A Change in the Seasons... a cowboy romance.

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A Change in the Seasons... A cowboy romance.



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(409) 370-0030

I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.

~Andy Rooney

“Sharing the Good News is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.�

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway." Mother Teresa

Your children will become who you are; so be who you want them to be. Anonymous 3 Santa Fe Good News

Our cover photo was provided by Xen Photography, courtesy of Donald Trahan, Jr. He may be reached at (281) 919-9449 if you need an engagement, wedding or event photographer.

LOVE It's what this issue is all about!

LOVE is a Choice by Cresta Ogle


A Change in the Seasons by Lynn Dale


GREAT FOOD & A #Be the GOOD Challenge by Christy Jordan 12 The Galloping Foodie finds CRAB at the Cajun Greek 14 Truth Meets Grace


The Lord's Corner


This Magazine Runs on LOVE, Laughter & Sweet Tea!

Clay Walker's Book "Jesus Was a Country Boy" gets a GOOD review. 24 Living & Logging Our Lives A journal to create. 31 LOCAL Good News, events & occasionally some Good Rumors start on page 32. The BEST of Social Media 40 Employment Classifieds


The Last Word


Call us or email us if you have any ideas about how we can better serve you.

Plea s our e supp ad or whe vertise t can never y rs ... ou the they ke NE GOO ep WS D to y comin ou f g or FR EE !

Hatefulness should never become so commonplace that it is thought to be acceptable behavior.

~Lynn Dale



(409) 370-0030 *If there is something GOOD to say about someone, something or some happening - we want to print it so that you will know about it. WHY? Because a balanced diet (of words or food) is a healthy way to live.

True LOVE...

If you only feed yourself a steady diet of bad news... you can't possibly live the GOOD, abundant life GOD intended for you to live.

I want someone to stick around and annoy me for my entire life like this!


The Santa Fe Good News (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at: lynn@santafegoodnews.com www.santafegoodnews.com

LOVE is a Choice Confession time: Sometimes, I do not particularly like my children. They disobey. They fight. They whine. They talk back. They can’t remember to do simple things like save me a pancake for breakfast, (they eat them all!). They are selfish and self-centered. They are sinners. Now, before you pass judgement on me not liking my kids all the time, let me explain that I have not always been a follower of Christ. I was raised in the church, but turned away during my mid-teens and through my twenties and thirties. I recently rededicated my life to Jesus just two years ago. Being Christ-like is something I have to consciously, continuously attempt. Sometimes, I’m good at it. Sometimes, I’m not… So, how do I deal with the sinful nature of these blessings from the Lord? How do I not become consumed by disappointment and despair at these little souls who are

by Cresta Ogle

so difficult to steer and mold into the righteous people the Lord wants them to be? Honestly, many times I don’t do the best job. I yell. I get frustrated. I want to pull all of my hair out and then run far, far away.

LOVE bigger than the problem. God is our Heavenly Father, our Creator, our supernatural parent. One of a parent’s jobs here on earth is to show children grace and mercy and how to be obedient, so that they may But other times, God has be obedient to their heavenly Father. mercy on me and shows me that I try to explain that to my children LOVE IS A CHOICE. I have to every day. choose to love these little sinners. I have to choose to be like Jesus and “Mommy and Daddy need show them the love of God so that you to listen to and obey us so that they can become those righteous you will be able to do the same for people. I have to be righteous, God. If you don’t listen to our loud, myself. Oh, boy, does that realization outside voices, telling you what to hit hard! do and what not to do, how can you listen to God’s quiet, small voice I HAVE TO BE AN inside your heart?” EXAMPLE OF LOVE. The order of things in God’s I have to show love to the word is significant, so when, in rascal who leaned back in my late Galatians 5:22-26, love is presented Grandpa’s chair and broke it. I as the first Fruit of the Spirit. There is have to demonstrate forgiveness no mistake that it is the most important (God’s own unconditional love) and fruit requiring top placement in the tell that kiddo, “It’s not okay, but I list of the attributes of a godly person. forgive you,” - the same phrase we teach our kids to say when someone God asks that we offer up our “trespasses against” them. I have to First Fruits to Him (Proverbs 3:9),

7 Santa Fe Good News

LOVE like there is no tomorrow, because one day some won't be here.

our very best. How fitting that the first Fruit of the Spirit is love then? What better offering is our LOVE, first of all? “Love conquers all� is a commonly-heard phrase, but what does it mean, exactly? If I am living in LOVE, or in other words, living in the Spirit, living in Jesus, there is nothing that can stand in my way. God is FOR me when I live in LOVE. If I am filled with LOVE, my raucous, rowdy, rebellious children learn that LOVE is how we are supposed to handle a difficult situation or person. Yes, we do discipline our children, but we make sure they know why and do so with LOVE. If I can remember to LOVE, above all, I end up liking my kids a whole lot more! I choose to fill myself with the Fruit of the Spirit and let LOVE guide my heart. I want my children to know, more than the frustration and the desire to rip out my hair and run, that I always, unconditionally LOVE them, because I choose to.

Click here to start planning your next trip!

Written by Cresta Ogle, writer, woodland homesteader, fledgling farmer, sometime-blogger, and homeschooling Mom to a handful of crazy, rambunctious kids.

When in doubt pull your BIBLE out.

8 Santa Fe Good News

Texas State Parks Pass TPWD offers four types of passes:


•Texas State Parks Pass – for individuals and families. •Texas Parklands Passport – for qualifying seniors, veterans and disabled persons. •Youth Group Annual Pass – for nonprofit youth groups of 13 to 17 year-olds. •Restricted Annual Activity Pass – for activities at specific parks.

The Texas State Parks Pass is good for one year and includes: •Unlimited free entry to more than 90 state parks for you and your guests. (Card holder must present the pass to get free entry.) •Discounts on camping (some restrictions apply), park store purchases and equipment rentals. •Other special offers. A Texas State Parks Pass costs $70. You can buy a second pass for someone who lives at the same address for $25. For more information click here http://tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/parkinformation/passes/sppass-faq and read the Texas State Parks Pass Details.

Make this WINTER the year your children remember for the rest of their lives at a state park near you.

Supporting our STATE & NATIONAL PARKS improves not only the quality of our lives, but also those of all of the animals that live there.

9 Santa Fe Good News

time, before shutting the TV off and giving up on the idea of it being able to entertain her for the evening. Throwing SPECIAL the remote down on the coffee table she decided to quit fighting with the voice in her head and just go to the damn FEATURE restaurant. She cooperated partly because she wanted A Good News original serial the voice to shut up, but also she heeded it because she couldn’t think of anything better to do anyway. “They cowboy romance... said they were going to Tony’s Pizza. Maybe if I hurry I get there in time for dessert. Like I need some more written by Lynn Dale can dessert,” she groaned, but jumped off the couch anyway. “Some of us want things we can’t have, like Elvis or Brad Pitt or somebody else we think is cool. Not me, I just want a plain “ole” dependable Joe. He doesn’t have to make much money or do anything special, Agent 007 never appealed to me. I’ve always consoled myself with, ‘I’m not asking for much,' but apparently I am. So here I sit on the couch, for yet another exciting Friday night in the life of me. How boring is this?” Heather complained to herself silently.

She grabbed her blue nylon jacket, noting that it too clashed with her nail polish as she sprinted out the door. Her little step side truck was parked practically at the front door. The small apartment complex gave her that luxury, which is one of several reasons she’d elected to stay put for the past 4 years. The laundry was right around the corner and it was very seldom that the pool was ever overcrowded. The place had all the charm in the world, but Heather was anxious to move in with somebody and start a family. She was tired of the exciting She was sprawled out on her red and white single life. checkered sofa with her feet dangling over the end of the matching overstuffed ottoman. Her neon green nail God speaks: polish was clashing severely she noticed, but that was the least of her problems. The way Heather saw things, life “I practically have to beat you over the head was passing her by at a rapid clip and there didn’t seem to child. If I can’t get some cooperation here, you’re gonna be a thing she could do about it. be single for a very long time! It’s time for things to change for you, but you have to go when I say go. I’ve “I’ve been out there meeting some guys, but they got a great future here for you, but you’re gonna have to just don’t seem to be good enough. Surely to God, my dad is not the last good, dependable, hardworking man around,” Heather thought, while flipping despondently through the TV channels. Meanwhile God was looking down on the situation and making his own assessment:

A Change in the Seasons...

Heather talks to herself a lot these days. Loneliness can do that to a person. She’s on the couch again because she wouldn’t go to dinner with her parents, like I told her to. She doesn’t realize I’ve got her life all worked out for her if she’d just cooperate with me. John is already at the restaurant waiting for her. He goes wherever I tell him to. This is the third time I’ve had him go out of his way to meet her. She always comes up with a better plan and wants to argue with me about it. She’ll miss him again, if she doesn’t hurry up. “Go to dinner!” God shouted, in Heather’s ear. “Maybe I should have gone to dinner with Mom and Dad after all, but it’s like they’re still raising me for ‘Pete’s sake’. I’m 26 years old and I have dinner with my parents 3 or 4 nights a week,” Heather moaned, wallowing in the hopelessness of her situation. sigh.

“Just get up and go,” God whispers, with a tired

Heather surfed through the channels one more 10 Santa Fe Good News

Perfection is always the goal,

but rarely is it the end result. A cowboy romance.

listen to me. I can’t spell it all out, but things are looking up for you girl,” trying to put her in a good mood for her meeting. She’s just gonna have to grow up. They will make a great pair, but getting them together has been like pulling teeth. Every time I set something up, she moves off in a different direction. They both came to me as children, but one of them is progressing a lot faster than the other one.

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John, bless his heart, he just goes where I send him and does what I tell him to do. Girls can be so cranky. She and John will be good together though. Heather likes to have fun and John just meanders though life at his own pace, grabbing what fun he can along the way. They’re both a little hardheaded at times, but they are good people just the same. They’ll make a fine pair. Now, if she’ll just get there, I can pull this off, finally. I think I know what I’m doing. www.shaklee.net/laurinemurtagh Heather pulled into the parking lot next to her parent’s silver Tahoe. She ran a hairbrush through her long blonde hair, then she tossed it back into the seat, where it permanently lives. She didn’t know why exactly, but she was glad she had come. Just getting out had made with her stride. Her attention was focused on something to John’s right, so he could gawk all he wanted, and he her feel better, she guessed. did. “You feel better because you’re doing what I told As she started to go down, Heather looked around you to do nitwit,” God chuckles. desperately for help. She grabbed for something to break While locking the doors on her little S-10 truck, her fall. All she could find was the shirt collar of the she decided she’d have mercy on it and take it to the car cowboy that the foot belonged to. She latched on for dear wash after dinner. It looked kind of pitiful. She could life, but slid on down anyway. barely make out the baby blue color under the red clay The blue, plaid, cowboy shirt wouldn’t support dust coating. At least she would accomplish something her weight and began to rip apart at the seam. Heather worthwhile tonight. held on. John tried to catch the falling woman, but it Heather located her parents easily in the crowded happened so fast he couldn’t stop her. He wound up on restaurant. Her dad’s silver head was bobbing animatedly the floor on top of her. His shirt had ripped all the way above all the others, however she never got as far as their down to his belt and was twisted so tight, it was choking table. She chose the most direct path and one minute the him to death. When it was all said and done, he found walkway was clear and then a large brown work boot himself hugging the prettiest smelling woman he had ever dreamed of. The fact that she was crying like a baby blocked the entire aisle. didn’t even register, for a few minutes. John was just getting up to go to the restroom “There, that should take care of that!” God when Heather walked in. He hesitated leaving his seat, in order to get a closer look at her as she walked by. She exclaimed, with unadulterated glee! “Another job well wasn’t drop dead beautiful, but she was striking enough to done.” Continued on page 22. get his attention. Her blonde hair was swaying in rhythm

11 Santa Fe Good

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action 11 Santa Fe Good News of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~Mother Teresa


Ten Minute Rolls "Hi, my name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."

There are over 1000 recipes on SouthernPlate.com right this very minute and they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, FREE of charge.

Step by step instructions, photos and sometimes even videos can be found for all of Christy's recipes at www. southernplate.com

I’m the worlds worst about planning a meal from start to finish and not thinking about the bread until we’re about ready to eat. While Jordan rolls are one of my favorite breads to serve at meals, followed by my Mama’s Hoe Cakes at a close second, when you’ve got a family of rumbling stomachs and the meal about to go on the table there is no time to call either of those into play. That is where these rolls come in handy. If you work fast, you can have them ready - start to finish in about ten minutes using ingredients you probably already have on hand. Note: Using what you have on hand, how cool is that? Being able to make a meal for your family without having to buy anything special. I think the best meals come out of that, just like the best lives come out of “using what you have on hand” to make your own happiness. Okay, done being philosophical for now (“for now” meaning for this paragraph).

Ingredients •1 Cup Self Rising Flour* •2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise •½ Cup Milk

Here are our finished rolls, all ready to accompany your country dinner, sop up gravy, or spread with butter and jelly.

•Dash of salt *To make your own self rising flour, simply add 1 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp salt for EACH cup of all purpose flour. Sift ingredients well to make sure it is uniform.


1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir until well combined. 2. Grease six cups in muffin tin. Divide batter evenly among cups. 3. Bake at 425 for 8-10 minutes. 4. Serve as a roll or a biscuit.

My #BeTheGood Challenge What an awesome opportunity to do something, big or small for another person! But my spin on #BeTheGood is actually going to be to hand it off to someone else…

We got up and got ready a little early and then went out right after breakfast for Katy to perform some random acts of kindness. For starters, we paid a visit to the grocery store. There, Katy filled her buggy with some of her favorite goodies for us to donate to the local food You see, I was raised by a Mama who taught me pantry. Now another child who may not have had the that it was my responsibility to put good into the world. opportunity will get to enjoy those same foods my Katy When times got hard for us, she showed me the importance loves so much. of helping others who had it even harder. When someone was down, she showed me how to lift them up with my Then, we headed over to Katy’s favorite shopping words and acts of kindness and consideration. Then, place, Dollar Tree :). There, we left little surprise dollar whenever the world seemed to be going a little crazy, bills with note cards attached to them in the toy section as she’d point out the good – and point out the void where I a surprise for kids to find. could do more to increase the goodness there. Lastly, we went by the local red box and taped I was taught to "Be the Good". And I realize sealed bags of microwave popcorn, along with a note, to that it is up to me to teach my kids the same. So today, the machine. Katy Rose and I got a lot of pleasure out of I’m sharing a "Be The Good" morning Katy and I had being the good today! together.

Accept the challenge and you have 24 hours to complete a service or act of kindness. 1. Choose a good deed. Could be as simple as paying for the coffee after yours. 2. Share your goods. Pick your favorite social channel (Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, etc.), but first, make sure to take a selfie (or something appropriate to your story), and share your story, big or small. Be sure to use this hashtag to help this campaign spread: #BeTheGood.

Get some more GREAT IDEAS today by clicking right here...

3. Tag 1-5 of your friends to do the same within a 24 hour period. Good Luck and enjoy being the good!

~Christy Jordan

We can never love too much! When we are who we are called to be we will set the world ablaze. ~ St. Catherine of Siena

Editor's Note: If you'd like to let Christy know how much you enjoy her contributions to the Good News, you could order one of her cookbooks at the link above. 13 Santa Fe Good News



Sometimes love just shows up on the plate... This great food was discovered on date night and there is nothing better than when date night gets done right! Although we have ordered steamed crabs from Cajun Greek for years through the drive thru we had never been inside. A friend told us about the crab years ago and it's always been a quick, easy way to "get your crab on" without have to dirty up your kitchen. We went out to try to have a nice dinner and get a "Foodie" done at the same time at another Galveston location and despite their Facebook page claiming they were open, they weren't. Since we were down the street - we decided to go inside and boy are we glad that we did! Continued on page 23.

This is what greets you at the Cajun Greek!

14 Santa Fe Good News

Junior's Boy

Cajun Greek




2226 61st St

Tues - Thurs: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm

Galveston, Texas

Fri - Sat: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm

(409) 744-7041


Sunday: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm

This is what we came for... it was SOLD OUT :(

GOOD NEWS never goes out of style... it's still GOOD no matter when you happen to run across it! GET YOUR FREE COPY TODAY! It's easy. We only ask for your name & email address. What are you waiting for? SHARE the GOOD NEWS!

***Editor's Note: For more GREAT recipes click below to go to Christy's awesome website!

This is More Than Just a Cookbook... It's a REAL GOOD READ! Order her NEW COOKBOOK by clicking right here!

I set out to write the one cookbook that I myself would use the most when it came to planning suppers for my family- I hope you'll find it as useful as I intended it to be. Please keep in mind, though, that the recipes in this book and the meals you and I make are really just a tool to bring our families and friends together. Because at the end of the day, the supper table is where we teach our families where they came from and they let us know where they hope to go. Values, heritage, history, dreams, and encouragement are passed around with the serving platters and roots grow a little deeper with each bite. We may have high hopes and aspirations when we set off into the world each morning, but if you really want to make the world a better place, end the day by coming home to supper.

16 Santa Fe Good News

-Christy Jordan

Cheese Lovers Chicken Pot Pie

Christy's Mama shares her Cheesy Chicken Pot Pie for those who don't really care for pot pie - it's a winner!


•2 cups cubed or shredded chicken •1 can cream of chicken soup, undiluted •1 can Veg-all, drained •½ cup sour cream •2 tablespoons mayonnaise •1 cup Velveeta cheese, cubed •salt and pepper •1 box of refrigerated pie crusts


1. Mix soup, sour cream and mayonnaise. 2. Stir in chicken, Veg-all and cheese. 3. Add salt and pepper to taste. 4. Line a 9" pie plate with crust. 5. Add pot pie mixture. 6. Top with crust, crimp to seal and cut vents. 7. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. 17 Santa Fe Good News

Made in TEXAS by TEXANS... just for you!

ORDER yours today!







on the cross!



Is it REALLY Judgement? ...Or is it Just Refusing to Condone BAD Behavior?

I don't have the right to disapprove of you, but I can and should disapprove of your actions sometimes. Judgment is wrong because we are not allowed to judge, that is God's job. However, not condoning behavior that is unacceptable is not only the right thing to do, it is also our responsibility to do so. We have been shirking our responsibility to avoid being uncomfortable for far too long. I believe that our society in an attempt to be more accepting of each other has run off into the opposite ditch, by going too far. We are now supposed to accept literally everything or risk being called very uncomplimentary names. (Grown men and women calling each other names is a prime example of unacceptable behavior.) Children cannot possibly learn what is acceptable behavior if everything is acceptable. Some things are just NOT, period.

God has told us what is good for us: To always do what is right, to show constant love and to live in constant fellowship with him. Based on Micah 6:8

Our prayer...

Lord I ask that my feet would carry me wherever you need me to go today. I pray my arms will hug all that need to be hugged. I ask for you to help my hands help all of your children that are within my reach that need helping. And as always I ask that the words of my mouth be full of what you want said. Amen.

The Good News is… Every time you open up the GOOD NEWS... you expose yourself to a world where the GOOD is celebrated & the bad is not glorified.

SHARE some Good News with your loved ones today.




 

One gave all. 18 Santa Fe Good News

It's FREE for everyone! May you find the open arms of Christ throughout the pages of the Good News.

May you hear God's voice in your heart, know His touch in your life and feel His love for you each day. SPIRIT & SOUL



* *

* * *


As we walk uphill towards home, we never have to walk alone.

It’s All About Me!

Sunny Side Up!

When you learn to lean on Me and stand on My word, you will live the abundant life I’ve called you to live. I laid out a plan for your life, but I can’t make you walk in it. You have to choose to walk in it. You have to choose My will over your own. You don’t know what is best, but I do. You can’t see all I can see. You don’t know the way home. I told you, I am the way and no one gets there but through Me. I have begged you to trust Me, that’s all I can do. Abundant life is what you get when you cooperate with Me. It’s all about Me. The prayer, church, and

bible study, they all teach you about Me. I remain at the top no matter what is going on at the bottom if your focus is where it should be. On Me. You are taught how to live by Me through these avenues. I will lead you no matter what is going on. You have to do what I have told you to do. When nothing changes except your circumstances, then you have stability. That’s building your house on THE ROCK.


SONG TRACKS 1. “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” 2. “I Surrender All” 3. “He Touched Me” 4. “Softly and Tenderly” 5. “Jesus Loves Me” 6. “It Is Well With My Soul” 7. “The Old Rugged Cross” 8. “I Need Thee Every Hour” 9. “How Great Thou Art” 10. “I’ll Fly Away” 11. “Jesus Paid It All” 12. “Suppertime” 13. “When I’m Gone”

Available NOW at Cracker Barrel.

19 Santa Fe Good News

Let your light shine.

SHINING TRAVEL About 80 miles north of Houston sits a little town they call Onalaska. It's located on a peninsula on the north side of Lake Livingston and boasts an average population of about 4000. Although it's a great day trip - it's an even better overnight trip if you can book you a cabin or a campsite at the local KOA. If you want to fish, shop the Livingston trade days or just sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet, Onalaska is a great Texas destination.


Light on

Onalaska, TEXAS

This is the sunset view from a cabin at the KOA campground in Onalaska Texas.

20 Santa Fe Good

LOVE - The greatest command 20 Santa Fe Good News ever given.


Cast Geoffrey Palmer as Lionel Hardcastle Judi Dench as Jean Pargeter Philip Bretherton as Alistair Moira Brooker as Judith Hanson Jenny Funnell as Sandy Lionel Hardcastle (Geoffrey Palmer) returns to England after many years as a coffee planter in Kenya. He's writing a book, "My Life In Kenya", and he needs secretarial help. He hires a temporary secretary from an agency run by widow, Jean Pargeter (Judi Dench). They are former lovers whose lives intersect again 40 years after they lost touch with each other.


Lionel is now divorced and Jean is a widow with an adult daughter, Judith, who works in Jean's secretarial office. As Lionel works on a memoir with a cheerful but brash agent, Alistair, he begins to rekindle the tender romance with the woman who got away all those years ago. Cheering them on is Sandy, Judith's best friend and

In the Houston area it's showing two episodes every Saturday night at 7PM central time on PBS channel 8. The link above goes to Amazon to purchase the DVD set of the show because after watching a few episodes, we think you'll probably want to buy it. It's that GOOD!

As Time Goes By like most British comedies is a little difficult to understand at times, but that's what rewind is for. You won't want to miss a single comedic moment of this truly wonderful, heartwarming and funny television show.

You need not cry very loud; He is nearer to us than we think. ~ Brother Lawrence


Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids?

"Where you spend your dollar will always tell you where your heart is."

People gathered, hovering all around them. John leaned back over her to try to help her sit up. That’s when he saw her foot. It was turned in an unnatural position, twisted backwards. He quickly grabbed her up and sat her down in his chair, letting her foot realign itself on it’s own, during the move. She was fighting and screaming at him the whole time and the terrified look in her eyes tempted him to put her back on the floor.

every word. They were both beautiful. Her mother looked to be in her early fifties, her blonde short hair was not yet graying. At least it didn’t appear to be anyway. The younger one looked like she was about 25. Her hair was tangled and sticking out in all different directions, making her look like some kind of wild blonde goddess. She was kind of healthy. He could tell that by just holding her leg, but she was beautiful just the same. Of course he had always had a weak spot for crying women. Heather looked at her foot and then at the hand that was rubbing her leg. It was a strong hand. Tan and warm. She could feel the warmth of his hand through her jeans. She had heard him tell her she needed to go to the hospital, but was more interested in his hands than in what he was saying. She liked nice hands and these were an A+. She wiped the tears out of her eyes, so she could take a good look at his face.

Gorgeous, she thought. Simply gorgeous. Not movie star material, but not bad. Not bad at all. His face was tan and strong too. He had neatly cut jet-black hair and long black eyelashes framed his hazel eyes. He had bedroom eyes. The kind that get all soft and starry looking, under the right circumstances. Heather didn’t “I know. It’ll be okay. Just sit here for a second,” know how long she stared at him and she didn’t care. he told her, patting her on the shoulder. John located a When he repeated that she needed to go to the hospital, waiter among the people that were standing around them she moved her focus to his teeth. Very nice and they were and hollered for him to get some ice. really white too. But that was probably because of his tan she figured. “Stop! Oh, stop, stop! Oh my God, look at my foot,” she shrieked, staring helplessly at her dangling ankle. The shock of what she saw stopped her struggling completely and she went limp.

Seeing his daughter fall, J.C. Carter and his wife Leah left their table and shouldered their way through the crowd. “Heather are you okay?” her dad asked, trying to make out what was wrong. “Honey, what’s hurt?” Leah asked, as she put her arm around her daughter’s shoulder and tried to comfort her.

“He’s beginning to think I’m a mute because I won’t answer him,” she thought. She guessed his age at about 30. Perfect. Just perfect. Pulling her mind back to the present, she leaned forward and told him, “I think I need to go too,” and tried to smile. She turned to her dad and said, “Daddy, I think my foot’s broken.”

John had squatted down in front of her and gently raised the woman’s leg up so that she and the woman, who was hugging her, could see it. He propped her calf on his thigh and looked up into her eyes. They were so full of tears they glistened like blue diamonds. “I think you need to go to the hospital,” he told her solemnly.

The waiter appeared with the ice for her foot and her dad asked him if he could get their check. The young waiter handed the ice to John, nodded his agreement to the older gentleman and headed off to total the check. J.C. handed his car keys to his wife and told her to bring the car around to the front door. Leah kissed her daughter’s cheek and told her she’d be right back.


Heather tried to move, but she couldn’t. She squirmed and grunted, but she couldn’t get out from under the big cowboy. Her face was beat red from effort, from crying and from excruciating pain. “Get off of me,” she screamed in agony, but it sounded more like a plea. John tried to move, but couldn’t because she was holding him down by his shirt. She had it wadded up and clenched to her chest like a rosary. He finally wedged himself away, letting her pull his shirt clear out of his pants rather than try to pry her hand off of it.

He rubbed her calf hoping to calm her down and listened to the women talk. The tall woman had to be her John put the bag of ice on the woman’s foot mother. He could see the same facial expressions and gradually, while checking her face for her reaction to the the younger woman was hanging on the older woman’s Continued on page 46.

To live and LOVE without 22 Santa Fe Good Newsan agenda is to serve.

Cajun Greek 5's in each category are possible... They got 28 out of 30 of them! Presentation Taste Service Atmosphere Quantity Price

     

Continued from page 14. The table display as you enter the front door is a dead giveaway to the quality of food here. It makes deciding what to order a real challenge, but we settled on the Shrimp Diablo (pictured on page 15), a big bowl of seafood gumbo and those crabs you see right here. We came looking for crawfish, but those had been sold out since 3 o'clock. We arrived a little after 6 on Sunday afternoon and had to settle for crabs instead... oh how we suffer for you, our readers!

This is what we got SCORE!

The gumbo was a little too spicy for my taste, but his highness had no such difficulty. The shrimp were excellent, with just the right heat and sweetness. The show stopper is the crab though. If you know crab, you can tell these are fresh, sweet blue crabs and they can stand on their own. I usually order them boiled but decided to try the fried and it's a tough call to determine which is best. If you can't eat them all at dinner, I'd say the boiled is best. But, if you've got enough people eating them to not have leftovers - the fried might be a little better. Either way, they know their crab preparation and the crabs are not expensive in our opinion. For what you get and the ease and convenience, it's really not much more than if you cooked them yourself. (Unless of course you caught them yourself too!) All in all, for a date night - the Cajun Greek was a great success! And after looking at everything on that display table, obviously there are a couple more items we really want to try, so we will be back. by:

Junior's Boy

23 Santa Fe Good News

GOOD BOOKS REVIEWED Jesus Was a Country Boy by Clay Walker Life Lessons on Faith, Fishing and Forgiveness Editor's Note: This book is going to be reviewed in the next 6 issues of the Good News. Why? Because it's a GOOD BOOK and just because he's a famous singer, we don't feel he should be slighted in any way. He put his heart and soul into a book and it deserves proper attention. Besides that, he's a Texas boy and he does an awful lot of GOOD work for MLS. We couldn't find the book on his website, so the link goes to Amazon where you can read some more of it if you like, before you order it. Here's an excerpt:

There's no sweeter sound on this earth! No matter what kind of day I've had, how tired I am, how stressed I am or what's weighing on me, when I hear their voices and they run to hug my neck, I'm the happiest man alive. If you're a parent, then you know what I'm talking about. And the Bible tells us that if we, who are human and sinful, love our children and want to give them our full attention, then how much more does our Heavenly Father love us? This was a radical concept for the Jewish people listening who had been taught to approach God in a very abstract, impersonal, detached kind of way.

I can't tell you how much my heart melts when I walk into our house at the end of the day and hear my Jesus declared that instead of praying only at kids squeal, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy's home!" set times and on set days at the synagogue... Not only

GOOD STUFF Founded by a 5th generation Texan, Texas Humor began as a Twitter account in December 2011. Since then, it has grown to an audience of over 200,000 Texans united by their love of chips and salsa, southern living, and the greatest state this world has ever seen. We want you to be 100% happy with your order and experience purchasing from this store. If you ever aren't or have general questions, please contact us at texashumor@gmail.com.

GREAT Hats & T-Shirts

TEXAS Humor 24 Santa Fe Good News

Isaiah 43:19 | GNT Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now!

Do you ever get tired of advertising that claims something is FREE, but it's REALLY NOT?

Pleasea share sip of


someaoyn!e tod

The GOOD NEWS is REALLY FREE, there are no strings attached! Please SHARE it ...


We will both be really glad you did!

could they talk to him, but they could call him "Daddy". After writing the hit song by the same title, Mr. Walker wrote the book because he was concerned. He states in the book that what (and who) we often see representing God in the world around us doesn't represent him accurately. Jesus grew up just as country as I did, if not more so. Please send us your thoughts after you read it, we would love to hear what you think.




Shop in Santa Fe

Your neighbor's kids need shoes too!

Rather Read Your Books Yourself? 13 Great Resources for Finding FREE Public Domain Books of all types!

A GOOD IDEA Click Here


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Click here & the pages will flip for you!

Want to read the



any good books lately? LibriVox FREE Public Domain Audio Books LibriVox is a site that sets out to make digital audio recordings of every existing public domain book and offer them FREE to the world on the net.

effort to digitise and archive as many free e-books in as many languages as possible, that Michael Hart launched in 1971. Gutenberg, set out to do for literary appreciation in the digital age what public libraries The site, founded by did in the 19th century, has now Montreal-based writer and web completed 45,000 books. developer Hugh McGuire, recruited 13 people to this crusade in the week The texts, poetry, short it launched back in 2005. Together, stories, plays, novels that are the 14 read and recorded Joseph featured on LibriVox have all been Conrad’s Secret Agent. read aloud by volunteers, who record the works in chunks of about The group, which now has 6,600 a chapter, or about 20 minutes of contributors, has since gone on to audio each. complete 8200 works, with 600 in progress, in 35 languages. The outfit is vehemently egalitarian-

volunteer to read in any language you speak, as long as you can make yourself understood in it. You don’t need to audition, we’ll accept you no matter what you sound like.’ Volunteers use free software and any old rudimentary audio equipment they have to hand to do their recording: the variations in sound quality are more than made up for in the enthusiasm and intimacy of their readings. ‘It’s a more personal experience,’ says McGuire, ‘it feels like someone’s reading to you rather than a professional packaged thing.’

McGuire’s idea was to make ‘We accept all volunteers in all The files are hosted on Internet the audio equivalent of Project languages,’ runs its blurb. ‘With all Archive as MP3 and OGGs. Gutenberg, the non-profit volunteer kinds of accents, you’re welcome to 26 Santa Fe Good News

WHERE is there a Buc-ee's near you? Alvin Angleton Bastrop Travel Center Brazoria Cypress

Eagle Lake El Campo Freeport Giddings Gonzales Lake Jackson League City Luling Travel Center Madisonville Travel Center New Braunfels Travel Center Pearland Port Lavaca Richmond Texas City Waller Travel Center West Columbia Wharton Travel Center

Don't forget your BEAVER NUGGETS!

LOOK UP; keep your focus on Me.

You plead for help constantly. You wouldn’t have to if you’d just do what I’ve told you to do. I gave you orders to follow; I called them commandments. I am not threatening to throw you in jail if violate them, but you can’t have an abundant life and break all the laws! God

The magazine that focuses on all the GOOD THINGS in life!

You can’t have an abundant life & break all the laws... it doesn't work that way. GOD



GOOD LIFE Looking at just a couple of GOOD THINGS can change the outlook of your day...

27 Santa Fe Good News

Make the sky your limit this year!

Love NEVER Fails to... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

bring a smile to our faces. to encourage us. to comfort us. to improve our outlook. to cause joy to rise up. to make us better people. to inspire goodness. to brighten our day. to be the right answer. to deepen our faith. to be a blessing. to honor God. to be a perfect solution. to cause a chain reaction. to be the beautiful. to be impressive. to be the coolest thing ever!



Next Upcoming Market Dates March 3rd - 6th 28 Santa Fe Good News



GET your tickets HERE!

Washed Ashore is included with your paid Zoo admission and is free for Zoo members. The aquatic trash in our oceans is harmful to wildlife like sea turtles. One group came up with a creative solution that would both remove some of the debris and also educate people about the dangers of plastic pollution. The group is called the Washed Ashore Project, and it is a non-profit, community-based organization with a mission of educating and creating awareness about marine debris and plastic pollution through art. The Houston Zoo is the place to see a special Washed Ashore art exhibit featuring giant sculptures of the sea life most affected by plastic pollution, made entirely of marine debris collected from beaches. From a Styrofoam coral reef to a plastic bottle sea jelly to a recycled plastic whale rib cage (that’s 10’ tall and 23’ long!), guests of all ages will have a blast interacting with these awesome creatures while learning all about how they can help save wildlife.

"Will you come see me? I'll be waiting for you at the Houston Zoo." Not-So-Fun Facts About Plastic Pollution: • The average American will throw away approximately 185 pounds of plastic in a year. • Plastic bags are petroleum-based and do not biodegrade. • More than 100,000 marine animals die each year from eating plastic pollution in our oceans. • Sea turtles and other ocean creatures mistake plastics and other garbage as food (such as jellyfish) and ingest it. This causes blockages within their digestive system.

There is roughly 315 BILLION pounds of plastic in our oceans today.

ZOO Hours 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Last entry 5 p.m. The Houston Zoo is open seven days a week, 364 days a year. We are closed on Christmas Day. We close early on Christmas eve, and are closed during the day on Thanksgiving Day.

General Admission Zoo Members – FREE Children 1 and Under – FREE Children 2-11 – $13 Adults 12-64 – $17 Senior 65+ – $10.50

FREE Afternoon

To plan your next visit CLICK HERE http://www.houstonzoo.org/plan-your-visit/

March 1st *See the first Tuesday dates for more details.

29 Santa Fe Good News


GOOD REASONS to subscribe to the GOOD NEWS! 1. It’s FREE! 2. It’s available 24/7 online & storable to be read w/o an internet connection. 3. It has really pretty pictures. 4. It’s almost all Good News, instead of the other way around. 5. It has GOOD food in it. 6. It never gets old because GOOD is always GOOD, no matter when YOU hear about it. 7. You can share it for FREE.


8. It’s got variety – so there’s something for everyone. 9. It has national, regional & local GOOD articles, ideas, events & topics. 10. It doesn’t pile up in your house. 11. It has gun reviews, law enforcement stories & other man stuff. 12. It’s Christian based. 13. It’s family owned. 14. It won’t ever depress you. 15. It will make you laugh, cry & think sometimes. 16. It’s read all over the world. 17. You can copy anything you like & share it. 18. It’s guaranteed to be full of GOOD STUFF. 19. It exists to encourage you. 20. It has a variety of reviews – on everything. Country music, movies, books, restaurants & even motorcycles occasionally. & #21 is... it’s ALL American made!

Are you wanting to step out & do something NEW in 2016? This could be News the sign you've been looking for... Santa Fe Good

Living & Logging Our Lives Attention: All Crafters

What if you had a journal that you used for only the BEST stuff? Suppose we bought one of those beautiful journals and we used it only to record everything good we could think of. Kind of like a gratitude journal, but let's not limit it to that because so many things in life are worthy of keeping a record of. We could record how wonderful someone treated us today, or the kindness that we witnessed somewhere along our path. Or we could include how awesome some movie, book, song or story was and what it meant to us. The point would be to be absolutely truthful in it and to log all of the things that we love or that impressed us or just blessed us for whatever reason. It would be a book full of GOOD STUFF. We would be creating our own book of good memories that we could share with others at some point. (If we did a book a year, just think of how full of good our hearts would be?) Writing things down make them have a greater impact on us and provide records for future readers. We could create the GOOD version of the Diary of Anne Frank to pass down to our kids. Logging good thoughts, happenings and blessings would be a nice thing to leave behind for your loved ones. *** What a treasure we would have created when we finished a book like that!

Do you have 2 hours a week that you can give to help somebody? We'd LOVE to have you CLICK HERE to find out about us! P.O. Box 1426 Santa Fe, Tx 77510

LOCAL NEWS Volunteer at Santa Fe Fire & Rescue TODAY! CALL 409 925-7331 for details.

"Everyone will be glad you did."

Looking for something both entertaining and educational to do with the family this month?

ADMISSION Adults (13 years+) Seniors (60 years+) Children (4 years+) Children (3 and under)

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Rent our museum!

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Just a little something to ponder... "The badness of the times is making death attractive." This was written in April 1850 by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Is today really any worse? 32 Santa Fe Good News




Customer Facebook reviews LOCAL cinema is re-opened

by a LOCAL family... Why should you patronize a hometown theater? Here's one GOOD reason "We take the movie watching experience seriously and want to actively promote an environment of quiet and courteous movie watching." They are working very hard to bring back the enjoyment and affordability of taking the whole family to the movies.

All tickets are $5.00

Call (281) 756-7166 for show times or friend them on Facebook! 33 Santa Fe Good News


outside of your box!

Good Clean PUZZLE FUN a.k.a. Brain Food 1. I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What am I? 2. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I? 3. The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it? 4. I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I? 5. Throw it off the highest building, and I'll not break. But put me in the ocean, and I will. What am I? Two possible answers. 6. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

You Can W Listen NO e! d i W d l r o W 34 Santa Fe Good News 34 Santa Fe Good News


“Austin at its best -- just outside the city -- in the Texas Hill Country is Merryvale.�

Step into our world and discover the unexpected!

We are located 15 minutes from Downtown Austin. Shown by Appointment... Phone: (512) 496-9640 sandy@austinweddingsmerryvale.com 35 Santa Fe Good News

Good Rumors

r o m..

Rhuas it.

What: Garage/Plant/Hamburger Sale When: Mar. 11, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Mar. 12, 8 a.m.- 2 p.m. Where: Aldersgate United Methodist Church 13217 FM 1764, Santa Fe, TX 77510 (409) 925-2552 Details: Hamburgers/chips-$7; with drink-$8 (Served 11-2) *Donated items are currently being received at the church.



to Vote For? Start in your hometown. Politicians rise through the ranks and they all begin in the city, county or state they were raised in. There is no better example of this than Sarah Palin. She went from City Council, to Mayor, to Governor all the way up to Vice Presidential nominee. That’s how it works, so if you don’t know who to vote for in this election – start at home today. In ten years, you will know who a lot of the candidates are simply by following their progress and listening to the reputation they make for themselves. Go to 1 council meeting. You can find out instantly who is respectable and who isn’t. Attend 1 commissioner’s court meeting and within five minutes, you’ll know who is worthy to serve you. Watch 1 debate or go to 1 forum and listen to them speak and answer questions. Their character shows up right away, they can’t help it. And if all else fails, ask someone you respect if they know the candidate personally. Reputation and character are what we need to be voting on, not strictly by party lines. It is our civic duty to protect our children’s futures by voting. We have to remember that if we don’t stop the advancement of people without good character at a local level, they can wind up in Washington DC. That’s how we got ourselves into the mess we are in; we’ve been lazy.

The city of Santa Fe has 3 openings for City Council positions. ELECTION DAY is May 7th. You can start TODAY helping to create a better America!

Your friend in real estate. CLICK HERE to EMAIL me today!


It's a Miracle! If you have arthritis this is an awesome product... It is a topical product that is supposedly safe for even 12 year olds that actually works great! My daughter uses it too and loves it. She likes the fact that it has no scent like some joint creams do. "Even though my body feels like I'm 90 sometimes, I don't have to smell like it!" You can click on the link above or Google it yourself to investigate it like we did or just ORDER it... if you happen to be one of the few people that it doesn't work for - the money back guarantee means you haven't lost anything for giving it a try. 38 Santa Fe Good News

If it's GOOD NEWS about anything or anyone anywhere... We Want You to Know About It! 39 Santa Fe Good News 39 Santa Fe Good News



BEST ***Do you know that we FACEBOOK our advertisers for FREE?


Social Media

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God loved us long before we even knew HE existed. If that's not GOOD NEWS, then there ain't no good news.

41 Santa Fe Good

LOVE is FREE, really, really FREE!


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Joy is the outward expression of inward peace.

Supporting America

42 Santa Fe Good News

it's a personal preference.

42 Santa Fe Good News

Cultivate joy.

$1.00 a Card $4.00 for Lunch & the Visiting is FREE! (for Members, $5.00 for Guests)

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They serve GOOD FOOD so you can stay for lunch afterwards if you like.


Meet some GREAT PEOPLE to socialize with!

Great LOVE begins by giving great LOVE away...

Good Clean PUZZLE FUN a.k.a. Brain Food

NEW Term for Seniors


Answers Solution 1. A sponge.

Solution 4. A shoe.

Solution 2. Fire.

Solution 5. A tissue or a wave.

Solution 3. A coffin.

Solution 6. A river.

There is only ONE ANSWER to all of life's problems... LOVE.

a.k.a. A real grown up.

43 Santa Fe Good News

Finally a name worthy of striving to achieve!

Become a SUPER adult today!

LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Workforce Solutions - Texas City 3549 Palmer Highway Texas City, TX 77590 Phone: 409-949-9055

BRAND REPRESENTATIVES – FRIENDSWOOD – JP 5118067 -Assist customers by cashiering, helping with merchandise, and answering questions in a polite and knowledgeable manner. -Ensure proper merchandise presentation, operate the cash register in accordance with policies and procedures, maintain a clean work area, and assist customers with product selection as needed. Must be able to work weekends/ evenings and holidays. DENTAL FRONT DESK CLERK – LEAGUE CITY – JP 3374085 •Greet patients •Register new patients according to established office protocols. •Assist patients to complete all necessary forms and documentation. •Verify and update patient information. •Inform patients of dental office procedures and policy. •Move patients through appointments as scheduled. •Enter all relevant patient information into data system. •Maintain and manage patient records in compliance with privacy and security regulations. •Answer and manage incoming calls •Respond and comply to requests for information. •Schedule patient appointments. •Confirm upcoming appointments and recalls according to office protocol. •Check daily appointment schedule. •Arrange patient charts for next day appointments. •Fill in cancellations and no-shows. •Organize referrals to other medical

specialists. FORKLIFT OPERATOR – ALVIN – JP 7086274 Forklift Operator will be moving and unloading material such as mortar, concrete, sand bags, etc with a forklift or by manual lifting. This person will be responsible for palletizing materials, operating a forklift to move material, loading / unloading flatbed trailers/trucks, fluctuating stock and staging materials according to ticket orders, separating/banding different orders together with strapping material, and moving material by hand efficiently and in a timely manner. Turn in documented paperwork for incoming and outgoing inventory, as well as have knowledge of incoming and outgoing inventory procedures. This person will be responsible for completing other duties such as: sweeping, picking up trash, moving material by hand, wrapping pallets, stocking, keeping work area clean and free of safety hazards. Minimum Qualifications: •Must have experience working in non-climate controlled environment(s). •Must be able to lift & carry approximately 50-75 lbs. •Must have 6 months-1 year of variable forklift experience (sit down forklift). •Good understanding of general warehouse duties. •Excellent customer service skills. •Must be 18 years or older per OSHA.

Incumbent will drive and operate a Jet/Vac truck, haul, and unload waste including various fluids and nonhazardous materials. Qualifications: •High school diploma or GED. •Valid Class A CDL with Tanker endorsement. •Clean driving record. Travel: Overnight and extended stay travel may be required. Per Diem is paid in addition to regular hourly rate. NIGHT STOCKER GALVESTON – JP 5117483

Unload groceries from trucks. Put groceries on shelves and maintain a clean work area. Observe company's safety rules and guidelines. To know the department and its products. To have a positive attitude towards customers. Working in varied temperatures. Working in a busy environment. Lifting up to 60 pounds occasionally - 30 to 40 pounds frequently and up to 10 pounds constantly. Push - pull carts with up to 70 pounds force. Requirements: Must be at least eighteen years of age for insurance purposes. No education needed or experience required. RESTAURANT POSITIONS DICKINSON – JP 8427000

Cook: *Clean food preparation equipment, CLASS A CDL DRIVER – ALVIN work areas, and counters. – JP 8428268 *Grill, cook, and fry foods. *Grill and garnish meats. Employer has immediate openings *Restock kitchen supplies, rotate for Jet/ Vac Truck Operators for pipe food, and stamp the time and date on cleaning (sewer and storm systems). food in coolers. 44 Santa Fe Good News

VARIOUS POSITIONS ALWAYS AVAILABLE! CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.WORKINTEXAS.COM Delivery Driver: *Deliver food to customers within area. *Ensure proper temperatures of food being delivered. *Have exceptional customer service skills when presenting food items. Will need own transportation, valid driver license with insurance and good driving record. Will be paid a trip amount + commission.


Duties: • Perform routine maintenance such as painting, carpet/floor cleaning, caulking. • Perform minor adjustments on HVAC systems, room furniture, fixtures and other items in the hotel. • Assist in setup/cleanup of meeting rooms. • Assist in other areas of the hotel as Waiters/Waitresses: • Take orders from patrons for food needed, such as collecting/delivering dirty linen to laundry, assisting with or beverages. • Check with customers to ensure that laundry or housekeeping as needed. they are enjoying their meals. STRUCTURAL FITTER – ALVIN • Collect payments from customers. • Prepare checks that itemize and – JP 7086570 total meal costs and sales taxes. • Serve food or beverages to patrons, Job Description: This person will be and prepare or serve specialty dishes working in a custom steel fabrication shop fitting steel pieces together at tables as required. • Present menus to patrons and to make a finished product such as answer questions about menu items, beams, columns, platforms, ladders, handrails, stairs and gratings. Field making recommendations. work and driving a company vehicle INSURANCE CUSTOMER are required when necessary. SERVICE REP – LEAGUE CITY Minimum Qualifications: – JP 3371899 • Must have fabrication shop Applicant must be a friendly, experience. motivated, self starter who enjoys • Ability to read and interpret helping people. Computer and internet structural steel detail shop drawings. knowledge a must. Experience • Ability to use an oxygen and with QQ Catalyst Management acetylene cutting rig. System a plus. Must be able to • Ability to use drills, cut off saws, explain insurance coverage, make metal saws, punches and plate rolls. policy changes and take payments. • Ability to learn and help wherever Opportunity for advancement in the needed. • Must have a valid Driver’s License future. and be willing to submit to a Motor

Vehicle Report (MVR). AUTO MECHANIC – BAYVIEW – JP 6438198 Auto Mechanic Examine and diagnose vehicles to determine extent of damage or malfunctions Repair, reline, replace, and adjust brakes. Follow checklists to ensure all important parts are examined, including belts, hoses, steering systems, spark plugs, brake and fuel systems, wheel bearings, and other potentially troublesome areas. Requirements: Must have a HS/GED. 5 years experience. ASE preferred, but not mandatory. Preferably college automotive classes. Must have own tools. Must have a valid driver license.

Living the good life is living life like you want it to be! What are you waiting for?

Workforce Solutions - Texas City 3549 Palmer Highway Texas City, TX 77590 Phone: 409-949-9055

pain. She nodded her head to encourage him to let it down completely and he did. Heather’s foot had ceased to hurt at some point she realized. She was far more interested in the man holding her leg, than in what her foot felt like. “Sir, do you want me to carry her to the car for you?”, John asked the man she’d called Daddy.

“Joy is a decision, a really brave one, about how you are going to respond to life.” —Wess Stafford

“It’ll probably take both of us,” J.C. informed the young man holding his daughter’s foot. “Oh that’s okay. It wasn’t you’re fault,” she replied and then immediately wished she could take it Heather thought she would die. back. “Just the same, I’d feel better, if I knew you were gonna be all right. Do you mind?” He asked. “No, not at Here she sat with a gorgeous man holding her leg, all. Mom are we going to Mainland General?” this perfect opportunity just happened. The best prospect she had seen in a long time and her dad tells him that she’s Leah confirmed the location with an odd grimace. too heavy to be carried by one man alone. She wanted to Mainland General was the only hospital in town. She sink right into the floor she was staring down at and let it wondered what her daughter was thinking? John patted swallow her up. Heather on the shoulder and told her he would meet them there. Seeing the mortified look on the young woman’s face, John gently let her foot down to rest on the floor. He Heather was silent. Her parents thought she must wrapped his arms around her and in an instant he had her be in a great deal of pain, because Heather was never resting against his chest and was headed for the door. He silent. The longer she was quiet, the faster her dad drove. winked at the guys at his table, who all had had front row Heather was lost in her own little world. “What a guy,” seats to his little adventure thus far. Unable to hold back she thought. “This could be it. He could be the one. He’s a gloating smile, he nodded his good-bye and knew they cute, he’s nice, and he’s coming to the hospital. Oh my were all jealous as hell. John told her dad on his way past God!” she panicked. Realizing she was going to see him him, “That’s okay Sir, I think I can manage.” again in a few minutes she needed to hurry. John looked down at the woman in his arms as he walked out and smiled for the first time. “He was just trying to be polite, you know,” he told her and squeezed backwards through the restaurant doors to get outside. Heather didn’t care anymore. Not about anything. This gorgeous man was carrying her out and he was smiling at her to boot.

“Mom, where’s my purse?” she asked, somewhat hysterically. “It’s right here dear,” her mom answered and handed the overstuffed leather bag over the seat to her. Heather spent the rest of the trip, fixing her face. Editor's Note: You can find more of this adventure in Chapter 2 in next month's issue of the Good News.

“It doesn’t get much better than this,” she thought. Then she noticed his shirt. Her hand had been resting on his bare belly. His shirt was flapping in shreds by his side. Startled, she snatched her hand back like it was on fire. Seeing her shock, John explained, “You ripped it completely off of me,” smiling at the innuendo. Heather stuttered out an apology and concentrated on keeping her hands to herself. She did, however, notice that the man did not appear to be straining at all while they were waiting for her mom to pull up. “I’m so sorry about your shirt,” Heather apologized. “I’m sorry I tripped you. I was getting up, when something caught my eye and while I was hesitating, you just fell over.” Neither one knowing what else to say, they just looked at one another while they waited. Both liked what they saw. Their observations were interrupted by her mom’s arrival. Heather’s dad came out just in time to open the back door and John maneuvered her inside. “I’d like to go with you to the hospital, I feel sort of responsible,” he said. “I’ll take my truck,” he added, when she hesitated answering him. 46 Santa Fe Good News

LOCAL NEWS NEWS If It's GOOD & It Happens Here ... We Want You to Know About It!

The Galveston County Animal Shelter has REDUCED the "Adoption Fee" for cats and dogs that are already Neutered/Spayed ("fixed") to half price--$42.50, which includes all their shots including rabies and microchip. And often there are pets available who are "Sponsored" - meaning their "Adoption Fee" has already been paid by a generous donor to help you get them out!

We would appreciate it very much if you told all of your friends that you saw it in the GOOD NEWS!

It helps us keep our advertisers happy.


School districts all over the nation are HIRING School Bus Drivers ...

Coming Next Month... Call (409) 925-2775 locally.

47 Santa Fe Good News

A whole issue devoted to PEACE & all the facets of it.

The LAST Word...



Follow the road HE has made for you. He never said it would be easy.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.