Heteronormativity of Psy's Viral Music Videos

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STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM General Objective - To interpret the song lyrics and images in Psy’s viral music videos (Gangnam Style and Gentleman) using heteronormative reading. Specific Objectives 1. To know how the song lyrics were visualized in the images portrayed in the music videos. 2. To identify the lines in the song lyrics and images in the music video which render heteronormativity. 3. To identify and analyze the implicit and explicit content in the song lyrics and visual images of the music videos. 4. To explain how a music video becomes viral.

Scope and Limitation ď‚— The study concentrates on the meaning embedded

in the song lyrics and images of the two viral music videos. ď‚— The English translations are the ones to be read and interpreted. ď‚— A component of guidelines in analyzing a music video will be used to interpret the music videos.

Significance of the Study The song lyrics and images in the music video will be analyzed in scope of heteronormativity. The study will identify the relation of the song lyrics to the images that were portrayed in the music videos. The study will ascertain if there is a connection between the strong portrayal of heteronormatvity in a music video to its being viral. Also to show the interconnection of Confucianism to the way it influences the gender values of South Korea. The study will also explain the connection of “viewing” as a communication process to the way it helps widen the perspective of the people or in some other point, it limits the audience’s viewpoint as to the way they perceive thing in reality.











- The study will use Qualitative Content Analysis which focuses more on the meaning of the song lyrics associated with the images that are being portrayed in the music videos. - The study will use Heteronormative reading as an approach in analyzing the music videos. - The criteria of analysis to be used are the features of femininity and masculinity within the scope of heteronormativity, and heterosexuality vs. homosexuality.


- The viral music videos of South Korean rapper Psy which are „Gangnam Style‟ and Gentleman‟ will serve as the main instrument to be used. - The study will also use another one music video of Psy ( the one which is not viral) to compare the two sets of music videos in order to come up with an explanation as to what characteristics do viral music videos have.


- In choosing music videos to be used as a fundamental material to be analyzed, the characteristic of being a viral is firstly to be considered. On the other hand there is the use of another music video, which will serve as secondary material to answer particular questions. - Prior studies with relation to the concept of heteronormativity in media will serve as reliable and factual data to measure the general objective, which is to interpret the song lyrics and images of the music videos.

- A component of guidelines in analyzing music videos will be used as a basis to interpret these music videos.

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