What's Happening Autumn 2011

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what’s H happening

Autumn 2011

Contents p3








Community Sunday




Discovery Zone Compassion

Dalitso Trust p20



Trustee of the term Activities Dates for your diary




Hi and welcome to our Autumn edition of what’s happening.

Birmingham is a great city and we want to help you thrive in every area of life whilst you are here. See what’s helped other students feel at home [page6].

For many people the autumn term is the start of the new year. Maybe you’ve recently moved to Birmingham with a new job or studies. Maybe Birmingham has been your home for years. Whatever your story we are the kind of church where everyone can explore or grow in their faith, regardless of background. This magazine is one way for you to get to know “whats happening” in the Vineyard Church. Together, we are a community within the metropolis that is Birmingham. We’re a community of faith, hope and love, where everyone can belong. It would be impossible to capture all that’s going on in a growing church like ours but we’ve focussed on some stories that show faith, hope and love in action.

Compassion We’ve got updates on compassion ministry from Dalitso Trust based in Malawi as well as local opportunities [page16].

Carols in the City A real highlight in the run-up to Christmas, Read about this fun event and how you can get involved [page 10].

Urban Survival This term our Sunday series is “Urban Survival” - following Jesus in a hostile world. We’ll be taking inspiration from the biblical story of Daniel as we explore what it means to follow Jesus in our culture. Looking forward to a great autumn term.

Andrew & Rosie McNeil and SImon & Keely Bateson [Senior Leadership Team]


feet. h t o b h t i w Get stuck in dge e e h t n o y If you sta edge. e h t n o l e e f you’ll

We aim to be a church where anyone can come, feel welcomed and find their way in at their own pace. Our desire is that everyone can experience God’s life and love, and find a place to belong. A great way to find out more about the church is to attend a connect event. These happen on a regular basis and are an opportunity to share some food, hear our story and see how you can be involved. First, pick up a connect card. Pick up a connect card on a Sunday from the information desk or the offering basket. Second, fill it in and give it in. Fill in your connect card, tear off the slip and either put it in the post box in the information desk or give it to one of the welcome team. Third, come along. Check the date of the next connect event and come along.


connect 23 oct


students As well as the fun of new freedom and new responsibilities, the first few months as a student can be particularly challenging as you seek to meet other christians and find a church where you can feel at home. All of this with the added pressure of living for God among people who don’t always share your values. Students have always formed an integral part of our church community and made an essential contribution to church life. Over the years we’ve consistently greeted visiting students with the same simple piece of advice - find a church where you can start to feel at home, and then commit!

“We’ve never been pushy about students joining Vineyard specifically because there are loads of great churches in Birmingham and it’s important to check them out. One thing we have always been clear on though is the importance of quickly getting stuck into a church so that you have people around who can support you and help you navigate a potentially challenging time”. (Andrew McNeil) So, if you’re new to Birmingham, we really want to encourage you to get involved in a church where you can grow in faith and relationships. The rest of this article will give you a few pointers about

how to get more involved in Vineyard Network Church should you choose to, and the other articles in this magazine will give you a flavour of the scale and breadth of church life in general.

Vineyard Students Students are a vital part of our community and get involved in many of our activities from Sunday teams such as hosting, media, youth and children, to serving the poor, healing on the streets and community events. The key to feeling at home is getting to know people, and by far the best way to do that is to get involved. We don’t have a specific student ‘group’ as such, but instead we encourage students to connect by doing the same things as anyone else would i.e coming to church, joining a cell group, joining a service team and regularly giving.

Small groups Some students choose to be part of a small group on their campus and others prefer to break out of the student ‘bubble’ and join a regular church group where they’ll mix with people of different ages and stages. There’s no hard and fast rule about which group you join, but we simply encourage you to be in a group where you can make friends and be challenged to grow. We have loads of groups located in different parts of the city.


p6 p6


We caught up with James, Yvette, Toyin and Becky (four of last year’s freshers) and asked them to share their experience of coming to Birmingham and getting involved with the church >>>>>

James Pickin



What made you decide to join Vineyard Network Church? [James] I joined Vineyard Network Church after doing some searching and they were the ones that gave me the best free food. I’m joking obvs! I joined because it had such a family atmosphere and was (and still is!) dynamically searching/ seeking/yearning to be more like the church Christ wanted it to be!

[Yvette] I found a real consistency in Vineyard that was incredible to me - the worship, the teaching and the amazingly warm welcome were all God focused and reflective of what I understand his heart to be for his people and how they directly fed into my relationship with God outside of church. Every part of the church resonated with what I’d asked God to provide me with. [Toyin] The website! I had spent some time looking for churches online and when I found Vineyard’s website, I just loved the vision, values and the fact that serving the community is a big part of the church.

[Yvette] As I partly explained before, what has been said in preaches and the themes of worship times have been things which have fuelled my times with God during the week and have deepened my understanding of God and what he desires for me as a student. It’s been amazing to get to know the other students and some of the families and know the support that can only come from God’s family. Oh i’m getting excited just writing about it! Ha!

[Becky] Being involved in Vineyard has given me a support network whilst being a student. Student life can be a little bit crazy, especially in first year when everything is so new, so knowing that there are people who are there to chat stuff through with you and pray with you is a real comfort. It also gets you out of the student bubble, where the only people you see are other students. Being part of a church family, you can get to know other people of all ages you wouldn’t have normally met. I also found out about Monday night netball through going to Vineyard so this has also been a great way to make friends outside of the uni.


How has being involved in our church helped you whilst being a student? [James] Being a part of a cell is probs the best support whilst being a student. Being part of a smaller community, seeking God’s heart and having people that I know can pray for me who aren’t necessarily students themselves is really encouraging.

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How has your relationship with God strengthened over the past year while being a part of our church? [Toyin] When I moved from home, I was a bit worried I might find it difficult to keep my relationship with God strong. Church, serving and worship was all around me back at home and I am glad I haven’t lost anything but infact drawn closer to God. The teachings here are practical and help me in my walk with God one step at a time. Being part of a cell group has also been really helpful.

[Yvette] This year hasn’t been easy but God has revealed to me things that are far more valuable than just a comfortable journey. I’ve been learning what it means to fully rely on God and one of the key revelations I’ve had is how God is our source. Our source of joy, of hope, of compassion. To lose sight of him is to lose our grip of those things and when we focus just on him and not on things we desire, we suddenly stumble upon the joy we’ve been trying to gain through our own efforts. [Becky] I worked for a christian charity for two years before uni which meant I was surrounded daily by loads of christians. When I started uni I found it quite hard to adjust to not waking up and praying with other people every morning and having devotions, and I forgot that people wouldn’t just know I was a christian. I realised I’d have to make more of a personal effort for people to see my faith in God and that my prayer life was now down to me. I found this quite hard at first, but when I started going to Vineyard I felt really encouraged by others around me and I think the talks, worship and ministry time really got me connecting with God. Instead of trying to fit God in around my busy uni life, I realised that actually the thing I needed most was God. I’ve noticed how much God has

Becky carried me through this year and because of this I think my relationship with him is so much deeper than before. Any advice you would give to new students?

[James] Put yourself out there and talk to members of the congregation. They don’t bite and they have some great pearls of wisdom to share! Also there are some really great cakes!

[Becky] I would happily say stick with Vineyard because it’s the best church but I think that may be a bit biased and I know there are other great churches out there! Pray about where you should go, make sure it’s somewhere you feel at home and have a good support network, then get involved! I got involved in netball and the youth team and I’ve found it helps you get to know people so much quicker. Also, get involved in a cell. It gives you a smaller group of people who you can pray with, have a laugh with, learn with, eat good food with....! Hang around on Sundays, chat to people, meet for coffees etc....oh and go to a connect event early on :) Anything else you want to say?


[James] General info about me: I do Theology, I like tea and banter (together is even better!), birthday is on Sept 29th, and my favourite TV show is One Tree Hill!

[Yvette] I am SO excited to meet more people at Vineyard and invest into church life. Thank you for having made me feel so welcome in my 1st year.


We’d love to see you again at one of our services. After the morning and evening services in Oct 2, 9, 16 - we will be having food together, so please come along with a friend and get to know us better. And remember – if you can get to us on an evening we will get you home safely. We would love to connect you with some people who can be a friendly face and come alongside you during your time at University. If you decide that this church is going to be your home then please come and talk to me, Keely Bateson, and I would love to help make this happen.

URBAN Student Urban Camp is coming… P House is going to be turned CAM Network into a campsite Friday 20 – Sunday 22 Jan 2012. Great fun without any mud, rain or Portaloos. Inspiring teaching, awesome worship, delicious food, Holy Spirit ministry and so much more – be expectant! More details to follow…



te - N a D e h t e Sav


news More opportunities to pray: A group of us have been meeting on a Friday night for a while now – to worship, seek God and pray. We meet from 7.30-9.30pm in the upstairs Prayer Room at Network House – usually fortnightly but please check on the website to be sure of the dates. We will begin again on Friday 9 September so if you would like to join us then please come along. If you arrive early on a Sunday morning - please feel free to join the prayer team at the front of the church from 10am.

Prayer evening: Wed 5 Oct

This year will be the ninth Carols in the City and we are looking to do something different! We feel it’s time to put something fresh into this wonderful annual celebration so we’ve approached the Cathedral to see if they will partner with us and help us to host the event. Using the space around the Cathedral will put us closer to the heart of the city and enable us to touch more


WOMENS EVENTS Last year’s Women’s Breakfast at Frankie & Benny’s was such fun that we are going to do it again on Saturday November 5. Look out for flyers and further details in October. Thinking ahead to next year, we are hosting a Women’s Day for the Midlands area here at Network House on Saturday 17 March, called ‘Treasures in the Darkness’, with guest speaker Helena Wilkinson. This will be one not to miss so save the date! Talk to Rosie McNeil for more info or if you would like to get involved with Women’s events. rosie.mcneil@vineyardnetworkchurch.com

people with the true meaning of Christmas. If you’ve helped with Carols before you’ll know that we have a great time wrapping presents, giving away balloons and sweets and celebrating the joy that Jesus brings. This year we will be working with our partner churches to think of new and creative ways to demonstrate God’s love to the thousands of shoppers in the city.





For leade rs and th ose aspir ing to lead

Nov 26

Time: 9.30am - 5pm Venue: Network House

John and Ele Mumford are the National Directors of Vineyard Churches and we’re excited that they will be speaking at this day.

We know Christmas is a long way off but please pray that this year we touch more people than ever and that they encounter Christ in all the busyness.

We’ll let you know as things develop and look out for sign up sheets in November or speak to Simon Bateson for more information.



On the 4th Sunday each month we have community Sunday. Whilst our Sunday gatherings form a vital part of what we do, we believe church is more than can be expressed in any one Sunday service. The vision behind Community Sunday is to give space for our cell groups to express what it means to be church in different ways and in different locations.

Cells and communities that meet on a community p12

Bournville Nick & Fiona Harding

Central Gavin & Ruth Page

Great Barr John & Barbara Wilkins

Northfield Steve & Jackie Philpott

James & Kerry Cullis

community On a typical Community Sunday there could be as many as eight different activities across Birmingham. Everything from great social events, messy church, prayer events, a family activity or a project to serve someone in need. Church is both a place to belong and a way to make a difference. Community Sunday gives space for us to live out those values together. Our vision is to connect with people across the different areas of Birmingham and Community Sunday can be a great way of including people in the life of the church before they make it to a Sunday service.

CENTRAL Life can be so hectic and Community Sunday has given us the space to strengthen the friendships in our cell group. We’ve had shared lunches and picnics together and in June we went walking and photographing the City to help us pray for Birmingham. Some of our cell have also been part of the team leading the connect events on week four. It’s been great to welcome new people to church and help people feel at home.


GREAT BARR Our cell group meets at Network House on Tuesday evenings and on Community Sunday we help make the “connect” events run at Network House. We believe it’s really important for people to be welcomed so we help show hospitality and let new people know how they can get involved. Our cell has great social events like BBQ’s and bowling trips as well!

For us, Community Sunday is about building relationships, hanging out together and having fun. Over the year we have done a variety of things from helping out with the shoebox appeal, going for walks, doing a book swap and cheese and wine evening to having BBQ’s or a curry. We have grown in numbers over the year and so we hope to continue with the opportunity to build relationships, as well as seeking God about ways in which to bless the community around us.

Sunday: Perry Common Sam & Hannah Miller

Solihull Ian & Gill Rogers

Stirchley Gary & Sarah Wicker

Weoley Castle James & Kerry Cullis


Discovery Zone is the children’s ministry at Vineyard Network Church. We believe that children are the church of today as well as the church of tomorrow and therefore they play a vital role in God’s family. The vision of Discovery Zone is: Putting Jesus first (Point up) Getting to know God better together (Thumbs up)

Showing our friends how to live God’s way (Open hands)

Living a life full of God’s power (Jazz hands) There are six different age appropriate groups in Discovery Zone: • Parent and Baby Room: 0-18 months – S3 • LaunchPad: 18 months- 3 years – S1 • Rockets: 3 – 5 years – F3 • Explorers: 5-7 years – F1 & F2 • GForce: 7-9 years – F1 & F2 • Voyagers: 9-11 years – F1 & F2


Among team leaders I often hear the sentence, “It is a privilege serving in Discovery Zone” and I’ve also had a few people who had to come off the rota come and tell me how much they miss it. So I decided to catch up with a few team members and ask them why they love Discovery Zone. Here’s what they said: • I love learning to tell the truth at its simplest level • I receive fresh revelation from the perspective of the children, that adults just don’t have • They (the children) teach me so much • I love their openness and fresh perspective • I love the constant surprise they bring • They are really hilarious • I love their enthusiasm and energy • I really enjoy seeing them grow • They teach me stuff from the Bible – their knowledge amazes me • It’s really humbling being with them • They teach me how to dance • Discovery Zone is so much more than serving • The children are a real blessing to us • It is a privilege to invest in their lives • I really enjoy hearing them learn to pray • I love the moment I see a baby smile for the first time So to all you parents reading, A BIG THANK YOU for allowing us to serve your children. As church we are family we take the safety of the children very seriously. Every person serving on a team has to undergo safeguarding training and agree to the church policy which involves many things, including a Criminal Records Bureau check. The safeguarding policy is available to read on the website or if you would like a paper copy please contact the church office. You will also notice a few new things which will help us to prioritise the safety of your children.

Making contact:

For many years, Discovery Zone has sponsored a child through the charity Compassion. We have recently started sponsoring a new child called Angel and here is a bit of information about him. If your children would like to donate money to Angel, then a money box will be on the sign in table. Name: Angel Yahir Hernandez Clemente Birthday: 25.5.02 He lives with his grandmother, grandfather, mum and dad - 2 children in the family - he gathers firewood, cares for the animals and runs errands. He says he doesn’t have shoes or sandals. He loves football, playing with cars and running.

Project: Jesus Viene Student Centre south of Tuxtla Gutierrez

Lives in the town of Dr Domingo Chanona 5000 residents, speaks Spanish, eats chicken and beans- common health problems being diarrhoea and malnutrition. Community has electricity water and telephone but needs libraries and job opportunities.

Team T-shirts: All adult team members will have a blue polo shirt which they will wear when serving. The t-shirt will help parents know who is serving but also act as a sign that that person has agreed to our Safeguarding policy.

New Sign in Policy: At the top of the stairs on the first floor, there is going to be a Discovery Zone welcome table. This will facilitate a better introduction both to newcomers and the new signin policy. A team member will sit at that desk. All children will be signed in on that table, with the exception of the Parent and Baby room children. This table will be open from 10.20-10.40am. At 10.40 the registers and lanyards will be taken back to the group rooms. Any late parents will have to sign in their child in their specific room and pick up a lanyard then. zara.llewellyn@vineyardnetworkchurch.com

ANGEL • All children must be signed in by an adult (over 18). • When an adult signs their child/children in they will pick up their designated lanyard. For regular members there will be a lanyard saying for example: “I am responsible for picking up John Smith”. For visitors there will be blank ones to write on. • It is then that adult’s responsibility to decide who is given the lanyard in order to pick up their child. It could be themselves, another adult or a member of youth. • To be able to collect a child the lanyard needs to be shown and handed in. No lanyard - no child. Any questions – please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Thanks for your co-operation in making Church a safe place for our children.


Vineyard Network Church has had links with Tom and Ali Husbands for many years. Tom and Ali are based in Malawi where they run Dalitso Trust. They moved out from the UK in 2002 and have twin boys Jack and Joel and a daughter Grace. Dalitso Trust successfully works in partnership with rural villages in Malawi with its team based in Malingunde, a village one hours drive south of the capital Lilongwe. Their focus is on changing lives through development in a sustainable way and they have shown that change comes through investing themselves in others, one person at a time. VNC helps support the amazing work that Tom and Ali do in Malawi, with long term relationship and financial help.

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compassion Together, Tom & Ali and Nick & Fiona Harding spent 2007 researching healthcare to see if we could make a difference in Malawi, looking at other providers in Africa and seeing what projects were in place. Malawi’s government has a well thought through program delivering a basic health package that allows NGO’s to deliver simple medicines and vaccines to rural Malawians. Annual spending on health care is around £2 per person compared to the U.K., which is 1000 times higher. Our heart was to deliver a sustainable health program that created independency in local populations. The Dalitso Trust has 3 main arms to help Malawians help themselves: Dalitso Play, Dalitso Leaders and Dalitso Health.

Pioneering Education Play and Parenting Skills

Mentoring and Equipping Local Leaders

‘Dalitso Play’ provides fun, educational sessions where parents can come to learn how to care for and play with their children. These sessions are called Happy Faces. This work in Malawi is so important as rural under 5s are a very vulnerable age, regarding their health and education. Generally children are not stimulated educationally and spend most of their time with their peers and have virtually no ‘one to one’ adult contact/input. The Trust works in close partnership with Bill Dixon from VNC under the banner of ‘Dalitso Leaders’. Bill as many of you will know, is a retired Pastor and has over 10 years experience of bible teaching in Malawi. He has written 5 courses specifically for The Dalitso Trust under the title of ‘Follow Me’. They already run 3 of these courses catering for 5 classes that run from October to September. There are several agricultural breaks so that course members can farm to produce their maize for the coming year.

Healthy Families Creating Healthy Villages

Our desire to be involved in and support the work of the Dalitso Trust saw the beginning of ‘Dalitso Health’ in 2008. In Malawi, with a population of 12 million, an estimated 1 million people are infected with HIV (National Aids Commission). Many children die before their first birthday due to malaria and diseases that can be easily prevented with personal hygiene that we take for granted. Our research led us to the CHE methodology that was developed in Uganda by Lifewind and is a long term zero intervention program that is people focused. It is a holistic ministry strategy aimed at meeting the needs of individuals and communities. It aims to bring hope and renewal to communities, no matter how difficult their circumstances and empower people to become ‘village changers’ amongst their neighbours. It has been embraced as a preferred strategy by literally thousands of people working for many organizations around the world, all of them serving the worlds poor. The natural pull back to relying on aid is strong in Malawi and a constant battle. CHE uses simple education lessons, not hand outs, to build local knowledge covering physical, emotional, social and spiritual issues.


compassion We are excited to be the first people to deliver CHE in Malawi. We are trialling this via communities, families and current organizational church structures. In order to implement the CHE program we were delighted to employ Chippo Chale who moved back to his home in Malingunde in 2009. Chippo is a respected leader with good teaching experience and a strong vision for CHE. With his wife Janet and their 3 children Chris, Joy and Peace they are keen to see their village changed by improving basic health practices. Chippo and the team visit the families, churches or community CHE projects on a daily basis. For the families they teach lessons such as how to have a healthy home, as poor quality housing is generally accepted to be an important contributor to ill health (United Nations Center for Health Settlements) A healthy home consists of 15 points, such as making sure your children are vaccinated, having a rubbish pit and clean area around the house, sleeping under mosquito nets, a separate place to cook and bathe, having a pit latrine and a dish drying rack and living at peace in the village. Dish drying racks act as storage for eating utensils, keeping them clean, off the floor and also allowing the ultraviolet light from the sun to sterilize them. In our program, CHE Families who have decided to build for themselves a dish drying rack have


noticed a decrease in diarrheal illnesses of up to 50%. In the community and organizational CHE program, similar lessons are taught but by a team from their own community as part of a committee. The committee members are chosen by their own community to give them ownership of the decisions made and they then appoint Community health workers who Chippo trains in CHE lessons. They in turn go and teach the lessons to other village members. The training of committee members finished in late 2010 and they are now beginning to go out and teach the health lessons themselves. The whole process takes time and relies on developing trust with the local people. Translating the CHE training materials from English to Chichewa also take up some of the teams time. We lead / organise trips to Malawi approximately twice a year, involving teaching the Dalitso team health related lessons which they in turn then pass on. We encourage them in the work they are doing through relationship, prayer and ministry. The team take us to meet CHE families where we have the opportunity to teach lessons ourselves which is an amazing privilege and always great fun. The web site is www.dalitsotrust.org, or if you would like to receive copies of our newsletters then do email us on dalitso.health@googelmail.com.

ldn’t define “Where you live shou e� (Bono U2) whether you live or di

Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s Christmas appeal. Last year alone 1.2 million shoeboxes packed full of goodies were sent to children in parts of Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. How does each shoebox make a difference? It’s hard to imagine never having received a gift before, but that’s the reality for many children who receive a shoebox. How can you get involved? By making a shoebox. Your shoebox will make a child feel special and valued, and let them know that you care about them. Choosing gifts and then wrapping and filling a shoebox is a fun and rewarding activity for all – especially when you know these gifts are going to be used and treasured. Network House will be a collection point for shoeboxes. 1 - 18 Nov 2011. Pick up a leaflet on a Sunday for more details.

eal caribbean Indian Breakfast Baby Toieltries / Household Female Meal Ca



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grab a bag: and fill it with produce as listed on the front. You can do this individually or as part of a group or family. These bags will then be distributed to people in need in our community.

fill a bag: Choose a Meal, Breakfast, Indian, Caribbean, Baby or one of the two Toiletries bags. You will find a removable shopping list on the front of each bag. Simply pull it off and take it with you to the shops. Please supply all the ‘basic’ items on the shopping list and if you wish, choose an item or two from the ‘optional extras’. give a bag: Please return your filled bags to Network House where they will be checked and stored. The bags will then be distributed through compassion groups and to individuals known to us at Vineyard Network Church.



trustee of the term


p20 p20

How long have you been a trustee? I’ve been part of the church for over 10 years and the last 2 years I’ve served as a trustee. What it the role of the trustee from your perspective? Trustees are the ones with responsibility to ensure everything is running safely and legally for the church. All charities have to comply with lots of legislation, and it’s our job to ensure everything is running as well as it can. The charity is responsible for the employment of the staff team and each trustee has particular responsibility for monitoring different areas of church life.

What would you say to those who give to church? Firstly thank you. I see our giving to God as an expression of our worship. We don’t get grants or funding from external agencies. People with a vision give to enable the ministry of the church to function. That’s how we operate. We have a commitment to doing things well to honour God. Every gift makes a difference and we work hard to ensure all the resources are used wisely.

What’s you day job and what particular experience do you bring to the role? My professional background has been leadership in the Fire Service and I bring experience of staff employment and welfare as well as a good working knowledge of health and safety. We seek to do everything possible to make the environment of church as safe as possible for everyone involved. Good policies and building management are complimented by people taking personal responsibility to stay safe at church.

What would you say to those who haven’t started giving? As a church we want to follow Jesus and make a difference in Birmingham. That can only happen when people freely give their time and resources to Christ and his cause, expressed through his church. If Vineyard is your home church then please partner with us to make a difference!

What’s good about being a trustee? The role is quite varied. I recently helped lead a trustee training day for Vineyard churches in the area. It was good to be able to share some of the things we have learned with other churches. I like knowing that my professional experience can have a positive bearing on the church from behind the scenes.

Mike McMaster This term we’re delighted to welcome Mike McMaster as the newest member of the trustee team.


Our website is a great source of information, whether you are a newcomer to the church or you’ve been around a while.

There are also stories and updates from every part of the church community to help keep you up to speed with all thats happening across the network.

You can find out about events, activities and services and also listen to any Sunday talks you might have missed in our Resources section.

So why not go and explore: www.vineyardnetworkchurch.com - we’re sure you’ll enjoy it!


City Pastors is an initiative involving volunteers from local churches working in partnership with the Broad Street Business Improvements Disctrict to ensure that Broad Street is a safe vibrant environment for everyone who visits.

Every month a team of people go out onto the streets to show God’s love by praying for people who need healing. The team is led by Jackie Tearle and can be found outside Birmingham Cathedral on the third Saturday in each month from 1-3.30pm.

We aim to help young people find space to make friends, learn more about Jesus, serve the church and live the reality of the Kingdom of God.

Simon Bateson

Jackie Tearle Sandra Eeagle

Davina Kempson Mike McMaster

FOODBANK The focus of Sozo is to break the lies and heal the wounds in our lives. If you are in this church and in a small group and would like a Sozo appointment then you pick up a flyer.

Foodbank reaches out to serve those in need by providing a bag of provisions in a time of crisis. Every bag has a card inside with a simple message from the church to express something of Gods love.

Keely Bateson

Sarah Wicker

Vineyard Bible Institue (VBI) is an credited Bible study programme. This terms courses are ‘The Kingdom of God’ and ‘An overview of the Bible’. Contact Adam Pipe for more details.

Network Netball meets regularly on Monday evenings at Selly Park Technology College sports hall from 8pm.

Adam Pipe

Jo Bullock

DZ meets during the morning service. Age groupings are: Parent & Baby (0-18m) Launch Pad (18m - 3) Rockets (3-4) Explorers (5-6) G Force (7-8) Voyagers (9-11) Zara Llewellyn

Network Vibe organises social events helping friendships develop across the church.

Davina Kempson Jo Bullock

activities networkfour offers vulnerable and deprived young people and adults a chance to see hope and transformation. Networkfour aims to establish networks of compassion in the community, offering individuals the chance to access and find the tools they need to build a foundation towards a brighter future.

Gary Wicker

Dalitso Trust works in partnership with rural villages in Malawi with its team based in Malingunde. Simon Bateson

We run Network House Birmingham as a social enterprise conference centre, employing and training people in events and conference skills. Talk to Rosie if you are interested in finding out more.

Rosie McNeil

Where we meet p23


A comprehensive diary of all that’s going on during the Autumn term. For more details of an individual event you can go to the event page on our website and click on it, or alternatively contact the office on 0121 622 1230.

4 11 18 25

10.30am - All age 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm Community Sunday

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

2 9 16 23 30

10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Community Sunday 10.30am

6.30pm 6.30pm 6.30pm

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3


Team 1 (extra)

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

6 13 20 27

10.30am - Baptism 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

4 11 18 25

10.30am 6.30pm Team 2 No Service - Carols in the City on Saturday 10 10.30am - All Age 6.30pm Team 3 Community Sunday



Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday


Sept - Dec 2011



Team Team Team Team

1 2 3 1

dates for your diary Wenesday 5 Oct

Saturday 19 Nov

Night of Prayer

Network Vibe - Comedy night

Saturdays 17 Sept, 15 Oct, 19 Nov

Saturday 27 Nov

Courageous Leadership conference

Healing on the Streets

Saturday 5 Nov

Saturday 10 Dec Carols in the City

Women’s breakfast

Sunday 1 Jan

New Year’s Day morning service

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.