The damp air settled on my skin as the still silence filled my ears. It was hard to believe the lava rock had been sitting there for centuries, just miles away from the lush Hawaiian jungle and vast ocean I was familiar with. I admired every detail in the cave like an explorer on another planet. Just as I started to appreciate the wondrous environment… the lights went out. Panic rushed through my head. My eyes were wide open, but I had never seen such darkness. I realized the flashlights were turned off on purpose, but that didn’t calm me one bit. What if they didn’t turn back on? The group wanted to sit in the dark and meditate, so I tried my best. I lost track of time just trying to clear thoughts from my head. Eventually, I diverted my attention to my breath— but not for long. The cold air made my nose runny, and I couldn’t help but sniffle. “Be quiet!” someone whispered, followed by some giggles. I was glad to know everyone was still sitting around me. A few minutes later, the lights turned back on and we found our way out of the tunnel. The anxious thoughts that previously flooded my mind were released after sitting still those few moments. This environment of absolute darkness and silence brought my full attention to the present: no more worrying about what awaited me at home, what my legs would feel like the next day, or who would win the NBA game that night. My mind and body felt rejuvenated, and I began the final stretch of switchbacks with a smile.