The Parkes Phoenix Issue 21

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Live Local, Love Local, Support Local

Friday 22 July 2016


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IMAGE: Dr Pete Worden, Chairman, Breakthrough Prize Foundation, explains the wonders of the miniature Starshot to Ken Keith, Parkes Mayor, with Michael McCormack, newly appointed Small Business Minister and Riverina MP, holding a model of the Starshot.

ET Comes To Parkes

The Parkes Radio Telescope’s involvement in the $100 million program in search of intelligent life beyond Earth will start in October. Dr Pete Worden, Chairman, Breakthrough Prize Foundation, delivered the John Bolton Lecture at the AstroFest in Parkes on Saturday to about 120 people detailing this initiative. The Breakthrough Initiative with Yuri Milner, internet investor and science philanthropist, and Stephen Hawking, physicist, announced the most comprehensive, intensive and sensitive search ever undertaken for artificial radio and optical signals in July last year. The 10-year, multi-disciplinary search effort will complete a survey of the nearest million stars, it will scan the centre of our

galaxy and the entire galactic plane, and beyond the Milky Way it will listen for messages from the 100 nearest galaxies using the world’s largest telescopes. This means the Parkes Radio Telescope would be used 25% of the time for observations in the Southern Hemisphere, and the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, USA will be used 20% of the time for the Northern Hemisphere. Both Dr Worden and Yuri Milner have visited the Parkes Radio Telescope in the past year to discuss details of the program with local CSIRO staff. John Sarkissian, Operations Scientist, said it was a very exciting project. “If there is anything to be found, this project will find it.”


CHANGE OF DATE PARKES SHIRE COUNCIL MEETINGS Parkes Shire Council wishes to advise the public of a change to the Council meeting schedule. At Parkes Shire Council's meeting of 19 July 2016 Council resolved to hold one meeting per month commencing 20 September 2016. The meeting schedule for the remainder of 2016 is as follows:

• 25 October

• 15 November • 20 December

All Council meetings will be held in the Council Chambers at Parkes Shire Council in Cecile Street and will commence at 2pm. Kent Boyd GENERAL MANAGER

6852 2411

Newell Highway Forbes


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362 Clarinda Street Parkes 6862 2522 Monday to Saturday 6.30am-7.30pm Sunday 7am-7pm


POTENTIAL CANDIDATE INFORMATION SESSION All potential Parkes Shire Councillors are encouraged to attend the candidate information session and learn about the requirements for being a Parkes Shire Councillor. This is an open invitation to all potential candidates nominating for Parkes Shire Council.

The information session will be held at: Parkes Shire Council 2 Cecile Street, Parkes NSW 27 July 2016 & 3 August 2016 5.30 - 7.30pm Kent Boyd GENERAL MANAGER

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