FORBES PRESCHOOL TEAM…Back row from left to right – Chenoa Sanderson, Director - Amy Shine, Shea King, Mandy Hodge, Jackie Wright, Tahlia Horvat, Shorley Duke, Courtney Hodge, Kellie Ticknall, Liana Jackson, Emma Little, Kim Toohey and Codie Smith. Front row from left to right – Carmen Stephens, Sheenah Bull, Carly Keane, Simone Patten and Katie Paahi.
Forbes Preschool Announced As A Finalist
Forbes Preschool Director, Amy Shine, is ecstatic with the news that Forbes Preschool was announced as one of three finalists in Australia’s Narrungunnawali Awards for 2019 on Wednesday, July 3 2019. Reconciliation Australia launched the Narragunnawali Awards 2019 for exceptional commitment to reconciliation in education. Held biennially, the Narragunnawali Awards represent Australia’s first national awards program for reconciliation in schools and early learning services. The awards have been designed to recognise and celebrate educational environments – across the Government, Catholic and Independent sectors – that have implemented outstanding reconciliation
initiatives. These schools and early learning services will be acknowledged for the ways in which they are strengthening relationships, building respect, and providing meaningful opportunities in the classroom, around the school or early learning service, and with the community. “Forbes Preschool has been selected as a finalist for its outstanding and genuine reconciliation initiatives as part of the everyday learning program at Forbes Preschool,” said Ms Shine. “This award is in recognition of the passion and dedication of our whole team here at Forbes Preschool and shows they are building and strengthening relationships as well as respect,” Ms Shine said. Continued on page 2
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