STRUGGLE... Let's Talk About It!

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Let's Talk About It

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SPEEDY Biscuits

Page 23

Sam Elliott NEWS Page 16


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Let's Talk About It STRUGGLE ...

Struggle is a large part of life. This is my life. This is where I’m at and I need to make peace with it, because it must be where God wants me. Unless you believe that things just randomly happen with no rhyme or reason to them, you must believe the alternative, which is everything happens for a reason. And if that’s true – then one can assume that you are where you need to be and it is what it is. You can hate it and be miserable or you can accept it and make the most of it. It’s kind of like the grief process, acceptance is the final step and that is when you make peace with the hand you’ve been dealt. In grief, the other 4 stages (denial, anger, bargaining, depression) come and go and are even repeated, but acceptance is always the final stage and it’s always the best part of the process. I have to stop fighting my life and start accepting and enjoying it. I have to choose to do this because no one else can do it for me. I have to decide how I will live my life. There are many seasons, there is always some chaos and there are most definitely highlights, but none of it

Struggle Makes Us Stronger!

lasts forever – the good or the bad. My life is not that bad, really... We can always look next door and find someone who is suffering way more than we are, however you can’t get this perspective from Facebook usually. If we listen though, people are hurting, suffering and fighting battles that make our problems seem childish to complain about. So really, how bad is our life if we compare it to what some of our friends are going through? My problem is - I’m a spoiled brat. I need to own it and correct it. I need to realize how good I’ve got it and appreciate it rather than complain about my life. Anyone who has all the luxuries that I do should never complain. Even if everything seems to be broken all at once and my health is failing, I’ve still got a damn good life compared to what others are dealing with. Forgive me Lord, I’m sorry. I don’t have to hurry. I don’t have to worry. God’s got everything under control. He knows about it.


We are here to encourage you. We are here to assure you that God has everything under control and if you believe in Him, everything’s going to be all right in the end.

Create a Group Start your own support group for single new VISION: for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church moms at your home church! to go to for spiritual, emotional and The new Embrace Life curriculum physical support. and program equips single new moms on how to flourish in their relationship with God and MISSION: to inspire and equip the not only survive in life but THRIVE! These church to love on single and pregnant brave moms will learn spiritual and practical young women and their families. ways to help navigate their way through life while using the Holy Spirit as their compass. WHAT WE DO: The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed Embrace Grace and Life were created to help because of shame and guilt. encourage, educate and empower young, single moms just like you, and to speak into WHY WE EXIST: your life to make sure that you know that your Emotionally and spiritually healthy dreams are not over. mommies parent emotionally and spiritually healthy babies. God still has an amazing destiny and purpose created just for you, all you have to do is grab a hold of it and believe. He wants to be in relationship with you because He put gifts and talents inside of you that only YOU have. By joining an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life group you will learn how to dream big while also receiving help with the practical and spiritual aspects of life. There is a place for you!

Find a Group HERE

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NEED dinner ideas? CLICK the link above... IDEAS galore!

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This is part of a four part video series on small steps you can take each day to train yourself to be a happy person.

The Black Pit : How

To Stop Digging Deeper And Learn To Claw Your Way Out

I often get emails and comments asking how I stay so positive. Those who have read me for a while know about my somewhat epic battles with depression in the past and that creates even more questions as people who are in the battle now want to know how I manage to maintain victory over it.

I have truly been at that place in my life where I felt no hope – I have been in the very bottom of that dark pit where I found myself desperately looking for even the smallest ray of light and found none. To feel totally without hope is one of the most painful places to be and unless someone has been there, they have no idea how excruciating it is. Everything aches, from your heart to your spirit to every muscle and bone in your body.

to have to work harder than you ever have before – But for a goal you’ve longed for. If you think you are ready, here goes… I know you’re hurting. I know you’re sad and I know you’re tired. I know you feel like you’ve been fighting, struggling, day in and day out for so very long and yet have gotten nowhere. I know your heart desperately longs for hope or warmth or some sort of reprieve from the constant ache. I know because I’ve been there.

I wish I could hold your hand and walk you out of this, but I can’t. I wish I could look into your life and tell you exactly how to handle each situation, but I’m not able. But I can tell you how I got through it and I can tell you that if you are in that pit, you are not meant to If you are there now, I have a few remain there. things that I would like to say to you – if you are ready to hear them. It is up to you God has a plan for you. to determine if you are. If you have any doubt, maybe you should come back to He has a purpose for you. And He can take this later because it is not gonna be a soft this pain and use it for good. cushy blanket. He can take the darkest moments It will be more of a battle cry. of your life and use them to make you stronger, wiser, and happier than you ever Even though you feel exhausted, dreamed possible, so much so that you will if you are ready for this, it will cause you find yourself years down the road looking

back and being grateful for this moment, because so much strength and joy came out of it. A lot of people end up looking so hard for a person to hold their hand in the darkness that they miss out on the opportunity to hold God’s hand instead. Sure, there might be people in your life you can lean on and that is all good and well, but when it comes down to the big battles…I’m talking the life and death battle between me and the hopelessness, if I have a choice to have the creator of the universe as my coach and team mate, I’m going with those odds. I learned a long time ago that going to people (friends, relatives, etc) with my problems might help on a temporary level, but they can’t do anything for me. Instead, I started taking my problems directly to God because He is the only one who can actually help me. If He leads me to a person then, so be it, but it is about you and him solving this together. There is no easy way to get from point A to point B, but it begins by realizing that this is a journey that you are on and you deciding that you are ready to get to point B and dedicating yourself to do what it takes in order to do that. You have got to want to be happy.

The STRUGGLE is real. 1. Do you really want to change? 2. Are you ready to accept responsibility for your own actions, thoughts, and words? 3. Is complaining one of your primary activities and if so, are you willing to give that up? there is, discipline yourself. You’ve got to be willing to do whatever it takes, chastise yourself when you complain, make yourself step out of your comfort zone. We’re not talking about having someone hold your hand here. That is what we do for children crossing the street. We’re not kids anymore. We’re adults and an adult that is not capable of disciplining themselves is a train wreck waiting to happen. Chances are, if you are depressed/ negative life right now, you are a current train wreck. You feel it. You know it. But you can get out. You can be happy. I PROMISE you.

You’ve got to want it so bad that If you’re ready for it... you can read the rest of Christy’s post HERE. you are willing to do the hardest thing

Christy is an excellent cook, which is why she is our resident food blogger, but she also knows a thing or two about living a GOOD life... Please support her in any way you can, because she helps bring the GOOD NEWS to you!

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There are many ways to get involved with Habitat for Humanity near you... Habitat has volunteer, homeownership and ReStore donation and shopping opportunities in your local area. *Please contact your nearest Habitat to learn more.

A good deal for you, your community and the environment.

Habitat for Humanity ReStores are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers. They sell new and gently used furniture, appliances, home accessories, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price. ReStores are independently owned and operated by local Habitat for Humanity organizations. Proceeds are used to help build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter in local communities and around the world.

Bay Area HFH ReStore 1101 W Nasa Pkwy Webster, TX 77598 (281) 332-1118 Pasadena HFH ReStore 1520 S Shaver St Pasadena, TX 77502 (713) 472-0997 Houston HFH ReStore 6161 S Loop E Houston, TX 77087 (713) 643-1100 Fort Bend HFH ReStore 13570 Murphy Rd Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 403-0700 Southern Brazoria Co ReStore 12 Cir Way Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 285-0090 Northwest Harris Co ReStore 13350 Jones Rd Houston, TX 77070 (281) 890-5585 Montgomery County TX HFH ReStore 9407 SH 242 Conroe, TX 77385 (936) 441-5888 Bryan/College Station HFH ReStore 2211 Maloney Ave Bryan, TX 77801 (979) 775-8122


God Never Blinks 50 Lessons for Life’s Little Detours by Regina Brett

If you don’t have much time to born. When we got the news, we cried. read or you like to read in little chunks - The good news was they had a baby boy. this is the book for you! The bad news was, he had something wrong with him. With chapter titles like “Breathe. It calms the mind.”, “Believe in miracles.” and “Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.” you know right away - it’s a GOOD book. Each story is written independent of the next and they culminate to make an entire book of nothing but encouragement, wisdom and humor. This New York Times bestseller is a very personal book. It is compiled by an award winning writer who just happens to be a cancer survivor. Anyone who has survived cancer holds the secret to just how precious life really is and the author shares the value of it very honestly with her readers. Here’s an excerpt... Lesson 10 God Never Gives Us More Than We Were Designed To Carry. Some of us are asked to bear more than others. My uncle Paul was chosen to carry part of the sky. He and my aunt Veronica were my godparents. They had five children when their last child was

Order it NOW or read more here!

Brett Francis Kelly was born back in 1972, when people used words Continued on page 14. “I love this book! It is powerful, poignant, funny, and magical. Read it and Regina Brett’s magic will touch your heart.” — Joe Eszterhas, author of Crossbearer

LOOK at all that is beautiful in


PRODUCE in SEASON HERE LOCALLY •Bell Peppers •Cucumbers •Cushaw •Eggplant •Okra •Peas •Peppers (hot/sweet) •Tomatoes •Watermelons List provided for us by Froberg's Farm in Alvin TX

Summer arrives...

I was an exchange student for a summer, and most of that summer was in Ukraine. I used to say ‘the Ukraine’ until I was there and one of the Ukrainian college students I got to be good friends with said, ‘Do you say I’m going back to the Texas,’ and I said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘We don’t say we’re going back to the Ukraine, either.’ ~ Louie Gohmert

The Mission Reach Paddling Trail in San Antonio is now an official Texas Paddling Trail! Our 72nd trail offers 8 miles of scenic views along the San Antonio River and is just minutes from downtown San Antonio.

Upcoming EVENTS June 3rd Sunset Paddle Galveston Island State Park Adult paddling program, limited spaces available. Must RSVP June 10th Shoreline Kayaking Tour Eisenhower State Park See the park's magnificent rocky bluffs from the water on a guided kayaking tour.






June 17th Women's Outdoor Workshop Palmetto State Park Kayaking- Fishing- Archery- Wildlife I.D. No experience needed, all equipment provided. Preregistration is required. June 17th Guided Paddling Trip Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Want to go out on a canoe, but not sure how to get started? Join a park guide for a fun paddling adventure. June 17th Sunset Paddle Galveston Island State Park Adult paddling program, limited spaces available. Must RSVP June 21st Morning Paddle Galveston Island State Park Adult paddling program (ages 13yrs+), must RSVP in advance.

CLICK HERE for more details...

June 24th Shoreline Kayaking Tour Eisenhower State Park See the park's magnificent rocky bluffs from the water on a guided kayaking tour. (Several events are not listed here because they are already full and starting a waiting list.) See ALL upcoming events HERE.

Enjoy improved and maintained fishing and paddling access to rivers, creeks, lakes, ponds, bayous, and bays on any of the 72 official Texas Paddling Trails available throughout the state!


Dear God...



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Self is the problem.... it’s always the problem. Move self out of the way and life gets GOOD!

Is this when we become the trees planted by the water? In the midnight hour when our troubles are bouncing around in our heads like ping pong balls and we can say peace be still and it works? When we have the wisdom and maturity to realize that we don't have the answers and it no longer matters that we don't, because we know you do? When we can't sleep because of our troubles until the light bulb pops on and we hand all of them over to the one who loves us. The one who said they would handle them for us?

Exchange your focus from yourself to God and you've got a life worth living. Perspective always changes everything.

Face the storm. Doubt, worry and fear steal your peace and then you have been robbed of the life you were given. Face the storm. It's not white knuckled determination to hang on and make it through... it's refusing to let your circumstances steal your peace and joy.

In your struggle, never lose sight of the prize.

It's mind control - it's you controlling your own mind. Taking your troubles to the altar and leaving them in the hands of the man who can still the waters.

Before you say anything remember this...

You have the power to stop the theft by refusing to carry your troubles yourself.

That's true dependence and trust. That is faith in action and that is why our faith matters.

I took you, wretched soul that you are, into my arms That’s why it’s called and forgave you all of your sins. I loved you when no fighting the good fight. one else did and I gave you eternal life - an abundant life more than you could have ever dreamed of and this is how you say thank you? You walk up to my other children and act better than they are, you look down on them and judge them? How dare you? Had I not saved you - you would be in worse shape than they are. After I have shown you so much mercy, you give them none?

Everyone has struggles you know nothing about.

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” ~John Wesley


The Practice of the Presence of God

by Brother Lawrence

He believed... That we should establish ourselves in a sense of GOD’s Presence, by continually conversing with Him. That it was a shameful thing to quit His conversation, to think of trifles and fooleries. More of what he believed from an excerpt... That we should feed and nourish our souls with high notions of GOD; which would yield us great joy in being devoted to Him. That we ought to quicken, i.e., to enliven, our faith. That it was lamentable we had so little; and that instead of taking faith for the rule of their conduct, men amused themselves with trivial devotions, which changed daily. That the way of Faith was the spirit of the Church, and that it was sufficient to bring us to a high degree of perfection.

whether He lead us by suffering or by consolation, for all would be equal to a soul truly resigned. That there needed fidelity in those drynesses, or insensibilities and irksomenesses in prayer, by which GOD tries our love to Him; that then was the time for us to make good and effectual acts of resignation, whereof one alone would oftentimes very much promote our spiritual advancement.

That we ought to give ourselves up to GOD, with regard both to things temporal and spiritual, and seek our satisfaction only in the fulfilling His will, Download for FREE


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Continued from page 9. like Mongoloid and retard. It was a time when relatives whispered the bad news through tears, when doctors suggested institutional care, when support for special needs children didn’t exist. Brett wasn’t the perfect healthy baby every parent prays for. He had ten fingers and ten toes, but he also had something else. Down syndrome. Back then, children with Down syndrome weren’t considered special. They were considered disasters. But my aunt and uncle loved him the same as their other five.

life.” He made Brett his life partner. The two were inseparable. Brett had no edit button. If he thought something, he said it. He couldn’t lie. When he saw a woman with a large derriere, he would announce, “You have a big butt.” When he caught the reflection of his fuller than full figure, he’d tell the mirror, “I’m so sexy” and he believed it.

Brett left his imprint everywhere. At my cousin Bridget’s wedding, he pretended to be the bartender. At my brother Jim’s wedding, he gyrated on the dance floor until his pants nearly fell off. Then my aunt got cancer. The At my uncle John’s funeral, he spilled breast cancer spread to her bones. She died water on himself and took off his pants when Brett was only three. She left my and ended up wrapped in a blanket. uncle a widower with six children. How could my uncle Paul raise six children He never grew up. That was the alone? The oldest was only 14. joy of Brett. He stayed a child. He also stayed his dad’s best buddy. The decades It got worse. Uncle Paul got fired flew by. Each child played mom, then went from his job. He had missed too much off to college and passed the role on to the work caring for his sick wife. There was next younger sibling. no Family Leave Act to protect him. What happened to the family? My uncle held When my uncle turned 80, we them together. He made Brett the center of wondered who would take Brett one day. their universe. That broken piece somehow The problem wasn’t that Brett would made them whole. be a burden no one wanted to bear. The problem was that all his siblings wanted Uncle Paul never complained him to move in with them. about being a single parent of six. He got a real estate license so he could work from It wasn’t long after my uncle turned 80 home. He did the laundry and cleaned the that we got the bad news. house after the kids went to bed. He never remarried. He always said, “I married for The day before Brett’s sister was

n a C u o Y W O N n e t Lis ! e d i W d Worl

Do you NEED a LOCAL realtor? We would greatly appreciate it if you would SUPPORT our advertisers whenever you can! to marry, the family had gathered for the rehearsal dinner. They had spent the entire day together, all the sisters and brothers and in-laws and grandkids and Uncle Paul. At one point, out of the blue, Brett told them, “Don’t worry. Mom’s here. Everything’s going to be fine.”

CALL or you can email me HERE. “We need the Bretts of this world,” he said in his sermon. “Brett wasn’t handicapped. He showed us what God expects from us: to celebrate every time we take a breath.”

We need the Uncle Pauls of the world, too. It was his quiet strength that held After dinner, Brett collapsed from a up the world so Brett could skip through pulmonary embolism. it, so Brett could celebrate everything as No one could revive him. only Brett could. In his world, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus were real, birthdays The funeral home overflowed lasted seven days, and there was no such with photos. Brett in his First Communion thing as race, only people with better tans. jacket. Brett in a cap and gown. Brett in his basketball uniform. Brett with his Special My uncle smiled as his son, Paul Olympics medals. My uncle had made gave the eulogy. “People always told us sure Brett’s life was a rich one. we were a great gift to Brett,” Paul said, “It was the other way around. He was a At the funeral Mass, the priest great gift to us.” asked us to examine how we use our gifts. Brett came by his gifts naturally, Uncle Paul made it so by holding the the priest said. They came with that extra family together, by holding up the sky chromosome. above them.

It’s a very encouraging read!

“Regina Brett is a gifted observer of the experiences that shape who we are, and her lessons unfold with buoyancy, humor and a courageous honesty. She has given us a beautifully written roadmap for life.” — JEFFREY ZASLOW, coauthor of The Last Lecture

Order her books HERE.

I have asked the LORD for one thing;one thing only do I want: to live in the LORD’s house all my life, to marvel there at his goodness, and to ask for his guidance. Psalms 27:4 | GNT


Sam Elliott plays an ailing movie star coming to terms with his past and mortality in the first trailer for Brett Haley’s Sundance dramedy called “The Hero”. It’s coming out in limited U.S. theaters on June 9th before expanding on July 4th. It is rumored to be Sam Elliott’s equal to John Wayne’s “The Shootist” performance. At 72, Sam Elliott is making mature living look like a walk in the park.

Watch the trailer


The Hero starring Sam Elliott, Laura Prepon, Nick Offerman, Krysten Ritter, Katharine Ross, Ali Wong, Cameron Esposito, and Patrika Darbo. Directed by Brett Haley.

He’s acting nonstop in a great variety of shows lately. He’s got a sitcom on Netflix for binge watching called “The Ranch” which is NOT for all audiences. He’s been dropping in for bit parts on several TV sitcoms and because of “that voice” he’s in some animated films as well. The Hero might just be some really GOOD stuff.

CALL (409) 945-9782 TIME has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters in life. Email Laurine Murtagh, Distributor just CLICK HERE



Hitchcock Public Library 8005 Barry Ave. 409-986-7814

Summer Reading Program

whenever you can!

PEACH TREE PRUNING FOR THE HOME ORCHARD (a hands-on demonstration) Thursday, June 1st 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

GC Master Gardeners Herman Auer and Robert Marshall will give a hands-on demonstration showing how to prune your peach trees and other stone fruit trees to create a good scaffold and to prepare for next year’s fruit production. The program will be held in the Demonstration Garden Orchard inside Carbide Park. (For Galveston County residents needing help on horticultural issues - Call the help line @ 281-534-3413 ext.1 and press option 1 to ask a Master Gardener.)


FREE advertising...

If you’ve got an APPLE product with a problem or are in need of accessories (I can’t vouch for other products) use these people! We have used them 5 times & each time they have been excellent & very affordable. Ask for Abdul for repairs - he’s GREAT!

PLUMERIA (The Fabulous Fragrant Frangipani) Saturday, June 3rd 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Presented by GC Master Gardener Loretta Osteen, the program will include information about the history of the Plumeria and tips for growing and caring for them. Also included will be information about the different flower shapes, fragrances and colors of the different varieties of Plumeria successfully grown in our area. Methods of propagation, proper winter storage and care will be presented, as will ways to use the flowers. e-mail: galvcountymgs@ to pre-register. They are both FREE!

GOOD LAGNIAPPE TIP THIS MONTH Freeze your herbs... the easy way. When you get home with them, chop them up on a paper plate. Then roll it up to funnel them right into a ziplock bag. Flatten the bag, throw them in the freezer and move on. Doing them like this means you don’t ever have to pass up great herbs again! 1. Two steps... chop & freeze. 2. None go bad. 3. Break off what you need when you need them and they thaw out almost instantly.

CLICK HERE to buy tickets and get the latest details!

Pasadena Gun Show Pasadena Convention Center June 10 & 11, 2017 Pasadena, Texas Premier Gun Shows at Big Town Big Town Event Center June 17 & 18, 2017 Mesquite, Texas San Antonio Gun Show Freeman Coliseum Expo Hall June 17 & 18, 2017 San Antonio, Texas The Original Fort Worth Gun Show Will Rogers Center, Amon Carter Exhibit Hall June 24 & 25, 2017 Fort Worth, Texas Austin Gun Show-Round Rock Round Rock Sports Center July 1 & 2, 2017 Round Rock, Texas Lewisville Gun Show Premier Event Center Lewisville July 1 & 2, 2017 Lewisville, Texas

This magazine is about love, family values & all the GOOD we can find in the world because we need things that inspire us to hope.

SHOP LOCAL whenever you can... because my parents say I eat a lot!

Peace is... To sit down comfortably in the middle of the life we have been given & enjoy it.

OUR VISION Peace for every woman, every child, every man, every day. Our Services •24 Hour crisis hotline •Court accompaniment •Assistance with filing protective orders •Information and referral •Education and awareness •Violence against women support groups •Legal advocacy

•Counseling •Police/Hospital 24 Hour accompaniment •Professional training’s and workshops •Clothing assistance •Post shelter follow-up program •Housing assistance •Case management Bay Area Turning Point is...

Where and When Can I Help? 18207 Egret Bay Blvd. Houston, TX 77058 RESALE Shopping Hours:

Sunday & Monday: Closed Tuesday– Saturday 10:00Am- 6:00Pm

BATP is a non-profit; community based social service agency providing a variety of services, including shelter, to families in need and public education/crime prevention activities in the Greater Bay Area. We service those impacted by family violence and sexual assault (including stranger and non-stranger sexual assault). VOLUNTEER Resale is always in search of dedicated volunteers!

DONATIONS ARE ACCEPTED: Tuesday – Friday 10:00M To 5:00Pm Saturday 10:00 Am To 2:00 Pm The Resale Shop benefits the clients of Bay Area Turning Point in two ways: 1. It provides our clients who have left home and are starting new lives with shopping vouchers that allow them to purchase clothing and other items needed without a charge. 2. It generates funds from the sales of goods to the general public to support direct services for clients like shelter, counseling, and advocacy. For every $45 donation received, Bay Area Turning Point is able to provide a safe haven for an adult and 2 children for 1 night.

Sort, stock, price or sell and have fun while making a difference! If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the volunteer page or contact our Volunteer Services Coordinator. *Donations to the resale shop are tax deductible according to the IRS regulations for charitable contributions. Your generous donations keep the shop stocked.


Along Galveston’s Gulf Coast runs a seventeen-foothigh, ten-mile-long protective barrier— a response to the nation’s all-time deadliest natural disaster.

The seawall remains a stoic protector more than a century later, shielding the island from much more than physical destruction. As the foundation of Seawall Boulevard, this structure created an entirely new tourism industry that buoyed the city’s economy through war, the Great Depression and hurricanes.

June 9th @6:30pm at the Hitchcock Public Library

One Of America's Greatest Civil Engineering Feats

Adapting to the cultural trends and political movements that defined the past century, the seawall represents the unbreakable spirit of Galveston’s resilient population and provides a fascinating glimpse into bygone times.

Not GOOD, but certainly very necessary!

Your AD could be RIGHT HERE... Call us TODAY!

We are ALWAYS FISHING for GOOD NEWS... if you have any call us!

409) 370-0030


Super Easy SPEEDY Good Biscuits FAST & Homemade!

These are the BEST biscuits ever! Less Than 5 Minutes to Make No Rolling - Made in a Bowl Here’s why... Easy Recipe to Double They are technically drop biscuits that All Ingredients on Hand DO NOT crumble. Mix the 5 ingredients up and you CAN have yourself a biscuit sandwich. And best of all... there is no exact measuring required. That’s right - a baking recipe with some wiggle room... now that’s an awful GOOD biscuit recipe!

SPEEDY Biscuits

1 Cup Flour 1 Teaspoon Salt 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 1/4 Cup Mayonnaise 1 Cup Milk Mix dry ingredients then add the wet ones. Shape with 2 spoons and drop in greased pan. Bake 15 minutes at 425 degrees. Makes 4 biscuits.

Video Coming Soon!


Let's meet in the middle, find some compromises and unite to heal our nation beginning in our homes first.

AMERICA is struggling...

FIGHTING doesn’t FIX anything... You don’t see women duking it out to fix the problem at their child’s school, (well most don’t handle their business like that anyway). What we need to do is find hundreds of intelligent compromises and move forward. If you don’t like what you see around you - change it. Change can begin in your home and mine and let’s leave the outcome up to God.

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