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Thursday 11 August 2016
Young players go head-to-head during what was the biggest Walla Rugby Gala Day that Canowindra has seen. Photo: Kelly Breen.
Record Numbers Turn Out For Walla Rugby Gala Day
Canowindra Junior Pythons President and Walla Rugby Day organiser Tony Grant says this year’s event was the most successful ever, with a massive 42 teams converging on Canowindra last Sunday for the occasion. The Walla Rugby Gala Day is the annual gala day hosted by the Canowindra Pythons Junior Football Club, and normally attracts around 30 individual teams across the age divisions of under sevens, nines and elevens. However this year’s event saw 42 teams compete across the same divisions, making it the best attended Walla Galla Day yet. Teams descended on the Canowindra Sports Oval from all over the Central West, including the Pythons themselves, Narromine, Dubbo, Wellington, Parkes, Forbes, Orange, Bathurst and Cowra.
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In fact, every rugby union club that plays under Central West Rugby Union participated on the day except for Mudgee. The Walla Rugby Gala Day is one of Canowindra’s biggest annual events, and Mr Grant said it was a great day for everyone involved. “It was our biggest event yet, and it ran like clock-work, which was great,” he said. “We had nine fields running at once, so 18 teams playing at a single time, and we got through each game by 12.30pm. No team had to wait for longer than an hour for their next game as well.” The day’s games were refereed by past and present senior Pythons players. “I cannot thank those that refereed, and all other volunteers, enough for their efforts on the day,” Mr Grant said.
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