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Performance an Abundant Life... TRUE or FALSE?
! ff u t s d oo g e om s s d r a ow t ou y t n oi p s u t e L
Speaking of Performance... Look at this! If you haven’t picked up a copy of the NEW Magnolia Journal magazine, you’re missing out in our opinion. It’s actually mostly all written by Chip and she even makes biscuits from scratch. and Joanna Gaines, unlike some of the Part of what makes it so GOOD though is other celebrity magazines out there. We the honesty shared by these people who sampled the Summer Issue (Issue 3)and have been thrust into the spotlight. They found it quite entertaining. It’s FULL of aren’t perfect, but even so, they are living great summer ideas, recipes and of course a pretty faith filled abundant life. some decorating tips. On a scale of 1 to 10, it’s a 9 in our book. Along with her many other talents, The only thing that could make it any apparently she can cook too. The fresh better would be to make it a monthly, but tomato and peach recipes look amazing I guess she’s got her hands pretty full.
"My goal in creating this magazine was to connect with readers from all walks of life, to share content so valuable and so meaningful that you hold on to each issue and return to them again and again.
The Magnolia Journal is a quarterly lifestyle publication that promises fresh inspiration for your life and home in each new season.
I want you to be inspired, confident and empowered to try something new by simply picking up a copy and setting aside a quiet moment for yourself to read. The Magnolia Journal is out now—pick up your first issue today!" - Joanna
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LOOK what the Galloping Foodie found! Full story on page 9.
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Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids? 3 Santa Fe Goodtell you where your heart is." "Where you spend your dollar will always News
Funerals and Graduations Offer Life Lessons In Minutes by Regina Brett If you want to know how to truly live your life, go to a funeral or a graduation. Eulogies remind us what truly matters in life; commencement addresses do the job with a lot more joy and laughter. You get the best life wisdom distilled into five minutes, 10 at most. The best graduation speeches get to the point and actually have a point.
My son-in-law James just sent me a link to a graduation speech given last year by James Ryan, dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Ryan posed five essential questions to ask. Wait, what? It may sound goofy, but it really does lead to getting clarity before Continued on page 22.
Liberty Faux Real Trade Days It is the THRILL of the hunt!
Honest men fear neither the light nor the dark. ~Thomas Fuller, M.D.
= an Abundant Life... Here is our answer... Facebook and Instagram make people’s lives look fabulous, but is it all real? The more fabulous the posts, (the performance) the more real the facade becomes. That’s why the Magnolia Journal, Aaron Watson, Christy Jordan and even Todd Chrisley are such big hits. We look for the honesty in everything, because you can’t have an abundant life without it. Great photos don’t make a great life though. Great hearts make great lives and if you have time to post your heart on social media - good for you! We like to see people with great hearts prosper in front of our eyes. Seeing others succeed gives us hope. So we think it’s false. A good social media performance is not always evidence of an abundant life.
You willl know them by their fruit. Matthew 7:20
Social media can be a positive, encouraging and healthy pastime if you follow the right people, organizations and groups. Life is just like high school. You have to watch who you hang around with because you can catch a bad attitude really quick depending on who you run with.
CALL (409) 945-9782 TIME has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters in life. Email Laurine Murtagh, Distributor just CLICK HERE
We are here to encourage you. We are here to assure you that God has everything under control and if you believe in Him, everything’s going to be all right in the end.
Create a Group Start your own support group for single new VISION: for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church moms at your home church! to go to for spiritual, emotional and The new Embrace Life curriculum physical support. and program equips single new moms on how to flourish in their relationship with God and MISSION: to inspire and equip the not only survive in life but THRIVE! These church to love on single and pregnant brave moms will learn spiritual and practical young women and their families. ways to help navigate their way through life while using the Holy Spirit as their compass. WHAT WE DO: The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed Embrace Grace and Life were created to help because of shame and guilt. encourage, educate and empower young, single moms just like you, and to speak into WHY WE EXIST: your life to make sure that you know that your Emotionally and spiritually healthy dreams are not over. mommies parent emotionally and spiritually healthy babies. God still has an amazing destiny and purpose created just for you, all you have to do is grab a hold of it and believe. He wants to be in relationship with you because He put gifts and talents inside of you that only YOU have. By joining an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life group you will learn how to dream big while also receiving help with the practical and spiritual aspects of life. There is a place for you!
Find a Group HERE
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NEED dinner ideas? CLICK the link above... IDEAS galore!
Some of my favorite recipes begin with “first you fry up some bacon…”, and that immediately tells you a lot about this dish. Garden fresh spoils of summer blend together perfectly to create a flavor that’ll make your tongue slap your mouth. I’ve made countless variations of this dish through the years but this one tends to be my favorite these days – mostly because, well, bacon. I mean, seriously. Bacon.
Tomatoes, Okra, and Bacon Skillet
"Hi, my name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."
What if you don’t like okra?
Oh goodness yes I hear ya, the okra haters out there. A lot of people avoid okra because they feel it is slimy. However, cooking it how we do in this recipe is going to really help that because we are actually sautéing the okra at a very high heat, in bacon grease no less, and this significantly reduces that one characteristic that seems to stand out to some folks. Me? I could eat okra all day long any way you cook it. But like I said, this dish is a dear favorite and has won over many an okra naysayer.
1. In large skillet over medium high heat, cook bacon until crispy, turning as needed. Remove cooked bacon to paper towel lined plate and set aside.
Ingredients: •5-50 pieces of bacon* •3 medium to large tomatoes, diced •1 onion, chopped •about 2 big handfuls of okra*, diced (2-3 cups once diced) •Salt & Pepper to taste
2. Keep about 4 tablespoons of bacon grease in skillet and pour the rest into your grease jar to save. 3. Place chopped onion into bacon grease and continue cooking over medium high heat until onion is translucent. Add okra and tomatoes and cook, stirring often, until okra is tender. Sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper to taste. 4. Remove to serving bowl and generously sprinkle crumpled bacon over top. Notes: *I’m not really suggesting that you make this dish with 50 pieces of bacon. However, I would not object to you doing so, provided you invited me to supper. As far as the ingredients in this, you can use more or less of any one item based on what you have on hand.
Quick and Easy Chocolate Mousse For One
Ingredients: • 1 cup heavy cream • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder • 3 packets splenda or 2 Tablespoons sugar* • ½ tsp vanilla
1. Place all ingredients into a large mixing bowl. 2. Beat with electric mixer until stiff peaks form, scraping down sides as needed to make sure all ingredients are fully incorporated. 3. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate. Best if consumed the same day it is made. Top with whipped cream, if desired. Notes: *Sweeten to taste. So today, I got to thinking...
Recipes I Wish You’d Try This Summer When I think about folks going their whole lives without ever trying CLICK HERE
certain recipes, it just makes my heart ache. From that list, I came up with a few that would be perfect to make right now. My Grandmama’s Butter Rolls, Peach Cobbler, Tomato Mozzarella Melts, My Great Grandmother’s Fried Peach Pies, and My Mama’s Fresh Creamed Corn. However, if you want a shortcut version that is almost as good, I got that, too… My Easiest Ever Creamed Corn! Editor’s Note: Click the link above for Christy’s whole list and don’t go another summer without trying some of these awesome recipes. You’ll be glad you did.
Please support Christy in any way you can, because she helps bring the GOOD NEWS to you!
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RECOMMENDS TJ REED’S Hello Foodies, We found you a GREAT NEW hamburger place in Dickinson, TEXAS and this place is NOT your average restaurant. Obviously the food is GOOD or we wouldn’t be talking about it, but it also has a great atmosphere. The music is good, and not too loud, the wait staff is super friendly and here’s the best part; The kids are all huddled up together at the “Ipad station” that’s provided for them. That’s right, there are six Ipads lined up to amuse your children and everyone else’s while your order is cooked up. How great is that? The burgers are made with real meat, served on fresh in house made buns with your choice of a variety of toppings. (See what’s possible on the next page.) The prices to build your own burger are really not as high as ala carte additions usually are, but we haven’t tried that yet. These photos show our Bacon Cheeseburger (top), the Macho Burger (middle) and a Combo Burger (bottom). All burgers can be ordered with a large selection of “Sassy Sauces”, fries, onion rings, house made pickles, milkshakes, beer, wine and cocktails. Continued.
Take a LOOK at WHAT’S POSSIBLE... in their own words.
Here at TJ Reeds we understand that no one knows you like you know you, which is why we offer the BYO (Build Your Own)Burger option. As you can see our customers get pretty creative and delicious. This customer created a BYO double patty with bacon, craft beer braised onions, blistered jalapeños, cheddar cheese, mayo and lettuce. Stop by today and let us make your Burger dreams come true. The hand-cut fries and onion rings are not the frozen variety and both are seasoned. As a matter of fact the onion rings are a tad on the hot side, so don’t order them for small children, but they are good! They don’t serve regular sodas either. They are called natural sugar cane sodas. I’m not sure what they are exactly, but the Texas Red is delicious! It’s like a Big Red with an extra kick. We’ve eaten there twice and both
614 FM 517 W Dickinson, Texas (832) 738-1140
They also have salads, a vegetarian burger and chicken and salmon sandwiches, but we haven’t gotten past the burgers yet. If you like a GOOD burger, TJ REED’S doesn’t disappoint. And rumor has it they do To-Go orders well too! Until next time, spend your dollar locally whenever you can and be sure to tell them the Galloping Foodie sent you when you try any of our suggestions. Thanks!
Ratings out of 5 's Presentation Taste Service Atmosphere Quantity Price
experiences were A+, however we have yet to have room for a Hand - Spun Custard. It appears to be a made fresh daily ice cream of some sort that they use in milkshakes, Blizzard-like shakes, ice cream cones and even in some of their adult beverages.
Hours: Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm Friday-Saturday 11:30am-10pm Sunday 11:30am-9pm
Galloping Foodie
Tell all of your friends!
LOOK at what we get in July!
When Summer Arrives...
PRODUCE in SEASON HERE LOCALLY •Cucumbers •Eggplant •Okra •Peas •Peppers (hot/sweet) •Tomatoes •Watermelons List provided for us by Froberg's Farm in Alvin TX
* *
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Do you want to escape? Do you need some CALGON without the water? Curl up with a few downloaded issues of the GOOD NEWS and relax! They are FREE and full of encouragement, hope and love. GOOD NEWS never goes out of style because it’s always GOOD, regardless of when you find it.
Riding Life’s Roller Coaster
Stuff happens constantly that I am unprepared for and that I didn't see coming my way. Some of it is unbelievably better than anything I could have imagined and some of it I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, but all of it has to be lived through with a fierce determination to do the very best I can with it. That determination comes pretty naturally now. But for many years I rode that roller coaster clinging white knuckled to the side of life, screaming all the way.
At the end of the day the only questions I will ask myself are...
I wasn't taught how to cope with life's ever changing ups and downs. My parents screamed and hung on, so I did too. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to listen to some wise teachers who had themselves learned that there was a better way to live. One of the things they taught me is that somehow just knowing that life is going to be a roller coaster, makes it easier to decide to ride it with a little dignity.
Did I love enough? Did I laugh enough? Did I make a difference?
Here’s some very wise advice... LOOK UP - Keep Your Focus on Me Don't look to the right or the left, no matter what happens in your life - you keep your focus on Me. Distractions of any kind; people, circumstances, blizzards or hurricanes of any magnitude will not sway you if you have practiced and disciplined yourself to stay focused. The longer you practice the more experienced you become and as a result... the more peace you will have. Always keep your eyes, ears and mind set on Me - then you will have the directions you seek just as I have promised. Author Unknown
You can find GOOD STUFF on social media...
The Practice of the Presence of God
by Brother Lawrence
He believed... That as for the miseries and sins he heard of daily in the world, he was so far from wondering at them, that, on the contrary, he was surprised there were not more, considering the malice sinners were capable of: that for his part, he prayed for them; but knowing that GOD could remedy the mischiefs they did, when He pleased, he gave himself no farther trouble. More of what he believed from an excerpt... That he had always been governed by love, without selfish views; and that having resolved to make the love of GOD the end of all his actions, he had found reasons to be well satisfied with his method. That he was pleased when he could take up a straw from the ground for the love of GOD, seeking Him only, and nothing else, not even His gifts. That he had been long troubled in mind from a certain belief that he should be damned; that all the men in the world could not have persuaded him to the contrary; but that he had thus reasoned with himself about it: I did not engage in a religious life but for the love of GOD, and I have endeavoured to act only for Him; whatever becomes of me, whether I
be lost or saved, I will always continue to act purely for the love of GOD. I shall have this good at least, that till death I shall have done all that is in me to love Him. That this trouble of mind had lasted four years; during which time he had suffered much. That since that time he had passed his life in perfect liberty and continual joy. That he placed his sins betwixt him and GOD, as it were, to tell Him that he did not deserve His favours, but that GOD still continued to bestow them in abundance.
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God made the country, and man made the town. ~William Cowper
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There are many ways to get involved with Habitat for Humanity near you... Habitat has volunteer, homeownership and ReStore donation and shopping opportunities in your local area. *Please contact your nearest Habitat to learn more.
A good deal for you, your community and the environment.
Habitat for Humanity ReStores are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers. They sell new and gently used furniture, appliances, home accessories, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price. ReStores are independently owned and operated by local Habitat for Humanity organizations. Proceeds are used to help build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter in local communities and around the world.
Bay Area HFH ReStore 1101 W Nasa Pkwy Webster, TX 77598 (281) 332-1118 Pasadena HFH ReStore 1520 S Shaver St Pasadena, TX 77502 (713) 472-0997 Houston HFH ReStore 6161 S Loop E Houston, TX 77087 (713) 643-1100 Fort Bend HFH ReStore 13570 Murphy Rd Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 403-0700 Southern Brazoria Co ReStore 12 Cir Way Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 285-0090 Northwest Harris Co ReStore 13350 Jones Rd Houston, TX 77070 (281) 890-5585 Montgomery County TX HFH ReStore 9407 SH 242 Conroe, TX 77385 (936) 441-5888 Bryan/College Station HFH ReStore 2211 Maloney Ave Bryan, TX 77801 (979) 775-8122
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NEW Feature... TEXAS Parks Houston Area Events Also...
Check out some really GREAT PLACES to Swim in TEXAS by clicking HERE.
July 1st Corn Harvest and Field Weeding Weekends Washington-on-theBrazos State Historic Site Come help us harvest our corn and tend to our fields in the month of July.
Come see our native wildflower gardens and discover the benefits of native plants. July 1st Flag Retirement Ceremony Martin Creek Lake State Park Join us for a Flag Retirement Ceremony
July 1st Beach Exploration Galveston Island State Park July 1st Coastal Expo Discover the life that lives Freeport, TX - Freeport at the edge of the sea... Municipal Park Coastal Expo is a fun, July 1st ‘Make and family-oriented event with Take’ Arts & Crafts Lake hands-on activities for all Livingston State Park ages! Be creative with naturethemed arts and crafts! July 1st Sand Castle July 1st Beach Clean-up Contest Galveston Island Sea Rim State Park State Park We are having a beach Family friendly clean-up at Sea Rim State competition on the beach. Park and will be picking up trash on 5 miles of July 2nd Bay beach. Explorations Galveston Island State Park July 1st Scat & Tracks Pull a net and learn where Martin Dies, Jr. State your shrimp, fish, and Park crabs live! Come check out the poo poo platter at the nature July 4th Fishing on the center and make an animal Fourth Martin Dies, Jr. track booklet! State Park Come fish with us this July 1st Pollinator 4th of July! All ages and Gardens Martin Dies, Jr. abilities are welcome! State Park Drop in anytime between
9-11am. July 4th 4th of July Scavenger Hunt Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Can you find a hidden star? July 7th Turtle Patrol Galveston Island State Park Citizen scientists needed for turtle patrol and hike. July 8th Beach Exploration Galveston Island State Park Discover the life that lives at the edge of the sea... July 8th ‘Make and Take’ Arts & Crafts Lake Livingston State Park Be creative with naturethemed arts and crafts! July 8th Geocaching 101 Galveston Island State Park High-tech treasure hunting workshop! July 8th Shore Fishing Clinic Sea Rim State Park Come join us and learn about Shoreline Fishing from the beaches of Sea Rim. We will supply the
gear or you can bring your Citizen scientists needed own. for turtle patrol and hike. July 8th Nature Journaling Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Discover the simple joys of keeping a nature journal.
Park Come check out the poo poo platter at the nature center and make an animal track booklet!
July 15th Living History Saturday Washington-on-theBrazos State Historic Site July 15th ‘Make and Step back in time to where Take’ Arts & Crafts Lake a nation was born in 1836! Livingston State Park Be creative with naturethemed arts and crafts! July 8th Gyotaku - Fish July 15th Beach Prints Martin Dies, Jr. Exploration Galveston July 15th Sand Castle State Park Island State Park Join Ranger Amy to make Discover the life that lives Contest Galveston Island State Park fish prints! at the edge of the sea... Family friendly competition on the beach. July 9th Bay Explorations July 15th Pollinator Galveston Island State Gardens Martin Dies, Jr. July 16th Bay Park State Park Explorations Galveston Pull a net and learn where Come see our native Island State Park your shrimp, fish, and wildflower gardens and Pull a net and learn where crabs live! discover the benefits of your shrimp, fish, and native plants. crabs live! July 14th Turtle Patrol Galveston Island State July 15th Scat & Tracks July 21st Turtle Patrol Park Martin Dies, Jr. State Galveston Island State Park Citizen scientists needed for turtle patrol and hike.
July 22nd Beach Exploration Galveston Island State Park Discover the life that lives at the edge of the sea... July 22nd ‘Make and Take’ Arts & Crafts Lake Livingston State Park Be creative with naturethemed arts and crafts! July 22nd Crabbing 101 Sea Rim State Park Crabbing at Sea Rim State Park, we have a great time and would love for you to come try it out.
Download yours here media/pwd_bk_p4000_0000aa.pdf or pick up a copy at any state park near you.
July 22nd Guided Paddling Trip Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Want to go out on a canoe, but not sure how to get started? Join a park guide for a fun paddling adventure. Continued on page 24.
whenever you can!
GREAT SUMMER READS The Pageturners, Santa Fe’s LOCAL book club have picked out their next 6 books! 1. God Never Blinks by Regina Brett 2. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold 3. Fates and Traitors by Jennifer Chiaverini 4. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 5. All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr 6. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society If you’re looking for a GOOD READ this summer, one of these should satisfy you. If you’d like to join the Pageturners, stop by the library for information.
LOCAL FUNDRAISER HOLIDAY BAKE SALE Saturday, July 1st at Arlan’s from 10AM to 2PM The Santa Fe Crafty Grannies #1033 are having a holiday bake sale and raffle for CURE (Cancer Research for Children). Numerous prizes will be raffled. Tickets are $5 each. Contact Linda Reiter, President (409) 795 0358 or Mollie Jamison, (409) 692 1502. Lots of homemade baked goodies! Have you shared some GOOD NEWS with someone you care about today?
GOOD LAGNIAPPE TIP THIS MONTH Hate grocery shopping? Start getting yourself a treat for a job well done. We all have to do it, we might as well enjoy it. What is your favorite food or thing? • Sushi • Cupcakes • Flowers • Cookies • White Castles • Ice Cream • Wine Whatever it is, start REWARDING yourself, then even grocery shopping can be looked forward to!
LOCAL BIBLE STUDY OutReach Bible Study meets every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. in the Community Room at Amegy Bank, located next to the Post Office on Hwy. 6 in Santa Fe. Please enter in the side door. There is plenty of free parking. The teacher is Dr. Jerry I. Smith. All ages are welcome, however there is no nursery provided. Come early for refreshments and fellowship. For more information please call Pearl Rogers at 409-925-3738.
CLICK HERE to buy tickets and get the latest details!
Austin Gun Show-Round Rock Round Rock Sports Center July 1 & 2, 2017 Round Rock, Texas Lewisville Gun Show Premier Event Center Lewisville July 1 & 2, 2017 Lewisville, Texas
Check out our NEW feature... We’re making it even easier for you to remember the GOOD STUFF!
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d n a e v o l o t s i s s e n i s u b y . Our onl d o G n i s e v l e s r u o t h g i del e c n e r e w a L ~Brother
LIVE by it!
Waco Gun Show Extraco Events Center July 8 & 9, 2017 Waco, Texas
Allen Gun Show Allen Event Center July 15 & 16, 2017 Allen, Texas
whenever you can...
Pasadena Gun Show Pasadena Convention Center July 15 & 16, 2017 Pasadena, Texas
because my parents say I eat a lot!
Premier Gun Shows at Big Town Big Town Event Center July 29 & 30, 2017 Mesquite, Texas
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409) 370-0030
OUR VISION Peace for every woman, every child, every man, every day. Our Services •24 Hour crisis hotline •Court accompaniment •Assistance with filing protective orders •Information and referral •Education and awareness •Violence against women support groups •Legal advocacy
•Counseling •Police/Hospital 24 Hour accompaniment •Professional training’s and workshops •Clothing assistance •Post shelter follow-up program •Housing assistance •Case management Bay Area Turning Point is...
Where and When Can I Help? 18207 Egret Bay Blvd. Houston, TX 77058 RESALE Shopping Hours:
Sunday & Monday: Closed Tuesday– Saturday 10:00Am- 6:00Pm
BATP is a non-profit; community based social service agency providing a variety of services, including shelter, to families in need and public education/crime prevention activities in the Greater Bay Area. We service those impacted by family violence and sexual assault (including stranger and non-stranger sexual assault). VOLUNTEER Resale is always in search of dedicated volunteers!
DONATIONS ARE ACCEPTED: Tuesday – Friday 10:00M To 5:00Pm Saturday 10:00 Am To 2:00 Pm The Resale Shop benefits the clients of Bay Area Turning Point in two ways: 1. It provides our clients who have left home and are starting new lives with shopping vouchers that allow them to purchase clothing and other items needed without a charge. 2. It generates funds from the sales of goods to the general public to support direct services for clients like shelter, counseling, and advocacy. For every $45 donation received, Bay Area Turning Point is able to provide a safe haven for an adult and 2 children for 1 night.
Sort, stock, price or sell and have fun while making a difference! If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the volunteer page or contact our Volunteer Services Coordinator. *Donations to the resale shop are tax deductible according to the IRS regulations for charitable contributions. Your generous donations keep the shop stocked.
THE GREAT PEPPER EXTRAVAGANZA Presentation & Tasting Saturday, July 15 th 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon Peppers are perhaps the most diverse of all the vegetables grown in home gardens. They may be sweet and mellow or fiery hot, depending on the variety, and are easy to grow. This presentation by GC Master Gardener, Gene Speller includes backgrounds and origins of pepper plants; heat value classification (Scoville Units), how to start them from seeds, culture and growing tips, recommended varieties for this area, insect and disease control, and pepper uses.
For Galveston County residents needing help on horticultural issues... Call the help line @ 281534-3413 ext.1 and press option 1 to ask a Master Gardener.
ARRANGING FRESH AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Saturday, July 22nd 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Love flowers?
Gene will have a tasting display of salsa, pickled peppers, and pepper vinegar that he has prepared. He will also have his homegrown peppers available for tasting and comparisons.
This presentation by GC Master Gardener, Jackie Auer will demonstrate and explain the basic techniques of fresh and artificial flower arranging. She has produced arrangements for the retail market, as well as for individuals.
The general public is encouraged to bring in their own un-sliced peppers for taste comparisons.
e-mail: galvcountymgs@ to pre-register. They are both FREE!
Cheerfulness is contagious, but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier! Anonymous
Funerals and Graduations Offer Life Lessons In Minutes Continued from page 4. you act. Before you jump to conclusions and assume you know the answer, you pause to gather more information. 1. I wonder … then fill in the blank with “why” or “if.” I wonder, why is that person angry? I wonder, why isn’t this working? The question keeps you curious. 2. Couldn’t we at least …? This question encourages you to do something to at least get started. Even if it’s not perfect, it might lead to a smidge of a solution. 3. How can I help? I tend to swoop in and help others without even asking what they want, which can cause more harm than good. What they actually want might be totally different than what I think they want. 4. What truly matters … to me? To them? Fill in the blank to get to what matters most in life, in parenting, in a marriage. Then Ryan tossed out a bonus question inspired by the funeral of a friend: 5. And did you get what you wanted out of life? That’s a whopper of a question. One
n a C u Yo W O N n Liste ! e d i W World
writer, Raymond Carver answered with a lovely poem called “Late Fragments.” “And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.” Simple. Eloquent. Beautiful. Albert Einstein posed a question that I ask myself every day. He once shared that the most important question to ask is if the world is a friendly place. “For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly” and “we may either completely isolate or destroy ourselves as well in this process.” “If we decide that the universe is neither friendly nor unfriendly and that God is essentially ‘playing dice with the universe,’ then we are simply victims to Continued.
the random toss of the dice.” “But if we decide that the universe is a friendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to create tools and models for understanding that universe. Because power and safety will come through understanding its workings and its motives.”
said if the answer is “no” too many days, it’s time to make some changes. I end every day with this question: Did you love? A Jesuit priest told me at the end of life, that’s all that will matter. If you answer yes at the end of every day, then at the end of your life, the answer will be yes. What a great life to have.
Finally, when fear paralyzes I use his question to trust that me into inaction, this question gets me life isn’t out to get me. Every day when I unstuck: “And then?” walk out the door of my house, I answer, “Yes, I believe the universe is a friendly Try it out on every fear that pops place.” Then I go love my life. All of it. into your head. “What if my child doesn’t get into Yale?” And then? Whatever your Every day I start with this answer, ask again, “And then?” You keep question posted in my medicine cabinet: asking, “And then?” to every scenario “If today were the last day of your life, fear proposes. Pretty soon, you realize, would you want to do what you are about it will all work out in the end. And you to do today?” Apple founder Steve Jobs discover, it’s not the end. It’s simply too shared it in a commencement address at soon to tell. Stanford University in Stanford, Calif. He
Order her GOOD books HERE.
WHAT’S HAPPENING at your LOCAL library... Mae S. Bruce Library 13302 6th Street Santa Fe, TX 409-925-5540
A man who does not advertise is like a man winking in the dark... He knows what he is doing... but no one else does!
Continued from page 16.
crabs live!
July 22nd Nature Journaling Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Discover the simple joys of keeping a nature journal.
July 28th Turtle Patrol Galveston Island State Park Citizen scientists needed for turtle patrol and hike.
July 29th Pollinator July 22nd Gyotaku - Fish Gardens Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Prints Martin Dies, Jr. Come see our native State Park Join Ranger Amy to make wildflower gardens and discover the benefits of fish prints! native plants. July 22nd Angler July 29th Scat & Tracks Education Instructor Workshop Pearland, TX Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Bass Pro Shops Become a TPWD certified Come check out the poo poo platter at the nature Angler Education center and make an animal Instructor track booklet! July 22nd Sand Castle Contest Galveston Island July 29th Go Fish! Learn to Fish Event Galveston State Park Island State Park Family friendly competition on the beach. Learn the basics of fishing through fun, hands-on activities. July 23rd Bay Explorations Galveston July 29th On the Trail Island State Park Pull a net and learn where with the Buffalo Soldiers Galveston Island State your shrimp, fish, and
Park Buffalo Soldiers in Galveston State Park... Fun in the Sun, Beach Play, History, Outdoor Skills and tons of fun for the entire family no matter your age. July 29th Beach Exploration Galveston Island State Park Discover the life that lives at the edge of the sea... July 29th ‘Make and Take’ Arts & Crafts Lake Livingston State Park Be creative with naturethemed arts and crafts! July 29th Sand Castle Contest Galveston Island State Park Family friendly competition on the beach. July 30th Bay Explorations Galveston Island State Park Pull a net and learn where your shrimp, fish, and crabs live!
All of these programs are usually FREE and usually, all equipment is provided. (Park entrance FEES are required, however children under 12 are FREE.) For MORE events and information CLICK HERE.
Summertime only comes around once a year...
Be sure to get all the joy out of it that you can!
Are you making this summer count?