The Hilltops Phoenix Issue 15

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Live Local, Love Local, Support Local

Thursday 9 June 2016




DISTILLERY CAFE IMAGE: The eleven debutantes and their partners at the 50th annual Young Lions Club Ball last Saturday night. Photo: Supplied.

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Lions Deb of The Year Ball 2016 Celebrating 50 years, the Lions Club Debutante Ball was held on Saturday 4th June at the Young Services Club with over 200 guests in attendance to celebrate and support the participants and organisers of this amazing milestone. Eleven Debutantes and their partners were presented on the night to the District Governor, Tony Smith (Cowra), and Helen Sell, the Secretary of Young Lions Club, with Mrs Barb Nuthall taking on the role of MC for the evening. Mr David Butt once again cleverly choreographed the evening for the Debutantes together with their partners and the participants undertook two rounds of dancing before the judges Barry and Marilyn Miller (Boorowa) and Judy Smith (Cowra) were able to reach a decision.

The Debutante of the Year for 2016 was awarded to Sarah Murray, partnered by Nathan Hardy. Sarah was sashed by the 2015 Deb of the Year, Lucy Hall. First runner up went to Ashley Bennett, partnered by Will Arthur and second runner up was awarded to Meg Fung, partnered by Lachlan Tomes. Tony Smith congratulated the girls and partners and stated that they were a credit to themselves and their families. As with all special events, it is the volXQWHHU·V WLPH DQG EXVLQHVV GRQDWLRQV WKDW make the night so special. The Lions Club would like to thank everyone involved for all the hard work and hours put in to organising the Ball and thank those who helped set up and clean up.

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