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Friday 31 March 2017
You can win a family pass (4 tickets) to the Sydney Royal Easter Show 6th – 19th April
DELIGHT… Volunteer driver Robert Parsons with the lively Morning Magpie Craft Group. They were very excited about Neighbourhood Central’s new Hyundai people mover.
People Our Passion
Neighbourhood Central’s motto is: People our passion – service our strength, and the Forbes branch is living it every day. “Our aim is for our clients to remain independent, at home and to provide them with a choice of opportunities,” said Monica Wren, administrator of the Forbes office. “We can assist with transport either to attend medical appointments, social events or do shopping. Trips may be subsidised depending on eligibility and some taxi vouchers are available,” said Monica. “We are very proud of our new Hyundai people mover and everyone is delighted. Our previous vehicle seated four - we can now comfortably seat seven!” More than 25 people volunteer as drivers, client support in transit and for library deliveries. “Thank you just never seems
6852 2411
Newell Highway Forbes
Complete the entry form and return it to The Forbes Phoenix, PO Box 251, Canowindra 2804, or enter online via www.forbesphoenix.com.au Entries close 2pm, Tuesday, 4th April. Name:
enough for our volunteers. They are such kind, selfless people who make the world a better place to live in. I’m so proud of them all,” said Monica. Neighbourhood Central also assists with delivering reading material from the library, offering craft group activities, as well as opportunities to socialise. “We hold a range of social events, including a monthly morning tea where 40 or more people regularly enjoy a chat and guest speakers.” The Morning Magpies craft group is currently at capacity, but an additional group is being organised, according to Monica. For all bookings and enquiries call Monica or Lauren on 6851 4550 between 10am and 3pm Monday to Friday. By Dianne Collie
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FORBES SMASH The repair team you can trust Free Quotes • Insurance & Private Work Friendly & Reliable Service • Free Help & Advice Professional Quality Repairs & Refinishing Ph: 6852 2272 or 0497 855 088 • 27 Rankin St, Forbes License Number MVRL51053