The Hilltops Phoenix Issue 20

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Live Local, Love Local, Support Local

Thursday 14 July 2016


IMAGE: Young Carers Award co-founder and Young Department of Human Services Manager Debbie Longhurst holds the award’s plaque with Hilltops Council Administrator Wendy Tuckerman. Photo: Joshua Matic.

Hilltops Council Set to Recognise Our Top Community Carers More than one in 10 people in NSW are carers that spend tireless hours putting their hand up for someone in need, and the Hilltops Council is planning on recognising the great work these people do in the community. The award was created by Young Department of Human Services Manager Debbie Longhurst, with former Young Shire Mayor Stuart Freudenstein a number of years ago, and is now jointly run by the DHS and Hilltops Council. Carers come from all walks of life, and their efforts to support those with mental illness, chronic health conditions, frail age and dementia come largely unpaid. To be eligible for the Carers Award, nominees must be residents of Hilltops Council Local Government Area, must not self-nominate, must not be sitting local, state and federal politicians or current vice-regal officers unless

retired, and can only be receiving a maximum of a carers pension or allowance as payment for their efforts. “Nominations will be assessed by a formal selection panel convened by Hilltops Council. The panel’s decision will be non-negotiable,” a statement from Hilltops Council said. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Centrelink office in Young, the Council offices in Boorowa, Harden and Young, the library offices in Boorowa, Harden and Young, or online at uploads/2016/07/Carers-Week-NominationForm.pdf. They must be completed in full to be considered. Nominations are to be addressed to the General Manager, Hilltops Council, Locked Bag 5, Young 2594 or All nominations close on Wednesday 21st September, 2016.




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2016 Hilltops Council Ordinary Meeting Dates and Times At the Hilltops Council meeting 24 May 2016, Council has resolved to hold the next Council Meeting on Wednesday, 8 June 2016, in the Hilltops Council, Young Chambers, 189 Boorowa Street Young. Ordinary Council Meetings after 8 June 2016 will take place, on every fourth Wednesday of the month, with the exception of December which is the third Wednesday of the month, commencing at 5.30pm, unless otherwise advertised. Scheduled Meeting Dates and Places 27 July 2016 Harden Chambers, 3 East Street Harden 24 August 2016 Young Chambers, 189 Boorowa Street Young 28 September 2016 Boorowa Chambers, 6-8 Market Street Boorowa 26 October 2016 Harden Chambers, 3 East Street Harden 23 November 2016 Young Chambers, 189 Boorowa Street Young 21 December 2016 Boorowa Chambers, 6-8 Market Street Boorowa Information can also be found on Hilltops Council Website at: Anthony McMahon General Manager

More than one in 10 people in NSW are carers. Carers can be anyone including parents, partners, brothers, sisters, friends, sons or daughters. They may provide regular unpaid support to those who need it because of disability, mental illness, chronic health conditions, frail age and dementia. The Hilltops Council Carers Awards recognises carers who have made an exceptional contribution to caring. You can nominate an individual for this award in 2016, ELIGIBILTY To be eligible for the Carers Award, nominees must be • Residents of Hilltops Council • Self nominations will not be accepted for individual awards • Sitting local, state and federal politicians and current vice-regal officers are not eligible • Retired politicians and vice-regal officers will be considered for caring work undertaken outside of their official duties • Nominees must not receive a wage or salary for their caring role, although they may receive a carers pension or allowance SELECTION • Nominations will be assessed by a formal selection panel convened by Hilltops Council • The panel’s decision is final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into NOMINATIONS • Nomination forms must be completed Nominations forms can be obtained from: - Centrelink Office - Council Office in Young, Harden and Boorowa - Library Office in Young, Harden and Boorowa - Or off the website; Nominations are to be addressed to the General Manager, Hilltops Council, 189 Boorowa Street, Young or Nominations Close Wednesday 21st September

In accordance with the provisions of section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and section 74 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notification is given that the developments and/or modifications mentioned below have recently been granted consent. The development consents are available for public inspection, during ordinary office hours, at Council Offices, Boorowa Street, Young. 2016/DA-00079 – Lot 1 DP 1085238, 1 Hambrook Place, Young - Garage - attached to dwelling; Roof over existing patio area; Stairs at rear of existing dwelling 2016/DA-00095 – Lot A DP 759144 & Lot 1 DP 335929 Sect 10, 38 Berthong St, Young - Demolition of existing shed; erect new shed - colorbond, residential storage 2016/DA-00103 – Lot 2 DP 1164913, 25 Uppingham St, Koorawatha - Dwelling (alterations/additions) - new living areas, bedrooms, kitchen and decking

PESTICIDE USE NOTIFICATION Planned pesticide use by Council works crews and contractors until week ending Thursday 28th July 2016 will include the use of Round Up, Brush Off, Amitrol, Weedmaster, Dicamba, Grazon, Basta, Primo, MCPA and Broadstrike and Fusilade for herbicide control. Confidor for Aphid and Access for wild fruit tree control on: • All roads in Young Shire, Shire Parks, Ovals, Laneways and some town areas; • All Villages, Rest Areas and Reserves; and • Old General Cemetery Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait will be used in the above areas to target the control of fruit fly. In accordance with Council’s Pesticide Use Notification Plan, signs will be provided on the vehicle applying the pesticide and signs will remain on-site to inform the public for 24 hours after spraying. For further information, please call Council’s Parks and Gardens Asset Planner on (02) 6380 1200. The planned pesticide use is subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions. NOTICE TO ALL RAFFLE TICKET SELLERS This is a reminder to all organisations that sell raffle tickets in the streets of the central business district that they firstly have to book a day to sell tickets with Council. There is only to be one ticket seller in the street on any day, this includes Saturday. Organisations who fail to obtain Council approval will be prevented from selling raffle tickets. Friday 15 July – Australian Paralympian Committee Fundraiser

PARTIAL CLOSURE OF CHILLINGWORKS ROAD Hilltops Council wishes to advise that due to rain on Sunday 10th July, Leed Engineering were unable to lay the sewer main across Chillingworks Road. The work is to be rescheduled for Sunday 17th July 2016. One lane will remain open, however at times there may be delays of up to 10 minutes as plant is relocated at the work site. A 40 kph speed limit restriction will be imposed at the work site and motorists are a requested to follow the directions of the contractors traffic controllers. CHANGES TO KERBSIDE COLLECTION ROUTES – YOUNG GARBAGE & RECYCLING Council would like to advise residents that there will be some minor changes to the Garbage and Recycling routes commencing on the 1st July 2016. The new routes will streamline servicing and remove duplication in some areas. Residents affected by the change will have received new collection maps in their mailbox. The new collection maps are also available on Council’s website and are on display at the Young Town Hall.

HILLTOPS COUNCIL AND RYE PARK RENEWABLE ENERGY PTY LTD VOLUNTARY PLANNING AGREEMENT AND EXPLANATORY NOTE In accordance with Section 93G(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, notice is hereby given that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note between Hilltops Council and Rye Park Renewable Energy Pty Ltd will be on public display from Thursday, 30 June 2016 to Wednesday 27 July 2016, at Council’s office in Market Street Boorowa, East Street Harden and 189 Boorowa Street, Young during normal office hours and on Hilltops website www. Submissions relating to the proposed draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note between Hilltops Council and Rye Park Renewable Energy Pty Ltd will be received up until 12 noon Wednesday, 27 July 2016 to General Manager, Locked Bag 5, Young NSW 2594. Anthony McMahon General Manager PLANNED ROADWORKS FOR WEEK ENDING THURSDAY 21ST JULY 2016 The following works are underway: •G ravel resheeting at Douglas Gap Road, Swamp Road, Creamery Road and Calabash Road. (Please contact Young Shire Council to arrange quotation and payment of all private works in these areas.) •S houlder widening at Chillingworks Road (between the rail crossing and Henry Lawson Way). •R oad construction Olympic Highway at Apps Lane intersection. • Whiteman Ave footpath construction. • Traffic Islands at Allanan Street (opposite Hospital), Boorowa Street (opposite Woolworths, Lovell Street (opposite Anderson Park) and Nasmyth Street (opposite car wash). •R outine patching on local and regional roads as required due to weather conditions. •R eactive maintenance weather permitting. Speed restrictions will be in place and minor delays may be experienced. The planned roadworks is subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions. Motorists are advised Roadwork Speed Limits are enforceable by the NSW Police. Speed should be reduced and caution should be exercised when travelling through roadwork sites.

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR... Dear Editor, While the many points raised by member for Cootamundra, Katrina Hodgkinson MP in objection to Premier Baird and Deputy Premier Grant’s decision on the Greyhound industry are worthy and valid the most striking for me is that it is so unfair. I remember watching the ABC Four Corners report that night some sixteen months ago and was sickened by the vision of the horrible cruelty to defenceless animals. As disgusting and indefensible as it was the industry still deserved their chance to show that the sport could be cleaned up. The

Greyhound Industry had begun the reforms necessary to regain their “social licence”, which the McHugh report questioned. Now they have been cut down without given the chance to prove it. I would have expected that our NSW Government owes the vast majority of decent, innocent people involved in the industry, to continue to clean out the undesirable element that has created this crisis. Procedural fairness, is it that much to ask? Regards, Stuart Freudenstein Young.

Thursday 14 July Page 3

THUMBS UP THUMBS DOWN THUMBS UP To David and the friendly Team at Aust. Post Young, for courteous and efficient service THUMBS DOWN To rubbish left at the Lions Lookout on the Cowra Road. Malicious or defamatory submissions will not be accepted. The opinions and views of readers submitting Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down are not necessarily the views of the staff and Management of The Hilltops Phoenix. To submit a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down email us at or mail us at PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804.


Young Hospital Auxiliary Soup Day The Young Hospital Auxiliary is having its Soup Day on Friday 29th July, from 11.30am2.30pm at Young Town Hall. Attendees can choose their favourite soup and select from a variety of breads. They can then finish with a couple of delicious homemade slices and a cup of tea or coffee. Bring your friends, relax and chat. A raffle will be drawn on the day as well. The community’s support helps buy equipment for Young Hospital. Tourism Workshops Tourism operators in Destination Riverina Murray, Southern NSW and Country & Outback NSW regions are being encouraged to attend upcoming workshops as part of the NSW First Program. Workshops will offer operators the opportunity to learn the must-

know tips and insights to deliver great visitor experiences; learn about targeting international visitors, how to be export ready and the importance of digital marketing channels. The Digital Webinar Series represents an exciting opportunity for the local tourism industry to learn how to make the most of online platforms and how operators can tap into the power of the digital space to boost their business. For more information on the NSW First Workshop program for 2016 go to: workshops. Travel Subsidies For Trainees and Apprentices Trainees and apprentices will get a financial boost and more support to help complete their courses with the NSW Government’s announcement of substantial increases in subsidies towards overnight travel for off-the-job training. The Vocational Training Assistance Scheme’s (VTAS) overnight accommodation subsidy will double from $28 per night to $56 per night and the fuel subsidy will increase from 12c to 33c per kilometre. Increases to Vocational Training Assistance Scheme subsidies took effect as of Friday 1st July 2016. For more information on the Vocational Training Assistance Scheme, visit the Training Services NSW website at

Raising Alzheimers Awareness Many of you may not be aware that Alzheimers Australia NSW produces a printed state wide newsletter each quarter called In Touch. This newsletter is provided free to all members and with membership starting at $15.00 per annum for a carer or for a person living with dementia, it is a great way to stay connected. For further information, log on to Australian of the year awards 2017 Nominations are now open for inspirational Australians from the Hilltops community for the 2017 Australian of the Year Awards. Individuals and communities have the opportunity to recognise those Australians who have inspired or challenged us to participate more actively in the life of the nation. Awards are now open in four categories: Australian of the Year, Senior Australian of the Year (65 years and over), Young Australian of the Year (16 to 30 years) and Australian Local Hero. Finalists are chosen from each of the states and territories and those finalists then proceed to the national level of judging. For more information and nomination forms, please visit or call 1300 655 193. Nominations for the awards will close on Sunday 7 August 2016.


Since the formation of the Hilltops Council, there has been a very clear and focused vision to promote a stronger and more sustainable region by leveraging the cooperative momentum of forward thinking community groups to better understand the needs of the Hilltops as a whole. With this in mind, I am excited to announce that Hilltops Council is partnering

with the NSW Government to aid in the delivery of a community grants program, The Stronger Communities Fund, that aims to support local communities by funding projects that will build more vibrant and inclusive local communities and provide more opportunities within them. The community grants program has a total allocation of $1 million and up to $50,000 sums can be applied for by incorporated not-for-profit community groups and Section 355 Committees of Council across the entire Hilltops Council region. To assist in the application process, 15 Community Forums are being organized across the Hilltops Council area between

the 18th and the 29th of July with a schedule of times and locations available on Council’s website or from the three Council Administration Offices. The forums will also provide the opportunity to update the community on where Council is at in the transition process and answer any relevant questions that may arise. This initiative offers the Hilltops communities the opportunity to build a stronger and better region for future generations and reap the benefits of cooperative action; setting aside the issues of our past, understanding and appreciating our differences and yet moving ahead together for the benefit of all.

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Page 4 Thursday 14 July 2016

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Young Lions Club Changeover Dinner

IMAGE: Shane Jeffries, Indigenous Officer, Debbie Longhurst, Manager Young Service Centre and Chale Campbell, Indigenous Contact Officer for Young Service Centre. Photo: Supplied.

Young Celebrates NAIDOC Week NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920′s which sought to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians. NAIDOC Week is held in July and it is a time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements and is an opportunity to recognise the contributions that Indigenous Australians make to our country and our society. The Young office of Department of Human Services took part in the festivities of NAIDOC last week with an art and artefacts display, morning tea and Dreamtime stories. Students from Young High School and Murringo Public School contributed to the art exhibition as did locals; Aboriginals Cheryl

Fensom (Wiradjuri, and Yuin, Moruya, tribe) and Paul Cunningham (Badtjala tribe of Fraser Island) of Young. Roy Levitt (Wiradjuri) of Murrumburrah set up a display of a humpy along with his art and carvings. A morning tea for the community was held on Wednesday morning where over 50 people enjoyed the atmosphere and admired the displays. Shane Jeffries of Cowra gave the Acknowledgement of Country and went on to explain this year’s theme of “Songlines: The living narrative of our nation”. In the afternoon a Dreamtime story session was held where Paul Cunningham told 3 stories of the Dreamtime and also gave the visitors, including Administrator of Hilltops Council, Wendy Tuckerman and former Young Shire councillor, Sandy Freudenstein, an insight into his childhood on Fraser Island.

Forty eight Lions members and guests attended the 57th Young Lions Club Changeover Dinner held at the Services and Citizens Club on Saturday night, 2nd July 2016. Prior to the lovely meal, guests were entertained by flautists from the Young Regional School of Music led by Liz Bolton. A big thank you to Poppas Fudge Factory for donating gifts which were presented to these talented girls. President Ray Bourke outlined some of the highlights in a very busy year for Lions. These included catering for the Picnic Races, Big Breakfast, Farmer’s Markets, Christmas Carnival and Trots including Carnival of Cups meeting to name a few. The annual Lions Quilt Show was bigger and better than ever, as was the Lions Deb of the Year Ball. 2016 certainly has been a very successful year. During the ceremony, the Lions Club made donations to several organisations. The Crisis Accommodation Centre was presented with a cheque for $3000; The Regional School of Music $1200; Stadium Stomp $1700; Mt. St. Josephs and Mercy Care $4000 and Lambing Flat Enterprises $7000. These were part of a total of $37,000 donated to various charities. Many people were thanked and honoured for their contribution to both the Lions Club and the community at large. Overall, it was a very enjoyable evening and we are proud to be part of the community.






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Thursday 14 July Page 5

HOUSE of the week

Auction (If not sold prior) 35 Market Street, Boorowa Saturday 30 July at 10am ONSITE Old World Charm, Excellent Location - Very well presented four bedroom double brick home on approximately 860sqm across from Golf Club and Recreation Ovals and close to the main street. - Spacious bedrooms, two with built in wardrobes. Expansive living areas with state of the art gas log fire, timber floors and high ceilings a feature. - Bathroom with shower over bath, separate toilet. - Kitchen and family room with walk-in pantry and open fire.

New Tourism Networks For Regional NSW The NSW Government will invest $43 million over four years in a major overhaul in the way regional and rural areas attract visitors. Member for Goulburn Pru Goward welcomed the announcement, saying the establishment of Destination Southern NSW will be a win for tourism in the region. “Southern NSW offers so many different holiday experiences and we are confident we can provide our tourism and events industry with a more sustainable platform to help boost economic growth as a result of the changes being introduced by the NSW Government,” said Ms Goward. “A new Destination Network funded by the NSW Government will bring industry, local government and local tourism organisations together on the ground, strengthening the local tourism industry and assisting them in accessing a range of resources to boost visitation to this area.”


11 Marsden Street, Boorowa Tel: (02) 6385 3211 Fax: (02) 6385 1604

Minister for Trade, Tourism and Major Events Stuart Ayres said providing operational funding to these new organisations, as well as the creation of a new Destination NSW regional division to work with them day to day on campaigns and destination management will provide a solid base for the growth of regional tourism. “Regional tourism contributes $6.7 billion to our state and employs 73,900 people. This plan will strengthen the operation of our tourism bodies to ensure we can continue to create growth in this key industry,” Mr Ayres said. “Visitor numbers across regional NSW are up 5.9% on last year and while we are proud of this, we know there is still more we can do. By providing a new structure, streamlined funding processes, and record funding, we are confident these initiative will deliver the results regional NSW deserves.”

- Rumpus room, outdoor entertaining, front verandah and solar panels. - tasteful gardens, established trees, double garage and secure yard with rear lane access. - A very rare opportunity to purchase a desirable and comfortable old world home in a highly sought after location. Leanne Corcoran Boorowa Real Estate 34 Marsden Street Boorowa NSW 2586 P: (02) 63853337 F: (02) 63853339 E: W:

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OUR CO HillTOP YOUNG CallTown usHallon (02) 63853337 Newsagency, NewsXpress,

Y Boorowa, Harden ? Servicing S Phoen&ixsurrounds. Woolworths, IGA, Young Services Club, Young Council Chambers, Amcal Pharmacy, Blooms Pharmacy, CBA, ANZ, NAB, St. George, Elders, BP Visitor Centre, McDonalds. BOOROWA Boorowa Pharmacy, Superb Bakery, Boorowa Newsagency. HARDEN IGA, Carrington Hotel. AND VARIOUS OTHER OUTLETS



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Page 6 Thursday 14 July 2016

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QUESTION of the week


What is your favourite part of a wedding?

IMAGE: A DJI Phantom 3 Advanced Drone. It is capable of streaming camera footage back to a computer screen on the ground, and has been one of the most popular drones to sell in Harden. Photo: Supplied.

I love seeing a bride enter the venue and walk down the aisle - Denise Markham.

Drones Sales Flying High in Harden and the Hilltops Harden resident Martin Lang says the popularity of drones in the region is getting rapidly higher, saying they have many neat uses that could make life a lot easier for people working in various fields. Mr Lang, who lives on a property just outside of the Harden township, also works at Harvey Norman Young, and has seen first hand just how drones are now being sold across Australia, at Harvey Norman and other electronics retailers. As an avid photographer, Mr Lang purchased a drone to enable him to take photos from a bird’s eye view, but he has also set up a drone-flying course on his property, and hopes to soon get in to drone racing as well. He said the technology of modern drones had advanced over the last five years, allowing users to put them to good use, and this was why they had become so popular.

“They’ve become more commercial units that are ready to fly from the ‘getgo’,” he said. “The technology has caught up from five years ago when people had to put them together themselves, to make them more user-friendly.” Mr Lang said drones were great for farming and photography, and described it as “a tripod you can put anywhere”. “Farmers can also make great use of them to help find their livestock. They’re able to put a camera up high to search for them,” he said. Harvey Norman Young is the only store in the region that sells drones, and it’s most advanced drone is the DJI Phantom 3 Advanced Drone, which the store said had sold very fast. By Joshua Matic.

Weekly Market Report by FORBES CATTLE SALE 11TH JULY 2016 Steers.......................... 200-280kg 300-389c/kg 330-400kg 313-375c/kg 400+kg 312-360c/kg Heifers......................... 200-280kg 290-300c/kg 330-400kg 310-351c/kg 400+kg 310-341c/kg Cows................................. 520+kg 246-257c/kg Bulls................................. 600+kg 230-255c/kg FORBES SHEEP SALE 5TH JULY 2016 Lambs..............................20.1-22kg $126-$163 22.1-24kg $143-$176 24.1-26kg $150-$184 Hoggets.............................. 22.1kg+ $105-$148 Ewes................................14.1-18kg $57-$86 24kg+ $96-$141 UPCOMING SALES Forbes Store Cattle Sale....................21st July 2016 Young Store Cattle Sale.....................29th July 2016 Draw ................................... Cattle 18/07/16 7 Sheep 19/07/16 6


CURRENT O/H PRICES Trade Lambs 18-24kg............................................ $6.50 Export Lambs 24kg+...............................................$6.30 Merino Lambs..........................................................$6.00 Mutton......................................................................$4.00 Angus Steers Delivered...........................................$3.60 Angus Heifers Delivered..........................................$3.40 Cross Bred Steers Delivered....................................$3.50 Cross Bred Heifers Delivered..................................$3.20 FOR SALE BARLEY STRAW, Lge square bales 8x4x3, AVG 485kg, $45.00 PER BALE CLEARING SALES Australiana, Collectables & Antique Auction 23rd July 2016, 11am Young Showground LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 25 P/HFD Cows, PTIC to Angus Bull, Booroomooka Bld, Cows 8-10 yrs, Due to calve late Aug-Sep, Good frame, Quiet. $1500.00 8 Ang 1 SH PTIC Heifers, calve Jun, $1250


John Gerrard: 0427 102 842 Mark Jolliffe: 0427 110 624 Steve Tomlinson: 0437 102 999

I like seeing the father of the bride hands his daughter over, as well as just seeing the happiness of the bride and the groom - Betty Smithers.

I enjoy the general atmosphere of a wedding. It’s very happy - Eileen Broughton.

ENROLMENTS NOW OPEN Hennessy Catholic College Ripon Street YOUNG NSW 2594 Phone: 02 6382.1486 Website:

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Thursday 14 July Page 7

Judith Shea Approaches 200 Weddings Harden-based Hilltops wedding celebrant Judith Shea is on the verge of reaching a big milestone in her profession - her 200th wedding celebrancy - and she says she has no plans of stopping any time soon. Mrs Shea has been wedding brides and grooms since 2009, but having recently retired from full time work, she has been able to include more weddings in her busy schedule. She said she is very flexible as to what people do with their weddings, and she felt this was why people wedded by her recommended her services to other people. “As long as the bride and groom complete the necessary legal paperwork, they can do

whatever they like on their wedding day, and I’m always happy to assist them with that,” she said. She said she loves the happiness of weddings, and that was why she would continue to wed couples. While she primarily serves the Hilltops and Temora regions, she said she will go anywhere, and has already wedded people in Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra and Wagga Wagga, and even on a cruise to Fraser Island. She said she was unsure of why she wanted to become a celebrant, but said she wanted to provide a good local service.


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Corcoran's Plains Boorowa

Weddings · Functions · Receptions

IMAGE: Harden-based wedding celebrant Judith Shea weds a couple. Photo: Supplied.

All enquiries: Eddie Corcoran 0408 677 940




Page 8 Thursday 14 July 2016

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Living and Lifestyle Sapphire Spas Hits the Top of the Winter Trends The strong cold front that hit South Eastern Australia on Wednesday, even bringing snow to some areas, gave us a strong reminder of what we need to do to keep nice and warm and relaxed when it gets cold. Summer Spas and Pools in Young hits the spot perfectly, being the only pool specialist in the Hilltops region to sell the highly acclaimed Sapphire Spa brand. Just because it its too cold right now to use outdoor swimming pools does not mean you cannot still enjoy the water outside. A Sapphire Spa will keep you toasty warm and relaxed while enjoying the fresh outside air in the comfort of your own backyard. There are many different types of Sap-

phire Spas with a range of different features and sizes to suit everyone’s needs, and the team at Summer Spas and Pools are your local experts to help you make the right decision. They are also offering free installation and free start-up packs at the moment for anyone who makes a purchase with them, so be sure to get in store today to take advantage of this great offer. One thing that separates a Sapphire Spa from others is its heat and cool pumps, which makes all the difference on a cold winters day. These pumps keep your spa warm 24/7, and use up to 75% less energy than a conventional electric heater.

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Suppliers of all Pools Chemicals Spas Solar Heating

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Thursday 14 July Page 9

Living and Lifestyle Young Country Brewer Your Local Brewing Experts Young Country Brewer co-owner Garry Abbott says his business is the only place in Young where you can get specialist advice on brewing. The store, located on Cloete Street in Young, specialises in DIY brewing, where customers can buy brewing kits and take them home to make their own brews. Brewing kits are sold for both beers and ciders, but the store also sells makers and cures for cheese, bacon, jerky, sausages, jam, yoghurt and coffee. They also sell smoking pellets, chips, meat flavouring, and a range of ‘Taste the Bush’ branded oils, vinegars and native herbs. Mr Abbott co-owns the store with wife Sally, and said there was no other place in Young where people could get specialist advice on brewing.

“To get any advice, or warranty if you like, on brewing, and concentrates, people should come here,” he said. “There are other stores in town that sell those items, but we specialise in them, and have the knowledge of all the ins and outs of those products.” “We can answer all the necessary questions.” Mr Abbott said his store also specialises in customer service. “We have great customer service here and can provide all the assistance and help that people need with our products.” He said his business also runs the Young Home Brew Club, where members meet once a month to taste each others home brews and share their own ideas.




• Beer, wine, spirits and liqueurs • Cheese and yoghurt Sausage and salami • Jerky and bitong • Chocolate Roasted coffee beans • Smoked and preserved food

6382 3178

SALLY & GARY ABBOTT 45 CLOETE STREET YOUNG IMAGE: The Young Country Brewers sell all of your home brewing and concentrate needs.

Your Best Beans

Many Australians wake up each morning and reach for a coffee as their hot beverage of choice to start the day with. The question is – are you brewing your best coffee? Here are a couple of tips below from the experts for using and storing your beans. Fresh Beans Undoubtedly the one point that all the experts agree on is to start with the freshest beans available. If you like to buy your beans and grind them yourself, only grind the beans that you require – one cup at a time. This ensures minimum wastage and the freshest taste. Storing the Beans Storage is a vital element to keeping your beans fresh. Always store your beans in an airtight storage unit. A great choice is a glass container with rubber gasket seals, keeping both moisture and air away from your beans. Flavour experts advise against the freezing of coffee beans as the beans can take on board dampness once they are defrosting, changing the taste of your coffee.

Judges Pharmacy have recently moved in to a bigger, brighter new store, but that's not all that's changing! · Judges Pharmacy - Now The Bush Chemist. It's all about genuine country care, and offering their valued customers enhanced health and wellness services. · Now stocking a bigger range of health food and vitamins. · Larger range of beauty products · New Compounding Lab, offering tailor made medications to suit your inidividual needs · Regular in-store Health Clinics · The Bush Chemist Rewards Club, helping you save even more when you shop! (Summit Rewards Club Members will retain their accrued points.)

Page 10 Thursday 14 July 2016

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Loose-fill Asbestos Assistance Program Your home may be the biggest investment you’ll ever make. But if it was built before the 1980’s, it could be affected by hazardous loose-fill asbestos insulation. Loose-fill asbestos is raw crushed asbestos, which in the 1960’s and 70’s, was installed as insulation. Over time hazardous airborne fibres can move from the ceiling into your living space. It is critical that homeowners act on this now as the NSW Government is considering options to protect the community from unknowingly purchasing a property that contains loose-fill asbestos. Options being considered include: • when selling a property, you would be obliged to confirm in the contract of sale if the property contains or is free of loose-fill asbestos; and • a prescribed warning notice would be included in all contracts of sale to alert potential buyers of the risk of loose-fill asbestos in pre-1980s homes. The Government’s assistance program is your chance to protect yourself from the financial consequences of loose-fill asbestos. NSW Fair Trading will provide financial assistance and support to affected homeowners and tenants, but you must register by 1 August 2016.

HOUSE of the week

Walk-in Walk-out Approx. 62 ha.’s of highly productive rural farming. Divided into 10 paddocks with established lucerne and clover pastures and almost drought proof with acres of water from 2 large spring-fed dams, a 1,000 gph bore plus an irrigation licence allowing intensive production from livestock, fodder and cropping enterprises. Improvements include a 4 br home, lockup 19m x 12m combined machinery shed/workshop with attached 19m x 6m skillion, coolroom, hayshed, silos and 2 stand shearing shed. But wait there’s more, the vendor is prepared to also leave in the sale a full inventory of plant & machinery as well as livestock and fodder to the successful purchaser at a mutually satisfactory price. Located in a private & secluded locale yet still close to town. Contact Bernadette Edgerton on 0412092006 to arrange an inspection or obtain further particulars.

OPEN for inspection

Ray White •1 360 Kingsvale Road, Young - Saturday 10.30am, Auction 11am •7 Jordan Place, Young - Saturday 12pm •3 7 Currawong Street, Young - Saturday 12pm •4 Gold Court, Young - Saturday 1pm

HERITAGE STYLE – 33 Blacke Avenue. Young

Spacious home on large 1,678 sq. m. block and good sheds Formal lounge, dining and family rooms with high ceilings Stay cosy all year with ducted cooling, gas and wood heating Great investment - excellent tenant willing to stay

Agent Bernade e Edgerton M: 0412092006 P: 0263823333

Price $260,000

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Thursday 14 July Page 11


Parrot drones are hot on the range at Harvey Norman Young at the moment, with the machines selling super fast. Drones are great for getting high angle video and photographic footage, or for being able to see your whole property at once, so get down to Harvey Norman Young this weekend!

CHEESYchoices Country Brewer in Young currently have a great selection of cheese making kits available. Kits range from premium, which includes hard and soft cheeses, or just one or the other. All Country Brewer kits come with easy-to-understand instructions, so you can enjoy the best homemade cheese available!


Struggling to keep your tea, coffee or hot chocolates warm outside this winter? Get down to Young Workwear now and check out the great range of thermos’ they have in stock, and for great prices, at the moment! Keep warm this winter at Young Workwear.


Blooms Chemist in Young is hosting a sleep apnoea clean and check day on July 28 between 9am and 3pm! They also have a great range of sleep apnoea masks and cleaning products available now as well.

Page 12 Thursday 14 July 2016

Your free weekly guide to what’s happening in the Hilltops


Leanne Hardy

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How long have you lived in Young for? I have lived in Young for my entire life. What do you do for work? I am a staff member at the Hilltops Council Young office. What do you enjoy about living in Young? I like living in Young because I am close to my family. Otherwise Young is just a really nice and friendly town to live in. How do you like your coffee? I actually do not like coffee! I mostly drink water, but if I’m feeling cold, I’ll have a warm cup of soup. What do you do I your spare time? I like to read in my spare time, and on the weekend I’ll watch my son play for the Young Cherrypickers’ under 18’s side. Where would your dream holiday be to? I would love to just travel anywhere around Australia and the world. I hope to be able to tour Canada and Alaska in a couple of years’ time though.

Call 1300 526 690 Fax 0269360108

WHAT’S Hot phone l (02) 6344 1846 email l or web l Street Address 1/48 Lynch Street, Young NSW 2594 Postal Address PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804 Editorial Debra Clarke | Editor | 0474 159 981 Joshua Matic | Reporter | 0458 237 387 Advertising Debra Clarke | Advertising | 0474 159 981 Advertising Deadline Monday 10am if you require design Tuesday 10am for pre-designed ads Editorial Deadline | Monday 10am

FREE community newspaper published every Thursday

Please sign up on our website to receive the Phoenix via email each week.

The Telstra Shop in Young have some great deals on data sharing at the moment that are of great value for customers wanting to use the internet on their mobile phones, tablets, and wireless internet devices. Data sharing is highly convenient, as it gives users the ability to take data with them. They could use a wireless internet device and use it to provide wifi for other devices. The service gives customers a data sharing SIM card and as many as five data shares can be arranged. Visit the store for more details.

locally first!

Funeral, testamentary and administrative expenses After a person dies it is necessary for the executor or executors of their estate to administer the estate including payment of funeral, testamentary and administrative expenses. What are these expenses? The Courts have considered this question and decided that the following constitute funeral, testamentary and administrative expenses: 1 The costs and expenses of obtaining probate or administration; 2 Funeral expenses. These will extend to the erection of a headstone or other monument to mark the testator’s grave but only to the extent of the expenditure of a reasonable sum of money, having regard to the estate and the circumstances in life of the testator; 3 The costs of getting in the assets of the estate – except those the subject of specific gifts. The costs of getting in specifically devised or bequeathed property are to be borne by those entitled to the property; 4 Executor’s commission for the pains and trouble of the executor in administering the estate; 5 The costs of obtaining legal advice in relation to the administration of the estate and of making application to the court for advice; 6 The costs of upkeep of assets specifically devised are not “testamentary expenses” and should be paid by the specific legatees; 7 Costs of delimiting a devise (gift) as eg. where devises (gifts) are merely described as the “northern half” or the “southern half” of my estate; 8 Costs of an inquiry as to the identity of any beneficiary or as to the persons composing a class of beneficiaries. For specific advice on the administration of an estate, contact your solicitor.

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Your free weekly guide to what’s happening in the Hilltops

BE Seen

Rachel Carney and Acacia Blom at the grand opening of the Boorowa Early Education Centre on June 27. Photos: Joshua Matic.

Michelle Mewburn and Ted Anderson.

Thursday 14 July Page 13


Event Details

14 July

Young Public School Movie Fundraiser - Me Before You 6:30pm for a 7:00pm Start. Tickets are $20. Held at Southern Cross Cinema, Main St, Young. Supper is provided and there is a complimentary glass of wine on arrival as well a lucky door prize and and raffle on the night. Come along and support Young Public School and its P&C. Ticket are available from M&M’s Music Studio, Sharron’s Hairline, Young Public School, and Southern Cross Cinema.

15 July

The Boorowa Library will be holding activities during the school holidays. Make it – Lego – Friday 15th July; $2 per child; all ages. Bookings essential: 6380 2031.

16 July

Young & Region Farmer Markets. Saturday Markets starting at 9am and finishing at 12pm at Anderson Park near the Railway station. Buy fresh straight from the producers. Local fruit, vegetables, plants, wine, honey, goats milk products and baked goods. For any enquires call: 0439 638 233.

18 July

Young Society of Artists presents Art for beginners Three 2.5 hour workshops from 7pm to 9.30pm on Monday July 18, Monday July 25 and Monday August 1. Each week we will use a different medium and work on a series of exercises and examples learning the fundamentals: Developing tonal value techniques, composition and a general knowledge of where to start. Tutor: Megan Holt. Where: Studio Two, Southern Cross Cinema, entry by the car park gates. Cost: $20 per workshop, $55 for the three. All Materials Provided. Book Now.

19 July

Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th July - Community Fox Baiting Program – JulyAugust 2016 South East Local Land Services and Boorowa Community Landcare Group invite landholders in the Boorowa Area to take part in the annual coordinated Fox Baiting Program. Landholders are asked to collect the pre ordered baits Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th July from drop off sites. Enquiries: 63 851 018

22 July

Galapagos Duck - Jazz Band. Young Town Hall, Boorowa Street, Young. Iconic Australian Jazz band performing since 1969 and still going strong. Third time in Young. BYO Basket Supper. 7.00pm for a 7.30 Start. Tickets Available from M & M’s Music Studio in Boorowa Street, Young. Certainly an event to mark off in your diary, for updated information check the websites listed.

23 July

The Young Society of Artists Exhibition Early Spring Exhibition opening Saturday 23rd July at 11am at the Burrangong Art Gallery, Young Visitor Information Centre.

25 July

Young Society of Artists presents Art for beginners Three 2.5 hour workshops from 7pm to 9.30pm on Monday July 18, Monday July 25 and Monday August 1. Each week we will use a different medium and work on a series of exercises and examples learning the fundamentals: Developing tonal value techniques, composition and a general knowledge of where to start. Tutor: Megan Holt. Where: Studio Two, Southern Cross Cinema, entry by the car park gates. Cost: $20 per workshop, $55 for the three. All Materials Provided. Book Now.

29 July

Winter - Soup - Fundraising The Young Hospital Auxiliary are hosting their annual Young Hospital Soup Day from 11am until - 2.30pm. Cost is $12.00 per person. Choose from your favourite soup and select from a variety of breads. Finish with a delicious homemade slice or two and a cup of tea or coffee. All proceeds raised on the day will go towards the cost of equipment for the Young Hospital.

30 July

Boorowa Hospital 20th Anniversary - Cocktail Party. A celebration of the Boorowa Hospital for the 20th Anniversary of its official opening will be held at the Boorowa ExServices Club with a Cocktail Party.

30 July

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop Boorowa Community Landcare Group are hosting a workshop with local fruit grower Robert Fitzpatrick who will demonstrate techniques for pruning fruit trees. The workshop will be held on Saturday 30 July at “Tulangi” on the Kenyu Rd.

01 Aug

Writers’ Workshop with Arnold Zable An award winning writer, storyteller, educator, human rights advocate and former lecturer at Melbourne University. His books include Jewels and Ashes, The Fig Tree, Café Scheherazade, Scraps of Heaven, Sea of Many Returns, Violin Lessons and the just released The Fighter. Monday August 1st from 9.30am - 4.30pm. The workshop will encourage all enthusiastic writers to take the next step on their writing journey from pen and paper to publishing. Topics will help you: • draw from life’s experiences and observations • develop from rough draft to completed work • activate the imagination • write in different styles • use diaries and journals Register for this workshop by phoning 6382 1886 or email

06 Aug

Young & Region Farmer Markets. Markets starting at 9am and finishing at 12pm at Anderson Park near the Railway station. Buy fresh straight from the producers. Local fruit, vegetables, plants, wine, honey, goats milk products and baked goods. For any enquires call: 0439 638 233.

Chris Last, Anne Last, Gillian Smith, and Gai Gay.

Centre Manager Sarah Rose and Member for Hume Angus Taylor cut the cake.

If you have any photos from a special event, please send them to editor

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Page 14 Thursday 14 July 2016

Your free weekly guide to what’s happening in the Hilltops

Warwick White Wins Tradie of the Month

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Lions Club of Young Inc Mini Lotto Results Our Mini Lotto was drawn last night 30th June 2016 at Young Bowling Club The Winning Numbers were: 1-12-19-5-13-14 There were no winners of 6 numbers And There were 4 winners of 5 numbers Next Week the lotto Jackpot for winning 6 numbers will be $10,000.00 And The Lotto Jackpot for winning 5 numbers will be $137.00. Next Draw is Thursday 7th July 2016 and will be drawn at the Young Bowling Club. Mini Lotto Quick Pix tickets are sold at various outlets including the S&C Club, IGA, Woolworths, South West Slopes Credit Union and some hotels by Lions Members with the distinctive yellow box. Note: 1st reserve 6 number pool is $10,000 2nd reserve 6 number pool is $350

BFC Kitchens and Maintenance Group’s Warwick White has taken out the third Hilltops Phoenix and Young Workwear Tradie of the Month award, winning himself a $100 gift voucher to spend at the store. Mr White, who is working mostly in Cowra at the moment, has been with the business for four years now, but has known the family that runs the business for about 13 years now. He works as a carpenter, and said he loved the work that he did, and looked forward to buying some new work apparel at Young Workwear. “I’m not too sure what I’ll use the voucher for yet, but it’s great to win the prize,” he said. “We’re doing some work for Aboriginal housing at the moment, and the work is very satisfying, especially to see how it gives the residents a new lease on life. It’s very rewarding.” Be sure to get in touch with the Hilltops Phoenix to nominate your July Tradie of the Month. Visit the Facebook page, send an email or call the office to let us know which tradie has done a great job for you!

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50 Boorowa StYoung, NSW (opposite McDonalds)

Ph: 02 6382 2289

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Hawks Win 10 Straight to Remain Unbeaten The Harden Hawks have never won a competition unbeaten, but Club President Jason Pollard said the George Tooke Shield side would not be feeling the pressure to set this record. Harden’s 42-12 win over the Braidwood Bears two weeks ago in round 12 brought up the 10th straight win, with last week’s BYE putting them two places clear on top of the ladder. But with the Hawks having to play two games next week, as well as facing two other top four sides in the remaining five rounds, Pollard said it was important for the team not to get too far ahead of themselves. “We play the Gunning Roos on Saturday at home, but we all know even they can be a tough side on their day,” he said. “They’re still capable of making the top five, and they’ll be keen to try to get there, so we’ll need to be strong against them.” “We’ve then got our catch-up round nine match against the Bungendore Tigers in Yass next Wednesday night, so we’ll need to be prepared for a short turnaround.” “We play Bungendore again after that, as well as the Crookwell Green Devils, who are the other sides vying for top spot, so with a tough run home to the finals, we’ll need to prepare one game at a time, and hopefully we’ll still come out on top.” Pollard predicted next Wednesday’s match against Bungendore would be difficult, as the Hawks had not played against them yet this season. He said it would be a match that could decide who will win the minor premiership, and that it would be important for the Hawks to stay in the grind. “It’ll be interesting to see what happens but

IMAGE: The Harden Hawks run onto McLean Oval for a match in June. Photo: Supplied.

if we get into a grind, we’ll need to keep strong and try to power our way out of it,” he said. “We’re not sure what they’ll play like, but hopefully we’ll come out on top.” Pollard said winning 10 games in a row was a massive achievement for the club, which is currently leading the George Tooke Shield competition and equal-leading the women’s league tag competition. For the George Tooke Shield side, he said a lack of injuries had helped their cause, but being able to maintain player combinations each week had been a big help. “We’ve only had a couple of injuries all year, and having mostly the same squad week in, week out, has allowed us to form good combinations which have proved tough for other sides to play against.” Kick-off this Sunday against Gunning will be at 3.15pm at McLean Oval. By Joshua Matic.

Thursday 14 July Page 15

SPORTS Briefs Young Yabbies to play Goulburn in round 17 action The Young Yabbies rugby union side will travel to Goulburn this Saturday in what will be the first grade side’s second last game of the season. They will take on Goulburn Red Devils. With just four wins so far this season, the Yabbies are sitting in eighth position, but six wins behind fourth, which is the cut-off to make the play-offs, and they will be unable to qualify for the finals in 2016. However they will be taking plenty of confidence into the Goulburn match, after beating Cooma 21-7 at Cranfield Oval last Saturday. Goldies go down to Batemans Bay The Boorowa Goldies have dropped out of the South Coast Monaro rugby union competition’s top 4, and now face a tough challenge to reclaim their position and qualify for the finals. They went down to sixth-placed Batemans Bay 38-7 in a disappointing performance that followed their emphatic win over Jindabynetheir first win over them in three seasons. They will face the third-placed Crookwell side this Saturday before facing the second-paced Taralga in the final round of the regular season. It is likely the Goldies will need to win both of these matches to give themselves the chance of making the 2016 play-offs. Rovers to prepare for tough Tigers clash It has been anything but the season of dreams for the Boorowa Rovers, and their season will not get any easier this Saturday in round 14 action when they face the third-placed Bungendore Tigers at the Boorowa Showground. The Rovers are sitting in second-last place at the moment with still just one win. The Rovers have been hindered with injuries and inconsistent player line-ups this season, and have not had a great opportunity to show their true potential. They put up a good fight last Saturday at home to the Crookwell Green Devils, but eventually went down 32-16. Their match against Bungendore kicks off at 1.45pm.

This Week at Tipperary Golf Club Thursday’s 18 hole competition winner was Pat Hewen with her score of 77/57 and 2nd placing to Bill Foreman with 76/59. Scott Bennett had 1 birdie and gobbles to Bill 3 and Scott 1. Sunday was the 2nd round of the Corbett Tyre and Battery Competition. The pairing of Pat Hewen / Max Hall had the best score with 76/55.5 and runners up awarded to Lindsay

Sheather & Max Hardman with their score of 76/56.5. Birdies went to Pat & Max and gobbles to Scott Bennett & Kev Rattenbury. Pat was the lucky raffle winner. There were no eagles nest or birdie hole winners. Sunday will see a Stableford event contested. Here’s hoping the weather will be a little dryer and brighter. A meeting will follow the days play. Happy golfing.

Your free weekly guide to what’s happening in the Hilltops

Page 16 Thursday 14 July 2016

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Simple Game Plans will be Important for Cherrypickers

had had this season, but he said errors crept in to their game in the second half, which he would be looking in to. However he said their kicking game impressed him a lot, and he thought that facet of their game had improved throughout the season so far. “I really feel like our kicking game has became very good over the last few weeks,” he said. “We’re making side start their sets from 90 metres out from their own line, and that’s something that has made us a tough side to beat. We’ll still be looking to do that from now and onwards- pinning teams down in their own half.” Something else that will help the Cherrpickers out is the fact they have no major injury concerns at the moment, and has a full strength side available for selection. Thorman said this would allow his men to keep dominating in the forwards, and with the Cherrypickers having one of the strongest forward packs in the competition, they should prove hard to beat if they keep strong in the middle of the park. By Joshua Matic

Young Cherrypickers’ coach Neil Thorman says his side will need to continue kicking well and dominating in the forwards to make a strong mark on the Group Nine competition. The Cherrypickers made it eight straight weeks without a loss last Sunday, beating the last-placed Tumbarumba Greens 36-0 in a display of dominance. They now sit in fourth position and are just two wins away from the top-of-thetable Wagga Wagga South City, and with just one game out of their final five being against a team in the top three, they have every chance of getting towards the top of the table.

But Thorman said his side could not afford to become too complacent in the coming weeks, particularly against the struggling Cootamundra Bulldogs this Saturday. “While Cootamundra are only seventh on the ladder, we’re expecting them to step up at home. They don’t have anything to lose, so we need to make sure we don’t take them for granted,” he said. “We can’t afford to be too complacent at all. We’ll still need to complete our sets and make less errors than what we did against Tumbarumba.” Thorman said his men’s first half against Tumbarumba, in which they got out to a 24-0 lead, was one of the better ones they

IMAGE: In additional news, Young Cherrypickers player Aaron Slater has been selected in the 2016 NSW Country Rugby League Country Bulls side. Photo: Supplied.

Young player wins south west district singles Despite the rain that postponed two days of the competition, the South West District Singles was finally completed with the final being on Saturday July 9th. 18 players entered the district event and competition was fierce until finally only two bowlers were left, which were Elsie Hines from Young and Jan Slavin from Cootamundra Country Club. Elsie won with a score of 25 to 9.

Dates to remember Thursday 14th July - Presentation Day at Cootamundra Country Club. Sunday 16th & 17th July - Forbes Mixed Pairs Tournament. Tuesday 19th July - Ladies Social Bowls. Tuesday 26th July - Ladies Social Bowls.

IMAGE: It was a muddy affair in the Young Cherrypickers’ round 13 home clash against the Tumbarumba Greens last Sunday, but they still managed to pile the points on in a 36-0 demolition job. Photo: Supplied.

This Week in Hilltops Bowls News Wednesday 27th July - Veterans Day at Cootamundra Ex Services Club. Tuesday 2nd August - Ladies Social Bowls. Monday 8th August - Next Meeting of Young Women’s Bowling Club.

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