SBLBSHP Winter 2023 Newsletter

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South Bay/Long Beach Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Editor: Heather Yen, USC PharmD Candidate 2024

Message from the President

Mailing Address

SBLBSHP 11138 Del Amo Blvd, Ste #127 Lakewood, CA 90715 Newsletter Archive Email

Dear SBLBSHP members,

For those of you who don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tammy Ginder and I am serving as your local chapter President for SBLBSHP. Amongst my mentors that have served with SBLBSHP, I am humbled to be able to serve in this capacity.

We had a lovely Hawaiian feast at our SBLB Night with Industry and Installation, which was held at the Los Verdes Golf Course in beautiful Rancho Palos Verdes. This event was hosted by members Angela Jeong and Erwin Jeong. The 2023 CSHP President, Dan Kudo, was in attendance.

With 29 years in various roles in pharmacy, I know first-hand how technicians are an integral member of Pharmacy Services. (Continued on next page)

SBLBSHP Newsletter Winter 2023 1 Inside this issue President’s Message 1-2 Recap: 2022 Board Dinner 3 Recap: 2023 Night with Industry & Installation 4 Industry Dinner Programs 5 Legislation Updates 6-8 Mentorship Program Updates 9 Student Updates 10 Meet the 2023 Board 11

There is a proposal to align with Pharmacy Technician Schools, to increase Student Technician interaction with sites, and grow technicians into advance roles and leadership. This is on the heels of ASHP’s summary on the technician shortage where “the majority pharmacy administrators reported turnover rates of at least 21-30% in 2021, and nearly 1 in 10 had lost 41% or more of their pharmacy technicians.”1

I attended the first quarterly Affiliate Chapter Presidents (ACP) meeting and I am inspired how there is a vision to use technology and media to help promote what a Pharmacist really does behind the scenes. More to come later on that.

As we transition back to more in-person meetings, we have had three consecutive monthly educational dinners at Fogo de Chao, Spaghettini, and Paul Martin’s American Grill. Thank you to all of you that supported and attended. If you were unable to attend, we hope to see you at our future events.

We are seeing an uptick in student involvement with our chapter and had a nice report out of activities at our Winter meeting. In correlation with our SBLBSHP member growth, we have been able to add one more delegate, Hai Tran, to represent SBLBSHP at the state level, bringing our total delegate count to four.

Encourage your colleagues, co-workers, and classmates to join CSHP. We incorporate great food, support, education, objectives, networking, celebrations, and hosted events! Together we unite stronger.

1Technician-Shortage-Survey-Exec-Summary.pdf (


for Monthly Board Meetings!

DATE: Second Wednesday of every month

Please RSVP for meetings via

TIME: 7:00PM


SBLBSHP Newsletter Winter 2023 2

Recap: 2022 Board Dinner

The SBLBSHP Board celebrated the end of 2022 with a Board Appreciation Dinner held at the Tantalum restaurant in Long Beach on Friday, December 16th, 2022. In lieu of our monthly board meetings, the President and President-Elect show appreciation for the hard work of the entire SBLB Board by hosting a dinner every December during the holiday season. During this past year, around 10 board members attended the appreciation dinner at Tantalum restaurant. Everyone had a great time socializing and enjoying great food while celebrating another productive year with the chapter. Thank you to all of the 2022 Board members! Your dedication to the chapter is greatly appreciated!

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Recap: 2023 Night with Industry & Installation

Our 2023 Board Installation and Night with Industry event was held on Friday, January 20th at the Los Verdes Golf Course in Palos Verdes. The attendees enjoyed talking to our sponsors in the patio, enjoying the sunset and ocean views while learning about their products. We enjoyed a yummy Hawaiian-themed buffet dinner.

We thanked the 2022 Board members for all their hard work throughout the last year. Dan Kudo, Pharm.D., CSHP President, installed the new 2023 Board members. The 2023 board led by President Tammy Ginder is prepared to serve our chapter.

We want to thank all the students from the various schools of pharmacy who helped make this event successful. We also want to thank our sponsors for supporting our chapter!


Konrad Larson - Bayer

Keyana Robinson - Biogen

Marylou Ganzon - Eisai

Jennifer Oliver - Genentech

Hannah De La Cruz - Grifols

Christine Maas - Novo Nordisk

Eric Hulsy - Shionogi

Louise Grimm - Takeda

Estaban Nocito - Tarsus

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Industry-Sponsored Educational Dinners

We started the year off by trying a new venue, Fogo de Chao Brazilian Steakhouse, for our first educational dinner on January 31, 2023. The topic was “Andexxa: The First and Only FDAApproved Agent for Reversal of FXa Inhibitor Activity in Patients With Life-Threatening or Uncontrolled Bleeding” presented by Tony Casanova, PharmD, Emergency Department Pharmacy Specialist from St. Joseph’s Medical Center. We hosted a full house with an interactive discussion with the pharmacist speaker. The program was sponsor by Astra Zeneca.

On February 28th, 2023, we were also treated to a discussion on Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) led by Dr. Edward Mena of the Pasadena Liver Center. The dinner was hosted at Spaghettini with a great turnout. A special thank you to Intercept Pharmacy for hosting!

On March 21,2023, we met on a cold, rainy evening at Paul Martin’s American Grill. The topic was “Myth or Reality: The Rabies Threat in the U.S. and the Role of Postexposure Prophylaxis” presented by Dr. Fredrick M. Abrahaian, DO, FACEP, FIDSA, Emergency Medical Clinical Professor from UCLA. The guest speaker was very engaging and had interesting case scenarios. The attendees enjoyed the informal discussions throughout the lecture. Many personal stories were shared, which made the learning so much more meaningful. This program was sponsored by Grifols.

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Legislation Updates

AB 2194 (Members Ward & Lee) Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians: Continuing Education: Cultural Competency

- Remove what can be a barrier to healthcare within the LGBTQ+ community

- Requiring at least 1 hour of the required 30 hours of CE per pharmacist renewing cycle (every two years) in cultural competency

- Require pharmacy technicians to submit satisfactory proof to the Board of Pharmacy that the applicant has successfully completed at least one hour of participation in a cultural competency course

AB 1797 (Weber) Immunization Registry

- Requires, instead of permits, a healthcare provider and specified entities to disclose certain information from a patient/client’s medical record to the local health departments (LHDs) operating county-wide or regional immunization information and reminder systems, and to the Department of Public Health (DPH)

- Includes a patient/client’s race and ethnicity in the existing list of information that must be disclosed by healthcare providers

- Expands the purpose for the use of information collected by and reported to immunization information systems to perform immunization status assessment of pupils, adults, and clients in a state of emergency (only applies if the school’s governing board or body has adopted a policy mandating COVID-19 immunization for school attendance and the school limits the use of data to verifying immunization status for this purpose). Sunsets these provisions on January 1, 2026. Recasts existing law effective January 1, 2026.

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(Legislation Updates, cont.)

AB 1852 (Patterson) Health Facilities: Automated Drug Delivery Systems

AB 1949 (Low) Employees: Bereavement Leave

- Furnish use of automated drug delivery systems (ADDS), for pharmacy services to licensed hospice facilities

- Ensures that workers are entitled to take jobprotected, unpaid bereavement leave to mourn loss of immediate family members

- Guarantees workers up to 5 business days of unpaid leave

AB 2352 (Nazarian) Prescription Drug Coverage

- Requires health plan or insurer to furnish specific information about prescription drug upon request by enrollee/insured, or prescribing provider

- Prohibits health plan/insurer from restriction provider from sharing information furnished about the prescription drug (i.e. cash price of drug or penalizing provider for prescribing, administering, or ordering lower cost/ clinically-appropriate alternative)

AB 2942 (Daly) Prescription Drug Cost Sharing

- Requires health plan/insurer that provides prescription drug benefits and maintains 1+ drug formularies to furnish specific information about prescription drug upon request by enrollee/insured or provider

- Requires health plan/insurer to respond in real time to request and ensure information is current no later than one business day after change

- Prohibit health plan/insurer from restricting provider from sharing information furnished or penalizing provider for prescribing lower cost drug

SB 852 (Wiener) Prescription Drug Coverage

- Requires insurance companies to cover denied medication, a dose that patient has previously been prescribed or an optimized dose of previously prescribed medication, for duration of an appeals process

- Prohibits plans from seeking reimbursement if denial is sustained on appeal

- Clarifies California’s prohibition on nonmedical switching

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(Legislation Updates, cont.)

SB 872 (Dodd) Pharmacies: Mobile Units

- Allows county, or city and county, to operate mobile pharmacy staffed by physician, pharmacist, and pharmacy technician to provide medications, vaccines, and related services to patients experiencing homelessness and provide similar services to vulnerable populations lacking access to health services

SB 923 (Wiener) Gender-Affirming Care

- Requires health plan/insurer to require its staff in direct contact with enrollees/insurees to complete approved evidence-based cultural competency training, as specified, for the purpose of providing trans-inclusive healthcare for individuals who identify as transgender, gender non-conforming, or intersex (TGI), and requires a health plan/ insurer by July 31, 2023

SB 1346 (Becker) Surplus Medication Collection and Distribution

- Increase access to no-cost prescriptions

- Allows any county-owned and operated health facility with existing pharmacy services to operate a voluntary drug repository and distribution program to distribute surplus medications to persons in need of financial assistance

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Mentorship Program Updates

The 2023 SBLBSHP Mentorship Program is off to a strong start. Our February and March discussion topics were Introductions and How to Succeed in Pharmacy School: Academics and Extracurricular Activities. We have had 15 successful mentor-mentee pairings that we hope will continue to grow and get to know each other over the next year. Our mentees come from a variety of schools, such as Chapman University, Keck Graduate Institute, UC Irvine, and University of Southern California. We would not have been able to have such amazing mentees without the help of our student liaisons. In addition, our mentors come from a variety of professional settings, such as Industry, Inpatient, Medication Use Evaluation, Ambulatory Care, Specialty, Managed Care, Management, Emergency Medicine, and even current Residents! This Mentorship Program would not have been successful without the help of our current pharmacists in our chapter who have volunteered their time to be mentors. We will continue to send out monthly discussion topics for our paired mentor-mentees to initiate new conversations about how students can succeed in the pharmacy profession and make the most out of their time in pharmacy school, while building meaningful relationships with their mentors.

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Recap: USC Street Medicine Series Panel

The USC CSHP student chapter teamed up with the Medical and Pharmacy Student Collaboration (MAPSC) organization to host the first-ever Street Medicine Series Panel event on February 23rd, 2023. This event featured a panel discussion with guest speakers from different healthcare disciplines (MD, PharmD, PA) with street medicine knowledge and appreciation. Our guest speakers educated student attendees on what role interdisciplinary care plays in Street Medicine and highlighted the issues prevalently seen in this population of interest, primarily including patients experiencing homelessness. This was an exciting new initiative between the two organizations because it helped students gain exposure to a sector of patient care that is not thoroughly introduced to them in the classroom. Additionally, this event featured an interactive case between the different healthcare professionals developed by themselves and students who serve as directors of our Generation Rx and Infectious Disease Awareness patient care projects. The goal of this interactive case was to show students how these healthcare professionals would navigate a patient’s case as a team. Special shoutout to our own chapter’s members, Gilberto Peña, Cameron Rehmani, and Heather Yen, for collaboration in hosting this event!

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SBLBSHP 2023 Board Members


MICHELLE DING Immediate Past-President

ANGELA LEE Secretary







YEN DOAN Membership Chair

JOHN SIE, KELSEY LY Mentorship Program Chairs

HEATHER YEN Communications Chairs

ISAAC LEE Public Relations

Student Liaisons






ERWIN JEONG Social Affairs Chair







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