It’s the Simple Things we LOVE.
Let’s look at some simple things together!
Let us point you towards some good stuff!
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The Santa Fe Good News Magazine (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at:
Hello and welcome to the Good News, This issue we are celebrating our 9th year of sharing the Good News around the world and we are amazed at how far we have come. We want to thank everyone who has supported us through the many changes and chances we’ve taken. Thank you all! God has touched so many through this magazine and we are so very grateful to be allowed to be part of it. We believe we have finally settled in where we are supposed to be. Beginning with this issue we are going to go back to a monthly magazine format, however we are also going to do a weekly newsletter as well.
It’s our
9th year!
We have struggled to find the best option to offer the best possible service to our subscribers and we think this is it!
Please support our advertisers whenever you can... They keep the GOOD NEWS coming to you for FREE!
The weekly newsletter will provide current events, sales and all sorts of TIMELY GOOD STUFF that we run across every week. The magazine will provide a larger more versatile format to handle more than an email could ever possibly hold. Join us as we look for the SIMPLE THINGS that we love in this issue and as always feel free to share anything you like, it’s all FREE to everyone. Praying for God’s very best for you and yours, Lynn Trahan, Editor/Owner
GOOD BOOKS This little jewel of a book is stuffed full of innocent wisdom that many people 4 times her age don’t have yet. It’s a GOOD READ and will make a GREAT GIFT for anyone who needs wisdom and can’t or won’t get it from anyone else. Here’s an excerpt from Live Original by Sadie Roberson with Beth Clark “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James4;6 If God opposes the proud, then proud is something I do not want to be! I want God’s grace in my life, and the way to get it is by being humble - the exact opposite of being proud. Selfishness. Most of us have seen people who are selfish and self-centered. They want their own way, they don’t want to share anything and sometimes they think it’s everyone else’s job to make them happy. That kind of attitude will destroy a friendship. When selfishness is part of a relationship, one person usually ends up doing whatever he or she wants without considering what the other person wants to do. Selfish people insist that a whole group go along with them, even if others would rather do something else. They want to go to the restaurants they like, listen to the music they like and hang out the way they like to hang out. To read the rest of this review...
BUY IT HERE! Chapter Titles 1. Think happy, be happy. 2. Dream big. 3. Never give up. 4. Be confident. 5. Focus on fixing yourself. 6. Let your smile change the world. 7. Commit acts of random kindness. 8. Shake the hate. 9. Remember that a friend is a friend forever. 10. Respect relationships. 11. Don’t let five seconds of awkward cause a lifetime of regret. 12. Don’t forget that stress causes a mess. 13. Do something. 14. Be the best you that you can be.
Simple things... Surround yourself with the things you love. Discard the rest.
CALL (409) 945-9782
OR to email Laurine Murtagh, Distributor CLICK HERE
"Hi, my name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."
GOOD FOOD Oh merciful Heaven! This corn is so good that it doesn’t even need butter, and I am one of those people who ALWAYS adds butter and salt to my corn!
Class: Canning Tomatoes (complete video!) The video above is under 30 minutes and goes over water bath canning as well as canning “best practices” for the safety of canned goods. There are also some very important links at the bottom which you may find helpful. ***This is my real kitchen when it is not magazine ready. A lot of work and living takes place in this room and it shows! :)
What did I add to this? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There is no prep work involved, either. None! I have never made corn in such a hands off way before and I gotta tell ya, it’s pretty amazing.
Ingredients: •Corn. Fresh, unshucked, untouched just like it comes from the field.
Hands Off Way to Cook Corn Instructions:
NEED dinner ideas? Click the link above... IDEAS galore!
This is More Than Just a Cookbook...
It's a REAL GOOD READ! ORDER yours here today!
1.Preheat oven to 350˚. 2.Place corn on a baking sheet or directly on the oven rack. 3.Bake for 30 minutes. Enjoy! To easily remove silks from corn, remove husks and pull off large bunches of silks.Then, wrap your hands around the ear of corn and twist them back and forth in a wringing motion. In about one second more, your corn will be free of silks!
12 GREAT Summer Pie Recipes CLICK the photo above for all 12 pie recipes in one post.
Blaze your own trail... Run your race with joy and be proud of what you stand for. No one else can do your job on this earth. ~Lynn Dale
Do you have 2 hours a week that you can give to help somebody? We'd LOVE to have you help us help others. CLICK HERE to find out more about us! P.O. Box 1426 Santa Fe, Tx 77510
It’s the Simple Things Things like former U.S. President Jimmy Carter getting featured on the kiss cam while taking in the Braves game at Turner Field, we love it! 104k views & 1000’s of shares.
we LOVE.
Sometimes we don’t consider washing dishes together after a big meal very important, but sometimes... it is. We run through life only noticing the big things until someone or something makes us realize that the SIMPLE THINGS are important too. Little simple things that we see or share or receive matter because for whatever reason, we love them. I’m not talking about sunshine, fresh air or nature though. There are times when a single rose can mean more than a whole vase full. That dime store locket is very precious because of the way his face lit up when he gave it to me. Or the day I accidently found out about my grandson’s existence while doing the dishes. Simple things can sometimes mean a lot more than the big things in life... because we love them.
Some days you just need to be reminded that there are some very nice people in this world!
Greetings, fellow foodie’s! We did a review on this restaurant not long after it reopened after Ike, (see it here, along with an awesome video), but we thought we would see how they were doing. And... they are doing just great! We had our usual order:
by our demeanor or God was just showing off. She seated us at a “very romantic” little table for two in an out of the way alcove created I suspect, for just such occasions.
I had the bean burger, she had the squealer and we split the combo order of french fries and homemade onion rings. There is just no good reason to change some things in life and this is one of them. This trip was a real treat The waitresses have for us though. always been young at Tookies and their It was date night and energy is contagious. the hostess either realized it Continued on page 8.
Tookie's Restaurant
1202 Bayport Road / Hwy 146 Seabrook, Texas 281/942-9334 Ratings out of 5 's Presentation Taste Service Atmosphere Quantity Price
Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids?
6 Santa Fe Goodtell you where your heart is." "Where you spend your dollar will always News
CLICK HERE to see if she is COMING to a city NEAR YOU?
Jeanne Robertson The six-foot-two, former Miss North Carolina with an infectious personality and a delightfully family friendly brand of humor always shares some of her funniest "life lesson" anecdotes.
What's so funny about everyday life?
SAMPLE Titles: "Don't Go to Vegas Without A Baptist," "Don't Bungee Jump Naked," and "Don't Send a Man to the Grocery Store!"
CLIcK HERE FOR a FREE Sample And just who is Jeanne Robertson?
At the GRAND Friday & Saturday, August 5th & 6th at 8PM.
y ll a loc
Purchase your TICKETS HERE! Editor's Note: This is a GOOD clean night of outrageous fun you don't want to miss. If you get the opportunity to see her live, please do, you won't be disappointed. And she SELLS OUT fast, so don't wait!
Jeanne Robertson is a professional speaker who specializes in hilarious humor based on her life experiences. Speaking to thousands of people annually, she utilizes her positively funny style to illustrate that a sense of humor is much more than a laughing matter. Other speakers might be as witty as Jeanne. Some might even be as tall. (Barefooted with her hair "mashed" down, she's 6'2" in her size 11B stocking feet.) But nowhere will you find a speaker so adept at turning personal experiences into funny material that does more than elicit laughter. This Miss Congeniality winner in the Miss America Pageant, “Yearrrrrrrrrrrs ago,� quoting Jeanne, uses her down-home Southern drawl to leave her audiences laughing . . . and thinking about her message.
I have been eating at Tookie’s since I was in high school, some 38 years ago. It was the place to go on Friday and Saturday nights back in the day. You could go there with a date and get out for about $12.00. The joy here is that they seem to grasp what the food service industry is all about and they create a fun atmosphere. Add in that the food served is without a doubt, excellent and you have a great winning combination. And it’s always been this way. We thoroughly enjoyed our date night and even had leftovers for the next day. When I can take the Boss somewhere that can cook as good as she can, it makes her happy. When she’s happy, everything is right in my world. Until next time, support your Mom and Pop restaurants whenever you can and enjoy the simple things like a GOOD hamburger.
Galloping Foodie
*We will be checking out the NEW Tookie’s Seafood once all the buzz settles down. The Galloping Foodie only does GOOD reviews, so you will only see it here, if we think it’s worth spending your money there. See all of the Foodie reviews HERE.
Got Any Suggestions for us?
We only review family owned establishments and we only do it for FREE. That way we don't have to put lipstick on any pigs. :) Email The older I get the more I realize I just need the simple things in life. A comfy home, good food on the table and to be surrounded by the people I love. Author Unknown
n a C u o Y W O N n Liste ! e d i W World 9 Santa Fe Good News 9 Santa Fe Good News
May you hear God's voice in your heart, know His touch in your life and feel His love for you each day.
Sunny Side Up! Sometimes... I feel lost, but I know I’m found. Sometimes... I feel like the time I spend with you is wasted, but I know it’s not.
Influence is... the power to produce an effect without apparent force. I have created all things to influence you. Books, people, the environment and television are just a few. Each thing you experience will influence you and help you along your journey. You are so busy asking the big questions in life that you fail to see the small answers I have provided all around you. I put ALL THINGS into place to work for the good of My children.
And sometimes... I have no idea where I’m going or how I’m going to get there, but I know you do.
RIGHT HERE... If you want to see GOOD STUFF like this, be friends with us, because we SHARE all sorts of GOOD STUFF!
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* *
A man who does not advertise is like a man winking in the dark... He knows what he is doing... but no one else does!
If you want to share a lot of GOOD HUMOR.
If you want to get even more GOOD NEWS.
If you want to fill your newsfeed with a lot of GOOD IDEAS.
If you want to focus on those things that really matter, please join us!
Lord thank you for the comfort of knowing that you will never say “No” to anyone who asks for your help. Simple Things like PEACE… and the Power of US. by Regina Brett
It Is Getting Harder To Hide The Horrific Headlines So how do you counter them? My grandson Asher saw the New York Times sitting on my kitchen counter and asked what happened in Turkey. At 7, he’s trying to understand what the word “coup” means. One day he saw a newspaper at Yours Truly restaurant and wondered why black people are being killed. You can hide the news all you want from children, but it will reach them. A newspaper tossed aside, a radio blasting nearby, CNN popping up on a TV at the pizza shop. And lately the news has been terrible, with the tragedy in Nice, France and police officers being gunned down at home. We are living in turbulent times. What do we cling to? The Psalms help me. Even when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you can fear no evil. That doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It means that something greater is there, too. Us. I believe in the power of us. We outnumber the bad guys. Mr. Rogers
is often quoted after tragedies. Fred Rogers wrote about his mom’s advice during scary times: "Always look for the helpers. There's always someone who is trying to help. “I did, and I came to see that the world is full of doctors and nurses, police and firemen, volunteers, neighbors and friends who are ready to jump in to help when things go wrong,” he wrote. The helpers outnumber the haters. Continued
I’m lazy about what I think about. And I’m lazy about what I eat, do and say. I believe that I can say and think whatever I want, but I can’t really. I have to discipline myself to say and do and think the right things if I want to be the person I know I’m capable of being. We think we can be lazy about everything and we can but… we won’t be happy with the results. You can’t just eat donuts and cookies all the time and expect to be healthy. If you want to live a great life… you have to discipline yourself to do whatever is necessary to make that happen.
Order her books HERE.
You can also lean on the words of E.B. White: “As long as there is one upright man, as long as there is one compassionate woman, the contagion may spread and the scene is not desolate. Hope is the thing that is left to us, in a bad time. I shall get up Sunday morning and wind the clock, as a contribution to order and steadfastness.” See the rest of Regina’s advice and read the full article by CLICKING HERE.
Want to go do something? CHECK OUT the FESTIVALS October 14th - 16th The 27th Annual Conroe Cajun Catfish Festival is back with some of the best acts in Cajun & Texas Music performing. This family-friendly event features: non-stop live music, food vendors offering festival and Cajun favorites, arts & crafts vendors, a professional carnival, assorted community and educational exhibits, an annual Catfish Pageant and a KidZone area on Saturday with activities for children and a special performance stage featuring local dance teams, community groups and entertainers. Be sure to check out our food court with catfish, boudain, gator, etouffe, jambalaya, crawfish pie, and more mouth-watering food prepared by the best chefs around. Make plans to attend the official catfish festival of the state of Texas.
CLICK HERE to find more near you!
We have only just begun to share. The GOOD STUFF is what matters.
listings are NOW SHOWING in the
This page is dedicated to Galveston County SALES of all sorts‌
FREE SERVICE The magazine is now posting absolutely FREE listings for ANY TYPE of sales. Please send your TEXT ONLY listings by email to before NOON on Wednesdays. If you enjoy this new feature, please tell your friends about it. We think this is GOOD NEWS. Please Note: This page is for personal use only, businesses will be required to buy ads in order to be listed here.
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Great manifesto for a wonderfully simple life... Eat less, move more and find a quiet place to sit every day and count your blessings. Your friend in real estate. CLICK HERE to EMAIL me today!
Your Austin TEXAS Realtor
Have you shared some GOOD NEWS with someone you care about today?
If the simple things in life don’t put a smile on your face then you will probably never be truly happy.
Your AD could be RIGHT HERE!
It’s the SIMPLE THINGS Enjoy life. No one knows when their time is up.
“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” ~Marcus Tullius Cicero And maybe a boat...