Hilltops phoenix 20 page issue12 19 5 2016 email

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SPECIAL EDITION Thursday 19 May 2016


Hilltops Council

Welcome to a new Era ALSO AVAILABLE



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IMAGE: Luptae doloreprat occaborrum andis doluptate aut etur, sitatiur sus sitatus que sant aut dellupt

IMAGE: Hilltops Council Interim General Manager Anthony McMahon with Hilltops Council Administrator Wendy Tuckerman. Photo: Joshua Matic.

Tuckerman to work towards a solid Hilltops Council New Hilltops Council administrator Wendy Tuckerman says she will work towards creating a solid organisation at the Council, after it was formed last Thursday afternoon. Young Shire Council, Harden Shire Council and Boorowa Council were merged by the State Government at around 12.30 last Thursday, with each of the three Councils becoming dysfunctional, and all Councillors, Mayors and General Managers being stood down. Former Boorowa Council Mayor Wendy Tuckerman was appointed as the new CounFLO¡V DGPLQLVWUDWRU ZKLOH IRUPHU %RRURZD *0 Anthony McMahon was appointed as the Interim GM of the new Council.

Mrs Tuckerman, Mr McMahon and Mr Aber had formally expressed interest in their roles, and underwent training and assessment for them; ultimately being appointed on merit. Former Young Shire Council GM David Aber has been appointed as the Deputy Interim GM to support Mr McMahon. (DFK RI WKH WKUHH &RXQFLO RIĂ€FLDOV ZLOO hold their roles until September 2017, when it has been announced the next local government elections for Councils affected by mergers will take place. Continued on page 2

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Page 2 Thursday 19 May 2016 Continued from page 1 Until then, when a new Council will be voted in and a new permanent GM will be elected by the new Council, Mrs Tuckerman will act as a one-person Council as the administrator, and will be responsible for decision making across the Hilltops Council. She will work closely with both Mr McMahon and Mr Aber, and will also organise representative committees in the towns of Young, Harden and Boorowa. “I feel really honoured with my appointment. ,W¡V D FKDOOHQJLQJ WLPH DKHDG EXW ,¡P UHDOO\ looking forward to working to shape a positive organisation for the new Hilltops Council,â€? she said. ´:H¡OO EH SXWWLQJ IRUZDUG UHSUHVHQWDWLYH committees in each of the three towns, and I think a lot of the former Councillors will become involved with those.â€? ´,¡OO PHHW ZLWK HDFK FRPPLWWHH RQ D UHJXODU basis and consult with them to ensure each community gets its say. Each committee will have a chairperson appointed as well, and each chair will form an advisory committee which I will consult with.â€? An Extraordinary Meeting of Council, which will involve Mrs Tuckerman, Mr McMahon and Mr Aber, along with the other Council department directors, will be held next TuesGD\ DW WKH +DUGHQ RIĂ€FH DQG 0UV 7XFNHUPDQ said an operational plan for the new Council would be endorsed. ´7KHUH ZRQ¡W EH WRR PDQ\ FKDQJHV DW WKH ([WUDRUGLQDU\ 0HHWLQJ EXW ZH¡OO EH HQGRUVLQJ an operational plan, and I hope to also get an executive structure decided on,â€? she said. “From here the focus will be on getting our new organisation ready for the new Council

when it gets elected next year, and my role will EH WR HQVXUH LW LV Ă€W DQG UHDG\ WR JR Âľ Mrs Tuckerman said her new role will also see her act as the Mayor, and with this in mind, her former Boorowa Mayoral roles would hardly change. “I will still be attending civic functions, and my role will still be that of an ordinary Mayor,â€? she said. One minor change will be all committees of the now former three Shire Councils will now report to Mrs Tuckerman, and each committee will be reviewed with respect to Council representation. A monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council will take place between Mrs Tuckerman, Mr McMahon and Mr Aber with the rest of the Council Executive. A schedule of Council meetings will EH UHOHDVHG DIWHU QH[W 7XHVGD\¡V ([WUDRUGLQDU\ Meeting, with meetings to be shared between WKH <RXQJ +DUGHQ DQG %RRURZD RIĂ€FHV Mr Aber, who took over as Young Shire GM late last year and only planned to stay for a temporary period, said he was looking forward to assisting Mrs Tuckerman and Mr McMahon in the new Council. “My priority will be assisting to bring the three former operations together as one,â€? he said. ´(DFK RI WKH WKUHH RIĂ€FHV ZLOO VWD\ RSHQ WR keep a presence in each community. Nothing will be changing with rate-paying either, so I would encourage residents to keep doing what they have been doing.â€? “We will need to go through a re-branding process for the new Council, so over time, all references, such as signage, to the old Councils will be changed, and obviously the three websites will be combined into one.â€?

locally first!

All regular Council employees from the former three Councils have three year employment protections, so no staff cuts will happen until at least 2019, but Mr Aber said it would be important for the new Council to bring the best out of its employees to form a solid, new organisation. 0U $EHU DGGHG WKH EXGJHW IRU WKH QH[W Ă€QDQFLDO year for the new Council had to be determined by August, and planning for this would take place. Having been in local government now for 38 years, including long posts as GM at other Councils in NSW, he said he felt he still had a lot to offer in his new role as Interim Deputy GM. “I think I have a lot to offer in this merger process with the experience that I have,â€? he said. “Not only that but I really see this period as one of transformation. The three former Councils will be coming together as one to form what should EH D JUHDW XQLĂ€HG &RXQFLO Âľ “With that in mind I think there will be many great opportunities for all staff under the new Council as well.â€? Mr Aber conceded he would unlikely remain in his role all the way until September next year when the new Council is elected, but said he would stay until the job has been done, and the Hilltops Council is in a strong position as an organisation. He said he greatly looked forward to working with Mrs Tuckerman and Mr McMahon, and Mr 0F0DKRQ UHĂ HFWHG WKLV VD\LQJ KH ZDV KRQoured to be the Interim GM. “I was excited to get the nod for the job, and LW¡V JRLQJ WR EH D JUHDW H[SHULHQFH ZRUNLQJ XQder a new Council with Wendy and David,â€? he said. By Joshua Matic.

Welcomed review into backpacker tax A review in to backpacker tax will examine the application of the non-permanent resident tax rate to backpackers, which was due to commence on 1 July 2016. Changes to the tax arrangements for working holiday makers will be deferred

by six months pending the outcome of the review. The review will examine the broad range of issues relating to workforce shortages faced by the agriculture and tourism industries.

It will report back to the Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources and Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce, by mid-October, with changes to take effect from 1 January 2017. A wide range of stakeholders will be consulted in the review.







locally first!

SNIPPETS... Lions Club Young Quilt Show Do not miss the Lions Club Young Quilt Show on this Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd May in the Young Town Hall. See beautiful quilts on display and peruse the exciting stall holders that will delight you ZLWK WKHLU ZDUHV 'RQ·W IRUJHW WR EH D SDUW RI WKH UDIÁH ZKHUH \RX FRXOG ZLQ D EHDXWLIXO handmade quilt along with other fabulous prizes. See you there! Young and District Senior Citizens Club Come along every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to play card games at the FOXE·V URRPV LQ WKH 0DULH 0F&RUPLFN &HQWUH $OVR RQ WKH ÀUVW DQG WKLUG 7XHVGD\ RI each month is Bingo at 10:30am. A home cooked style two course meal on the secRQG 7XHVGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK LV GHÀQLWHO\ D must and names must be registered for catering purposes. For all enquiries contact the Secretary Nancy Heffer on 6382 5484, Beryl Callaway on 6382 2260 or the club on 6382 3608 Prostate Cancer Support Group All men and women are invited to join the Prostate Cancer Support Group of Young, KHOG RQ WKH ÀUVW :HGQHVGD\ RI WKH PRQWK at the Services Club, Young from 6:30pm. New visitors to the group are invited to share their stories and seek any information they might need. The conversations DUH LQIRUPDO DQG LQ WKH VWULFWHVW FRQÀGHQFH Partners are encouraged to come along. Sailing South in May Young Theatre Company is once again putting on a high calibre performance set to have audiences wowed with this funny, light-hearted production of Sailing South by Judith Prior. Featuring a newly commissioned naval captain, a ship load of convicts, a French purser who is a gym freak and an over possessive mother who are sailing to Australia – anything can happen on this voyage! The show opens on Friday May 27th and bookings can be made through M&Ms Studio.

a free, hot, fresh

cinnamon donut

The 2016 Young Cup Come along for a great day out on Saturday 21st May at the Toompang RaceFRXUVH IRU WKLV \HDU·V <RXQJ &XS /DGLHV DQG *HQWV SXW RQ \RXU EHVW RXWÀWV IRU \RXU chance to win a $100 gift card to spend at The Loft for the ladies and the gents $100 JLIW FDUG WR %UXFH·V 0HQVODQG $ IUHH FRXUtesy bus will also be provided by Loaders Coaches of Grenfell that will leave Young Hotel at 11:30am and return after the last UDFH KDV ÀQLVKHG

phone l (02) 6344 1846 email l editor@hilltopsphoenix.com.au or sales@hilltopsphoenix.com.au web l www.hilltopsphoenix.com.au Street Address 1/48 Lynch Street, Young NSW 2594 Postal Address PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804 Editorial Debra Clarke | Editor | 0474 159 981 editor@hilltopsphoenix.com.au Joshua Matic | Reporter | 0458 237 387 reporter@hilltopsphoenix.com.au Advertising Debra Clarke | Advertising | 0474 159 981 sales@hilltopsphoenix.com.au Advertising Deadline Monday 10am if you require design Tuesday 10am for pre-designed ads Editorial Deadline | Monday 10am

FREE community newspaper published every Thursday Please sign up on our website to receive the Phoenix via email each week.

(Conditions apply. See in store for details).

Happy to cater for dietary requirements

Open from 5.30am Mon-Fri, 6am Sat, 7am Sun. 113 Boorowa St, Young P 6382 2005

THUMBS UP THUMBS DOWN THUMBS UP To Bradley Small in the Photographic Department of Big W at Young. His courtesy and assistance are very much appreciated. THUMBS UP To the staff at 2YYY for their dedication to the town to keeping the community informed with local news and great music. THUMBS UP To The Hilltops Council! What a great result for all 3 towns involved. THUMBS UP To Debbie Evans and the Economic Development Team for putting together The Export Summit on Friday. Informative to me as a producer to look for markets overseas. Great job! THUMBS UP To the Mill Sandwiches Young who dish up the best hot potatoes for lunch! Absolutely delicious! THUMBS UP To Karen Kemp who hosted the Social Media training at The Muddy Duck last week. THUMBS UP To Vanity Hair for being my hairdresser in Boorowa. Malicious or defamatory submissions will not be accepted. The opinions and views of readers submitting Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down are not necessarily the views of the staff and Management of The Hilltops Phoenix. To submit a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down email us at editor@hilltopsphoenix.com.au or mail us at PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804.

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Thursday 19 May Page 3


The Loft has the variety, style and practical clothing to suit sizes 8-24. Surrounded by great cafes- come in and browse.

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HILLTOPS COUNCIL PESTICIDE USE NOTIFICATION Planned pesticide use by Council works crews and contractors until week ending Thursday 2nd June 2016 will include the use of Round Up, Brush Off, Amitrol, Weedmaster, Dicamba, Grazon, Basta, Primo, MCPA and Broadstrike and )XVLODGH IRU KHUELFLGH FRQWURO &RQĂ€GRU for Aphid and Access for wild fruit tree control on: • All roads in Young Shire, Shire Parks, Ovals, Laneways and some town areas; • All Villages, Rest Areas and Reserves; and • Old General Cemetery Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait will be used in the above areas to target the control of IUXLW Ă \ ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK &RXQFLO¡V 3HVWLFLGH 8VH 1RWLĂ€FDWLRQ 3ODQ VLJQV ZLOO EH provided on the vehicle applying the pesticide and signs will remain on-site to inform the public for 24 hours after spraying. For further information please FDOO &RXQFLO¡V 3DUNV DQG *DUGHQV $VVHW Planner on (02) 6380 1200. The planned pesticide use is subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions. PROPOSED AMENDED DEVELOPMENT This is to advise that Council is in receipt of the following amended Development Application No. 2016/DA-00061-REV01 NAME OF APPLICANT: John White PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 DP 1205380 41 Rockdale Road YOUNG NSW 2594 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Industrial - erect a steel framed, corrugated aluminium clad shed to be utilised as a workshop. The proposed development is not a designated development, and Hilltops Council is the consent authority for this application. The development application referred to in this notice and the documents accompanying the application, may EH LQVSHFWHG DW WKH &RXQFLO RIĂ€FHV RQ Boorowa Street, Young, Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m, until Friday 3 June 2016. Any person may make a written submission to Council about the development application during this period. If a submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of objection PXVW EH VSHFLĂ€HG LQ WKH VXEPLVVLRQ Submissions on the proposal must be lodged in writing with Council prior to the close of business on Monday 6 June 2016

NOTICE OF HILLTOPS COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY 24th May, 2016 In accordance with the provisions of Section 9 of the Local Government Act, QRWLFH LV KHUHE\ JLYHQ WKDW &RXQFLO¡V Standing Committees and Council are due to meet on Tuesday, 24th May, 2016, in the Harden Shire Council Chambers. The meeting date and times is listed below: Tuesday, 24th May, 2016 Ordinary Meeting of Hilltops Council 5.30 pm All Meetings are open to the public. HILLTOPS COUNCIL ROADS ACT 1993 Naming of Roads Notice is hereby given that Hilltops Council, pursuant to section 162 of the Roads Act KDV RIĂ€FLDOO\ QDPHG WKH URDG V DV shown hereunder: Name Locality CURTIS PLACE Young Description Road that runs east off Spring Creek Road, in an east-west direction, then turning north-south, and located between Lots 15 & 16 DP 1197300, and west of Lots 10 & 11 DP 1197300. Name Locality LOMOND LANE Bribbaree Description Unformed Crown road, currently known as Curtis Lane, Bribbaree, that runs east-west off the eastern side of Weedallion Road, and located to the south of Lots 142, 30 and 77 DP 750571, and north of Lots 102, 75 and 81 DP 750571 ANTHONY MCMAHON, General Manager, Hilltops Council, Locked Bag No 5, YOUNG NSW 2594 GNB Ref: 0125 Tender 282 of 2016 PAVEMENT COURSES AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, APPS LANE REALIGNMENT, OLYMPIC HIGHWAY, YOUNG This tender has been called to engage D VXLWDEO\ TXDOLĂ€HG DQG H[SHULHQFHG Contractor to undertake the placement of unbound granular pavement courses and installation of pre-cast concrete drainage structures for the Apps lane realignment project on the Olympic Highway, Young. Works include grading, spreading, watering, compacting and trimming to meet the requirements of RMS 4$ VSHFLĂ€FDWLRQ 5 DQG WKH FRQWUDFW documents. Indicative pavement quantities are select material 1,310m3, subbase 1,540m3 and base 1,390m3. Interested parties are required to register via the E-tendering Portal www.tenderlink.com/ young to download documents. If you H[SHULHQFH GLIĂ€FXOWLHV DFFHVVLQJ WKH DERYH website please call the Tenderlink helpdesk on 1800 233 533. The closing date & time for submissions is 12 noon on Thursday 19th May 2016.

DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS ISSUED In accordance with the provisions of section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and section 74 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment 5HJXODWLRQ QRWLÀFDWLRQ LV JLYHQ WKDW WKH GHYHORSPHQWV DQG RU PRGLÀFDWLRQV PHQWLRQHG below have recently been granted consent. The development consents are available for SXEOLF LQVSHFWLRQ GXULQJ RUGLQDU\ RIÀFH KRXUV DW &RXQFLO 2IÀFHV %RRURZD 6WUHHW <RXQJ 2016/DA-00032 - Lot 4 DP 866938 and Lot 3 DP 1167945, 50 Belmore Road and 65 Thomsons Road, Burrangong - Subdivision three (3) lots in 2 stages: Stage 1 - boundary adjustment to create two (2) lots of 4.674 ha and 19.753 ha; Stage 2 - subdivision of proposed Lot 111 into two (2) lots of 3.283 ha and 16.47 ha. PLANNED ROADWORKS FOR WEEK ENDING THURSDAY 19TH MAY 2016 The following works are underway: Due to wet weather these jobs are still to be completed. • Gravel resheeting at Fishers Lane and Monteagle Stock Route East. (Please contact Young Shire Council to arrange quotation and payment of all private works in these areas.) • Shoulder widening at Chillingworks Road (between the rail crossing and Henry Lawson Way). • Maintenance Grading at Isaacs Road and Batinichs Road. Speed restrictions will be in place and minor delays may be experienced. The planned roadworks are subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions. Motorists are advised Roadwork Speed Limits are enforceable by the NSW Police. Speed should be reduced and caution should be exercised when travelling through roadwork sites.


Motorists are advised that the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) have approved reducing the speed limit from 100km/h to 80km/h for the following locations within the Hilltops Council LGA. The speed limit reduction will take effect as of Friday 20th May 2016. - Kingsvale Road from Pitstone Road to location south of Berkleys Road - Pitstone Road from Kingsvale Road to location east of Rickets Road - Berkeys Road from Kingsvale Road to location west of Saines Road - Kellys Road from Pitstone Road to Berkleys Road Council advises 80km/h speed limit signage will be installed to advise motorists of the new speed limit for the locations listed.


locally first!

Thursday 19 May Page 5

Dedicated to dance

YOUNG News...


Summit gives a world of opportunity Cherry Growers Australia President Tom Eastlake says it is great to know there are many services available for local produce growers who are interested in getting in the export market. His comments come after the Hilltops Regional Export Summit was held at the Young Services Club last Friday. Numerous speakers spoke to around 90 registered guests, with the idea behind the summit to educate local business people in how to enter the export market to Asia. With Singapore Airlines announcing international routes direct from nearby Canberra to Singapore, exporting from the Hilltops region will be made much easier. Mr Eastlake said while there was still red tape between cherry growers from mainland Australia getting their cherries into some SDUWV RI $VLD GXH WR IUXLW Ă \ LW ZDV D JUHDW EHQHĂ€W IRU ORFDO JURZHUV WR NQRZ RI VHUvices to use should they consider exporting their produce.

“Accessing programs like Tradestart and AUS Industry is important, and exports would be great for local growers,â€? he said. )DVWUDN $VLDQ 6ROXWLRQ¡V 5LFKDUG Breere spoke throughout much of the VXPPLW DORQJ ZLWK &DQEHUUD $LUSRUW¡V Noel McCann, NSW Farmers AssociaWLRQ¡V -RQDWKDQ 7XFNĂ€HOG (GLWK %RZVNLOO of the Australian Business Chamber, and NSW Government Senior Export advisor Wayne Murphy. Now former Young Economic Development Committee Chairman Ian McAlister said the summit showed the three most important things were pin-pointing an individual place in Asia, having a good agent, and promoting produce as natural and organic. “For people exporting, it was very informative. There are some complex things, and a lot to watch out for,â€? he said. By Joshua Matic

YOUNG HIGH SCHOOL Campbell Street (Locked Bag 8008) Young NSW 2594 Phone: 02 6382 1166 http://www.young-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/


Opportunity Diversity Inclusivity

The recent appointment of Ms Brooke Nibre, D QHZ UHVLGHQW WR <RXQJ DV WKH +LJK 6FKRROV¡ dedicated dance teacher is a welcome addition to the schools creative arts and physical education departments. Ms Nibre brings with her over 19 years of dance experience and a Bachelor Degree in Dance Education. Prior to commencing her new role at Young High School, Ms Nibre worked as a dance teacher is the USA and also ran dance programs in Cambodia for under-privileged children. Currently the dance program runs from Year 8 to Year 10 with students selecting dance as an elective to complete as one of their school subjects. Its not all fun and dance though explains Ms Nibre. “Whilst the practical element of the subject LV VLJQLĂ€FDQW VWXGHQWV DUH DOVR UHTXLUHG WR XQdertake theory exams and assessments.â€? “As a school in the past we have participated in various out of school dance events including the Southern Stars Showcase, the Riverina Dance Festival, Wagga Eisteddfod and the School Spectacular. I look forward to continuing to showcase the talent of our students at these programs in the future.â€? For those students excelling in dance Young High School also supports them to attend the Riverina Dance Camp. The 3 day camp in Term 1 each year provides an opportunity for the students to extend their abilities through intensive programs in composition and performance. The dance program at Young High School is for all abilities and whilst there are no boys currently participating in the program Ms Nibre is hopeful that some will join her classes next year.

IMAGE: Standing- Year 9 Students Mikayla Foster, Alanna Crisp, Ms Brooke Nibre, Karlie Burt, Helana Trantino. Kneeling- Emily Curtis, Kody Draper.

*HW œ$SS\¡ at Young High School Keeping up to date with what is happening at our school has never been easier! We are now using the Skoolbag App to keep parents and the community updated with what is happening at the school. Simply search Young High School in your App store and download.

Page 6 Thursday 19 May 2016


Works to commence on the Campbell Street Sewerage Pump Station upgrade


,0$*( &DLWO\Q /\PEHU\ $QQH 0DUHH 5DQGHOO DQG 6WXDUW 3DVĂ€HOG LQ %RRURZD ODVW )ULGD\ EHIRUH WKH\ VHW RII RQ WKHLU walk to Yass via Rye Park. They have been walking in stages all the way from Parkes to Canberra. Photo: Joshua Matic.

A great walk for a great cause Anne-Maree Randell, Caitlin Lymbery and 6WXDUW 3DVÀHOG KDYH EHHQ RQ D YHU\ ORQJ walk for a very great cause over the past two weeks. The three family members are walking all the way from Parkes to Canberra, taking a few detours in between to avoid the busy highways, and they stopped over in Boorowa last Thursday night. They started walking on May 9, and plan WR ÀQLVK LW E\ 0D\ 7KH\ DUH ZDONLQJ DV D tag team. The walk has happened in six stagesParkes to Eugowra, Eugowra to Canowindra, Canowindra to Cowra, Cowra to Boorowa, Boorowa to Yass, and Yass to Canberra. When departing Boorowa, they had planned to detour through Rye Park, before making their way down to Yass.

locally first!

Ms Randell, who is the brain cancer ambassador for the Cancer Council in Central West NSW, decided to organise the walk to raise awareness for brain cancer, after her cousin, Anne Lymbery, died from the disease last year. “After my cousin passed away last year, I thought I would get sponsorship and walk from Parkes to Canberra, to raise funds and awareQHVV IRU EUDLQ FDQFHU :H¡UH KRSLQJ WR UDLVH around $15,000,â€? she said. Caitlyn Lymbery, daughter of the late Anne and second cousin to Ms Randell, said there were many forms of brain cancer, and awareness for the disease needed to get out there. “The walk is all about raising money for research and awareness. When mum got sick we actually thought she had dementia, but it turned out she actually had a melanoma tumour on her brain,â€? she said. By Joshua Matic

Council will shortly be commencing works to replace the existing sewerage pumping station in Campbell Street. The existing pump station ZDV EXLOW LQ WKH ¡V DQG KDV UHDFKHG WKH end of its useful life. The new pump station ZLOO LQFUHDVH HIĂ€FLHQF\ DQG VDIHW\ DQG ZLOO LQcorporate remote monitoring to improve the operational performance. Council engaged a specialist contractor, Precision Civil Infrastructure, in late 2015 to undertake the design and construction of the new pump station and provide the most cost effective solution to cater for the needs of the Boorowa community, now and into the future. Physical construction works are planned to begin on 23 May 2016 and are expected to be completed by late July subject to weather and ground conditions during construction. The new pump station will be constructed adjacent to the existing structure and parts of the Campbell Street road verge will be fenced off during the works. Campbell Street will remain open during the works but residents are requested to avoid the work vicinity wherever possible. ,W LV QRW H[SHFWHG WKDW WKHUH ZLOO EH VLJQLĂ€FDQW impacts to residents during the works. Plans and procedures are being put in place for suitable bypass pumping and emergency response arrangements to ensure that sewage Ă RZV FRQWLQXH VHDPOHVVO\ GXULQJ WKH ZRUNV Further information can be accessed by contacting Council.


Weekly Market Report by FORBES CATTLE SALE 16th MAY 2016 Steers.............. 200-280kg 300-334c/kg 330-400kg 295-320c/kg 400+kg 266-328c/kg Heifers ............ 200-280kg 220-316c/kg 330-400kg 270-308c/kg 400+kg 275-298c/kg Cows .....................520+kg 206-231c/kg Bulls ......................600+kg 230-258c/kg FORBES SHEEP SALE 10th MAY 2016 Lamb ................... 20.1-22kg $120-$140 22.1-24kg $122-$152 24.1-26kg $139-$158 Hoggets ................. 22.1kg+ $108-$137 Ewes ....................... 14.1-18kg $50-$83 24kg+ $115-$139


CURRENT O/H PRICES Trade Lambs 18-24kg.......................$5.60 Export Lambs 24kg+ ........................$5.20 Merino Lambs .................................. $4.60 Mutton ...............................................$3.50 Angus Steers Delivered .....................$3.30 Angus Heifers Delivered ....................$3.00 Cross Bred Steers Delivered .............$3.20 Cross Bred Heifers Delivered.............$2.90

CLEARING SALES All Day Auction – 28th May 2016, Young Showground, 10AM Collectables/ Australiana Auction 23rd July2016, Young Showground

FORWARD CONTRACTS June Delivery Trade Lambs ...............$6.00 Very Limited spot available.

LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20 Border Leister Rams, 12-18mths, Retallick Blood. $200ea + GST

UPCOMING SALES Young Store Cattle Sale 19th May 2016 Forbes Store Cattle Sale 27th May 2016

DRAW Cattle 23/05/16 3 Sheep 24/05/16 1


John Gerrard: 0427 102 842 Mark Jolliffe: 0427 110 624 Steve Tomlinson: 0437 102 999


locally first!

Thursday 19 May Page 7

QUESTION of the week

HARDEN News...

What do you enjoy about the work you do?

I love capturing the memories of my clients through my photography and getting to know different people- Holly Bradford.

Big dry ends for Harden The big dry that has engulfed all of Australia seems to be coming to an end for Harden-Murrumburrah and surrounds, with around 50mm of rain falling during the last three weeks. It comes after the Bureau of MeteorolRJ\ RIĂ€FLDOO\ DQQRXQFHG WKHUH ZDV D chance of a La Nina weather pattern forming later this year, and in what is great news for local farmers, current weather models suggest the next three months will be wetter than usual. Temperatures should also remain above average. La Nina is basically the opposite to El Ninothe weather pattern that has brought Australia bone dry conditions over the last six months. Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Agatha Turkey said much rain had fallen right across the South West Slopes region. “For the most part April was a very dry

PRQWK EXW LW Ă€QLVKHG RII ZLWK VRPH JRRG rainfall right at the end,â€? she said. ´:H¡YH DOUHDG\ VHHQ JRRG UDLQIDOO VR IDU this month as well, and the further west you go, some areas have already received their May average rainfall.â€? ´,W¡V EHHQ D JRRG VWDUW WR WKH PRQWK especially on the back of a dry February, March and April, and the couple of months preceding those.â€? :LWK WKH WURSLFDO 3DFLĂ€F 2FHDQ FXUUHQWO\ transitioning from warmer waters to cooler waters, Ms Turkey said El Nino was on its way out, and that neutral conditions or La Nina would follow in the second half of the year. “The Indian Ocean is still quite warm, so this could bring some good falls for local farmers across winter,â€? she said. By Joshua Matic

I like seeing and learning about all different types RI Ă RZHUV WKURXJK ZRUNLQJ DW 1DWLYH %RWDQLFDO - Georgia Leonow.

I enjoy making people look and feel better through my work as a hairdresser at Vanity Hair - Tracey Potts.

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Page 8 Thursday 19 May 2016

locally first!


HOUSE of the week

Buying old and vintage laminate furniture, 1950¡s – 1960¡s fridges, ROLL TOP DESKS, marble top washstands, chest drawers, Rocking horses, GOLDEN FLEECE bottles or tins, any enamel signs, oil bottles, oil bottle racks, petrol branded tins/bottles/ boxes, shop signs, tobacco signs, tea tins, dingo & rabbit traps, fishing gear, tools, ANVILS, kitchen ware, jewellery, cast iron front gates, cash registers, radios, 1970¡s records, coloured glass, old bottles, Ginger beers, marble bottles, pedal cars, toys, safes, English china, dinner sets, crystal, cutlery sets, tools, telephones, clocks, old timber workshop benches, steel shed cabinets, tins, crystal lead light cabinets, sewing machines, cameras, meat safes, chesterfield furniture, car, motor bike and truck manuals, pre 1985 motor bikes. Anything old or interesting.

Rural retreat for a tree change $275,000 1692 Geegullalong Rd Raine & Horne Young offer a repurposed, relocated and completely refurbished 3 bedroom home on just over 2 arable acres in quiet village location. This inviting home itself was once a Sydney residence now reposing in the countryside so it would be in keeping for city buyer to follow suit. The renovation includes a new kitchen, bathroom, launGU\ Ă RRUFRYHULQJV SROLVKHG WLPEHU Ă RRU blinds, reverse cycle air conditioning, ceiling fans, hot water service, plumbing, double carport and water tanks. On a school bus route with a school in the village, all major services are available in Young and Boorowa nearby. Canberra is an easy 90 minute commute.

Best prices paid on single items, complete estates or collections.

Phone: Ashley 0408 618 294

OPEN for inspection Ray White Open Homes • 31 Brock Street, Young - Open 10am • 15 Templemore Street, Young - Open 11am • 4 Gold Court, Young - Open 11am • 114 William Street, Young - Open 12pm • 60 Yass Street, Young - Open 1pm

Work From Home - Margaret Street, Quandialla Excellent low maintenance home - 3 bedroom + oďŹƒce, entertaining deck 45' x 30' workshop/machinery shed with 3 phase power plus 45' x 28' skillion Approx. 1 acre (4 portions), gardens, town water in a quiet rural village

Agent Graeme Schneider M: 0417251795

Price $175,000 rh.com.au

Exclusively list your rental property with Ray White Young and go into the draw to win 12 MONTHS FREE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. HURRY ENDS 30 JUNE 2016

Ray White Young 37 Main Street, Young, Ph 02 6382 5800 Email young.nsw@raywhite.com www.raywhiteyoung.com.au


locally first!

Thursday 19 May Page 9


Getting to know Kidney Disease Little would many people know, but kidney disease is responsible for more deaths each year than breast cancer, prostate FDQFHU DQG HYHQ WUDIÀF DFFLGHQWV VR LW LV important to know how it affects people. So what exactly is kidney disease then? Inside your kidney you have millions of WLQ\ EORRG ÀOWHUV FDOOHG QHSKURQV :KHQ these nephrons are damaged, they canQRW ÀOWHU EORRG OLNH WKH\ VKRXOG DQG NLGQH\ disease occurs from there. ,W LV GLIÀFXOW WR NQRZ ZKHWKHU RU QRW \RX have kidney disease, as 90 per cent of kidney function can be lost before you start to feel sick. You can become tired, breathless, puffy, think less clearly and be passing urine more often at night. However, a blood test is required to know the full H[WHQW RI WKHVH V\PSWRPV DQG WR FRQÀUP whether or not you have kidney disease. Is there a cure for kidney disease? Kidney disease will eventually force your kidney to fail. There is no cure available for kidney failure. Once your kidneys stop working completely, you will need regular GLDO\VLV WUHDWPHQWV RU JRLQJ IXUWKHU DÀHOG a kidney transplant. When you have end stage kidney disease your body cannot get rid of extra water and waste products. Dialysis is removal of the water and waste products. Dialysis must be performed for the rest of your life or until you receive a kidney transplant. If the transplant is unsuccessful, dialysis can be restarted.

There are different types of dialysis: haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Haemodialysis can be done at home or at a specialised centre. Peritoneal dialysis is done at home. Adult Australians are at an increased risk of chronic kidney disease if they have a history of or suffer from high blood pressure, a family history of kidney failure, diabetes, established heart problems or have had a stroke, are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, are obese, or are a smoker. Any one or more of these factors can lead to this increased risk.

NE W ! ¡ Flu Vaccine Clinic ¡ 2 Accredited Pharmacists on staff ¡ No Script Required ¡ Available 8am – 6pm Monday to friday


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Judges Pharmacy have moved to a bigger, better location! Now offering a larger range of medicines, vitamins, health foods and beauty products! Â

But that's not all... stay tuned for more great changes coming soon to Judges Pharmacy! 147A Boorowa Street, Young - Ph: 6382 1042

Page 10 Thursday 19 May 2016


IMAGE: Year 11 students Glenn Johnson, Peter Kelly and Nathan Burt at the recent Young Careers Expo.

Prioritising the Future

The choice of what to do when leaving school can often be overwhelming for both students and parents. Some of the jobs these students will do have not yet been invented! Future planning and appropriate subject selection for that future is a priority for Young High School. With a full time dedicated Careers Advisor on staff, students and their parents are able to get advice on the best path forward, whether it be university, vocational education or employment. “The Careers Advisor plays a pivotal role

Iandra Road

Iandra Greenthorpe Castle 2809

OPEN DAY Sunday 12th June

10am - 4pm Adults $10 Children $5

Bring a picnic lunch to have in the grounds

Enquiries 6383 9241 www.iandracastle.com.au

in helping students to plan for their post school life,” stated Keith Duran, Young High School Principal. “We start talking with our Year 8 and 9 students about their life after school and backward mapping that to what subjects they are choosing.” “In Year 10 we have dedicated Careers classes where students work with the Careers Advisor to learn how to write a resume, a cover letter and how to interview whether it be for a job or entry into Uni or Tafe.”

The school has also recently invested in JobJump, an online future planning tool that helps students to work out what university might be suitable or what apprenticeships are available in the area. In addition to this great new resource the school has recently been awarded $11,500 in grant funding to assist students with the transition from school to work. Some of the funding helped to run the recent Young Careers Expo at the Shire Council and the remainder will be used for innovative programs to help students, particularly those considering leaving school early. “Knowledge is key when planning your future. We go back to basics with our students and work with them from junior High School through to Year 12 to help them make the best choice for their life after school.” stated Mr Duran. To that end, Young High School is hosting a UAC (University Admission &HQWUH DQG 7UDQVLWLRQ ¶NQRZOHGJH· HYHQing for Year 12 students from around the region to learn how best to apply through UAC and also tips around early entry into university, bonus points, scholarships on offer and accommodation options. It will be held at Young High School library from 6.30pm-7.30pm on Tuesday 24th May. To register your attendance contact the school.

Iandra Castle Open Day 12th June

Soak up some history on 12th June as Iandra Castle once again opens its big front doors to the public. Explore the many turrets and corridors of the house and learn about your local history before enjoying a picnic lunch on the grounds as the sun shines up above. A wonderful treat of a day out for all the family.


Humpty’s Showtime ´+XPSW\·V 6KRZWLPHµ ZLOO KDYH 3OD\ 6FKRRO fans singing, dancing and jumping for joy as they see Humpty putting on his very own show. Humpty gathers the Play School toys to help with the big spectacular with starring roles from Jemima, Big Ted, Little Ted and Meeka. Filled with fun songs to sing and dance along with, this 40 minute show has been specially designed to delight pre-schoolers and parents alike. As with the television program, there are songs to move to, as well as quiet times to just watch and listen.

locally first!


locally first!

Thursday 19 May Page 11


PUT THEkettle on

Get down to Harvey Norman Young this weekend and check out the huge range of slow cookers they have! For the best advice and best prices on all appliances in the region, get down to Harvey Norman.

The Hilltops region is full of great cafes and coffee shops, and Kettle and Grain in Young is one of WKHP 7KH\·UH RSHQ from 8am every day of the weekend. So get out and enjoy some friendly service with a smile, under the sun, in their beautiful courtyard this weekend.


PRETTYin pink The Loft in Young has your best range of variety, style, and practical clothing to suit sizes 8-24. Check out this lovely warm, pink, winter jacket with pink fringing they have right now. Available with a huge range of winter coats. The Loft is located at 144 Boorowa Street Young.

Page 12 Thursday 19 May 2016


locally first!

BE Seen

Craig Pellow and Mark Willoughby at the Asian Export Summit at the Young Services Club last Friday. Photos: Joshua Matic.

Narelle Sargent and Anne Muir.

Simon France, Annie Jacobs, Susie Forrest and Andrew Forrest.

David Newberry, Sean Haglan, Sharon Delboux, Ponie DeWet and Kym Johnson.

Melanie Ford and Brenda Proudman.


If you have any photos from a special event, please send them to editor@hilltopsphoenix.com.au


Event Details

20 May

Young Cup - Pre meeting Dinner Elevation 6:30pm Friday May 20th, 2016. $55 per person. This dinner will include 3 courses, and will take place on the eve of the Young Cup held at Toompang Racecourse on Saturday May 21st. There will be a special guest speaker for the evening, Shane Green, an Alice Springs, Pioneer Park race caller. Bookings are essential as there is a limited 50 persons. To book call 6382 7144.

20 May

Young Harness Racing - Day Meeting Friday May 20 On track facilities: 'LQLQJ URRP FDQWHHQ EDU WRWH FRYHUHG VWDQG OLPLWHG WUDFN VLGH SDUNLQJ RQO\ DORQJ EDFN VWUDLJKW KRPH WXUQ DPSOH à RDW WUXFN & car parking. Only 2km from the Young CBD. Alabar NSW Breeders Challenge Heats for 2YO Fillies - Colts – Geldings. Young Show Ground, Boorowa Road, Young.

21 May

Lions Club of Young Inc. proudly present: The Annual Quilt Show 2016 Date: Saturday 21st May 10am-4.30pm and Sunday 22nd May 10am-4.00pm Venue: Young Town Hall, Boorowa Street Young. 5DIĂ H 4XLOW D WLFNHW HQWHU TXLOWV WR ZLQ JUHDW SUL]HV Entry Fee: $5, under 12 free. For more info please contact Jenny (0423 452 595) or Carmel (6382 4498).

21 May

Young & Region Farmer Markets Saturday 21st May 2016 0DUNHWV VWDUWLQJ DW DP DQG ÀQLVKLQJ DW SP DW $QGHUVRQ 3DUN QHDU WKH 5DLOZD\ VWDWLRQ %X\ IUHVK VWUDLJKW IURP WKH SURGXFHU Local fruit, vegetables, plants, wine, honey, goats milk products and baked goods... For any inquires call: 0439 638 233

21 May

The 2016 Young Cup will be staged again on Saturday 21st May at the Toompang Racecourse. Feature race of the day will be the Young Services Club/ South West Slopes Credit Union Young Cup. Once again there will be Gift Vouchers for the Best Dressed Lady and Best Dressed Gent. Best dress is free to enter, and the winner of the Best dressed /DG\ ZLOO ZLQ D JLIW FDUG WR 7KH /RIW DQG %HVW 'UHVVHG *HQW ZLOO ZLQ D JLIW FDUG WR %UXFH¡V 0HQVODQG $ IUHH &RXUWHV\ bus will also be provided by Loaders Coaches of Grenfell that will leave Young Hotel at 11:30 am and return after the last race has Ă€QLVKHG


St John’s Anglican Church, Young

locally first!


Holly Bradford

Wednesday 25th May 10am – 12pm St John’s Parish Hall Cloete Street Young ALL WELCOME

Gold coin donation In conjunction with Wednesday’s Community Morning Tea

HILLTOPS COUNCIL EXTRAORDINARY MEETING TUESDAY, 24 MAY 2016 Please be advised of an Extraordinary Meeting of Council To be held Tuesday, 24 May 2016, commencing at 5.30pm Hilltops Council Harden Chambers,3 East Street, Harden

How long have you lived in or around Young for? I grew up in the Harden Shire near Wombat, then moved to Sydney, then PRYHG WR <RXQJ DIWHU WKDW ,¡YH EHHQ KHUH now for about six years. What do you enjoy most about living in Young? I love the sense of community in Young, and I have a great group of friends, and WKDW¡V ZKDW , HQMR\ DERXW OLYLQJ KHUH What do you do for work? I work as a photographer and own WKH VPDOO EXVLQHVV œ+ROO\ %UDGIRUG 3KRWRJUDSK\¡ How do you like your coffee? , OLNH WR KDYH D à DW ZKLWH ZLWK RQH VXJDU Where would your dream holiday be to? I would love to go to Africa and do an African safari. How do you normally start your day? I normally start my day by getting up, having a coffee, and then planning my GD\¡V ZRUN , XVXDOO\ ZULWH D OLVW RI WKLQJV to do, and check it off as I work through it.

Business Papers to be publicly available on: www.boorowa.nsw.gov.au www.harden.nsw.gov.au www.young.nsw.gov.au and available at Boorowa, Harden and Young Administration FHQWUH¡V PLQLPXP GD\V SULRU WR PHHWLQJ

Thursday 19 May Page 13

Hilltops Retreat Motel The Hilltops Retreat Motor Inn is located on the southern outskirts of Young, in a quiet, picturesque garden setting adjacent to cherry and other stone fruit orchards. Relax at the bar in the licensed a la carte restaurant overlooking the rose garden and SRRO ZLWK D FR]\ ORJ Ă€UH IRU DGGHG FKDUDFter and warmth on those winter nights. Young is a thriving and expanding country town with many attractions to see and do. You can visit the wineries, the Chinese gardens, and explore the heritage of Young at the museum. Why not spend a day shopping in Young exploring the many interesting and diverse shops or just relax in the Price of Peace Gardens. So stay a while and unwind in the friendly atmosphere of the Hilltops Retreat Motor Inn, where you will be made most welcome by your hosts. Ample parking is available for buses, trucks and trailers. The restaurant serves a cooked/continental breakfast, and offers Australian favourites for dinner. In-room dining services can be arranged. Hilltops Retreat Motor Inn is a 10-minute drive from Young Showground and a 13-minute drive from Young Golf Club. Goulburn is a 2-hour drive away. The Hilltops retreat features conference facilities, wireless internet access, fax and photocopying, complimentary guest use computer at reception, guest laundry, guest BBQ facilitie, on-site fully licensed restaurant with room service available, and an outdoor salt water swimming pool. Take a 30 minute, self directed history walk through the centre of town and discover the meaning behind some of the WRZQ¡V GLVWLQFWLYH ODQGPDUNV DQG JR H[SORUing in the shopping precinct, savour the EHVW RI ORFDO IRRG DQG ZLQH LQ WKH WRZQ¡V cafes, pubs, bakeries and restaurants.

Anthony McMahon General Manager ,0$*( <RXQJ¡V +ROO\ %UDGIRUG UXQV KHU RZQ photography business.

WHAT’S Hot The brand new, 2016 model Ford Everest is currently available at McAlister Motors Young! The Everest can tackle any terrain, gliding through sand with increased accelerator sensitivity that adapts to the environment. From muddy tracks to fresh snow, it also provides optimised traction and control to get through mud, grass or snow. It can also conquer extreme off-road terrain, with the ability to VWD\ LQ ÀUVW JHDU IRU VXSHULRU control. When the 4WD vehicle gets back on the normal roads, it can also adapt to normal conditions, with great control of traction and stability on sealed roads.

Hilltops Retreat Motor Inn is located on the southern outskirts of Young, in a quiet, picturesque garden setting adjacent to cherry and other stone fruit orchards.

Elevations Licensed Restaurant ̸Open Monday - Saturday for Breakfast and Dinner

4662 Olympic Highway YOUNG P 02 6382 3300 E info@hilltopsretreat.com www.hilltopsretreatyoung.com.au


Page 14 Thursday 19 May 2016

LITTLE Black Book

Modern day maths

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Jobs in The Central West

Are you looking at HIRING? Did you know over 60% of the Australian population use Facebook? Why not advertise on our Jobs in the Central West Facebook Page NOW Email sarah.maynard@inxcess.com.au

Lions Club of Young Inc Mini Lotto Results Our Mini Lotto was drawn last night 12th May 2016 at Young Bowling Club The Winning Numbers were:

1-17-14-12-16-3 There were no winners of 6 numbers And There were 4 winner of 5 numbers Next Week the lotto Jackpot for winning 6 numbers will be $10,000.00. And The Lotto Jackpot for winning 5 numbers will be $101.00. Next Draw is Thursday 19th May 2016 and will be drawn at the Young Bowling Club. Mini Lotto Quick Pix tickets are sold at various outlets including the S&C Club, IGA, Woolworths, South West Slopes Credit Union and some hotels by Lions Members with the distinctive yellow box.

7R SODFH D FODVVLĂ€HG DG SOHDVH FRQWDFW sales@hilltopsphoenix.com.au

Numerators, natural numbers and nonagons‌ For many the memory of High School Mathematics may conjure up long hours spent rote learning concepts and applying them in assessments and tests. And whilst that is still the primary method of teaching Mathematics, Relieving Head Teacher of the Mathematics faculty at Young High School, Nick Hart and his 5 staff are embracing technology and a choice-based model of learning with some of their classes. “Using IPADs during class and online maths learning tools like Mathletics has really helped many of our students pick up a variety of complex concepts and practically apply them.â€? “We have also been offering a choice-based model of learning for some classes where students can choose how their learning looks.â€? “One class has been offered the opportunity to build websites to expand their learning of the in-class work they are doing. Another class is looking into a farm excursion to understand the real life applications of the Mathematics involved in running a farm,â€? commented Mr Hart. There is no escaping the real life application of Mathematics under Mr Harts watchful eye. One class has even taken to understanding the Maths behind their footy tipping competition. All bets aside the school is making Mathematics more real for their students and by giving them some real life relevance they are embedding the learning for life.

IMAGE: Year 10 Mathematics students Sophie Apps and Josh Oehm


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We need your help to search for the best tradies in town! Let’s show our tradies some appreciation for all the hard work they do by giving them some great prizes courtesy of Young Workwear!


Send a clear, high res photo to editor@hilltopsphoenix.com.au or post on our Facebook page: ge: 6 The Hilltops Phoenix, with details of who you are nominating. Entries close 31th May 2016

50 Boorowa StYoung, NSW (opposite McDonalds)

locally first!

Ph: 02 6382 82 2289


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Thursday 19 May Page 15


McAlister leads Stock Car racing ladder after two rounds Young Stock Cars Australia racer and own- front from McAlister and Walden with Hener/operator of McAlister Motors, Ian McAl- GHU Ă€QDOO\ SDVVLQJ +DQQD FORVLQJ LQ RQ WKH ister, is leading the Stock Cars Australia WZR IURQW UXQQHUV 7KH Ă€QDO ODS KDG 0F$OLVWHU racing table after recording an outright win Ă€QLVK Ă€UVW LQ URXQG WZR DFWLRQ DW :DNHĂ€HOG 3DUN *RXO7KH Ă€QDO WHQ ODS UDFH RI WKH GD\ ZDV UHburn on Saturday May 7. duced to seven laps due to the meeting run7KH Ă€UVW WHQ ODS UDFH RI WKH ZHHNHQG KDG Q ODS UDFH RI WKH ZHHNHQG KDG ning behind and once again had McAlister the closet racing cing ever seen since the se- OHDG LQWR WKH Ă€UVW FRUQHU IURP :DOGHQ +HQULHV VWDUWHG ,DQ 0F$OLVWHU OHDG LQWR WKH Ă€UVW DQ 0F$OLVWHU OHDG LQWR WKH Ă€UVW der, Hanna, Harris and Crisp. All competitors, corner and Brian rian Walden and Shane Harris OLNH WKH Ă€UVW UDFH ZRXOGQ¡W JLYH DQ LQFK WR WKHLU managed to jump ahead of Nathan Hanna RQ WKH Ă€UVW ODS WR DOVR DOORZ 'DYLG +HQGHU DS WR DOVR DOORZ 'DYLG +HQGHU to follow through ugh to chase his son. The end of the Ă€UVW ODS KDG McAlister, Wa l d e n , Harris, HenIMA G der, Hanna a 0F$ E: You n OLVWH U ¡¡VV U g Stock and Trevorr DFLQ J XW Cars A Crisp all look-H 3 u KRWR strlia r a VX ing to jump a SSOL cer Ian HG spot. The next lap saw the order maintain the e same ,0$ * SRVLWLRQV DV WKH Ă€UVW ODS WKH Ă€UVW ODS raci ( <RX ng u Q te. P J 6WRF Lap three stillll had McAlister hoto N &D U : su leading by a cigarette paper from ppli V $XVWU ed. OLD U DFH Walden and two cigarette papers from U ,DQ 0F $OLV Harris. Hanna na managed to pass Hender WHU ¡V fellow comwith Crisp following ollowing closely behind but not petitors to make h to challenge Hender. Lap four close enough the race the most hard had Hanna move up to third when Harris refought race of the day. The potired from an n overheating car. Hender was sitions stayed the same till lap three closely following wing Hanna looking for a move RQ KLP /DS Ă€YH ZDV VWLOO FORVHO\ IRXJKW XS Ă€YH ZDV VWLOO FORVHO\ IRXJKW XS when Crisp manoeuvred a pass on Harris.

/DS ÀYH KDG +DUULV PDNH D PRYH RQ &ULVS to maintain that position till the end. Lap six had Walden trying to dive under McAlister at the braking points with Hender watching on thinking he might get a win if the McAlister :DOGHQ ÀJKW WXUQHG EDG 7KH ÀQDO ODS VDZ 0F$OLVWHU DJDLQ ÀQLVK ÀUVW Sundays two races where cancelled after an 11.00am meeting with all the drivers agreeing that it was too dangerous to race in the rain conditions. McAlister won the meeting, with :DOGHQ ÀQLVKLQJ VHFRQG DQG +HQGHU ÀQLVKLQJ WKLUG The next round will be back at :DNHÀHOG 3DUN RQ -XO\ DQG

Yabbies go down to Gungahlin It was a tough Saturday for the Young Yabbies travelling away to Gungahlin to take RQ WKH (DJOHV LQ Ă€UVW DQG VHFRQG JUDGH Second grade started the day with a 2610 loss. With scrums dominating the game play the sides were evenly matched however the Yabbies were denied three tries over the course 70 minutes. Coach Tom :LOOV VDLG ´,W ZDV D WRXJK KLW RXW LW¡V DOways a challenge travelling away and with no reserves we all had to dig deep to play a full game. I think we held our own well for a large part of that game. Their wingers had erratic footwork, which made them

very tough to tackle. A couple of decisions GLGQ¡W JR RXU ZD\ ZKLFK PDGH D KXJH GLIference.â€? First grade followed suit with a much higher scoring game going down 41-14. A slow start from the away team allowed the Eagles to run in early tries, and from there it was an uphill battle for the Yabbies. CapWDLQ +DJRQ :LOOLDPV VDLG ´:H MXVW GLGQ¡W capitalise on the opportunities presented WR XV LQ WKH Ă€UVW KDOI Âľ 'RZQ DW KDOI time the Yabbies came together as a unit WR SOD\ VWUXFWXUHG Ă RZLQJ UXJE\ WKURXJKRXW the second half. Tom Kent had his run on

GHEXW IRU WKH <DEELHV Ă€UVW JUDGH VLGH DQG secured his spot there, earning MVP honours. Co-coach Mick Stallard said: “if we could play like that second half from the beginning of each game no one would beat us. We came together as a unit and decided to play rugby, breaking the line constantly, securing the ball for the halfback and dominating tackles. It was just too little too late.â€? Jeshua Smith crossed the line on Saturday to pull further ahead as leading try scorer for the Yabbies. The Yabbies face the Goulburn Red 'HYLOV DW &UDQĂ€HOG 2YDO RQ 6DWXUGD\


Page 16 Thursday 19 May 2016

locally first!


Hawks look to continue unbeaten run The Harden Hawks will look to continue their unbeaten run so far this season when they face the Australian Defence Force Academy at McLean Oval on Saturday. The round seven George Tooke Shield clash would look to be an easy one on paSHU ZLWK +DUGHQ XQGHIHDWHG DIWHU WKH Ă€UVW six rounds and ADFA yet to win a game, but Hawks President Jason Pollard said it would be important for the Hawks not to get too complacent. “I think ADFA will be much stronger this week. They got thrashed 84-0 last week but they had a lot of players called out of the game at the last minute for squad duties. I WKLQN WKH\¡OO JHW DOO WKRVH SOD\HUV EDFN WKLV week,â€? he said. :LWK +DUGHQ¡V ODVW SUHPLHUVKLS FRPLQJ LQ 2009, they have had a tough time breaking WKHLU GURXJKW VLQFH WKHQ Ă€QLVKLQJ DV UXQners up in 2010, 2013 and 2014- losing each JUDQG Ă€QDO WR ORFDO ULYDOV WKH %LQDORQJ %UDKmans. /DVW \HDU WKH\ PLVVHG WKH JUDQG Ă€QDO IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH LQ WKUHH VHDVRQV EXW FXUUHQWO\ sitting second on the ladder only by points differential to Bungendore, they are in a great position to get to the top again. Pollard said the Hawks were in a great position in all grades, and that the club had made some great progress to get to that position. ´:H¡YH VLJQHG XS D IDLU IHZ QHZ SOD\HUV EXW ZH¡YH PDQDJHG WR SXW D ELJ VLGH WRJHWKHU in the George Tooke Shield which has helped us,â€? he said.

“Our forwards have dominated this seaVRQ +RRNHU /XNH %URZQ VFRUHG Ă€YH WULHV against ADFA last weekend which was remarkable,â€? he said. “Luke Smedden has lead right from the front in our front row, and his performances have been very damaging to opposition sides.â€? “Our halves in Matt McLay and Nathan 6FKRĂ€HOG KDYH DOVR GLUHFWHG WKH WHDP around well. We have a strong team together now, so hopefully we can continue that throughout the rest of the season.â€?

With two tough matches coming up against the Crookwell Green Devils, and what will likely be a battle for top spot against Bungendore within the next three weeks, Pollard said there was still plenty of improvement left in the Hawks. ´7KHUH¡V VWLOO VRPH VPDOO WKLQJV WR ZRUN RQ EXW ZH¡YH DOVR JRW VRPH SOD\HUV FRPing back from injury, so with that, I think ZH¡OO RQO\ JHW EHWWHU ¾ KH VDLG By Joshua Matic

IMAGE: The Harden Hawks in action recently. They are undefeated so far in the Goerge Tooke Shield. Photo: Supplied.

Cherrypickers fresh after BYE The Young Cherrypickers returned to a three day training regime this week and will look to continue their momentum against the Wagga Wagga Brothers side this weekend, after having a bye round last weekend. The Cherrypickers will enter the round VHYHQ *URXS 1LQH FODVK IXOO RI FRQĂ€GHQFH having won their last two games convincingly against the Wagga Wagga Kangaroos Kang garoos and the Tumut Blues.

With Young sitting sixth on the ladder, but just two wins outside of the top four, coach Neil Thorman said it would be important for his men to beat Brothers, who sit in seventh place with the same number of wins as the Pickers. “We will need to start beating teams eams near us on the ladder if we are to make the play offs,� Thorman said.

´7KH ER\V KDYH D ORW RI FRQĂ€GHQFH DW the moment, so we will be looking at solidifying our defence, and keep playing for 80 minutes.â€? ´:H¡OO KDYH D IXOO VWUHQJWK VLGH DIWHU the bye.â€?

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