Going on an uncharted journey...
Family Adventure DAYS
The Adventure Begins NOW!
Let us point you towards some good stuff!
Call us or email us if you have any ideas about how we can better serve you.
(409) 370-0030
The Santa Fe Good News Magazine (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at: lynn@santafegoodnews.com www.santafegoodnews.com
Everything beautiful begins with God... He has made everything beautiful in its time. Eccl. 3;11 NIV Happy New Year and it’s going to be a good one! This year we are adding some NEW content and hoping to add some NEW types of content as well. We have not even begun to see the full capabilities and possibilities of a digital magazine. We believe the possibilities are unlimited! Please enjoy this issue and as always if you know anyone who needs some encouragement - SHARE it! It’s here to be a FREE blessing to anyone who needs it. Praying for God’s very best for you and yours,
Please support our advertisers whenever you can... They keep the GOOD NEWS coming to you for FREE!
Lynn Trahan, Editor/Owner DONATE NOW
Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids? 2 Santa Fe Goodtell you where your heart is." "Where you spend your dollar will always News
It is never to late to change course. If this is not the life you want - love yourself enough to choose a different path.
Adventure is... going on an uncharted journey & What is 2017 going to look like for you? It’s time to curl up with a calendar and plan this year’s journey. What does a great life look like to you? What do you wish you had done last year? Do you have a theme or word for this year? If you don’t know where to start, get some magazines and tear out some ideas. The next time someone mentions something cool... write it down. Decide to do something different this year so that when 2018 rolls around, you have something to show for this year. Continued on page 8.
it’s a GOOD Thing!
NEED dinner ideas? CLICK the link above... IDEAS galore! "Hi, my name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."
Getting Superbowl Ready...
Easy, delicious and inexpensive! But first, a little secret...
My Mama’s Deep Dish Pizza Ingredients: •1 lb ground beef •1lb Italian sausage (I use 2 lbs ground beef and leave out the sausage.) •1 medium onion, chopped •1 cup all purpose flour •1 bell pepper, chopped (I omit due to my picky family.) •15 ounce jar pizza sauce •½ cup Parmesan cheese •8 ounces mozzarella cheese •½ tsp salt •dash of black pepper •1 cup milk •2 eggs •1 T oil •½ tsp garlic salt* •¼ cup fresh oregano* **I leave out the garlic salt and oregano and just put in two tablespoons of dry Italian Seasonings
I’m going to tell y’all something today and I need this to stay just between us. You see, I love Alabama. I have lived in Alabama all of my life (except for a three month sabbatical to Georgia) and I plan on spending the rest of my days residing in this great state. If this secret gets out, though, I just might be deported. Here goes: I don’t watch football. Whew! That felt good to get off my chest! Not only do I not watch football, I don’t even care about football. What’s worse than that, I think of Alabama and Auburn as the school you go to if you want to be a lawyer/doctor and the school you go to if you want to be a Veterinarian/ Engineer. This drives my son stark raving mad. Just about everyone in Alabama follows football religiously and you’d have a hard time finding a house who didn’t support Bama or Auburn. The rivalry is legendary. My son wants so badly to know where we stand and whenever he asks which is the best, my reply is “Well, that depends on what you want to be when you grow up. They’re both good schools”. Yeah, I know, I’m awful. Most of my family are Bama fans (Roll Tide! for y’all…) but I’m married to an engineer and navy is my favorite color (War Eagle! for y’all…). I’m awful, I know. Trust me, I live with my shame.
I may not be a football fan, but I AM a football FOOD fan!
1. Preheat oven to 350. 2. Brown hamburger, sausage, onion, and bell pepper. Drain well. Add garlic salt and oregano (or Italian Seasoning). Add pizza sauce. Stir well. Grease a 9x13 inch pan with cooking spray. Sprinkle mozzarella over bottom of it. Spread meat mixture over the cheese. In mixing bowl, add eggs, milk, flour, oil, and salt. Pour over meat in pan. Sprinkle parmesan cheese over batter. Bake 30 minutes.
Huntsville Family Adventure Days “Family Adventure Days” began when my husband and I realized that while we were all together at home on the weekends, we weren’t actually tuning into each other as a family. With the temptations of video games, tv, and the internet at home, we decided to set aside one day each weekend that we are able to leave the house and get out and have some inexpensive fun together as a family. This has been the best thing that ever happened to the Jordans! Read all about it right HERE.
EVERYONE LOVES THIS CAKE! Ingredients: •1 box devil’s food cake mix •1 bottle caramel topping •1 can condensed milk •1 large tub cool whip •1 Butterfinger bar
Pretty easy and so worth it!
1. Prepare cake according to package directions. 2. Immediately after removing cake from oven, poke several holes all over the top with a fork. 3. Mix sweetened condensed milk and caramel together, and pour over hot cake. Spread it over the entire cake. 4. Chill well. 5. After cake has chilled completely, spread cool whip over the top and sprinkle crushed Butterfinger bar on top of the cool whip.
Spinach Dip (Popeye Would Be Proud)
Ingredients: •1 package frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed dry •16 oz sour cream •1 cup mayonnaise •1 package Knorr vegetable recipe mix •8 oz. water chestnuts, drained and chopped (eww!) Use slivered almonds instead if you want! •3 green onions, chopped
1. Combine all ingredients and place in the fridge for at least two hours before serving. Makes 4 cups of dip.
“To live will be an awfully BIG adventure. ~ Peter Pan
Butterfinger Cake
We are here to encourage you. We are here to assure you that God has everything under control and if you believe in Him, everything’s going to be all right in the end.
Create a Group Start your own support group for single new VISION: for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church moms at your home church! to go to for spiritual, emotional and The new Embrace Life curriculum physical support. and program equips single new moms on how to flourish in their relationship with God and MISSION: to inspire and equip the not only survive in life but THRIVE! These church to love on single and pregnant brave moms will learn spiritual and practical young women and their families. ways to help navigate their way through life while using the Holy Spirit as their compass. WHAT WE DO: The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed Embrace Grace and Life were created to help because of shame and guilt. encourage, educate and empower young, single moms just like you, and to speak into WHY WE EXIST: your life to make sure that you know that your Emotionally and spiritually healthy dreams are not over. mommies parent emotionally and spiritually healthy babies. God still has an amazing destiny and purpose created just for you, all you have to do is grab a hold of it and believe. He wants to be in relationship with you because He put gifts and talents inside of you that only YOU have. By joining an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life group you will learn how to dream big while also receiving help with the practical and spiritual aspects of life. There is a place for you!
Find a Group HERE
Currently Serving
Rediscovering Romance One Adventure at a Time... by Tracy Levinson This woman is brilliant! I am sold on her common sense approach to enjoying life. As soon as I heard her telling people on a podcast to download a playlist to their ipods for the sole purpose of romance - she had me and I knew she was onto something great! Here’s the deal You download a series of songs (an OLD SCHOOL mixed tape basically) that mean something to you and your spouse. You know the ones... your wedding song, the songs that became “your song(s)” over the years. All of the ones that make you realize how much you have loved and cared for each other through a lot of STUFF through the years. Songs play a very important role in most people’s lives. If you can line them up back to back,
Expect to see this book reviewed in the next issue of Good News! It’s been ordered.
"Tracy Levinson offers women grace-filled answers to important life questions about dating, love, and sex. Her writing expresses the heart of Jesus Christ like no other work I've seen on this topic. So if you want to infuse solid, Scriptural truth into your romantic life, without the legalism that so often kills the fun, get this book. It's a genuine game-changer!" ~ANDREW FARLEY Lead Pastor at ChurchWithoutReligion.com, and bestselling author of The Naked Gospel andrewfarley.org
with no commercials - you’ve created an atmosphere that will heal, encourage, motivate and empower couples to have better marriages and better sex lives. For more romance tips CLICK HERE for the “Make Out Challenge” or just roam around her website. It’s some really GOOD stuff! Tracy is the author of “unashamed”. You can learn more about it and watch her video about it HERE. READ MORE and/or buy it on Amazon by clicking the cover below.
My world is beautiful... Watch one of their videos HERE. LIKE them on Facebook for some of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen.
I don’t know where they get their photos, but it is some of the most beautiful photography ever presented. Even if you’re not on Facebook it’s worth going to take a look - it’s an amazing collection of all of the beauty God has ever created. ADVENTURE continued from page 3. Do something you And remember not would never do, but have always every journey is wanted to. Make it fun, make it meant to be shared. exciting to look forward to and make it a year you will remember. Take a Class in… Every journey begins the minute • Martial Arts you take that first step. • Candy Making • Dance Here’s a GREAT easy idea… • Cooking Make 2017 your year of • Art/Painting opportunity. Make a promise to • Foreign Language yourself that you won’t pass up • Theater any opportunity that comes your • Master Gardening way. We did that one year and it • Photography was awesome! We did a lot of • Ceramics things we never would have done • Creative Writing otherwise. We hope that we’ve • Aerobics inspired you to get the most out • Speech • Scrapbooking of your New Year.
TRY some NEW activities... Start entering contests, singing karaoke or fishing. Learn something. Read something. Join something. Volunteer somewhere. Travel this year. Create a bucket list & start working on it.
Make 2017 a year to look forward to!
CALL (409) 945-9782
OR to email Laurine Murtagh, Distributor CLICK HERE
You Need a Bucket List & a Plan... Now GO! Start Over – Move to a Foreign Country Go Mountain Climbing Get Married – Have Yourself an Adventure.
“Variety is the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor.” ~ William Cowper There is a reason nursing homes have activity directors... without a plan, people just sit around and waste time, regardless of their age. None of us know it, but for some of us, this is our LAST year here. If it’s you, what would you want on your bucket list? Whatever it is, we hope you get it done!
If you don’t decide to make it happen, it’s probably NEVER going to happen.
“Every man dies – Not every man really lives.” ~ William Ross
Awfully GOOD Cream Cheese Divinity
Waco Gun Show Extraco Events Center January 21 & 22, 2017 Waco, Texas Huntsville Gun Show Walker County Fair January 28 & 29, 2017 Huntsville, Texas Premier Gun Shows @ Big Town – Mesquite Big Town Event Center January 28 & 29, 2017 Mesquite, Texas Lewisville Gun Show Premier Event Center Lewisville February 4 & 5, 2017 Lewisville, Texas The Original Fort Worth Gun Show at Will Rogers Center, Amon Carter Exhibit Hall February 11 & 12, 2017 Fort Worth, Texas Pasadena Gun Show at the Pasadena Convention Center February 18 & 19, 2017 Pasadena, Texas
FUNNY TRUE STORY... I made this recipe out of Christy’s NEW book, “Sweetness”. My husband said it was awful, so I packed it up to send it to my daughter for some more opinions. I thought it was fine, but I’m not much of a divinity eater. When I give it to him to deliver - he says “it was awfully GOOD, there’s no need to call in any other tasters!” Really? He wanted to keep them!
Premier Gun Shows @ Big Town – Mesquite Big Town Event Center February 18 & 19, 2017 Mesquite, Texas Houston GRB Gun Show at the George R. Brown Convention Center Exhibit Hall B3 February 25 & 26, 2017 Houston, Texas
CLICK HERE to buy tickets and get the latest details!
ORDER yours here today!
Christy got a NEW breadmachine for Christmas! You know what that means... recipes are already rolling in HERE.
GREAT Rugs at the
Braided Rug Store
Braided Hooked Woven Cloth Chenille & Chair Pads too!
It’s the THRILL of the hunt!
Liberty Faux Real Trade Days
Why would you ever walk when you can stroll?
RECOMMENDS GOOD FOOD At Abe’s the crawfish begin January 26th at 5PM, CLICK HERE for details! Greetings, fellow foodie’s! We’ve got a real treat for you this month... it’s real Cajun food in TEXAS! This place is family owned and just awesome. You can dine in, pick up and even buy their great food to cook in your own home. (We got the deboned chicken stuffed with shrimp and rice dressing, see page 18 for the results.)
Abe’s Cajun Market & Cafe 1080 Clear Lake City Blvd. # D Houston, TX (281) 480-2237
We each ate their soup and sandwich combos and shared them. All of it was excellent, but here’s the best part... they have soooooooo much more to offer. Crawfish pies, boudin, pistolettes, and sausages of all types. Continued on page 18.
Ratings out of 5 's Presentation Taste Service Atmosphere Quantity Price
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm Friday-Saturday 9am-10pm Sunday 11am-9pm Kids Eat FREE Mondays After 5:00PM
A man who does not advertise is like a man winking in the dark... He knows what he is doing... but no one else does!
The Happiness Jar Will Make You Happy! by Regina Brett No more New Year's resolutions for me. I discovered something better. Intentions. What do you intend for this year? I intend to be kind, and I intend to be happy, no matter what. No matter who is president, no matter how the Indians, Cavs or Browns play, no matter how long the driver in front of me leaves his left blinker on, no matter how loud the stranger next to me talks during the movie, I intend to be happy.
Write down anything that makes you HAPPY this year. On New Year’s Eve, open it up and read about how GOOD your life really is! Savor the GOOD STUFF!
suggesting: "Write down something that made you happy, every day for a year, then open the jar and read about all the amazing things that happened."
It works. The day my mom died, I felt happy she was finally with Dad. Last year I decided to be The day we buried her, I happy. No matter what. was happy to see her best friend from high school. And I was. Even though my car was crushed When a lady crashed into on two separate occasions. my car leaving it in the Even though I lost two shop for a month, I got to cousins. Even though my drive a Jeep. What fun. mother died. Even though I turned 60. Even though It's interesting to people I love suffered health see what life hands you scares. when your heart is open to happiness. Did I put a note The Happiness Jar helped. in every single day? No. It forced me to focus on and Some days I put in more collect one happy moment than one. Other days I got every single day. busy living and being happy and simply forgot. Can you be happy all day? Probably not, but I admit it, my joy you can be happy for at least annoys people. How can you a moment every day... even be so happy all the time? It on the most miserable days. beats the alternative. Plus, the sun shines equally on Happiness grew us all. It's always shining, in my Mason jar after I even when clouds or rain saw a photo on Facebook or sleet or snow blocks us
from feeling it. So that happiness jar, what was in mine? The grandkids filled a lot of it: Watching Asher sign Valentine's Day cards and organize them alphabetically for his 1st grade classmates. Ainsley, 5, looking fierce at soccer practice, even though she wore a lacy dress over her soccer uniform. River, 3, squeezing my cheeks into my nose and yelling, "Smooshy face!" Shooting archery and hitting the center of the 50 meter target. My husband arriving safely home from Amsterdam. Screaming on the roller coaster at Memphis Kiddie Park with all the other kiddies. The sandpipers at the Outerbanks running like wind-up toys. Feeling the first snow of the year land on my face. The engagement party for our son Joe and his fiance, Sarah. Seeing our son Continued on page 16.
The story she said he was born to write.
Coming February 14th!
Her story. His story. The love story of Joey and Rory. By inviting so many into the final months of Joey’s life as she battled cancer, Joey and Rory Feek captured hearts around the world with how they handled the diagnosis; the inspiring, simple way they chose to live; and how they loved each other every step of the way. But there is far more to the story. “My life is very ordinary,” says Rory. “On the surface, it is not very special. If you looked at it day to day, it wouldn’t seem like much. But when you look at it in a bigger context—as part of a larger story—you start to see the magic that is on the pages of the book that is my life. And the more you look, the more you see. Or, at least, I do.” Buy It HERE! Listen to the first 20 minutes HERE for FREE! In this vulnerable book, he takes us for the first time into his own A gifted man from nowhere challenging life story and what it was like and everywhere in search of something growing up in rural America with little to believe in. A young woman from the money and even less family stability. Midwest with an angelic voice and deep roots that just needed a place to be planted. This is the story of a man This is their story. Two hearts that found searching for meaning and security in a each other and touched millions of other world that offered neither. And it’s the hearts along the way. story of a man who finally gives it all to a power higher than himself and soon If you missed the movie you can meets a young woman who will change buy it here too... CLICK the photo. his heart forever. It contains some of the most beautiful footage of their lives. It’s a GREAT date In This Life I Live, Rory Feek night movie! helps us not only to connect more fully to his and Joey’s story but also to our own journeys. He shows what can happen when we are fully open in life’s key moments, whether when meeting our life companion or tackling an unexpected tragedy. He also gives never-beforerevealed details on their life together and what he calls “the long goodbye,” the blessing of being able to know that life is going to end and taking advantage of it. Rory shows how we are all actually there already and how we can learn to live that way every day.
* *
* * SPIRIT & SOUL * No matter what... God has my life in the palm of his hand. He has yours too.
Try to view each day as an adventure, carefully planned out by your Guide. Instead of staring into the day that is ahead of you, attempting to program it according to your will, be attentive to Me and to all I have prepared for you. Thank Me for this day of life, recognizing that it is a precious, unrepeatable gift. Trust that I am with you each moment, whether you sense My Presence or not. A thankful, trusting attitude helps you to see events in your life from My perspective. A life lived close to Me will never be dull or predictable. Expect each day to contain surprises! Resist your tendency to search for the easiest route through the day. Be willing to follow wherever I lead. No matter how steep or treacherous the path before you, the safest place to be is by My side. Excerpted from “Jesus Calling� by Sarah Young. CLICK HERE to order your copy today.
Try To View Each Day As An Adventure
n a C u o Y W O N n Liste ! e d i W World 16 Santa Fe Good News
Why read the Good News?
Because it leaves you feeling better about yourself, your life and the world around you.
Ben laugh with his girlfriend, Melanie. Giving my mom a whole day of Christmas. Hearing beautiful opera music blasting from a rusty white van. A chocolate chip oatmeal cookie from Luna. Playing hide and seek with my sister Therese and hearing her scream when she was found. The grandkids selling lemonade on the corner. The lady who paid $10 for a 50 cent cup and told them, "Keep the change." River's reply when she had to go potty. When I asked, "Do you have to go number 1 or number 2?" She said, "Number three." Turning 60 and making cotton candy for all the birthday
party guests. Hearing Bruce Springsteen at the Q with six of my siblings. Another Cavs victory. And another. Being at the Cavs parade.
Lessons for Life’s Little Detours, (which will be reviewed as a GOOD READ right here) in an upcoming issue. She has also written “Be the Miracle: 50 Lessons for Making the Finding out my niece was Impossible Possible” and “God pregnant. Finding out she was Is Always Hiring: 50 Lessons having a girl. Finding out the for Finding Fulfilling Work”. baby was born magically whole and well, just a month after She has a master’s Mom died. degree in religious studies from John Carroll University and a So bring on the happy. I'm all bachelor’s degree in journalism set for 2017. The new Mason from Kent State University. jar holds this happy moment: And she has graciously allowed us to share her talent with you Opening last year's jar and in the Good News. discovering all that happiness. If you enjoy her encouraging Regina Brett is the columns you may let her know New York Times bestselling on her fan page HERE. author of God Never Blinks: 50
Order her books HERE.
Perspective is everything...
SHOP LOCAL whenever you can... because my parents say I eat a lot!
Continued from page 12. Shrimp & Corn Bisque with an awesome Cheese Steak sandwich and Chicken and Andouille sausage gumbo with a homemade Chicken salad sandwich on a croissant. (Yes, we realize we messed up on our sandwich order, but the menu is a little intimidating and there were people in line behind us.)
CLICK HERE to see their specials on Facebook!
They were GOOD American sandwiches though!
They are truly a market as well as a restaurant and I wish we would have gotten pictures of the refrigerated cases so you could see all the amazing stuff they carry. You can buy it fresh, frozen or cooked - to go or dine in. They have stuff REAL Cajuns eat like Chicken and Sausage Piquant, Crawfish Macquechoux, Rice Dressing and Crawfish & Cornbread Casserole and Tur-duc-hens. Along with all of this they also have all the usual Cajun dishes too, like gumbo, jambalaya, boudin balls, red beans and rice, etc. It’s a great place to eat, but look at this
beautiful chicken! It too, was just awesome. I was skeptical about rice dressing being frozen and then baked, but kudos to them, they got it right! The chicken is deboned so it cooks and slices like a dream. It’s juicy, the rice is not over or under cooked and it has wonderful flavor. Cajun food is not meant to burn your lips like a lot of Texans cook it. They advertise... “Our family promises to deliver the taste of home. Come experience great service and value.” and they delivered. We barely scratched the surface of everything this place has to offer, we will be back, you can count on it.
Galloping Foodie
OUR VISION Peace for every woman, every child, every man, every day. Our Services •24 Hour crisis hotline •Court accompaniment •Assistance with filing protective orders •Information and referral •Education and awareness •Violence against women support groups •Legal advocacy
•Counseling •Police/Hospital 24 Hour accompaniment •Professional training’s and workshops •Clothing assistance •Post shelter follow-up program •Housing assistance •Case management Bay Area Turning Point is...
Where and When Can I Help? 18207 Egret Bay Blvd. Houston, TX 77058 RESALE Shopping Hours:
Sunday & Monday: Closed Tuesday– Saturday 10:00Am- 6:00Pm
BATP is a non-profit; community based social service agency providing a variety of services, including shelter, to families in need and public education/crime prevention activities in the Greater Bay Area. We service those impacted by family violence and sexual assault (including stranger and non-stranger sexual assault). VOLUNTEER Resale is always in search of dedicated volunteers!
DONATIONS ARE ACCEPTED: Tuesday – Friday 10:00M To 5:00Pm Saturday 10:00 Am To 2:00 Pm The Resale Shop benefits the clients of Bay Area Turning Point in two ways: 1. It provides our clients who have left home and are starting new lives with shopping vouchers that allow them to purchase clothing and other items needed without a charge. 2. It generates funds from the sales of goods to the general public to support direct services for clients like shelter, counseling, and advocacy. For every $45 donation received, Bay Area Turning Point is able to provide a safe haven for an adult and 2 children for 1 night.
Sort, stock, price or sell and have fun while making a difference! If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the volunteer page or contact our Volunteer Services Coordinator. *Donations to the resale shop are tax deductible according to the IRS regulations for charitable contributions. Your generous donations keep the shop stocked.
Together Again... My Fathers passing was the hardest thing I have ever had to endure in my life. He was my best friend and no one knew me better. We could argue and fight and moments later it was as if it had never occurred. Something strange happened the day of his funeral.
With all my family and friends gathered together I had this very strange feeling come over me. All of a sudden I had a peace and a joy that I had never experienced before come rushing through me. All of a sudden my agony was replaced. It was so intense and peaceful. I had to hold back the smile and joy I was suddenly feeling.
So this is how it works?
Then it dawned on me as to why... God was reminding me that we would be together again one day in paradise. There is no feeling in the world better than the hope we have in Jesus. If you haven't asked Christ into your heart do it now. Our very next breath may be our last, don't let this opportunity slip away. So, when someone you love passes on, you can have that same peace in knowing you shall be together again in paradise for eternity.
I forgave you for every sin you have ever committed in your whole life and also every sin you have yet to commit... and you don't want to forgive this one thing someone has done to you? Wow... How puny is your love for me?
Will you be heartbroken when they are gone, sure you will. But in the very difficult times... God will remind you of His promise to us whom believe. Our last breath here will be our first breath with Christ.
How small is your obedience to me?
It doesn't get any better than that!
That is God's lesson in Matthew 18:21.
How little is your respect for me?
Written by Joseph Incalcaterra.
We are here to encourage one another on our journey home.
LIKE them on Facebook for NEWS, DEALS, and IDEAS! CLICK HERE.
There are many ways to get involved with Habitat for Humanity near you... Habitat has volunteer, homeownership and ReStore donation and shopping opportunities in your local area. *Please contact your nearest Habitat to learn more.
A good deal for you, your community and the environment.
Habitat for Humanity ReStores are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers. They sell new and gently used furniture, appliances, home accessories, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price. ReStores are independently owned and operated by local Habitat for Humanity organizations. Proceeds are used to help build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter in local communities and around the world.
Bay Area HFH ReStore 1101 W Nasa Pkwy Webster, TX 77598 restore@bahfh.org (281) 332-1118 Pasadena HFH ReStore 1520 S Shaver St Pasadena, TX 77502 www.pasadenahabitat.org (713) 472-0997 Houston HFH ReStore 6161 S Loop E Houston, TX 77087 www.houstonhabitat.org/restore (713) 643-1100 Fort Bend HFH ReStore 13570 Murphy Rd Stafford, TX 77477 www.fortbendhabitat.org (281) 403-0700 Southern Brazoria Co ReStore 12 Cir Way Lake Jackson, TX 77566 habitatsbc.org (979) 285-0090 Northwest Harris Co ReStore 13350 Jones Rd Houston, TX 77070 Habitatnwhc.org (281) 890-5585 Montgomery County TX HFH ReStore 9407 SH 242 Conroe, TX 77385 www.hfhmctx.org/restore (936) 441-5888 Bryan/College Station HFH ReStore 2211 Maloney Ave Bryan, TX 77801 (979) 775-8122
Your AD could be RIGHT HERE... just call us!
We are ALWAYS FISHING for GOOD NEWS... if you have any call us!
409) 370-0030
LOCAL GOOD NEWS The magazine is now posting absolutely FREE listings for any type of GOOD NEWS... Please send us your GOOD NEWS listings by email to lynn@santafegoodnews.com anytime. And if you enjoy this new feature, please tell your friends about it. If you have something NICE to say about anything or anyone... we would love to SHARE IT with the world. CLICK HERE to see the latest postings!
CLICK to see these latest posts.
From the safety of a book one can prepare for the adventures of the future. —Paul Walker Your friend in real estate. CLICK HERE to EMAIL me today!
Your Austin TEXAS Realtor
Have you shared some GOOD NEWS with someone you care about today?
This magazine is about love, family values & all the GOOD we can find in the world because we need things that inspire us to hope.
Become a Texas State Park Ambassador!
Explore Texas state parks and use your interests, skills and creativity to help these special places while gaining valuable volunteer experience.
Inspire your friends, motivate your community – and spread the word that life's better outside! Who We Are According to Texas State Park Ambassador Brandi Heasley we are young adult volunteers (age 18-30) who partner with a nearby state park for 3 projects - service, social media, and outreach. Typically half of us are university students, but all of us love the outdoors and our Texas State Parks. What We Do The journey begins with the Ambassador Leadership Training Adventure which happens three times a year based on the region. This outdoor immersion builds and prepares a regional team of 20-30 new ambassadors. It entails 5 nights of camping, backpacking, hiking, service, and high adventure fun.
After the training it’s project time. Over the next four months we lead handson service projects (trail maintenance, tree planting, invasive species removal, etc). We do social media projects (park Instagram takeovers, Snapchat stories, generate park Facebook page content, create promo videos, etc).And we do community outreach projects (tabling at a nearby event, helping park staff with existing events, facilitate school field-trips, etc). When & Where Ambassador Leadership Training Adventure (ALTA) is held at the following times and places: •Gulf Coast: Mid-March (starting the first weekend of spring break) beginning at Brazos Bend State Park, for ambassadors partnering with these parks. •Central-West: Early July (July 4th break) at Davis Mountains State Park. •North: Mid-November (starting the weekend before Thanksgiving) at Lake Mineral Wells State Park and Palo Pinto Mountains State Park (Not yet open to the public) Apply now in the Gulf Coast region for training at Brazos Bend State Park, March 10-15, 2017. Applicants must be 18-30 years of age. CLICK HERE to apply.
May you hear God's voice in your heart, know His touch in your life and feel His love for you each day.