ... we gather it all together and call it a DIGITAL MAGAZINE. And it is FREE to anyone. It is our effort to make the world a better place to live in.

20 Santa Fe Good News

***Do you know that we FACEBOOK our advertisers for FREE?


NEW Outlookďƒź

WAYS to Make Your Life Better in 2016!

1. Stop whining. You don't work from sunup to sundown. You have plenty of food if you are reading this and if you don't it's because you thought an iPhone was more important. And you have a roof over your head, so you have nothing to whine about. We are the most blessed generation that has ever lived.

refusing to forgive solves nothing. The damage was done, it can't be undone and crying over spilled milk is a big fat waste of time.

5. Meet your maker. We have lost sight of the fact that someone created us, knows us better than we know ourselves and paid a high price to have a relationship with us. There's a 2. Do good, do what's right. A lot BEST friend for each of us that can't of our unhappiness stems from our wait to spend some quality time with loss of self-respect. No one else is us. responsible for our character, we are. No one took our self-respect from us 6. Rejoice. Take great delight in and we didn't lose it - we chose to all good things because everything give it all away on reality TV. was created for our enjoyment. It's something you have to choose to 3. Find some type of hand work that do. Rejoicing doesn't fall on you, it's soothes you. We have lost the art of the result of taking the time to fully contemplation that is possible by appreciate all you've been blessed doing repetitive work like washing with. When you realize how good dishes, because machines do it for you have it - rejoicing just comes us. Choose ironing, sewing, folding naturally. clothes or even writing. Anything that allows the brain time to slow 7. Take a few minutes today to ponder down so that you can gather your your future. The only person planning wits about you. There is a reason your future is you and if you aren't that puzzles, painting and picking up planning it now, how will you ever pecans are great pastimes. have something to look forward to? 4. Pardon yourself and everyone else 8. Dance, turn up the music and who has ever disappointed or hurt dance! All that stands between you you. You nor they are perfect and and a good time is you. And you don't

need a partner, it's just for fun. It is exercise, it will make you feel better and it will improve your humor. Watch children - they don't need a reason to dance, they just do it. 9. Linger over your coffee, or your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Lingering is a lost art that is a very enjoyable pastime that we don't seem to have time for anymore. 10. Stop carrying on like its the end of the world. Whatever it is will be a faint memory by time you are 90, so does it really matter in the big scheme of things? People carry on about every thing these days. 11. Lagniappe means a little something extra - add that to your life every day. Even if it's just a nice thought, a prayer for yourself or for someone else or maybe just a moment of gratitude to say thank you. A little something extra is the icing on our lives that makes this life worth living.

You choose what you think about. You choose how you spend your time. So YOU choose your life - good or bad.


Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids?

"Where you spend your dollar will always tell you where your heart is."

This is one of the BEST devotionals ever written and as with most - it gets better and better every year you read it. Perhaps all devotionals get better because we get older and we get better. We have a better understanding and have a deeper relationship with the Lord the more years we walk with Him. Editor's Note: This book link does not go to Amazon like most of ours do, it goes directly to the website set up for Mr. Chambers. It costs a little more there, but if you can afford it - the book is well worth it and continuing to support his work is an honorable thing to do. Otherwise, go to Amazon. It's one of the most powerful books you can buy for a very small price.

GREAT SAMPLE: Are You Fresh For Everything? Sometimes we are fresh and eager to attend a prayer meeting, but do we feel that same freshness for such mundane tasks as polishing shoes? Being born again by the Spirit is an unmistakable work of God, as mysterious as the wind, and as surprising as God Himself. We don’t know where it begins—it is hidden away in the depths of our soul. Being born again from above is an enduring, perpetual, and eternal beginning. It provides a freshness all the time in thinking, talking, and living—a continual surprise of the life of God. Staleness is an indication that something in our lives is out of step with God. We say to ourselves, “I have to do this thing or it will never get done.” That is the first sign of staleness. Do we feel fresh this very moment or are we stale, frantically searching our minds for something to do? Freshness is not the result of obedience; it comes from the Holy Spirit. Obedience keeps us “in the light as He is in the light . . .” (1 John 1:7). Jealously guard your relationship with God. Jesus prayed “that they may be one just as We are one”—with nothing in between (John 17:22). Keep your whole life continually open to Jesus Christ. Don’t pretend to be open with Him. Are you drawing your life from any source other than God Himself? If you are depending on something else as your source of freshness and strength, you will not realize when His power is gone. Being born of the Spirit means much more than we usually think. It gives us new vision and keeps us absolutely fresh for everything through the never-ending supply of the life of God. O Lord, breathe on me till I am one with You in the temper of my mind and heart and disposition. Unto You do I turn. Again, how completely I realize my lostness without You! This book is a GREAT one to start a New Year out with! It's a GOOD READ for quite a few reasons... 1. If you like to read about FAMOUS people's lives, she gets very personal. 2. If you wish to do anything creatively this year, this is a great guide. 3. If you are interested in improving your faith, this book will do it. 4. If you are stuck (creatively speaking) this is definite a must read. 5. If you believe being a writer is somehow a romantic profession, this is the book for you. She tells you exactly how REAL writers work.

GREAT Author Quote: "I have worked artist-to-artist with potters, photographers, poets, screenwriters, dancers, novelists, actors, directors—and with those who knew only what they dreamed to be or who only dreamed of being somehow more creative.

I have seen blocked painters paint, broken poets speak in tongues, 22 Santa Fe Good News



halt and lame and maimed writers racing through final drafts. I have come to not only believe but to know: No matter what your age or your life path, whether making art is your career or your hobby or your dream, it is not too late or too egotistical or too selfish or too silly to work on your creativity. One fifty-year-old student who “always wanted to write” used these tools and emerged as a prizewinning playwright. A judge used these tools to fulfill his lifelong dreams of sculpting. Not all students become full-time artists as a result of the course. In fact, many full-time artists report that they have become more creatively rounded into full-time people." ~ Julia Cameron

What are you thinking about?

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” ~William James

“THE ARTIST’S WAY by Julia Cameron is not exclusively about writing—it is about discovering and developing the artist within whether a painter, poet, screenwriter or musician—but it is a lot about writing. If you have always wanted to pursue a creative dream, have always wanted to play and create with words or paints, this book will gently get you started and help you learn all kinds of paying-attention techniques; and that, after all, is what being an artist is all about. It’s about learning to pay attention.” --Anne Lamott, Mademoiselle “The premise of the book is that creativity and spirituality are the same thing, they come from the same place. And we were created to use this life to express our individuality, and that over the course of a lifetime that gets beaten out of us. [THE ARTIST’S WAY] helped me put aside my fear and not worry about whether the record would be commercial.” --Grammy award-winning singer Kathy Mattea See Clay Walker's book reviewed on the next page.

23 Santa Fe Good News

GOOD BOOKS REVIEWED Jesus Was a Country Boy by Clay Walker Life Lessons on Faith, Fishing and Forgiveness Editor's Note: This book is going to be reviewed in the next 6 issues of the Good News. Why? Because it's a GOOD BOOK and just because he's a famous singer, we don't feel he should be slighted in any way. He put his heart and soul into a book and it deserves proper attention. Besides that, he's a Texas boy and he does an awful lot of GOOD work for MLS. We couldn't find the book on his website, so the link goes to Amazon where you can read some more of it if you like, before you order it. Here's an excerpt:

you've given one or received one or both, you know the look I'm talking about. I can remember being a teenager and my mom telling me that an elderly lady at church, Mrs. Wilson, didn't have anyone to mow her yard for her. "That's too bad," I said, trying my best to sound sincere. Mom didn't say a word but just tilted her head down a little and looked at me. Her eyes seemed to be saying, really? Do you really want to make this harder than it has to be for both of us? Now go over there and get that yard cut! I maintained eye contact for a couple moments and then agreed to get the job done.

I suspect Mary gave Jesus "the look": the one All Mary had to do was give Jesus "the look" every mother naturally knows how to employ to get her to silently communicate that he'd better get busy and child to do something he may not want to do. Whether "just do it!" She looked at him, he got it and then Mary

GOOD STUFF Founded by a 5th generation Texan, Texas Humor began as a Twitter account in December 2011. Since then, it has grown to an audience of over 200,000 Texans united by their love of chips and salsa, southern living, and the greatest state this world has ever seen. We want you to be 100% happy with your order and experience purchasing from this store. If you ever aren't or have general questions, please contact us at

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TEXAS Humor 24 Santa Fe Good News

Isaiah 43:19 | GNT Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now!

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turned to the servants and said, "Whatever he says to do, you do it." After writing the hit song by the same title, Mr. Walker wrote the book because he was concerned. He states in the book that what (and who) we often see representing God in the world around us doesn't represent him accurately. Jesus grew up just as country as I did, if not more so. Please send us your thoughts after you read it, we would love to hear what you think.




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any good books lately? LibriVox FREE Public Domain Audio Books LibriVox is a site that sets out to make digital audio recordings of every existing public domain book and offer them FREE to the world on the net.

effort to digitise and archive as many free e-books in as many languages as possible, that Michael Hart launched in 1971. Gutenberg, set out to do for literary appreciation in the digital age what public libraries The site, founded by did in the 19th century, has now Montreal-based writer and web completed 45,000 books. developer Hugh McGuire, recruited 13 people to this crusade in the week The texts, poetry, short it launched back in 2005. Together, stories, plays, novels that are the 14 read and recorded Joseph featured on LibriVox have all been Conrad’s Secret Agent. read aloud by volunteers, who record the works in chunks of about The group, which now has 6,600 a chapter, or about 20 minutes of contributors, has since gone on to audio each. complete 8200 works, with 600 in progress, in 35 languages. The outfit is vehemently egalitarian-

volunteer to read in any language you speak, as long as you can make yourself understood in it. You don’t need to audition, we’ll accept you no matter what you sound like.’ Volunteers use free software and any old rudimentary audio equipment they have to hand to do their recording: the variations in sound quality are more than made up for in the enthusiasm and intimacy of their readings. ‘It’s a more personal experience,’ says McGuire, ‘it feels like someone’s reading to you rather than a professional packaged thing.’

McGuire’s idea was to make ‘We accept all volunteers in all The files are hosted on Internet the audio equivalent of Project languages,’ runs its blurb. ‘With all Archive as MP3 and OGGs. Gutenberg, the non-profit volunteer kinds of accents, you’re welcome to 26 Santa Fe Good News

WHERE is there a Buc-ee's near you? Alvin Angleton Bastrop Travel Center Brazoria Cypress

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Don't forget your BEAVER NUGGETS!

LOOK UP; keep your focus on Me.

Don't look to the right or the left, no matter what happens in your life - you keep your focus on Me. Distractions of any kind; people, circumstances, blizzards or hurricanes of any magnitude will not sway you if you have practiced and disciplined yourself to stay focused. The longer you practice the more experienced you become and as a result... the more peace you will have. Always keep your eyes, ears and mind set on Me then you will have the directions you seek, just as I have promised.

I didn't go to all that trouble just to leave you hanging in the wind... Jesus



GOOD LIFE Looking at just a couple of GOOD THINGS can change the outlook of your day...

27 Santa Fe Good News

The Day I Bought My First Harley...

883 Sportster 28 Santa Fe Good News

First of all, the title is a lie. I did pay for it, but it’s definitely not mine. I accompanied my husband of 19 years at the time on a midlife crisis venture to the Harley shop many moons ago. He got in the best humor I had seen him in for months. All I had to do was agree to go and his attitude made a 180 degree turn. It’s a long way to the Harley shop from our house. They aren’t just around the corner and down the street, so we had the opportunity to share some quality time away from the kids. Of course that time was consumed by his relating to me every single fact he had ever gleaned about Harleys. So even though that wasn’t really the topic I would have chosen, what the hell – he was happily talking to me for a change. Naturally I couldn’t repeat any of it today, but I have a fond memory of his animated little talk to himself. We arrived at the less than upscale side of town and my husband dutifully waited for me to exit the vehicle, however we both practically sprinted inside. (Remember this was 20 years ago before high class motorcycle stores really existed.) Always acutely aware of my surroundings, I couldn’t help but notice that there were no other women there. None. The entire showroom was occupied by ponytailed men in T-shirts and blue jeans. I immediately realized there was an apparent dress code. We did not meet the code, but my husband seemed totally oblivious to it as he made a beeline to the new bikes. He proceeded to inspect each bike one at a time, lightly touching each one as though it were fine china. Although his tongue appeared to be thick, he managed to keep up a running dialogue about each bike, as if he thought I was listening. I on the other hand was more interested in gawking at the clientele and feeling a tad uneasy about my safety. He looked at the 1200 Sportster and gave a rundown of all of the pros and cons. Then came the Fat Bob with it’s EVO 1300cc engine. (Please forgive any

incorrect technicalities, again I was only half listening.) And of course he had to touch several Super Glides. A Super Glide was priced in excess of $20,000.00 even back then, so let me fill in this picture for you. We were a family of five who chose to become a one income family 6 months ago. My husband is one the hardest working people I know, but he is a cop. Cops did not make enough money to own a Super Glide legally in those days. But, we had to touch it and he had to tell me all about the good points.

I really thought he was joking. My husband is 6 foot 2 and weighs 275 pounds and I am no Twiggy by any stretch. I couldn’t believe he expected both of us to sit on this moped looking replica. I informed him he would look like an elephant riding a mosquito on that bike and I laughed some more. In the meantime, he had gotten on the bike and was doing that wrist revving motion thing. You know the one that goes with that noise that’s supposed to sound like gears changing. Thank God he refrained from making the Our search ended with the noise, but only because the salesman 883 Sportster. Are you surprised that was right beside us I’m sure. I wasn’t paying much attention when he said this is it? I seemed incoherent Still, I refused to embarrass I’m sure when I continued on to myself by getting on the bike with the next bike. Dragging me back, him. I proceeded to question the he rapidly expounded on it’s many salesman about our other options. virtues. Still, I didn’t pay much My husband informed me that he attention and again began to walk had researched the market and that away. He grabbed me by the arm and this was indeed the one he wanted. said he wanted me to sit on it with him. The salesman didn’t calm my fears I laughed. A crushed look crossed his very much by saying simply, “it face and I could tell I had done the will carry you both.” We progressed wrong thing. I tried to explain to him to discussing the price and I ceased that I only wanted to sit on the one laughing. Let’s just say when my he wanted to buy. He said, “This is husband first brought up spending it.” I laughed. The look came back. $10,000.00 on a motorcycle, I I clearly did not understand. Seeing thought we were talking about a my puzzlement, he repeated “This MOTORCYCLE. I had no idea he is it, this is the one I want to buy.” I was intending on getting my approval laughed some more. for that money to buy a bicycle with Continued on page 30.

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29 Santa Fe Good News

NEW Outlook...


Let's focus on the GOOD this year!


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Continued from page 28.

The Day I Bought My First Harley... a lawnmower motor on it for both of us to ride on. I slowly began to realize why my husband had already chosen the Sportster. It was all we could afford. The salesman began to sell us on how affordable the bike really was. He had to gently coax a grown man, my husband, off the bike and into his sales cubicle to finish his sales pitch. He proceeded to tell us their purchasing procedures. We would have to buy the bike stripped and then add roughly $2500.00 worth of options to make it rideable. I have never been forced to buy options on anything before. Of course he explained that this process was purely for the customer’s benefit. “You wouldn’t want your bike to be equipped to someone else’s specifications would you?” Well of course not, what was I thinking? So he opened his “Christmas Catalog” of options and my drooling husband began his selection process. First came the exhaust system. I stupidly questioned why a company would make a bike without an exhaust system? The salesman patiently explained all about the “patented Harley sound”. I quickly informed him of Continued on page 35.

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"Everyone will be glad you did."

Just a little something to ponder... If you had a choice to go to heaven or hell, which would you choose?

You do have a choice. 33 Santa Fe Good News

Good Clean PUZZLE FUN a.k.a. Brain Food 1. It's a brain twister... 6. What did you eat? I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought You throw away the outside and cook the inside. follows close behind. What am I? Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat? (Two known answers.) 2. Can you answer this riddle? What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? 7. How Do You Mark Your Fruit? (It's Hard!) You have three boxes of fruit. One contains 3. It's a problem... just apples, one contains just oranges, and one If you put a coin in an empty bottle and insert a contains a mixture of both. Each box is labeled cork into the neck of the bottle, how could you -- one says "apples," one says "oranges," and one remove the coin without taking the cork out or says "apples and oranges." However, it is known breaking the bottle? that none of the boxes are labeled correctly. How can you label the boxes correctly if you are only 4. Common Sense says allowed to take and look at just one piece of fruit A dog can run fifty miles in a day. How far could from just one of the boxes? he run into a 120 square mile forest in two days? 8. Another riddle... 5. It's a little math problm... What goes around the world but stays in a corner? A farmer had nine sheep, and all but seven died. How many did he have left? Answers on page 41.

You Can W Listen NO e! d i W d l r o W 34 Santa Fe Good News 34 Santa Fe Good News

Continued from page 32. my husband’s law enforcement profession and tried to explain that we lived in a nice subdivision. He proceeded to inform me that he had never in all of his years sold a bike without at least a Phase One exhaust system. I still did not want to pay $300.00 to make the bike a noise nuisance. After 15 minutes of discussion with the salesman, his backup salesman he called in and my husband, the exhaust system had turned into a question of my husband’s manhood. I knew I lost and I succumbed quietly. Next came the windshield. Again the males ganged up, all were discouraging this item. I quickly turned the issue into one of it being a safety requirement for purchasing the bike. I won because I held the purse strings. The Sportster that just looks better without a windshield now sports one. A bunch of items I really know nothing about were added and then we came to the seat. After looking through the catalog, I informed my husband that I would not be able to choose a comfortable one from a photo. The salesman suggested we go back to the showroom and try some out. This immediately became a problem. None of the seats on the bigger bikes would fit the “mosquito”, as I affectionately called it. The only Sportster he had was the one my husband had sat on. We went back to it, but I quickly assessed it and vetoed it. It appeared to be the shape of a 2 x 4 and felt like it was merely covered and not padded. Traveling some distance riding on a piece of 2 x 4 was not in my game plan.

The Day I Bought My First Harley... he could have both of them. Flattering is not a word I would use to describe them with, but he happily went off to select them. I took this opportunity to pick the salesman’s brain. After asking a series of questions aimed at trying to understand my conservative husband’s sudden obsession with a Harley, the salesman responded with one question. “How old is he?” He’ll be 40 this month why, I answered? “Every man that comes in here is between 40 and 60. He’s either dragging his wife or holding his divorce papers in his hand.” The salesman acted as though that should be a sufficient enough explanation and went back to his paperwork. We left the Harley shop with two ugly T-shirts and the promise of the bike in 2 days. I still don’t think I really understand the significance of a Harley. I know to this day I still don’t understand some of the stupid rules. (Like why they took brand new parts off of a brand new bike or why I have to store all of these parts and the original 2 x 4 seat in my attic for the life of the bike?) But, I do know that I have never seen my husband any happier than when he is on it, or polishing it or just sitting around talking about it.

I looked around and finally found another one. IT, “the mosquito name stuck” for whatever I was halfway on it when my husband nearly knocked reason makes him very happy and for that reason alone me down. He was wearing the look again and as usual, I – I guess it’s worth it. didn’t know why. I quickly learned another lesson – You can’t sit on a SOLD bike. At first I laughed until I saw they were serious, then I lost my sense of humor. I turned on my husband and the salesman and said, “Let me get this straight – this company pays a man to do nothing all day long but walk through this showroom with a towel wiping drool off of all the bikes. They are all touched and sat on all day long, but once a sold sign goes on it, no one is allowed to sit on it?” Both nodded and began staring at their feet sheepishly. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Two hundred people sat on this bike before you sold it, how the hell is the new owner gonna know I did it after he bought it?” I asked. They babbled on about that being the rule and how they really knew it didn’t make much sense either, but that was the way it worked. “Everyone knows that’s the rules”, they mumbled. I was furious. I wanted a comfortable seat. They really wanted me to pay good money for one that I couldn’t even sit on it. Ridiculous. These rules were beginning to be less cute and more of a pain in the butt. We ordered the seat I couldn’t sit on and moved on. (Please note: We have since bought a new one, just as I suspected we would.) We finally signed all the papers and were told to go pick out two complimentary T-shirts. Having seen the selection on all the males in the store, I graciously told my husband


It's a Miracle! If you have arthritis this is an awesome product... It is a topical product that is supposedly safe for even 12 year olds that actually works great! My daughter uses it too and loves it. She likes the fact that it has no scent like some joint creams do. "Even though my body feels like I'm 90 sometimes, I don't have to smell like it!" You can click on the link above or Google it yourself to investigate it like we did or just ORDER it... if you happen to be one of the few people that it doesn't work for - the money back guarantee means you haven't lost anything for giving it a try. 36 Santa Fe Good News

If it's GOOD NEWS about anything or anyone anywhere... We Want You to Know About It! 37 Santa Fe Good News 37 Santa Fe Good News



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The best is yet to be because we are headed home to heaven. If that's not GOOD NEWS, then there ain't no good news.


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40 Santa Fe Good News

it's a personal preference.

40 Santa Fe Good News

Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. Eccl. 3:1

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Good Clean PUZZLE FUN a.k.a. Brain Food Solution 1. A nose. Solution 2. Towels Solution 3. Push the cork into the bottle and shake the coin out. Solution 4. About half way. After that, he starts running out of the woods.


Solution 7. Take a piece of fruit from the box marked "apples and oranges." Suppose the fruit you take is an apple. Then that box must be the box containing just apples. Therefore, the box marked "oranges" can't be the box containing just apples, and it can't be the box containing just oranges either -- so it must be the box containing apples and oranges. The remaining box is therefore the box containing just oranges.

Solution 5. Seven.

If the fruit you take out is an orange, the solution is derived in a similar fashion: the box marked "apples and oranges" is the box containing just oranges; the box marked "apples" is the box containing both apples and oranges; and the box marked "oranges" is the one containing just apples.

Solution 6. An ear of corn OR a chicken.

Solution 8. A stamp. 41 Santa Fe Good News

LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Workforce Solutions - Texas City 3549 Palmer Highway Texas City, TX 77590 Phone: 409-949-9055

CASHIER – ALVIN – JP 2888484 The primary responsibility of a Cashier is to provide fast, friendly, and accurate check out services for customers. Cashiers may be required to perform a variety of duties depending on business needs, it is important to be flexible and willing to work in a team environment. The essential job functions include, but are not limited to: * Execute a Clean, Friendly and InStock experience for every customer. * Illustrate competent use of various Point Of Sale and transaction devices. * Resolve customer issues in a friendly and professional manner. * Complete necessary shift reports in a satisfactory manner and properly account for all sales receipts generated within the shift. CONSULTATIVE SALES ASSOCIATE – HOME APPLIANCES – FRIENDSWOOD – JP 2888374 The Consultative Sales Associate is responsible for enhancing the experience of members and driving profitable sales of Home Appliance area by providing proactive consultative sales assistance and support to the member, achieving department standards and goals, and performing sales-support activities to maintain a clean, in-stock, orderly and well-merchandised sales floor for conducting sales activities. Equal Opportunity Employer / Disability / Vet. Employer's Job# 686875BR Please visit job URL for more information about this opening and to view EOE statement.

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STREET SUPERINTENDENT – SANTA FE – JP 2888148 JOB SUMMARY: Under administrative direction, coordinates employee and manages activities involved in construction, operation, and maintenance of street and drainage systems and does related work as required. OTHER JOB FUNCTIONS: Operates personal computer equipment, answers telephones, lifts and carries up to 100 pounds, and pulls, pushes, or drags up to 150 pounds, subject to after hours and weekend call out for emergency and ENROLLMENT AGENT I – LA critical conditions. MARQUE – JP 7079139 REQUIREMENTS: The Enrollment Agent I EA I supports High School Diploma/GED 42 Santa Fe Good News

Texas Driver License Class B-CDL, or ability to obtain within 60 days of employment, good driving record. INVENTORY CONTROL SPECIALIST – LA MARQUE – JP 5109927 Company is a leader in independent inspection, testing, verification and specialized technical services to the Oil, Gas and Chemical industries. Primary Responsibilities: Under direction, independently performs the full range of assigned duties, receives, stores, issues, controls and maintains an inventory of equipment, materials and supplies used in the build-out and upkeep of our testing facilities, loads and ships materials and supplies, computerized issuance and record keeping of supplies and materials in accordance with established policies and procedures. Responsible for maintaining accurate inventory controls and adhering to company guidelines and policies. Qualifications & Skills: -College degree preferred. - A combination of education and experience equivalent to the completion of high school and three years warehouse experience. An Associate's degree in Business Administration or related field is highly desirable. Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite especially Excel is highly desirable. - Previous petroleum testing or other testing experience a plus. - Strong attention to detail. - Effective communication skills. - Strong mathematical skills. BILINGUAL PERSONAL BANKER – GALVESTON – JP 6432542 Under immediate direction, provides

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repair structures and fixtures made of wood for concrete forms. • Assemble and fasten materials to make frameworks for concrete pour. • Shape or cut materials to specified measurements, using hand tools, machines, or power saws. • Set the forms that hold concrete to the desired pitch and depth, and align them. • Check the forms that hold the concrete to see that they are properly constructed. Must be able to set forms, read blueprints, and have own tools.

M A R K E T I N G REPRESENTATIVE - WEBSTER – JP 6432182 Make cold calls to expand business to new clients. Identify, develop, or evaluate marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment objectives, market characteristics. Formulate, direct, or coordinate marketing activities or policies to promote services. Evaluate the financial aspects of product development, such as budgets, expenditures, research and development appropriations, or return-on-investment and profit-loss projections. Explain services and prices, and answer questions.

EYE WEAR SPECIALIST – FRIENDSWOOD – JP 7078539 Eye wear Specialist: • Greet customers and ascertain what each customer wants or needs. • Describe merchandise and explain use, operation, and care of merchandise to customers. • Prepare sales slips or sales contracts. • Maintain knowledge of current sales and promotions, policies regarding payment and exchanges, and security practices. REQUIREMENTS: Must have basic computer skills. Must be 18 years of age or older per company policy. Must demonstrate communication, interpersonal and negotiation skills. Must demonstrate ability to read and interpret insurance information and prescriptions.

CARPENTER – TEXAS CITY – JP 7078474 Carpenter Duties May Include: • Will construct, erect, install, or

Workforce Solutions - Texas City 3549 Palmer Highway Texas City, TX 77590 Phone: 409-949-9055

LOCAL NEWS NEWS If It's GOOD & It Happens Here ... We Want You to Know About It!

The Galveston County Animal Shelter has REDUCED the "Adoption Fee" for cats and dogs that are already Neutered/Spayed ("fixed") to half price--$42.50, which includes all their shots including rabies and microchip. And often there are pets available who are "Sponsored" - meaning their "Adoption Fee" has already been paid by a generous donor to help you get them out!

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44 Santa Fe Good News

A whole issue devoted to LOVE & all the facets of it.

The LAST Word...


“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” —Woodrow Wilson


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