Same Kind of Different as Me...
This New York Times bestseller is now a motion picture!
Priorities... What is REALLY Important?
GOOD STUFF The Houston Zoo 6200 Hermann Park Drive Houston, TX 77030 (713) 533-6500 Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Last entry 6 p.m.
Cool Nights!
Friday Nights through August 11th The Houston Zoo is once again staying open late, so you can enjoy the animals in the cooler evening weather. Join us for Cool Nights every Friday evening from 5 to 8 p.m. Guests can enjoy added music and fun family activities that are sure to entertain kids and adults alike!
General Admission Zoo Members – FREE Children 1 and Under – FREE Children 2 to 11 – $14 Adults 12 to 64 – $18 Senior 65+ – $11.50 Purchase your tickets online (they’re good for 90 days) and skip the ticket lines. Show the digital ticket on your phone when you arrive. Or show your Houston Zoo membership card to enjoy free admission!
It's MORE than just a Zoo... Kathrine McGovern Water Play Park
Open Daily April 1 – October 31 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Water Play Park is FREE with your Houston Zoo admission! This hot weather oasis includes a friendly and colorful sea serpent, a tall ‘fill and spill’ water tree, and a variety of ‘water weavers’, fountains, jets and misters. Nearby are private changing stalls and seating to allow families to monitor their children and watch the fun. An advanced filtration system allows us to maintain excellent water quality while conserving water and energy. *Subject to close for a portion of the day when the air temperature is below 70 degrees or if thunderstorms are in the area, for the health and safety of our guests.
Let us point you towards some good stuff!
Call us or email us if you have any ideas about how we can better serve you.
(409) 370-0030
The Santa Fe Good News Magazine (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at:
TEXAS Parks Houston Area Events
Check out our NEW FEATURE on page 16.
Christy Jordan has on One Pot No Drain Mac & Cheese page 8
and on page 4 a movie that
Homemade in about 20 minutes!
Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids? 3 Santa Fe Goodtell you where your heart is." "Where you spend your dollar will always News
Check out the book... Click HERE to read a sample on Amazon. What the stars had to say about it... “I’m honored to share in telling Debbie’s story and to be part of this beautiful effort to perpetuate the legacy of her work.” —RENÉE ZELLWEGER, ACTRESS “It’s a rare opportunity for an actor to be blessed with a role so soulful. To embody Denver’s spirit was at once an emotional challenge and an extreme privilege, learning the story of a man who came from so little and gave so much.” —DJIMON HOUNSOU, ACTOR “Working with an excellent cast and crew to help tell the story of Ron’s challenging personal journey was a creative joy.” —GREG KINNEAR, ACTOR A dangerous, homeless drifter who grew up picking cotton in virtual slavery. An upscale art dealer accustomed to the world of Armani and Chanel. A gutsy woman with a stubborn dream. A story so incredible no novelist would dare dream it.
About the Book... It begins outside a burning plantation hut in Louisiana... and an East Texas honky-tonk... and, without a doubt, in the heart of God. It unfolds in a Hollywood hacienda... an upscale New York Gallery... a downtown dumpster... a Texas ranch. Gritty with pain and betrayal and brutality, it also shines with an unexpected, lifechanging love. This New York Times bestseller is now a motion picture...
Take A Knee, But Don’t Take Our Stars And Stripes For Granted by Regina Brett I sing the NATIONAL ANTHEM for very personal reasons...
Cleveland Browns fans were shocked to see a dozen Browns players kneel during the national anthem before the preseason game against the New York Giants. I was more shocked the team actually won the game. The players didn’t just take a knee to protest. They told reporters that they were actually praying. The prayerprotest came just days after the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., that left one woman dead and several injured. Safety Jabrill Peppers said the team wanted to take a stand against hate. Tight end Seth DeValve was the first white NFL player to join in support. His wife is African-American. He told reporters, “We wanted to draw attention to the fact that there are things in this country that still need to change. I, myself, will be raising children that don’t look like me and I want to do my part as well to do everything I can to raise them in a better environment than we have right now.” Some Browns fans vented on Twitter and Facebook, calling the players crybabies, ungrateful, disrespectful, disgusting, overpaid thugs and antiAmerican. Some fans announced they will boycott Browns games.
I’m not sure anyone will notice, since it’s hard to fill FirstEnergy Stadium for games when you rarely win them. Local comedian Mike Polk dubbed the stadium the “Factory of Sadness,” and that was before last year, when the Browns lost 15 games and won only one. Colin Kaepernick started the protest movement last year when he was a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. He “took a knee” during the anthem to protest racial inequalities in American and police brutality. He told reporters he couldn’t show pride for a country that oppressed people of color. (His birth mother was white; his birth father was AfricanAmerican. He was adopted and raised by white parents.) When he played for the 49ers, the team released a statement about his protest: “The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pregame ceremony. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. In respecting such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose to participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem.” Continued on page 20.
We are here to encourage you. We are here to assure you that God has everything under control and if you believe in Him, everything’s going to be all right in the end.
Create a Group Start your own support group for single new VISION: for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church moms at your home church! to go to for spiritual, emotional and The new Embrace Life curriculum physical support. and program equips single new moms on how to flourish in their relationship with God and MISSION: to inspire and equip the not only survive in life but THRIVE! These church to love on single and pregnant brave moms will learn spiritual and practical young women and their families. ways to help navigate their way through life while using the Holy Spirit as their compass. WHAT WE DO: The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed Embrace Grace and Life were created to help because of shame and guilt. encourage, educate and empower young, single moms just like you, and to speak into WHY WE EXIST: your life to make sure that you know that your Emotionally and spiritually healthy dreams are not over. mommies parent emotionally and spiritually healthy babies. God still has an amazing destiny and purpose created just for you, all you have to do is grab a hold of it and believe. He wants to be in relationship with you because He put gifts and talents inside of you that only YOU have. By joining an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life group you will learn how to dream big while also receiving help with the practical and spiritual aspects of life. There is a place for you!
Find a Group HERE
Currently Serving
Priorities... What is REALLY Important? There is a divine order to everything... As America recovers from hurricanes Harvey and Irma we are forced to face some of the realities of life. Things happen, losses occur and we have to move on, but we don’t move on unchanged. We are forever changed.
because they disappoint you constantly. Love is the most important thing in life. With love you have everything you need, without it you will never be content.
Treat Me like I'm the most important part of your life, because I am. When we get down to “nothing” we Get your priorities in order. Make love come face to face with what is REALLY the center of your life. Slow down and important in our lives. It’s a GOOD time talk to Me. I can save you time and effort. to question our faith and determine what we REALLY believe. When we answer Stop demanding immediate answers, these questions, then and only then can solutions and directions. we set our NEW priorities. Ask Me and then wait for the answer, confident it will come. Then move If you are one of the families that got along to the next item on your agenda. down to “nothing” what have you And no email, Facebook or problem determined is important? solving until after you've talked to Me. Discipline yourself to do what is most Is your faith more important now? Did important to you first. you have a “come to Jesus meeting” with yourself in the wee hours of the Believe the best about yourself and storm? I did and this is an overview of others. my conversation... No one gets up in the morning hoping to do someone harm and yet everyone You have to love Me above all else. does harm. No one and nothing can come before Me. Not kids, not spouses, not your Love is always the right answer. email nor your money. Either I am your number one priority or you don't have I made life simple, stop complicating it. your priorities straight. GOOD always comes out of every You have to love at home first. situation, see the rest of the story HERE. Loving strangers is easy, loving yourself and those you live with - that is challenging
Lynn Dale
NEED dinner ideas? CLICK HERE... IDEAS galore!
"Hi, My name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."
One Pot No Drain Mac & Cheese Ingredients: • 12 ounce box Barilla Pronto Elbow Pasta • 2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded • 4 ounces cream cheese • 5 ounces evaporated milk • salt and pepper to taste Continued.
CLICK HERE Fall is one of the busiest times of year for me and it leads into THE busiest time of year for many people. So today I thought I’d share with you one of my busy week meal plans. These recipes can be made in a flash as they are either slow cooker meals or one dish meals. With a little advance planning... so I have the ingredients on hand, I can put a home cooked supper on the table no matter how crazy my day gets.
Please support Christy in any way you can, because she helps bring the GOOD NEWS to you!
CLICK here...
Instructions: 1. Place pasta in medium sauce pot Editor’s Note: or large skillet. Cover with cold water There are several companies making this type of “no drain pasta” now and (amount called for on box). we’ve found it to be very useful. 2. Turn stove eye onto high and cook, For soups - cook it separately and divide stirring often, for about ten minutes, or it into your serving bowls - then add your soup. Not only does it help with portion until most of water is absorbed. control - it eliminates leftover soup from having soggy overcooked noodles in it. 3. Add in cheeses, milk, salt, and pepper. Reduce heat to low and stir until cheeses *You can serve it with potatoes or rice are melted and pasta is thoroughly the next time & it will be a NEW soup! coated. 4. Enjoy! Notes This is just a basic Mac & Cheese recipe. Feel free to use what cheeses you have on hand and substitute whole milk, half and half, or heavy cream for the evaporated milk. Adding extra cheese always takes it up a notch, too!
Liberty Faux Real Trade Days
It is the THRILL of the hunt!
GOOD FOOD Great food, great prices, and great service! Give them a try and see why Esteban's Cafe and Cantina is one of the best restaurants in League City. They’ve been great for more than 22 years and are still going strong.
Hello Fellow Foodies,
They never disappoint and that is a very GOOD thing in our book. We are trying to update our reviews since the storm because we’ve noticed some places haven’t recovered and may not. Therefore, we are very happy to report that the food, service, atmosphere and quality is still great at this favorite location. We had the Rusty’s Special and the fajita nachos. Both were perfect, but we couldn’t resist showing you some of their other plates, (see page 14). As usual, we had enough leftovers for a great lunch the next day too. And if you’ve never tried their fresh corn tortillas - you need to do it! They are awesome... They kind of make whatever you wrap up in them taste like a great tamale you made at the table for yourself. They’re delicious and cooked at the time you order them. The waiter is who convinced me to try them and boy was he right. You just can’t beat their friendly service here. They make you happy about spending your money at their place. If you know of a GREAT place to eat that you have been to since the storm, please drop us a line HERE so we can include a review for them. We only do family owned places, but we would love to give them some FREE Continued on page 14.
Esteban’s gets a PERFECT SCORE, again! Esteban’s Cafe & Cantina 402 W Main St League City, Texas (281) 332-4195
Ratings out of 5 's Presentation Taste Service Atmosphere Quantity Price
Hours: Sunday thru Thursday 11AM - 9PM Friday & Saturday 11AM - 10PM
Editor’s Note: We are re-evaluating all of our Foodie columns to verify they are still in business and that they are still GOOD places to eat after hurricane Harvey.
SAVE it. SHARE it. KEEP it.
o n D O O G l l i t s s i D n GOO e p p a h u o y n e h w r matte . t i s s o r c to run a LIVE by it!
20 Ways to Make EVERY DAY Better by Joyce Meyer
Example: If it was a GOOD book in 1952, it's still a GOOD book today. If you were a GOOD kid, chances are you're a GOOD person today. If you read a GOOD issue of this magazine last year, it’s still GOOD when you read it again... because GOOD has no expiration - it always remains GOOD.
SHOP LOCAL whenever you can... because my parents say I eat a lot!
Powerful ways to experience a new level of joy and excitement about your every day life. This is a common sense approach to making the most of your life, your faith and your time on this earth. In her usual fashion, the author honestly shares her spiritual journey with the reader so that you know other people have the same troubles, doubts and fears that you do. It’s written in bitesize chapters making it a great early morning or late night read so that you have time to ponder the principals that she is sharing. Here’s an excerpt: “I will admit that I struggled in life with emotional ups and downs until I finally accepted that no matter what I think, or how I feel, or what I want or do not want – God’s Word is the truth, and I have to believe it more than anything or anyone else. If you are willing to take that step of faith right now, you can say goodbye to most of your bad days! Why do I say that? Because most of the time, when we are having bad days it is because we are thinking something that doesn’t agree with God’s Word, feeling something that doesn’t agree with God’s Word, or wanting something that doesn’t agree with God’s Word. I had countless bad days because the devil made me think and feel guilty about something that I had repented of and God had forgiven me for and forgotten.”
Order Your Copy HERE Today!
* *
* *
“God’s going to keep me here as long as I need to be here. He’s going to put me through whatever I need to go through. I need to be okay with His choices for me, because He knows best.”
Letters to My Children
GOOD Does Come
Today as we live in the aftermath of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, I am reminded GOOD does come. With all of the suffering and loss – GOOD does come, I promise. Every single horrible thing I have endured in my life has at some point brought good with it. Cancer and various losses come to mind, as well as Sept 11th of course. I made many changes in my life (GOOD changes) as a result of all of those and many other tragedies. Hard times really do make the GOOD TIMES seem even better. So don’t despair – whatever your current problem is… Eventually you will see GOOD come out of it one way or another, because eventually GOOD always does come.
“I will be glad and rejoice because of your constant love. You see my suffering; you know my trouble.”
Psalms 31:7 Good News Bible
Don’t be scared, you are not alone. God knows exactly where you are and though your circumstances may not be great, relax... He’s got this. Trust him.
CALL (409) 945-9782 TIME has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters in life. Email Laurine Murtagh, Distributor just CLICK HERE
Having a BAD day? Here’s some help… So here we are… today is suddenly not so GOOD. I don’t want to do all that I need to do. I don’t feel all that great and I’d really rather just forget about everything and take a nap. This happens to all of us… from time to time. We all have days that for whatever reason we either just get up feeling this way or we all of the sudden get depressed or just start having a bad attitude. What about our Christianity now? What are we supposed to do when this happens Lord? You are doing it. You turn to Me. Turn away from your mood, your problems and even your bad attitude. Just ignore it all and pay attention to Me and Me alone. Are you feeling My peace return? Look harder until it does. Do you see the joy that looking at Me brings? You really have nothing to worry about anyway, I’ve got this. I’ve got your whole life in the palm of my hand. Think about it… whatever is wrong, I can fix it. The trick is to stop focusing on the problem and focus on Me. The problem, whatever it is, then has to take a back seat.
Think about Me, not yourself. You always have a choice to make… Go back to thinking about how you feel OR obey Me and keep your focus on Me. I will take good care of you as I promised, but you have to do what I tell you to do. Follow Me. Train yourself to look at Me when you are having a bad day.
In pain… look at Me. In trouble… look at Me.
It’s called discipline, it’s a GOOD thing I created for you and it will help you!
Worried… look at Me. In a bad mood… look at Me. I fix everything. I have overcome the world. Look at Me, talk to Me and thank Me, because whatever it is… I’m aware of it and I’ve got it all under control. Look at Me… I am in everything that is beautiful. Listen to music or look at creation. Hear Me in laughter. See My face in the eyes of a child. Look for Me, I am everywhere. See Me in art, flowers, food and sunsets. Look at Me anytime you get in a bad mood. I am the answer to every problem you will ever have.
Please support our advertisers whenever you can... Th co GO ey k mi OD ee ng N p t FR to y EW he EE ou S ! fo r
* *
Continued from page 10. advertising to help bring some business their way.
Galloping Foodie
This is some seriously GOOD Tex-Mex food!
LIKE them on Facebook for NEWS, DEALS, and IDEAS! CLICK HERE.
There are many ways to get involved with Habitat for Humanity near you... Habitat has volunteer, homeownership and ReStore donation and shopping opportunities in your local area. *Please contact your nearest Habitat to learn more.
A good deal for you, your community and the environment.
Habitat for Humanity ReStores are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers. They sell new and gently used furniture, appliances, home accessories, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price. ReStores are independently owned and operated by local Habitat for Humanity organizations. Proceeds are used to help build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter in local communities and around the world.
Bay Area HFH ReStore 1101 W Nasa Pkwy Webster, TX 77598 (281) 332-1118 Pasadena HFH ReStore 1520 S Shaver St Pasadena, TX 77502 (713) 472-0997 Houston HFH ReStore 6161 S Loop E Houston, TX 77087 (713) 643-1100 Fort Bend HFH ReStore 13570 Murphy Rd Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 403-0700 Southern Brazoria Co ReStore 12 Cir Way Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 285-0090 Northwest Harris Co ReStore 13350 Jones Rd Houston, TX 77070 (281) 890-5585 Montgomery County TX HFH ReStore 9407 SH 242 Conroe, TX 77385 (936) 441-5888 Bryan/College Station HFH ReStore 2211 Maloney Ave Bryan, TX 77801 (979) 775-8122
TEXAS Parks Houston Area Events October 1st Bay Explorations Galveston Island State Park Pull a net and learn where your shrimp, fish, and crabs live! October 7th Big Sit Galveston Island State Park Fall migration birding event. October 7th October Hard Hat Tour Aboard the Battleship Texas Battleship Texas State Historic Site
October 7th Zombie Apocalypse Hike Galveston Island State Park Could you survive and thrive during an apocalyptic event?...or an easy hike? October 7th Edible Creepy Crawlies Galveston Island State Park Have you ever eaten a bug?.....on purpose? October 7th Sunset Paddle Galveston Island State Park
Go behind the locked gates and see Battleship Texas in a whole new way. Adult paddling tour with Lead by the First TEXAS sunset views, RSVPs only. Volunteers, this 3.5-hour tour is unlike any other! October 8th Bay Explorations Galveston October 7th Teacher Island State Park Workshop Sheldon Lake State Park & Pull a net and learn where Environmental Learning your shrimp, fish, and Center crabs live! Calling to all Teachers... Come on over to Sheldon Lake State Park & Environmental Learning Center, the perfect outdoor classroom!
October 13th “Texas BROADSIDE! 2017� Battleship Texas State Historic Site
Discover the life that lives at the edge of the sea... October 14th Geocaching 101 Galveston Island State Park High-tech treasure hunting workshop! October 14th Edible Creepy Crawlies Galveston Island State Park Have you ever eaten a bug?.....on purpose? October 14th Zombie Apocalypse Hike Galveston Island State Park Could you survive and thrive on this fun, easy hike? October 15th Bay Explorations Galveston Island State Park Pull a net and learn where your shrimp, fish, and crabs live! October 21st Beach Exploration Galveston Island State Park
Wargaming is a means to educate the visiting public Discover the life that lives October 7th Beach about the history of U.S. at the edge of the sea... Exploration Galveston armed conflict. Island State Park October 21st Edible October 14th Beach Creepy Crawlies Discover the life that lives Exploration Galveston Galveston Island State at the edge of the sea... Island State Park Park
Have you ever eaten a bug?.....on purpose?
Could you survive and thrive on this fun, easy hike?
October 21st Halloween in the Park Sheldon October 22nd Bay Lake State Park & Explorations Galveston Environmental Learning Island State Park Center Pull a net and learn where Experience the park your shrimp, fish, and after dark and join us for crabs live! games, crafts, Spooky Trail, and more! October 28th Beach Exploration Galveston October 21st Sunset Island State Park Paddle Galveston Island State Park Discover the life that lives at the edge of the sea... Adult paddling tour with sunset views, RSVPs only. October 28th Edible Creepy Crawlies October 21st Zombie Galveston Island State Apocalypse Hike Park Galveston Island State Park Have you ever eaten a bug?.....on purpose?
October 28th Zombie Apocalypse Hike Galveston Island State Park Could you survive and thrive on this fun, easy hike? October 29th Bay Explorations Galveston Island State Park Pull a net and learn where your shrimp, fish, and crabs live! October 31st Zombie Apocalypse Hike Galveston Island State Park Could you survive and thrive on this fun, easy hike? Almost anyone can canoe or kayak... more Americans paddle than play soccer. Many state parks offer places to rent canoes, kayaks and more. If you want to see nature in a new way, get your paddle wet!
Texas Paddling Trails More than 70 official designated trails (including many state parks) offer wellmapped, accessible trips for all levels of experience. See routes, access points, float times, bird life, fishing information and more by CLICKING HERE!
Download yours here media/pwd_bk_p4000_0000aa.pdf or pick up a copy at any state park near you.
GOOD LOCAL STUFF Location: Galveston County AgriLife Extension Office in Carbide Park at 4102 Main Street (FM 519) in La Marque Texas. CLICK HERE to preregister or ask a question. All classes are FREE!
The following Master Gardener Programs are FREE to the public. DIRT INTO SOIL Saturday, October 21st 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Galveston County Master Gardener Jim Gilliam will explain the difference between dirt and soil, soil structure and characteristics, pH, nutrients, sources and strategies for soil amendment, soil testing, and cultural practices. He will emphasize how to improve your existing soil. For Galveston County residents needing help on horticultural issues... Call the help line @ 281-534-3413 ext.1 and press option 1 to ask a Master Gardener.
MONARCH BUTTERFLIES and MILKWEED Saturday, October 28th 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Barbara Willy, Executive Director and Founder of Monarch Butterfly Gateway, will provide information about the importance of monarchs to our eco systems, preservation, and conservation, creating a contiguous pollinator habitat across the coastal and central flyways of Texas. She will discuss the significance of milkweed to the monarchs. Monarch Gateway is a Fort Bend County nonprofit that seeks to create contiguous pollinator habitat across the coastal and central flyways of Texas.
Go to the Galveston County Fair & Rodeo Arena for their HUGE PLANT SALE!
See next page for more details.
CLICK HERE to buy tickets and get the latest details!
The Woodlands Gun Show Legends Sports Complex October 7 & 8, 2017 The Woodlands, Texas Mesquite Rodeo Mesquite Convention Center October 7 & 8, 2017 Mesquite, Texas Lewisville Gun Show Premier Event Center Lewisville October 14 & 15, 2017 Lewisville, Texas Pasadena Gun Show Pasadena Convention Center October 14 & 15, 2017 Pasadena, Texas The Original Fort Worth Gun Show Will Rogers Center, Amon Carter Exhibit Hall Oct 21 & 22, 2017 Fort Worth, Texas Premier Gun Shows at Big Town Big Town Event Center Oct 28 & 29, 2017 Mesquite, Texas Lewisville Gun Show Premier Event Center Lewisville November 4 & 5, 2017 Lewisville, Texas
Take A Knee... Continued from page 5. Kaepernick opted out of his contract and is a free agent. There’s no way to know if his playing, his protesting or his price tag has kept a team from picking him up. According to CNN, he made $13 million in 2014. It’s going to be an interesting football season. First, because the Browns won their initial three preseason games. And because each game, fans will be wondering what the players plan to do during the national anthem. Me? I care more about the words to the national anthem than what anyone else does during it. Some people put their hands over their hearts. I sing along. I don’t ever want to forget the words. To me, it’s a song of gratitude for what we are and a song of hope for what we can be. When I sing, “And the rockets red glare” I think of what that flag meant to my dad who served as a tail gunner in World War II, flying more than 30 missions tucked in the back of a B-24. Continued on page 23.
Pasadena Gun Show Pasadena Convention Center November 4 & 5, 2017 Pasadena, Texas
Your AD could be RIGHT HERE... Call us TODAY!
(409) 370-0030
We are ALWAYS FISHING for GOOD NEWS too... if you have any call us!
OUR VISION Peace for every woman, every child, every man, every day. Our Services •24 Hour crisis hotline •Court accompaniment •Assistance with filing protective orders •Information and referral •Education and awareness •Violence against women support groups •Legal advocacy
•Counseling •Police/Hospital 24 Hour accompaniment •Professional training’s and workshops •Clothing assistance •Post shelter follow-up program •Housing assistance •Case management Bay Area Turning Point is...
Where and When Can I Help? 18207 Egret Bay Blvd. Houston, TX 77058 RESALE Shopping Hours:
Sunday & Monday: Closed Tuesday– Saturday 10:00Am- 6:00Pm
BATP is a non-profit; community based social service agency providing a variety of services, including shelter, to families in need and public education/crime prevention activities in the Greater Bay Area. We service those impacted by family violence and sexual assault (including stranger and non-stranger sexual assault). VOLUNTEER Resale is always in search of dedicated volunteers!
DONATIONS ARE ACCEPTED: Tuesday – Friday 10:00M To 5:00Pm Saturday 10:00 Am To 2:00 Pm The Resale Shop benefits the clients of Bay Area Turning Point in two ways: 1. It provides our clients who have left home and are starting new lives with shopping vouchers that allow them to purchase clothing and other items needed without a charge. 2. It generates funds from the sales of goods to the general public to support direct services for clients like shelter, counseling, and advocacy. For every $45 donation received, Bay Area Turning Point is able to provide a safe haven for an adult and 2 children for 1 night.
Sort, stock, price or sell and have fun while making a difference! If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the volunteer page or contact our Volunteer Services Coordinator. *Donations to the resale shop are tax deductible according to the IRS regulations for charitable contributions. Your generous donations keep the shop stocked.
SAVE it. SHARE it. KEEP it.
LOCAL GOOD STUFF Mae S. Bruce Public Library 13302 6th Street 409-925-5540
SCREEN SHOT IT! Dear God, I really want to know your love Lord, what do I need to do? To sit quietly and talk to Me would be a GOOD place to start. Time spent together always increases the love shared. Just sit with Me today and every day, and remember Me several times throughout the day. Share your problems and your desires and ask for My guidance. I long to spend time with you too, because that's what lovers do.
LIVE by it! A man who does not advertise is like a man winking in the dark...
whenever you can!
He knows what he is doing... but no one else does!
Take A Knee... Continued from page 20. When I sing, “The bombs bursting in air,” it’s for my uncle Mike, who was in the 1st Ranger Battalion and fought in North Africa until he nearly died from malaria. When I sing, “Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,” I think of my uncle Chuck and the joy he felt when he finally spotted another American GI after he escaped from the German prisoner of war camp where he spent three years. After enduring the lice and beatings and near starvation and solitary confinement in a box so small he suffered
from post-traumatic stress the rest of his life, that flag meant the world to him. People like him weren’t fighting for a flag or for a song. They were fighting for freedom. Freedom from tyranny, freedom from want, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. Right now, our flag and our anthem are reminding us, challenging us, that we can do better, that we can be better, for ALL who call this land of the free home.
Regina Brett
Order her GOOD books HERE.
This magazine is about love, family values & all the GOOD we can find in the world, because we need things that inspire us to hope.
n a C u Yo W O N n Liste ! e d i W World
The LAST WORD How Do We Build a Better World?
All it takes is making your little corner better. Make choices that make your world a GOOD place to live and you have built a better world. Let it begin with you.