Showtime For Sally At Sydney Royal Forbes Showgirl, Sally Downie, travelled to Sydney this week to represent our town in the Sydney Royal Showgirl competition. She was announced as a finalist at the Zone 6 Regional Showgirl Finals earlier this year. The state finals will take place throughout the course of the Sydney Royal Easter Show that started this week. It is the second consecutive year that Forbes will have their Showgirl representing our town at the prestigious event. Sally is looking forward to the planned activities. “The itinerary is pretty full. We start off with a welcome lunch and a visit to Westmead Hospital, attend a personal development workshop and a dinner with the ASC. We’ll also be going to Government House for a reception and Parliament House. We also do a members preview of the show the night before it opens,” said Sally. “Friday is judging day so that will be our interviews and visiting the Show Pavilions. We are also involved with the grand opening and grand parade, on stage interviews
OUR PRIDE... The Zone 6 finalists named in the Regional Showgirl Finals was our very own Forbes Showgirl Sally Downie (left), Coonamble’s Emily Ryan and Dubbo Showgirl Josie Anderson. Sally and the other finalists have been in Sydney this week for the Sydney Royal Showgirl competition.
and presentations and we get to spend time with the Rural Achievers,” continued Sally. Sally hasn’t let nerves get the better of her and says that she is feeling relaxed about the competition. “I’ve been told to
just be myself and enjoy the experience. I never expected to get this far and it’s been an amazing journey so I’m just excited to experience the competition, meet all the other girls and represent Forbes and Zone 6 and agriculture,” said Sally.
Drawing Classes commencing after Easter For absolute beginners, no experience needed, can’t draw a thing ? You are my perfect student!! The techniques I use when teaching are very different . We all have a right and left side to our brains. I show you how to tap into the creative right side and open an entire new world . You will be so delighted with your hidden ability. We all have a right side of
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the brain, we just don’t use it!! It’s a wonderful experience and extremely relaxing. These classes coincide with the school term, commencing weekly on Wednesday 1st of May through to Thursday 4th July 2019.
Then repeating each term until complete. STAGE 1. 10 classes. Wednesday afternoon classes 1.00pm to 4.00pm. Wednesday evening classes 5.30 to 8.30pm Thursday morning classes 9.15am to 12.15pm.
STAGE 2. 10 classes. Once a week July 24th to September 26th Class sessions days will remain the same as STAGE 1
STAGE 3. 10 classes. Once a week from October 16th to Thursday December 19th. The same days and times will remain the same as above. Last week will include a display of work done by students and Xmas celebrations. Keep Thursday evening the 19th of December 2019 free for this event.
To complete Fundamental Drawing (Based on the TAFE Certificate in Fundamental Drawing) the course consists of 12 Stages which are listed below:STAGE 1. STAGE 2. STAGE 3. STAGE 4. STAGE 5. STAGE 6. STAGE 7. STAGE 8.
Led Pencil. An introduction to understanding tone, texture, shape and basic form. Use of different types of paper and grades of pencil. Light, it’s impact on shape and texture. Creating three dimensional simple objects. Composition of still life drawing, bringing together proportion in relation to space and form. Introduction to perspective. Year 2 - Graphite, charcoal, developing more complex still life drawings. Using fruit, vegetable, flowers ,unstructured items such as baskets. Developing structured drawings, focus on symmetrical objects. Still life with natural and man made objects , creating flowing compositions. Understanding landscapes, light and perspective. Foreground, middle ground and back ground. Buildings -Outdoor classes, weather permitting. Year 3 - Introducing pastels. Understanding colour and mixing . Pastel paper types.
STAGE 9. Still life in pastel, landscape.
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STAGE 10 Noted buildings, bridges and street scapes. STAGE 11 Portrait work in pastel, pencil and a little mixed media. STAGE 12 Workshops, visiting Artists, finding your niche’, displaying your work, preparing and setting up for exhibition. Larger classes for longer hours.
If you are interested in starting classes, they will be held at the CWA Hall on Lachlan Street Forbes. You will be supplied with a 35 piece starting kit (approx. $40.00) which will include all you need to cover you for STAGE 1 and we will add to it over time. You will need to commit to at least one stage at a time. $30.00 per lesson. Closing date for booking a spot, is 19th April 2019.
My Contact Details:- email:
mobile 0428 820 826 to discuss or book a class.
Vanessa Crompton **For the more experienced drawer, if you would like to attend a particular stage that is listed above, please contact me.
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