Scan Magazine | Issue 65 | June 2014

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Scan Magazine | Contents


Jo Nesbø – the natural pessimist A former professional footballer who turned to writing after a knee injury and took the world by storm with crime fiction and children’s books, Jo Nesbø talks to Scan Magazine about honesty, music references, and Doctor Proctor’s antifarting powder.


Marry me – in Sweden Close to 46,000 couples got married in Sweden last year, and Saturday 15 June was the most popular date. If you are hoping to tie the knot Scandi style, find inspiration among these stunning venues and their keen helpers, offering everything from 18th century manor house glamour to top tips on menus and honeymoons.




From Danish PH legend to Chinese knitting With everything from a knitwear brand helping Chinese knitting professionals to a graphics and web design company that does anything to get under your skin, our design section is extra large and jam-packed with Scandinavian visual treats this month.

Top 5 summer experiences in Denmark With serene landscapes, family-friendly festivals, and crocodiles aplenty, Denmark is a popular summer holiday destination for a reason. Here is our top-five of things to do and places to see.


On motivation and networking fun This month, our business columnist Paul Blackhurst gives some inspiring advice on motivation, while we explore a different approach to clientfriendly entertainment and networking on an island off the west coast of Sweden.

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Rising racing star Born to two Danish parents in England, Emil Bernstorff got hooked on karting at the tender age of eight and is a promising international rising star in the world of racing, today aged 21. Scan Magazine spoke to the driver about speed, passion, and this year’s GP3 races.


Cultural and culinary delights On your way to a Swedish wedding or a Danish summer retreat, why not stop by one of these top eateries or cultural hot-spots? And do not say we did not give you options…


Jonna Sima and Pontus Braunerhjelm With the European elections behind us and another three months to go until the Swedish General Election, we speak to Jonna Sima, political editor of Dagens Arena, and Pontus Braunerhjelm, managing director of the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and professor in international business and entrepreneurship, about their view of the 2014 election campaign.


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Nordic Oil, Energy and Gas special With ONS 2014 on the horizon in Stavanger, Scan Magazine warms up by exploring the oil and energy pioneers that are the Nordic countries. The oil and gas industry is one of Norway’s most important industries, with 250,000 people employed by the petroleum sector alone. At the eastern end of the Nordics, the Finnish Energy Industries has prepared a vision aiming for carbon neutral production of electricity and district heat by 2050. Sweden spearheads the energy development with eco villages and a global water symposium, and Denmark, since 1990, is the only country in the European Union that is selfsufficient in oil and gas. Suffice to say, we had plenty to choose from for this special theme.

CULTURE 102 Scandinavian Pride As the EuroPride goes Scandinavian, we go all in for the gay Pride events of the Scandinavian countries, learning about this year’s anthem and asking whether we really still need gay Pride festivals. We also report from a sensitive, harmony-laden First Aid Kit gig and, as always, look at what Scandinavian music export has to offer this month.


We Love This | 13 Fashion Diary | 78 Hotels of the Month | 82 Attractions of the Month Restaurants of the Month | 92 Conferences of the Month | 100 Humour

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 3

Scan Magazine | Editor’s Note

Dear Reader, At the time of going to print, we northwestern Europeans are all itching to go on holiday, fire up the barbeque, and spend long days on the beach. All that is missing is that all-important summer phenomenon called sunshine. But while it might be easy to forget about global warming and the pressing environmental challenges the entire world is facing, they are very much there – and still very much urgent. As media supporter of ONS 2014, Scan Magazine thought it appropriate to look at these challenges and how the energy, oil and gas sectors are tackling them. What can we do to deal with the world’s water shortage? What is already being done to speed up the development of renewable energy sources? And how can the oil industry become safer and more efficient in order to go green? All this and more is covered in our big Nordic energy, oil and gas special as we speak to some of the world’s leading oil giants, technical consultancy firms, and professional energy associations.

the most magical of castles, beautiful of manor houses, and impressive of wedding planners. As a back-up, should we get stuck with rain, we have gathered some not-to-miss gastronomic hot-spots and cultural highlights in our features section, alongside our biggest design section in months. Naturally, while the European elections are now behind us, our Swedish election series continues. Moreover, the World Cup is about to kick off, and we have got a little something for all those mourning the lack of Scandinavian teams. Speaking of football, our June cover star was once a professional footballer, now known across the globe as an award-winning author. “Writing has been all downhill from football,” Jo Nesbø told us. A natural pessimist – but an oh so talented one.

Linnea Dunne Editor

That said, we are more than ready for the sun whenever it does show up, and in this issue we present our favourite Danish summer experiences. In Sweden, love is in the air, and we went to find

Scan Magazine

Julie Lindén

Maria Smedstad

Issue 65 | June 2014

Signe Hansen

Helena Halme

Maya Acharya

Johannes Laitila

Celine Normann

Karl Batterbee

Tina Lukmann Andersen

Emelie Krugly Hill

Published by

Stine Gjevnoe

Sara Schedin

Scan Magazine Ltd

Kjersti Westeng

Published 12.06.2014 ISSN 1757-9589

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4 | Issue 65 | June 2014

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Scan Magazine | Contributors

This month’s featured contributors Tina Lukmann Andersen has followed her Danish Viking ancestors’ footsteps and is now trying to reconquer the United Kingdom. After finishing her Master of Arts in Danish and rhetoric at the University of Copenhagen, she is now working in London as a head hunter and freelance journalist. When not doing that, she takes advantage of all the culture and theatre London has to offer. Other interests include literature, dance and yoga. And travelling. And food. And a really good gin and tonic. Having spent almost her entire life in Copenhagen, Tina is very proud to represent her nation to the rest of the world and enjoys bringing her inside knowledge of the city and country to the readers of Scan Magazine. For the June issue, among other things, she explores the medieval world of a very different festival.

Ellinor Thunberg is a freelance journalist based in Gothenburg on the Swedish west coast. She moved to London to study towards an MA in journalism at London College of Communication, but is now back in Sweden where she writes for national and international publications. Special areas of interest are culture, design, sustainability and food-related topics. Ellinor is keen on good stories and loves meeting new people. A perfect Sunday starts with coffee and pancakes, followed by an art exhibition or gallery tour – in Gothenburg, London or beyond, as travelling is one of her great passions in life. For the June issue of Scan Magazine, Ellinor has written about the fairy tale like world of white castles and dream weddings, and explored the anniversary of an action-filled sailing race.

An art lover, writer, and mother of a one-year-old girl and a five-year-old pug, Julie Guldbrandsen is currently feeling very excited: the end of her maternity slump is approaching, and her brain and fingers are itching to get back to her old life. As an art historian with an MA from Christie’s and a BA in business and philosophy, she is ready to go back to her art world curating and writing projects. Besides contemporary art and motherhood, Julie is passionate about trees, coffee, books, champagne and burger nights with her hubby. She also has a keen interest in design and architecture and has been creating Scan Magazine’s We Love This page for four years now. In her spare time, Julie works on crazed mysterious projects that might or might not ever see the light of day.

Sara Schedin's first literary breakthrough came at the age of ten, when she won third prize in a children’s writing competition in her home municipality of Torsby in Sweden with a novel carefully composed on her dad’s type writer. Since then, she has left the woods of Värmland but kept on writing. After living in France and Ireland, Sara made a five-year stop in east London, where she managed to both drink a lot of lattes at Broadway Market and get a BA in Journalism from City University. Two years ago, Sweden was calling and she now resides in Stockholm where she works as a writer and teacher. Sara is passionate about culture in all its forms and has been compiling the culture calendar for Scan Magazine since 2009.

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Scan Magazine | Cover Feature | Jo Nesbø

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Scan Magazine | Cover Feature | Jo Nesbø

Jo Nesbø – the natural pessimist As Jo Nesbø’s latest book in the Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder series is published, the master of crime fiction talks about writing for children, pessimism, football, and playing music. Martin Chilton / The Daily Telegraph / The Interview People | Photos: Niklas R. Lello

Jo Nesbø insists that he is such a natural pessimist that whenever he is asked how long a journey will take to complete, he always replies “two hours more,” no matter how near the final destination. The 54year-old is known throughout the globe for his gritty crime novels featuring serialkiller chasing Oslo detective Harry Hole. But he has another, more upbeat, side to his writing: as the best-selling children’s author of the Doctor Proctor series. Nesbø’s children’s fiction has been a runaway success in Norway and throughout Europe, though the books started simply as a way to amuse his daughter, Selma, who was seven years old when the series began in 2007. The Oslo-born author says: “Selma began asking for stories, but she had a few stipulations. She wanted a dinosaur, and a boy character who was smaller than the girl. Oh, and she wanted a princess and a potato. And a mad professor.”

The crazy professor turned into Doctor Proctor, and in making up the bedtime stories, Nesbø realised that he liked the characters. “The farting and anti-farting powder was all my idea,” he jokes. “Selma just said: ‘Not again, Dad.’ We used to joke that she was the co-writer, until she suggested that we share the royalties.” Storyteller who likes to laugh For Nesbø, there is a similar pattern to his work, whether it is writing for adults or children. “I am a storyteller,” he says during a visit to the Telegraph offices in London. “Whether it’s adult crime novels, or lyrics for my songs, or children’s stories – I come up with ideas and then work out whether they will fit for Harry Hole or Doctor Proctor. Then I provide the story with what it needs: suspense, humour, whatever. I compare Harry Hole to the intricate conducting of a symphony, and Doctor Proctor with going to a jazz club and jamming with a band. It does not mean that

children’s fiction is easier. When I’m writing the books I have to make them funny for myself and laugh at the stories myself. I found the powder that would stop you farting hilarious, and I like to put in music jokes.” In the latest book, the fifth in the series, called Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder: The End of the World. Maybe, for example, there are running jokes about a band called De Beetles with a song called Yelp, I Need a Bandage. Nesbø had a mixed upbringing in terms of what he read. He liked Scandinavian authors such as Astrid Lindgren (Pippi Longstocking) but was also exposed to Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer books via his father, who had grown up in New York. He believes that one of the key goals for literacy, in Norway as in the UK, is encouraging boys to read. Asked if he attends a lot of children’s school and book events, he jokes, in a deadpan way: “I try to avoid children. They lack concentration.” In fact, he marvels at the way children are able to navigate the world, even when they

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 9

when after a knee injury I realised I could no longer do what I wanted to do as a football player. I still follow football,” says the fan who during his visit to London went to see West Ham versus Tottenham, unfortunately seeing his beloved Spurs lose, “but I do some rock climbing now.” The writer reflects on the difficult spell in Britain for fellow Norwegian Ole Gunnar Solsjkaer, the former Manchester United striker who took charge of Cardiff and could not halt their slide towards relegation. “Ole’s a patient chap. He will come good,” Nesbø asserts. “I know him quite well and he has even sung with my band, Di Derre.” How did he do? “Let’s just say he’s a better footballer than singer,” the author responds, smiling. Nesbø has a lot on his plate at the moment. He will be touring with a bass player again this summer to give small acoustic concerts throughout Norway, has a new Doctor Proctor novel in progress, is writing more crime fiction and working on a modern novel version of Macbeth. “Imagine if Macbeth had been a video game. All that cold-blooded murder and insanity would have earned it an 18 certificate,” he says.

cannot make sense of what is going on or understand all the punchlines to life’s stories. In any writing, honesty from the author is key: “With writing, you are inviting people into your mental home, in a sense being accommodating,” he says. “You have to say ‘this is my world, this is what I want to write about and describe, and if you want to know more or think it’s funny, then come in’."

success. “Well, I had been published for eight years when my books suddenly took off,” he says. “The good thing about being a writer is that people can have opinions and maybe like or dislike what you write, but if they don’t read you, they don’t really care. So you tend to get only nice attention. In any case, you never get as much fame as a footballer. Writing has been all downhill, anyway, from football.”

Writing all downhill from football

Nesbø, who has a degree in economics and business administration, was briefly a professional footballer with Norwegian premier league side Molde, before injury ended his career while still a teenager. “I’ve not played football since I was 19,

The Doctor Proctor books were an overnight success in Norway (there have been two film adaptations), but Nesbø, whose books for adults sell in phenomenal amounts, seems engagingly unaffected by

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He spends a lot of time travelling but makes use of the time, writing on planes and trains. And he never feels rushed to deliver. “A book is always two years away, is what I tell publishers,” he says. So has his daughter inherited his pessimism? “Well, when she was young her mother suggested that I play guitar at one of her birthday parties, and Selma said: ‘Do you think that’s a good idea?’ She was about six at the time. I feared the worst, because I did not think my music would mean much to small kids.” And what happened? “Oh, I emptied the room,” Nesbø says. “So all the children fled and I was left alone there with my daughter, who arched her eyes and said: ‘I told you.’ It’s safer to be pessimistic; then you don’t have false hope.”

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Scan Magazine | Design | We Love This

We love this... Enjoy the summer outside surrounded by luxuriant plants and amazing company. We will be creating an outdoor oasis with some of our favourite Scandinavian summer trends and design news. By Julie Guldbrandsen | Press photos

The modern classic Omaggio vase by Kähler now comes in a range of new vibrant colours, such as sunshine yellow and grass green. An effortless and pretty way to add a dash of colour. From £16.50.

These cool, new bath towels by House Doctor are oh so chic. We will be letting ours double up as little blankets on the terrace. £17.50.

We love this bamboo bench by Tine K Home, ideal for creating a cosy corner in the garden now, and then move it inside come autumn. Can be folded and easily stored away. £192.

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These little planters in brass will add a nice touch of contemporary luxury to your outdoor setting or the kitchen window. Also available in copper. Set of three, £32.50.

Designed to be used both in- and outdoors, this woven vinyl rug by Brita Sweden makes a gorgeous addition to the terrace as well as the living room. It is reversible and easy to care for, too. £175.

Scan Magazine | Design | Fashion Diary

Fashion Diary... This June we’re inspired by the soft shades of early Scandinavian summer, bringing in some of our favourite natural materials to complete the look. Not only do they look great; they will last you far beyond the summer season. Valuable for our nature – and timelessly stylish for your wardrobe! By Julie Linden | Press photos

Black leather clutch bag from & Other Stories Large enough to fit your essentials and then some, this layered clutch bag is a sleek must-have for nights out yearround. Premiere it at any get-together this summer! £55 Feather necklace from & Other Stories As far as nature inspiration goes, feathers give an interesting touch to any outfit. The barely-there feel of this piece makes it both wearable and relaxed. Approx. £17

Warm beige sunglasses from FWSS Norwegian cutting-edge brand Fall Winter Spring Summer has made us fall in love with all seasons, unpredictable as some of them may be up north. This summer their elegant sixties-inspired eyewear invites a long, sunny season. May we hope for rainfree Midsummer’s celebrations? Approx. £169

Patterned dress from Mayla We are big fans of simple items that can be worn for a multitude of events, and this silk dress embodies the concept perfectly. Simple, comfortable, yet stylish – it’s our go-to summer dress for sunny lunches and late night barbeques alike! Approx. £268

Sandals from Rodebjer This stylish sandal brings together two of our favourite long-lasting materials: soft leather and wood. The wide heel and panel structure make for a sturdy fit, not to mention a beautifully natureinspired look. Approx. £290

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 13

Scan Magazine | Design Profile | Coster Copenhagen

The combination of soft and raw textures in Coster Copenhagen’s autumn collection is inspired by the raw beauty of the Danish autumn sea, according to designer and founder Pia Coster.

Nordic rawness in soft packages With a finely-knitted, rare combination of Nordic style, exclusive quality, social responsibility and reasonable prices, Coster Copenhagen has made a splash on the Nordic fashion scene. This summer, the new Danish brand opens up a pop-up shop in Illum and a brand space in Illums Bolighus in Copenhagen. By Signe Hansen | Photos: Coster Copenhagen

When designer Pia Coster founded Coster Copenhagen in 2012, she had a long career in the fashion industry behind her. As head of design for a major fashion brand, she had travelled all over the world, and the understanding of

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what it means to spend long periods away from one’s family was one of the reasons she decided to do something out of the ordinary for the women who knit Coster Copenhagen’s sweaters in China.

“They live an extremely hard life and due to poverty they are often forced to leave their families to work at a factory. Some of the women only travel home once a year for the Chinese New Year. During the remaining time, the children are left to be cared for by their grandmothers. I would like to give the women the gift that I know is so important – the chance to see their children grow up,” explains Coster. To enable the women to live with their families, Coster Copenhagen allows the

Scan Magazine | Design Profile | Coster Copenhagen

women to bring the yarn to their home towns where they knit the brand’s designer sweaters. Each of the exclusive sweaters, which can only be produced by hand-knitting, has the hand-knitter’s Chinese signature on a label in the neck. Though changing the work process in China was difficult, Pia Coster hopes to set up similar projects with other suppliers. “We are very aware of how our suppliers work and always discuss with them if there are any areas where we can help make things better or easier for the workers,” stresses Coster. Exclusive quality at reasonable prices Though Coster Copenhagen started out modestly in the Coster family’s living room in northern Zealand, the project’s potential became clear as soon as the first collection hit the market. Soon Pia Coster’s husband, Chris Coster, took over the firm’s administration and the brand moved to its current charming thatched domicile near the couple’s home. Today, Coster Copenhagen produces four yearly collections, traded in approximately 250 stores in 12 countries. The company’s success has, believes the designer, to a great extent been down to the brand’s high quality and reasonable prices as well as the fact that the clothes are very easy to

wear and style. “The clothes create an independent identity and do not need styling with an extra wardrobe of accessorises. They’re easy to wear and easy to understand. When you wear our clothes, they’re all it takes – you don’t need scarves, necklaces and extra blouses. The clothes have so many small and simple details, which are very important and which make the clothes complete in themselves.” Another factor is the brand’s focus on sourcing only the best quality materials; one of the major successes has been a basic-wear collection made from 100 per cent Merino wool. “Our basic programme runs throughout all the collections and is made of super soft Merino wool sold at the market’s most favourable prices. The way we have been able to do this, even though we are still a relatively small brand, is by convincing our suppliers that working with us is a good investment – and by testing all our products to make sure that the quality is good enough. It’s important for us to keep down the prices, but just as important to ensure that the quality is good,” explains Coster. Reflecting the beauty and rawness of the sea

Having spent long periods away from her own family, Pia Coster decided to help the Chinese women knitting Coster Copenhagen’s exclusive sweaters to move back to their families by allowing them to work from their home villages.

though it might not always be obvious at first sight. “Every morning, I take a walk along the coast with my dog, and the sea is a huge inspiration to me. This summer and autumn, the beauty of the sea will be reflected in the mix of textures and surfaces in the garments. The expression is a bit raw and fresh like a stormy autumn day by the sea,” she explains. With a mix of materials such as leather, laces, fur and, of course, hand-knitted wool as well as a variety of powerful, autumnal colours, Coster’s newest collections are ready to impress.

Living and working close to the sea is another defining factor in Coster’s work, al-

Designer Pia Coster lives and works close to the sea, which provides a large part of the inspiration for her successful fashion brand Coster Copenhagen.

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Issue 65 | June 2014 | 15

Scan Magazine | Design Feature | Louis Poulsen Lighting

The stylish interior of Alice Dining at Chúbu Centrair International Airport, Japan, of course includes Louis Poulsen’s famous Artichoke.

Behind the lights All design enthusiasts will recognise, and most probably have an opinion on, the striking designs of Louis Poulsen Lighting A/S. The company is not just behind some of Scandinavia’s most iconic design classics, such as Poul Henningsen’s PH Artichoke, but also new, award-winning designs. Behind the Danish company’s many decades of success lies an enlightening philosophy based on the balance between function, comfort and ambience. By Signe Hansen | Photos: Louis Poulsen Lighting

Designed by Poul Henningsen in 1958, the PH Artichoke’s unique sculptural design has made it an international design icon.

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Fifty years after its creation, the PH 5 pendant lamp, one of Danish architect Poul Henningsen’s distinctive three-shade designs, was re-released to celebrate the anniversary. In just three months, sales exceeded 6,000 units (at approximately £475 per unit). The design’s continued appeal is no lucky coincidence but a result of the strict criteria that Henningsen developed when he started designing lights in 1924. Ninety years later, the principles still form the backbone of Louis Poulsen Lighting.

Scan Magazine | Design Feature | Louis Poulsen Lighting

“When a 50-year-old lamp sells like that, it’s because the design is immortal. We are not a trend firm; we are a firm that has created a simplicity that has made our designs timeless,” explains Claus Østergaard, Louis Poulsen Lighting’s international marketing director. “The more simple the design, the greater its usability and adaptability. That’s also the reason why you’ll see Louis Poulsen Lighting’s products used across a broad spectrum of locations and situations: from libraries to railway stations and airports – we light churches as well as casinos.” The feel-good factor With a history that goes back more than a century, the business that is today Louis Poulsen Lighting had several successful ventures in the trade of electrical goods before breaking through the light barrier with the PH pendant in 1924. Poul Henningsen’s mathematical principles, which led to the three-shade system, have today developed into an unyielding focus on what the company refers to as the ‘feelgood factor’. When the perfect balance between functionality, comfort and ambiance is achieved, the feel-good factor is, says Østergaard, the result: “No workspaces are completely lit by natural daylight and that means that we live most of our life in artificial lighting, except when we are asleep. What is essential is that people feel comfortable in the environment they are in, and that depends on three factors: firstly, that the lighting is substantial enough for what they need it for; secondly, that it is not overly bright, making you feel uncomfortable or pre-

venting you from judging the dimensions of your surroundings; and finally, that there is a suitable, pleasant balance between light and shadow. The more you optimise the three elements, the more you optimise the feel-good factor.” That the many elegant designs of Louis Poulsen Lighting are an aesthetic manifestation of the lighting philosophy behind them is highlighted by the total absence of superfluous decorative details. This fact might also contribute to the lamps’ long lifespans; many original PH lamps are still being sold at impressive prices at auction houses. “We know that some of our lamps have been passed down for three or four generations. If sustainable design means anything, our lamps must be the definition of that,” Østergaard points out.

of her patterned shades. “The first lamp Louise did was very difficult for us to design because it involved two glass shades that had to be very precisely placed in relation to each other; that’s very difficult when working with hand-blown products,” explains Østergaard, adding: “She challenged us, but that’s brilliant – that way we all make progress.” Becoming solid hits on the notoriouslydifficult-to-break Asian and American markets, Campbell’s lamps proved worth the effort – and proved that, despite being 90 years old, Poul Henningsen’s philosophy is still lighting the way.

Louis Poulsen Lighting is named after Louis Poulsen, the nephew and successor of the firm’s founder, Ludvig R. Poulsen.

Creating new icons

The firm was founded in 1874 as a wine

Throughout the years, Louis Poulsen Lighting has worked with a string of highly skilled designers and has developed hundreds of designs – some for standard products and some custom-made for architectural projects. No matter whether it is a question of incorporating new technologies, adjusting to customers’ requests or bringing in new designers, the same principles are adhered to. One of the main criteria is that there must be no direct glare from the light source.

importer but moved into the trade of electrical goods soon after Denmark’s first electrical plant opened in 1891. During the Second World War, Poul Henningsen designed a blackout lamp for the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, allowing the gardens to stay open until midnight without being visible from the air. Louis Poulsen Lighting’s 150 standard products are sold all over the world. Louis Poulsen Lighting provided the lighting for the newly renovated Tate Britain in London.

Among the new designers to have realised the challenge inherent in this criterion is Danish-British Louise Campbell, who had to put together several prototypes by hand to find the right combination and layering

Poul Henningsen developed the now iconic PH 5 in 1958 in response to constant changes to the shape and size of incandescent bulbs.

For more information, please visit:

Collage by the award-winning young Danish designer Louise Campbell is among Louis Poulsen Lighting’s new international lighting hits.

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 17

Scan Magazine | Design | Uno Form Stavanger

Consistency, care and uncompromising principles are behind the success of the timeless Uno Form kitchens.

Design on good form Known for its unwaveringly classic Danish design, Uno Form kitchens have epitomised quality craftsmanship and Scandinavian simplicity for almost half a decade.

that reacts to its surrounding – is deliberate. Unlike other materials, wood develops nuances and individuality, rather than becoming frayed. “We really get a lot of good feedback from customers,” says Mathiasen. “We take a lot of care to make sure they are happy with the end result.”

By Maya Acharya | Photos: Uno Form Stavanger

The name Uno Form comes from the Latin term for ‘one form’, and as you might guess, the company’s designs have remained largely unchanged since they were created by Arne Munch in his basement in Denmark during the 1960s. Munch’s revolutionary idea was based on a simple, square module that was adaptable to any room layout and requirement. With the introduction of slots, Munch also did away with handles – a breakthrough brain wave at the time. One might wonder how such a characteristically timeless design can continue to inspire and excite. In Stavanger, Norway, Lars Mathiasen proudly manages one of the country’s several Uno Form shops. For him, working with Uno Form never becomes tedious. “Although our designs are rooted in the original by Munch, they are constantly being developed,” he says. “Uno

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Form’s style is refined and modernised in different design series where we make adjustments to functional and visual details.” One thing that certainly has not changed is the care taken when creating a Uno Form kitchen. “Uno Form’s vision is to provide functionality and quality. Design that surpasses trends and fads; design that lasts,” Mathiasen explains. This focus on sustainability is at the core of Uno Form, and is one of the reasons that a large part of its kitchens are crafted by hand, an unusually mindful practice for such a large company. “Manual processes are vital to the product’s durability,” Mathiasen asserts. Uncompromising principles also mean that the company does not fall into the trap of mass production. These principles apply to materials, too. The choice to use wood, for example – a natural material

Funnily enough, for something that was born out of a desire for change, it is Uno Form’s consistency that seems to have bred its popularity. A solid foundation of care, simplicity and desire to create products that last seem quite plainly to be the appeal of Uno Form’s kitchens and the secret to their own longevity.

Arne Munch, who during the 1960s first came up with the idea of working with a simple, square module adaptable to any room layout and requirement.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Design | MOFix

Heart-to-heart business By Celine Normann

For Mathilde Oord, founder of the Norwegian graphic and web design company MOFix Design, the most important aim is to get under your skin. That is the only way she talks business. “I build relationships before I build business. When I meet with new clients, I aim to do so outside of the office as it helps people relax and takes the pressure off the meeting,� says Oord. To guarantee satisfaction, MOFix Design’s attitude is to always treat the client as a partner. Oord believes it to be essential that the client is strongly involved throughout the process, and she consequently puts a lot of effort into Mathilde Oord values a close relationship with her clients. Photo: Model Lab

reading them. “We play ball to create innovative ideas. If I were to use a range of sales tricks instead, it would only leave the customer disappointed,� she explains. Sole proprietorship Since the beginning of 2003, MOFix Design has been run by Oord alone. The onewoman set-up allows her to invest time in the humble passion of building heartfelt relationships. “I am the business, and I’m not afraid to show the world that I’m doing this on my own,� says the designer. “By listening, I try to really understand the customer’s thoughts and passion.� Although sometimes challenging, the close customer relationship has proven beneficial, as people keep coming back to MOFix Design. “For one of my clients I am currently working on the company’s fifth website. We have such a strong relationship that we can now develop and renew ourselves together,� says Oord.

MOFix Design is playful and tailored to the client’s wishes. Image: Vaclav Volrab

Image: Mathilde Oord

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Scan Magazine | Design | Cube Design

S10 chair in black Mirage fabric; spider table in white laminate; sliding doors cabinet with doors in walnut.

QUADRO Black and White series. Model 5357 with red trays.

Authentic Danish furniture all the way Danish furniture design and production company Cube Design makes chairs, tables and storage units with quality, functionality and aesthetic uniqueness as top priorities. By Tina Lukmann Andersen | Photos: Cube Design

It is quite rare that a rather small furniture business can avoid outsourcing its production these days. Cube Design not only has Danish architects designing its handmade furniture; it even keeps the production on-site and produces around 90 per cent of all the materials used for production. Christian Berggren’s father, Curt Berggren, started the business in 1981. For Christian, it was always a natural step to work in the family business. He explains how important it is for the company to guarantee the quality of the products, which is one of the reasons why they keep the entire production ‘in the family’. And in spite of competition from larger furniture companies, Cube Design is actually experiencing growth, despite choos-

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ing to spend money on the product itself rather than marketing. Timeless design for prolonged lifespan Berggren continues to explain how people like not just the quality but also the design of the furniture. “The design is clean, simple and minimalistic,” he says. On top of that, it is timeless – so both the look and the durability of the furniture contribute to its prolonged lifespan. Cube Design does, however, continuously strive to be innovative in terms of materials used and in its flexibility. It is even possible to customise the design of colours and other creative details. The customers, consisting almost exclusively of private and public sector companies and institutions, enjoy this feature because they can customise their orders, adding for example the colours of the company logo.

This year, Cube Design is expanding further beyond Scandinavia, and the company recently opened showrooms in Paris and London. In the showrooms, you will find some of the new creations, including the S10 Chair Series, the Sliding Door Cabinet and the QUADRO Bookcase Black and White Series.

S10 Chair series: chair with legs or runners; conference chair on wheels; bar stool.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Design | Bloom

borative partners involved in illustration, copywriting, photography, printing and sign fabrication, all working closely with Aardal. “It’s important to have suppliers you can trust. That’s why I make sure to have a good working rapport with suppliers that ensure on-time, high-quality deliveries,” she asserts. Being able to maintain an intimate touch yet possess such a broad expertise is something that, according to Aardal, makes Bloom a rare service provider. “We are good at strategy, ideas, concepts and design,” she says. “The most important thing is to create messages that move people, that get things going and that are memorable.”

Blooming design Bloom is a one-woman innovative design and communication company founded and managed by Randi Aardal. Through a personal and close relationship with her clients, Aardal delivers communication that engages – and that works. By Maya Acharya | Photos: Bloom

Bloom is based in the Norwegian city of Stavanger, in the creative hub of the city’s east side. Although a small company, Bloom has a wide range of clients in both the public and the private sectors, from established businesses to fresh entrepreneurs. Up close and creative The company’s customers hail for the most part from the large spectrum of businesses in the local region. Visual identity, brochures, logos, posters, advertising, web design, outdoor campaigns, radio and signage are just a selection of design projects Bloom has undertaken. “We really get a variety of assignments. Not having a large administration means that we’re able to establish a personal approach to the client and offer competitive rates,” Aardal explains. “Bloom’s goal is continuous interaction with the clients and designers from beginning to end.”

This slant seems to work well for customers, who often give Aardal enthusiastic feedback. Some of her clients, such as Rogaland Art Centre, who requested a logo design and an events programme, have ideas but no clear notion of how to develop them. Torunn Larsen, who works with professional development at the centre, describes Aardal as attentive, creative and generous: “Randi let us take part in the process in order for the result to be exactly as we wanted it.” Others, such as Smed T. Kristiansen AS, a mechanical workshop working for the Norwegian oil and gas industry, have clear plans but appreciate the expertise on what works and what does not. Randi Aardal

From ideas to bold statements One might wonder how a small company can accomplish so much. The answer is that Bloom has a large network of colla-

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 21

Scan Magazine | Design | ByKildahl

Photo: ByKildahl

Dynamic and playful poster art ByKildahl is an up-and-coming Danish design house, specialising in high-end, highquality exclusive poster art. With a dynamic and playful approach to its designs, ByKildahl offers its customers the same freedom and flexibility by which the artist defines her style. By Stine Gjevnoe | Photos: Brian Axel Mortensen

ByKildahl is a Danish design brand selling high-end art posters exclusively painted by multi-disciplinary artist Tine Kildahl. A graphic designer by trade, Tine has expressed her visual artistry since a very young age, and started ByKildahl with business partner Morten Kyed in 2013. Differentiating themselves by only featuring works by Tine, the pair manage all aspects of ByKildahl on their own, from printing and production to distribution and sales.

ByKildahl aims to provide customers with affordable, accessible and compatible high-end art. Over the years, people’s taste changes, and just as they might want to change their cushion covers, they might also want to change their wall art. This is why Tine, who finds her inspiration in the dynamic world around her, tends to paint in pairs, trilogies and collections. The website even features a comprehensive guide to different combination options, as well as a Feng Shui guide.

“I was standing in an airport one day, desperately in need of a present,” Kyed explains. “That’s when I thought of Tine and her paintings, and how great it would be if they were available in gift form.” From here, the idea of transforming the paintings into posters developed, and ByKildahl now specialises in art posters, printed with offset lithography resulting in high-quality pictures.

ByKildahl wants to offer its customers the same freedom and flexibility by which the artist defines her style: “A lot of artists lock themselves into one fixed expression in order to get recognised, but I really try to stay away from that. As an artist, I am curious and playful with my expression and aim to be dynamic and innovative at all times, yet always with a common thread,” Kildahl explains.

22 | Issue 65 | June 2014

Celebrating its one-year anniversary with great success, ByKildahl has its eyes set on the moon. With plans to expand its sales channels, product portfolio and country codes, the Danish design brand is more than ready to change the world of art.

Desperately in need of a present when in the airport one day, Morten Kyed came to think of multi-disciplinary artist, now business partner, Tine Kildahl’s paintings. That was the beginning of ByKildahl.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Sports Profile | Emil Bernstorff

Born in England to two Danish parents, Emil Bernstorff is the racing driver whose natural talent for speed and cars has seen him shoot from a kart-keen eight-year-old to a promising international racing star. This year’s GP3 is now in full swing and Bernstorff’s form looks unmistakably good. Chances are he will race through the GP2 and all the way to the buzz of F1 in no time. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: GP3 Series

“My parents weren’t really into sports at all,” says the now 21-year-old racing driver, a member of the BRDC Rising Star programme. “I saw a kart track near our house as we drove past it a few times on our way to the supermarket. I really

wanted to try it, but my dad didn’t want me to as he thought it was too expensive. He thought I should go with golf instead.” Luckily, Bernstorff’s father did not get his way. “He went for a business trip and I got my mum to take me.”

2013 Season Trophy. Photo: Alex Trienitz

Hooked at 8 – international rising star at 21

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 23

Scan Magazine | Sports Profile | Emil Bernstorff

Emil Bernstorff was eight years old at the time and immediately hooked. “I wanted to do it over and over,” he says. From that day, he kept driving, and once he got into cars he realised that his passion was something that could be turned into a career. Career at racing speed Bernstorff’s first competitive race took place at the Sandown Park kart circuit near his home in Esher, Surrey, when he was only 10. The karting career that followed secured him two vice championships at national level before he graduated to formula cars four years ago, competing in the MSA British Formula Ford Championship. Soon one of the fastest formula Ford drivers around, Bernstorff set six fastest laps, two of which were lap records, and secured three podiums, finishing seventh overall in his rookie season. The success continued with the ADAC Formula Masters championships in 2011 where he won five times and secured the vice championship, and the following year he managed to secure an impressive three podium points in the F3 Euroseries – despite no pre-season testing. Last year’s F3 season continued in a similar vein with six wins in the German F3 Championship and a podium in the prestigious F3 Mas-

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ters at Zandvoort, after four poles, six wins and six fastest laps in the preparatory Formula Middle East Series. “I don’t know what I’d do if I wasn’t racing,” the driver says, humbly suggesting that success is primarily down to hard work and plenty of preparation. “You have to have the speed, which I think I have, but then you just have to work on all the other bits so that you don’t miss out on all the little tricks. You have to know exactly what you’re doing before you get into the car so that there are no surprises.” Aiming for wins and podiums Now dubbed one of the most promising young international racing drivers, Bernstorff recently demonstrated top form in the second GP3 race in Barcelona, where he charged through the field, passing his two Carlin team mates, and ended up finishing P8, climbing a whopping 16 positions. “I was really quick in testing, constantly top-three in all the tests, so it was a real disappointment in the first race when I went off,” he says. “But the second race was brilliant, so it almost made up for the early disappointment! It’s great to have taken my first point – but we know that we’re capable of more, so it makes me even more determined to have a good race three in Austria.”

The second GP3 race weekend will take place 21-22 June, but, as Bernstorff explains, there is only so much preparing one can do. “Testing is banned, so you only get those six official test days, and that’s all you can do. We go to the factory and I prepare with my engineer and the team and try out the track on the simulator. Then of course you analyse the previous race, but other than that there’s not much you can do.” Still, the goal is clear: “I hope to get on the podium. For the rest of the season I’m hoping for podiums and wins, hopefully to be able to fight for the championships.”

Support Emil Bernstorff Become a part of the team and experience the excitement of the globally-watched F1, GP2 and GP3 events. Bernstorff offers sponsorship packages and exclusive F1 experiences and you can join his exciting journey to the very top of world motorsports.

For more information, please visit:

The romantic canals, bridges, and winding paths date back to the 1800s

Viborg’s favourite park for 150 years Much has changed since the lovely Borgvold opened in 1864 in Viborg. But it still is, as it has always been, the people’s park. Turning 150 years this summer, Borgvold will be celebrated with concerts, events, and a cultural festival for children. By Sanne Wass | Photos: Borgvold

“I love going to Borgvold, especially with my children. There are so many different sensations: the colours and smells, the stunning flowers, variation of trees, fresh air and the lake. There’s no end to new impressions,” says Lotte Kunstmann, landscape architect at Viborg Municipality. The incredible 4.5-hectare park is found in the heart of Viborg in central Denmark, beautifully located by the northern Lake Nørresø. The story of Borgvold goes back a long time: with its old rampart, the area is most likely the remains of the King’s castle from the 1300s. The park in its romantic look was established in 1864, making it one of the oldest in town. In 1896, a music pavilion was built, which has been the setting for many open-air events and concerts during the summers.

For the botanically interested, a beautiful perennial border was created in 1945, and in 1989 the Bible garden, or ‘Bibelhaven’, opened – a unique collection of herbs, bushes and trees mentioned in the New and Old Testaments. But the story does not end here. In recent years, Borgvold opened a kiosk, a playground, a boardwalk, and an outdoor iceskating rink for the winter. Visitors can also hire boats and pedalos for a cruise on the lovely lake. With its long history, Borgvold is the favourite park of Viborg, Kunstmann explains. “Borgvold is tradition. When people in Viborg are going for a Sunday stroll, taking their children out playing, or just want to quietly read a book, then Borgvold is where they go. Time and time again, the park attracts all kinds of people: families, couples, and school classes, young and

older people. The atmosphere is incredibly diverse,” she says. Of course, the anniversary of the people’s favourite park must be celebrated. Therefore, Borgvold will host extra concerts, events and competitions this summer. And during the Danish Midsummer, Sankt Hans, in June, it will be the setting for a cultural festival week for children and their families. “Although the park has changed a lot throughout the years, one thing remains true: it is the people's park,” Kunstmann ends.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 25

Scan Magazine | Culture Profile | WACS

A taste of Norway Every other year, the international WACS congress gathers thousands of culinary experts for a few days of fine gastronomy, culinary activities, cooking classes and educational conferences, as well as the very prestigious Final Global Chefs Challenge. This year, the city of Stavanger and the Norwegian Chefs Association welcome thousands of food professionals to Norway on 2-5 July. By Kjersti Westeng | Photos: WACS

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies (WACS) is a global network of chefs’ associations founded in 1928. Since 1930, the WACS congress has taken place every other year in various cities across the globe. Stavanger hosted the congress in 1994 with such success that the members of WACS voted the 2014 congress to be held in Norway’s famous oil city once again. “We are very pleased to be hosting the congress again as it not only means that everyone enjoyed themselves here 20 years ago, it also means that they think we have more to offer,” says project manager Iver Jan Leren.

tion consists of 22 chapters which will all bring individual aspects to this year’s theme: Taste Norway. The aim is to present the variety of classic and modern Norwegian cooking through a range of events and activities. With a coastline of 25,148 kilometres it is unnecessary to say that the menu will feature seafood, but a number of other Norwegian delicacies will also be included. The president of the association, Kristine H. Hartviksen, is delighted to welcome everyone to Stavanger again and has promised to do her utmost to make sure that everyone leaves Norway with long-lasting memories.

Culinary experiences

With the help of almost 400 chefs from Norway and the other Nordic countries, the congress offers a range of experiences and activities such as cooking classes, evening events and trade shows. The team

The Norwegian Chefs Association has 1,300 members and is the most important assembly for professional chefs working in the hospitality industry. The associa-

26 | Issue 65 | June 2014

of Norwegian chefs will put together a nice Nordic spread throughout the congress, in collaboration with renowned master chefs. The WACS food and drink exhibition contains a designated area which is open to the public, as well as a closed-off area reserved for professionals and delegates, creating a perfect arena for networking. “We are expecting thousands of food professionals from all over the world. It’s a great place to meet friends, old colleagues and future business partners,” says Leren. Prestigious competitions The WACS congress is well-known for its prestigious competitions, most famously the Final Global Chefs Challenge taking place on 3 July. As one of the world’s oldest and largest cooking competitions, the Final Global Chefs Challenge features a total of seven chefs from across the globe. Finalists have been chosen through national competitions and further international semi-finals, and then sent to Norway for the grand finale. Following international criteria, the finalists show up with planned menus and knowledge of what commodities they can use. On the following day, another seven chefs com-

Scan Magazine | Culture Profile | WACS

Norway is famous for fish and seafood, something this year’s congress will feature a lot of.

During this year’s congress, the Norwegian Chefs Association has chosen to put a very important issue on the agenda: sustainable food production. “We want to shed light on the importance of sustainability by looking at our diet and the way we produce food today. Naturally, as this is Norway, we’ve put extra focus on the fish and seafood industry,” explains Leren. A number of well-known food specialists,

scientists, politicians and chefs are coming to speak at this year’s congress. One of them is Julian Cribb, the veteran science journalist from Australia. Cribb argues that the planet’s resources have been exploited for the benefit of the minority during the last 200 years, and he will be giving sensible advice on how to help lessen ‘the global feeding frenzy’. Another very interesting speaker is the English author and campaigner Tristram Stuart. He has won the international environmental Sophie Prize for his campaign to solve the global food waste scandal and is founder of Feeding the 5000, an organisation working to combat world food waste.

The Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs is also coming to speak at the congress, along with head chef of Michelin restaurant Ylajali, Even Ramsvik, who will be sharing his experience and advice on how to ensure sustainable food production in Norway. “We are very excited to welcome our speakers to Stavanger this summer and promise a number of educational and interesting conferences for everyone to enjoy,” finishes Leren.

Award-winning chef Frode Selvaag is passionate about the regional food culture in Rogaland.

Kristine H. Hartviksen, president of the Norwegian Chefs Association. Photo: Ruben Kvamme

Photo: Tom Haga

pete in the Global Pastry Chef Challenge, whereas the International Young Chefs’ Challenge takes place on the last day of the congress. Sustainable food production

For more information please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 27

Genuine Danish ‘hygge’ at the beach. ©

Danish holidays the easy way If you and your family are planning a holiday in Denmark, the place to click by is Feline Holidays. Whether you want a summer cottage by the beach, a hotel package, or a family friendly holiday centre, you will find it using the holiday portal’s search engine. But not just that: you can also be sure to find it at the market’s best prices – if not, Feline not only covers the difference but adds 1,000 DKK on top. By Signe Hansen

Founded in 2001, Feline Holidays is today Denmark’s largest online provider of holiday homes in Denmark and Europe. More than 1.5 million people have booked their holiday through the portal, which includes 30,000 holiday houses in Denmark (and 110,000 in Europe) as well as 60 Danish holiday centres and weekend packages at Danish and German hotels. “Feline provides transparency in an otherwise confusing market without adding any

28 | Issue 65 | June 2014

extra cost for the users,” explains Jørgen Laustsen, marketing manager at Feline Holidays, and adds: “We guarantee that our price is the lowest in the market, and we stand by that – if it’s not we will compensate the customer the difference as well as a bonus of 1,000 DKK.” On top of that, all customers who book through Feline Holidays have the chance of winning their holiday. Every month, Feline Holidays makes a draw from the

month’s bookings and the winner gets the cost of their entire booking refunded. Last minute holiday houses Getting all the pieces of the puzzle, such as location, facilities, price and availability, to fall into place when booking a summer cottage can be more than a little tricky. But even if you have started your research late, Feline Holidays can help you find that magical combination: “We have Denmark’s largest selection of last minute holiday houses, and there are plenty of opportunities to do a good deal even in June, July and August. On our portal you can find the best holiday, the right holiday, the safe choice, the good quality and the best location – all at the best possible prices,” stresses Jørgen Laustsen.

Scan Magazine | Holiday Profile | Feline Holidays

Feline Holidays’ 30,000 Danish summer cottages, which are all managed by professional letting companies, represent approximately 90 per cent of houses available for rent on the Danish market. Family fun in all shapes Among Feline Holidays’ thousands of monthly users are a vast number of families in all sizes and shapes. “Many of our customers are families with kids, some go just one family, others join up with friends and sometimes it’s the grandmother who decided to invite the entire family to a large summer cabin,” explains Laustsen. If you want to make sure that your destination has plenty of fun and activities for the kids, a stay at one of Feline Holidays’ 60 holiday centres in Denmark and Germany might be the thing. The holiday booking site is just about to launch its special Feline Family category, which of-

fers stays at specially selected holiday centres with family-friendly activities such as water worlds, skiing and sports. You do not, however, need to bring the entire family to enjoy some of the offers. The site’s Feline for 2 packages, which offer all-inclusive weekend and city breaks for two in hotels in Denmark and Germany, are also hugely popular.

“We can help with everything from information about how far away from the nearest grocer the holiday property is to how you pay for your holiday. You can also call us after you’ve booked and left for your holiday; we once helped a customer find a hotel and get him back to Spain after he accidentally booked a flight to Mallorca instead of mainland Spain,” says Laustsen.

Help at hand Despite Feline Holidays’ straightforward search engine, some might find that they need a little help to navigate between the many choices or make the final booking, and luckily Feline’s helpline is open all week. During high-season, the helpline also takes calls during weekends, and emails are replied to seven days a week all year round. The helpline not only offers assistance with the booking but can also provide specific details on the desired holiday home and much more.

Indeed if you are looking to holiday in Denmark, Feline Holidays is the first click on your way to an unforgettable family holiday without much of the usual planning hassle and worries.

For more information, please visit:

‘Feline for 2’ means time for each other away from home. Choose among a wide range of hotels and inns in Denmark and northern Germany. ©

“Yes, dinner is almost ready.” A stay in a Danish holiday home means plenty of time to prepare delicious meals and to sit down and enjoy the food with the children. No rush. ©

Two families on holidays together in southern Europe. Feline Holidays also offers a vast selection of holiday homes outside of Denmark. Whatever you want, you can easily find it through Feline Holidays. ©

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 29

With the help of super chef Jamie Oliver, The Grill at Scandic Copenhagen has managed to become much more than your regular hotel restaurant, and it is now often fully booked.

International atmosphere, beautiful interior and great food at Scandic Copenhagen In the heart of Copenhagen, just next to one of the three famous lakes where the Danes run, walk and drink their coffee-to-go, lies the hotel Scandic Copenhagen with its amazing new restaurant The Grill. By Tina Lukmann Andersen | Photos: Scandic Copenhagen

Scandic Copenhagen has recently gone through a complete renovation. It has become a very international hotel with food and surroundings for every taste. The new lobby is now more than just a place to wait for your taxi: it is a bar, a meeting place, and a place to just hang out and take a spin in one of the couch-like swings while looking out through the window across the lake.

30 | Issue 65 | June 2014

From the beautifully-decorated lobby, it is not far to the new hotel restaurant, The Grill. The restaurant was inspired by the success of its predecessor in the more Western part of the country, Denmark’s second biggest city, Århus, where, as in most big Scandinavian cities, there is also a Scandic hotel. This restaurant is, however, not a typical hotel restaurant: it has its own entrance and a lot more visitors than your regular Danish hotel restaurant.

The hotel’s director, Kirsten Glente Grindsted, explains how The Grill focuses on fresh and healthy seasonal produce with great dishes for every taste. “As soon as you walk into the lobby, you can almost taste the beef, lamb and chicken from the inviting scents in the air,” she says. Add that first impression to the interior, service and atmosphere of the hotel, and you will begin to understand where Scandic Copenhagen’s reputation comes from. This is what attracts visitors not only from the Nordic countries but also from the US and Japan. From business stays to family vacations, the hotel provides it all. You can easily

Scan Magazine | Culinary Feature | Scandic Copenhagen

bring your children to Scandic Copenhagen for a city get-away. No need to go to a place with a pool or a beach: there is plenty of entertainment at the hotel, including a mini theatre with Disney movies and a room to play Wii in. There is even a buffet served at children’s height, where younger guests can mix and shake their own salads and dressings. “This makes eating fun for the kids, and it’s still healthy,” says Grindsted. “A healthier version of the soft ice machine, you could say.” Jamie Oliver in the kitchen The salad shaker was actually one of Jamie Oliver’s contributions to the hotel’s food plan. He has been collaborating with the hotel chain for a few years now, helping with innovation on the menu – and not just for the children but also in terms of the business meeting menus, which have become more varied, offering the master chef’s famous toppings as well. Oliver started by improving the menus for conference and meeting purposes and has continued to work with several aspects of the hotel’s food offering, all delicious and made of high-quality produce. One example is the mini burgers brought in for the children to enjoy, and fruit salads in small cups for the older guests. Oliver’s diverse food goes hand in hand with the hotel’s intention of giving its guests options. Not only can you choose

between a healthy and a sweet topping; Scandic Hotel provides options aplenty whether you are young, old or disabled. As Grindsted puts it: “The hotel appreciates the individual. The staff know what they are doing and are very proud of their work and what the hotel has to offer.” The summer season at the hotel is very much adapted to suit the private holiday clientele; for example, there is currently great focus on the many cruise guests that have started to invade the Scandinavian city. Whether you want a modern hotel stay in a perfect Copenhagen location, are looking for a hip bar to have a meeting, or want a gastronomic experience influenced by Jamie Oliver himself, make your way to Scandic Copenhagen – and make sure to book a table in advance. According to Grindsted, only 20 per cent of the hotel’s guests used to go to the hotel restaurant for dinner in the past, but the number has now increased significantly and they are often fully booked. Having enjoyed a well-prepared meal at The Grill, do yourself a favour and take a walk around the lake outside, combining the international experience with a true Danish one. Maybe even with a coffee-togo in hand – that will make you fit right in. For more information please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 31

Scan Magazine | Culinary Feature | Charles & De

Honest cooking Delicious food does not always have to be expensive. Delicious food made by a world champion chef, however, tends to be somewhat pricy, if not extortionate. However, there are exceptions even to this rule. One of these exceptions is Charles & De, a friendly restaurant in Sandnes where everyone can enjoy exceptional food – without emptying their bank account. By Kjersti Westeng | Photos: Charles & De

One thing is for sure: it is certainly not every day that a culinary World Champion decides to open up his own restaurant in a small town like Sandnes in western Norway. However, that is exactly what happened in May 2005, when Charles and Monica Tjessem first opened the doors to Charles & De. The world-renowned chef Charles Tjessem was titled World Champion in the prestigious Bocuse d’Or in 2003 as well as being Captain of the Norwegian National Team of Chefs from 2000 to 2004. But despite his very impressive CV, Tjessem and his wife wanted Charles & De to be a casual yet stylish restaurant. They wanted the prices to be reasonable, so that people could afford to come back, and they wanted to make use of the ex-

32 | Issue 65 | June 2014

cellent local ingredients that western Norway has to offer. “Most of our guests are returning customers, which must mean that they not only like the food, but also enjoy the atmosphere,” says chef Tjessem.

cut at five in the morning and delivered to us at eight. In a few hours, I’m going to pick up freshly picked raspberries from a local farmer,” explains Tjessem, who believes in transparency and honesty, in both taste and ingredients, but also in people. His team consists of a hand-picked group of skilled chefs who are all determined to create amazing culinary experiences for every single visitor. At the same time, all visitors can trust that everything is made from carefully chosen ingredients of excellent quality. Seasonal menu

Local ingredients Known for his good craftsmanship and passion for local ingredients, Tjessem has written a total of seven cookery books, including the best seller Rett skal være rett in 2006. In this book, Tjessem shares hundreds of recipes made with local ingredients from Rogaland in western Norway. Keen to encourage the use of local produce and fresh ingredients, he wrote the book after the opening of Charles & De. “I always do my utmost to get hold of local and fresh ingredients. The lettuce is

Open Monday to Saturday from 11 am, Charles & De is popular for both lunch and dinner. The seasonal menu changes five times a year, allowing the use of ripe ingredients in season. “Because so many of our guests are returning customers, we make sure to reinvent ourselves from time to time,” says the star chef. The lunch menu consists of delicious sandwiches, soups, salads and pizzas, as well as other popular lunch favourites such as pasta, beef burgers and wraps. Dinner guests can choose between two à la carte

Scan Magazine | Culinary Feature | Charles & De

menus, one being slightly more basic than the other. Additionally, there is a fourcourse party menu available for those wanting to go all out.

high quality. Because everything is made from scratch, it is easy to order gluten free bread or treats without egg, milk and other ingredients.

The bakery next door

ONS 2014

Always developing and looking for new ways to make their guests happy, Charles & De opened up a bakery in Stavanger in 2011. Not long after, another bakery was opened next door to the restaurant in Sandnes. It is hard to find a better way to spend your morning than inside this cosy bakery with a cup of coffee in one hand and a slice of freshly-baked rye bread in the other. Just like the restaurant chefs, the bakers here are passionate about local food, always using pure ingredients of

With central Stavanger just 10 minutes away, Charles & De is available for both conferences and meetings of any size. The intimate wine cellar is perfect for smaller meetings, whereas groups of more than 20 people are better suited for the upstairs premises. With extensive experience in serving large groups of people, Charles & De have become experts in catering for big events and happenings in the area. In August,

Stavanger is hosting Offshore Northern Seas (ONS), a biennial event guaranteed to attract a lot of people to the famous oil capital of Norway. During this event, Tjessem welcomes everyone to an evening of culinary magic in Sandnes. Additionally, exhibitors and guests can order food to be delivered to them. Not a man to believe in limitations, Tjessem explains that every catering event can be tailored to each individual client. “Everything is possible with us. Just tell us what you want and we’ll make it happen,” he ends.

For more information please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 33

Scan Magazine | Culinary Feature | Ellegaarden

The mother-son owner duo has maintained some of the old atmosphere from when Ellegaarden was a farmhouse in the 18th century.

History, hearty meals – and an intimate atmosphere As they sit down for dinner in an idyllic, green landscape, guests at restaurant Ellegaarden might feel like they are deep in the Danish countryside and transported back to a simpler and calmer time. But they are, in fact, only a few kilometres from central Hilleroed and the modern-day motorways that make it convenient to get here. By Lene Bech | Photos: Ellegaarden

The restaurant Ellegaarden is an old, historical building in an area of several historic landmarks. The old Aebelholt Monastery, Frederiksborg and Fredensborg Castle all attract visitors and locals alike – and so does Ellegaarden, a farm for many years since its establishment in the 1700s, and a restaurant since 1986. Its past as a farmhouse is still very visible: “Much of the building has been renovated, but we have maintained some of that old atmosphere,” says John Taal, who owns and runs Ellegaarden with his mother, Lis Taal. The original brick floor is just one part of the old-fashioned interior giving the restaurant a certain feel, described by Taal as “hyggeligt”. The menu, too, reflects a focus on traditions but with an international twist: “Hearty, traditional Danish food with a French input,” says Taal. Everything is

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homemade with fresh ingredients and first-quality meat by Ellegaarden’s chef, who hails from France himself, and serves up both duck confit and beef steak, as well as a very popular wiener schnitzel.

Ellegaarden special, says her son: “Some people drive for half an hour to have dinner here and small things like these are the reason why we’re here. It’s a great responsibility, being attached to your customers, but it’s also great fun.” Thank-you notes that happy guests have sent to the Taals are on display in the restaurant and add to the intimate atmosphere.

The food and atmosphere combined both attract out-of-town guests and have the regulars coming back, some on a weekly basis. Ellegaarden offers both à la carte service and house parties or events of any size – each of the restaurant’s three rooms can seat 95 people and the banquet hall 100, while guests can spill out onto the two patios or the surrounding natural area. Many guests have celebrated big family events here, and co-owner Lis Taal has followed generations of the same families from the inside of her restaurant since 1986. A personal commitment to the guests is an important part of what makes

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Culinary Feature | Mogul India

Indian food as it has never tasted before By Stephanie Lovell | Photos: Mogul India

Serving authentic, yet modern Indian cuisine, Mogul India is a hidden gem, tucked away in the heart of Stavanger. Using the finest produce, the most talented Indian chefs create dishes bursting with so much flavour that it is no wonder the locals keep coming back for more. Forget greasy takeaway curries – this is modern Indian cuisine at its very best: succulent lamb, slow-cooked until it is soft and tender, fresh seafood and

desserts with juicy berries available locally. “Over the last few years, Indian cooking has been evolving from sloppy curries to refined cuisine,” says Jaswant Kanwar, owner of Mogul India. “Our cooking techniques mean that our food is cooked to perfection, rather than drowned in a heavy sauce.” Tantalise your palate Tickle your taste buds with exciting new flavours by opting for Mogul India’s three-

course tasting menu, which changes every month, allowing you to sample dishes from all over India. Although the recipes are authentic, local ingredients are used whenever possible, meaning that tandoori reindeer has even been known to pop up on the menu. “We’ve gone out of the comfort zone and offered people flavour that you just won’t find in usual Indian restaurants,” says Kanwar. There are equally delicious dishes for coeliacs, vegetarians and vegans. You can learn how to make the recipes yourself by taking one of Mogul India’s cookery classes – perfect for teambuilding exercises or birthday parties – where you will be taught by the top-class Indian chefs. For more information, please visit:

Team-building with a kick Bergen in Norway is known as ‘the city of seven mountains’. The highest of these mountains, Ulriken, serves as home to Bergen Base Camp, which offers outdoor and extreme sport experiences ranging from paragliding to pub crawls with GPS, which can be tailored to suit anyone from business people to school children. When founder Anne Gunn Rosvold started out in 2005, the goal was to provide a taste of extreme sports and wilderness activities to anyone who might be interested. It soon escalated, and in 2009 Bergen Base

Camp was born. Today, the company offers a much wider range of activities than originally planned. One hugely popular team-building activity is the pub-to-pub walk by GPS, which is educational as well as fun, teaching participants about local cultural and geographical history. As Rosvold puts it, “even locals can learn something new.” This focus on the learning aspect of outdoor activities is integral to Bergen Base Camp. “We want participants to leave with something more than the experience, whether it is extended knowl-

By Hannah Gillow Kloster Photos: Bergen Base Camp

edge about Viking era bows and arrows or a more thorough understanding of local geology,” Rosvold explains. Despite the educational aspect, adrenaline junkies need not worry: Bergen Base Camp has something for everyone. With paragliding and rappelling off what Rosvold calls “Bergen’s greatest nature arena,” Ulriken, as well as mobile activity packages, kayaking, and a range of other experiences, the company is faithful to its original thought: providing tougher activities for anyone interested. Whether it is teams of offshore workers cheering each other down the rock face, a group of bankers shooting bows and arrows, or a bachelor party learning about local history at the pub, Bergen Base Camp truly makes adrenaline and the outdoors available for everyone. For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 35

Scan Magazine | Culture Profile | Norsk Orgelfestival

Above left: The old Baroque organ at Stavanger Domkirke. Above right: Kolbein Haga, organist and head master of Norsk orgelfestival. Photo: Stavanger Aftenblad

Celebrating Norwegian sacred music and French organ culture 2014 marks the 200th anniversary of the Norwegian constitution. As a part of the Norwegian parliament’s official celebration, Norsk orgelfestival has dedicated this year’s festival to the primary principles of the constitution: Christian rights and the French post-revolutionary constitutions. By Kjersti Westeng | Photos: Norsk orgelfestival

The 24th Norsk orgelfestival (Norwegian organ festival) takes place in Stavanger 11-17 September. The week-long festival consists of not just concerts, but also seminars, debates, lectures and services. Originally held on the island of Karmøy outside Stavanger, the festival has become a popular meeting place for professional organ players, music students and other church musicians. Preserving local culture Throughout the last 24 years, Norsk orgelfestival has grown from a small, local

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festival at Karmøy to a well-established festival in central Stavanger. It all started with a curator of music, Erling Dahl, who in those days held the position as a cultural consultant at Karmøy. Wanting to give church musicians a place to meet, learn and discuss their work, Dahl initiated a yearly festival that would attract people to the charming little island. The curator asked organist and professor Kolbein Haga from Haga, Karmøy, if he wanted to be involved, and although sceptical at first, he said yes. “At first, I wasn’t sure how we would make it work. How

would we convince people to travel to Karmøy to participate in this? But the local community was enthusiastic and with the help of Karmøy municipality we managed to pull it off,” says Haga, who is now head master of the festival. Rooted in the local and regional church, the festival is held in collaboration with national institutions. “We believe in preserving our local history and culture. What doesn’t happen locally is in fact not happening. However, international input and impulses are necessary prerequisites in order to make things happen in our local community,” says Haga. A celebration of the Norwegian constitution To celebrate the anniversary of the Norwegian constitution from 1814, Norsk

Scan Magazine | Culture Profile | Norsk Orgelfestival

orgelfestival has invited a number of organists, orchestras and choirs to the stage. “The constitution is primarily built on two aspects: Christian laws and the constitutions of post-revolutionary France. We are celebrating both,” says Haga. A number of French organists are coming to participate in the celebration, most famously Olivier Latry, professor of organ at the Conservatoire Superieure Paris, and Gabriel Marghieri, professor of organ at Conservatoire Superieure Lyon. Visitors of this year’s festival are also invited to experience beautiful Gregorian plainsong from early Christian times, by local choirs Schola Solensis and Schola Sanctus Svithun, as well as the famous Choeur Grégorien de Paris. This year is also the 1000-year anniversary of Saint Olav’s baptism in the old cathedral of Rouen in France. This historical event marks the change from the old, brutal mentality to the new Christian attitudes in Norway. These attitudes helped form the Norwegian constitution in 1814 and will be celebrated at this year’s festival in Stavanger. On the very last day of the festival, 100 musicians from Rouen and Stavanger will perform an oratorio called The Baptism of

Saint Olav, conducted by the Norwegian composer Ole Karsten Sundlisæter. The oratorio is a journey through the life and work of Saint Olav, who is most famously known as the man who Christianised Norway. The oratorio will later be performed in Rouen and Paris in November. Developing young talent The purpose of the festival is not just to entertain, but also to educate and inspire professional organ musicians of all ages. For the Church of Norway’s 1,000 organists and choir masters, this festival is the only real opportunity to get together to learn, develop and inspire each other. This is particularly true this year, as the first part of the festival takes place in a symbiotic cooperation with the first Norwegian Church Music Symposium. Throughout the week-long symposium and festival, visitors are given the opportunity to take part in seminars, lectures and debates. Additionally, young, aspiring organists are invited to participate in an educational programme where they are given the opportunity to learn from professional church musicians. The young participants follow the festival programme, but are offered individual teaching and training.

ONS 2014 concert On 25 August, Stavanger is hosting the Offshore Northern Seas event, ONS 2014, a biennial event and one of the key industry exhibitions and conferences for the offshore oil and gas industry. During this event, the festival’s monthly series, Orgel i sentrum, welcomes visitors to a recital at St. Johannes Church in Stavanger. The concert takes place at 7pm on 27 August and is a fantastic opportunity for visitors to enjoy an evening of breath-taking music played by our most outstanding Francophile organists, Ole Karsten Sundlisæter and Ghislain Gourvennec.

Cello soloist Hjalmar Kvam will be performing on 13 September.

For more information, please visit:

Gabriel Marghieri, professor of organ at Conservatoire Superieure Lyon.

Local organist, folk and jazz musician Sigbjørn Apeland.

Olivier Latry, professor of organ at the Conservatoire Superieure Paris, will be performing at this year’s festival.

The organ at Stavanger Konserthus. Photo: Jiri Havran

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 37


Full of energy, 40 years on With a forward-thinking outlook ever since its foundation in 1974, ONS was established when the oil and gas industry first emerged in Norway and has since grown into a world-leading international event for all things energy-related. With close to 60,000 visitors across four days and a 24,000-square-metre area of exhibition stands, the event promises to forge new relationships, push boundaries of innovation, and inspire new lucrative and environmentally-beneficial solutions yet again this August. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: ONS

“The air is filled with expectation and excitement. The ONS venue is full of professionals from a wide range of different companies, all with a common goal: to get the latest information on new solutions, companies and innovation,” says president and CEO Leif Johan Sevland about the ONS experience. “It’s one of the most important energy meeting places in the world.”

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Initially established by Stavanger City Council, Statoil, Stavanger Forum, and the Norwegian Petroleum Society, the ONS Foundation puts on this biennial industry event in Stavanger to bring together the most groundbreaking ideas and powerful decision makers on oil and energy innovation, energy efficiency and technological development. A key aim is to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration across the global energy industry.

More than 100 nations are expected to participate this year and hundreds of specialist journalists attend as conference speakers present their views on what the future holds for energy resources and production, new technology and innovative solutions. In the exhibition parks, likeminded professionals from companies operating in the same sector meet and share ideas, and, as Sevland explains, as new business relationships are forged and messages are shared between potential new business partners, the most exciting business ideas of tomorrow are born. Political presence The presence of ministers and other key decision makers is paramount to the conference, and this year, Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg will speak at the

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas

opening ceremony on 25 August, while Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tord Lien, will speak in a plenary session the following day. A former politician and Mayor of Stavanger for 16 years himself, Sevland has attended every single ONS since 1992. “As the city’s Mayor, I worked hard to promote Stavanger and the Norwegian energy industry abroad,” he says. “But the event is important not just to the energy industry but to the city of Stavanger as well. So many people work together to make visitors feel welcome in our wonderful, intimate city, and because we insist on keeping improving and developing, our jobs will never get boring.” 40 years of tomorrow’s challenges Two ONS parks are opened to showcase start-ups and promote debate about tomorrow’s energy challenges: The Innovation Park and the Clean Energy Park. Indeed, ONS aims to be a platform where new forms of energy and new energy solutions are presented, and in line with this mission, this year’s special conference theme is Changes. “We have always tried to be forward-thinking and topical in terms of conference topics, and people tell us that this is why they find the conference useful and keep coming back,” says the CEO. Celebrating the ONS 40th anniversary, this year’s event boasts a number of improvements and new features, such as a bigger and much-improved exhibition area, a fuller-than-ever programme with both plenary and parallel sessions, and a brand new hotel acting as conference venue. Names including Maria van der Hoeven, executive director of IEA; Sara Akbar, CEO of Kuwait Energy; and Helge

Lund, CEO of Statoil, have already garnered a lot of attention to the up-coming event. “Elon Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla, is one of the speakers we’ve noticed that people have particularly high expectations of,” says Sevland, adding that the cultural events are just about as important as the exhibition and conference sessions, with an after party providing the perfect place to unwind and network in the beautiful harbour of Stavanger every evening. “And don’t forget: our 40th anniversary gift to all ONS participants is a live performance by Ylvis, the makers of the phenomenal YouTube hit The Fox. It’s going to be the best ONS ever!”

ONS in brief The ONS Foundation was established in 1974 by Stavanger City Council, Statoil, Stavanger Forum, and the Norwegian Petroleum Society. Tickets cost 400 NOK, giving access to the exhibition all four days. As part of the conference, the ONS Summit sees senior executives meet politicians and other key decision makers. Clarion Energy Hotel is Stavanger’s largest hotel and will provide a brand new platform for the ONS conference. Throughout ONS, the ONS Young programme will address lower and upper secondary school pupils, students, young professionals and teachers. The Stavanger harbour after party is open to everyone between 5 pm and midnight every evening, with entertainment, culinary experiences and pavilions aplenty. Scan Magazine is an official ONS 2014 media supporter.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 39

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas

Proactive recruitment with deep cultural understanding Thor Energi is a search and selection company offering tailor-made solutions for leading clients and candidates in niche areas of the oil and gas industry in Norway. Run by a team of proactive Brits with a deep understanding of Norwegian culture, it builds long-lasting relationships based on ethics, trust and honesty. By Stephanie Lovell | Press Photos

Born into a family of entrepreneurs, Nick Sym had always dreamed of running his own business. He saw his chance when he realised that there was a gap in the market for a truly specialist recruitment company that really understood how to do business in Norway. Founded in 2012, Thor Energi has become all that its name suggests: strong, powerful and deeply rooted in Scandinavia. Injecting proactiveness into the laid-back Norwegian culture Unlike many other UK-based recruitment companies, Thor Energi has really embraced Norwegian culture and provides a service that is tailored to the needs of the re-

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gion. “I felt there was a real opportunity for the proactive British mentality to combine with the laid-back Norwegian attitude,” explains Sym. “We recruit proactively, working long hours into the evening, but we make sure we’re not too aggressive, as we understand how the Norwegians operate and respect the importance of work-life balance to them.” This kind of cultural awareness is crucial to a business that is 90 per cent Norwegianfocused. Sym and his colleagues stay on top of the latest developments in the region and build on their cultural understanding by spending at least one week a month in Norway. While over there, they meet their

clients and candidates face-to-face over coffee or take them out to dinner, and they have even been known to organise five-aside football tournaments for their consultants. Back in the UK, Thor Energi sends all its employees working in the region on a Norwegian language course. “Contrary to what many companies seem to think, Norwegians are very open to doing business with international companies and employing international candidates,” says Sym. “As long as they can demonstrate that they are sympathetic to Norwegian culture and make some effort to fit in – whether by learning some of the language or by improving their geographical knowledge – they are very much welcome there.” “Better to know a lot about a little, than a little about a lot” Describing themselves as ‘vertical market specialists’, the team at Thor Energi are

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas

genuine experts in their fields, recruiting in niche areas of the oil and gas industry. While other companies may boast a huge range of skill sets and operate in many different sectors, Thor Energi works on the premise that, as Sym puts it, “it’s better to know a lot about a little, than a little about a lot.” By only taking on business that it is sure it can deliver on, Thor Energi never gives false hope or over-pledges to its clients and candidates. “You can’t work with everybody, as this would lead to conflicts of interest,” Sym explains. “We only take on a couple of clients within each part of the industry – otherwise it simply would not be ethical.” Building relationships based on trust and honesty Thor Energi builds personal relationships with its candidates and consultants, finding out what makes them tick and understanding their motivation, in order to match them to their ideal job. Whenever a consultant is approaching the end of a contract, Thor Energi will be actively searching for a new opportunity for them. Thanks to rigorous reference checks, clients can rest assured that any candi-

Nick Sym, founder of Thor Energy

date from Thor Energi will have substantiated quality. “We work through referrals and recommendations, as there really is no better testament to somebody’s skills,” explains Sym. On the clients’ side, Thor Energi provides an in-depth search and selection solution that will really add value to their company. Clients can look for both permanent staff and consultant hires through either a contingency search or a retained search. The contingency search works on a ‘no cure, no fee’ basis, so there is no payment up-front – Thor Energi has to prove itself first and gain the client’s trust. With the retained search option, Thor Energi works exclusively for the client to fulfil its specific mandate. The client will benefit

from candidate exclusivity, allowing it to pick from the top talent. Although the Norwegian oil and gas market has slowed down considerably recently, there are still plenty of opportunities for candidates to make a change and move around within the industry. Thor Energi remains positive about the situation and is still making placements every day. The plan is to open a permanent office in Stavanger by 2015, where locals will be employed. However buoyant the market may be, Thor Energi is in Norway for the long term. For more information, please visit:

It is better to know a lot about a little, than a little about a lot, according to the Thor Energi motto, which sees the search and selection company work with niche areas of the oil and gas industry.

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 41

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Norway

velopment of innovative solutions. A continued high activity level on the Norwegian continental shelf will further contribute to the industry’s opportunity to boost its competitiveness in international markets. 2013 was yet another good year in the Norwegian petroleum sector. The activity level is high; the shelf is explored, resources discovered, fields developed and hydro-carbons produced and sold. Norwegian oil and gas is finding its way to customers all over the world. We have an environmentally sound petroleum production, and our reputation as a stable, secure supplier of oil and gas to the markets is strong. Optimism is particularly high in the north, following recent discoveries in the Barents Sea and the opening of new acreage for petroleum activities.

Norway’s most important industry When flying across the North Sea on a clear day, it is sometimes possible to see oil platforms several thousand feet below you. If you do, you have had a glimpse of Norway’s biggest and most important industry while flying towards your destination. By Tord Lien, Norway’s Minister of Petroleum and Energy

The Norwegian oil and gas adventure began in 1969 with the discovery of Ekofisk. Production from the field started two years later, and several large discoveries were made in the following years. That was the beginning of an adventure starting in the North Sea and gradually expanding northwards. The petroleum industry is Norway’s largest industry measured in both value creation and state revenues, as well as export value. In addition to the direct income to the state, the industry creates ripple effects all over the country. 250,000 people, from the Agder counties in the south to Finnmark in the north, are either directly or indirectly employed in this industry. The petroleum sector has thus been vital for

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the Norwegian economy and the financing of the Norwegian welfare state.

Nevertheless, current realities do not allow us to ease our efforts. We must continue to improve. We must address challenges such as rising cost levels and the maturing of the shelf in a serious manner. The objective of our petroleum policy is to generate the greatest possible values from the resources on the Norwegian shelf in the best interests of Norwegian society. This requires the best efforts of everyone involved. Within a clear regulatory framework, we will work together in a smarter, more efficient and wellorganised manner. We must develop knowledge, innovation and new technology. Then, and only then, will we be equipped for the future.

Rough weather conditions in the North Sea, stringent regulations, and demanding operators are among the factors that have contributed to the development of Norway’s technologically world-leading petroleum service and supply industry. The Norwegian service and supply industry generated NOK 461 billion in revenues in 2012, which makes it Norway’s second largest industry, after oil and gas. Wherever in the world petroleum resources are recovered offshore, Norwegian technology is likely to be involved. The Norwegian shelf has functioned as a technology laboratory, resulting in the de-

Tord Lien, Norway’s Minister of Petroleum and Energy

a DNV GL company

Third-party testing of BOP software A modern Blow-Out Preventer (BOP) relies on a sophisticated redundant computer system to achieve desired performance and safety. The scope of BOP-HIL testing from Marine Cybernetics is to verify correct functionality according to rules and regulations, user requirements, and to detect hidden software errors and design flaws in the BOP system software. Marine Cybernetics secures your needs and ensures your future! For more information on our annual seminars, see

safe software – safe operations


Inspired – Dedicated – Reliable

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Norway

Above left: Solbergfoss power plant (Photo: E-CO Energy). Right: Flævatn, a controlled lake in the county of Buskerud (Photo: Aerosport/E-CO Energy).

The future is electric Norway – and the rest of the world – has to cut CO2 emissions by more than 80 per cent by 2050 to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius. The rising Norwegian hydropower surplus can be key to meeting this target.

emissions corresponding to those from 100,000 cars – every year. This has also convinced Total E&P to electrify its Martin Linge oil field, starting operation in 2016.

Text & photos: Energi Norge

Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions stood at 53 million tonnes in 2012. More than a quarter derived from oil and gas installations, and the emissions are still rising. In contrast, Norway has a CO2-neutral power plant fleet, mainly based on flexible hydropower. In years with normal precipitation, the country is self-sufficient in electricity. Since additional renewable production will see the light of day in line with political renewable targets in the coming years, Norway will have vast excess supplies of clean energy. This could be used as a means for cutting greenhouse gas emissions – both at home and in the rest of Europe. Besides reducing dependence on fossil fuel in powerintensive industries, transport, heating and via interconnectors to the continent, electricity from the land-based grid can be

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used for electrification of offshore installations. A majority in the Norwegian parliament recently acknowledged this by calling on the government to electrify the future oil fields on Utsira, arguing that Norway will fail to meet its emission reduction targets if our main emitting sector is not addressed.

Tomorrow’s sustainable energy system requires that our energy use has lower CO2 content than today. Norway has the means to achieve this. The opportunity should be pursued.

Facts With several new oil fields coming online on the Norwegian shelf in the years to come, the energy supply selected must be sustainable. Electrification will not only reduce emissions, but also have great impact on HSE offshore. At BP’s Valhall field, electricity from the onshore grid was chosen instead of gas-fired power plants on site. This has again reduced weight and staffing on the platform, vibration, noise and safety risk, investment, operation and maintenance costs, and most importantly

Energy Norway is a non-profit industry organisation representing 280 companies involved in the production, distribution and sale of electricity and heating in Norway. Our members generate 99 per cent of Norwegian electricity and cover 90 per cent of all grid customers in the country.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Norway

Above left: Gro Brækken, CEO of the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association. Right: NASA wants to utilise Zaptec’s technology to drill on the moon, on asteroids and on Mars.

We bust boundaries Did you know that technology from Norway’s oil and gas sector can be used to monitor heart patients, charge electric cars and explore Mars? By Gro Brækken, CEO of the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association | Press Photos

Norway’s petroleum industry currently employs 250,000 people, directly or indirectly. The supplies – or oil technology – business ranks as the largest mainland Norwegian industry and its largest export sector after oil and gas. Technology and solutions from these companies are not only exported to other countries and new markets, but have also been passed on to other sectors. In a report on technology transfers from the oil and gas sector, in cooperation with Rambøll, a total of 26 examples of technology transfer are mentioned.

Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Verdande Technology originally developed its monitoring system for the petroleum sector. The company is now developing a system in cooperation with Houston Methodist Hospital, which has one of the USA’s leading heart clinics. This version collects sensor data from patients before and after they have been operated on, monitors symptoms, and compares them with earlier cases. Verdande’s approach is also used by stockbrokers, for example to check if clients are taking inappropriate risks.

cars. Stavanger-based company Zaptec AS has achieved a good dialogue over the past year with manufacturers of electric cars. Infrastructure for battery charging is a big challenge in the electric vehicle sector. NASA has also shown interest in the company’s technology, as they want to utilise this to drill on the moon, on asteroids and on Mars – initially to map minerals, geology and water resources and to search for life below ground. The petroleum sector is a part of a global technology industry which is moving the world forward. Our technology and our expertise will and must play an important role in determining the best way to recover the resources both in deep water and in more extreme climates.

Health care A system developed to keep an eye on offshore drilling has also proved effective for risk scrutiny at stockbrokers and observing cardiac patients. A spin-off from the Norwegian University of Science and

Space exploration Miniaturised power electronics developed to cope with tough conditions encountered in North Sea drilling have proved useful for space research and charging electric

Because we bust boundaries. For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 45

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Norway

Working towards a more ethical and sustainable approach to handling drilling waste, TWMA is spearheading offshore waste management in Norway.

Engineering solutions to eliminate waste With an increasing focus on sustainability in every industry, it is no surprise that oil and energy are following suit. TWMA works to implement ethical and sustainable methods of waste management for the industry, bringing some groundbreaking offshore waste management technology to Norway this year. By Hannah Gillow Kloster | Photos: TWMA

An established name in drilling waste management, TWMA operates all over the world, from the Middle East and Africa to Europe and America. Constantly working to reduce the environmental impact of drilling waste, TWMA has just had approval to roll out a whole new waste management technology offshore in Norway. “Where previously drilling waste was brought from offshore to land to be processed, TWMA will now be handling waste directly on the oil rig, significantly reducing environmental impact,” explains Scandinavia region manager Leif Ove Svensen. TWMA will still receive drilling waste at its base at Mongstad outside Bergen, and handle the entire process from onshore processing to secure disposal. But ac-

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cording to Svensen, its “groundbreaking new technologies mean that for the first time ever in Norway, several steps in the waste management process may now be removed.” Driven by the waste hierarchy, TWMA’s goal is to maximise reuse and recycle options wherever possible, reducing reliance on landfill as a disposal option. The technology that will now be introduced offshore is just one of several steps TWMA is taking towards a more ethical and sustainable approach to handling drilling waste. “Having recently received a licence to more than double our capacity at the Mongstad onshore site, TWMA is now equipped and licensed to handle 75,000 tonnes of drilling waste in Norway annually,” says Svensen. With this expan-

sion, TWMA is better positioned than ever to assist companies with minimising the environmental impact of their business. TWMA’s processing facilities and supporting infrastructure deliver integrated environmental solutions for the oil industry, exceeding both the most stringent environmental standards and client expectations. Spearheading offshore waste management in Norway, TWMA offers a uniquely sustainable disposal option, making it the natural choice for a changing industry.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Norway

base, and today hosts the world’s largest cluster within operational support and sub-sea aftermarket,” says CEO Kurt R. Andreassen. Using the best available resources, CCB has developed a top-of-the-line hub for providing services within inspection, repair and maintenance for floating units, such as semi-subs, accommodation rigs, FPSO, special projects, and vessels. With more than 1,000 metres of deep water quays, along with its unique operational support, CCB has the capacity to handle and provide service towards three rigs simultaneously at any time.

Leading from the front With over 40 years of experience, Coast Center Base at Aagotnes, west of Bergen on the west coast of Norway, has grown to become one of the leading bases of its kind in the world today. By Magnus Nygren Syversen | Photos: CCB

Since its pioneering start as a supply centre for oil rigs and floating units in 1973, CCB has obtained extensive knowledge within supply and harbour services, while watching an industrial cluster of 330 affluent companies develop on and around the base.

taken the necessary measures to customise solutions towards new technology and trends within the petroleum sector, and today offers a wide variety of services within complex maintenance, repair and inspection for the oil and gas industry.

A front-runner within the industry, CCB as a market-oriented private actor has always

“In addition, CCB has succeeded in attracting leading sub-sea companies to its

CCB credits its success to its fantastic facilities, and a network-based industry in which the company is fronting the clients, giving them a more effective and cost efficient yard stay. “During these last few years, CCB has worked on improving this tailored solution and concept along the Norwegian coast,” says Andreassen. Starting with Vestbase and Averøya in Kristiansund, as well as Polarbase in Hammerfest and Kirkenesbase in Kirkenes, the CEO aims to give future clients the necessary confidence and predictability he believes is of crucial importance to the company’s customers. “Having service-minded behaviour and an organisation model that enables quick decisions is the key to success,” he says, adding: “You will find us at ONS in Stavanger and OTD in Bergen.”

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 47

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Denmark

Danish oil creates growth and welfare Denmark is one of Europe’s oil nations. Even though Denmark may, in a global context, be a minor oil nation, it remains the only country within the European Union that is self-sufficient in oil and gas – and has been so since 1990. By Martin Næsby, managing director of Oil Gas Denmark | Press Photo

The industry has created growth and welfare for decades since the first oil was produced by A.P. Møller-Maersk in 1972. Danish oil is currently produced in 17 fields, all situated offshore about 200 kilometres west of Esbjerg, the energy metropolis of Denmark. 15,000 people are directly or indirectly employed by the Danish oil and gas sector, and there is a growing demand for a qualified work force. For every employee of the oil companies, a further eight are employed in the supplier and service indus-

By Martin Næsby, managing director of Oil Gas Denmark.

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tries, delivering everything from high-tech equipment, design and engineering to catering and cleaning on platforms. The Danish oil and gas sector accounts for 9 per cent of Denmark’s total exports, and last year the industry contributed DKK 25 billion to the state in tax revenues. This amount could build a new Great Belt Fixed Link bridge and a bit more. The sector is thus one of the industry sectors that alone contributes the most to the Danish economy.

The Danish share of the North Sea still holds considerable oil and gas resources. It will take big investments and a coordinated effort to realise this potential. Simply put, Denmark may be a small oil nation – but one with great potential for creating further employment, growth and welfare for many years to come.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Denmark

With more than 30 years of maritime sector experience, FOGA ApS offers expert advice and professional consultancy to help increase the safe collaboration of the fishery and offshore sectors.

Offshore consulting – the safest solution With more than 30 years of experience in the maritime sector, FOGA ApS works to build a foundation for increased cooperation between the fishery and offshore sectors in Denmark. Specialising in distribution of information, as well as chartering and consultancy, FOGA ApS works tirelessly to prevent any accidents related to offshore activities. By Stine Gjevnoe | Photos: FOGA ApS

On the initiative of pipeline project operators in the Danish sector, FOGA ApS was founded in 1982, because an independent entity for consultancy in both the fishing and offshore sectors was needed. From its offices on the waterfront in Esbjerg, FOGA ApS offers expert advice and professional consultation on a wide range of fisheryrelated matters and to a variety of national and international customers. One of its most important areas of focus is the distribution of information related to maritime activities, called FOGA Info. FOGA Info is a crucial tool in the prevention of accidents, making FOGA ApS a vi-

tal business partner for any company embarking on offshore adventures, as well as fishermen operating in affected areas. FOGA ApS has extensive experience with the accumulation and distribution of information to interested parties in any country and language, and the weekly FOGA Info reports can be customised to cover specific projects, areas and businesses and are available both online and in print. Through its extensive knowledge and special expertise, FOGA ApS aims to build a foundation for increased cooperation between the fishing and offshore sectors, in

order to prevent any accidents related to the latter. The company offers different ships for charter, including guard vessels, which operate all day and all year to protect installations above water as well as sub-sea. “Highly experienced staff man our guard vessels, making it the safest solution for the protection of offshore activities,” general manager Bo Fyhring Sørensen explains. Additionally, FOGA can provide fishery liaison officers and marine mammal observers for survey vessels working offshore. When starting up seismic surveys in an area of the sea, it is considered best practice to instate such dedicated professionals on the seismic vessel. FOGA ApS offers to instate some of the most experienced fishing skippers as advisors to the oil and gas operators in order to prevent accidents, unwanted incidents and loss of seismic data and subsequent downtime during the seismic acquisition. FOGA ApS • FOGA Info • Consultancy • Guard Vessels • Survey Vessels • FLO/MMO • Ship management

For more information, please visit: Above left: General manager Bo Fyhring Sørensen. Right: Operation manager Christian Hey Mortensen

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 49

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Denmark

“We sell trust” With more than 40 years of experience, Pon Power is the leading provider of solutions in the offshore industry. The company has delivered over 2,500 gen-sets to offshore and marine applications worldwide – experience that is essential in a future where the demands on the solutions offered are increasing every day. By Nicolai Lisberg | Photos: Pon Power

Reliability. The keyword and most important thing for Pon Power is without doubt reliability, which among the mass of others is why it offers a 24-hour service all over the world. It is also the reason for using a well-respected brand like Caterpillar in order to make sure that it can deliver a reliable product and service – especially in the Nordic countries, where the standards and expectations are higher, ac-

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cording to Niels Groenendijk, commercial director of the oil and gas section at Pon Power. “Our customers do not buy products from us because they are the cheapest products on the market. They buy them because we sell trust. They know that we can deliver the right solution that suits their specific needs and that we can de-

liver it on time as well. We have the necessary experience, thanks to many years of being in the business,” he adds. All the solutions Pon Power offers are developed in relation to NORSOK standards, which means that they guarantee quality and safety through the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and MSA Platinum certifications. More than an engine supplier From being known as a company solely delivering engines, requests from customers put pressure on Pon Power to offer complete power solutions. Subsequently, the company has invested a lot of

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Denmark

customers do “Our not buy products from us because they are the cheapest products on the market. They buy them because we sell trust.

time and resources in educating its staff to enable them to cope with the requests without affecting reliability and quality. The staff, naturally, need to be familiar with the strict NORSOK regulations. “We cannot risk jeopardising our reputation by delivering substandard equipment. That is our biggest challenge in the market right now, as we are going from being an engine supplier to offering power solutions, because the customer of course still expects us to be reliable,” says Groenendijk. “But we are ready for that challenge. Our advantage as a Norwegian supplier is our experience of making sure that all materials and documentation comply with NORSOK standards.”

About Pon Power

Offshore Northern Seas 2014

Pon Power Scandinavia is the sole distributor of Caterpillar engines and generators in Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. The company supplies systems covering the entire product range from 6.4 to 18,000 kW, primarily utilised as propulsion engines, auxiliary engines, and for the supply of primary or emergency power.

Offshore Northern Seas is one of the key industry exhibitions and conferences for the offshore oil and gas industry, held in Stavanger 25-28 August this year. Pon Power Scandinavia will, among other things, showcase ATEX solutions for engines in hazardous locations. Through its CSA Service Portal, making calculations based on your operating hours, it will also be possible to predict approximately what your maintenance costs will be in the coming five years.

Pon Power offers a 24-hour service all over the world and both complete and customised solutions in terms of meeting customer expectations today while working towards the emerging needs of the future. Pon Power Scandinavia has been in the market for several years, and right now its project engineers are working on delivering Cat power to some of the biggest players in the marine as well as the oil and gas industry: Gina Krog A fast-track delivery of two of the most highly specified Cat power solutions in the world, meeting NORSOK regulations.

Ulstein Alp The contract represents the highest value in one single contract so far for Ulstein Design & Solutions. Pon Power is expected to deliver in the range of 300-tonne bollard pull, and it will be 88.9 metres long and 21 metres wide. Frank Mohn This fire pump is designed and tested according to Total GS-EP specifications and will provide fire protection for a deep-water oil production facility offshore Congo. National Oilwell Varco For an operating crane on the Gullfaks B platform, Pon Power has delivered reliable power with ACERT technology for improved emissions control.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 51

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Denmark

100 years of higher profits, safer processes, and a greener globe With more than 100 years of experience of working with issues relating to energy and the environment, ÅF AS is a world-leading provider of technical consulting services. “If you’re in need of technical consulting services, you want to get it done properly, and you don’t want to have to go back and redo it – then you go to ÅF,” says Fredrik Alkenhoff, managing director of ÅF Norway. By Linnea Dunne | Photo: ÅF AS

With top customer feedback scores on process management as well as operations, ÅF AS is certainly seen as both reliable and effective. “We are continuously told that our clients rate us highly for competence, which must be an indication that they come to us because we know what we’re doing,” says Anders Bennermark, managing director of the Danish branch. “ÅF has always had a reputation for being green, but that’s more of a beneficial side effect of our skill and technical competence.” Bennermark talks excitedly about a new form of process optimisation that has seen ÅF’s clients reap even greater re-

wards in the form of effective process management and financial gains. “Put simply, we help clients regulate their system controls in a more clever way, working with the computer software involved,” he explains. “The entire process becomes more stable, the OIW numbers go down, and everyone’s a winner – both the company and the environment. Moreover, a steadier flow through the system prevents unnecessary shut-downs and the working process becomes less stressful.” While the Norwegian branch specialises more in the development and maintenance of equipment, also known as mechanical construction and technical analy-

sis, the inherent quality of the service and the client gains are very much the same. “We’re very good at finding the right talent and adapting their expertise to suit the oil and gas sector,” says Alkenhoff of the firm’s strengths. “With 7,500 engineers employed internally and about 22,000 partner organisations, we can always offer the industry’s best solutions to equipment standardisation, regarding everything from hydraulic systems to oil rig steel structures.” Another cornerstone of the ÅF success is its combination of IT expertise and business knowledge, as IT section manager Roland Larsson explains. “Oil and gas companies rely on industrial IT solutions to produce efficiently, helping management and operations staff to work faster and more consistently. Our IT services help improve planning and follow-up of the production as well as providing more accurate feedback, effectively leading to higher profitability.” In addition, ÅF’s green reputation has a lot to thank IT for. “Industrial IT solutions are often a prerequisite for accurate reporting when it comes to environmental policy requirements,” says Larsson. With all its perks and benefits, perhaps the best thing of all with technical consulting is that relatively modest means can achieve great results – all while cutting energy consumption and costs. The secret? A combination of an understanding of the customer and expertise in optimisation. As a century-long heritage suggests, there are no shortcuts to the perfect solution.

For more information, please visit:

52 | Issue 65 | June 2014

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Sweden

Hydro power, or power from water, has long been a source of energy in Sweden. Photo: Niclas Albinsson/

Powering on towards a better energy future The price paid by Swedish electricity consumers for the expansion of renewable electricity is lower than it has been in years, and one of the lowest in Europe. At the same time, the Swedish Energy Agency now reports that the renewable share in the Swedish transport sector amounts to an impressive 12.6 per cent, already exceeding the EU transport objective of 10 per cent renewable energy. Sweden may be a heavy consumer of energy, in part because of the cold climate and highly-developed, energy-intensive industries. Yet the country has always held somewhat of a pioneering role in regard to electricity. For example, Härnösand was one of the first towns in Europe to get electrical street lights, and the first ever 380 kV high-voltage power line was installed in Sweden. In addition, Sweden was among the first countries to electrify its railways, and today the country is spearheading the development with eco villages and environmentally-friendly city neighbourhoods. Indeed, while Sweden may never even come close to Norway’s position in the world of oil, it is a voice to be reckoned with when talking energy. Illustrating this, environmental engineering inventions

Almost no electricity in Sweden comes from fossil fuels. A growing portion comes from wind farms. Photo: Lars Lundberg/

from Lund and Uppsala alike recently won awards at the European Cleantech Forum, thanks to a new material that can make dehumidifying radically more energy efficient and a venture-backed company using nano-technology to develop and commercialise advanced LED products. This May, all eyes in the world of energy were on Stockholm Waterfront Congress

Centre as the Swedish Energy Agency once again hosted the conference Energy Outlook. With award-winning journalist Johanna Koljonen moderating the presentations, panel discussions and roundtable dialogues, the conference included speakers such as Anna-Karin Hatt, Swedish Minister for Information Technology and Energy; Dr. Jeremy Leggett, executive chairman of SolarCentury UK and author of the recently-published The Energy of Nations; and Paul Hunting, business and low-carbon growth policy officer of the Foreign Commonwealth Office in the UK. “I am proud that the Swedish Energy Agency can provide an arena for debate and dialogue on the energy system of the future,” said Erik Brandsma, director general of the Swedish Energy Agency, of the event – a calendar highlight for all those interested in the future of energy, and a testament to Sweden’s commitment to and position within current efforts to debate and overcome the world’s energy challenges.

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 53

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Sweden

Mission: water In 2013, 47 per cent of the world’s population will be living in areas of high water stress. At the same time, industry and energy alone account for 20 per cent of all water demand. “We have to become more clever and effective in how we use water, and increase collaboration around shared water resources,” says Torgny Holmgren, executive director of SIWI (Stockholm International Water Institute). The institute organises the largest annual water event, World Water Week in Stockholm, which this year puts the spotlight on the special theme of Energy and Water. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: SIWI

Up until the 1970s, Stockholm had a serious pollution problem and among the worst water quality in all of Europe. But after significant efforts to improve water quality, making the Swedish capital a place where people could go swimming and fishing right in the heart of the city, Vattenfestivalen, a festival celebrating the beautiful city with its suddenly top-class water resources, was founded.

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While the festival itself was mainly about music and public celebration, a more serious element took shape in the form of a symposium with researchers and specialists as well as the Stockholm Water Prize, bringing attention to those doing something groundbreaking for water issues. Nearly two and a half decades later, the festival is long gone but the World Water Week is very much still going strong, now the leading annual global conference on

water issues, bringing together representatives of the scientific, business, policy and civic communities to talk about the most pressing issues in the world of water. Energy and water: a close relationship “Initially, the World Water Week primarily addressed those working in the water sector, but over the years we have broadened the programme to include people and organisations who are simply users of water,” says Holmgren. “The more closely you look at it, the more obvious the link between water discussions and sectors such as oil and energy becomes. A huge amount of water is needed in this industry, for everything from the cooling of plants and systems to the running of turbines and so on. In addition a lot of energy is being used to pump and treat water. The relationship is incredibly close.”

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Sweden

As such, this year’s special theme of Energy and Water brings collaborations with energy-focused organisations and other related bodies who will put on seminars and events throughout the week to gather the world’s knowledge and expertise around energy-related water issues. “It’s pretty simple: we can’t get access to water without energy and vice versa,” says Holmgren, highlighting the lack of awareness around water issues with a poignant example from his talks around the globe: “I often ask the audience how many of them know the cost of a litre of petrol, and almost everyone does. But no one knows the price of a litre of water; it’s seen as a free resource.” It is, suggests the executive director, a matter of valuing water. “The price we put on water and energy respectively tells a tale. Perhaps if we priced water differently, we would become more clever in our use of it. The amount of available water is exactly the same today as it was in, say, the 16th century – and we’re simply not going to get more of it.” In addition to the prestigious Stockholm Water Prize, called by some the water sector’s equivalent of the Nobel Prize, another two prizes are awarded during the conference: Stockholm Junior Water Prize Torgny Holmgren, executive director of SIWI (Stockholm International Water Institute). Photo: Thomas Henrikson

and Stockholm Industry Water Award. Honouring individuals, institutions and organisations whose work contributes to the conservation and protection of water resources, the three awards ceremonies are bang on brand for a global conference that also gives all attendees free public transport passes as part of the ticket price, in addition to selling plenty of organic food on-site, making refillable water bottles and water stations readily available throughout the venue, and encouraging visitors to choose one of the city’s many eco-labelled hotels.

has been exploited to date, with many sites situated on transboundary rivers with the opportunity for increased cooperation on benefit sharing. “The water sector has a lot to learn from the energy sector, with energy-efficient solutions miles ahead of similar innovations in regards to water efficiency,” says Holmgren. “Yet the energy sector desperately depends on water. Far from a one-off theme, this is about developing a close collaboration for fruitful, innovative solutions in the years to come.”

Learning from each other “The demand for access to water is growing due to increased living standards and a growing population,” says Holmgren when asked about the most pressing challenges faced today. “This is a matter that affects all kinds of people and nations, and we just have to become more resourceful in how we deal with this.” He further points to a geopolitical aspect, explaining how transboundary waterways raise tricky situations as different countries hope to appropriate resources for energy production and irrigation – a problem with promising potential, pending appropriate collaboration: only five per cent of the total hydropower potential in Africa Photo: Mikael Ullén

World Water Week takes place 31 Aug to 5 Sep this year. The conference is hosted and organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) in collaboration with over 270 convening organisations. Starting this autumn, SIWI will host the first UNESCO Centre in Sweden, focusing on cross-state collaboration over water resources.

For more information, please visit:

Photo: Thomas Henrikson

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 55

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Finland

Turning challenges into opportunities – a carbon neutral vision for electricity and district heat for 2050 To succeed in turning challenges into opportunities, energy solutions and policies must be planned for the long-term, often with a timespan of several decades. By Finnish Energy Industries

This is why the Finnish Energy Industries has prepared its own vision supporting the Finnish climate and energy policy. The vision aims for carbon neutral production of electricity and district heat that supports economic growth, with a target year of 2050. The vision aims for, on the one hand, electricity and heat production that produce as low emissions as possible and, on the other hand, replacing the use of fossil fuels with electricity and district heat in domestic settings, transport and industry. The actions are always examined from the aspects of well-being and competitiveness, as well as domestic content and security of supplies.

Here are some of the long-term operations for a carbon neutral vision, determined by the Finnish Energy Industries’ Vision 2050 report: Energy policy supporting market terms The price of energy must be determined by the market, investments must be economically justifiable, and competition between production forms must be genuine without unnecessary political steering. Fuel market must be developed The key benefit of fossil fuels is a functioning fuel market. The market of indigenous fuels, especially wood energy and peat, must be developed.

Society must steer the amount of emissions, not costs In order to reduce emissions, we need strong restriction measures with considerable costs to society. Emissions must have a price that forms a part of the production costs. Electrification of transport The electrification of especially passenger car traffic in the next few decades will bring new opportunities for Finland to increase energy efficiency, reduce emissions and act as technology supplier. Smart grid enables small-scale producers’ entry to the market The smart grid will enable and boost the efficiency of several functions that improve energy efficiency and the functioning of the electricity market, such as flexible connection to the grid by decentralised energy reserves, and load control. Climate impact as a basis for heating methods of buildings In the future, electricity and district heat will be carbon neutral, and therefore their utilisation must be promoted and heating based on fossil fuels must be reduced.

Finnish Energy Industries is an industrial policy and labour market policy association representing the electricity and district heating industry in Finland.

For more information, please visit:

56 | Issue 65 | June 2014

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Finland

The district cooling network in Tampere covers the downtown area. Read more on page 60. Photo: Courtesy of Pöyry Finland Oy

Obsessed with efficiency – biomass and energy efficiency as spearheads of Finnish Cleantech expertise Finland has set very ambitious renewable energy targets: the Nordic country aims to produce 38 per cent of its electricity with renewable energy by 2020. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has praised Finland for its commitment to a sustainable energy future, and the Finnish biomass and energy efficiency expertise in particular is appreciated around the world. By Cleantech Finland

In 2014, Finland ranks third of renewable energy users in Europe. According to EU statistics, 34.3 per cent of Finnish energy is based on renewable sources. Finland is the most heavily forested country in Europe, and thus biomass is the most significant energy source in meeting the targets. In recent years, energy obtained directly or indirectly from wood has accounted for 20 per cent of Finland’s total energy consumption, and Finland sees that there are excellent prospects for the production of

wood-based liquid biofuels. They could be used, for example, as oil-based fuels for heating and transportation purposes. Finland sees export opportunities for biomass because it is a natural byproduct of Finland’s renewing forest industry. Energy efficiency is at the core of Finnish energy solutions. For instance, Finland is one of the top countries in super-efficient district heating and cooling (DHC) and combined heat and power plants (CHP). The country has a cold climate and is very energy-intensive, which is why it has al-

ways had to develop energy efficiency in order to compete in international markets. It has improved energy efficiency with world-class cleantech solutions by, for example, building energy systems based on diverse energy sources. Sustainability and predictability are at the heart of Finland’s energy policy and solutions. In Finland, cleantech is deeply connected to the reindustrialisation and reshaping of the energy sector. Especially now, Finnish cleantech expertise is a hot topic because the world needs the energy solutions that Finland has been obsessively working with for years.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 57

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Finland

Mikko Valtonen, director of business development in Energiakolmio.

Energetic experts With the cost of energy constantly on the rise, it makes sense to monitor how much your company is paying for it and where the energy goes. In less than 15 years, Energiakolmio from central Finland has become the leader in energy management in the Nordic countries. By Mia Halonen | Press Photo

Did you know that the cost of energy depends on countless different factors? Time of day, rainfall, even the political situation in neighboring countries can have an effect. In fact, the price of electricity, for example, might vary hundreds of per cent during just one day. But who has the time and knowhow to make sure that your company gets the best deals and that the energy does not go to waste? It really makes sense to have a specialist in your corner. Energiakolmio is the leading independent company in the Nordic countries providing expert services on the energy market. The company offers services related to the procurement, sale and efficient use of energy to companies and or-

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ganisations in the Nordic and Baltic region countries. Energiakolmio was founded in 1995 and today employs 90 people. Protecting long-term interests Over the years, Energiakolmio has been growing steadily, about 10 per cent each year. In 2013, its net sales equalled P40 million. “Last year our total clientele volume was roughly 20 per cent of all energy used in Finland,” states Mikko Valtonen, director of business development. “We find the most suitable deals with the client’s best long-term interests in mind. That’s why we have so many loyal longterm customers.”

Paying less for energy is not the only way to save money. Improving energy efficiency pays off, too. Energiakolmio experts can, for example, analyse data to find spaces that are unnecessarily lit, heated or air conditioned at 3 am when nobody is there. Monitoring the energy consumption could also reveal a leaking water pipe. If not found in time, that could cause dramatic structural damage to your building. “Overall, a large company might save millions of euros per year by finding ways to use 10 per cent less energy,” says Valtonen. But it is not all about money. Saving energy is good for the environment, and in the long run, improving energy efficiency benefits each and every one of us.

For more information, please visit:

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Solving designs and installs AGVs, wheeled and air bearing-based equipment for moving a variety of industrial loads in factories. Using the latest in air-film and AGV technology, Solving’s range of Movers is designed to move loads from 2 to 200 tonnes or more, either by operator control or using computerised automation.

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Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Nordic Oil, Energy & Gas - Finland

Above left: The district cooling plant in Tampere represents Pöyry’s knowhow in the energy sector. The company also works in the management, consulting, forest industry, chemicals, bio-refining, mining, metals, transportation, and water sectors. Top middle: Pöyry has been an international company since it started out with two pulp mill projects in Finland and Sweden in 1958. Now the company has 6,500 experts working on more than 15,000 projects annually in over 50 countries. Bottom middle: The district cooling network in Tampere covers the downtown area. Right: Timo Laakso, Senior Vice President of Pöyry Finland Oy.

A leap forward in district cooling planning In 2003, Tampereen Kaukolämpö Oy started planning a district cooling system. Now, a decade later, the plans have taken a big step forward, and the environmentallyfriendly district cooling plant will open on the shores of Näsijärvi Lake in 2016. By Tuomo Paananen | Photos: Pöyry Finland Oy

Pöyry is a company that works in many sectors. One of its areas of focus is energy and energy solutions, and among its latest projects is the ecological district cooling plant being built in collaboration between Tampereen Kaukolämpö Oy, Tampereen Energiantuotanto Oy and Water Works of Tampere. “The district cooling plant in Tampere will work extremely ecologically: the main source of the cooling will be cold water that is pumped up from the bottom of the Näsijärvi Lake. This way of cooling is completely natural,” says Juha Esterinen, project manager at Pöyry. The company heralds that district cooling systems are ideal for preventing peaks in electricity consumption during the biggest heat waves during the summer. “These

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are good systems in keeping the use of electricity steady and the infrastructure cool. Of course we will have to use the aid of cooling machines ourselves, especially in late summer when lake waters will hit their highest temperatures. We need to make sure that important buildings, such as Tampere University Hospital, won’t get unreasonably hot.” Timo Laakso, senior Vice President of Pöyry Finland Oy, says that this is the first time a district cooling plant has been implemented in this way and in a relatively small city, and wishes that more cities would be open to the idea of district cooling.

rally cool elements such as cold bottom lake water or cool air. “We would like to bring this to countries of the Middle East and Asia, where the climate is mostly hot, dry or sub-tropical,” Laakso adds. “We have, for example, ways to turn the surplus heat produced in CHP plants into cooling energy.” Laakso and Esterinen both concur that energy politics vary vastly between different countries and continents. “Trends in producing energy are different between, say, Europe and Asia. Nevertheless, district cooling is something that can be implemented almost anywhere.” “Pöyry can adjust to different circumstances, because we are not depending on one manufacturer alone. Our goal is to find the best and most sustainable ways to produce energy, whether it is wind, hydro, thermal, renewable or nuclear.”

Challenge of environment: accepted Esterinen explains that it is possible and also beneficial to implement district cooling in countries where there are no natu-

For more information, please visit:


Helping make your special day extra special ”It is impossible to put into words how fantastic our day was!” That is how one happy bride describes her wedding day on Bröllopstorget’s forum. She was one of thousands who got married last year. By Susanne Ståhl | Photos: MostPhotos

For many, the wedding day is one of life’s most magical moments: a day filled with love, happiness and togetherness. Regardless of how one chooses to celebrate, it becomes a memory for life. The number of marriages has increased during the 21st century, and in 2013 45,703 couples got married in Sweden. Were you one of them? Or do you belong to those with the big day ahead of you? Perhaps you are looking for inspiration and tips around planning, festivities, food and clothes? Then Brö is the right place for you. Bröllopstorget is Sweden’s by far largest wedding site. On our popular and muchfrequented forum, our members meet to discuss everything to do with planning the big day. You will find tips, support and encouragement. Every month, many thousands of questions and answers are posted on our forum, and more than 10 per cent of all those getting married in Sweden are members of Bröllopstorget. One of them is this happy bride, who after her wedding wrote to thank us: ”Our

wedding was fantastic and Bröllopstorget was a great help during the preparations! Thank you for all the tips.” As a member, you get access to useful tools such as guestlists and gift lists. You also get our newsletters, and a well-stocked image gallery full of amazing pictures of everything from bridal bouquets to wedding dresses and wedding bands is there to inspire you. Bröllopstorget offers Sweden’s largest directory of wedding services and products, putting you in contact with companies in the wedding sector.

of copper or metal. How about a brass candlestick or a casserole dish in copper? Most important of all is of course to put a lot of thought into your gift; that way, you simply cannot go wrong.

Brö was set up in 2000 and today has around 95,000 unique visitors every week. Bröllopstorget has more than 16,000 members, and joining is free. Bröllopstorget is a part of Familjeliv Media, which in turn is a part of Stampen Media Partner, running the sites,,,, and

These days, the summer months make the most popular time to get married, but that was not always the case. When Sweden was

If you are getting married this summer, you are not alone. The summer months make the most popular time of year to get married, and August is the number one choice. The most popular wedding day of 2013 was Saturday 15 June, when 1,463 couples married. The most popular wedding days are almost always Saturdays in the summer months.

an agricultural society, it was more common to get married near the end of the year. During the 18th century it was highly unusual to get married during the harvest in August. The shift towards the summer months happened as agricultural society was replaced by industrial society. The average age of those getting married for the first time in 2013 was 33 years for women and 36 for men. This means an increase in the average age by 10 years

If instead you are invited to attend a wedding this summer and want to find a trendy present, opt for something made

since the late 1960s. Source: SCB (Statistiska centralbyrån)

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 61

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Marry me - in Sweden

Generous in every way With romantic 18th century wallpaper, generous suites, and majestic banquet halls hosting up to 130 guests, Gimo Herrgård offers a peaceful get-away and some aristocratic luxury to modern day epicureans. Moreover, the Gustavian manor house makes the perfect place to tie the knot for those who feel right at home where the food is exquisite, the rooms and meadows grand, and the jacuzzi always at the ready.

priate for its current owner, the head of the Gimo iron works, Robert Finley – and still today, the mansion house oozes luxury all the way from the banquet halls and suites to the Sjöstugan SPA and the shimmering lake views.

By Linnea Dunne | Photos: Gimo Herrgård

Grand venue for grand weddings “The well-preserved 18th century environment of Gimo Herrgård allows guests to live like the aristocracy of that time,” says Mathias Schneider, general manager of the manor house. “You get to experience the atmosphere, sleep in a Gustavian canopy bed, and admire the preserved wall paintings. But all the classical features are complemented by the latest in the world of comfort, including

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jacuzzis, flat screen TVs, everything you could possibly wish for.” The history of the manor house goes back in time about 250 years, to the early 1760s when architect Jean-Eric Rehn designed what is today considered to be the first Gustavian mansion building in Swedish architecture. The task of the architect was to reflect all the status and luxury appro-

It is hardly surprising that Gimo Herrgård promises that every wedding held here will be grand, a word that perfectly describes what greets you as you arrive. “It is majestic and very big, one of Sweden’s greatest manor houses, and everywhere the proportions are generous,” says Schneider. “The people who once lived here certainly knew how to make the most of life, and we are able to recreate that feeling.”

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Marry me - in Sweden

Still, the general manager adds, no two weddings are the same. “What couples get is their dream come true, no less,” he says. “We bring a lot of competence and experience to the entire process, and because of that we know what works and how to work out solutions in all kinds of situations. But at the end of the day, our mission is to go the extra mile to make sure that everyone is happy and their wishes are seen to: from the transport to church and the ceremony location to the food and environment and all the little details.” If food is one of the corner stones of a successful wedding, Gimo Herrgård has the tools to deliver. A proud member of Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, the renowned association for international fine food and wine, dating back to the 1200s in France, the manor house kitchen combines locally-sourced ingredients to create a menu where classical French cuisine meets Swedish culinary tradition. Add an extensive, well-stocked wine cellar, and you will see why guests feel in safe hands as they share with the chefs their vision for the perfect wedding meal – one which, of course, the kitchen will realise with panache.

Handy, peaceful, generous In going the extra mile to make your big day perfect, Schneider’s staff can help with everything from floral arrangements and photographers to entertainment and honeymoon proposals. You, on the other hand, can cut miles off your travel itinerary, as the manor house is situated less than an hour from Arlanda Airport and a handy journey from Stockholm as well as Uppsala and Gävle. That the manor house is easy to get to for guests from both near and far might explain why most wedding parties choose to arrive a day early, taking the time to unwind, relax and socialise in the peaceful, generous environment, perhaps enjoying a sauna or spa treatment at the Sjöstugan SPA, overlooking the lake, or with a barbeque and some cocktails. “Whether it’s a small, intimate celebration or a big party taking over the entire manor house for the weekend, it never gets crowded,” says Schneider. “With 90 rooms, some with their own jacuzzis and saunas, you can always find your own space, a quiet corner. That’s what we mean by grand: there’s room for everything you need and more.”

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 63

Luxury and charm in the footsteps of Gustav Vasa With a heritage of over 600 years of relaxation and hospitality, Toftaholm Herrgård makes the perfect setting for a conference, family get-away or romantic wedding, all in well-preserved 19th century manor house style. Whether you want to say ‘I do’ in a picturesque glade or share with your guests a culinary experience with a twist, the owners of this hidden gem will be delighted to make it happen. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: Toftaholm Herrgård

As you enter the driveway to Toftaholm Herrgård in the countryside of Småland in southern Sweden, just a stone’s throw away from the E4 between Värnamo and Ljungby yet beautifully situated by Lake Vidöstern, it is a feeling of classic and luxurious and at the same time harmonious peace and quiet that hits you. This is a place to relax. And indeed, visitors have come here for that very purpose for more than 600 years, with famous Swedes such as Gustav Vasa, Vilhelm Moberg and Bruno Mathsson hav-

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ing enjoyed the food, hospitality and picturesque surroundings over the years. In fact, it seems appropriate that the manor has welcomed royal visitors in the past, its classical manor style incredibly well-preserved and the dining room presenting first-class choices all the way, from the white linen tablecloths to the culinary direction. “This is where we stand out,” says the manor’s owner, Torbjörn Colfach. “We go the extra mile to offer a superb dining experience in pristine, stunning surroundings.”

Your wedding, your way On the other hand, as the venue is small compared to hotel chains and conferencing complexes, it can offer a personal touch otherwise hard to come by. With owners very much involved with the dayto-day running of things, the manor is both flexible and hands on. No wonder it seems the perfect place for couples hoping to celebrate their love in style yet with the option of adding their own, personal touch. “We’ve got countless ready-made menus and packages to provide inspiration and get you started, but when it comes to it, you can sit down with us and talk it through,” says Colfach. “We’re big enough to make it feel special and festive, yet small enough that you can feel involved in all the little decisions that mean a lot to you.”

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Marry me - in Sweden

Toftaholm Herrgård’s dining room and lounges combined seat a total of 100 guests, with Gustavsalen, the slightly smaller dining room with direct access onto the terrace and patio, seating up to 60 guests. While there are a handful of charming old churches and chapels in the area, some couples choose to take their vows right here on the terrace, overlooking the lake, or in the glade by the old fortress ruin. The lake also provides the perfect setting for an unforgettable arrival in one of the manor's own so-called 'old-timers', from 1924 and 1969 respectively, unless of course you opt for that royal touch with a horse and carriage. Larger wedding parties can really make the manor their own, as all 45 hotel rooms can be booked for the occasion. Designed in a classic 19th century manor house style, the rooms are distributed between the main building and its two wings, with drawing rooms, a wine cellar, and a dedicated relaxation area adding to the experience. Needless to say, the traditional charm is complemented by all the modern conveniences you could wish for, including free WiFi, comfortable beds and en-suite bathrooms. Get-away for any occasion It is safe to say that Toftaholm Herrgård offers all the romantic charm needed for lovebirds to say ‘I do’ without as much as

a second of doubt, but naturally, you do not need to be on a mission of love to benefit from the peaceful surroundings and welcoming service. Any party, family gathering or conference makes a great excuse for a luxurious get-away, and the manor has package deals to suit them all.

ful manor house are both innovative and open-minded enough to make just about anything happen. Package deal: Manor-house stay Make the most of manor-house life with this special package deal, including a welcome drink, afternoon tea, a five-course meal, and

Moreover, the urge to go the extra mile is evident in the unusual but popular Sunday brunch, which replaces the traditional bacon and egg with tapas: lots of international dishes served tapas style all year around. The perfectly classical setting may be deceiving, but make no mistake: the passionate people behind this beauti-

of course a night in a romantic double room, complete with the generous Toftaholm breakfast buffet. 1935 SEK per person.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 65

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Marry me - in Sweden

Yxtaholm Castle is a popular wedding venue.

The white castle is like something out of a fairy tale.

A romantic paradise and dream come true Imagine a lakeside fairy tale castle, complete with horses and a beautiful park. That is the dream Wonna I de Jong has been nurturing since she was a young girl. Yxtaholm Castle is a childhood dream come true.

just wonderful to own the castle,” she says and admits to falling in love all over again every time she visits.

By Ellinor Thunberg | Photos: Yxtaholm

The castle from 1753 is located on a private island in Sörmland, around 100 kilometres from Stockholm. The self-made business woman and property owner Wonna I de Jong clearly remembers the first time she laid eyes on her own piece of paradise. “I must own this place. This is what I always wanted,” she recalls thinking. It all started back in Poland during the Cold War. She was only 6 years old when she saw a castle in a newspaper and decided that one day she was going to have a place of her own, just like that. When Yxtaholm Castle came on the market in 2010, she did not hesitate. Today, it is a hotel and conference facility boasting 51 rooms and a fine restaurant. “This is a

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paradise for romantic weekends and love, but also for family dinners and meetings,” she says. 20 to 25 weddings are held here every year, coordinated in detail by wedding planner Johanna Petterson. “It is like moving into a fairy tale. We have horses walking around and you can take beautiful pictures with them or just take a walk with someone you love,” says Wonna I de Jong. A spa and a new gazebo by the lake, perfect for wedding ceremonies or private dinners, will add to the romantic atmosphere later this year. The major property owner is proud to have the castle as a gem in her collection. “It is

Owning the castle is a dream come true for Wonna I de Jong.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Marry me - in Sweden

A new way to plan your big day By Ellinor Thunberg

Weddings and ballet performances have things in common, says former ballerina, now successful wedding planner, Mariella Gink. Right now, she is preparing for a whole new show, changing the face of wedding planning for the future. Few people have seen as many lovebirds walk down the aisle as Mariella Gink, founder of WeddingPlanner Stockholm. Now she is using the experience to launch Save the Date – a new way to kickstart your planning process. “We invite future bridal couples to be guests at a fictitious wedding party. They experience everything from the ceremony and Champagne reception to a threecourse tasting menu, followed by coffee, cake and live music,” says Gink. The concept is a show, an inspirational event and wedding fair in one. All the handpicked things on display can be chosen for your own wedding – from dresses, rings

and shoes to DJs and floral decorations. Hiring a wedding planner is increasingly popular. “It’s not rocket science, but it is hard to find the time to research and book everything on your own,” says Gink, and her excitement about the event that will be held at Scandic Hasselbacken at Djurgården, Stockholm, in October is palpable. “What will the big day really be like? We invite guests to bring their parents, bridesmaids and best men along to experience the event,” says the planner, adding that the bride and groom are not

the only ones being nervous. A wedding and a ballet performance do have something in common, she insists: “The guests are seated and there is only one chance to get it right. Everything must work perfectly.”

About Wedding Planner Stockholm Mariella Gink is one of the first and leading independent wedding planners in Sweden. The Stockholm-based company launched in 2003.

For more information, please visit: Mariella Gink. Photo: Kicki Fotograf

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Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Marry me - in Sweden

Welcome to fairy tale land By Ellinor Thunberg | Photos: Fredensborg

Travel on winding roads through meadows and forests to Fredensborgs Herrgård. The manor house from 1875 is tucked away next to a lake in the scenic Swedish county of Småland. Astrid Lindgren found inspiration for fairy tales like Pippi Longstocking and That Emil right here in Småland. A theme park is located only 10 kilometres from the manor house, making it a popular family destination. “Summer is our peak sea-

son, and people come here to play golf or visit Astrid Lindgren’s World,” says Lena Ernberg, CEO. “But in the winter, wedding parties can book the whole manor house for the weekend.” Wedding guests can arrive on the Friday for a casual evening of, perhaps, a barbeque by the lake, a dip in the woodfired hot tub, or a round on the 18-hole golf course. The Saturday makes the big day, followed by a brunch on the Sunday to celebrate the newly-weds. “This way, you

get to spend more time with your guests. It is sometimes hard to find time to talk to everyone otherwise,” says Ernberg. The manor house is eco-certified and the kitchen works with local ingredients, featuring eggs from the neighbour, vegetables from a farm nearby, and more. “We try to stay as local as we possibly can when it comes to our primary produce,” says Ernberg. Nearly 1,000 families come to visit Astrid Lindgren’s World every summer, and after a long day of fun, parents can enjoy a nice glass of wine in the park while the children play. Call it the perfect family holiday in fairy tale land.

For more information, please visit: The manor house dates back to 1875.

Wedding with a view Enjoy an unusual wedding venue on a historic pier located by the ocean in central Malmö. Toast to the wedding couple as you admire the breathtaking sunset, overlooking Öresund and both the Swedish and the Danish shoreline. Ribersborgs kallbadhus (Ribersborg’s open-air swimming baths) was established in 1898 and declared a historic building in 1995. People have come here for over a century to enjoy the health benefits of the typical Scandinavian tradition of a sauna followed by a swim in the sea, adPhoto: Jonas Rincon-Dahlberg

miring the beautiful premises and the ocean view at the same time. Lately, Ribersborgs kallbadhus has enjoyed increased popularity as it has widened its repertoire to include an ambitious restaurant, with live music and stand-up comedy shows in the summer evenings. That, and an emphasis on creating the once-in-a-lifetime event that goes under the name of a wedding. Jonas Rincon-Dahlberg, partner and COO, explains: “To work with a wedding is very exciting. What sets us apart is the combination of a fantastic location 200 metres into

By Anita Karlsson Photos: Fredrik Johansson

the ocean, the atmosphere in the historic building, the wonderfully cosy wedding reception room, and our effort to customise the ceremony and the reception to suit each couple’s preferences.” In addition, Ribersborgs kallbadhus is proud to offer a wedding menu with a focus on as much locally-sourced, organic food as possible, often with a typically Swedish menu of fish and seafood, though there are many options to suit every taste. The venue will happily take care of the arrangements and create the romantic backdrop for your wedding, and has plenty of connections when it comes to music. As the slogan goes: “All you have to do is to show up with a smile!” Like so many have done in the past, and are sure to do in the future. Ribersborgs kallbadhus offers the wedding of your wishes on a historic pier with a fantastic ocean view.

For more information, please visit:

68 | Issue 65 | June 2014

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Marry me - in Sweden

At a castle built in 1716, all your wedding dreams can come true as a team of service-minded staff makes it their duty to listen to all your wishes and deliver with a smile.

A castle fairy tale wedding – magic included At Nykvarn, close to Stockholm, in Sörmland’s lush landscape next to lake Turingen, lies a true gem: Vidbynäs Gård, a magical place where wedding couples’ dreams come true. By Ulrika Kuoppa | Photos: Alicia Swedenborg

The castle, built in 1716, delivers full service to any wedding party, spoiling the guests with delicious organic food and a fantastic wine cellar. With no less than 68 cosy rooms and nine suites, it allows the party to stay together. “Vidbynäs Gård opened its doors to the public seven years ago. Our vision is to be a place where everyone feels welcome, where food and drinks are in the limelight, regardless of if we’re serving a fivecourse meal or a breakfast buffet. It feels really luxurious to be able to offer quality all the way through guests’ stay with us!” says manager and event coordinator Maria Ahlin.

seemed impossible for you, and you were so positive and accommodating, planning every moment of our wedding.” “It is an honour to take part in the whole process, and my goal is to get to know the couple’s personality and include that in the celebration,” says Ahlin. “We’ve experienced great moments, like when Mattias Ljungberg, who created Crown Princess Victoria’s wedding cake, asked for help to play a trick on his wedding party. I felt quite nervous as we came out with the beautiful wedding cake only to drop it on the floor. The guests’ shock soon turned into roars of laughter as they realised it was a joke and the cake, indeed, a fake!”

nary traditions. Sommelier Mario Correia provides just the right wine, while restaurant manager Suzette Säfström makes sure that the bubbly is chilled, napkins perfectly folded and the seating arrangement in order. Receptionist Therese Swahn places the early birds next to one another in the comfortable bedrooms and makes sure that the night owls stay together. “It is important for us that our guests feel that we are there for them, listening,” Ahlin insists. “I am here, with the sole purpose of creating the perfect wedding – which means that our guests can feel confident that we will provide a fun and professional wedding planning service.”

Maria Ahlin

“A great big thank you for the best weekend of our lives,” boasts one happy couple on the Vidbynäs Gård website. “Everything was incredibly professional, nothing

At Vidbynäs Gård, it is all about teamwork. The chef, Hans Eriksson, and his crew tailor-make the menu with emphasis on organic, local produce and Swedish culi-

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 69








Storytelling below the surface Den Blå Planet, National Aquarium Denmark, is northern Europe’s largest and most modern aquarium and offers a truly unique adventure for people of all ages: worldclass architecture, Nordic gourmet food and 20,000 fish and marine animals all rolled into one spectacular aquatic package, offering a breathtaking dive into the amazing biodiversity of our beautiful, blue planet. By Stine Gjevnoe | Photos: Den Blå Planet

Stunningly situated with views of Øresund (the famous bridge between Denmark and Sweden immortalised by the international phenomenon of Nordic Noir) and Copenhagen Airport, Den Blå Planet, National Aquarium Denmark works with the mission to encourage both children and adults to engage with the wondrous world of water. Through curiosity and wellrounded experiences, the aquarium seeks to awaken a desire in its visitors to appreciate and take care of our beautiful, blue planet. “We call it storytelling,” commercial director Mette Broksø Thygesen explains. “Cultural institutions tend to be

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square boxes, both literally and metaphorically speaking. At Den Blå Planet, National Aquarium Denmark, we disseminate knowledge and entertainment in surroundings purposely built to support our mission – we tell a story,” she continues. New surroundings, new opportunities Previously located in Charlottenlund, the aquarium found itself in need of more space, and so in 2007, it launched a competition for interested architecture firms to design Denmark’s new national aquarium in Kastrup Harbour. The Danish com-

pany 3XN won, and on 21 March 2013 Queen Margrethe of Denmark officially opened the new national aquarium, and the next day doors opened to the public. In a building inspired by spiraling patterns of nature, 3,000 animals from the old aquarium have joined 17,000 new animals in the scenic surroundings just south of Copenhagen. 53 aquariums, ranging from the cold waters of the north to the tropical oceans of the south, are combined with a variety of captivating infotainment, truly sweeping you off your feet and into the fascinating world of water. The re-launch has been very well-received among the public, with 1.3 million visitors in the first year. “We were both nervous and excited when we opened the doors,” says Thygesen. “We developed a sharp strategy from the beginning as it was important to say goodbye to our old

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Top 5 Summer Experiences in Denmark

location in the right manner, while also welcoming the future and making the public aware of their new cultural landmark. New surroundings offer new opportunities, and the response has been truly overwhelming,” she explains passionately. World-class events and mouthwatering gastronomy Passion permeates everything about Den Blå Planet, and in efforts to ensure a truly well-rounded and complete experience, the aquarium has teamed up with not one but three award-winning chefs to run the restaurant and catering facilities. Meyer’s Kitchen, set up and run by acclaimed chef Claus Meyer, as well as former Noma chefs Torben Vildgaard and Søren Westh serve up mouth-watering dishes on a daily basis and run the catering at events. And Thygesen cannot hide the excitement about this collaboration: “A visit to Den Blå Planet has to be a holistic experience, where the food is closely linked to the wondrous world of water showcased at the aquarium. With Meyer, Vildgaard and Westh at the helm, taste, quality, and happy guests join in synthesis. It’s delicious and healthy and there’s something for everyone,” she explains. The aquarium can facilitate small- and large-scale events and conferences, and

With its ideal location, Den Blå Planet is favoured among national as well as international visitors.

with its spectacular location close to the airport, metro and motorway, offering stunning views as well as professionalism, it is a favoured venue among national and international businesses alike. The venue boasts a large auditorium with views of Øresund and can cater for up to 800 people, depending on the event, in unparalleled surroundings. A gateway to the rest of Europe As if unparalleled gastronomy, scenic surroundings, beautiful architecture and educating experiences were not enough, Den Blå Planet recently employed former professional footballer Todi Jónsson as its head of sponsorships to help the continuing innovation and improvement of the cultural institution. With an ambitious innovation strategy, the aquarium is planning an expansion and a reinvestment in its digital approach, which

will rethink the dissemination of knowledge in a more engaging manner. By summer 2015 a new floating platform will open, followed later on by a water playground, allowing the aquarium to fully utilise the potential of its Øresund location. Additionally, Den Blå Planet is looking to realise a long-term dream and build facilities to house sea otters and become the gateway to the rest of Europe for this fascinating and playful species. Celebrating its one-year anniversary with huge success and impressive results, it would be easy for the cultural institution to rest on its laurels, but for Den Blå Planet this is by no means the plan. The story has only just begun…

For more information, please visit:

Den Blå Planet is a popular venue for events and conferences and offers an array of options, including world-class gastronomy. The above are examples of private events.

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 71

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Top 5 Summer Experiences in Denmark

At Krokodille Zoo in Eskildstrup in Denmark, you can get very close to all 23 of the world’s living crocodilian species or study them from above via a system of bridge walks. Feeding time, in particular, makes a true blockbuster moment.

The zoo with a little more bite Krokodille Zoo on Denmark’s Lolland island is one of the places in the world to learn about crocodiles. All living crocodilian species are here, and they are not shy about showing some hunting skills.

catch a glimpse of the zoo’s bats. It is what Hedegaard calls ‘the twilight zone’. Raising awareness

By Thomas Bech Hansen | Photos: Krokodille Zoo

Krokodille Zoo is home to all 23 of the world’s living crocodilian species, and lets you study some of the shrewdest hunters around. You can go very close or study them from above via a system of bridge walks. “Crocodiles are particularly fascinating to study, because they have a very specific behaviour,” says René Hedegaard, founder and owner of Krokodille Zoo. Thrills at feeding time Indeed, 2 pm, which is feeding time, is one of the zoo’s daily blockbuster mo-

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ments. “Often, the crocodiles will just lie around very silently, pretending to be a piece of timber. And then, suddenly, they will explode into action, triggering their lightning quick hunting skills. The audience usually gulps when this happens.” This July, the feeling of excitement is set to get even bigger, as Krokodille Zoo opens extra hours between 10 pm and midnight for its Night Zoo. Here, the audience is equipped with red lamps to explore the animals at dusk, which is their most active time. This is also a chance to

As well as presenting the animals in fascinating ways, Krokodille Zoo has a great focus on raising awareness of the fact that many crocodiles are risking extinction. “Many people do not realise the consequences we as humans face when animals become extinct,” says Hedegaard. “That is why we emphasise education and research as well as giving the audience a fun experience. We want people to come away with a greater awareness of the challenges these animals face, and we can see how this makes an impression on many of our visitors.” Visitors can feel assured that they are

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Top 5 Summer Experiences in Denmark

helping to protect endangered species when they visit Krokodille Zoo, as 1 DKK out of every entrance fee paid automatically goes towards preservation. As the owner points out, people are of course welcome to make further donations and the zoo also takes part in fundraising besides running the zoo. Although Krokodille Zoo, to the outside world at least, is mainly in the business of showcasing crocodiles on its premises, part of its strategy is also to put animals back into nature. “We do not put animals out into nature that have lived a long life here with us,” Hedegaard clarifies. “However, we nurture some of them from birth with the aim of releasing them into the wild if and when they are ready.” Like time travelling How did one of the world’s most comprehensive collections of crocodiles end up in the town of Eskildstrup on the island of Lolland, some 150 kilometres south of Copenhagen? This is down to the enthusiasm of Hedegaard. He has put in many hours to take Krokodille Zoo from a hobby project to a modern facility for wild animals. Within the last three years, the place has undergone major refurbishment and in June 2014 opens its doors to new facilities including two new tropical houses. “It began as a pioneer project. I spent nine years of my spare time building the zoo with help from some friends. Now it is a full-time occupation, and we are opening a totally renovated zoo, which is much closer to nature,” says Hedegaard. Part of the drive behind his ambition comes from a boyhood dream. “I have had this interest in dinosaurs since I was just a kid, and crocodiles are the perfect extension of these ancient creatures,” he explains. Being around crocodiles, he says, is almost like travelling millions of years back in time. “These are the last of the dominant reptiles, and they looked exactly the same all those years ago. It is like time travelling, and that is one of many reasons why we must protect them.”

All 23 living crocodilians – and other animals, too Krokodille Zoo is one of very few places in the world to gather all 23 of the world’s living crocodilian species in one place. The zoo is also home to monkeys, parrots, turtles, and – from 1 June 2014 – clouded leopards, the first ever to arrive in Denmark.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 73

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Top 5 Summer Experiences in Denmark

With an impressive and all-rounded music programme, Vig Festival caters to all ages. Playing here is Danish artist, Mads Langer.

Festive and happy days for the whole family Every year in July, Vig Festival brings together 13,000 people of all ages for three days of music, food, and good company on the captivating peninsula of Odsherred in Denmark. With an impressive and all-rounded music programme, camping facilities for all ages and comforts, and an army of hard-working volunteers, Vig Festival welcomes people from near and far.

and loved ones at the festival and make it a tradition to come back every year. Moreover, the young adults who’ve grown up with Vig Festival return home for the summer to meet up with their childhood friends,” says Olsen.

By Stine Gjevnoe | Photos: Vig Festival

Let the children play Beautifully situated in the north-western part of the island of Zealand, the municipality of Odsherred has set the scene for Vig Festival every summer since 1996. Growing increasingly in popularity and size, Vig Festival focuses on an allrounded family experience with something for everyone, and with 13,000 guests every year the festival has established itself as an event not to be missed. “A lot of our guests, and in particular families, turn

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the festival into a full holiday,” festival director Dorte Olsen explains. The Danish concept of ‘hygge’ is central to Vig Festival’s vision and values and permeates every part of the set-up. The festival caters to all ages and has a strong focus on relaxation and togetherness across generations, something that has been very well-received. “We have a lot of returning guests who met their partners

With its ideal location and various camping and accommodation options available, many guests turn the three-day event into a week-long holiday. Last year, the festival teamed up with Sommerland Sjælland, a famous and hugely popular theme park nearby. Festival guests can rent and stay in the theme park’s cottages, and in addition to festival tickets, families who choose this accommodation option also receive complimentary entrance to the

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Top 5 Summer Experiences in Denmark

Above left: With 13,000 guests every year, Vig festival has established itself as an event not to be missed (Photo: Jørgen Mikkelsen). Middle and right: Vig festival has a designated and very popular children’s area called Viggos Børneland, which is an area dedicated to various forms of children’s entertainment, including music and theatre. (Photos: Vig Festival/Jørgen Mikkelsen)

theme park, as well as daily breakfast delivered directly to the cottage. While Vig Festival is a festival for the whole family, it also recognises the universal truth that sometimes children need a break from their parents – and maybe vice versa. Vig festival has a designated and very popular children’s area called Viggos Børneland, which is an area dedicated to various forms of children’s entertainment, including music and theatre. The festival has teamed up with a local theatre department to ensure that children, and other playful souls, are fully engaged and entertained throughout the entire festival. Additionally, there are non-alcoholic events specifically arranged with teenagers in mind, and the festival’s dedicated team of volunteers make sure that safety and security are at the top of the agenda at all times.

back to the local community. The clubs and associations provide volunteers and, in turn, are given a split of the festival’s profit to maintain and develop their sports or interest, keeping the community thriving. Maintaining and developing the local community is, of course, high on the agenda for the municipality of Odsherred, which collaborates closely with Vig Festival on this and many other matters: “There is a lot of goodwill among politicians and local authorities towards Vig Festival, and we have a very practical and constructive collaboration with them. They see the benefits and the possibilities our festival offers the local community, and we are recognised as a cultural landmark in the municipality of Odsherred, something we are very proud of,” says chairman of the

board, Niels Bugge. With plans to expand with four additional social events per year, Vig Festival wants to cement its position as a cultural and social beacon, drawing attention and hopefully more people to the beautiful and attractive north-western corner of Zealand, Denmark. Vig Festival is now only two summers away from celebrating its 20th anniversary. While the festival is continuously improving and developing, the hard-working and dedicated people behind the popular summer event never forget their roots, and promise to stay true to the original concept: music, celebrations, and happy, festive days for the whole family. For more information, please visit:

Photo: Claus Starup

Not without the volunteers The volunteers are indeed the backbone of Vig Festival. With only three full-time employees, the festival is and has always been run by its dedicated team of 2,500 volunteers, many of whom return year after year. The idea for the festival started with a couple of standalone summer concerts back in the mid-90s, but as these quickly proved popular, it was not long until Vig Festival opened its doors with a full programme in 1996. The festival is held in close collaboration with various local sports clubs and associations. This is a long-standing tradition in Danish culture and offers a muchvalued opportunity for Vig Festival to give

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 75

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Top 5 Summer Experiences in Denmark Enchanting scents, wildlife encounters and a stunning landscape are some of the things that make a hike through Thy National Park a breathtaking experience.

ning landscape was created through continuous sand drifts, forcing people to move further inland and shaping the characteristic and rare sand dunes known as Atlantic dunes. “It is a quite extraordinary landscape and most people completely lose their breath when they see it,” says Andersen and adds: “A couple of years ago, I led an excursion through the park with a group of researchers from Columbia, Canada, Japan and Australia, and they were all totally taken aback by the place.”

Hike through Jutland’s spectacular dune landscape With more than 200 miles of hiking and cycling paths running through pristine coastal scenery, Thy National Park offers spectacular experiences for all fitness levels. The park’s vast natural landscape is one of the few places in Denmark offering complete solitude from everything but nature itself. By Signe Hansen | Photos: Else Østergaard Andersen

Last summer, head of Thy National Park, Else Østergaard Andersen, spent four days walking 35 miles through the national park from north to south. “Firstly, what made an impression was the magnificent dune landscape. Secondly, it was the feeling of being completely alone with nature – you’ve some long stretches where it’s just you and the wilderness. It’s an opportunity to see cranes and just really enjoy the flowers, the silence, the scents, and the wind,” she says.

Photo: Klaus madsen

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It is, of course, not necessary to do the entire route, but for those who wish to, several of the adjoining coastal villages provide charming accommodation. Most of the B&Bs and inns will be able to offer guests a packed lunch for the following day. Denmark’s first national park As the first of three national parks in Denmark, National Park Thy was founded in 2008 and is for a great part protected by the European Habitats Directive. Its stun-

On top of an abundance of well-marked cycling and hiking paths, Thy National Park also has horse riding trails, beautiful clean lakes, primitive shelters, bird watching towers, and very favourable conditions for windsurfing (which has earned it the nickname Cold Hawaii). And, if you are really keen on the hiking, Thy national Park is part of the 6,000-kilometre long North Atlantic hiking path, so, except for bringing the wrong shoes, there is no excuse for cutting the trip short.

Facts: National Park Thy is open 24/7 and free for everyone. Thy National Park offers guided hiking tours of all lengths and levels. Guests exploring the park on their own can download the mobile app Nationalpark Thy for free or buy a booklet with maps: On the trail of Thy National Park (80 DKK).

For more information, please visit:

Photo: Niels Kudsk Christensen

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Top 5 Summer Experiences in Denmark

Experience the fascinating Danish wildlife AQUA Aquarium & Zoo gives you more than a great experience: you learn in a fun way. Filled with activities for the whole family, the centre shows you the most fascinating parts of Danish nature. By Sanne Wass | Photos: AQUA

As a guest at AQUA, you are taken on an amazing journey down into the Danish lakes and watercourses. Located in Silkeborg in the heart of Denmark, the threefloor activity centre houses the largest freshwater aquarium in northern Europe. Here, you will indeed come close to the life of Danish freshwaters. “We have a ‘touch tank’ at children’s height, where you can touch the fish. It’s very rare to get so close to big fish like carp and sturgeon. The kids really enjoy it,” says Laila Adamsen, sales manager at AQUA Aquarium & Zoo. But a single-day visit at AQUA might not be enough. Outside, guests enter a huge, lovely park with animals representative of Danish wildlife: otters, raccoons, beavers, white and black storks, wild boars, goats and much more. The park also has shelters for overnight events,

cosy picnic areas, and two cafés with space for more than 120 people. The power of water The most popular feature of AQUA is beautifully placed at the bottom of the park: the big water playground ‘Vandets kraft’, translating into English as ‘the power of the water’. With its locks, water wells, water cannons, swings, and an aerial ropeway, the playground offers activities for children of all ages. Finally, if you love baby animals, AQUA will certainly be your favourite place this summer, as three racoon babies, who are currently hiding, will come out. “The racoon mother will be teaching her babies how to climb trees. It looks incredibly funny when the clumsy cubs try to imitate their mother,” Adamsen smiles.

Nordfyns Museum The history of the town of Bogense and North Funen, in words, artifacts, paintings and pictures. Nordfyns Museum Vestergade 16, DK-5400 Bogense, Denmark Phone: +45 6481 1884 E-mail:

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Hotel of the Month | Finland

Hotel of the Month, Finland

The luxury of silence If you are looking for shopping and nightclubbing on your holiday, Hotel Korpikartano in Finnish Lapland is not for you. But if you long for experiencing what is truly important in life, our Finnish hotel of the month warmly welcomes you at the gates of the largest wilderness of Europe. By Mia Halonen | Photos: Hotel Korpikartano

“Surprisingly, many people have never been in a place where there is no noise and no light pollution. One lady came to tell me she had just heard the sound of the wind for the first time in her life!” The owner of Hotel Korpikartano, Anne Harju, has met people who have been everywhere and done everything – except experienced the harmony in pristine nature. “This place reminds them what is genuinely important in life. We give our guests time to find themselves.” After several years of living all over the world, Harju found her home and hus-

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band in Finnish Lapland. The couple took over the little rustic hotel in the small village of Menesjärvi in 2010. Many of the employees are from the village. “Although,” Harju points out, “we have no employees, only colleagues – just like we don’t have customers, only guests.” The Harjus are determined to make every guest feel warmly welcome. The true nature of Lapland Harju is the first to admit that Korpikartano is in the middle of nowhere. “And that is definitely an asset! Here you can really get away from it all.” The main attraction

is the ever-changing arctic nature. You get to experience the dramatically different seasons of Lapland. In the summer, the midnight sun is simply astonishing. It is easy to lose track of time when the day just goes on and on for almost two months. After the bright autumn colours comes the magical winter. The sun does not rise for many weeks, but the scenery is lit by the stars and the northern lights, Aurora Borealis, reflected in the snow-covered ground. If you have never experienced the Aurora Borealis, you are in for a treat. The season can start as early as late August – if you know what to look for and when. Luckily, at Korpikartano you can get trained to predict the best time to see the magnificent natural light show. The experts can also give you tips on taking great photos in

Scan Magazine | Hotel of the Month | Finland

the dark, so you will have something to show off at home. But sometimes even the simplest things can feel luxurious: “We had guests from South Africa, eight young ladies. They had never stood outside in the darkness feeling completely safe. They couldn’t believe it. At home, they wouldn’t even drive the car in the dark, and here they were, standing on the ice of a frozen lake.”

farm. Depending on the season, the guests get to feed the peaceful animals, try lassoing or witness the birth of calves. Different excursions take you gold panning (yes, you get to keep the gold), fishing, hiking, cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing, canoeing and kayaking, horse riding or bird watching. Husky and snow mobile safaris are on the menu, too.

pecially since the taste is exceptionally aromatic this close to the North Pole. Cooking on an open fire, perhaps a fish you caught yourself when ice fishing – what could taste better? Harju has witnessed this many times: “The basic elements like fire and water – they are ancient yet never the same. You get close to something very primal here,” she says.

Nature full of super food

“What we have to share is invaluable: clean air, extraordinary nature, the luxury of silence and time to just be yourself. People come here to take time out,” says Harju. In fact, many people keep coming back year after year. “My husband says they lack imagination!” laughs Harju. “We don’t have any Michelin stars but we have thousands in the sky. Start counting!”

Lake Menesjärvi is located in the Sami region of Lapland. The Sami are the only indigenous people in Europe. Harju has a lot of respect for the community, and interested Korpikartano guests get to learn a lot about the Sami and their rich traditions.

An important part of any holiday is the food. At Korpikartano, the food is as pure as it gets and as much as possible is sourced locally, says Harju. “We often have fascinating conversations about the meal on the plate. It’s so rewarding to reveal that the fish is from this lake, the reindeer used to run in this forest, and I picked these mushrooms myself.”

One part of Sami culture is reindeer herding, and you can visit a working reindeer

Picking the arctic berries and baking a pie is also an unforgettable experience, es-

Sami, the only indigenous people in Europe

For more information, please visit:

Hotel Korpikartano may not have any Michelin stars, but it has thousands in the sky – alongside perfectly clean air, magical silence, the purest of food, and of course the awe-inspiring northern lights in the winter and midnight sun in the summer.

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 79

Scan Magazine | Hotel of the Month | Norway

The hotel offers fair trade organic coffee 24/7, an in-house restaurant that specialises in healthy food made from local ingredients, and a roof terrace with spectacular views, perfect for enjoying a drink and late snack.

Hotel of the Month, Norway

Make the most of your trip to Stavanger In the heart of scenic Stavanger you will find a hotel with an inventory out of the ordinary. Love it or loathe it, but Comfort Hotel Square keeps it urban and chic, offering guests one of the city’s cheapest hotel deals.

terrace, which offers a spectacular view of the city and allows you to choose from an exciting tapas menu.

By Ingvild Vetrhus | Photos: Comfort Hotel Square

The 33 Comfort Hotels located in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Lithuania aim at being the most innovative hotel chain in Scandinavia. The new focus is on the guests’ needs and active lifestyle in today’s digital society.

Comfort Hotel Square is no ordinary hotel. With quirky modern art decorating the brick walls of the rooms designed by American designer Ariel McMillion, the hotel sure does stand out. Conveniently located in the middle of Norway’s oil hub, Stavanger, the city’s newest hotel is a good choice for businessmen or women on a short stay and for those who want easy access to famous attractions such as Pulpit Rock, Lysefjorden or Kjerag. Built in 2010, the hotel focuses on high quality and simplicity. “The hotel itself is outstanding, but our service crew is even more so! We encourage all our staff to bring their own personalities to work, not being too formal and strict. We want all our guests to feel really welcome,” says manager Jeanette Landaas.

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For those who enjoy a good lie-in on Sundays, the hotel offers late afternoon check-outs. Whether you want to spend your Sunday exploring Stavanger’s beautiful surroundings, working out in Comfort Hotel Square’s own gym, or simply sleep, the 6pm check-out time allows you to relax and do the activities you fancy until early evening time. The airport express bus stop is only 150 metres away from the hotel, and the journey to the airport takes 25 minutes.

With concepts such as lobby shops, media hubs for PC and iPhone, Comfort Radio, Express check-in and -out machines, and fair trade organic coffee 24/7, Comfort Hotels is a chain that appeals to people who know what they want.

Healthy and organic, 24/7 The hotel’s restaurant, called Food Story, specialises in healthy, organic food. Its dishes are inspired by countries around the world and the ingredients are mostly from local suppliers. Guests can even order food and drinks from the hotel’s roof

For more information, please visit: comfort-hotel-stavanger/

Scan Magazine | Hotel of the Month | Denmark

The restaurant at Bandholm Hotel serves up locally produced Nordic and French inspired cuisine, to go with the stunning sea views.

Hotel of the Month, Denmark

History-laden seaside resort with a treat Situated on the waterfront of the small Northern Lolland hamlet of Bandholm lies Bandholm Hotel. Since 2007 the newly restored version of the historical hotel has provided a haven of relaxation for the choosy. By Marjorie de los Angeles Mendieta | Photos: Bandholm Hotel

The history of Bandholm and its surroundings is inextricably linked with the estate of the counts of the Knuth family estate, Knuthenborg. The industrious counts were at the forefront of the country’s economic life. The commercial port of Bandholm is owned by the Knuth Estate, and in 1869, the estate funded the country’s first privately operated railway service between Bandholm and the old see of Maribo. The famous English style landscape garden surrounding the Knuth Manor itself was the largest in northern Europe. Today, the old railroad track functions as the country’s perhaps most delightful heritage railway – its terminus situated on the hotel lawn. The old landscape garden, once famous for its botany, is now home to one of the most internationally renowned Dan-

ish family-friendly tourist attractions, namely the Knuthenborg Safari Park. The old meets the contemporary Like its surroundings, Bandholm Hotel shares the rare combination of the old and the contemporary. The original Bandholm Inn itself attained a royal privilege in 1692, but the mansion-like hotel in its present form was established in 1886 by the Knuth family as a high-end seaside resort. The resort feeling of a bygone era still very much lingers. The bright, spacious and exquisitely furnished suites respect the old setting despite having every modern convenience that can be asked for, and in the summertime, the hotel terrace overlooking the sea and the idyllic island of Askø hosts cocktail bars and musical soirees. The Nordic and French inspired hotel cuisine offers among other

things a taste of locally produced specialties, including beer from the Krenkenrup brewery and Knuthenlund estate’s internationally acclaimed organic brie made from sheep’s milk. For those seeking an especially relaxing time, Bandholm Hotel takes great pride in its specifically tailored wellness stay packages. The hotel employs a number of masseurs and aestheticians, catering to its guests by administering exceptionally luxurious treatments. The stays have begun attracting a number of companies, who plan business meetings using the hotel’s conference facilities while also giving their employees a treat. Situated in the middle of the history-laden island of Lolland, Bandholm Hotel offers the ideal starting point for a holiday trip to Denmark’s southern isles for the choosy traveller. ForFor more information, please visit: bandmore information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 81

Scan Magazine | Attraction of the Month | Sweden

Top: Inherent curiosity, creativity and openness amongst the Värmlanders alongside a range of impressive culinary offerings make the towns of Värmland both welcoming and interesting for visitors. Bottom and right: With Europe’s largest freshwater lake, Vänern, and deep, thriving forests, Värmland is an outdoor enthusiast’s dream.

Attraction of the Month, Sweden

The county of contrasts Go timber rafting down river Klarälven during the day, and visit the opera at night. Pick up organic ingredients for an al fresco lunchtime picnic at a local farm, and enjoy a world-class culinary experience for dinner. Welcome to Värmland, where no day is ever the same. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: Visit Värmland /C Øyvind Lund

“It’s a vast county, so we’ve got everything from the deep forest Finnskogen to Europe’s largest freshwater lake Vänern and its archipelago with brilliant fishing opportunities,” says Laila Gibson, CEO of Visit Värmland. “But then there are the charming towns, cultural experiences aplenty, and a warm, creative people too.” Soft adventure Gibson describes Värmland as a cultural experience of a lifetime in a scenic setting. The varied landscape offers as many different types of activities as there are preferences, from hiking along trails where moose can be spotted to kayaking, skiing, and of course timber rafting, named one of the world’s top 50 tours of a lifetime by the National Geographic last year. The county offers a soft adventure that does

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not necessarily veer towards the extreme but certainly never gets boring. In addition, Värmland is the proud home county of more than a few famous Swedes, from writers and poets such as Selma Lagerlöf and Gustaf Fröding to international jazz profiles including Rigmor Gustafsson and Nils Landgren and sports personalities such as rising rally star Pontus Tidemand and international golfer Jonas Blixt. And the townlife itinerary shows why: in Karlstad, choose from gallery Sandgrund Lars Lerin, plenty of award-winning restaurants, or a performance at one of Sweden’s six opera houses; stroll through the picturesque 17th century town centre of Kristinehamn; or visit the Rackstad Museum in Arvika with its thriving arts scene and treasured

crafts tradition, topping off the day with a gig at one of many venues. Cultural pride and heritage “There’s a creative streak in Värmlanders that keeps being handed down through the generations. From legends like Lagerlöf to bright, up-and-coming artists of today, there’s an artistic pride – even many of those who have a regular day job will be proud to reveal that they’re in fact an accordionist or amateur actor,” says Gibson. “There’s a curiosity and an openness here that makes for a very welcoming atmosphere,” she explains. “From the people you meet in the street to the many independent food producers and first-rate chefs, everyone will make you feel very welcome indeed. That, and our unspoilt nature of open lakes and deep woods, is what Värmland is famous for.” For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Attraction of the Month | Denmark

Photo: Hartmann & Schmidt

Try shooting with bow and arrow, watch the brave knights compete in dramatic tournaments, or simply enjoy an atmospheric evening in one of the festival’s tents, where music is played on medieval instrument replicas.

Attraction of the Month, Denmark

See, listen, taste and smell the Middle Ages Every last weekend of August you can step 500 years back in time and experience the Middle Ages first-hand in Horsens, Denmark. Scan Magazine met with the coordinator of the big event. By Tina Lukmann Andersen | Photos: Hanne Nielsen

The European Medieval Festival is not just a festival. It is just as much a live museum and a market with all kinds of different stalls, giving an authentic experience of what life was like in Denmark during late medieval times. The festival has been going for 20 years – every year in the town of Horsens and every year growing little by little. From having a few stalls in the main pedestrian area of the town, the event has grown to include the fantastic setting of the former state prison, a big venue with room for almost 20,000 people. Iben Høgh Grøftehauge is the project coordinator for the event, and she explains that “the idea of the festival is to step into a completely different world where history comes alive.” You can spend an entire day not just observing but actually being part of life in a time gone by, from being

taught by monks how to speak Latin to tasting the authentic food as it was made roughly 1350-1536. But back then, Grøftehauge adds, there were no forks and no coffee or ketchup. Surprisingly, however, you will find lemons and spices, illustrating the trade with other parts of the world at the time. When you are not actively being part of everyday medieval life, the festival offers plenty of entertainment in the form of jousts, the sound of swords drawn on the battlefield, and music across three stages. The entertainers this year come from 11 different countries to be part of the event inside and outside the walls of FÆNGSLET. “The old building being decorated with torches really creates an atmosphere where it is hard to imagine that the year is actually 2014,” says Grøftehauge.

Experience a different time and place that forces you to use all your senses, as you see the costumes, hear the drums, eat with your fingers and smell the smoke at this year’s festival. Needless to say, admission is free – just as it would have been 500 years ago.

The European Medieval Festival takes place this year on 29-30 August.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 83

Scan Magazine | Attraction of the Month | Norway

With the same type of rock as that found on the moon, visitors can ‘moonwalk’ across the arid formations of Magma Geopark, which has been approved by UNESCO.

Attraction of the Month, Norway

Fun-filled Norwegian rocks If you are not familiar with the word ‘geopark’, it is time to acquaint yourself. Magma Geopark in south-western Norway encompasses some of the most stunning rock formations in the country, and is a great travel destination for geologists, outdoor enthusiasts, and nature lovers alike. By Hannah Gillow Kloster | Photos: Jan Ove Grastveit/Åse Hestnes/Pål Thjømøe

One of 59 geoparks in Europe, Magma Geopark is a unique and significant geological area, comprising of four municipalities in Rogaland and one in VestAgder, Norway. As director of operations Pål Thjømøe explains, “the goal of the geopark, which is approved by UNESCO, is to create a link between geology and culture.” Collaborating with local farmers and businesses, Magma Geopark will increasingly work to educate the public about the impacts of living on different types of rock, specifically the rare Anorthosite, which creates the distinct, barren landscapes of the region. Often called a moon landscape, according to Thjømøe “recent research has revealed this to be the same type of rock found on

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the moon, meaning one can ‘moonwalk’ across the arid formations.” As Thjømøe explains, living on Anorthosite has tangible effects on things like grazing and food production. “We are working on a menu made only with locally-sourced food, really highlighting the direct link between the type of rock and the taste of your food,” he says. This is being developed in collaboration with experienced chefs, creating a geology-based gourmet experience to be rolled out in the next year. In addition to food-based learning and educational tools, including a GPS-based app, Magma Geopark also offers a wide selection of activities. In the geopark, visitors may participate in rock-climbing, guided hiking tours, fishing in Norway’s

most famous salmon river and kayaking, to mention a few. Despite the activity level of the geopark, sustainability is key as the project develops. Not only on a wider scale, but also, as Thjømøe explains, “to ensure that each visitor can see the same sights, take the same photographs and walk the same paths as the previous one.” Beautiful, educational and exhilarating, Magma Geopark has something for every visitor. With a guarantee of leaving more knowledgeable than you arrived, as well as with some breathtaking visual memories, Magma Geopark should be added to every Norwegian travel itinerary. For more information about Magma Geopark, please visit: To book trips or explore itineraries, please see: Read more about Geoparks worldwide:

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Scan Magazine | Restaurant of the Month | Denmark

Restaurant of the Month, Denmark

A no-nonsense gourmet experience Having just been categorised as a restaurant with “very high standards” by Denmark’s new food guide, the White Guide, Restaurant Dauphine, one of Aarhus’ oldest and most-cherished gourmet eateries, is still very much worth a visit. Its popularity among locals as well as travelling foodies can be attributed to head chef Rolf Nordentoft’s famous obsession with ingredients as well as the restaurant’s unpretentious attitude to gourmet food. By Signe Hansen | Photos: Restaurant Dauphine

Founded in the centre of Aarhus in 1996, Restaurant Dauphine started out as a typically laid-back brassiere. With an open kitchen and warm but proficient service, the friendly and down-to-earth atmosphere persists, but the gastronomic level has steadily increased and today Dauphine is known for an adventurous but reliable cuisine. “Our kitchen is a fusion of traditional French and Danish cuisine with some new twists, but we also strive to be as grounded as possible; we don’t want it to grow too fancy or trendy –

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we still want it to be just food,” stresses Rolf Nordentoft, head chef and co-owner of the restaurant. Obsessed with finding that special ingredient During Restaurant Dauphine’s many years in the business, its high-quality ingredients and mouth-watering recipes have made many a food critic swoon. This was indeed also the case when the critics from the White Guide 2014 visited last year, but the guide also highlighted the restaurant’s

down-to-earth attitude: “An important part of a restaurant experience is that you, as a guest, don’t feel like you are being talked down to. This is something they have understood at Dauphine, where the staff meet guests with a welcoming smile,” the guide states. The recommendation goes on to compliment the restaurant’s playfulness as well as its wellassorted wine menu. It also humorously muses on the chef’s obsession with ingredients, and, indeed, finding special produce is one of Nordentoft’s great passions. Some ingredients, such as certain herbs and greens, are collected by the restaurant owner himself in the nearby forests, while others are selected with extreme care from producers whose dedication to food matches the restaurateur’s. “I strive to spend as much time as possible with

Scan Magazine | Restaurant of the Month | Denmark

our purveyors to find a variation of small specialities in the area. I really like to put an effort into finding ingredients that have an individual story, something special which makes it more than just a product,” he says, adding: “For example, we get our cold-smoked salmon from this small smokehouse in the region, and it is nothing like the vacuum-packed product you normally find in the supermarket, which is smoked and packed within a day. This salmon is dry salted and smoked over three days, which makes a huge difference to the process and results in a completely different taste and structure. It’s all about finding the right products.” Playing around with the traditional As we enter June, guests are sure to find classic, seasonal Danish ingredients such as strawberries on the menu at Dauphine. But how they will be presented might come as a surprise because, even though

he is faithful to the seasons, Nordentoft loves to play around with traditional ingredients and concepts. “This year we have played a lot with the concept of desserts. Right now it is asparagus season so we have created a dessert with green asparagus and have done something really interesting with that. We try to think a little outside the box while staying true to the season.” In short, Nordentoft’s cuisine is based on seven main principles: strength, tartness, sweetness, quality, crispness, freshness and a certain added twist. “We strive to obtain ‘the key composition’ in every meal, meaning that there has to be a certain element of surprise in the menu, but at the same time, it has to form a whole. It should be an experience coming to Restaurant Dauphine. As a guest, one shall feel enriched,” Rolf Nordentoft rounds off.

Facts Restaurant Dauphine is open Tuesday to Saturday for lunch 12-4 pm and for dinner from 6 pm onwards. Restaurant Dauphine also offers lunch, dinner and event catering. The name Dauphine (which means crown princess in French) refers to Brasserie Dauphine in Georges Simenon’s books about Commissaire Maigret. Restaurant Dauphine is situated on Frederiksgade 43 in the middle of the old city of Aarhus. On top of the 30 seats available in the restaurant, Dauphine has a function room with space for parties of up to 20 guests.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 87

Scan Magazine | Restaurant of the Month | Norway

Restaurant manager Peter Repta and hotel manager Laila Neverdahl.

Restaurant of the Month, Norway

Fun dining with a Manhattan twist Imagine Manhattan: the multicultural mix, the sound of its fun-loving people, the flavoursome food… Celebrity New Yorker chef Marcus Samuelsson treats Norwegians and Swedes to all of that, combined with the best local produce, right on their doorstep. By Ulrika Kuoppa | Photos: Kitchen & Table

The restaurant phenomenon of Kitchen & Table came to Scandinavia last year and will soon be found in most major cities in Sweden and Norway. Its concept is, besides bringing in a sense of the Big Apple to Scandinavia, based on using local produce in order to create unique, exciting and refreshing taste sensations. Internationally-acclaimed chef and nutritionist opinion-former Marcus Samuelsson is surely up to the challenge. He started off his career with a bang when he, only 24 years old, became the manager of Scandinavian restaurant Aquavit on Man-

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hattan. Forbes awarded him four-star reviews and the New York Times magazine gave him an impressive three-star grade, twice – a real feat that has never before been pulled off by such a young chef. Samuelsson has written a number of successful cook books, receiving numerous awards from the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune. During the second season of Top Chef Masters, Samuelsson beat all 21 of his fellow chef opponents. Samuelsson is actively involved with charity work and donated the prize money to Unicef’s Tap

Project, working to help the 768 million people around the world without access to clean water. A true globetrotter, Samuelsson is forever whizzing off to new locations, if it is not to his ancestral Ethiopia or back to New York. He recently cooked a big state dinner for 400 guests under the supervision of President Obama. Working with First Lady Michelle Obama, known for being very food conscious and involved in healthy food campaigning, Samuelsson has helped American school children to eat better school lunches. He also cooked with Mrs Obama on the famous TV show Good Morning America. Fun dining and happy people Both Samuelsson and the restaurant manager in Stavanger, Peter Repta, are excited about Kitchen & Table’s concept

Scan Magazine | Restaurant of the Month | Norway

Internationally-acclaimed chef Marcus Samuelsson at work. Photos: Monika Sziladi

and the enthusiastic welcome it has received in Sweden and Norway. At the big annual Gladmatsfestivalen (Happy Food Festival), visited by around 250,000 food lovers, the restaurant hit it big and received the highest score for its ‘happy food dish’ in the local newspaper Rogalands Avis. The publicity helped curious Norwegians find their way to the new restaurant.

And he can afford to be happy: the Kitchen & Table restaurant at the Clarion Hotel in Stavanger has had glowing reviews from its visitors: “Finally a restaurant where you can feel right at home,” said one, while another wrote: “Never before have we experienced this many new taste sensations and combinations of dishes all at once,” and a third: “Wow! What a great environment to sit and eat!”

“We have designed a simple concept, fun dining, which will show Norwegian guests that nice and good food doesn’t have to be served in a rigid way. Fun dining is all about great flavours in a relaxed atmosphere, surrounded by familiar and unfamiliar happy people giving top service,” says the celebrity chef.

“Clarion Hotel Stavanger has been a leading conference hotel for years. Kitchen & Table has now given us the icing on the cake,” says hotel manager Laila Neverdahl. “To be able to offer such a fantastic food experience on the premises makes us really proud and happy!”

“Tourists from abroad visit us since this is no stiff, formal white tablecloth restaurant, but the service is impeccable. We offer good value for money and our atmosphere is great. The smile on the faces of our guests will just broaden throughout the stay with us!” says restaurant manager Repta.

Repta shares the excitement: “The food is really amazing, combined with a mixed and fresh taste. Marcus plays around with his food in the right way. Fun dining is, indeed, a very accurate description of Kitchen & Table: fun, tasty food in combination with a good-looking, welcoming and well-planned dining room and a bar with classic drinks

and some wacky new inventions! I see a bright future for Kitchen & Table as Stavanger is longing for something new – somewhere people can meet up and feel at home. A truly relaxing place!”

Find your local Kitchen & Table here: Arendal: Arlanda Airport: Bergen: Helsingborg: Karlstad: Luleå: Stavanger: Visby: Örebro: Östersund: Oslo Airport (launched May 2014) Stavanger (launched May 2014) Stockholm, Kungsholmen (launched May 2014) Tromsø (launched May 2014)

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 89

Scan Magazine | Business | Key Note

Scan Business Key Note 90 | Stena Match Cup 91 | Conferences of the Month 92 | Business Calendar 97 | Politics 98




What is stopping you, really? By Paul Blackhurst, client director at Mannaz

Walt Disney famously said: “If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” Is that true? Or is the secret of success to “rise early, work hard, strike oil,” as J. Paul Getty advised? Certainly, many of us assume that successful people simply “struck oil.” That view takes away our responsibility to be masters of our fate. However, research seems to side with Walt. Dr Anders Ericsson found that successful people in professions such as sport, music, chess, dance, or business, had put in the most hours practising their craft. He suggests: “It takes 10 years and 10,000 hours to become an expert.” Other research has shown that the longer someone is in a career, the less important innate ability (i.e. intelligence) is and the more important motivation becomes. In other words, successful people just keep on going longer than the rest. Why is the relationship between motivation and success so robust? Perhaps because it is motivation that keeps us going when the external feedback is showing no improvement. Change in people and organisations does not happen in a linear way, but more like a virus. For long periods, nothing seems to be improving, and the work continues

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with little external validation or motivation. You might recognise this from your experience of dieting, getting fitter, learning the piano, being an effective manager. Without internal motivation, this period (known as The Grind) is where many New Year’s resolutions fail. Many business people, when they reach this point, either ease up or give up because it is just too hard. Truly motivated business people reach The Grind and keep on going to the magical point where the change “goes viral” and the external feedback becomes overwhelmingly positive. We can explore motivation along two dimensions: internal vs. external and positive vs. negative. The resulting quadrants create very different experiences and outcomes: • Internal-positive: challenge, desire, passion, satisfaction, self-validation (outcome: successful, fulfilled, and happy). • External-positive: recognition and appreciation from boss and co-workers, financial rewards, stable life (outcome: some success, mostly fulfilled, dependent on others for continued success and good feelings). • Internal-negative: threat, fear of failure, inadequacy, and insecurity (outcome: considerable success, high rate of burnout, unhappiness).

• External-negative: fear of loss of job, insufficient respect from boss and coworkers, financial pressure, pressure from significant others, unstable life (some success, anxiety-ridden, unhappy). The ideal type of motivation is internalpositive because the motivation is coming from a place of strength and comfort. However, many successful business executives seem driven by insecurity or need for attention, suggesting that an internal-negative or external-negative motivation can lead to a narrow definition of success (though rarely enduring happiness). If you are going through The Grind, then keep the faith and if your motivations are not in the internalpositive quadrant, re-evaluate them.

Paul Blackhurst, client director at Mannaz

Scan Magazine | Business | Stena Match Cup ‘14

Stena Match Cup Sweden celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Photo: Brian Carlin

Set sail and head for the Swedish west coast It is time for the largest international sailing event in Sweden. Sailors and fans will head for the picturesque west coast island of Marstrand to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Stena Match Cup Sweden. By Ellinor Thunberg | Photos: Dan Ljungsvik

If you visit Marstrand during winter, it might be difficult to picture the quiet village as a bustling hot spot, but in the first week of July around 100,000 people come here to enjoy top-class sailing. “Our history at Marstrand will leave a mark on the starting field and what people will see this year. Sailing legends will come back to compete against the younger talents,” says Fabian Bengtsson, press officer of Stena Match Cup Sweden, about this year’s anniversary. The audience gathers on the rocks with perfect views of the race and the crews on board the competing boats are so close they can actually hear the cheers. “It is very unusual for a sailing event to have a natural race arena, and the fact that you can race with rocks making up a natural

ing Tour. Marstrand is at the forefront of events of its kind, and Bengtsson explains that Sweden, despite its size, is a major sailing nation. “We have a long coastline and many successful sailors, and we are also organising major events. Stena Match Cup is leading in its field, but Gothenburg will be hosting the finale of the Volvo Ocean Race next year. We are really proud that the west coast is such a sailing hot spot,” he says.

stand around you is unique for Marstrand,” says Bengtsson, describing the audience as deeply engaged. “Our strength today is also that this has become a meeting place and platform to which partners and sponsors of the event can invite clients, employees and their families,” he adds. Sponsors, partners and other businesses can mingle and have meetings in a relaxed social setting and find multiple ways to interact. “You take the opportunity during Stena Match Cup, because you want to show people that you are a part of this,” Bengtsson explains. The event started in 1994 and is today part of the World Championships and one of six stops on the Alpari World Match Rac-

What is match racing? Two teams on identical boats race each other in a short 10-minute race around a course. The first team to cross the finishing line is the winner. Stena Match Cup Sweden, Marstrand 30 June to 5 July

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 91

Scan Magazine | Conference of the Month | Norway

The Scandic Hotels chain has been working to contribute to a more sustainable future ever since 1993, and in the case of conferencing at Scandic Stavanger Forus, that environmental awareness manifests itself, among other things, in eco-labelled pens and paper and filtered as opposed to bottled water.

Conference of the Month, Norway

Cutting edge conference centre in perfect location Located in the industrial area of Norway’s oil capital, Scandic Stavanger Forus is an expert in hosting conferences, banquets and other business events. Recently built, the hotel offers 19 conference rooms in various sizes and conference packages tailored to each individual client.

hotel is located within walking distance of the train station and in close proximity to the bus stops taking you into central Stavanger.

By Kjersti Westeng | Photos: Scandic Stavanger Forus

Conference facilities

Most of Stavanger’s oil and gas industry is gathered at Forus, just 10 minutes from the centre of Stavanger. Scandic Stavanger Forus is located in the middle of this oil and gas hub, with the airport conveniently located nearby. The central location has led to Scandic Stavanger Forus becoming a natural first choice when hosting conferences and other business events in Stavanger. “We primarily address customers within the oil and gas industry. All events are tailored to each individual client’s specific needs, and we al-

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ways make sure to deliver to their satisfaction,” says general manager Gjermund Dahl. Everything you need Scandic Stavanger Forus was built in 2011 and has a total of 258 rooms. The hotel has its own gym with all the equipment needed to get a decent workout done between meetings. There are also bicycles available to rent and the hotel staff are always happy to offer advice on good running and cycling routes in the area. The

With a total of 19 conference rooms, Scandic Stavanger Forus hosts conferences for groups ranging from 2 to 500 people. The contemporary rooms are named after various oil and gas fields and equipped with the latest technology, free WiFi, audiofrequency induction loops, and other audio visual equipment. If clients need an LCD projector, DVD/CD, TV/video or OH projector they are all free of charge – and the hotel staff will be happy to take note when the booking is being made. “Our conference rooms are flexible in order to meet our clients’ needs. We are good at

Scan Magazine | Conference of the Month | Norway

what we do and we work extremely hard to make sure our clients are happy with the finished product,” says Dahl. Feed your mind The Scandic Hotels believe in being a platform for new ideas and positive growth. However, good ideas are not always born in the meeting room, which is why the hotel has created the perfect arena for guests to meet, talk and share experiences: the hotel restaurant. For the last few years, the Scandic Hotels have been working with Jamie Oliver, the English food genius with a passion for good and healthy food. In collaboration with him, Scandic Hotel Forus provides its guests with healthy food experiences throughout the day, starting with the organic breakfast buffet offering a range of healthy choices to ensure a good start to everyone’s day. Guests can choose between different conference packages, but one of the most popular deals is the day package, which includes a morning and afternoon refreshment buffet, a big lunch buffet and coffee and tea throughout the day. The morning refreshment buffet is a perfect alternative for those who might have missed breakfast due to an early morning workout or simply from hitting the snooze

button one too many times. This buffet is sure to keep the mind focused until lunch time, when guests are offered a range of delicious dishes, starting with a Jamie Oliver soup, which comes with various toppings such as aioli, rustic chilli pepper, bacon, toasted spiced seeds, and tortilla chips. After the soup, guests can help themselves to a range of hot and cold dishes from the very impressive lunch buffet.

dioxide emissions. This also applies when hosting conferences at Scandic Stavanger Forus. Small measures make a big difference, and by using FSC labelled pens and Swan eco-labelled paper and serving chilled and filtered water instead of bottled water, Scandic Stavanger Forus wants to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Knowing that your concentration often slips in the afternoon, the hotel staff prepare an afternoon refreshment buffet to brighten up the rest of the day. This little pick-me-up consists of cakes and fresh fruit layered with a range of toppings such as toasted coconut and crushed berries. After a day of meetings and presentations, nothing is better than gathering for dinner and drinks while discussing the day’s event with your peers. Some might want to order from the à la carte menu in the hotel restaurant, but another option is to book a closed dinner in one of the private rooms. Taking environmental issues seriously The Scandic Hotels chain has been tackling environmental issues since 1993 with eco-labelled hotels, organic breakfasts, and minimal use of chemicals and carbon

For more information, please visit:

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 93

Scan Magazine | Conference of the Month | Denmark

Schæffergården is owned by the Foundation for Danish-Norwegian Co-operation.

Conference of the Month, Denmark

A special bond bound by history Steeped in history, Schæffergården is a Nordic hotel and conference centre located in scenic surroundings just outside Copenhagen. From the stunning architecture and the art collections adorning the walls, to the renowned restaurant pampering every visitor with culinary treats, Schæffergården stays truly faithful to its Nordic roots. By Stine Gjevnoe | Photos: Schæffergården

Ideally situated in the beautiful city of Gentofte and within easy access from the Danish capital, Schæffergården is a Nordic hotel and conference centre offering an array of hotel, meeting, and event facilities. Steeped in Scandinavian tradition, Schæffergården welcomes private and corporate guests from all over the world to enjoy the special atmosphere, rooted in the Danish concept of ‘hygge’. But to fully understand the truly one-of-akind experience of a stay in these scenic surroundings, one has to explore the history behind its foundation.

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The ‘Norway Aid’ Schæffergården is owned by the Foundation for Danish-Norwegian Co-operation. The purpose of the foundation is to encourage greater understanding and collaboration between Norway and Denmark, particularly, but not exclusively, in the cultural sector. Schæffergården and its renowned Norwegian sister hotel, Lysebu, devote their income to this purpose through various scholarships. In fact, the foundation grants around 6,000 scholarships every year.

The Foundation for Danish-Norwegian Co-operation was founded in the aftermath of WWII. “During the war, the Danish population collected large sums of money, which was used to buy and ship food to Norway. Norway wasn’t a farming community like Denmark, and it desperately needed the food,” conference manager Helle Ratzau explains. This is commonly known as ‘Norgeshjælpen’ or the ‘Norway Aid’. After the war, there was still an appreciable sum remaining from the funds collected. This money was used to set up the Foundation for Danish-Norwegian Cooperation. In 1947, as an expression of gratitude for Denmark’s assistance during wartime years, the Norwegian nation presented Lysebu to the foundation as a gift. The idea was to encourage Danes to travel

Scan Magazine | Conference of the Month | Denmark

undisturbed, calm and peaceful environment suitable for immersion and confidential discussions. All of Schæffergården’s meeting and conference rooms are equipped with the latest technology, have flexible décor, are bright and have views of beautiful green areas. Nordic cuisine with a twist

to Norway and experience Norwegian culture. In 1950, the foundation bought a Danish sister property, namely Schæffergården.

The unique and cosy feeling, which characterises any stay at Schæffergården, is tied together by one thing: the food. The Nordic kitchen has seen triumphant progress over the last few years, and Schæffergården’s restaurant Wohlert is no exception. Staying true to its proud Nordic heritage, it uses only Danish and Nordic produce as far as possible, and presents a mouth-watering lunch buffet and evening menu. Everything is homemade and characterised by the different seasons, while also being dynamic and fuelled by curiosity. Restaurant Wohlert, named after Danish architect Wilhelm Wohlert, famously known for designing Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, caters to all conferences, meetings and events, but is also open to the public as an á la carte restaurant. As well as offering unparalleled meeting facilities and world-class cuisine, Schæf-

fergården functions as a hotel and can be booked for private events, such as birthdays and weddings. Highly qualified staff ensure that every stay, be it for private or business reasons, will be an unforgettable experience. As Norway celebrates the 200-year anniversary of its constitution and independence, Schæffergården and the Foundation for Danish-Norwegian Co-operation continue to work on the special bond between the two countries. “Denmark and Norway have always had a very special bond, even before Norway Aid. All our profits are delegated as grants through the foundation, so every visitor at Schæffergården supports the further development of the co-operation between our two great countries,” says Ratzau. Perhaps this special bond is what creates the special atmosphere, or maybe it is the history or the ever legendary concept of Danish ‘hygge’, but one thing is certain: there is something very special about Schæffergården, which will not leave you disappointed. For more information, please visit:

Meetings and conferences At Schæffergården, art, design, history and gastronomy come together as one and create a quite particular, inspiring and homely atmosphere. During the last 250 years, some of Denmark’s most famous architects have created the 7,100 stunning square metres of meeting and hotel facilities. Individually designed rooms and a picturesque park offer the perfect setting for any conference, meeting or activity, where creativity, calmness and inspiration are keywords. Schæffergården consists of more than one building, and can accommodate both small and large-scale meetings and conferences. With 15 different meeting rooms and a capacity of 250 people, the main building offers a range of options to suit any business. In addition, the striking Villa Helene, a Patrician villa from 1830 separated from the main building, provides an

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 95

Scan Magazine | Conference of the Month | Finland

Featuring Finland’s only natural site on UNESCO’s World Heritage Site as well as one of the world’s 46 World Marine Heritage sites, the Vaasa region is the leading centre for energy technologies in the Nordic region.

Conference of the Month, Finland

Conference in the natural heritage Have you ever held a meeting at one of UNESCO’s World Heritage List sites? Discover the Vaasa region on the Finnish west coast and have your meeting in a beautiful town next to exceptional landscape.

Swanljung, although you probably would not play football on the interestingly shaped De Geer- and Ribbed-moraines.

By Mia Halonen | Photos: Vaasa Region Tourism/Vaasa Congress

A great view to Kvarken opens from the 20-metre high Saltkaret tower next to the old fishing harbour Svedjehamn. On a boat trip or a little hike with an experienced guide you will likely see wildlife, such as white-tailed sea eagles and swans. There are also several restaurants serving the tasty archipelago food made of fresh ingredients, and later you can relax in the soft warmth of a traditional Finnish smoke sauna. Maybe you want to take a dip in the sea water? Activities like these make for an unforgettable conference trip.

Vaasa is a lively university town and the capital of the Ostrobothnia region on the Finnish west coast. For centuries, Vaasa has played an important role in the history of Finland. Today it is, among other things, the leading centre for energy technologies in the Nordic countries. It is easy to see why Vaasa is also among the most popular conference destinations in Finland. “There are venues for meetings of all sizes, and everything here is located within walking distance,” says Ewa Swanljung from Vaasa Region Tourism. “And it is within easy reach of just about everywhere, thanks to daily direct flights from Helsinki and Stockholm.” Given that the Vaasa region is largely Swedish speaking, travelling here is especially con-

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venient for Scandinavians, but English and about 100 other languages are spoken as well. But maybe the biggest asset Vaasa region has to offer is its nature. The Kvarken Archipelago nearby is the only piece of Finnish natural heritage featuring on UNESCO’s World Heritage List and, together with the High Coast in Sweden, is part of a global family of 46 Marine World Heritage sites. Kvarken is the best place in the world to witness the rapid land uplift, caused by the melting of the ice sheet following the Ice Age. Here, the land still rises from the shallow water about 8 millimetres a year, exposing 1 square kilometre of new ground. “That is the equivalent of 150 new football pitches,” says

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Business Profile | J. Honoré Care Aps

Big in Japan – made helpful in Denmark By Thomas Bech Hansen | Photos: J. Honoré Care Aps

Electronic bidet seats have been common in Japan for years. J. Honoré Care altered the equipment to improve hygiene and independence for disabled and elderly people in Denmark. Robert Jacobsen, coowner of J. Honoré Care, first discovered the Japanese familiarity with high-tech toilets on a trip seven years ago. Around that time, his father revealed that his fear of getting old was mainly about not being able to take care of himself. This inspired Jacobsen to think of a connection. “I thought, we can make a combination. Why not take

this advanced equipment, simplify it and tailor it to those with special needs back home?” Approved welfare technology The Japanese’s rigorously tested technology was made into an easy-to-use version, the Aspen Bidets seat, which is now approved by the National Board of Social Services. It helps municipalities offer more solutions, removes strain on care workers, and improves living standards. Tools have been developed to complement the product: a lift helps people sit down and get back up, and there is an armrest

available with integrated one-touch operation. “Disabled and elderly people can live more dignified lives, and techsavviness is not required. Most functions are operated by pressing a single button,” says Jacobsen.

Aspen Bidet 12 A5

For more information in Danish, please visit: Looking for agents in other countries? Please visit:

Scandinavian Business Calendar Political debate for Swedes abroad

Nordic summer BBQ

As home to one of the largest Swedish communities

At the second annual NBCC Summer BBQ in

outside of Sweden, London is full of potential voters.

Aberdeen, businesses and their partners, clients

If you are one of them, join the Swedish Chamber of

and friends will meet to enjoy some great food and

Commerce for a pre-election debate at the Swedish

hopefully celebratory weather. Join the party at

Church in Marylebone, alongside eight represen-

Kippie Lodge!

tatives from Swedish parliamentary parties who will

Date: 18 June


– Highlights of Scandinavian business events

all get the chance to voice their opinions about Sweden’s political future.

Nordic Thursday Drinks

Date: 11 June

This month’s Nordic Thursday Drinks will take place at St. Ermin’s Hotel in London, as always with a free welcome drink for the first 50 guests. The summer

Succeeding as a Finn in the UK

months may be on the quiet side in terms of

This interactive roundtable event courtesy of the

business – but networking never should be!

Finnish Chamber of Commerce aims to find out how

Date: 26 June

crews, this west coast island makes an impressive yet relaxed meeting place, perfect for networking, mingling and socialising with clients. Date: 30 June – 5 July

Danish summer cocktail reception

Finnish companies can adapt their business to

Mr. Claus Grube, Ambassador of Denmark to the

succeed in the UK. Whether you need tips on how to

UK, and the Danish-UK Chamber’s chairman, Mr.

enter the British market or simply want to boost

Stena Match Cup 2014

your already-established company’s chances of

Why not combine business with pleasure and try

growth, these success stories are sure to help and

something different this summer? Stena Match Cup


on the island of Marstrand is Sweden’s biggest

Date: 17 June

international sailing event, and with rocks making the perfect grandstand for cheering on the competing

Louis de Courcy Wheeler, will invite members and guests to enjoy a cocktail reception at the Ambassador’s residence in early July. Combine networking, summer celebrations and authentic Danish fun, and make sure to bring your friends! Date: 3 July

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 97

Scan Magazine | Politics | The Swedish General Election


Q&A with Jonna Sima Interview by Linnea Dunne | Press Photo

It will be remembered as the end of a decade dominated by two political blocks – and hopefully as the election that made equality and feminism into important electoral issues.

Without a doubt climate change. It is the most critical issue of our time, and next year the world’s nations will meet in Paris to agree on a global climate protocol. If we are going to manage the 2°C target, we need to urgently develop a political transition plan. But according to most politicians, other issues constantly appear to be more important to deal with.

What one issue or debate has been the most important in the run-up to the 2014 election?

Is there a specific debate or event from this election year that sums it up in a poignant way?

Profit within the welfare sector, no doubt. It is an issue that stimulates engagement and resistance even within the bourgeois electorate. It is also the main reason why the Left Party has sky-rocketed in the opinion polls. They have made the issue of putting a stop to profits within education, health care and welfare into this election’s most important issue. Swedes do not want to see school results plummet and welfare care in crisis while private equity firms make huge profits in tax havens.

The election campaign has really only just begun, but I think that the protests in recent months against racism, nazism and xenophobia have demonstrated how strong the public resistance is. Health care staff, firemen and school pupils have gathered to protest when the Sweden Democrats have wanted to visit their places of work; we have seen mass demonstrations across the whole country, and Christian parishes in Jönköping rang their church bells to warn of a dangerous societal development. These protests and manifestations will be remembered for a long time, and hopefully they will also leave their mark on the election result this autumn.

It’s general election year in Sweden, and only a few months to go now. How will the 2014 election year be remembered?

What one politician has surprised you positively? Malin Björk, the Left Party’s key candidate for the EU parliament. She demonstrated civic courage when encouraging her co-passengers on a domestic flight to stand up in protest against an Iraqi man being brought on the plane to be deported to his home country where he risked being executed by the regime. That was very brave of her. What issue do you think deserved more attention and debate than it got?

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Your prediction: who will be the big winners and the big losers? I think that the Social Democrats will try to form a government. What that government might look like is difficult to predict. The Green Party will definitely be one of the governing parties, but which other parties that will make up the government is hard to say just yet. What are your hopes for the term following the election in September? That we move towards a more equal and more financially, socially and environmentally sustainable society. Have you decided who you are going to vote for? Yes.

What will be the critical, deciding factors in the last few weeks before election day? That’s hard to say, but it looks as though it’s already settled considering the smaller parties of the liberal-right alliance, the Centre Party and the Christian Democrats, are struggling to reach the barrier for inclusion in parliament. But of course, it ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings.

Previously the editor of ETC Stockholm, Jonna Sima is now political editor of Dagens Arena, an independent, radical and progressive web publication.

Scan Magazine | Politics | The Swedish General Election


Q&A with Pontus Braunerhjelm Interview by Linnea Dunne | Press Photo

It’s general election year in Sweden, and only a few months to go now. How will the 2014 election year be remembered? I fear that this election will go down in history as one where the main opponents used their specific version of the impact of the economic crisis on the Swedish economy, both being true but conveying almost completely opposing outcomes (e.g. increased unemployment on one hand, and increased employment on the other hand), leading to a confused debate and discrediting politicians and their willingness to engage in a constructive debate based on difference in ideology. What one issue or debate has been the most important in the run-up to the 2014 election? I believe it is two issues: firstly, fiscal policy and the development of the budget deficit, and secondly, the privatisation of parts of the welfare sector. What one politician has surprised you positively? That is a tough question indeed. Perhaps Jan Björklund (Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Education, and leader of Folkpartiet/the Liberal People’s Party) and Magdalena Andersson (economic policy spokesperson of the Social Democrats) – not so much for content, but rather for their rhetorical skills. What issue do you think deserved more attention and debate than it got? The climate change issues are more or less non-existent in the debate, despite

the fact that global warming and the issuing of greenhouse gases continues, the eco system becoming increasingly threatened. Also, issues related to the European Union – despite the European Parliament elections – are barely referred to.

croeconomic sector – that will foster prosperity for the generations to come. Have you decided who you are going to vote for? Not yet.

Is there a specific debate or event from this election year that sums it up in a poignant way? Not so far. What will be the critical, deciding factors in the last few weeks before election day? If there is a strong economic performance in the last months or weeks with clear signs of lower unemployment levels and higher economic growth, then the current government stands at least a chance of winning the election. If not, my guess is that the opposition will take over. Your prediction: who will be the big winners and the big losers? I do not think the changes will be that big even though some parties are trailing in the polls right now. The Greens and the far-right Sweden Democrats will probably gain votes, giving the Sweden Democrats an even more pivotal swing position in parliament. What are your hopes for the term following the election in September? That there will be a majority government and that Sweden will continue on its successful path of macroeconomic stability combined with an increasingly vibrant mi-

Pontus Brauerhjelm is the managing director of the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum (Entreprenörskapsforum) and professor in international business and entrepreneurship at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 99

Scan Magazine | Humour | Columns


By Mette Lisby

Or is immortality now a reality? I was watching the American Billboard awards and all of a sudden Michael Jackson – The King of Pop – came on stage and danced. Well, HE didn’t – but his hologram did! It was scary, creepy and upsetting – no, I didn’t forget to write ‘amazing’. Don’t get me wrong: I adored Michael Jackson, who is undoubtedly one of the most gifted superstars ever, and losing him was one of the music industry’s biggest losses. And yes, even if we all sometimes catch ourselves wishfully thinking how GREAT it would be if we could experience Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin or Kurt Cobain LIVE, it would still be weird if we could. They say superstars are larger than life. But are we ready for that to become true, literally? Seeing Michael – or rather his hologram – was simply not right! I don’t mind that Justin Timberlake does a duet with Michael Jackson, and it’s fine to go

through his catalogue of recording material to find gems we haven’t heard before. But to let a computer generate ‘new pictures’ of Michael and have him perform moves in a ghostlike manner is offputting. Also, I am beginning to fear that we are heading into a future where bands will NEVER stop touring. It used to be that they would eventually get too old or too drunk to tour, but soon they can be DEAD and still continue touring. The Cher farewell tour will really go on forever! Imagine you head to the O2 to see The Beatles – two guys older than my grandmother rocking it with two holograms. Or how about the thought of the Rolling Stones touring in 2076? Holograms of Mick Jagger, Ronnie Wood, Charlie Watts AND the real version of Keith Richards, who will still be alive – yes, Keith and cockroaches are the only thing left after a

Cornish summer

The university I attended didn’t have student halls. Consequently we were all left to flat hunt before the beginning of the first term. I signed a lease on the first flat I could find, then nervously waited to see what other students would turn up. I need not have worried. I’m not sure if it was partially due to the three-pound wine that

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we drank over creatively put-together pasta dishes, but we all seemed to get on like a house on fire. Our mouldy little flat was tucked away above a luggage shop on the high street, backing onto the sea. During one particularly wild winter storm, someone left a window open, and the wind duly ripped the whole thing clean out of the wall. Having a large, gaping hole instead of a small window made the flat a bit uncomfortable in the winter, but when summer arrived we suddenly realised its true potential. Sticking a ladder out of the hole, we now had access to the shop roof beneath our flat. We had a garden! Dodging the copious splats of seagull droppings, we lowered a BBQ onto the roof, spread blankets around and climbed down for our first summer party. And so all the memories of the horrendously tempestuous Cornish winter were erased with burnt, cheap sausages, angry tan

possible nuclear disaster in my mind, judging by the fact that he is still alive after the life he has lived so far. Perhaps Keith’s motto is that “you CAN always get what you want”? If that doesn’t scare you, I promise you I’ll be back as a hologram in 100 years to scare the bejesus out of you with jokes from my previous articles.

Mette Lisby is Denmark’s leading female comedian. She invites you to laugh along with her monthly humour columns. Since her stand-up debut in 1992, Mette has hosted the Danish versions of “Have I Got News For You” and “Room 101”.

By Maria Smedstad

lines and cloudy local cider, during just one gloriously bright Cornish summer day. Many like it followed. We only lived in the flat for one year, before we moved to a house with intact windows. But that hole in the wall and the summer days spent on a shop roof on the very tip of the country proved to me that whoever says it always rains in England obviously visited during the wrong eleven months of the year.

Maria Smedstad moved to the UK from Sweden in 1994. She received a degree in Illustration in 2001, before settling in the capital as a freelance cartoonist, creating the autobiographical cartoon Em. Maria writes a column on the trials and tribulations of life as a Swede in the UK.

Scan Magazine | Humour | World Cup

World Cup: the coolest way to fail Rain pours down on the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki. Finland is playing in the 1998 World Cup qualifiers against Hungary at home, leading 1-0, with just two minutes to go. A victory, and Finland would get closer than ever to the football World Cup. Then, Hungary earns a corner kick. The ball bounces off five different Finns and ends up in the own net. So the dream was over. Finland is still looking to get into its first big football tournament.

There are many ways to fail. Sweden, for example, almost failed to fail. They lost only in the last stage of qualification against Portugal. Denmark was more successful on the failure front, as they did not make it through the preliminary group. Norway was responsible for the most remarkable of achievements: losing at home to Albania, the best Mediterranean

This year, though, Finland can take solace in the fact that the rest of the north is not doing any better. The more established Scandinavian football nations seem to have turned to Finland in order to learn the gentle art of failing. The World Cup kicks off in Brazil this month, but no Scandinavian teams are in the mix.

By Johannes Laitila Photo: VisitDenmark

football team if all the other Mediterranean teams are left out. Indeed, Norway even fell behind Finland in the world ranking. It is hardly worth mentioning that Finland did not qualify either, but they did finish third in their group, after Spain and France. Out of the Nordic teams, only Iceland managed to basically not fail at all. So yes, the Scandinavian teams failed, but did they actually fail with style? I like to think that failing is far cooler if it can be done by an own goal in the last minute when the rain is pouring down.

Johannes Laitila

How Doris Lessing helped me write in English Bloggers’ Corner: The very best of the Anglo-Scandinavian blogosphere: from films to fitness By Helena Halme

People often ask me: “So you’re Finnish, but you write in English – why?” A tutor during my MA in Creative Writing answered his own query: “Of course the English-speaking market is so much larger.” I hadn’t thought about this. Choosing a writing language happened by chance. When I married an Englishman and moved to the UK, I began keeping a diary. But writing about my new life as a Navy Wife here didn’t seem right in Finnish, so I turned my notebook around and began setting down my thoughts in English at the other end. You guessed it: I had just finished reading The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing. Slowly, the Finnish side of the diary withered to nothing, and when the two languages met somewhere at the back of

the notebook, I began the next diary with just one language: English. The reason I find writing in English easier may be that I was young when I first left Finland and moved to Sweden. When I moved back to take my Baccalaureate, Finnish seemed the foreign language! Writing in a language that’s not your mother tongue is challenging. I’ve studied English since the age of seven, but there are times when I have to spend a bit more time on the correct preposition, sentence structure, or the right word. A good editor is vital for any author, but for someone writing in a second or third language, editors and proof-readers are absolutely crucial. But writing in a foreign language can also give you a unique voice. Because my novels are all set in Finland, I believe it’s

important that the style of the writing matches the setting. My fans tell me they love my books because the stories take them to a different place. I’m pretty happy with that!

Helena Halme

Helena Halme is Development Director of Finn-Guild. She blogs at and is the author of three novels: The Englishman Coffee and Vodka The Red King of Helsinki

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 101

Scandinavia’s fight for EuroPride This month, for the second time in a decade, Oslo has been chosen as the host city for the annual EuroPride festival. The Norwegian capital did such a good job of holding the event in 2005, where a record 20,000 participants and spectators lined the streets of the city, that it has been asked to take the honour once more. And so Oslo Pride shall yet again be the recipient of thousands more visitors than usual, travelling in from all over Europe and indeed the rest of the world. By Karl Batterbee | Photos: Oslo Pride

Oslo’s selection as host is an unsurprising one, not just because of how well it handled EuroPride last time, but also because of just how much the Oslo Pride has grown since then. Last year, Olso’s Pride Park – located at Rådhusplassen, the Town Hall Square in the middle of Oslo city – attracted 40,000 visitors. Since the first ever Oslo Pride in 1974, the festival has developed a reputation as being not just an event which Norway’s gay community can descend upon to petition for acceptance and celebrate the country’s pioneering at-

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titude towards equality, but also a place where the community’s heterosexual friends and supporters can join in the party and learn about the disparate cultural offerings. And of course, a similar story has unfolded across the rest of the Nordics, with Stockholm Pride and Copenhagen Pride also attracting many visitors annually, both as former EuroPride hosts. Politics, party and people “The unique combination of politics, party and people makes Scandinavian Pride

festivals different from others around the world,” according to Håcan Andersson, who has organised neighbouring Sweden’s Stockholm Pride for the last few years, cementing its reputation as one of the biggest Pride festivals in the world. Linda Sonnvik, the heterosexual woman behind the official EuroPride 2014 song (Love, performed by Hector Lopez), echoes Andersson’s sentiment. “Norway is a gay-friendly country with good protection against discrimination, and I know that the visitors will feel safe and be able to enjoy all of the events. Also, Scandinavia is incredibly beautiful in June!” What gay people in Scandinavia have achieved in terms of equal rights is a source of admiration from the rest of the world – so much so that many gay people in Norway, Sweden and Denmark now question whether a Gay Pride festival is

Scan Magazine | Culture | Euro Pride in Oslo

still necessary in Scandinavia. If acceptance has already been earned, does that not negate the need for a Pride festival that could instead be viewed as an outdated notion only serving to accentuate the stereotypical differences between the cultures of both sexualities – the very differences the gay community has worked so hard to move away from, ironically with the help of Pride festivals? According to Andersson, the festivals are still an essential part of gay culture. “Just by looking at the world around us, one can see that although we in Scandinavia might have gotten far in terms of equal rights, there is still much to do here and in other countries. We have to party for those who cannot, and show our own community, as well as the rest of the world, that we are a long way from being ready to settle for what we have already earned.”

everyone living in that country.” As a straight woman, Sonnvik’s own experiences of Gay Pride events have only been positive. “It is a way to not only accept but celebrate diversity and love in any form. I have been to many festivals, but nowhere else have I encountered so much warmth as at Gay Pride festivals,” she says. “There is a feeling of oneness.” In addition to Oslo Pride’s good fortune to host EuroPride 2014, Stockholm Pride has scored a huge coup this year. The annual Stockholm Pride anthem has in 2014 been written and performed by Ola Salo (frontman of legendary Swedish band The Ark) in collaboration with Kleerup (who went to number 1 in the UK singles chart with Robyn’s With Every Heartbeat). The song I Got You is about love conquering all, a progressive message that suits Scandinavia’s record of forward-thinking when it comes to gay rights and equality.

ways felt like a part of Pride. And that’s why it is so great to finally have the honour to get to write and perform the Pride song.” Servicing communities around the world Unfortunately, even in 2014, many countries around the world have gay rights records that stand in frighteningly stark contrast to the Scandinavian nations. But with the Pride festivals of Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen getting bigger, their support coming from even more high-profile sources, and the visitors becoming greater in number, louder in volume, and more diverse in background – it is evident that Scandinavian Pride events have taken on the task of servicing communities around the world who cannot hold their own festivals. And so it is clear that events like the Oslo Pride are just as important as when the city had its first Pride event forty years ago.

Accept and celebrate diversity Linda Sonnvik agrees that the need for Gay Pride events still exists, even in Scandinavia. “Discrimination and fear of the unknown are still problems, even in gayfriendly countries. Any identity and any love needs to not only be made legal, but unconditionally accepted in the minds of

“It is about the power of love. The strength to ignore what other people think, when you’ve found someone to love. And that’s a message that fits Pride, but can also apply to all people, universally,” says Salo. “I have a long relationship with Pride, having played there with The Ark. I have al-

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Linda Sonnvik

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 103

Pop and is now their producer and sound engineer, making it a unique family affair. “I remember our first gig in London,” announces Johanna, moments after First Aid Kit take to a stage adorned with golden fabric. “We got the day off school!” At one point, the duo steps to the front of the stage, without microphones, and perform a beautiful, unamplified version of Ghost Town. It is a mark of the respect they have earned from their fans that the 1,000-strong crowd is, apart from when encouraged to gently sing the chorus, silent throughout. It is a moving moment of the performance, hearing the audience’s shy attempt to sing, but growing in confidence.

Music that heals Sometimes it sounds as if First Aid Kit, who grew up in a suburb outside Stockholm, sing about an America that only exists on postcards and in films. But as soon as they start singing, it is altogether believable and rooted in the here and now. The two sisters have performed together from such a young age that their voices seem to have grown into one, and what they are creating is pure musical magic. By Emelie Krugly Hill | Photos: Sony Music

The Swedish duo played a special one-off performance at the Islington Assembly Hall in north London on 15 May in preparation for their North American tour. The 1,000-strong crowd was ecstatic as they took to the stage and launched into Shattered & Hollow, a track from their brand new third album, Stay Gold, which was released this month on Columbia Records. Klara Söderberg, one of the two sisters, once remarked that music has profound healing effects, which was the reasoning behind the band’s name. The young Swedes, Klara (21) and Johanna (24), impress with lyrics that are both insightful and complex. The combination of powerful voices and impeccable, close harmonies really shows off country-folk at its best. In fact, the duo’s vocal and instrumental ability would be the envy of

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most accomplished musicians, the pair capable of moving even the most hardened soul to tears. A respected family affair The singers’ father, Benkt Söderberg, was the guitarist of Swedish rock band Lolita

The gig reaches its climax when it is time for the duo’s number one hit, The Lions Roar, delivered with such intensity that time seems to stand still for a moment. This is followed by the new album’s My Silver Lining, expected to be another super hit. The encore features three more tracks, including a moving take on Simon and Garfunkel’s America, as the audience wasn’t quite willing to say goodbye just yet. Luckily, the band returns in September for a performance at the Royal Albert Hall, but tickets are expected to go quickly. London simply cannot wait.

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Scan Magazine | Culture | Scandinavian Music

Scandinavian Music

Every year, Sweden sees its domestic dance artists compete to have the season’s big summer hit – the song that soundtracks the long days of the Swedish summer months, and all of its Valborg and Midsummer themed parties. 2011 was undoubtedly the year of Eric Amarillo’s Om Sanningen Ska Fram, and this year he has launched another effort: Fulldans. Translated as ‘drunk dance’, it is a hugely silly and shamelessly transparent

ploy to appeal to drunk teenagers enjoying the summer’s well-lit evenings and outdoor parties. It is as catchy as it needs to be, and has already had the support of Sweden’s biggest radio station, P3. Also in the running to have a big smash hit in the summer months are three young pop guys, who have each individually put out a Latin-flavoured, Europop-themed, seasonal single. There is Darin and his reggae-tinged Mamma Mia (currently soundtracking Sony Xperia’s latest ad campaign), Oscar Zia’s Balearicinfused Ballare Con Me, and John Soul’s Ella Baila, which is a pop, rap, and house hybrid performed in English, Swedish, and Spanish. Also getting in on the Latino pop tip is Norway’s Adelen, a 17-year-old girl who has just released the Euro EDMinfluenced Always On My Mind and has a song on the official FIFA World Cup album called Ole. She has just been to Brazil to film the video, under the wings of Simon Fuller’s management company. Robyn’s Nordic electro-pop successor Frida Sundemo has just released her second EP, Lit Up By Neon. The collection is made up of elegant, melancholic synth

By Karl Batterbee

ballads (and one banger) that all reach stunner status. And more so than any other singer doing what she is doing, it is Frida Sundemo who is tipped for major things outside of Scandinavia. This will surely be helped along by the fact that Frida has just landed an acting job in the upcoming film adaptation of John Niven’s music industry novel, Kill Your Friends. Finally, Swedish pop music that is unknown in the UK seems to be a current trend in British television adverts. This summer, British audiences can hear the frantic dubstep stylings of Stockholm Syndrome’s Pretty Girl in L’Oreal’s newest advertising campaign (starring Cheryl Cole), the Icona Pop-esque We Are Young by Le Kid being used in Fanta’s latest ad, and the retro motown pop of Miss Li’s Can’t Get You Off My Mind selling Durex condoms. British ad agencies are clearly rifling through Sweden’s recent, lesserknown archives for inspiration.

Scandinavian Culture Calendar – Where to go, what to see? It’s all happening here! Hunger (Until 19 June) Hobo Theatre’s adaptation of Norwegian author Knut Hamsun’s classic 1890 novel, Hunger, will be performed in an artisan bakery in Hackney. Guests will be treated to a two-course traditional Scandinavian meal at the end of the play. E5 Bakehouse, London, E5. Midsummer celebrations (21 June) Celebrate a traditional Finnish Midsummer including live music, dancing and food at the Finnish Church, London, SE16.

By Sara Schedin

Salonen conducts Sibelius (26 June) In this all-Finnish programme, Esa-Pekka Salonen conducts Saariaho’s Maan varjot (Earth’s Shadows) and Sibelius’s Violin Concerto as well as his Simphony No. 2. Royal Festival Hall, London, SE1. Salonen closes 13/14 season (29 June) Esa-Pekka Salonen conducts Mahler’s mighty Symphony of a Thousand to close the season. Royal Festival Hall, London, SE1. Anders Trentemøller. Photo: Jonas Bang

Issue 65 | June 2014 | 105

Scan Magazine | Culture | Calendar

Ariadne auf Naxos (25 June - 13 July) Finnish operatic soprano Karita Mattila sings the lead role in this dazzling production of Strauss’s opera where grand passions and comedy collide. Royal Opera House, London, WC2E. Trentemøller on tour (June/July) Copenhagen-based musician and remixer Anders Trentemøller is touring Europe with his indie/electronic beats this summer.

Above: Nils Dardel’s The Dying Dandy, 1918 © Nils Dardel Left: Jens Johannessen’s Pergola II, 2002 Oil on canvas 300 x 120 cm, Astrup Fearnley Collection

Nils Dardel and the Modern Age (Until 14 Sept) The exhibition stresses that Swedish artist Dardel was not just a dandyish eccentric in the salons of high society. In fact, he took an active part in the cosmopolitan avant-garde in Paris and used art to convey the early 20th century jazz era and the modern approach to all kinds of human relationships. The exhibition features some 100 works, including The Dying Dandy, Crime of Passion and The Waterfall. Tue & Fri 10am - 8pm, Wed - Sun 10am - 6pm. Moderna Museet, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm. Jens Johannessen - Collage/Décollage (Until 21 Sept) The exhibition focuses on Norwegian artist Jens Johannessen’s use of collage techniques and décollage. The main focus is on his cut images, the works he developed in the ’60s and ’70s with iron stencils and in the ’90s with paper stencils. Tue, Wed, Fri 12noon - 5pm, Thu 12noon - 7pm, Sat & Sun 11am - 5pm. Astrup Fearnley Museet, Tjuvholmen, Oslo.

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Furniture for the people! Børge Mogensen 100 years (Until 11 Jan 2015) Designmuseum Denmark marks the centenary of the birth of furniture designer Børge Mogensen with a presentation of his work based on the museum’s own collection, featuring more than 30 different pieces, including a table, a chair, a school desk, a spoke back sofa and a daybed. Tue - Sun 11am - 5pm, Wed 11am - 9pm. Designmuseum Danmark, Bredgade 68, Copenhagen.

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