The Santa Fe Good News LETTERS

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. kind ness SHARE SOME TODAY!

NEW FEATURES... Bulletin Board Stories & Sales

Our cover photo is provided by Kay Stenzel as part of a “Can’t live without photo challenge” that she participated in. The great acts of love are done by those who are habitually performing small acts of kindness. ~ Victor Hugo



Let us point you towards some good stuff!

The Call us or email us if you have any ideas about how we can better serve you.


The Santa Fe Good News (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 (409) 370-0030 Email us at: ***(If you opened this through a subscription, you can skip this part.) Hi and welcome, As you scroll through this issue of the GOOD NEWS we hope that you find our new letter - like interactive format pleasing and easy to use. We have barely scratched the surface of the new features that are to come. Videos, message boards, forums, sales, events and much more are headed your way very soon. We want to be your best and easiest source for finding GOOD THINGS for your life. Please enjoy and as always feel free to share anything you like, it’s all FREE to everyone. Lynn Trahan, Editor/Owner

CALL (409) 945-9782

CLICK to OR to email Laurine Murtagh, Distributor - CLICK HERE

. kind ness noun

The act of going out of your way to be nice to someone or show a person you care.


re you unhappy? Kindness is a magical cure for all unhappiness. When your life gets too overwhelming you can always help someone else with theirs.


Do you have 2 hours a week that you can give to help somebody? We'd LOVE to have you help us help others. CLICK HERE to find out more about us! P.O. Box 1426 Santa Fe, Tx 77510

Find someone you can show kindness to today.

RIGHT HERE... If you want to see GOOD STUFF, we can be friends. If you want to share a lot of GOOD HUMOR. If you want to fill your newsfeed with a lot of GOOD IDEAS. If you want to get even more GOOD NEWS. If you want to focus on those things that really matter, please join us!

A glass of cold water, a smile or a sincere compliment will go a long way towards improving your life as well as someone else’s.



Notice that a "MEDIUM" is a size 14-16?

My, my how the times have changed.

I don't think our children know what an apron is. The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, because she only had a few. It was also much easier to wash aprons than dresses because they used a lot less material and a worn out looking apron was no disgrace. Aprons were very useful. It served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven and was wonderful for drying children's tears or on occasion it was even used for cleaning out dirty ears. From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven. When company came those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids. And when the weather was cold grandma wrapped it around her arms. Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove. Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron too. From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it also carried out the hulls. In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees. And when unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust off in a matter of seconds. When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron and the men folk knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner. It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that 'old-time apron' that served so many useful purposes. JUST THINK: "They" would go crazy these days trying to figure out how many germs were on those old aprons. I don't think I ever caught anything from an apron. Author Unknown

I can only imagine what my life would look like if I lived it the way you designed it to be lived. Based on some of the other things you’ve created ... Oh my - how awesome it must be! ~Lynn Dale The Cold Hard Facts No one is going to FIX IT for us… It’s like we are all sitting around waiting for someone to come along or something to happen that is going to magically create a GOOD LIFE for us. If I just had some more money or if my husband would just start doing the right thing or if my kids didn’t drive me crazy constantly – THEN ... I could have the life I dream of. We are all waiting for the same thing; a good life. And we will still be waiting until Jesus comes back to get us at this rate. Where is the Good News in this? Realizing the problem is half the battle, the other half is deciding you want to win it. As the saying goes – there’s no time like the present to get started. Everyone loves a good fight and fighting the good fight of faith is a much better choice than some of the things we are fighting about these days. If you believe that Jesus died for you to have an abundant life like the Bible says, then it’s your battle to fight. How do you get that GOOD LIFE? You believe what the GOOD BOOK says. You read it, study it, memorize it and make HIM the most important thing in your life. Strong powerful faith doesn’t of any denomination doesn’t just fall on us, we have to fight for it. We have to want it, guard it and realize we can’t live a GOOD LIFE without it. Faith of any consequence is developed over a long period of time and with great effort. No one gets it without a fight and no one can fight that battle for us.

Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids?


5 Santa Fe Goodtell you where your heart is." "Where you spend your dollar will always News


CLICK HERE to see if she is COMING to a city NEAR YOU?

Jeanne Robertson The six-foot-two, former Miss North Carolina with an infectious personality and a delightfully family friendly brand of humor always shares some of her funniest "life lesson" anecdotes.

What's so funny about everyday life?

SAMPLE Titles: "Don't Go to Vegas Without A Baptist," "Don't Bungee Jump Naked," and "Don't Send a Man to the Grocery Store!"

CLIcK HERE FOR a FREE Sample And just who is Jeanne Robertson?

At the GRAND Friday & Saturday, August 5th & 6th at 8PM.

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Purchase your TICKETS HERE! Editor's Note: This is a GOOD clean night of outrageous fun you don't want to miss. If you get the opportunity to see her live, please do, you won't be disappointed. And she SELLS OUT fast, so don't wait!

Jeanne Robertson is a professional speaker who specializes in hilarious humor based on her life experiences. Speaking to thousands of people annually, she utilizes her positively funny style to illustrate that a sense of humor is much more than a laughing matter. Other speakers might be as witty as Jeanne. Some might even be as tall. (Barefooted with her hair "mashed" down, she's 6'2" in her size 11B stocking feet.) But nowhere will you find a speaker so adept at turning personal experiences into funny material that does more than elicit laughter. This Miss Congeniality winner in the Miss America Pageant, “Yearrrrrrrrrrrs ago,� quoting Jeanne, uses her down-home Southern drawl to leave her audiences laughing . . . and thinking about her message.

May you hear God's voice in your heart, know His touch in your life and feel His love for you each day.

Trust ME




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I made you and the world and I run both the way I see fit. You don’t have to care about anything else. Not where you’ll eat or what you’ll wear or how you’re going to make it. That’s the joy of putting your life in my hands. I’ve done everything for you, all you have to do is walk it out and stop trying to control everything.


You can’t control one hair on your head, but I can. You have no idea what’s going to happen next, Sunny Side Up! but I do. You can’t help yourself, but I will help you if you ask me to. You’re making your life more difficult than it has to be by trying to make your own way. I have made your way and it’s not without rocks, but you can’t try to control them. You can however, float along in the comfort and peace of my safety. You don’t have to care about what’s going to happen. I have given you one thing to care about and that’s love, which is Me. Beyond that, let me handle the details for you. You’re wearing yourself out trying to handle stuff that’s not yours to handle. I told you one command, to love, that’s all. It really does make the world go around because I cause the orbit and I am love. Trust ME.


It was Ben Franklin who, at a critical impasse during the Constitutional Convention in June 1787, attempted to introduce the practice of daily common prayer with these words: I have lived, Sir, a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? ~ Benjamin Franklin

n a C u o Y W O N n Liste ! e d i W World 7 Santa Fe Good News 7 Santa Fe Good News



! E R E H s g n i t s i L FREE FREE!

Over 30,000 ceramic molds for FREE. Take what you want or take all. They will start going in the dumpster. Pickup in Santa Fe. FOR Your FREE listings here.

1227 Hwy 6 Santa Fe Texas 713.336.3600 or 713.820.3374 LaMarque Citizens Police Academy Alumni will be having a fundraiser Garage Sale on May 14 @ 8 am in the LaMarque City Hall Parking Lot. Beginning Saturday May14th at the VFW on Hwy. 6 they will be starting Santa Fe Trade Days. It will then be held on the 2nd Saturday of every month. To find out more information CLICK HERE or call 713-560-7447

Spring Fling Saturday, May 14th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Rain Date - May 21st)

Miss Ellies Antiques TRADE DAYS Thurs. thru Sun. June 2nd thru 5th 22221 Highway 6 Manvel, TX. (281) 585-4494

CLICK HERE for more Sales! Join us for: Musical Entertainment – Silent Auction – Door Prizes Raffle – Country Store – Flea Market – Craft Vendors Homemade Baked Goods & Cake Wheel Wheel of Chance Children’s Games – Train – Face Painting Plant Booth & Food & Drink Concession Stand


BBQ Beef Sandwich, Chips, and Cookie - $7.00 –Take Out is Available


For more information on events & renting vendor booths call 409-925-8476 or 409-925-3093 St. John’s Lutheran Church 13136 Hwy. 6 – Santa Fe, Texas

Coupons honored at all HOUSTON area Goodwill locations.

A man who does not advertise is like a man winking in the dark... He knows what he is doing... but no one else does! *If there is something GOOD to say about someone, some thing or some event happening, we want to print it right here so that you and everyone else will know about it. WHY? Because a balanced diet (of words or food) is a healthy way to live. If you only feed yourself a steady diet of bad news... you can't possibly live the GOOD, abundant life GOD intended for you to live. Email us at if you’ve got something GOOD to SHARE with the world.

Start where you are...

use what you have...

do what you can.

t u o b a o g d n ...a doing good!


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Raccoon Hunting With a Cannon

Known to action moviegoers as the “most powerful handgun in the world” that would take your head right off your shoulders, the Smith and Wesson .44 caliber magnum revolver is indeed a powerful handgun. I’ve only owned one in my career, but when I carried it I felt as though I was the mightiest warrior walking the face of the planet, afraid of neither man nor beast. The time was the late 1970’s and I was nineteen years old. I was armed with this hand cannon and I had the authority to use it. That my friends is a scary thought, even to me. Now days you must be twenty one, undergo a battery of both mental and physical evaluations and successfully complete an approved police academy of at least 1600 classroom hours. Back when I started you were sworn in, handed a badge and a gun and told to go get the bad guys. Barney Fife was on TV and I had that role model and 80 hours of reserve officer training to work with. Sometime in the next twelve months I had to complete a basic 240 hour police academy with a passing grade of 70% to get my peace officer license from the great State of Texas. Anyway back to the Model #29. This particular gun came from a very highly respected and wise old Sergeant by the name of Lindsey Carlton of the League City Police department. He was in my opinion a top notch cop and a good friend to me. Any way, this was back in the time of the “wonder nine” pistols. These were high capacity auto loading pistols that were becoming very popular in law enforcement circles and I had already bought myself one. It was a 9mm blued version and I think it had a 15 round magazine. As usual I didn’t really think through my purchase and soon found that the back strap of the weapon that has the most contact with your sweaty palm had started to show signs of rust. Sergeant Carlton and I make a trade and I learn a whole lot about carrying BIG GUNS around. CLICK the photo here to finish this exciting tale of how things used to be done, back in the old days!


This page is dedicated to Galveston County SALES of all sorts‌

FREE SERVICE The magazine is now posting absolutely FREE listings for ANY TYPE of sales. Please send your TEXT ONLY listings by email to before NOON on Wednesdays. If you enjoy this new feature, please tell your friends about it. We think this is GOOD NEWS. Please Note: This page is for personal use only, businesses will be required to buy ads in order to be listed here.

CLICK to see the latest posts.

Purple Lupines Today's GOOD habit... Stay here for a minute. Focus on the photo and be still. Let a few minutes pass and don't think. Just stare and focus. Sit STILL. When you've done that, turn the screen off and walk away from this technology. Find a window and repeat the process. Make this a habit every time you find a truly awesome photo. (You will get more satisfaction from your electronics and your life if you make this a GOOD life long habit.) Inspired by Psalms 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God.

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