Greetings, St. Andrew’s! This month we send our beloved Pastor Mat Grover on a threemonth ministry sabbatical leave. Sabbaticals are amazing opportunities for rest and renewal for pastors. Pastor Mat has given of himself in so many ways in service to Christ, the community, and the people of St. Andrew’s. His last Sunday before sabbatical will be May 14, and we will want to pray for him and commission him to this important time of un-hurried living. I’d encourage you to

share a note of appreciation with Pastor Mat before he departs – and to please pray for him and his family as they seek to connect with God and each other.

Speaking of unhurried, I’m so grateful for Mat’s leading us through this sermon series which invites us to a life at the pace of grace, which is so elusive in a fast-paced world!
Welcome to Carl Dahlen! Let me introduce you to Carl Dahlen who has agreed to serve St. Andrew’s as Pastoral Ministry Associate on a parttime basis for the duration of Pastor Mat’s sabbatical! Carl is a member of St. Andrew’s, having joined with his wife, Karen, last year after moving to Tucson from Carson City, Nevada. Carl is ordained as a Ruling Elder, seminary graduate, has served as a Pastor in the American Baptist Church, in non-profit and community leadership development work, and most recently for seven years as a
MAY 2023
Commissioned Ruling Elder (a.k.a. Lay Pastor) at a small church south of Carson City. Carl has been described to me as caring, compassionate, smart, wise, with a soothing pastoral presence – and I agree! Most importantly, he loves Jesus Christ and desires to serve others in Gospel ministry and care. His main purpose this summer will be to be a pastoral presence of support and care, and to lead and assist with Sunday worship. Please join me in welcoming and praying for Carl as he steps into this ministry in the middle of May!
Counting It All
Joy, Pastor Pete Interim Pastor/Head of StaffWORSHIP SCHEDULE
UnHurried: Living at the Pace of Grace
May 7: Exodus 20:8-11 Sabbath
May 14: Exodus 34:5-8 Compassion
What Goes Up, Must Come Down: A Fresh Look at the Ascension and Pentecost
May 21: Acts 1:1-11 What Goes Up: The Ascension of Jesus
May 28: Acts 2: 1-13 Must Come Down: Pentecost and the Descension of the Holy Spirit
Montlure is looking forward to another incredible summer with their campers and can’t wait to meet new ones. Montlure offers a summer camp experience where campers can unplug from both technology and stress/ anxiety and connect with nature, their peers, their counselors, and their faith. All while having an incredible amount of fun! Details at
Overnight Camps
(children entering 4th -12th grade):
Sr High Camp: June 20 - 25
Jr High Camp: June 27 - July 2

Juniors Camp: July 5-9
Traveling Day Camps
(children entering 1st - 6th grade):
Casa Grande: June 5-9
Mesa: June 12-16
Tucson: June 19-23
Tempe: June 26-30
There are also leadership development opportunities for older youth, giving them hands-on opportunity to grow and learn alongside Montlure’s summer staff. Montlure Camp is the outdoor ministry of the Presbyteries of Grand Canyon and de Cristo. They seek to support our presbyteries by helping to raise up the leaders of this generation. For more info visit, email Montlure at, or call (520) 369-2199.
Montlure is also looking for help. Their summer camps are looking for seasonal staff and volunteers for their overnight camp programs. In particular, they are looking for 18-24 year old males (camp counselors) and worship/music leaders. More information can be found at or
There are also work camps posted and ready for sign ups! For more information go to
Good News Community Church (GNCC) has been the Partner Church of St. Andrew’s since 2013 and is our May Moment for Mission Partner.
GNCC serves the inner city, impoverished and spiritually starved Miracle Manor neighborhood of Tucson, including the homeless, addicted, and residents of halfway houses. Many of their regularly-attending members are new believers from the community.
St. Andrew’s has assisted GNCC with volunteers and funding for community outreach projects and with providing some financial support for the Pastor’s salary.
Pastor Jeff Markland has stated: ‘We are called to go into the Harvest Field that is the Miracle Manor neighborhood, to represent Jesus’ love and Grace, to bring people in need into a right relationship with Jesus, and to make disciples in the image of Christ.’
Contact Information:
Pastor Jeff Markland
Good News Community Church
701 W. Glenn St. Tucson, AZ 85705

Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) spend a year of service responding to poverty, violence, and injustice, while exploring how their faith demands action in the world. This includes a focus on building relationships and community on both sides of the U.S./Mexico border as well as involvement in the humanitarian work of organizations and the church in the borderlands that welcomes immigrants and refugees.
Tucson Borderland program currently has two YAVs, Lisett and Eli, in their program!
Lisett is working with Iskashitaa Refugee Network as a volunteer coordinator and is helping volunteers and UN refugees from Africa, Asia and the Middle East in locating, harvesting and
redistributing locally grown fruits and vegetables. One thing she is passionate about is, “being there for not just my neighbor but for others who might be considered strangers.”
Eli is working with Community Home Repair Projects of Arizona (CHRPA). This nonprofit provides handyman work for people that otherwise would not be able to afford to have their homes fixed. Eli shares that “while the work can be hard, I have enjoyed exploring volunteer service in a new way.”
Please pray for the Tucson Borderland YAV program as they celebrate 20 years of border ministry. You can learn more about the YAV Program at ministries/yav/.
St. Andrew’s is establishing a Security Team to help with security during worship services and our Preschool and Kindergarten. We appreciate everyone’s interest in security and look forward to volunteers who will be willing to help. An introductory meeting will be provided to those interested in making a choice to volunteer. For anyone interested in more information or joining the team, please contact Don Spiece at
March total revenue $218,839
Monthly revenue required 255,155
Difference ($36,316)
Year to date revenue $746,361
YTD revenue required 803,288
Difference ($56,927)
As we wrap up our school year, we are so thankful to our church and school families who support our Preschool and Kindergarten with prayer, time, and generous contributions. Here are a couple of ways you can celebrate the end of our school year with us!
All are invited and welcome to join us for our annual Family Night and Art Show in the Sanctuary from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm on:

May 8 (2s classes)
May 9 (3s classes)
May 10 (4s classes/Kindergarten)
Each class will sing for families, watch a photo slideshow of their year, and view their artwork displayed in the Narthex. Join us afterward for some snacks and lemonade in the courtyard!
Please join us at Jeremiah’s Italian Ice at 7348 N. Oracle Road on Tuesday, May 2, from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm, for a school fundraiser benefiting our Designated Preschool Scholarship Fund and our Teacher Appreciation Team. Mention St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten and 20% of your order will be donated to our school!


Looking for an easy way to lend a hand at SAPC? Join our Sunday morning team! Help greet new and old faces before service or after service and help others feel welcome. This is a great opportunity to connect with the St. Andrew’s community while also helping out.
There are many ways to connect and serve at SAPC! For us, church is so much more than just a Sunday service, and we want you to know that there’s a place for you at St. Andrew’s. One of the best ways you can get connected with us is to fill out the Connect Card at or by scanning our QR code!


Women of all ages are invited to our monthly women’s fellowship on June 2. This will be our summer send off! Being together will encourage each of us, help us with all of our life stuff, and we’ll have FUN! Bring your favorite appetizer and beverage. We’ll meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at a hostess home to be determined. RSVP to Connie at
May 6, 2023 | 9:00 am - 11:30 am
You are invited to join us for a morning of encouragement and uplifting at our quarterly “Beyond Sunday Workshop.” Our speaker will be Cynthia Heald, author of The Faithful Way, Remaining Steadfast in an Uncertain World. A continental breakfast from Cafe a La Carte will be served. Cost is $20 and you may sign-up online or at the Connect Table on Sunday mornings.

Our St. Andrew’s pastors (past and present) often quote Dallas Willard in their messages. Rev. Carla Williams (retired from SAPC as Associate Pastor in 2015) is offering a summer opportunity for continued learning via Zoom! We will be reading and discussing often quoted pastor/ scholar/theologian Dallas Willard’s landmark book Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ.

As Dr. Willard notes, Christ followers long to become more like our Lord Jesus, and Willard leads us into a deeper understanding of how spiritual transformation happens. This conversation group requires some basic knowledge of Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels.

Two options are available for this 11 week group, starting the week of June 19:
Tuesdays, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Fridays, 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Rev. Connie will provide the Zoom link. To register contact Rev. Connie at or Rev. Carla Williams at

In addition to our regular collection of fiction, biographies, and inspirational books of every variety, your Library team adds new material every month. Here are our latest additions:
• Safe All Along: Trading Our Fears and Anxieties for God’s Unshakeable Peace by Katie Davis Majors (author of Kisses for Katie)
• Everything Is Spiritual: Finding Our Way in a Turbulent World by Rob Bell
• Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts and Outlaws by Adam Hamilton
• How The Light Shines: Stories, Strategies, and Spiritual Practices for Caregivers of People With Dementia by Trisha Elliott
• Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work or Watch or Weep by Tish Harrison Warren
• Following Jesus in a Warming World: A Call to Climate Action by Kyle Meyaard-Schaap (January Series author)
• Tell Her Story: How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church by Nijay K. Gupta
Save the date for Grad Sunday and the 5th Grade Preview on Sunday, May 14.
All graduating seniors from high school and college are welcome to be celebrated and prayed for at the 9:00 am service.

At 12:30 pm, we will welcome all incoming 6th graders to experience Youth Ministry for the first time. We’ll have pizza and play a game or two while parents can get all their questions answered by Tim, Logan, and a few youth leaders.
Since so many Middle School students (incoming 6th - 8th graders) and their friends are involved in VBS, we will add the opportunity to make the most of your week!
We will do two mission adventures following VBS Monday (6/12) and Thursday (6/15) of VBS week. Come serve the Tucson community with us! Students may do one or both of the days. Registrations will be available soon at

We are gearing up for Forest Home Summer Camp 2023. Sign ups are available online and are open to all current 5th graders - exiting 12th graders. Registrations are accepted based on spots available.

Our camp dates are July 2-7 and this year’s total cost is $530. Payments should be made monthly at $120 following a $50 deposit. Scholarships are available. Learn more at
Thanks to all who attended Moonlight Dinner & Auction 2023! We had such a blast with you all! Thanks for sticking with us through crazy payment process, we really appreciate all your patience. Together we raised over $18,000! What a great night we have so many people to thank because we couldn’t have done it without everyone involved!
We will be taking a youth program break from May 15 - June 3 for Graduations and will be back with pool parties to start the summer on June 6 and June 7.
For questions about Youth Ministry or any of the events above, please visit or contact Tim at or Logan at

VBS: JUNE 12-16

We are looking for volunteers to work with kids during VBS 2023! There are openings for Crew Leaders and Station Leaders. To see the job descriptions, visit We are also in need of scholarships. You can donate by check by putting VBS Scholarship in the memo line or online at
We are requesting donations of the following items to help offset the cost of our VBS program this year:
• Wet wipes
• Green plastic disposable tablecloths
• Old coats, cardigans, & similar garments (to be donated after VBS)
• 8 x 14-inch sheets of cardboard
• Empty egg cartons
• Sandwich- sized resealable plastic bags
• Aluminum foil
• Disposable pie plates
• Trays or cookie sheets
• Blue, purple, & green food coloring
• Empty 24 oz water bottles with flip-top caps
• Pennies
• Toilet paper tubes
• Tissue paper in a variety of colors
• Gallon-size resealable plastic bags
• Yellow, orange, purple, & blue play dough
• Waxed paper
• Buttons larger than a 50cent piece
• Cardboard boxes
Thank you for supporting our VBS! We could not do it with you!
For questions about Children’s Ministry or any of the events above, please visit or contact Heather at
This summer, Super Friends invites you to join us in our summertime activities! These activities are open to everyone in the St. Andrew’s community. All activities will take place in the afternoons. Look for more information coming as we get closer to the events.
June 4: Peter Piper Pizza
July 2: Water Day at Oro
Valley Aquatic Center
August 6: Bowling
September 3: Games on Mt. Lemmon at Family Campout
We will honor our outgoing 5th Graders during the Children’s Message at the 9:00 am service on May 14.
In the afternoon from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, 5th Graders and their parents are invited to the 5th Grade preview in the Boondocks on the NE campus. This is a time for kids to play games, eat pizza, and meet the youth leaders. It is also an informational meeting for parents.

Medical Equipment Boutique
Faith Community Nurses (FCN) loan and accept donations of a variety of medical equipment. Since there is no room at St. Andrew’s for equipment storage, our “boutique” is located in FCN Mary Bauer’s garage. All equipment has been sanitized and inspected for proper working order and is distributed to anyone in need. This service is open to anyone in our community; you don’t have to be a St. Andrew’s member. If you have equipment that might benefit others, consider
donating and receive a receipt for taxes. You may contact Mary directly or through the church office.
Recycle Plastic Medication Bottles
We have resumed collecting medical pill containers which we take to the Humane Society of Southern Arizona to be used for dispensing medication to their animals. Please remove labels and drop them off at NE Campus office or SW campus Information Center.
You may never meet the people you help by donating blood, here’s just one story below. Our next blood drive is May 21 in the Choir Room. There are appointments available from 7:30 am to 12:15 pm. Go to or scan the QR code to schedule. You can also call Lynne Badegian at 520-349-9909 if you need assistance.

Waiting. Waiting for a call. Waiting for a diagnosis. Waiting for an answer. Waiting can be very frustrating, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are more people in your corner than you probably realize. Stephen Ministers are trained and eager to walk alongside you as you wait. For more information visit or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591
Our next issue of Cross Currents will be a combined June/July issue. All articles and content are due May 15. If you have any questions, please contact Amy at