The Forbes Phoenix Issue 54

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Live Local, Love Local, Support Local

Friday 29 July 2016


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IMAGE: Stuart Thomas (left), President of the Forbes Business Chamber for the past three years, handed over to the Chris Roylance, who was elected as the new President at last week’s AGM.

New President Aims To Make Forbes A Major Retail Hub

The new President of the Forbes Business Chamber is Chris Roylance. Chris, who is the Managing Director of Roylance’s Auto One, is taking over from Stuart Thomas who has stepped down after three years as President. Stuart is staying on as a member of the committee. Chris said one of the main goals of the Chamber would be to promote Forbes as a major regional retail hub in country NSW. Sitting in the President’s chair for a third time, Chris would also like his committee and members to work towards promoting Forbes industry, growing employment opportunities and developing a better retail shopping environment for all customers. Other goals are to promote and develop more tourism and promote products grown or manufactured in Forbes. “All of this is to be achieved by Forbes businesses working in conjunction with a new and hopefully invigorated Forbes Shire Council,” said Chris. “Forbes businesses have a challenging time ahead but with new technology and improved business practices we will move back to being a major force in country NSW.” A full committee of ten members was

elected at the AGM last week. “We feel this is a great mix of people and we look forward to a continued successful working committee,” said the President. The committee members are Chris Roylance (President), Marg Duggan (Senior Vice President), Stuart Thomas (Past President), Gabe McMillan (Secretary), Kimberly Chudleigh (Treasurer), the Executive: Stevie-leigh Morrison, Jason Hopkins, Ian Bown, Brett Rout and Ben MacKay, and Jill-Ann Borger (Administration). One of the highlights on the Forbes Business Chamber calendar is The Boscars gala event in October. There is an enthusiastic sub committee working hard at the moment to make the event a success. The Christmas Festival sub committee is also very busy nutting out ideas, making arrangements and setting a date for this year. More details will be announced soon. The Chamber held a very successful Quarterly Networking Night after the AGM last week. Andrew Rawsthorne, Grants Officer of the Forbes Shire Council, gave a great presentation that was well received. By Maggi Barnard

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Saturday 30th July..... Renowned Italian Chef Maria Ardis from Toorak in Melbourne will be running the Restaurant at the Central Hotel, Eugowra

3 Courses & Wine selection Lunch 12 till 3 Dinner 6 till 9 Maria has a huge following so if you love Italian food now is your chance BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL ring the hotel on 6859 2247

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