GOODNESS Still Exists

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A Whole World of GOODNESS Still Exists

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The Santa Fe Good News Magazine (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at:

Inside This Issue Letters to My Children Faith Good Food Entertainment Travel The Good Life and lots of Apples! Goodness is the only investment that never fails ~Henry David Thoreau DONATE NOW

Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids? 2 Santa Fe Goodtell you where your heart is." "Where you spend your dollar will always News

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LIFESTYLE FEATURE There is so much GOODNESS that still exists in this world that it’s hard to talk about just one thing. Today we will focus on the rural life for a GOOD example. When you live in the country, the lifestyle almost always requires kindness. Things happen and people have to depend upon each other much more so than city folk do. Survival crosses the minds of country people much more often than it does for people who buy all of their food at the store and don’t raise any of it. Rural people depend on one another. When your neighbor’s horse gets out, you rescue it. When your house floods, your neighbors rescue you. A good neighbor is a source of GOODNESS that still exists worldwide. The definition of a good neighbor is a friendly source of help when help is needed. GOODNESS never goes out of style! There is so much more GOODNESS to explore, but for now just looking at the kindness shown by good neighbors is a real treat!


There is So Much Other GOODNESS in the Rural Life... Fresh Air Peace & Quiet Yards A Slower Pace Lots of Animals Good Honest Work Porch Sitting Sunrise & Sunsets Suppertime And it’s usually beautiful!

Kindness It’s right up there with GOODNESS!

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Ps. 31:19

NEED dinner ideas? CLICK HERE... IDEAS galore!


Good Life Tip

Don't dwell on tragedy... Bad things do happen, but if you want any sort of good life at all - you can't stay focused on the bad things. “In conclusion, my brothers and sisters, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honourable.� Philippians 4:8 GNB


We are here to encourage you. We are here to assure you that God has everything under control and if you believe in Him, everything’s going to be all right in the end.

Create a Group Start your own support group for single new VISION: for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church moms at your home church! to go to for spiritual, emotional and The new Embrace Life curriculum physical support. and program equips single new moms on how to flourish in their relationship with God and MISSION: to inspire and equip the not only survive in life but THRIVE! These church to love on single and pregnant brave moms will learn spiritual and practical young women and their families. ways to help navigate their way through life while using the Holy Spirit as their compass. WHAT WE DO: The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed Embrace Grace and Life were created to help because of shame and guilt. encourage, educate and empower young, single moms just like you, and to speak into WHY WE EXIST: your life to make sure that you know that your Emotionally and spiritually healthy dreams are not over. mommies parent emotionally and spiritually healthy babies. God still has an amazing destiny and purpose created just for you, all you have to do is grab a hold of it and believe. He wants to be in relationship with you because He put gifts and talents inside of you that only YOU have. By joining an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life group you will learn how to dream big while also receiving help with the practical and spiritual aspects of life. There is a place for you!

Find a Group HERE

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Apple season is in full swing in my neck of the woods and with the first cool breezes of fall making their grand entrance this week, I’m ready to get in the kitchen for some Fall comfort foods. Today, I’m sharing my 12 most loved apple recipes with you. These are a dozen of my personal favorites – the ones I look forward to the most! I hope you find some old familiars and new favorites among the bunch!


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MORE GOOD FOOD Pumpkin Roll Cupcakes

sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl. Beat with electric mixer until smooth and creamy. 2. To fill cupcakes (optional), place icing tip in corner of a freezer grade zipper seal bag (it is best to enforce the corner of the bag with tape beforehand). Snip off tip of bag so that only the very end of the icing tip is sticking out. Fill bag with half of icing. 3. Press tip down into the center of each cupcake and give a little squeeze to fill. Repeat with all cupcakes.

Ingredients: •1 cup sugar •¾ cup all purpose flour •½ teaspoon baking powder •½ teaspoon baking soda •¼ teaspoon salt •1 heaping tablespoon pumpkin pie spice •3 eggs •1 cup canned pumpkin Icing •8 ounces cream cheese, softened •1 cup powdered sugar •½ cup butter or margarine, softened •1 teaspoon vanilla

Instructions: 1. Place 12 cupcake papers in a 12 cup muffin tin. 2. In mixing bowl, place sugar, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and pumpkin pie spice. Stir with a spoon until well combined. Add in eggs and pumpkin. Mix with an electric mixer until smooth. 3. Divide evenly among 12 muffin cups. 4. Bake at 350 for twenty minutes, or until center springs back when lightly pressed. 5. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely. Icing 1. To make the icing, place butter or margarine, cream cheese, powdered

4. Spread remaining icing on top of all cupcakes. Store in the refrigerator.

Festive Fall Cookie Bars (One bowl easy!) Ingredients: •½ Cup Old Fashioned Oats (can use quick) •1 Cup Brown sugar, packed (I use light or dark, whatever I have) •2 Cups Baking Mix •1 Egg •1 Stick butter or margarine, melted •1 tsp Vanilla •1 tsp Cinnamon •1 cup Butterscotch chips

Instructions: 1. Combine first five ingredients in large mixing bowl. Mix until well blended. Stir in remaining ingredients. 2. Pat into greased 8×8 pan and bake at 350 for twenty five to thirty minutes. 3. Remove from oven. Sprinkle top with candy corn. Return to oven, watching carefully, for two to three minutes, just to allow the candy corn to warm enough to stick. Watch carefully so candy corn doesn’t melt. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely before cutting into bars.

Pay Day Candy Mix

temperature reaches 290 F, about twenty minutes. 4. Meanwhile, grease a cookie sheet. Remove stems from apples and insert a popsicle stick partway through each apple.

5. When candy is ready, remove pan from heat and remove thermometer. Swirl each apple into candy syrup until it is coated If you like Payday candy bars, this is right up and then hold over the pot for a few seconds to allow any drips your alley because it tastes just like a payday, but is a heap prettier when presented in a nice to fall off. little pressed glass bowl. 6. Place candied apples on a cookie sheet to cool. If the syrup Peanuts and Candy Corn. It’s a pretty simple treat. begins to stiffen while you’re still dipping apples you can place the pan over very low heat while you Old Fashioned Candy Apples finish. (Easy!) 7. Let apples cool at least an hour before eating. You can speed this up by placing them in the fridge if you like. 8. Best if eaten within two days.

Ingredients: •3 Cups Sugar •1 Cup Water •½ Cup Light Corn Syrup •¼ Cup Cinnamon Red Hot Candies •¼ teaspoon red food coloring (I just give it a good splash) •8 wooden ice cream sticks •8 small apples

Instructions: 1. In heavy saucepan combine the sugar, corn syrup, candies, red food coloring, and 1 cup of water. 2. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil without stirring. 3. Set a candy thermometer on the side of the pot, making sure the tip doesn’t touch the bottom and continue cooking, without stirring, until the

An old wives tale says that every time you twist the apple stem once, you say a letter of the alphabet and whichever one you land on when the stem comes off is the first letter in your future spouse’s name. I doubt many folks get beyond E or F with that though. I don’t have to worry about that with Katy Rose, (my daughter) because she says that when she gets old enough to get married she wants ME to pick out your husband! She asked me if I’d do that and I immediately responded “I sure will, baby!”.


Some GOOD NEWS About Apples... •Most apples are still picked by hand in the fall. •Apple trees take four to five years to produce their first fruit. •Apples are grown in all 50 states. •Apples are a member of the rose family. •Most apple blossoms are pink when they open, but gradually fade to white. •Apples harvested from an average tree can fill 20 boxes that weigh 42 pounds each. •Apples are fat, sodium, and cholesterol free. •A medium apple is about 80 calories. •Don’t peel your apple. Two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the peel. Antioxidants help to reduce damage to cells, which can trigger some diseases. •It takes about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider. •2,500 varieties of apples are grown in the United States. •7,500 varieties of apples are grown throughout the world.

The old saying, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away” comes from an old English adage that goes, “To eat an apple before going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread.”

Liberty Faux Real Trade Days It is the THRILL of the hunt!



Check out the book... Click HERE to read a sample on Amazon. What the stars had to say about it... “I’m honored to share in telling Debbie’s story and to be part of this beautiful effort to perpetuate the legacy of her work.” —RENÉE ZELLWEGER, ACTRESS “It’s a rare opportunity for an actor to be blessed with a role so soulful. To embody Denver’s spirit was at once an emotional challenge and an extreme privilege, learning the story of a man who came from so little and gave so much.” —DJIMON HOUNSOU, ACTOR “Working with an excellent cast and crew to help tell the story of Ron’s challenging personal journey was a creative joy.” —GREG KINNEAR, ACTOR A dangerous, homeless drifter who grew up picking cotton in virtual slavery. An upscale art dealer accustomed to the world of Armani and Chanel. A gutsy woman with a stubborn dream. A story so incredible no novelist would dare dream it.

About the Book... It begins outside a burning plantation hut in Louisiana... and an East Texas honky-tonk... and, without a doubt, in the heart of God. It unfolds in a Hollywood hacienda... an upscale New York Gallery... a downtown dumpster... a Texas ranch. Gritty with pain and betrayal and brutality, it also shines with an unexpected, lifechanging love.

This New York Times bestseller is now a motion picture!


Same Kind of Different as Me This movie is excellent! As most of you know, we only review things that we believe are good. If we don’t have anything good to say, we just don’t say anything at all. This movie is worth spending your money on in our opinion. It’s a heartwarming tale about real life and the wisdom some people are able to glean out of it. Based around a true story, the actors really do a great job of bringing the characters to life. I wouldn’t be surprised if there aren’t some awards given out that are truly deserved. We both went into the movie with our own perceptions of what we thought we were going to see and we both left surprised. It probably would be classified as a “chick flick”, but my husband said he really enjoyed it.

You Can W O N n e t Lis ! e d i W d Worl


Stolen Jesus by Jami Amerine An Unconventional Search for the Real Savior

“Truly moved by STOLEN JESUS by Jami Amerine. Wow! What a fresh voice of authentic faith!” Kathie Lee Gifford on Twitter

Jami Amerine starts the book out with such a heartfelt statement that you can’t help but be drawn in, because there but by the Grace of God go all of us. “Let me assure you, I am a disaster. I have some inadequate parenting stories (not bad as in Child Welfare bad, but certainly not Mom of the Year stories), some of which I will share with you in the coming pages. There are crayon drawings on my walls. There are currently four basketfuls of laundry on the dining room table and a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink. Some days I make beautiful meals, and lots of other days we get take out. Sometimes it’s McDonald’s. I can’t be your hero or teacher no one would want a hero who was such a hot mess. On the bright side, at least you won’t be distracted from the goal of coming face-to-face with Jesus Christ.” Here’s an excerpt: “I’d seen it before and thought about how incongrueous it was with the attitude she displayed. She’s a Christian and she acts like that? But followers of Jesus are not perfect. Followers of Jesus are just people. Followers of Jesus are a hot mess, sinners all. The tragedy is that believers and nonbelievers alike attribute characteristics of Christians to Christ Himself. Christians should be... And personally? This is how I developed the psychobabble of the many Jesuses. Let me be very clear: There is one Christ. When I say these names- Target Jesus, Americanized Jesus, High School Jesus - I am conveying the human characteristics placed upon the head of the

Son of Man. And all these characters needed to be dismantled for me to see the genuine character of Christ. That night in my prayer chair, as Stolen Jesus looked up to heaven or something - I knew it was time to figure this out. I needed to look back to the beginning of my faith (or lack of faith) journey. Dread washed over me: This was going to hurt. It might even be agonizing. But much like childbirth, agony would be followed by new life.

To Buy it OR to Read More CLICK HERE! Editor’s Note: Jami is also the author of the popular blog site called SacredGroundStickyFloors where she shares her Christian walk with the world. CLICK HERE to take a look around and subscribe if you’d like.



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*“Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that please God.” Hebrews 13:16 GNB

Letters to My Children I Have Made Up My Mind I’m going to live the abundant life Jesus in vain for me. Jesus paid a high price for died for me to have. me to have it... and to me it would be a slap in his face for me not to enjoy it. My parents lived a miserable life. They were always mad, sad or My life is not all peaches and complaining about something. I don’t cream, but the joy, peace and love that my remember ever seeing them happy. I parents never had, I do have. I probably don’t know if they were saved or not, have it because I made up my mind to but they sure didn’t act like it and it’s believe it was available. too late to ask. When I got cancer (back when it was an automatic death sentence) I made up my mind I would finish my life differently than they did theirs.

Lynn Dale

I made a promise to God that if He would give me the chance, I would seek Him until I had the abundant life He promised us all, the one that they never got. I backslide from time to time – but I keep pressing on. I’m determined that I’m going to have it, live it, share it and shout it from the rooftops for the rest of my life. His sacrifice will not be


Don’t be so hard on yourself. My mercy is always there for you too. Before you can love others, you have to love you. Before you can treat others right, you have to treat yourself right. Before you can respect others, you have to respect yourself.

CALL (409) 945-9782 or CLICK HERE to ORDER online! TIME has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters in life. To Email Laurine Murtagh, Distributor just CLICK HERE

“I have asked the Lord for one thing; one thing only do I want: to live in the Lord‘s house all my life, to marvel there at his goodness, and to ask for his guidance.” Psalms 27:4 Good News Bible

I Like What I See! I see your work. You have to work if you want to eat, but it doesn’t have to be all drudgery like some people make it out to be. You don’t struggle much anymore and I’m glad about that. Labor is meant to be a precious gift even though it requires effort. It is honorable to earn your keep and to provide for yourself and others. I see your love. It’s shining through. You may not feel like it is, but I can see it. You’re still trying too hard, but relaxation will come when you learn to lean on Me more. Love is not always the easy choice, but it is always the right choice. I see what you are giving. I know it seems like small amounts, but they all add up. You don’t realize how much you give in a day. You also don’t realize that when you give away, you must restock. That means having some fun, getting more rest and receiving more of My love to give away. You have to realize how much I love you. It’s not because you’re so good, because you’re not. I love you because I want to and even though you want to give more, you can’t unless you receive more.

Stop judging me because I'm a Christian... I am no more perfect than you are and you need to stop expecting me to be. Save it for the self righteous, I know I need a savior.

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I see the mercy you’ve shown. e th S ep W or ke E u f e y D N yo Th O to E! GO ing RE m F co

You have to restock that too. I see your mistakes, i.e. (I know what you did last summer and yesterday). Every time you even think about staying mad, remember I forgave you. I know it’s hard, but encourage yourself, I like what I see! GOD

No matter what you lose in life you will never lose the Lord's constant companionship.





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by The Professional Tourists

This is OUR Story... Editor’s Note: If you missed the beginning of this travel adventure see page 7 of the Good Times issue RIGHT HERE to catch up.

SAVE it. SHARE it. KEEP it.



o n D O O G l l i t s s i D n GOO e p p a h u o y n e h w r e t mat . t i s s o r c a to run LIVE by it!

GOOD never expires...

Example: If it was a GOOD book in 1952, it ’s still a GOOD book today. ***GOOD has no expiration - it always remains GOOD.

The VIEW from HERE...

most part and re-hashing them isn’t going to give her the warm and fuzzy feeling about her parents that I think she was seeking. But now... Now that we have set out on this NEW adventure, I feel differently. I don’t want to forget or miss a minute of it - so writing it down might just be a really good idea!

We took off yesterday, Monday morning, and headed to our first reservation in Columbus, Texas. The campsite located along the Colorado river is a very welcome sight for us. We were camping here when we orginally hatched this idea My daughter has always wanted me of camping our way across America. to write about my life. She even went so far as to buy me a Hallmark legacy book to fill out. Today, we intend to finally I donated it. There was nothing good I could get to head to Camping World and buy think of to put in it and I’m not interested in a few things. I’m wanting to check writing down all the bad like some do to heal out their 3 wheel bikes and he wants their wounds. My wounds are healed for the some scissor jacks to help with the Continued.

Life’s BIG Adventure

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leveling. I personally think we need to buy a NEW level. We both thought the trailer was leaning a little when we parked it yesterday, but the level said it was only about a half of an inch off. We thought we could live with it. Today, even a drunk could see it’s leaning way over like a boat on it’s side and I’m sure everyone in the park is laughing at the newbies. This morning has already been pretty exciting - the fire alarm went off right after I put shampoo in my hair in the shower. I thought it was a fantastic idea to light my NEW autumn scented candle while I had the whole house to myself for the first time. So much for a little “quiet” time. And yes, it did finally re-set itself while I was furiously hurrying to get out! By the way, yesterday we also took our first REAL hike since becoming fulltime RVers. We had to take a shortcut across the neighbor’s grass to get back, but we made it. (Those people in the photo that’s not us. They are just a great looking family that are probably about 30 years younger than us. We’re just a couple of old people, so don’t expect to see us here.) We didn’t see any critters on the trail at all, which is why we went. That and to begin exercising so that we can hopefully make this big adventure last longer.

graze right outside your window at all hours of the day and night. We even had 2 walk within 10 feet of our picnic table. And that buck in the photo, he’s real. That’s the first buck I’ve ever seen in my life, so I had to get his photograph! This is the story we want to tell and to remember about our lives. This is our happy ending and we want to share it with you and with our kids. Not everyone gets the opportunity to do what we are doing and we know it. Perhaps you can live vicariously through us on our travels and maybe have a few laughs at our expense.

We did see a herd of 7 deer cross Until next month, we wish a very happy right in front of us as we left our campsite ending for your lives too. for the hike though. The deer are one of the many reasons we love this place. They

The Professional Tourists


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Did you hear the GOOD RUMOR about the Uhaul company? If you need specific moving boxes, they sell all kinds of them, but they also let their customers drop off their used boxes for anyone to use for anything. They are FREE and it’s called the U-Haul Box Exchange. In an effort to reduce waste, U-Haul helps its customers sell, give away, or find boxes and moving supplies. That’s a very GOOD THING!

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Why read the Good News? This magazine is where we share our lives in hopes of helping people find Jesus, so they can live a better life.

Because it leaves you feeling better about yourself, your life and the world around you.

The spring, summer, is quite a hectic time for people in their lives, but then it comes to autumn, and to winter, and you can’t but help think back to the year that was, and then hopefully looking forward to the year that is approaching. ~Enya, an Irish Musician

The LAST WORD We are here to encourage you...

We are here to assure you that God has everything under control and if you believe in Him, everything’s going to be all right in the end.


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