Singapore American School Admissions Guide 2014

Page 1

Ten Reasons to Join SAS


A World Leader in Education Cultivating Exceptional Thinkers Prepared for the Future 2

Ten Reasons to Join SAS

Ten Reasons to Join SAS






Ten Reasons to Join SAS

Who We Are: Exceptional Thinkers

History: A Tradition of Innovation




Academic Results

SAS Graduates: University Bound

Early childhood: Preschool and Prekindergarten 31


Meaningfully Integrated Technology

World Languages





Extracurricular Activities

Service to Others

Campus: Home of the Eagles

Our Commitment to Conservation and Sustainability







Living in Singapore





Research and Development

Faculty: Professional Excellence

Diversity : A Celebration of uniqueness




Elementary School: Kindergarten to Fifth Grade

Middle School: Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade

High school: Ninth to Twelfth Grade




Global Learning

Fine and Performing Arts

Athletics: The Eagle Way



Cafeterias: The Spice of Life

Transportation: Sometimes it is about the destination






Joining the SAS Community

Ten Reasons 1





Inspiring Teachers


Extraordinary Care

Top University Admission

Tried and True History

Not only are our teachers highly educated, with the majority of them holding masters and doctorate degrees, but they are inspiring as well. Students love knowing their PE teacher coached in the Athens Olympics, their choir teacher starred in the La Boheme opera at Singapore’s Esplanade, and their tech-design teacher built his own electric car. Our qualified teachers also stay for an average of seven years, one of the highest retention rates in international schools.

We don’t just claim your kids will get a top-notch education, we prove it. Results from the Measures of Academic Progress for third through eighth graders, the Programme for International Student Achievement administered for 15-year olds, and the Advanced Placement exams for high school show that our students excel, scoring higher than the average score of most other schools in the world.

Research is clear. The student-teacher relationship has the greatest impact on student learning, even beyond curriculum. From the very first day a family arrives at SAS, they become a member of the SAS Eagle family. New students are welcomed into an orientation program with a buddy to guide them, parents find an open door to our teachers, administrators, and parent associations, and throughout their time at SAS, we focus on the care and welfare of each and every whole child.

Top-notch academics combined with an experienced team of high school counselors help students navigate the process of selecting and applying to best-fit universities. SAS students routinely earn entrance to the top universities in the United States and beyond. Some schools that members of the Class of 2014 now attend include Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, U Penn, Princeton, and Yale.

For almost six decades, SAS has transformed the real-life stories of more than 20,000 students and alumni worldwide. And we’ve satisfied the real needs and aspirations of expat families since before Singapore was born. We deliver credible experience, mature connections, undeniable learning results, and studentcentered priorities that stand the test of time.


Ten Reasons to Join SAS

to Join SAS 6





Trust School

World-Class Facilities

Committed to Innovation

Personalized Learning

American Spirit

SAS is not backed by a company or accountable to shareholders. We are a true community school. One of only a few esteemed nonprofit schools in Singapore, our board is run entirely by parent volunteers, offering parent-leadership opportunities to shape the school. And every penny that we bring in allows us to hire the very best teachers and run the incredible educational program that we have been providing since 1956.

We won the jackpot when Singapore offered us our beautiful 36-acre campus. It stands out as a rare and generous learning space on the island. A rain forest, three stunning libraries with enviable resources, three swimming pools, five gymnasiums, and other stateof-the-art facilities allow students to learn beyond the traditional classroom in a lush, green home-awayfrom-home.

The world is changing, and SAS is responding. We are researching innovative ways to prepare students for the future and implementing revolutionary flexibility to make that possible. We’ve already seen results through new courses and pathways for kids. The new senior project inspired one student to invent a device to lower infant mortality. Other students developed a product that will help women in developing countries stay in school.

At SAS, we offer high levels of challenge and support to fit a wide variety of learning styles, reflecting the world students will eventually work in and lead. We expertly build the learning foundation that kids need - no matter the interests they will ultimately pursue. Our highly qualified teachers impart passion, measure growth, and get to know students’ strengths and gaps and then teach accordingly. We believe that every one of our students can succeed academically and personally.

The heart of an American education has everything to do with options, choices, and possibilities. Generosity vs. scarcity. Open skies vs. high ceilings. We teach our students how to be pioneers with their education – to try new things, explore their interests, work hard, and push themselves beyond what they think is possible. When our students – known as the Eagles – fail, we inspire them to have the courage to try again and never give up until they soar.

Ten Reasons to Join SAS


Who We Are: Cultivating Exceptional Thinkers As you will read in our admissions materials, view on our website, and witness throughout our campus, Singapore American School exists at the crossroads where the best of an American educational experience meets an international perspective. We ask much of our teachers and of our students, reaching far beyond the narrow focus of testing and measurement and nurturing in them a passion for and a commitment to deep intellectual and personal exploration. Our curriculum requires students to extend beyond college-preparatory academics, developing the skills that position them to thrive in a constantly changing world. We go beyond content mastery and core knowledge to ensure that our students have other vital skills - character, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation, critical thinking, and cultural competence - to make them successful wherever they go after SAS. All this is delivered in the context of extraordinary care and great teaching and learning for every student, every day. We are pleased that you are considering Singapore American School and we look forward to showing you the SAS difference.


Who We Are: Cultivating Exceptional Thinkers

The SAS Vision:

A World Leader in Education Cultivating Exceptional Thinkers Prepared for the Future Who We Are: Cultivating Exceptional Thinkers


History: A Tradition of Innovation 1968



1964 SAS recruits its first foreign-hire teachers to bring current American practices to the school

The Advanced Placement program begins at SAS when AP English is offered

The first high school Interim Semester trips are launched

Along with Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea, Singapore becomes a “tiger” economy of Asia

1981 The school begins experimenting with a new approach called Individually Guided Education to meet the challenges of constant turnover and diversity of student backgrounds


1965 1956

Singapore separates from Malaysia

Singapore American School opens with 105 students

United States becomes the most important source of direct foreign investment in Singapore

Since our founding in 1956, before Singapore even had its independence, Singapore American School has been on the leading edge of preparing students for their future. When we opened our doors with just 105 students, our first classes were held in large colonial-style bungalows. A garage was the science lab; the servant’s quarters were used for music and preschool; assemblies were held in the dining room.


History: A Tradition of Innovation


1973 Singapore American Community Action Council (SACAC) is established to support the American community



SAS purchases five computers and offers formal classes in computer science and programming

1980 Computer classes are offered as Interim Semester choices

The first American oil rig is launched from Singapore, establishing Singapore as a center for the construction of oil rigs and bringing a greater number of Americans expatriates

Muhammad Ali visits the SAS campus, reciting his poetry for an hour

As Singapore grew, so did the school. In the years that we grew through four campuses, the school has always focused on creating a vibrant learning environment that is student-centered, international in perspective, engaging, active, and critical. Over time, our defining characteristics have included the range of courses offered, the quality of leadership and faculty, the clubs and activities available, the quality of the campus, and its general atmosphere.

SAS has come a long way in 59 years, just as the country in which it resides. SAS and Singapore have shared a similar journey – one of progress, modernization, achievement, and change. Singapore American School holds a legacy as one of the world’s leading American international schools. Our decades of strong academic results matter to our families who value learning, and to our students who will make their own history as SAS alumni.


SAS adopts a new vision:

A World Leader in Education Cultivating Exceptional Thinkers Prepared for the Future

1984 The Booster Club is formed to help raise funds for athletics uniforms and encourage school spirit



SAS enters a robust research and development process to continue leading international education


Jane Goodall visits SAS and works with SAVE Club students

The dance program begins at SAS with a handful of students, growing to more than 100 within seven years





The Early Childhood Center opens




Interim Semester trips expand beyond Asia to Greece, Hungary, France, Spain, Kenya, and Switzerland

The Woodlands campus undergoes a $65 million expansion

1994 More than 40 countries represent the SAS student body

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew inaugurates SAS’ 50th anniversary


SAS Singers is formed and the first Yulefest concert is held


1994 1996 The Social Services Club grows, conducting ten service projects in Singapore supported by 150 students

Singapore American School relocates to the Woodlands campus with 2,500 students

The Strategic Planning Committee includes community service in its vision for the school


The Khoo Foundation donates $2 million for the Khoo Teck Puat high school library


History: A Tradition of Innovation


Research AND Development

SAS has been an inspiration to other educators for generations as we not only follow worldwide best practices in learning, but we exemplify those practices in a way that few other educational institutions can. To remain positioned as a world leader, our school continually pursues innovative programs and instruction methods. With a robust research and development process, we are pioneering once again to continually improve our programs and practices without compromising gains. This multi-year, faculty-led process is enriching and challenging an already stellar worldclass school and truly preparing students for university, the workforce, and life. High school programming initiatives stemming from this process include a new advisory/mentoring program for all students, a senior project requirement, projectbased learning courses, a digital learning portfolio for all students, new advanced topics course offerings, participation in the College Board’s new AP diploma program, and increased flexibility for a student’s individual course of study, among other recommendations. The research phase has also extended to the middle school, elementary school, and early childhood center, which are completing research and developing recommendations this year. We believe this work will continue to position an SAS education as one of the best offerings available in the world, well into the future. As we continually challenge ourselves to improve our teaching and program offerings, the foundational education and extraordinary care for which we are so well known continues to live at the heart of who we are.


Research And Development

Research trips conducted to


innovative schools in 5 different countries

100 More than

college admission officers were engaged in discussions about the future of education

Hundreds of hours of research and discussion into the most effective practices and programs for how students learn today

Research And Development


Faculty: Professional Excellence

Singapore American School attracts dedicated faculty who bring diverse talents and enthusiasm for teaching into every classroom and who are skilled at making students feel safe, accepted, and capable. Our 375 exceptional faculty have outstanding credentials in their fields of expertise, with 75% holding a master’s or doctorate degree. In hiring, we consider not only the most qualified and best teachers, but also individuals that understand and embrace our vision and institutional commitments. Even 59 percent of our most recently hired faculty had experience teaching outside their home country before joining SAS, bringing incredible diversity of experiences and views into their classroom style. On average, teachers stay at SAS for seven years, something unheard of at most international schools, which means that our students enjoy an extremely stable teaching environment with a low transition rate. Our school has a long history of challenging itself to strengthen the delivery of its curriculum by adopting best practices. All faculty participate in professional learning communities to share best practices to improve student learning. These collaborative teams of teachers work together to establish common expectations, create an optimal learning environment, share effective instructional approaches, and develop common curriculum and assessment tools to ensure that every child will reach mastery of our essential learning outcomes. And we continue to invest in professional development at rates that most schools can only dream. Singapore American School teachers show commitment and dedication to world-class instruction and to creating great teaching and learning in every classroom, for every student, every day. Experts in their own fields, our teachers are part of what is uniquely SAS – our teachers aspire to be forever memorable as life-defining mentors in our students’ academic, extra-curricular, and social development. Our human resources are truly our greatest strength.


Faculty: Professional Excellence


exceptional faculty


hold a master’s or doctorate degree


years: average stay for teachers at SAS

Faculty: Professional Excellence


diversity: A Celebration of UNIQUENESS


An SAS education involves deep and lasting learning in an academic community comprised of people with varied learning styles, experiences, cultures, and global perspectives. Our students, parents, faculty, and staff come from every corner of the globe, building a rich curriculum and vibrant community through academics, campus life, and cultural and educational activities. We celebrate not only the fifty nationalities that comprise our student base, but also how each student possesses his or her own unique methods of learning and varying degrees of skill and interest. Wherever students excel, the school nurtures outstanding and emerging skills. Some families come to us for great academic challenge and the rewards that achievement bring, some families seek us out for our outstanding balance of academic and extracurricular activities, and yet others value an SAS education for the individual learning support that pushes each and every student to reach their academic potential. SAS is a school with American character and international diversity – choice, voice, and a world of options. Students can transfer in and find their way because that is how we believe it should be – inclusive and full of possibilities.


Diversity: A Celebration of Uniqueness














Vietnam RUSSIA




Malaysia Indonesia







IUM Thailand










Diversity: A Celebration of Uniqueness


Academic Results

Singapore American School believes that tomorrow’s leaders need an excellent foundation, cultivated in an environment that is both caring and challenging, where they can thrive and develop. SAS teachers promote rigorous learning by actively engaging students and challenging them to reach their full potential. Academic rigor and creativity coexist at Singapore American School. Our program, founded on research and best practices from leading educators, prepares students for success in college and beyond. Our curriculum and each course is designed not to be delivered to students, but to actively engage them, and our results speak for themselves. Not only do our students learn the core knowledge that they will continue to need, but also character, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation, critical thinking, and cultural competence - skills that will help them succeed in whatever their futures bring.


Academic Results

MeasureS of Academic Progress (MAP)

When comparing SAS to other schools, we cannot improve our school percentiles - we are in the 99th percentile in all grades for all subjects. This means that the score in each grade was as good as or better than the average scores of 99% of all other schools worldwide that administered the MAP assessments.


Language Grade Level












210 216 220 224

200 199












208 215 218 223



Grade Level











School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile


School Percentile

99 99 99 99 99 99

99 99 99 99 99 99


8 203




Grade Level

SAS average scores are in the 99th percentile in all grades in the areas of language, reading, and math



Assessments are given to students in grades three to eight in the areas of language skills, math, and reading (and grade nine beginning this year). Scores are converted into a percentile rank by NWEA (the makers of MAP). Our average scores at every grade level are significantly higher than the average scores of US schools, as well as the average scores of schools in the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS). This means that our students are achieving a higher level of content and skills than students in comparison schools.

EARCOS Average

US Average

220 230 232 241

99 99 99 99 99 99


8 Academic Results


Programme for International Student Assessment The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is administered every three years to a random sampling of students who are 15 years old. The PISA measures to what extent students can apply their knowledge to real-life situations and be equipped for participation in society through both multiple choice and open-ended questions. The average SAS scores in the 2012 administration of PISA for math, science, and reading are higher than the average scores of students in Singapore and the United States.


Shanghai 613

SAS 584


SAS 588


Singapore 573


Shanghai 580


Shanghai 570

SAS 572




#17 usa

ma, usa 527


SAS 572


SAS 633



Singapore 567

#12 usa 511

SAS 633 computer-based reading


Singapore 551

#21 usa

SAS 570


Singapore 542

SAS 570

ma, usa 527

SAS 588 computer-based


Academic Results


Singapore 566

usa 498

SAS 584




#26 usa

ma, usa 573

The average SAS scores in the 2012 administration of PISA for math, science, and reading are higher than the average scores of students in Singapore and the United States

Advanced Placement The SAS Advanced Placement program continues to differentiate itself from other private schools in Singapore and worldwide. Specifically, SAS was recognized for having the highest AP Biology scores in the world and is in the top 1% of schools worldwide, including the United States, in the number and percentage of students earning a 3 (out of 5) or higher on at least one AP exam. Fifty-five percent of SAS students received a 5 (out of 5 possible), as compared to 5% of the students worldwide. A score of 3 earns students college credit for courses that they take in high school. Due to its exceptional capacity and historical success, SAS was recently chosen to take part in the initial roll out of the College Board’s new AP Capstone Diploma program.

Number of exams completed

Number of exams completed

Number of exams completed

Number of exams completed

Number of exams completed

Number of exams completed







Number of students taking exams

Number of students taking exams

Number of students taking exams

Number of students taking exams

Number of students taking exams

Number of students taking exams






Exams with a 4

Exams with a 4

Exams with a 4

Exams with a 4

Exams with a 4



Exams with a 5

Exams with a 5



Exams with a 5

Exams with a 5



Exams with a 5

Exams with a 4


Exams with a 5







SAS exams receiving a 3,4, or 5

SAS exams receiving a 3,4, or 5

SAS exams receiving a 3,4, or 5

SAS exams receiving a 3,4, or 5

SAS exams receiving a 3,4, or 5

SAS exams receiving a 3,4, or 5







Global exams receiving a 3, 4, or 5

Global exams receiving a 3, 4, or 5

Global exams receiving a 3, 4, or 5

Global exams receiving a 3, 4, or 5

Global exams receiving a 3, 4, or 5

Global exams receiving a 3, 4, or 5













SAS is in the top 1% of schools worldwide, including the United States, in the number and percentage of students earning a 3 or higher on at least one AP exam

SAT The SAT assesses how well students analyze and solve problems. High school juniors and seniors typically take it. The SAT includes critical reading, mathematics, and writing sections. Each section of the SAT is scored on a scale of 200 to 800. A perfect total score is 2400. During the past five years, the SAS mean score has increased in all areas: from 613 to 621 in critical reading, from 646 to 659 in math, and from 613 to 632 in writing. This is contrary to the US trend that has seen a slight decrease in critical reading (from 501 to 496) and writing (from 493 to 488).

Critical Reading

560 - 690


600 - 740


570 - 710

Class of 2012 Middle 50%


1730-2140 261

The SAT was administrated to members of the Class of 2013 (95% of the class). All scores, including those from non-native English speakers, are included.

During the past five years, the SAS mean score has increased in all areas Academic Results




SAS Graduates: ia b m University Bound u l o C Prince

One of the most satisfying things about educating students is watching them soar after graduation.

We graduate tremendous young adults who have prepared themselves not only for college, but for life. While the list of colleges and universities to which Singapore American School sends graduates is impressive, we recognize this is only one measure of our success as an academic institution. SAS prepares students for a rapidly changing and demanding society even as it promotes a spirit of integrity of character and civic conscience. The following is a list of the colleges and universities members of the Classes of 2011 to 2014 chose to attend. The students from these four classes received 3,500 acceptances at 675 institutions in 18 countries.


Other selective private colleges

US public Outside of universities the US admitting 6 or more seniors:

Ivy League institutions Brown












U Penn




Colorado State Georgia Tech Indiana University Penn State Purdue University Texas A&M UCLA UC-Berkeley UC-San Diego University of Illinois University of Michigan University of Oregon University of Texas, Austin University of Virginia University of Washington

10 11 6 14 12 13 20 6 6 25 7 10 8 7 12

Ya le SAS Graduates: University Bound

Australian National University University of British Columbia University of Cambridge University of Edinburgh University of Hong Kong Imperial College London King's College London University College London University of Manchester McGill University National University of Singapore University of Melbourne University of Sydney University of Tokyo University of Toronto

2 53 8 7 6 4 7 2 2 31 4 10 10 4 20

Boston College Boston University Carnegie Mellon Claremont McKenna Colgate University Duke University Emory University Johns Hopkins Northeastern Northwestern

6 14 12 9 3 11 6 5 24 17

NYU Rice University Scripps College Smith College Stanford University Tufts University Univ of Chicago Univ of Miami Univ of Southern Cal Wesleyan University

n n e P Harva U

34 5 3 1 3 3 8 8 7 1





of SAS students go on to attend a school ranked in the Forbes Top 200 universities


Graduates in the Class of 2014

Our college counselors have made professional visits to over

350 universities

SAS hosts nearly


admissions representatives on our campus each year

SAS Graduates: University Bound


Early Childhood Preschool and Prekindergarten

Our separate early childhood center for our three- and four-year old students is nestled in specialized age-appropriate facilities that encourage creativity and imaginative play in a small community environment. Children learn, grow, and develop in a climate of genuine affection and warmth. You’ll find our youngest learners busily engaged in everything from sharing their favorite books to dancing out stories in circle time to measuring pumpkin vines in our outdoor play area. Our play-based curriculum looks like a lot of fun to the adult eye because we believe that children learn best when they’re having fun, and we provide an environment that encourages them to explore, discover, and collaborate. Students start their mornings in circle time and then rotate around a variety of art, imaginative play, and hands-on numeracy activity centers. Children work in small groups, share story time with a friend, stretch their muscles during two recesses each day, and sometimes share activities with their older “buddies” that visit our classrooms. We have created a tiered system which brings our youngest learners into the preschool for a three-hour program. Following this initial school experience, fouryear old students attend an extended pre-kindergarten program, which sees the children attending through lunch for a five and half hour session. Our early childhood curriculum includes daily Chinese language classes, literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, music, and daily perceptual motor skills development in the “Fun Room.” Portions of the Chinese classes are integrated with the perceptual motor classes, so children learn action and direction words as they participate in the fun room activities (i.e. crawl under, jump over, walk around, toss the ball). We have a separate early childhood library, and our counselors get to know each student when they teach their friendship lessons throughout the year.


Early Childhood

Early Childhood


Elementary School Kindergarten to Fifth Grade

Elementary school at SAS is a place where the foundation of learning takes hold, and where we have the rewarding job of fostering and challenging students to maintain their curiosity and creativity while extending their self-confidence and self-advocacy. Our students in kindergarten through fifth grade are part of a program that supports the intellectual, social, and emotional development of each child. We guide our students to take risks, stretch themselves, and become critical thinkers, preparing them to meet and surmount high academic standards. A daily schedule of core subjects in reading and language arts, mathematics, world languages, science, and social studies is punctuated by specialist classes in art, music, physical education, swimming, technology, and library use. The elementary curriculum builds skills sequentially as mastery and confidence are achieved individually. Even in the early grades, SAS students are active learners; students learn to read, analyze, and question across subject areas, and learn to express themselves in writing, presentations, and discussions. Experiential learning outside the classroom through field trips and community service inspires students and enriches the curriculum. We recognize the importance of friendships and working cooperatively, and foster the development of skills that contribute to students’ personal and academic success. SAS counselors are matched with students for three-year cycles to provide personal support and facilitate building emotional competencies.


Elementary school

Elementary school


Middle School Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade

Our middle school division allows students space to grow while they pursue rigorous academic work. Ours is a unique and welcoming environment as students transition to increased academic expectations guided by teachers who particularly enjoy working with this dynamic age group. Students enjoy the chance to develop their individual sense of identity, confidence, and leadership capabilities as they prepare for their high school years. Each grade level has its own neighborhood wing, and is further broken into three teams, or ‘sides,’ to assist students in making connections with their classmates and teachers. Each side has a team of teachers assigned to it; this inter-disciplinary teaching team supports the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students. A key component of the middle school is the advisory or homebase program. This group of approximately twelve students meets at the start of every school day with a single advisory teacher, encouraging a close professional relationship between the student and at least one adult in the school. Middle school counselors are a critical part of creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive school community; each grade level has an assigned counselor who moves with a group of students through middle school, forming strong and trusting relationships with students and families. Reading and language arts, social studies, math, science, physical education, health, and world language comprise the required middle school academic courses. Elective courses of band, strings, choir, art, drama, dance, music creation, IT, video, tech, strategic learning, and cooking are just a few of the exploratory and innovative programs that capitalize on students’ interests and extend their learning. Middle school opportunities for leadership and service are provided to aid in developing a sense of responsibility and care for our extended community.


Middle school

Middle school


HIGH School Ninth to Twelfth Grade

We believe that education should be more than the accumulation of knowledge. Learning is a process of discovery and transformation, realized through pursuing individual passions and encountering new ways of viewing the world. The SAS high school program offers our diversely talented student body a wide breadth of program choice that allows for rich discovery. SAS offers 29 Advanced Placement (AP) courses for students, more than any other school outside of the United States. We were recently chosen by The College Board to be one of the 130 schools worldwide (of 10,000) to roll out their new AP Capstone Diploma program, offering our students yet another way to personally grow and differentiate themselves from their worldwide peers. The senior project at SAS allows students to design their own learning experience by merging their passions with their academic learning. Students can sample a career, carry out an extended service learning project, deeply explore and research an academic topic of interest, or create a novel artistic work. The scope of these projects is limited only by a student’s imagination. Two counselors work exclusively with ninth grade students in their successful transition to high school, advising them to develop an appropriately rigorous course of study and encouraging them to pursue their non-academic interests. For their final three years of high school, students are are assisted in the process of selecting and applying to colleges and universities by our experienced team of counselors who have visited hundreds of college campuses and are highly regarded in the college admission community. When the last bell rings at 3:00 p.m., the day is far from over for high school students. There are athletic events, research projects, music, dance, and drama rehearsals, or community service, cultural, academic, and special interest clubs – any number of activities that are an extension of what students are doing in class.


High school

High school


Meaningfully 10 Integrated Technology

SAS has 10 Apple Distinguished Educators, one of the largest numbers for a single school in the world.

At SAS, we constantly look through the lens of how technology can enhance learning and make it more customized, collaborative, and expansive. In each division, world-class educational technology coaches guide teachers, work with students, run digital citizen boot camps, host informational parent coffees, team up with our counselors, advise on digital media, and lead the way in creative technological approaches to teaching and learning. At the elementary school, every iPad is outfitted with a suite of core apps that becomes a scaffold for learning. With significant guidance from teachers and ed tech coaches, kids set goals and monitor their progress, whether they are measuring their heart rate in physical education, mastering math facts, building vocabulary, or attempting a new art technique. All middle school students attend a boot camp where they are assigned Google accounts and attend training sessions to harness the power of technology to achieve their academic goals. It’s a platform that offers a myriad of ways to communicate with teachers and other students – whether it’s instant feedback on work, new ways to present projects, or publishing to the world through their blogs. At the high school level, our faculty leverages technology to propel students toward even higher academic achievement. We offer challenging courses such as Advanced Placement (AP) computer science, engineering science, and robotics. Students can take other specialized, forward-looking classes such as mobile app development, graphic design, and game design.


Meaningfully Integrated Technology


SAS has 9 Google Certified Teachers, one of the largest numbers for a single school in the world.


Our educational technology team led more than 250 trainings, sessions, or meetings to support teachers in integrating technology last year


iPads in elementary school

MacBook Air in middle school

Bring your own laptop to high school

Meaningfully Integrated Technology


World Languages Peering into one of the SAS world language classrooms, you might witness students using an iPad to create an animated video in Chinese or you might observe students role-playing a shopkeeper and patron conducting a transaction in Spanish. The real-life application of language skills is what world language here is all about.

Differentiated course levels are offered for students with no previous world language experience to those with near native proficiency. Students at all levels have opportunities to become equipped both linguistically and culturally in other languages to establish and maintain relationships, and to function confidently within a global society. Students begin daily Chinese classes in preschool in a fun, intimate environment, learning language through songs, stories, and even in their perceptual motor classes. In kindergarten through fifth grade, students take their choice of daily Chinese or Spanish classes, and are actively engaged through Chinese and Spanish fairs and talent shows, Chinese New Year celebrations, Spanish-speaking field trips, and dramatic presentations.

The middle school world language program provides an opportunity for students to explore and develop their language proficiency in Chinese, Spanish, or French through daily classes. Students learn beyond the classroom here, too, making Chinese dumplings, Spanish paella, or bento boxes with the middle school cooking classes, among other interdisciplinary activities. In high school, students complete at least two years of study in Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, or French. Advanced language opportunities are available through Advanced Placement (AP), post-AP, and near-native courses. During the iconic Interim Semester travel, students can opt for trips with language immersion home-stay experiences to enrich their language engagement. No matter which language students choose, at SAS they intersect language and culture and become well-equipped for the world as savvy citizens.


16 H




World Languages





SAS has more Chinese teachers ACTFL- certified as Oral Proficiency Interview testers than any other American international school in the world, which increases the quality of teaching and assessment and language proficiency for students

World Languages


Global Learning: Connecting Students to the Real World An SAS education extends to challenging learning experiences outside the classroom, across the region, and around the world. Classrooms Without Walls and Interim Semester travel, social and athletic programming, field trips, and service learning allows students to place their classroom learning in the context of daily life.

Although our youngest learners don’t necessarily travel abroad for school, their learning at SAS includes global connections from day one. Whether learning Chinese or Spanish and the cultural traditions that accompany it, playing instruments in our Indonesian gamelan studio, trying their hand at batik or aboriginal painting, serving our Singaporean neighbors in service learning, or taking part in AsiaFest presentations, students have countless opportunities to learn about the amazing world around them. Beginning in fifth grade, a portion of our students take their first service learning trip to Indonesia to participate in a cultural exchange with children in Indonesia, distribute school supplies, and participate


Global Learning: Connecting Students to the Real World

in a service project to improve conditions at an Indonesian school. This tradition is expanded in middle school through the Classroom Without Walls experience where students travel to Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Trust, risk-taking, goalsetting, resiliency, and cooperation are just a few of the traits that this signature SAS program aims to instill in students, who also further develop their own environmental awareness and cultural sensitivity through participating in activities specific to each trip. The longstanding Interim Semester tradition makes up an integral part of the high school curriculum and is recounted as one of the most beloved memories of all alumni. Students have 60 different programs to choose from, from hiking the Routeburn Track in New Zealand to completing service projects in the Philippines to learning Spanish in Barcelona. The program deepens students’ understanding of the world around them, inspires students to contribute to the global community, encourages students to challenge themselves, and builds a sense of community.


Number of Interim Semester trips in eco adventure, global studies, or service that high school students can choose from

Global Learning: Connecting Students to the Real World


Fine AND Performing Arts At Singapore American School, the arts are an essential part of the curriculum, incorporating an opportunity for creative expression through instrumental and vocal music, dance, drama and theater, painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, filmmaking, graphics, and design. Our visual and performing arts programs are among the strongest and most highly regarded in the region; for nearly 60 years, SAS students have explored the worlds of visual and performing arts, developing their skills and confidence and deepening their habits of artistic expression. We seek to nurture creativity in all students and instill a passion for excellence. The vertical integration of each discipline empowers students at every stage of development to achieve their personal artistic potential and enables our students to build a life-long relationship with the arts. From informances and cafĂŠ-style performances to public exhibits, concerts, and plays, students have abundant opportunities to perform outside of class, and numerous after school activities and clubs are offered from kindergarten through high school. Students at all grade levels have several opportunities each year to interact with professional artists through a PTA-funded artists-in-residence program. Students have the opportunity to better understand the craft and discipline that is involved at a professional level and receive mentoring and feedback from some of the most celebrated artists in the world.


Fine and Performing Arts

Classes at every grade level are geared for every level of experience and ability. Beginning and advanced courses give students superb performance opportunities, with specialty classes available for students with greater interest. Students can pursue the highest level Advanced Placement (AP) courses in AP 2D Design, AP Studio Art/3D Design, AP Art History, and AP Music Theory. Fine and performing art students also have the opportunity to experience the sports equivalent of making a varsity team thanks to Singapore American School’s participation in the Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools, or IASAS, Cultural Convention. The IASAS Cultural Convention, an event where students from six international schools showcase their talent, may not be competitive. However, to participate students must go through an intensive selection process to nab coveted spots on SAS’s dance, drama, music, and art teams. Students also learn the meaning of dedication, commitment, strength, and teamwork when they put in hours of practice in the lead up to the event.

Fine and Performing Arts



The Eagle Way At SAS, we value competitive sports for the lessons they teach about leadership, teamwork, victory and defeat, and the sheer joy of competition. With a wide variety of sports and playing levels, there’s a home for every athlete on our campus. At the elementary level, both instructional and competitive sports are offered through our after school activities program. Soccer, kendo, karate, taekwondo, swimming, track and field, rugby, basketball, volleyball, futsal, and badminton are some examples of program offerings. Middle school is all about getting involved and connecting with peers, and with over 35 sports teams and 20 intramural activities, middle school students truly do have a world of choices. Intramural sports are offered for students looking for a recreational option, and students wishing to compete in interscholastic play can compete in the the Athletic Conference of Singapore International Schools (ACSIS) league. Within the high school, athletes compete not only with local schools and community teams, but also with rival Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools (IASAS) teams. Following the conclusion of seasonal IASAS tournaments, intramural sports are also offered. At SAS, athletic excellence isn’t just about performance, it’s about the Eagle Way. Students push themselves to their limit while maintaining the integrity of the ultimate sportsman. Our athletes display determination, self-sacrifice, and perseverance. They celebrate their teammates and bring them up when they are down, look out for one another, and have a genuine interest in those on our team and our opponent’s team. Most of all, they challenge themselves to be great on and off the field. It’s not about winning, it’s about winning the right way. The Eagle Way.


Athletics: The Eagle Way

High School Varsity and Junior Varsity Sports cross country, soccer,

volleyball, basketball, rugby/ touch, swimming, tennis, badminton, softball, golf, and track and field

Additional sports

Students of all ages can also compete in baseball, American football, rowing, taekwondo, and other sports through the Singapore American Community Action Council, based on campus


SAS helped launch the IASAS league over 30 years ago, allowing it to compete against some of the best international schools in Southeast Asia.

Rival IASAS Schools


• International School Manila

Last year, the high school enjoyed its most successful IASAS year in history, bringing home 14 gold medals and nine silver medals.

• International School of Bangkok • International School of Kuala Lumpur • Jakarta International School • Taipei American School

Athletics: The Eagle Way


Extracurricular Activities: Beyond the Classroom At Singapore American School, the pursuit of passion is encouraged as students learn to identify and leverage a range of abilities that complement one another. We offer an abundance of opportunities to explore a host of extracurricular experiences and to develop leadership skills. Beginning in kindergarten, SAS elementary students have access to more than 90 after-school activities in recreation, performing arts, music, arts and crafts, computers and technology, and instructional and competitive athletics. All after-school classes are taught by dedicated and professional teachers, many of whom are part of the SAS faculty. In middle school there are 21 intramural and 35 representative sports offerings, plus 23 clubs that cater


Extra-curricular Activities: Beyond the Classroom

to a variety of interests. All extra-curricular activities in middle school are sponsored by faculty, adding another opportunity to connect with students and support them academically, socially, and emotionally. In the high school, there are more than 100 clubs and organizations, including 45 student service groups. All clubs at the high school level are student-designed and led by a faculty advisor, who mentors and guides student participants. There are also 11 interscholastic sports teams, 14 recreational sports clubs, and seven honor societies. Although not school-sponsored, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are also active on campus, with numerous troops and dens spread across grade levels.


Elementary After School Activities


Middle School Sports and Clubs

Just a few examples of extra-curricular activities: Elementary School

Middle School

High School


Art Extended

Global Issues Network Robotics Club

Hip Hop

Climbing Club

Young Cartoonist

Lego Robotics


Kids Can Cook

Roots and Shoots

House of Pain (fitness)

Jr. Scientists

National History Day Club

Technical Theater

Dodge Ball

Leprosy Home

Migrant Workers Outreach

Masks and Clay

Touch Rugby

Visionary Club


Ultimate Frisbee

Habitat for Humanity

Acting Antics

Dance Club

Students Against the Violation of the Environment (SAVE)



Caring for Cambodia


High School Clubs and Organizations

Extra-curricular Activities: Beyond the Classroom


Service TO Others

We believe that the best service comes out of extraordinary care, and our students exhibit just that every day. Opportunities for service abound for SAS students from kindergarten through grade 12, both at school and in the community. Scores of studentled initiatives have flourished over the years, and new ones are constantly evolving in response to local and global needs. Students at SAS are empowered to make a difference in their communities and develop an early commitment to active citizenship as part of being a responsible global citizen.

Elementary School Kindergarten classes befriend stroke victims at the Adventist Rehab center, coaxing movement through games, molding clay, and waving scarves. Grade 1 students interact with their Singaporean buddies from Seng Kang Primary School by building relationships, celebrating festivals, and playing ethnic games. Grade 2 students feed 315 individuals each month through Food From the Heart, organize a Toys for Treats drive, and send dental hygiene kits to Cambodia. Grade 3 students serve as mentors to students from Innova Primary School through the Kids READ service program and conduct “Read to Feed” fundraising and leprosy home visits.


Service TO Others

More than




of SAS high school students take part in voluntary community service

26% of teens in the US volunteer

Grade 4 students engage in innovative projects for experiential learning integrating the RLA, science, and social studies curriculum units with a sequence of out-ofdoor experiences.

Grade 8 students complete service projects of their individual choice after being inspired by service activist guest speakers such as Jamie Amelio, Salva Dut, and Geoff Morgan.

Grade 5 students carry out elder care, teaching arts and crafts to the elderly at Chistalite Methodist home.

High School

Middle School Grade 6 students conduct awareness campaigns for conservation of fresh water and eradication of water-borne diseases. Grade 7 students link their social studies curriculum’s unit on escaping the poverty cycle by supporting Tabitha’s sustainable self-help programs and Wish For Kids’, Kiva, and Milaap’s microfinance programs.

Service club participation at the high school level is voluntary. All 45 service clubs in the high school focus on fund-raising, advocacy, or direct service. In addition to making a difference in their communities, service clubs allow students to take advantage of mutually beneficial opportunities to develop skills in initiative, collaboration, planning, and implementation.

Service TO Others


Campus: Home of the Eagles

36 Acres

3 libraries 3 auditoriums 5 air-conditioned gymnasiums

3 cafeterias Modern science, engineering, and robotics laboratories Language labs Dance studios An air-conditioned climbing wall Weight training rooms Vocal and instrumental classrooms with small group practice rooms

Natural Rain Forest

Art wings with in-house kilns and graphic arts, photography, and film studios


outdoor covered play areas A high-ropes course

A 1,000-seat stadium Track and field, baseball, softball, soccer, and rugby fields

3 swimming pools

Our Commitment to Conservation and Sustainability


panel 1-MWp system: SAS hosts one of the largest solar panel arrays in Singapore

SAS solar panels will save 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide over 20 years, equal to over

500,000 trees

At Singapore American School, we are green literally and in practice. We are proud to be a leader among international schools in environmental sustainability practices and we strive to involve students in being good stewards of the environment.

There are over 160 recycling containers throughout campus, and in addition to the usual recycled items, SAS keeps other items out of landfills such as electronics and food waste through other recycling and composting programs.

SAS hosts one of the largest single-site solar panel installations operational in Singapore, leading SAS to be the very first educational institution to receive the Solar Pioneer Award from the Singapore government. The system is designed to produce about one-tenth of the school’s existing electricity consumption and that percentage will increase as SAS continues to become more energy-efficient. We continue to upgrade campus facilities with more indoor/ outdoor connections that use fans instead of air conditioning, water-saving turf on fields, efficient windows and lighting, motion sensors, low-flow bathroom units, the use of materials certified to be low in volatile organic compounds, and wood from managed forests mixed with recycled content.

Students have the opportunity to study and lead conservation efforts through a wide variety of Energy clubs and courses. Many of our recycling and conservation efforts have sustainability efforts are student initiated and saved over 12 million driven, including replacing water bottles with kilowatt hours or nearly $3 cooled, filtered water filling stations throughout million in electricity bills over the past five campus, and take-away plates and utensils made from an eco-friendly corn-based material. Our high school students also designed, planted, and tend an eco-garden within their division. This lush area is filled with native and local plant varieties and serves as another outdoor learning space.


Our Commitment to Conservation and Sustainability

We have a partnership with botanists at Singapore Botanic Gardens to propagate endangered plant species in our campus rainforest, offering meaningful experiential learning for our students, purposeful partnerships in our host country, and valuable resources to the conservation of Southeast Asia.

SAS is certified Green Mark Gold

Our Commitment to Conservation and Sustainability


Cafeterias: The Spice of Life

$3.70 the average price of a meal without a drink

With its rich multicultural heritage, Singapore serves up a true melting pot of flavors and foods through Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Peranakan dishes, among others. Food is undoubtedly an important aspect of life in Singapore, and here on the SAS campus, that is no different.

SAS built our first cafeteria in 1965 and hired Hoe Tee Jam and Hoe Juan Sin to oversee our dining services. The Hoe family, and their children and grandchildren, have continued to create dishes such as curry, Hoe’s sweet and sour, and Hoe’s Szechuan chicken that alumni have listed for decades as some of their fondest food memories in Singapore. While the favorites have become healthier through the years, the Hoe brothers continue to embody the Singapore legacy of food culture and the heart and soul experience of authentic local food done right. We aren’t just about flavor, though. Our three cafeterias offer a variety of the freshest healthy ingredients for dishes from around the globe. In the elementary years, snacks and lunch are nutritious, set meals, with more individual choice as kids get older. Our school nutritionist has introduced a green, red, and yellow traffic light system which identifies fat, saturated fat, salt, and sugar to help kids make healthy choices. Each day students can choose tasty options from the hot lunch line, deli choices, and vegetarian options. Beginning in fourth grade, students also have access to a Japanese sushi and udon bar, salad bar, and a fruit and smoothie stand. In high school, students can choose from homestyle Hoe Brothers catering and salad bars, Food Haven pizza and crepes, Subway sandwiches, or even Baja Fresh Mexican cuisine.




Cafeterias: The Spice of Life

Cashless payment with SAS ID card


Whole grain is used in bread baked at SAS’ own bakery

Cafeterias: The Spice of Life


Transportation: it is about the destination

se woodlands marsiling 562 kranji


66 57

16 37

bukit brown

111 170

holland village 493 common w



• Not your typical yellow school bus • Free shuttle bus between Marsiling MRT station and SAS both before and after school • Island-wide coverage • After-school activities buses at 4:15 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. • SMS broadcast system to parents • On-campus bus office fully staffed by Yeap Transport • Low bus fees relative to other international schools


Transportation: it is about the destination

botanic g








12 9 19








Yeap Transport Advantages





Some will say that location is a prime filter when choosing a school, but at SAS convenience has never been a measure of excellence. Sometimes the destination is simply more important than the journey. Our students are thrilled to study on Singapore’s only 36-acre green international school campus, and our parents know their children are getting the education of lifetime when they arrive.


5 8


Experienced expats and discerning parents understand that the best school for their child isn’t always next door. Thankfully, Singapore is a tiny country with impressive infrastructure. Traveling from one end of the country to the other takes under an hour, and most people live closer to mid-town.

singapore american school

Safety Features • Chips in student cards to ensure that students get on the correct bus and off at the correct stop • A monitor (or “bus auntie”) on each bus • Onboard CCTV cameras • Three-point seat belts on all buses • GPS tracking of all vehicles • 24/7 parent access to bus data, offering parents the opportunity to track their child’s bus location in real time • Trunk radio system (allowing mass broadcasts to all buses) • Security consultant & U.S. trained driver safety program training • Reduced emissions standard busses (Euro 3 and 4 diesel engine buses instead of Euro 2 and 3) • Buses not older than 10 years











15 30

changi airport


9 132




newton farrer road 226





clark quay chinatown



2 4

1 2



somerset 3 dhoby ghuat



little india

marina bay 7








n 110












More than


of our students from kindergarten through grade 12 take the bus to and from school each day.

Transportation: it is about the destination



Each SAS student is required to wear a uniform, which helps create a comfortable and focused learning environment and identifies students as part of our school community. The SAS student uniform consists of a white polo shirt with an embroidered logo and navy bottoms, also with an embroidered logo. Students require both regular uniforms and PE uniforms. Alternate dress days occur twice each month and are noted on the school calendar. A white or blue SINGAPORE sweatshirt (purchased at the Booster Booth) or a solid navy blue or white sweater or sweatshirt (with no commercial logos, stripes, or designs) may be worn over an SAS uniform shirt. A solid white undershirt or white SAS t-shirt may be worn under the official SAS uniform polo shirt. Uniforms can be purchased on campus at the PTA office or the Booster Booth, or through their online stores.



Less than


Price of one regular uniform

Less than


Price of one PE uniform








Community A strong supportive parent community has always been one of the defining features of Singapore American School. Parents are always welcome on campus, with multiple volunteer opportunities in the classroom, in the Parent Teacher Association, Booster Club, and fundraising committees. With a complimentary parenting speaker series, library lending privileges, gym usage, and free Wifi as well, many parents enjoy their time here and develop their closest friendships right on our campus. Each division hosts monthly divisional coffees for parents to stay in touch with academic, extra-curricular, and social development topics important in our students’ lives. These coffees, and our SpeakerSeries@SAS and TeckTalks@SAS also host parenting and topical seminars led by experts from around the world. Outside of spending time on campus, we encourage our parent community to share their talents and resources by serving as mentors to our student community, whether through short-term shadow-for-a-day programs, or as longer-term advisors for high school internship or senior project opportunities. The life of our school is as warm and dynamic as it is thanks in large part to the volunteerism of our parent community. SAS parents make a real difference in the lives of our students through their time, expertise, fundraising, and engaging spirit and create a sense of place and home for the whole SAS community.





Living in Singapore The fourth-biggest financial center in the world

One of the five busiest ports in the world

The third-highest per capita income in the world

Singapore American School is located in one of the most progressive countries in the world. The Singaporean economy is known as one of the freest, most innovative, most competitive, and most businessfriendly. Singapore also ranks high in international rankings of infrastructure, education, healthcare, and government transparency. A multi-cultural, highly diverse country that is experimenting with solutions and problem solving to issues that surrounding countries with more resources haven’t been able to, Singapore is an inspiring place to live. As the country also looks at how to continually



More than 300 bird species

More than 350 butterfly species

More species of trees than the entire North American continent

upgrade its own learning and achievements, Singapore makes for a dynamic and exciting learning environment for all of us. Located on an island just one degree North of the equator and near the southern tip of Malaysia, Singapore is a true garden paradise. In addition, our families enjoy the benefit of being located centrally to multiple regional getaways. Whether families look for adventure, relaxing beaches, luxury, or community service opportunities, there is something for everyone in this Southeast Asian location.

Beijing, China 6 hours Phuket, Thailand 1 hour, 40 minutes

Hong Kong 3 hours, 42 minutes

Yangon, Myanmar 3 hours, 31 minutes

Siem Reap, Cambodia 2 hours

Kathmandu, Nepal 4 hours, 52 minutes

Hanoi, Vietnam 3 hours, 13 minutes

Singapore Agra, India 5 hours

Maldives 4 hours, 45 minutes

Regional getaways

Tokyo, Japan 7 hours

Bali, Indonesia 2 hours, 35 minutes

Borneo, Malaysia 2 hours, 18 minutes Perth, Australia 5 hours, 21 minutes



ADVANCEMENT: The Spirit of Philanthropy Singapore American School was born in 1956 from a philanthropic spirit. Individual and corporate donors contributed funds to establish a school that would provide students an exemplary American education with an international perspective.

That spirit of philanthropy – private initiatives for a noble purpose – continues to endure today. Inspired by the advancement office’s fundraising activities, our community donated more than $1.2 million last year alone to expand educational opportunities at SAS. The funds have helped school programs, including extensive professional development for our faculty; interscholastic and club sports for all ages and ability levels; expansion of music, dance, and performing arts offerings; implementation of hands-on interdisciplinary courses like robotics and senior project courses; and the building of common collaborative rooms, or makerspaces. Moving forward, we will continue to collect the resources needed for SAS to be a global leader in education. This multi-year fundraising effort, The Campaign For SAS: Changing Lives, For a Lifetime, aims to raise $50 million to support the funding priorities that are necessary to achieve the school’s vision. The results of our work are far reaching and will be reflected in our students and graduates. As you start your journey with SAS, we encourage you to help us keep the spirit of philanthropy alive and find ways to get involved in our SAS community.





Alumni Relations:

Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle Relationships are fostered at every step in a student’s academic career and last far beyond their time on campus. Even after obtaining a diploma from Singapore American School, every graduate will remain an integral member of the SAS Eagle family. With the help of the alumni association, SAS graduates ranging from 18 to 75 years old – regardless of where they are in the world – will have the ability to ponder what it was like growing up a third-culture kid, reminisce about their unique time at school and in Singapore, celebrate the accomplishments they have achieved since then, and network with more than 8,000 alumni in our community. The alumni association provides SAS graduates a number of ways to stay connected with each other and the school. They can read Journeys magazine, regular newsletters, or social media posts; find and get in touch with friends through the alumni directory, which is available online or through an app; or, reconnect at one of the various gatherings the alumni association hosts around the world, including the U.S., Europe, and Australia. As we often say at Singapore American School, once an Eagle, always an Eagle.





Testimonials Sarah Farris Elementary Counselor

Zach and Corrie Potter Parents

I love being part of a school that believes in the extraordinary care of its students. Students are greeted when they get off the bus, their classrooms are warm and friendly, their teachers tap into their individual strengths. The school is well resourced with technology, coaches, and learning support. It is evident just by walking into SAS that the number one priority is students’ social and academic growth.

Living in Tunisia and Scotland, we had heard wonderful things about SAS from teachers and families that used to be here. When we learned we were moving to Singapore, the girls couldn’t wait to go to SAS.

I have grown by leaps and bounds by working at SAS. Award-winning authors and illustrators and well-known educators and specialists visit the school regularly. Also, I’m surrounded by intelligent and experienced colleagues who are able to share their knowledge about best practices. It’s exciting to see what the future holds for SAS! Through innovation and research, the school is actively looking to tap into 21st century skills so that each student can follow their passions and tap into their strengths.



We were attracted to the top-notch academics and variety of activities and courses. Our daughters have taken electives as varied as video production, cooking, dance, band, Spanish, French, and Japanese, and several technology offerings; they have both been in student council and peer support; and they have competed in cross country, track, and soccer. Kaylee and Kiersten value how teachers take the time to know them, encourage their best work, and care about how kids are really doing. They love that students from different places are embraced and everyone can find activities to suit their interests. Andrew just started pre-kindergarten. We are excited that he takes Chinese, the bus service is great, and the facilities are fun and welcoming.

Linda Sun Grade 12 Student

Bharath SRIVATSAN Alumni CLASS OF 2014

Singapore American School makes me ready to take on the world. Through the variety of courses and clubs that SAS offers, I discovered my learning and extracurricular passions. I spend my lunches and after school hours pursuing these interests, immersing myself in activities such as speaking about new interim semester guidelines, leading badminton training sessions, and building the online platform for my social business as part of the Capstone course.

Everything about Princeton University is bigger the campus, the student body, the clubs, and the competition. For many students, the scale can be intimidating. However, learning at SAS prepared me to seize opportunities wherever they present themselves.

Moreover, SAS gives me the confidence to change the world. It taught me essential skills that allow me to not only fit in but also stand out, wherever I go. It has provided me the best liberal arts high school experience I could’ve asked for. It has given me a second family, who along with my biological parents will support me for the rest of my life. From the bottom of my heart, I am forever grateful to the best high school in the world.

In high school, teachers like Eric Burnett helped me tailor my educational experience to my own interests. My time in robotics under the tutelage of Bart Millar also inspired me to value learning wherever it presents itself – all of the successes we had on our robotics team were built on as many failures. The caliber of SAS students and teachers made the transition from high school to college much easier for me than I anticipated. The way in which SAS students are able to apply themselves academically while also participating in extracurricular interests teaches time management and leadership skills that have already been very useful in college. I’m glad to be a SAS alum at Princeton; I wouldn’t have it any other way.



Joining the SAS Community SAS welcomes applications from qualified, diverse students throughout the calendar year. Our staff can help you decide the optimal time to apply.

Getting In We are building an applicant pool with a purpose at SAS, one that includes a good flow of opportunities for a wide range of applicants. In the process we attract applicants who love what SAS does for children and who are inspired by our vision. If that’s you, we’d love to talk. We work with every inquiry and applicant to help them gauge when admission might be possible. How It Works Your child will immediately enter our applicant pool when you submit your application form and a nonrefundable application fee. This will give you a secure position in a given priority lane while you complete the other requirements of the process. The application has a two-year life span. Parents find this helpful for planning, strategy, and options that are unique to SAS admission. Only good standing applications will be reviewed, once we receive all the required documentation. Admission is a privilege and we carefully review for best fit. To explore the application process further, please visit our website.







US Citizens and Green Card Holders

Non-US Citizens Working for a US Company

Those Attending an International School

All Others





Q&A Please contact our admissions staff to ask any question, large or small. Better than any other source, we can tell you about unexpected changes in the applicant pool, how many applications we are targeting in each grade, and whether your child might qualify for admission. We’d love to hear your story, and we are excited to serve you in your transition across the island or across the world. OUR APPLICATION TIMELINE Depending on how far in advance you are applying and what priority lane your child is assigned, the admissions process and timeline will vary. August is Best August entry is the best opportunity to start at SAS. We enroll 750 to 850 students annually at this time. In August we also add the greatest number of spaces for new students in pre-kindergarten to grade 1. This is a golden moment for little ones to get into SAS in these grades.


Aug - Jun

When to Apply

September 1* (or earlier**) to February 1

February 1 to May 1

May 1* to SEPTEMBER1

Best Consideration


Late Consideration

* For those in priority lane 1 ** For those in priority lanes 2-4

January and Rolling Admissions are Possible We start the school year with a full house in August. Based on the number of withdrawals during the year and at the semester break, we take in up to 150 additional students throughout the year in select grades. Acceptance to SAS means a lot. In some cases, it can be very challenging for us to find a coveted place for a child at SAS. For others, SAS is simply not optimal. Thanks for your patience and good communication while we take time to carefully consider each application. Our time is invested in seeing how we might serve your child with integrity in the best possible learning environment.

SCHOOL BREAKS One Week in October

Three Weeks in December and January

One Week in MARCH

June to August

School Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Admissions Office Phone :+65 6360 6309 or +65 6360 6312 Email :



WWW.SAS.EDU.SG WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/SINGAPOREAMERICANSCHOOL CPE Registration Number: 196400340R Registration Period: 22 June 2011 to 21 June 2017 Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)

40 WOODLANDS STREET 41 SINGAPORE 738547 PHONE: (65) 6363 3403

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