Live Local, Love Local, Support Local
Thursday 16 June 2016
IMAGE: Monteagle Public School students Kalena Boldrini, Charlotte Cockburn, Monique Cummins and Nakayah Dowling. The school has almost twice as many students as it once did. Photo: Supplied.
Black Widow Bourbon Black Widow Honey Bourbon
Local schools see rise in student numbers With mid-year enrolments and enrolments for Kindergarten in 2017 now open at many primary schools right across the Hilltops region, student number trends are on the rise, especially in the villages. Monteagle is one such village that has EHQHÀWWHG IURP WKLV WUHQG /RFDWHG RQ WKH Monteagle Road and with a population of just 400 residents, Monteagle Public School has seen a dramatic rise in student numbers. From having just 14 students early last year, the school now boasts a total population of 25 - almost double what it was this time last year. Monteagle Public School Principal Monica Gordon said student numbers at the school KDG à XFWXDWHG RYHU WKH \HDUV EXW LW ZDV QRZ in a great position to educate its students. ´:H¡YH IRXQG WKDW PRUH IDPLOLHV KDYH EHHQ
moving to Monteagle to enjoy the rural lifeVW\OH EXW ZKDW ZH¡YH DOVR IRXQG LV WKDW students in Young have actually come out to our village for school, when normally it would be the opposite,â€? she said. Murrumburrah Public School has also seen steady growth in recent years. “We work closely with Bunyip Preschool and offer an orientation for children that enroll for kindergarten in the following year,â€? said Principal Clare Crawford. Many schools are having their open GD\V DW WKH PRPHQW DV ZHOO DQG 6W 0DU\¡V had theirs recently. ´:H¡YH DFWXDOO\ KDG HQUROPHQWV FRPH from that day, and now our student numbers are at around 380, up by 30 from three years ago,â€? she said. By Joshua Matic
Liqueurs James Bentley Whiskey
Specialising in residential sales, rural sales, property management & auctioneering Servicing Boorowa, Harden & surrounds.
Call us on (02) 63853337
Monteagle Public School Open Days Wednesday 15th June - 11.30 to 1pm Thursday 23rd June - 9.30am to 11.30am
Unsure where to send your child to school in 2017? Please come and see our lovely school and some of the wonderful things we do. Enjoy some morning tea whilst having all of your queries answered. If you can’t make it on either of these days, please phone for an appointment. Principal: Monica Gordon Ph: 63836207 Email:
... small schools are GREAT schools ...
HILLTOPS COUNCIL 2016 Hilltops Council Ordinary Meeting Dates and Times At the Hilltops Council meeting 24 May 2016, Council has resolved to hold the next Council Meeting on Wednesday, 8 June 2016, in the Hilltops Council, Young Chambers, %RRURZD 6WUHHW <RXQJ 2UGLQDU\ &RXQFLO 0HHWLQJV after 8 June 2016 will take place, on every fourth Wednesday of the month, with the exception of December which is the third Wednesday of the month, commencing at 5.30pm, unless otherwise advertised. Scheduled Meeting Dates and Places 8 June 2016 <RXQJ &KDPEHUV %RRURZD 6WUHHW Young 22 June 2016 Boorowa Chambers, 6-8 Market Street Boorowa 27 July 2016 Harden Chambers, 3 East Street Harden 24 August 2016 <RXQJ &KDPEHUV %RRURZD 6WUHHW Young 28 September 2016 Boorowa Chambers, 6-8 Market Street Boorowa 26 October 2016 Harden Chambers, 3 East Street Harden 23 November 2016 <RXQJ &KDPEHUV %RRURZD Street Young 21 December 2016 Boorowa Chambers, 6-8 Market Street Boorowa Information can also be found on Hilltops Council Website at: Anthony McMahon General Manager HILLTOPS COUNCIL SEEKS COMMUNITY COMMENT ON THE DRAFT OPERATIONAL PLAN 2016-2017 Hilltops Council has approved for public consultation the Draft Operational Plan 2016-17, which includes the IROORZLQJ â&#x20AC;˘ Proposed 2016-17 Rates, Fees and Charges â&#x20AC;˘ Budget 2016-17 Hilltops Council invites the community to submit any comments or feedback for Council consideration by no later than Thursday, 7th July 2016. Please address all correspondence to The General 0DQDJHU DQG IRUZDUG WR +LOOWRSV &RXQFLO /RFNHG %DJ <281* 16: RU PDLO#KLOOWRSV QVZ JRY DX The document is now available at the Boorowa, Young & +DUGHQ /LEUDULHV &RXQFLO 6HUYLFH &HQWUHV LQ %RRURZD <RXQJ +DUGHQ DQG RQ &RXQFLO¡V ZHEVLWH Anthony McMahon General Manager PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT This is to advise that Council is in receipt of the following Development Application No. 2016/DA-00087. NAME OF APPLICANT: DH & RA McMillan PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: /RW '3 +HQU\ /DZVRQ :D\ <RXQJ 16: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Commercial - Use of existing buildings as a farm stay, function centre, farm shop and food processing. The proposed development is not a designated development, and Young Shire Council is the consent authority for this application. The development application referred to in this notice and the documents accompanying the application, may be LQVSHFWHG DW <RXQJ 6KLUH &RXQFLO RIĂ&#x20AC;FHV Boorowa Street, Young, Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., until Friday 1st July 2016. Any person may make a written submission to Council about the development application during this period. If a submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of REMHFWLRQ PXVW EH VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;HG LQ WKH VXEPLVVLRQ Submissions on the proposal must be lodged in writing with Council prior to the close of business on 1st July 2016.
SIBELCO AUSTRALIA VOLUNTARY PLANNING AGREEMENT AND EXPLANATORY NOTE ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK 6HFWLRQ ) RI WKH (QYLURQPHQWDO 3ODQQLQJ DQG $VVHVVPHQW $FW QRWLFH LV KHUHE\ given that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note between Hilltops Council and Sibelco Australia will be on public display from 7KXUVGD\ -XQH WR :HGQHVGD\ -XQH DW &RXQFLO¡V RIĂ&#x20AC;FH LQ 0DUNHW 6WUHHW %RRURZD (DVW 6WUHHW +DUGHQ DQG %RRURZD 6WUHHW <RXQJ GXULQJ QRUPDO RIĂ&#x20AC;FH KRXUV DQG RQ +LOOWRSV ZHEVLWH ZZZ Submissions relating to the proposed draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note between Hilltops Council and Sibelco Australia will be received XS XQWLO SP :HGQHVGD\ -XQH WR *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU /RFNHG %DJ <RXQJ 16: Anthony McMahon General Manager DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS ISSUED In accordance with the provisions of section 101 of the (QYLURQPHQWDO 3ODQQLQJ DQG $VVHVVPHQW $FW and section 74 of the Environmental Planning and $VVHVVPHQW 5HJXODWLRQ QRWLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ LV JLYHQ WKDW WKH GHYHORSPHQWV DQG RU PRGLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQV PHQWLRQHG below have recently been granted consent. The development consents are available for public LQVSHFWLRQ GXULQJ RUGLQDU\ RIĂ&#x20AC;FH KRXUV DW &RXQFLO 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHV %RRURZD 6WUHHW <RXQJ 2016/DA-00046 ² /RW '3 0DWLOGD 3ODFH 'ZHOOLQJ QHZ Ă&#x20AC;YH EHGURRP VLQJOH VWRUH\ FODG GZHOOLQJ ZLWK ]LQFDOXPH URRI DWWDFKHG GRXEOH JDUDJH and Garage, free-standing, clad with zincalume roof 2016/DA-00048 ² /RW '3 %DFN &UHHN Road - Dwelling (alterations/additions) - pergola/ awning over existing verandah 2016/DA-00060 ² /RW '3 %RRURZD Street, Young - Industrial - Stage 1: minor alterations DQG DGGLWLRQV WR H[LVWLQJ IURQW VKHG LQYROYLQJ RIĂ&#x20AC;FH DGGLWLRQ LQWHUQDO PRGLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQV DWWDFKHG DZQLQJ LQVWDOODWLRQ RI DQ DGGLWLRQDO UROOHU GRRU DQG VLJQDJH Stage 2: demolition of existing rear shed and erection of new building containing four (4) storage / warehouse units. 2016/DA-0085 ² /RW '3 %XUURZV Young, Carport - freestanding dutch gable colorbond carport. 2016/DA-0078 ² /RW '3 -RUGDQ 3ODFH 'ZHOOLQJ QHZ Ă&#x20AC;YH EHGURRP VLQJOH VWRUH\ EULFN veneer, attached double garage 2016/DA-0081 ² /RW '3 7KRPVRQV 5RDG %XUUDQJRQJ 16: 6KHG FRORUERQG DQG earthworks - for residential use. DRAFT HILLTOPS COUNCIL PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND THE PROVISION OF FACILITIES TO ADMINISTRATORS, IMPLEMENTATION ADVISORY GROUP AND LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK 6HFWLRQ RI WKH /RFDO *RYHUQPHQW $FW QRWLFH LV KHUHE\ JLYHQ WKDW D draft policy of Payment of Expenses and the Provision of Facilities to Administrators, ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ $GYLVRU\ *URXS DQG /RFDO Representative Committee Members will be on public display from Thursday, 2 June 2016 to :HGQHVGD\ -XQH DW &RXQFLO¡V RIĂ&#x20AC;FH LQ 0DUNHW 6WUHHW %RRURZD (DVW 6WUHHW +DUGHQ DQG %RRURZD 6WUHHW <RXQJ GXULQJ QRUPDO RIĂ&#x20AC;FH KRXUV DQG on Hilltops website Submissions relating to the proposed Payment of Expenses and the Provision of Facilities to Administrators, Implementation Advisory Group and /RFDO 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH &RPPLWWHH 0HPEHUV ZLOO EH UHFHLYHG XS XQWLO SP :HGQHVGD\ -XQH WR *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU /RFNHG %DJ <RXQJ 16: Anthony McMahon General Manager
PESTICIDE USE NOTIFICATION Planned pesticide use by Council works crews and contractors until week ending Thursday 30th June 2016 will include the use of Round Up, Brush Off, Amitrol, Weedmaster, Dicamba, Grazon, Basta, Primo, MCPA and Broadstrike and Fusilade for KHUELFLGH FRQWURO &RQĂ&#x20AC;GRU IRU $SKLG DQG $FFHVV IRU wild fruit tree control on: â&#x20AC;˘ All roads in Young Shire, Shire Parks, Ovals, /DQHZD\V DQG VRPH WRZQ DUHDV Â&#x2021; $OO 9LOODJHV 5HVW $UHDV DQG 5HVHUYHV DQG â&#x20AC;˘ Old General Cemetery Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait will be used in the above DUHDV WR WDUJHW WKH FRQWURO RI IUXLW Ă \ ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK &RXQFLO¡V 3HVWLFLGH 8VH 1RWLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ 3ODQ VLJQV ZLOO EH SURYLGHG RQ WKH YHKLFOH applying the pesticide and signs will remain on-site to inform the public for 24 hours after spraying. For IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH FDOO &RXQFLO¡V 3DUNV DQG Gardens Asset Planner on (02) 6380 1200. The planned pesticide use is subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions. PLANNED ROADWORKS FOR WEEK ENDING THURSDAY 23RD JUNE 2016 The following works are underway: â&#x20AC;˘ Gravel resheeting at Murringo Flats Road, Douglas Gap Road, Swamp Road, Creamery Road and Calabash Road. (Please contact Young Shire Council to arrange quotation and payment of all private works in these areas.) â&#x20AC;˘ Shoulder widening at Chillingworks Road (between WKH UDLO FURVVLQJ DQG +HQU\ /DZVRQ :D\ â&#x20AC;˘ Maintenance Grading at Spring Creek Road, Noonans Road and Hollands Road. â&#x20AC;˘ Heavy Patching at Milvale Road (between Berthong and Grogan Bridge). Â&#x2021; 5RDG FRQVWUXFWLRQ 2O\PSLF +LJKZD\ DW $SSV /DQH intersection. â&#x20AC;˘ Whiteman Ave footpath construction. Speed restrictions will be in place and minor delays may be experienced. The planned roadworks are subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions. 0RWRULVWV DUH DGYLVHG 5RDGZRUN 6SHHG /LPLWV DUH enforceable by the NSW Police. Speed should be reduced and caution should be exercised when travelling through roadwork sites. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT This is to advise that Council is in receipt of the following Development Application No. 2016/DA-00084. NAME OF APPLICANT: Darren & Tanya Wilder PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: /RW '3 /RYHOO 6W <281* 16: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Commercial - Proposed demolition of an existing dwelling, extension of an existing business premises and erection of a new showroom building and signage. The proposed development is not a designated development, and Hilltops Council is the consent authority for this application. The development application referred to in this notice and the documents accompanying the application, PD\ EH LQVSHFWHG DW +LOOWRSV &RXQFLO <RXQJ RIĂ&#x20AC;FHV Boorowa Street, Young, Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., until 21 June, 2016. Any person may make a written submission to Council about the development application during this period. If a submission is made by way of REMHFWLRQ WKH JURXQGV RI REMHFWLRQ PXVW EH VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;HG in the submission. Submissions on the proposal must be lodged in writing with Council prior to the close of business on 21st June, 2016.
locally first!
IMAGE: Katrina Hodgkinson presenting a Community Building Partnership Program cheque to Grenfell Historical Society in April
New infrastructure funding now available through community building partnership program. Applications for funding through the 2016 Community Building Partnership program are now open. The NSW Government is again committing funds to new infrastructure-based projects that meet a need in the local community. The grants are open to local councils and LQFRUSRUDWHG QRW IRU SURĂ&#x20AC;WV VXFK DV FKDULWLHV sporting, social and environmental groups that are looking to build or refurbish essential facilities for their community. Grant applications must have a minimum value of $2,500 to be eligible for funding under the program.
Applications for funding will be open from Monday 13 June to Friday 22 July 2016. For information on who can apply, what projects are eligible for funding and how to apply, please visit B positive for blood donation - celebrate blood donor week Member for Cootamundra Katrina Hodgkinson has urged locals to make an appointment to give blood during National Blood Donor Week. Most people are able to give EORRG LI WKH\ IHHO Ă&#x20AC;W DQG KHDOWK\ DUH DJHG between 16 and 70, and weigh over 50 kg. Every blood donation can possibly save up to three lives, and one third of blood donations go to treating people with cancer. Blood Facts â&#x20AC;˘ One in three Australians will need blood or blood products in their lifetime. â&#x20AC;˘ One in 30 Australians gives blood each year â&#x20AC;˘ One blood donation can save up to three lives â&#x20AC;˘ Australia needs more than 25,000 donations every week
THUMBS UP THUMBS DOWN THUMBS UP To Namaste Indian Restaurant for the excellent lunch specials! THUMBS UP To Boorowa Newsagency ² ,¡P LQ WKHUH ZHHNO\ WR JHW DOO my papers! THUMBS UP To Marty and Brian for the fantastic work they do for Wombat. THUMBS UP To all the people that are giving blood this week. THUMBS UP Carrington Hotel for the brilliant live entertainment. THUMBS UP -XLF\ /XF\ IRU WKH FRIIHH DQG donut deal that I had!
Weekly Market Report by FORBES CATTLE SALE 6th JUNE 2016 Steers ............................................200-280kg 341-341c/kg 330-400kg 275-345c/kg 400+kg 300-344c/kg Heifers ...........................................200-280kg 282-310c/kg 330-400kg 277-320c/kg 400+kg 290-317c/kg Cows ..............................................520+kg 204-251c/kg Bulls ..............................................600+kg 250-270c/kg FORBES SHEEP SALE 7th MAY 2016 Lambs ............................................... 20.1-22kg $123-$151 22.1-24kg $149-$168 24.1-26kg $152-$178 Hoggets ............................................ 22.1kg+ $124-$145 Ewes ................................................. 14.1-18kg $63-$74 24kg+ $100-$170 UPCOMING SALES Young Store Cattle Sale .............................................1st July 2016 Forbes Store Cattle Sale ..........................................21st July 2016 Draw ........................................................Cattle 20/06/16 4 Sheep 21/06/16 2
Thursday 16 June Page 3
CURRENT O/H PRICES Trade Lambs 18-24kg ...........................................................$6.20 Export Lambs 24kg+ .............................................................$5.90 Merino Lambs .......................................................................$5.40 Mutton .................................................................................. $4.00 Angus Steers Delivered .........................................................$3.50 Angus Heifers Delivered .......................................................$3.20 Cross Bred Steers Delivered..................................................$3.20 Cross Bred Heifers Delivered ................................................$3.00 ANNOUNCEMENT Gerrard & Partners will be offering clients the opportunity to sell livestock through the new SELX Centre at Yass which is due to open in late August 2016.CLEARING SALES Australiana, Collectables & Antique Auction 23rd July 2016, Young Showground Entries Open 20th June 201
THUMBS UP To all the doctors who work so tirelessly in our towns. THUMBS UP Boorowa Young Harden Cancer Council Network for their volunteering efforts and health promotion.
LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 25 P/HFD Cows, PTIC to Angus Bull, Booroomooka Bld,Cows 8-10yrs, Due to calve late Aug-Sep, Good frame, Quiet. $1500.00 8 Ang 1 SH PTIC Heifers, calve Jun, $125
John Gerrard: 0427 102 842 Mark Jolliffe: 0427 110 624 Steve Tomlinson: 0437 102 999
Malicious or defamatory submissions will not be accepted. The opinions and views of readers submitting Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down are not necessarily the views of the staff and Management of The Hilltops Phoenix. To submit a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down email us at or mail us at PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804.
Clean. Safe... Easy.
12m x 24m x 4.5m All Zincalume open front Farm shed $19,500 incl GST 12m x 24m x 4.5m All Zincalume drive through Farm Shed $19,000 incl GST â&#x20AC;&#x153;Super Specialâ&#x20AC;? 12mx24x5m All Zincalume open front $21,990 incl GST â&#x20AC;˘ Buy locally from experienced â&#x20AC;˘ C250 Frame â&#x20AC;˘ Z15015 Purlins/Girts at max 1mtr trusted suppliers â&#x20AC;˘ Erect and concrete service available â&#x20AC;˘ All Aussie Frame and Cladding â&#x20AC;˘ Shed-safe accredited â&#x20AC;˘ Corry .42 roof and walls â&#x20AC;˘ Fully Bolted Frame â&#x20AC;˘ Delivery Included within 100km radius
Your local gutter cleaner We professionally and safely vacuum clean: Gutters, Downpipes, Roofs, Ceiling Cavities, Solar Panels & Rainwater Tanks
a free, hot, fresh
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(Conditions apply. See in store for details).
Happy to cater for dietary requirements
Call Damien 0417 272 959
Open from 5.30am Mon-Fri, 6am Sat, 7am Sun. 113 Boorowa St, Young P 6382 2005
Page 4 Thursday 16 June 2016
locally first!
QUESTION of the week
Tori Apps wins inaugural Aboriginal student of the year Young High School student Tori Apps has won the inaugural Aboriginal Student of the Year award for the Cootamundra electorate, Member for Cootamundra Katrina Hodgkinson announced last week. She was one of two recipients of the KRQRXU ZLWK &RZUD +LJK 6FKRRO¡V -D\OHH Dunn winning the award for Cowra. The Aboriginal Student of the Year is a new annual award recognising young people who demonstrate leadership within their school and local community. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Both Jaylee from Year 10 and Tori from <HDU DUH H[FHSWLRQDO :LUDGMXUL \RXQJ leaders,â&#x20AC;? Katrina said. ´7RUL LV D PHPEHU RI WKH /RFDO /DQG Council and actively promotes and instructs her language and culture to other students and is a respected young leader. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jaylee has gained the highest achievement award at Cowra High, a gold eagle, for positive behaviour learning. She is a diligent and mature student who strongly embraces and promotes Wiradjuri language and culture. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There were several very worthy nominations for this prestigious award, with principals and school leaders nominating students from Junee and Cootamundra as well as Cowra and Young,â&#x20AC;? Katrina said. 0LQLVWHU IRU $ERULJLQDO $IIDLUV /HVOLH :LOliams said the award program recognises HPHUJLQJ OHDGHUV UHZDUGV VWXGHQWV¡ FRPmitment to their local community and connects students to community leaders and role models. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Aboriginal Student of the Year award highlights the outstanding contri-
What did you do on the Queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Birthday long weekend?
I worked on Saturday and Sunday, but on Monday , GLGQ¡W HYHQ PDNH LW RII WKH ORXQJH 'DOH 6WHYHQV
IMAGE: Young High School student Tori Apps was one of two winners of the inaugural Cootamundra Electorate Aboriginal Student of the Year award. Photo: Supplied.
butions that young leaders are making in their local communities across the State,â&#x20AC;? said Mrs Williams. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I warmly congratulate all of the award winners and I look forward to meeting some of them in Sydney later this year.â&#x20AC;? Whilst all are clearly outstanding nominees, Jaylee has been selected to head to Sydney in August to attend the EmergLQJ /HDGHUV )RUXP ZKHUH VKH ZLOO PHHW with Aboriginal, business and Government leaders.
I went to Narromine to check out the new aviation museum up there - Teagan Hyman.
, ZHQW WR &DQEHUUD WR D IULHQG¡V IDUHZHOO SDUW\ DQG to spend some time with family.- Georgie Stewart.
with 50 Equal Monthly Payments until August 2020. Minimum Purchase $490. SEE IN STORE FOR DETAILS
326 BOOROWA STREET, YOUNG NSW 2594 PH 6384 1400
Offer ends 30/06/16. Apply in store/online. Available for in-store and selected online purchases. Approved applicants only. Fees & charges apply. Interest applies if you do not comply with terms and conditions.
locally first!
Thursday 16 June Page 5
Meet Aoife Champion, Labor candidate for Hume You may have received a call from Aoife Champion or her team in recent weeks. AoLIH LV WKH /DERU &DQGLGDWH IRU +XPH $RLIH (pronounced Ee-Fa ) says she has heard Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDQG IURP ORFDOV DERXW WKH SRRU LQWHUQHW services and the Telstra breakdowns, worries DERXW WKH JRYHUQPHQW¡V FKDQJHV WR 0HGLFDUH and the costs that will impose for basic pathology tests used to monitor chronic illness, diagnostic services and changes to the PBS. Aoife and her campaign team will be in Boorowa next weekend - door knocking and meeting local residents. She will have a stall in Pudman Street and she and her family will be at St PatULFN¡V IRU 0DVV RQ 6DWXUGD\ HYHQLQJ ´:H¡UH VWD\LQJ DW WKH %RRURZD +RWHO DQG ,¡P LQYLWLQJ HYHU\RQH DORQJ WR DQ HDV\ GLQQHU at the pub, some Irish music and a chance to
hear from Hugh McDermott MP, who was at the Centenary celebrations of the Easter Rising in Dublin in April.â&#x20AC;? Aoife said. Aoife is a 37 year old lawyer living at the Camden end of the new electoral boundaries. Aoife has worked as a solicitor with the NSW Government working in child protection, workHUV¡ FRPSHQVDWLRQ FULPLQDO ODZ UHYHQXH DQG public interest immunity. She lived in the United Kingdom for a few years working as a foreign solicitor for the UK Government. She is committed to social justice and fairness for everyone. She believes that a society in which the basic needs of all are attended to as a matter of priority is the path to shared prosperity. Aoife decided to stand for Hume because she wants her generation to be represented in the decision making for our country. Aoife believes that Australians, especially her generation and younger, realise that stewardship of the environment and universal servicing of the educational, health and technological rights of its constituents is no longer a choice, but an economic and social imperative. Aoife drew top position on the ballot paper, and will be listed there as Aoife ChampionFashoyin, which is her married name.
Water restrictions lifted Recent heavy falls of rain in the area has eased the water situation for the Boorowa community. As a result of the much welcomed rainfall, Hilltops Council has been able to completely lift restrictions with the Boorowa :HLU QRZ RYHUĂ RZLQJ â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is relieving to be off restrictions, however the security of the Boorowa water supply is still a long term issue.â&#x20AC;? said &RXQFLO¡V ,QWHULP *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU $Qthony McMahon. Council realises the burden of extended periods of high water restrictions on the community, however careful water vigilance is encouraged with regards to water conservation all year round. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Although we have been able to remove the restrictions for now, Council would like to reiterate that the Boorowa community will need to remain proactive and use ZDWHU VSDULQJO\ WR HQVXUH VXIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW ZDWHU supplies in the event of a dry winter and as we head towards summerâ&#x20AC;? said Mr McMahon. Hilltops Council will continue to work with state and federal agencies to ensure funding is made available to assist in improving the water security of Boorowa now and into the future.
Boorowa - Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m coming to you with #TeamAoife This Saturday morning outside IGA from 10am , St Patricks for 6pm Mass, then drinks and dinner at the Boorowa Hotel. Come meet Hugh McDermott MP who attended the Easter Rising celebrations in Dublin and Senator Deb Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neill.
Looking forward to saying hello! Aoife.
Written and Authorised by U Stephens, 17 Macquarie St Goulburn for the ALP
( */(47065 -69 /<4,
Page 6 Thursday 16 June 2016
locally first!
Palliative care
IMAGE: Old cars were on the range at the Wombat Swap Meet last Sunday. Photo: Supplied.
Thousands converge on Wombat for Swap Meet
Around 3500 people converged on Wombat village last Saturday and Sunday at the Wombat Sports Ground for the Wombat Swap Meet, and organiser Marty Williams said the display cars were so popular there was an opportunity to make a car show out of the event. The event, now in its third year, raises money that goes back into the village for various community projects. It does this through stall fees of $30 each, and entry fees, which were $5 per person over 16 years old. There were plenty of items on offer through the various stalls that were set up at the event, including goods and gifts, antiques, clothes, and even large items like furniture and cars. With 3500 people making their way through the gates, the money raised for
Wombat village was plentiful, however Mr Williams said one of the best things about LW ZDV WKH Âś6KRZ DQG 6KLQH¡ YHKLFOH GLVSOD\ â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had around 40 cars at the event ZKLFK LV WKH PRVW ZH¡YH HYHU KDG DQG ZH¡UH H[SHFWLQJ GRXEOH WKDW QH[W \HDU DOready,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If this part of the event continues to grow we would consider holding a separate car show on its own.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had more lookers and more dreamers with the impressive range of cars that ZH KDG DQG LW¡V JUHDW WKDW PRUH FDU FOXEV will be involved next year.â&#x20AC;? While numbers were slightly down on last year, likely due to poor weather, Mr Williams said the event, which brings a huge economy into Wombat, was a success. By Joshua Matic
Some four years ago Dr Yvonne McMaster, retired palliative care doctor, became a very strong advocate for palliative care, funding and services. She highlighted the importance to improve palliative care and made comment that people in rural areas are suffering the most in New South Wales with very few towns having specialist palliative care doctors. As a community our goal should be to ensure that every person with a life-limiting illness, who needs palliative care, has access to when and wherever it is needed. Specialist palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families who are facing the heart breaking problems associated with lifethreatening illness. The palliative care doctors, nurses and other health care professionals together with spiritual leaders do an extraordinary job. This team work provides family members with a support system to FRSH GXULQJ WKHLU ORYHG RQH¡V LOOQHVV /DVW PRQWK IURP 0D\ WR ZDV 1Dtional Palliative Care week raising awareness and understanding about palliative care. It addressed the need for people with advanced chronic illness to be able to access palliative care and noted that there was a misconception that only cancer patients can access this care. Early access to palliative care, for people with a chronic illness, can help them have a better quality of life. Finally, we need to pledge and voice our continued support for the level and type of palliative care required by our loved ones.
With a rich history and quality service, make sure that you stop by the Light Horse Hotel or stay longer.
Kruger Medical Centre10, East Street, Harden Boorowa District Hospital, Dry Street, Boorowa Member of Australian Podiatry Association (NSW/ACT) & Australia Diabetes Council
337 Albury Street Murrumburrah Ph: 6386 2210 Mob: 0428 151 042
locally first!
Thursday 16 June Page 7
/RRVH Ă&#x20AC;OO DVEHVWRV insulation HOUSE of the week
A perfect rural lifestyle â&#x20AC;&#x153;Glenburnieâ&#x20AC;? is located in the soft rolling hills of Murringo, undulating 110 acres of arable fertile soils, majestic views and endless possibilities for your new country lifestyle. $ UHIXUELVKHG KRPH ZLWK SROLVKHG WLPEHU Ă RRUboards comprises of four bedrooms all with ceilings fans, a sleek gourmet kitchen is a functional part of the home with stainless steel appliances and energy saving lights, comfort is assured all year round with slow combustion heating, reverse cycle air-conditioning and gas heating. The property is divided into nine paddocks, top dressing of pastures and excellent fencing, water is pumped from a windmill to a header tank that reticulates to six troughs. Other notable infrastructure includes a three stand shearing shed, sheep yards, dry weather shed, steel cattle yards, machinery shed, hay shed and two dams.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Glenburnieâ&#x20AC;? is located only 1.5 hours from Canberra, 30 minutes from Young and 15 minutes to Boorowa, an opportunity to utilize as your rural retreat and establish a small farm venture. Inspections are highly recommended. For further information contact Raine & Horne <RXQJ¡V OLVWLQJ DJHQW -LP &XVDFN RQ RU
Your home may be the biggest investment \RX¡OO HYHU PDNH %XW LI LW ZDV EXLOW EHIRUH WKH V LW FRXOG EH DIIHFWHG E\ KD]DUGRXV ORRVH Ă&#x20AC;OO DVEHVWRV LQVXODWLRQ /RRVH Ă&#x20AC;OO DVbestos is raw crushed asbestos, which in the V DQG V ZDV LQVWDOOHG DV LQVXODWLRQ 2YHU WLPH KD]DUGRXV DLUERUQH Ă&#x20AC;EUHV FDQ move from the ceiling into your living space. ,I \RXU KRPH FRQWDLQV ORRVH Ă&#x20AC;OO DVbestos insulation, its value in the market will be affected. The NSW Government is proposing new laws to protect the community from unknowingly purchasing a property that contains ORRVH Ă&#x20AC;OO DVEHVWRV 8QGHU WKHVH ODZV ZKHQ VHOOLQJ \RXU SURSHUW\ \RX PXVW FRQĂ&#x20AC;UP LQ WKH contract of sale if your property: Â&#x2021; FRQWDLQV ORRVH Ă&#x20AC;OO DVEHVWRV RU Â&#x2021; LV IUHH RI ORRVH Ă&#x20AC;OO DVEHVWRV If you do not comply with these laws you ULVN VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW Ă&#x20AC;QDQFLDO ORVV DQG SRWHQWLDO OHJDO DFWLRQ 7KH *RYHUQPHQW¡V DVVLVWDQFH program is your chance to protect yourVHOI IURP WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDQFLDO FRQVHTXHQFHV RI ORRVH Ă&#x20AC;OO DVEHVWRV 16: )DLU 7UDGLQJ ZLOO SURYLGH Ă&#x20AC;QDQFLDO DVsistance and support to affected homeowners and tenants, but you must register by 1 August 2016. For further information, log on to
OPEN for inspection Ray White Open Homes â&#x20AC;˘ 7 Gold Court, Young â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11am â&#x20AC;˘ 30 Campbell Street, Young â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11am Raine and Horne â&#x20AC;˘ 13 Milong Street, Young
11:30am to 12pm
FRUITS OF YOUR LABOUR 57 Jasprizza Lane, Young 3.99ha (9.8 acres) fully irrigated cherry and plum orchard â&#x20AC;&#x201C; young trees. Further diversiďŹ ed into zucchinis to generate extra income 5m x 10m c/b shed with concrete ďŹ&#x201A;oor, septic tank and storage container. Equipped bore operated by a diesel generator & pumps to a 5,000 gallon tank. Potential to increase plantings â&#x20AC;&#x201C; productive income generating property.
Agent Jim Cusack M: 0428867319 P: 0263823333
Exclusively list your rental property with Ray White Young and go into the draw to win 12 MONTHS FREE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. HURRY ENDS 30 JUNE 2016
Ray White Young 37 Main Street, Young, Ph 02 6382 5800 Email
Page 8 Thursday 16 June 2016
locally first!
Use your heaters safely this winter
IMAGE: Back - 1DWDOLH 6FKLOOHU 7RU\ 'DYLGVRQ %ULGJHW 2¡&RQQHU /L] *XLOLDQR $QQDEHO :DOODFH 0D] 5H\QROGV 0DU\DQQH Harrison Front - Ainslee Stoney, Danielle Hudson, Katrina Hudson (absent- Katie Harden, Deirdre Shannon, Cath Mullany)
Raising a village In a quiet corner of Young High School the beginnings of some great friendships are blossoming. Not between two students or new teachers but between an unassuming group of local women who are volunteering their time as mentors and their student mentees. The group of 12 students and their mentors meet once a week for an hour to connect and share what is happening in their life. The mentoring program is coordinated by the Raise Foundation, a youth mentoring organisation based in Sydney. Raise is funded through the *RYHUQPHQW¡V <RXWK )URQWLHUV SURJUDP WKDW supports a range of programs to help positively impact the wellbeing of young people. Young High School is one of the few regional schools participating in the program this year after running a successful program in 2015. Danielle Hudson, the program coordinator for Young, is delighted to once again see the friendships developing between the mentors and students.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Raise is about connecting the students ZLWK D QHXWUDO SRVLWLYH UROH PRGHO ,W¡V JLYLQJ WKHP VRPHRQH WR WDON ZLWK WKDW LVQ¡W D SDUHQW or teacher.â&#x20AC;? ´7KH PHQWRUV DUH VR VHOĂ HVV DQG giving of their time and energy and across the two terms and we really see the students blossom.â&#x20AC;? The Raise Foundation believes it takes a village to raise a child and that ethos really appealed to High School Principal, Keith Duran. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Being apart of this program was a nobrainer. We believe every student matters at Young High School and putting programs in place like Raise that connect our students with members of the community has been fantastic.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;The students love it but from the smiles on the faces of the mentors when they leave each week, I think they are getting just as much out of it. We are really grateful for their dedication and time given each week.â&#x20AC;?
YOUNG HIGH SCHOOL Campbell Street (Locked Bag 8008) Young NSW 2594 Phone: 02 6382 1166
EVERY STUDENT MATTERS Opportunity Diversity Inclusivity
With the arrival of Old Man Winter, CGU Insurance has some invaluable tips to help keep you safe in these colder months from gas and electric heaters. Possibly part of the reason gas and electric heaters can be so dangerous is because they seem more innocuous than an RSHQ Ă&#x20AC;UHSODFH Make sure you: â&#x20AC;˘ Place portable heaters so that pets and NLGV FDQ¡W NQRFN WKHP RYHU â&#x20AC;˘ Never leave any heater unsupervised â&#x20AC;&#x201C; never leave a heater turned on while you sleep. â&#x20AC;˘ Check electric heaters for damage to the UHĂ HFWRUV DQG WKH SRZHU FRUG &RQWDFW D TXDOLĂ&#x20AC;HG HOHFWULFLDQ RU VHUYLFH WHFKQLFLDQ to carry out the repairs if needed. â&#x20AC;˘ Get gas heaters serviced by a qualiĂ&#x20AC;HG SURIHVVLRQDO DW OHDVW RQFH HYHU\ two years or immediately if they show any signs of disrepair (such as yellow Ă DPHV XQXVXDO VPHOOV WKH SLORW OLJKW Ă LFNHULQJ RQ DQG RII DQG QRLV\ RU PDOfunctioning fans). â&#x20AC;˘ Ensure your gas heater is equipped with a carbon monoxide detector and is operated in a well ventilated area. â&#x20AC;˘ Never use an outdoor heater indoors.
commercial | rural | professional | personal
Young High School YEAR 11 CLASS OF 2017 SUBJECT SELECTION EVENING Join the Principal, and staff for an information evening regarding subject selection for Year 11 in 2017. This is an evening for both students and parents/ carers to ask questions and plan for the future. All students will receive a free 2019 UAC Guide.
locally first!
Thursday 16 June Page 9
,V VXSHU ÁDZHG UHWLUHPHQW SODQ" The frenzy and speculation that occurs sometimes in the media on the topics of superannuation, retirement and age pensions is nothing unusual… and the recently announced Federal Budget has not failed to spark the debate again! The balancing act for the government in any legislative reform will be ensuring that superannuation remains an attractive option for people planning and saving for their retirement, and not making it onerous and complicated that SHRSOH ORVH FRQÀGHQFH LQ WKH SURFHVV We place emphasis on the importance of having a plan and reviewing it regularly, to
take into account legislation and investment/ market changes. • Want to discuss your super and tax planning needs or options for 2016/17 FY? • Concerned about the changes to Age Pension Assets Test effective 1st January 2017? • Need help with Aged Care Accommodation planning for yourself or a loved one? • Want to discuss tax effective personal insurance options? Contact FTS Financial Planning today to book an appointment to discuss your needs.
Accounting solutions for you Preparing and lodging a tax return, and keepLQJ XS ZLWK \RXU ÀQDQFHV DUH QHFHVVDU\ LQ WKH PRGHUQ ZRUOG 7KH QHZ ÀQDQFLDO \HDU ZLOO bring a variety of changes such as tax concessions for small business, the new mandatory SuperStream system for employers and new tax system for managed investment trusts. Twomeys are committed to keeping you up to date with these and other changes. Twomeys are more than accountants and DUH SDVVLRQDWH DERXW VHFXULQJ D EULJKW ÀQDQcial future for all clients. Our core business has developed by providing cost-effective accounting solutions for individuals, small and large business, ranging in structure from individuals and partnerships through to trusts, companies and superannuation funds. We have specialists in Financial Planning, superannuation, lending, audits and cloud ac-
commercial | rural | professional | personal counting solutions. As Xero Gold Partners, we can offer our clients a full range of Xero services including set-up, training and ongoing support. Twomeys can tailor a comprehensive accounting package to meet your requirements. Come and quiz your accountant about how changes to tax affect you and your ÀQDQFLDO VLWXDWLRQ
2-3/38 Boorowa St YOUNG ph: ϬϮ ϲϯϴϮ ϱϲϭϬ ǁǁǁ͘ŵĞůůŝƐŚŝŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ ƵƚŚŽƌŝƐĞĚ ZĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƟǀĞ ŽĨ E ^ /ŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞ ƌŽŬĞƌƐ ; &^ >ŝĐĞŶĐĞ EŽ͘ ϮϯϯϳϱϬͿ
1/44 Boorowa Street Young NSW 2594 ph 6382 6650 fax 6382 6651 email
24 Cloete St, PO Box 5, YOUNG Phone (02) 6382 1700
Fax (02) 6382 4361
Email: Website:
Tester Porter Services is a CPA Business
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation Tester Porter Services are Corporate Authorised Representatives of FTS Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 11 142 469 985, AFS License No. 351527
Page 10 Thursday 16 June 2016
locally first!
Healthsmart Mercy Health offering free information sessions Mercy Health Home & Community Care to offer free information sessions. Young residents Ann and Tom Preston (pictured) have been receiving support from Mercy Health Home & Community Care for the past two years. Ann has CREST syndrome, a multi-system disorder, which has resulted in a range of medical issues including problems with her lungs and circulation. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is essential for us to receive additional support so we can continue living in our own home,â&#x20AC;? explains Tom. care they receive and how they receive it. Our Mercy Health Home & Community Care of- community sessions aim to be informative and fers care services so people can remain liv- answer any questions people may have about ing safely and independently at home. The their community care options.â&#x20AC;? range of services includes personal care, doMercy Health is an established provider of mestic assistance, home nursing, shopping home and community care services and has and transport, socialising and companion- been a part of the Young community since 2007. ship, overnight care, open wednesday afternoons respite care and 24 and thrusday mornings 48 Goulburn St Crookwell hour live-in care. RePh: (02) 4871 1828 JLRQDO 6HUYLFH /HDGHU CALL OUR FRIENDLY STAFF TODAY! Annette Berridge said FA M I LY CHIROPRACTIC crookwell & mittagong Mercy Health Home HICAPS available & Community Care is â&#x20AC;˘ chiropractic also pleased to now â&#x20AC;˘ back pain offer free information â&#x20AC;˘ neck pain sessions to local comâ&#x20AC;˘ nutrition munity groups. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since â&#x20AC;˘ posture 1 July 2015, all Home â&#x20AC;˘ exercise Care Packages have â&#x20AC;˘ family care been provided on a â&#x20AC;˘ headaches Consumer Directed â&#x20AC;˘ sports injury Care (CDC) basis,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;˘ stress management â&#x20AC;˘ vitamins and minerals said Ms Berridge. â&#x20AC;˘ health supports â&#x20AC;&#x153;CDC allows the individual and the carer more say over the
Medication Packing & Delivery at Blooms Young! 46 Boorowa Street, Young
02 6382 2009
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%RRURZD 6W <RXQJ Ph:6382 2455 7KLV GRHV 127 UHSODFH WKH IUHH YDFFLQH IRU RYHU ¡V $ERULJLQDO DQG Torres Strait Islanders, pregnant women and those suffering from chronic diseases under NIP or people under the age of 18 years old
locally first!
Thursday 16 June Page 11
WALKthis way! Young Workwear is your number one store for boots that will protect your feet WKLV ZLQWHU &KHFN RXW WKHLU œ)URJJHUV¡ boots by Thomas Cook, and their range RI œ%RJV¡ ERRWV DV well. Each is neoprene water-proof, and have thermal qualities to keep your feet warm. Sizes range from kids, to ladies and mens, with many in stock right now.
WINsome dough Blooms Chemist in Young is currently running a Panadol and Playdough promotion. Purchase any Panadol for your chance to win a Playdough kit for your children today
CHECKthis out! Check outt this 8.5kg WashSmart WashS Sma art washing machine and 8kg er from Fisher & Paykel that Harvey Heatpump condensing dryer Norman Young currently have in stock! The WashSmart frontloader uses SmartDrive technology which eliminates belt drive while being as quiet as a mouse, while its revolutionary Vortex wash cleans clothes in well under an hour! The Heatpump dryer KDV D ODUJH FDSDFLW\ LV KLJKO\ HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW KDV D VL[ VWDU HQHUJ\ rating and dries at lower temperatures for better clothing care! And no ventilation is required!
INBloom Check out these EHDXWLIXO œ5HG +RW 3RNHUV¡ DYDLODEOH QRZ at Native Botanical Young! 7KHVH à RZHUV are a beauty in winter, showing elegant FRORXUV DQG WKH\¡UH in season right now. They last an eternity, and are great for bees for all those bee keepers out there!
Page 12 Thursday 16 June 2016
to find Not sure wherHeE latest YOUR COPY OF Toenix? HillTOPS Ph
YOUNG Town Hall Newsagency, NewsXpress, Woolworths, IGA, Young Services Club, Young Council Chambers, Amcal Pharmacy, Blooms Pharmacy, CBA, ANZ, NAB, St. George, Elders, BP Visitor Centre, McDonalds. BOOROWA Boorowa Pharmacy, Superb Bakery, Boorowa Newsagency. HARDEN IGA, Carrington Hotel. AND VARIOUS OTHER OUTLETS
phone l (02) 6344 1846 email O HGLWRU#KLOOWRSVSKRHQL[ FRP DX RU VDOHV#KLOOWRSVSKRHQL[ FRP DX web l Street Address /\QFK 6WUHHW <RXQJ 16: Postal Address PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804 Editorial 'HEUD &ODUNH _ (GLWRU _ HGLWRU#KLOOWRSVSKRHQL[ FRP DX Joshua Matic | Reporter | 0458 237 387 UHSRUWHU#KLOOWRSVSKRHQL[ FRP DX Advertising 'HEUD &ODUNH _ $GYHUWLVLQJ _ VDOHV#KLOOWRSVSKRHQL[ FRP DX Advertising Deadline Monday 10am if you require design Tuesday 10am for pre-designed ads Editorial Deadline | Monday 10am
Locals supporting locals
Elizabeth Woods How long have you lived in or around Young? I have lived in the town of Young for most of my life, and I was in Bendick Murrell for a bit when my parents had a property out there. What do you enjoy the most about living in Young? I enjoy the comfort of being home with family and friends, and people in Young are very caring and helpful. What are you doing outside of home at the moment? I am a volunteer with the Boorowa-Harden Community Cancer Network, and have been the Chairperson for the last four years. I help raise awareness for cancer as well as support fellow cancer patients. I also volunteer for the Young Breast Cancer Support Group. What do you enjoy most about these roles? I enjoy the satisfaction of it, and meeting people that, like me, have had cancer, and WUXO\ XQGHUVWDQG ZKDW LW¡V OLNH How do you like your coffee? I like to have an extra hot latte with full cream milk. Where would your dream holiday be to? My dream holiday would be to relax and travel all around Australia.
FREE community newspaper published every Thursday Please sign up on our website to receive the Phoenix via email each week.
WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Hot Vote Compass is an online educational tool that promotes electoral literacy and democratic engagement. The tool allows users to receive information regarding the positions of SROLWLFDO SDUWLHV RU FDQGLGDWHV IRU RIĂ&#x20AC;FH GXULQJ a given election. Vote Compass is intended to be designed to provide users with a personalised, immediate, and easy-to-understand assessment outlining how their individual opinions on a sampling of policy issues situate them within a two-dimensional ideological space and vis-Ă -vis the political parties runQLQJ IRU RIĂ&#x20AC;FH 7KLV DPD]LQJ WRRO LV EHLQJ XVHG by the ABC on its website for the Australian Federal Election right up until the July 2 ballot.
locally first!
7DNH D GULYH RXW WKH 0XUULQJR 5RDG DQG LW¡V hard to miss the large cream sheds on Telegraph Road opposite the Showground. These giant dwellings house a generous and successful family owned business that employ over 25 staff. Apollo Fabrications moved to Young in 2003 from Western Australia with the intention of better servicing the east coast market. They are specialists in structural and architectural engineering and have delivered hundreds of projects across the country including the new Australian Federal Police building in Canberra. Servicing their clients is one focus, but so is servicing their community. In addition to the 25 staff employed in the business over the past 2 years Apollo has worked closely with local schools to support students undertaking their Work Placements as part of their Vocational Education and Training (VET) studies. Keith Duran, Young High School principal is incredibly grateful for the support local businesses like Apollo provide to their VET students. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have had over 25 students do their Work Placement hours at Apollo and a few have gone on to complete apprenticeships with them.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;This linkage to local business and industry is really important to our students and school community.â&#x20AC;? Nathan Jackson is the Sales and Finance Director at Apollo and says the Work Placement program is a great way to pre-screen for upcoming apprenticeships. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are looking for honesty, responsibility, trustworthiness and passion in our staff and the Work Placement program is a great way IRU XV WR VHH LI VRPHRQH LV D Ă&#x20AC;W IRU RXU WHDP Âľ â&#x20AC;&#x153;We know how important local jobs are for this town and where possible we are keen to support our local school students and their Work Placement programs to keep the jobs local.â&#x20AC;? Two former Young High School students /HH $UPVWURQJ DQG $LGHQ 0LOOHU FRPSOHWHG their Work Placement with Apollo in 2007 and 2012 respectively.
IMAGE: Aiden Miller, Nuhfel Okul (current Work 3ODFHPHQW VWXGHQW IURP <RXQJ +LJK 6FKRRO DQG /HH Armstrong.
locally first!
Thursday 16 June Page 13
WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S On DATE
Event Details
18 June
18 June
21 June
Young Harness Racing- Twilight Meeting. On track facilities: Dining room/canteen, bar, tote, covered stand, limited track side parking (only along back VWUDLJKW KRPH WXUQ DPSOH Ă RDW WUXFN FDU SDUNLQJ <RXQJ 6KRZ *URXQG %RRURZD 5RDG <RXQJ
23 June
Morning Melodies- Cherry Capital Country Music Association. Performance commences at 10:30 at the Young Services Club. Tickets are $5 for adults and $2 for children.
24 June
Boorowa to Young Bus Service The Young/Boorowa Community Transport Services are offering the aged, disabled and transport disadvantaged residents of Boorowa the opportunity to take part in regular social bus outings. All passengers must be registered with Community Transport. The Service SURYLGHV D IRUWQLJKWO\ VKRSSLQJ DQG VRFLDO WULS WR <RXQJ 7KH EXV SLFNV UHVLGHQWV XS IURP KRPH DW DSSUR[ DP DQG WUDYHOV WR <RXQJ 7UDYHOOHUV FDQ EH dropped at various destinations within Young. The Bus departs Young at 1.30pm however depending on demand these hours can be extended.
24 June
Bill Chambers live@artofespresso. Returning to the Art of espresso stage. Presenting his forthcoming album â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cold Trialâ&#x20AC;?. Hot from a current European summer tour. Friday June 24 from 6.30pm. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I grew up listening to the Hillbilly music my mum and dad played when I was a kid. I discovered early 5RFN¡Q¡5ROO %XGG\ +ROO\ 7KH %HDWOHV 5ROOLQJ 6WRQHV %RE '\ODQ DQG -RKQQ\ &DVK ,Q UHFHQW WLPHV ,¡YH EHHQ SDUWLFXODUO\ LQĂ XHQFHV E\ WKH 7H[DV 6LQJHU Songwriters,â&#x20AC;? he says. Seats are limited. Book now.
26 June
Wombat Bush Poets. Sunday June 26th, 2016, from 7pm. Wombat Hotel, Wombat. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Open mike sessionâ&#x20AC;?. Enjoy a good night of poetry and yarns, EHJLQQHUV DUH ZHOFRPH EULQJ \RXU SRHWU\ DQG ´KDYH D JR Âľ <RX¡UH ZHOFRPH WR EULQJ \RXU Ă&#x20AC;GGOH KDUPRQLFD VTXHH]H ER[ EDQMR ZH PDQ\ HYHQ KDYH D sing along. For more information call Greg on 6382 2506.
27 June
7KH <RXQJ :RPHQ¡V %RZOLQJ &OXE ZLOO EH KRVWLQJ 7KH +RZLH %URV DQG DOVR VSHFLDO JXHVW DQG $XVWUDOLD¡V LQWHUQDWLRQDO FRXQWU\ HQWHUWDLQHU :D\QH Horsburgh. Commencing at 10.30am, the entry fee of $15 includes morning tea however a light lunch will also be available at the club at an extra cost. For catering purposes please RSVP to Margo Parker at the Young Bowling Club on 6382 1112 by Friday 24 June 2016.
BE Seen
7KH ZKROH RI .RRUDZDWKD 3XEOLF 6FKRRO OLQHV XS IRU D SKRWR GXULQJ WKH VFKRRO¡V Pirate Day, where students and staff were allowed to dress like pirates, last Friday. Photos: Joshua Matic.
A group of students who dressed up especially for the occasion.
Aaron Smart, Maddison West, Ethan Hambrook, Aroha Wilson, Brett Clarke and Russell Horne with teachers Cath Briggs, Sharon Chisolm and Sue Clark.
If you have any photos from a special event, please send them to
Page 14 Thursday 16 June 2016
MAY Tradie of the month
LITTLE Black Book
Aaron McDonald
CLASSIFIEDS BFC Maintenance for all your home renovation needs Concreting, tiling, kitchens, bathroom & laundry Works 9 Templemore Street, Young, Phone: 026382 6360 Email: admin@bfcmaintenance com
Rooms, Cladding, Patios & Carports %/ & $V RQ 79 Phone 6382 7641
P: (02) 6382 7558 F: (02) 6382 7559 E:
Lions Club of Young Inc Mini Lotto Results 2XU 0LQL /RWWR ZDV GUDZQ ODVW QLJKW WK June 2016 at Young Bowling Club The Winning Numbers were:
1-15-3-13-8-2 Panel beating Spray painting All insurance work 24 hour towing
(02) 6382 2366 Jimmy 0459 140 487 2 McKenzie Street, Young ABN 7822 6250 298
Furniture Removals (JYVZZ HSS VM 5:> =PJ[VYPH )YPZIHUL (KLSHPKL Quote this ad to receive a VOUCHER FOR YOUR NEXT SERVICE!
7OVUL )YL[[!
locally first!
There were no winners of 6 numbers And There were 5 winners of 5 numbers Next Week the lotto Jackpot for winning 6 numbers will be $10,000.00 And 7KH /RWWR -DFNSRW IRU ZLQQLQJ QXPEHUV will be $113.00. Next Draw is Thursday 16th June 2016 and will be drawn at the Young Bowling &OXE 0LQL /RWWR 4XLFN 3L[ WLFNHWV DUH VROG at various outlets including the S&C Club, IGA, Woolworths, South West Slopes Credit 8QLRQ DQG VRPH KRWHOV E\ /LRQV 0HPEHUV with the distinctive yellow box. Note: Reserve 6 number pool is $8,823.00
+H¡V WKH PDQ UHFRJQLVHG EHVW QRW LQ SHUVRQ but by literally hundreds of signs that are up around Young. McDonald Signs and Print owner and opHUDWRU $DURQ 0F'RQDOG¡V JUHDW ZRUN KDV SDLG off, being selected as the winner of Young :RUNZHDU DQG 7KH +LOOWRSV 3KRHQL[¡V 7UDGLH of the Month award for May. Mr McDonald, who will bring up the eighth anniversary of his business on July 1, won himself a $100 gift voucher from Young Workwear, and he said he will be using it to purchase a brand new pair of jeans. ´, ORYH 50 :LOOLDPV MHDQV DQG ,¡P LQ QHHG RI D QHZ SDLU VR WKDW¡V ZKDW ,¡OO EH XVLQJ WKLV voucher for,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Most of my work clothes are from Young :RUNZHDU VR LW¡V JUHDW WR JHW WKLV DZDUG Âľ Mr McDonald has made his fair share of signs since July 1 2008, and he said it was a job he thoroughly enjoyed doing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I probably enjoy the creativity of it the most, DQG ZRUNLQJ ZLWK WKH FOLHQWV ,¡P DOZD\V VWULYing to achieve client satisfaction of a job well done,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;From here on it will just be continuing to make quality signs for businesses in Young and surrounds,â&#x20AC;? he said.
$ 1 0 0 >
We need your help to search for the best tradies in town! Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s show our tradies some appreciation for all the hard work they do by giving them some great prizes courtesy of Young Workwear!
Send a clear, high res photo to or post on our Facebook page: ge: The Hilltops Phoenix, with details of who you are nominating. Entries close 30th June 2016 6
50 Boorowa StYoung, NSW (opposite McDonalds)
Ph: 02 6382 82 2289
locally first!
Thursday 16 June Page 15
IMAGE: This stunning image was taken on Sunday morning, which started with a foggy frost. Photo: Supplied.
IMAGE: The NSW team at the NSW State Endurance Ride championships in Harden-Murrumburrah last Saturday and Sunday. Photo: Supplied.
Hasko Stewart enjoys three-peat at Harden NSW rider Talea Hasko-Stewart has now won three NSW State Endurance Riding Championships in a row, after taking out the HardenMurrumburrah Championships last weekend. Harden-Murrumburrah played host to this \HDU¡V FKDPSLRQVKLSV IRU WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WLPH ZLWK about 170 riders coming from all over the country, from Western Australia, Victoria, 4XHHQVODQG DQG 16: It is arguably the biggest sporting event to be held in the Harden-Murrumburrah area this year, and not just by the level of the competition. Endurance horse riding takes courage, and plenty of it, as at the highest level, it goes for a whopping 24 hours. The Harden-Murrumburrah event was kinder to those not wanting to embark on the full quest, offering 40 kilometre, 60 kilometre and 80 kilometre events as well, but 50 competitors still rode into town to give their best shot at
the monster 160 kilometre main event. :KLOH WKLV ZDV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WLPH D VWDWH FKDPpionship had been held at Harden-Murrumburrah, the twin town and surrounds is not unfamiliar with the sport. The Harden-Murrumburrah Endurance Riders Association holds its own local event each year, but normally only holds an 80 kilometre event. Event organiser Gordon Smith, who is the President of the Harden-Murrumburrah Endurance Riders Association, said each contestant in the 160 kilometre event put in a great effort, and overall the event was a huge success. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a tough event. It ran for 24 hours from 11pm Saturday night to 11pm on Sunday night, and each morning was very cold,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The ride was done in 40 kilometre stages, and after each stage, each horse was assessed by the team of veterinarians, of which there was seven.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was great for Talea to win her third straight championship. She rode so well and it was thoroughly deserved.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of the 50 riders who participated in the 160 kilometre event, 25 completed it, but Talea was well ahead.â&#x20AC;? While the winners of an endurance ride are GHWHUPLQHG E\ ZKR Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHV Ă&#x20AC;UVW LW LV KDUGO\ considered a â&#x20AC;&#x153;raceâ&#x20AC;?, according to Smith. The team of vets that attends the event frequently monitors the physical health of each horse that participates, and if they are deemed XQĂ&#x20AC;W WR FRQWLQXH WKH\ DUH HOLPLQDWHG IURP the competition. Horses may go â&#x20AC;&#x153;lameâ&#x20AC;? if they suffer from fatigue, and this constitutes elimination, while extraordinarily high heart rates may also force the vets to pull a horse out. Winners are also tested by the vets to ensure horses have not been pushed too hard. The seFUHW WR VXFFHVV LQ WKH VSRUW LV LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;WQHVV RI the rider and the horse, according to Smith. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It requires great courage but also great horse management,â&#x20AC;? he said. Hasko-Stewart won on the back of her horse %ODNH¡V +HDYHQ %RPERUD ZLWK D UDFH WLPH RI 11 hours and 11 minutes. 7KH NLORPHWUH ULGH VWDUWHG DW WKH Âś1HZLQJWRQ¡ RXWVLGH RI +DUGHQ DQG WUHNNHG WRwards Wallendbeen, before coming back up WKURXJK 1LPEL DQG WKHQ RQ WR WKH Ă&#x20AC;QLVK OLQH DW Oxton Park. By Joshua Matic
This Week at Tipperary Golf Club Sunday was an ideal day for golf with the course playing true. We had a good roll up for the second week of our Auto Pro four week competition and at the half way point in A grade, there is only one point separating three players. In B grade, only one point separates two players and with just two weeks to go it looks like it will go right down to the last week.
On Monday, I played a social game with a New Zealand family and their ten year old son. son n. Thomas was twenty metres from the green and an nd his ball was against a tree. He hit the ball an nd and ed it went straight in the hole. He was that excited I reckon they could of heard him cheering in New Zealand . 'RQ¡W IRUJHW RXU PHHWLQJ WKLV 6XQGD\ DIWHU JROI OI
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