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Thursday 16 June 2016
IMAGE: Monteagle Public School students Kalena Boldrini, Charlotte Cockburn, Monique Cummins and Nakayah Dowling. The school has almost twice as many students as it once did. Photo: Supplied.
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Local schools see rise in student numbers With mid-year enrolments and enrolments for Kindergarten in 2017 now open at many primary schools right across the Hilltops region, student number trends are on the rise, especially in the villages. Monteagle is one such village that has EHQHÀWWHG IURP WKLV WUHQG /RFDWHG RQ WKH Monteagle Road and with a population of just 400 residents, Monteagle Public School has seen a dramatic rise in student numbers. From having just 14 students early last year, the school now boasts a total population of 25 - almost double what it was this time last year. Monteagle Public School Principal Monica Gordon said student numbers at the school KDG à XFWXDWHG RYHU WKH \HDUV EXW LW ZDV QRZ in a great position to educate its students. ´:H¡YH IRXQG WKDW PRUH IDPLOLHV KDYH EHHQ
moving to Monteagle to enjoy the rural lifeVW\OH EXW ZKDW ZH¡YH DOVR IRXQG LV WKDW students in Young have actually come out to our village for school, when normally it would be the opposite,â€? she said. Murrumburrah Public School has also seen steady growth in recent years. “We work closely with Bunyip Preschool and offer an orientation for children that enroll for kindergarten in the following year,â€? said Principal Clare Crawford. Many schools are having their open GD\V DW WKH PRPHQW DV ZHOO DQG 6W 0DU\¡V had theirs recently. ´:H¡YH DFWXDOO\ KDG HQUROPHQWV FRPH from that day, and now our student numbers are at around 380, up by 30 from three years ago,â€? she said. By Joshua Matic
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Monteagle Public School Open Days Wednesday 15th June - 11.30 to 1pm Thursday 23rd June - 9.30am to 11.30am
Unsure where to send your child to school in 2017? Please come and see our lovely school and some of the wonderful things we do. Enjoy some morning tea whilst having all of your queries answered. If you can’t make it on either of these days, please phone for an appointment. Principal: Monica Gordon Ph: 63836207 Email:
... small schools are GREAT schools ...