Evaluare grow - 2014

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practice, learn, step up!


4 7 9 10 11 14 16 Participants Figures & Results BRD Preparation Conferences

17 18 20 22 Media Impact Color Run Reading Activities Learning Activities



Coordinators Curriculum Trainer’s Profile

practice, learn, step up!

LONG TERM VISION GROW is a nationwide youth development program that represents a long term, non-formal educational engagement designed to improve the quality of education in Romania. Organized by Școala de Valori in partnership with AIESEC, GROW project addresses high school students in Romania (aged 14 to18). The program offers high school students a professionally designed educational curriculum that complements the formal educational system. It has been developed with the support of an Educational Board gathering personalities and high-profile experts in education and adolescent psychology, especially to address key needs in the development of teenage participants.

What we envision?

How is learning activated in GROW?

GROW aims at becoming number one among national education programs addressing high school students since it is unique in the category:

Since developing attitudes and values requires a slow developmental process, the GROW program is designed following a long term approach. That is why GROW program is made out of 4 distinct editions, each of them addressing students of different high school levels. Hence we “digitally” called them: “GROW 0.9”, “GROW 1.0”, “GROW 1.1” and “GROW 1.2”.

• INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE – involves international student trainers who deliver workshops in English; • NATIONWIDE PROGRAM – high accessibility of teenagers to the educational centers; • PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUM DESIGN – based on training expertise, teenager psychology, professional • consulting and an educational process audited by an Educational Council; • LONG-TERM APPROACH – GROW is not a summer camp or a weekend training seminar, but a long, unitary educational program; • EXPERTISE – previous projects developed by Școala de Valori members and their partner AIESEC between 2005-2009;

Our goal is to build a constructive attitude for a sustainable change in the Romanian educational system.

Each GROW edition is comprised of a 6-week experience in which the high-school participants in the program attend a group of 10 educational sessions (2 hours long each), and also other educational experiences.

All editions have in common: PERSONAL VALUES TRAININGS – that help the students know themselves better; • BASIC TO ADVANCED SKILLS – some topics such as project management and career orientation or proactivity, are done at more grades of different levels of difficulty; • SELF-CONFIDENCE AND COURAGE – the overall gain that most students recognize after GROW is “self-confidence”, initiative, and courage to do more; • SENSE OF DIRECTION – many of the students say that GROW helped them find out which way they want to go. They finally discovered the answer to the question: “do you know what you want to be when you GROW up?” 3

2010 - 2014 FIGURES



students who applied to enter GROW


students who graduated from GROW program


>1.100 volunteers


international trainers





project coordinators

training hours


high schools


practice, learn, step up!



students who applied for GROW


students who graduated from the project


16 cities

Arad, Brașov, București, Câmpia-Turzii, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Iași, Galați, Bistrița-Năsăud, Pitești, Sibiu, Suceava, Târgu-Mureș, Timișoara, Curtea de Argeș, Râmnicu-Vâlcea

international trainers from 31 countries:

Albania, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Austria, Brasilia, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Estonia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Montenegro, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Portugal, Slovakia, USA, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uganda.


volunteers (coordinators and their teams)


high schools involved


BETTER COMMUNICATION and TIME MANAGEMENT with In 2014, 45 BRD Group Societe Generale were involved as volunteers in GROW activities, together with the teenagers. They had workshops on topics such as “How to build your CV”, „Team management”, or „Communication Skills” with more than 500 teenagers in 11 cities in Romania, : Iaşi, București, Timișoara, Cluj, Galați,Pitești, Craiova, Suceava, Brașov, Sibiu, Târgu-Mureș. Analyzing the answers to a survey that BRD volunteers completed after they met the GROW teenagers in workshops, we can see that a very significant part of them considers that GROW raises students` self-esteem and brings happiness, and also makes one more empathetic with the needs of the people around, and creates more focus on the community needs.

Neutral I agree I completely agree







Empathy for people and their needs

Attention to community needs


9,5% 57,1%






IMPACT ON BEHAVIOUR Increase my volunteering activities 23.8%

Recommend Volunteering

Recommend Recommend the company my Company as an employer that involves in community 45%

50% 9,5%


66.7% 40%

Do my job better 6






5% 70%


Talking about the behavioural impact, almost 90% of the respondents said that GROW made them want to get involved in many volunteering activities and to recommend volunteering to other people. Regarding the company, the same percentage said they would recommend the company for this kind of activities, because BRD is an employer that is involved in the community. “One of the important things that GROW program delivers is that it uses a tailored curriculum for each year of high school so that young people go through courses to suit their needs and level of understanding. We continue to support GROW, an educational program, which we consider a practical tool provided to young people in order to help them choose a professional path in line with their potential and abilities. BRD is actively involved in numerous other development programs addressed to students and, not infrequently , among the participants to other projects we had GROW graduates. Each time we received a positive feedback about the GROW program, that gave them more confidence in themselves and helped them to be organized . It is interesting to note that the graduation rate of the maturity examination is almost 100% for students participating in this project. These are just some of the reasons why we support GROW. We encourage all high school students to enroll in this project and to discover their professional future with Școala de Valori and AIESEC.” Adela Jansen , Executive Director of Human Resources of the BRD Groupe Societe General.

“First of all, I want to say that the topic of the discussion was really interesting and helpful, especially for those who still have problems with organising their schedule. Second of all, Adina, the trainer from BRD, was really precise, by giving certain examples during the presentation. I think that knowing how to organize your time is fundamental and it will, somehow, lead to success, whether we talk about ourselves or the relationships we build in the society with different kinds of people. As always, the session, overall, was really interesting, the activities that involved the group work were fun, but in the same time educational and the trainers were really friendly, and opened to us.” Antonia Bartha Ioana, GROW participant

“This activity with Daniela from BRD has led to a very interesting session. It was very interactive thanks to the games prepared by her and Qima and I was impressed because although I knew I was going to learn many new things I had no idea we would talk about non-verbal language, or body language. Even though I was familiar with some notions, I learned that these impulses can’t be controlled. I appreciated the openness with which Daniela spoke, she made a good impression. The sponsors’ collaboration in this project by sending a representative is very impressive.” Horia, GROW participant


GROW 0.9 – 1.0 2014 “When I first heard about GROW project, I did not have many expectations. At that time, I was not interested in much and thought my life could not get less boring. Soon after joining GROW project, I found out that I was wrong! I had the chance to meet amazing people from various places in the world and had together the time of our lives! We shared our experiences so far and got to know each other better. What I am trying to say is that GROW has changed my life. I became more sociable, communicative and began to see beyond the screen of my computer. It was like a helpful hand that drags you out of the water when you are drowning and think everything is lost. Participating in this project is something you really should not miss! It will give you the opportunity to improve yourself as a person and you will also make new friends. And then you will be happy. Exactly as I am now! “

Lucian Gabriel Mărginean

9th grade student, Gheorghe Lazăr National College of Bucharest

PARTICIPANTS’ TESTIMONIALS “For me, GROW meant much more than I thought it would mean. This was the first time I participated in GROW and after this amazing experience I am sure that I will participate next year, too. As I am an introvert, I did not imagine that I could enjoy this experience as much as I did, but I loved to interact with people from different cultures, to learn so much from them and to have so much fun. Every session had its interesting part, some of them helped me answer some questions I had and also they made me think about new things and see them from other perspective. Also, the extra activities were fun and they made my summer one of the best of my life. GROW taught me how to me more spontaneous, open-minded and optimistic. In conclusion I can say that it made me a better, a happier person. I am so thankful that I met these great people and I hope that we will keep in touch.”

Nadine El-Shaer,

11th grader, Liceul Teoretic William Shakespeare, Timișoara




• Fluent in English • Willing to learn more than the school

is offering • Fast learner, open to change, open to

differences • Medium to high personal effectiveness

– busy schedule, – extra activities, – medium/high grades in school – entrepreneurship, following their passions

We need a


• Young people that find ROLE MODELS outside family prove to be much stronger and daring than others;

• Young people that are exposed to ENTREPRENEURSHIP since early childhood seem to strive more, in a natural way; • Young people that invest in KNOWLEDGE and dreams have more guts to act as they rely on pure content, which gives them anchors; • Young people that are encouraged to LEARN FROM FAILURE are stronger than those who are punished for their lack of success; • Young people that have the COURAGE to express and state opinions seem to advance much quicker; All of these elements that build up a strong young individual constitute five of the six areas developed by the GROW program: self-esteem, sense of direction, self-awareness, exposure to role models and information at your fingertip. Moreover, the main stages of development gradually encourage teenagers throughout the program to leave their comfort zone – Practice, to explore – Learn – and to dare – Step Up. 9

PREPARATION CONFERENCES TRAIN THE TRAINERS Train the Trainers is the preparation conference for GROW trainers, where local project managers and international trainees, together with the Č˜coala de Valori and AIESEC members, DISCUSS THE CURRICULUM, how the trainings align to the delivery standards of the project, and ways to IMPLEMENT THE PROJECT. Train the Trainers is also a MOTIVATIONAL CONFERENCE because of the presence of a large number of international people, combined with the idea of being a part of a movement and thus leads to the creation and deepening of common directions and values, shared by all the people involved in the GROW project.

Andrhiani Suharto Suleh

Bruno Luiz Savi

Christin Muschmann

Clarabelle Tanurahardjia

Dongchu Sun

Ersalina Tristami Putri

Gezim Shimi

Gregorio Jenhei Nakamotom

Iusuf Aulia Izzati

Jelena Donovic

Luxin Li

Marharyta Shvets

Rinah Nannyona

Rodolfo Sandoval

THE INTERNATIONAL TRAINERS involved in the project in 2014 came from 31 countries: Albania, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Austria, Brasilia, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Estonia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Montenegro, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Portugal, Slovakia, USA, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and Uganda.

TRAIN THE COORDINATORS Train the Coordinators is the preparation conference for local project managers. It is based on discussing and sharing the VISION OF THE PROJECT. Moreover, in the conference everybody has the chance of creating action plans, brainstorming and aligning the strategies. Finally, all the projects’ details are defined for a smooth implementation.

Also, each of the local project managers who have already implemented the project, during the conference, get to know each other better and share their experiences with the local project managers of the future GROW edition. They can also meet all the international trainers at the conference. TTT and TTC conferences took place two times in Predeal. 10

Weidi Yu

William Sato Martinez

Carla Medina Ramirez

Daniela Alvarez Burgos

Evgenia Mysnyk

Chai Hong Feng

De Paes E Alcantara Rosenthal Sofia

Fernanda Da Cruz Ribereiro



Chang Yongsi

Very good English

Experience in working with youth

Training skills

Proactivity and passion for education

Willing to gain personal and

Diego Grisolia

professional development

Geraldine Dafne Sznek Alvarez

Ready to have an impact on society

Able to create a learning and development environment

Heiki Viisimaa

Heval Yusuf Delil

Huang Yating

My impression about this experience is really good! At the beginning I didn’t know what to expect and I was a little bit afraid of what was waiting for me. After the project started, I noticed myself doing something huge for the students and for me as well. I felt really useful during the sessions, besides learning a lot from the students. Jhonatan Guerreiro

Mohd Raj Nur Haqqima

Kemas Destia

Pan Cheng-Hsuan

Liong Kek jin

Ramadina Dasri

The biggest challenge I’ve faced as a GROW trainer was to deal with a lot of different teenagers during the sessions. In order to do that, I had to deal with each of them in a particular way. The interaction with the teenagers was great! Sometimes exhausting, but always gratifying. We hung out with them a lot! From this experience, I’ve learned how to express myself in a better way, using body language in order to achieve that. Having patience and managing the stress are other lessons learnt from GROW. The most beautiful moment I experienced in this project was the closing ceremony. If someone from my country asks me about Romania, I would say that it’s an amazing country with friendly people.

San Jose Mora Robinson

Tiago, Trainer GROW 1.1-1.2, Brazil Victor Lima

Wang Chao


trainers Yanting Zhang

Zhuang Xiaoling

0.9 1.0


Abby Feng

Adrian Garduno

Ali Talal Noori

Aline Franco

Ashaa Naveed

Beste Ersoyak

Briar McLeod

Bruna Lima

Burcu Oguzdogan

Carolina Campuzano

Chan Wing Yan

Cheryl Hei Cheung

Cheung Yu Sze Stephanie

Darion D.Wu

Elena González

Elena Kresmasta

Elissavet Kaldi

Felipe Amaral Camara

Francina Cassaniti

Honza Škuba

Isaac Cheung

Jéssica Jacovetto

Kai Reinfeldt

Karim Ahmed

Kateřina Mašková

Lucia Palencarova

Margit Vaik

Maria Lemos

Marie Marchal

Marium Khan

Markéta Svobodová

Mohsin Saeed

Muhammad Zeeshan

Natasha Naveed

Natasha Upadhyay

Miguel Angel Vázquez


Adish Jain

Mohammad Musaab Bin Umair

Isha Dabke

Ivan Barragan

Konstantina Poumpouridou

Larissa Varella

GROW is my third international exchange, but it was definitely the best one. I had a good time in Romania, I cried the whole week before I left. This experience will always be my precious memory and I hope that one day I will return to Romania. As a trainer in GROW, I’ve learnt a lot of things, but the most important are: Believe in yourself! You can do much more than you expect. At the beginning, I wasn’t that confident, I didn’t believe that I can do it, but eventually I found out it is just the barrier I set for myself and once I conquered it, everything went just fine. Enjoy every moment! This is my motto. I simply loved to talk and stay with my students. When you are relaxed and have fun, you determine the others to feel the same thing.

Nele Tael

Nikolay Velikov

Philippe Dallemagne

Don’t be afraid to step up! This is what I used to tell my students. There are many unknown things that will happen in your future, but there is no need to be afraid of them. Every new challenge is a chance, a chance to make mistakes, a chance to try, a chance to GROW! Sue, Trainer GROW, 0.9-1.0, China

Priska Diarta

Rebecca True

Rocco Hui

Sarah Bonta

Shady Aly

Syed Osama Hussain

Wan Chan TahaYin Abdul Ghafoor

Tiago Freitas

Victor Manuel Fernandez

< trainers 1.1 - 1.2 Winnie Lo


My first contact with GROW project was in the summer of 2012, when some good friends of mine that were participating in the program invited me to go out with them and their trainer after they had finished the session. I joined them and I started talking with the trainer and some AIESEC members that told me more about the project. I thought “WOW, this is an awesome project!” so I wanted to be in the organizing committee of this project. Following my first contact with GROW, I decided to join AIESEC, because I wanted very much to organize a GROW edition. I joined AIESEC just to organize GROW. I was two time Organizing Committee Member in Spring 2013 and Summer 2013 editions and one time Organizing Committee President for Spring 2014 edition and I organized a great edition. I was motivated to became Organizing Committee President for Summer 2014 edition because I just love this project! I have seen its impact on high school students and I am very motivated to organize a bigger edition of GROW in my city. Horia OCP GROW, Târgu Mureș

I WANT TO SAY that this was the most impactful experience I’ve ever had in the volunteering field. Coordinating a team of four AIESECers, eight international trainers and more than 300 high school students gave me lots of challenges to overcome and lots of situations to face. MORE THAN THIS, I saw the whole picture of a project for the first time. I think an experience like this can develop you unbelievably! And I don’t want to miss the fun part either; this environment is very dynamic and full of nice, and sometimes random events. NOW I HAVE a lot of stories to tell and a huge pack of knowledge and experiences! Matei Popilian GROW 1.1-1.2 Coordinator in Bucharest




• young volunteer, between 18 and

23 years of age • opened, curious and proactive • interested in solving society’s

issues through education • managing GROW in his city

together with a team of 3-8 volunteers, for a period of 4 months • volunteer in AIESEC


local coordinators

0.9 1.0

Albert Necula, Galaţi

Andreea Rînceanu, Piteşt

Bianca Bărbărie, Curtea De Argeș

Ciprian Baciu, Iaşi

Cristina Cojocaru, Cluj

Daniela Capră, Bucureşti

Geanina Zaria, Timişoara

Horia Grigoraş, Tg-Mureş

Ionuț Popescu, Sibiu

Irina Pîrlea, Craiova

Marina Constantinescu, Râmnicu-Vâlcea

Raluca Tilihoi, Suceava

Tudor Oaneș, Brașov

Adelin Vătășescu, Arad

Andrei Colce, Craiova

Cristina Luca, Bucureşti

Dan Andrei Secăreanu, SB

Teodora Bălțatu , Iaşi

Horia Grigoraș, Tg- Mureş

Ioana Marinescu, Galaţi


local coordinators

1.1 1.2

Gabriela, Nisipeanu, Cluj

Cătălin Ion, Piteşti

Irina Strugari, Suceava

grow 2014 Isabela Vîlceanu, TM

Larisa Rotariu, Brașov

Siposs Arnold Konrad, Râmnicu-Vâlcea



The first stages of Grow 0.9 put emphasis on communication and FEEDBACK SKILLS, sending appropriate messages, and the differences between constructive feedback and criticizing. The following stages pay particular attention to concepts like DEBATE, sustainable behaviour, and eco-environment creation. Next, participants learn to identify and become aware of their strengths and weaknesses, acquire basic PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS and recognize discrimination.

GROW 0.9 focuses on socialization, self-esteem and communication skills.

The closing sessions explore the rights and obligations of EU CITIZENS AND FINANCIAL EDUCATION.

The workshops are designed to instill in participants a “CAN-DO ATTITUDE” and help them identify the importance of BEING PROACTIVE. Special attention is placed on helping participants prepare better presentations and appropriate messages for their audiences, on personal EFFECTIVENESS and project management tools like the Management Table and the Gantt Chart. VALUES are also a focal point of GROW 1.0: participants learn to recognize environmental influences, to develop a clear and meaningful set of beliefs and priorities, to acknowledge Romanian and European values.

Basic theory of team management and basic leadership skills INSPIRE teenagers to “be the difference they want to see in the world”. They discover the importance of personal values and identify their mission and VISION in life, while becoming more aware of the opportunities they have, offering basic career orientation. Participants learn about BUSINESS management and basic business PLANNING, and also about the importance of consistently, continuously and clearly communicating one’s PERSONAL IDENTITY AND LIFE PLAN.

Opportunities, options, entrepreneurship, personal branding, goal setting are the defining keywords. Participants identify their TALENTS (vocational characteristics) for better career choices and realize how LIFE PURPOSES AND DREAMS are connected with personal VALUES. They are also provided with an overview of Romania’s labor market and a few instruments for better career choices. Finally, participants learn about ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INDEPENDENCE and the attitude of “building systems rather than following them”.

GROW 1.0 focuses on teamwork, organizing skills, and self-confidence.

GROW 1.1 focuses on self-awareness and developing management skills.

GROW 1.2 focuses on career orientation and some presentation skills.

STEPPING OUT of the classroom

These are activities, besides the training sessions, designed to strengthen both links between pupils and connections between trainers and participants, and also to deepen the impact curriculum, all of these being based on unconventional education. Their aim is to actually get teenagers with real action and initiative involved.


with Cetelem; • VISITS AT COCA-COLA FACTORY from Ploiești and happiness sessions; • READING EVENTs with RockFm; • THE COLOR RUN; • ORGANIZING ONE DAY EVENTS for other

munity - cultural events, fairs, simulations, freeze mobs, flash mobs; • COOKING NIGHTS (cooking marathon in one night); • MOVIE NIGHTS (movie marathons); • KARAOKE NIGHTS; • TREASURE HUNT around their city.

teenagers, family, people from their com-


About reading in a park and other delights, at LECTURA


Last weekend we spent a day in a park, in the heart of Bucharest with a lot of amazing people from GROW and a lot of books. The event was organized in partnership with Rock FM. If Friday evening the weather wasn’t really nice and the sky was quite cloudy, on Saturday the sun smiled at us and has been friendly with us the whole day. I arrived in Izvor park in the afternoon, where I saw a big bookshelf with books for every kind of reader. I was surprised by the diversity of the books and also because some of them were shiny new. I changed the book that I brought with a detective novel, because for me this is the best thing I can read with maximum pleasure. I was the first one that wrote a few lines in the book of happiness and then I went to the green area where there were a lot of blankets and beanbags. I chose a red one and I sat comfy in the shade of a tree.

It wasn’t my first time to read in a park, but this time I was more entertained by the idea. I was more involved with what I was reading mostly because, from what I think, having all this diversity of readers made me feel happy. Even though I didn’t talk to them, I felt in the air a sweet feeling of complicity and serenity, so I let myself swamped into the action of my book. But the “LecTura de vacanță” wasn’t only about the books. Beside the pleasure of reading, we experienced other ways of enjoying life. The GROW team was at the event too. The coordinators, the international 18

trainers, the high school students and the special guests brought a lot of energy with their games, workshops, storytelling, handmade bracelets and the improvisation training. We also had a place with white papers and colors where everyone could practice their imagination and express their happiness through painting. The international trainers decorated a tree with papers full of different words in their own language and created an open multicultural space for everyone. At some point I was tempted to join the games, but it was so comfortable on the beanbag with the book in my arms that I passed my attention back to my reading. I read the whole book and I didn’t even realize when time passed because there was evening all of a sudden.

Andra Calenic participant at the LecTura de vacanță event

GROW and

Translate the financial education for the youth The session “MY DREAM IS MY BUDGET”, was for the XII grade students and was delivered by our international trainers Kai from Estonia and Marium from Pakistan. The workshop took place in our partners office from Cetelem, with whom we developed this financial workshop. Similar to the other GROW session, the atmosphere was friendly and our high school students were curious to find out more about administrating their incomes, involving with a lot of enthusiasm in the activities our trainers proposed. Through activities and role plays, our teenagers learned how to handle their budget so they can fulfil their dreams and have the life they want. They calculate their monthly budget, taking into consideration their general spending and then they personalize their budget according to their own plans, on a long term. They find out new information about credits and credit cards, and also about the requirements they have to meet for a loan from the bank and also from financial institutes because they wanted to have the necessary financial support for their dreams. The teenagers had the chance to talk with the trainers` team about the organization and ask them questions, and after that they visited the Cetelem office to have a grasp of the financial world in its home. WHAT DID THEY THINK ABOUT THIS EXPERIENCE? WE FIND OUT FROM THEM: “The Cetelem Company wants to be involved in this kind of programs with an impact on the society and that’s why we decided to invest in the financial education for the teenagers in a partnership with GROW. We liked from the beginning the idea of this project and we thought that it’s a good way to teach the youth how to handle

their finances. After this session, the teenagers had a clear image of the possibilities of administrating their own budget and are more informed about the financial products, learning how to plan their budget for a medium and long term. “

Irina Stoian, HR Manager Cetelem “This is the second time I participate in GROW. I liked it a lot the last time so I decided to apply again, especially since I’m in the XII grade and it is the last time when I can be part of this project. This session about the budget was very interesting. Since I am trasitioning to an adult life I think it is essential to know this kind of information. Soon I will go to university, probably living by myself and it will be useful to know how to administrate my budget and how to prioritize my spending. My favourite part was when we had to think about our long term dreams and to see how we can make them financial sustainable. This is an exercise that makes you realize that you can fulfil any dream you have if you make plans and a strategy, and if you organize yourself better. I want to use the idea with the monthly spending calendar and I will try to save money from my pocket money.”

Bela, GROW participant


GROW colored the atmosphere at


The Color Run craziness happened this year in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Mamaia, leaving behind a lot of color and happy people. Participants of all ages ran together the happiest 5 km in the world, being painted in pink, yellow, blue, green, orange and having a lot of fun. THE COLOR RUN was full of multiculturalism from GROW, our program for smart high school students, which also was the cause of the race. A part from the race fee was directed towards developing the GROW program, because we wanted more high school students to be part of this. The participants at THE COLOR RUN were painted in colors by our dear volunteers that put a lot of passion in organizing the event. We are grateful for all the enthusiasm and we are really happy that you were there.

The journey of the color run started on the 26th of April in Tineretului Park in Bucharest, where 3.000 people had a color bath while they were running in the race. After the 5 km race, every participant wearing the white, running kit T-shirts was covered in colored pouder. 20

Everything looked like in a modern painting. After that the colorful race moved to Cluj on the 12th of June. 160 GROW volunteers from Târgu Mureș, Timișoara and Cluj-Napoca (the high school students that participate in GROW and members from the organizing committee of the project) were happy to help with coloring the runners. They were spreading smiles everywhere and they helped with the registering of the participants. The great happiness at the event was shared among people when dancing to Pharell Williams` Happy song. The great dance took place in Unirii square and brought a lot of life and color to the scenery. But what would become of a summer without taking a trip to the sea? On the 26th of July we went to Mamaia to celebrate happiness with our colorful race. This time it was far easier to wash all the color off the runners since they all headed for a swim after the event. BUCHAREST HAD A DOUBLE CHANCE FOR COLOR. The Color

Run returned to the Romanian capital on the 13th of September, this time to take place on Kiseleff Boulevard. Already fired up and trained, the participants had a lot of fun and they arrived at the finish line full of energy and color. This time our stand was full of internationalism in our unique GROW style, our volunteers wearing traditional pieces of clothing brought from countries like India, Japan, Brazil, France, etc. Movement means happiness, so THE COLOR RUN was for us an adventure about experiencing movement through fun and physical exercise. Bottom line, by running the happiest 5 km on the planet 10.000 people contributed to the GROWth of Romanian teens. We cannot wait for the next year’s colorful races!

IMPACT REPORT GROW 2014 The main goal of this report is to show the impact of GROW 0.9, 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 on its participants. Yes I have a clear idea about my vision and mission in life - BEFORE GROW



I would describe myself as a leader - BEFORE GROW

I have a clear idea about my vision and mission in life - AFTER GROW


BEFORE GROW , around 47% of the teenagers had a clear idea about what they want to do with their life. AFTER GROW their number increased with 52%, reaching 99% of teenagers that say they now have a clear vision and mission in life.



I would describe myself as a leader - AFTER GROW

According to the teenagers, GROW helps them to know what a leader is and how to act like a leader. The percentage of the ones who said that increased from 43% to 93%.







I know why and how to make a budget After the GROW sessions related to budgeting and personal financial plan, 99% of the teenagers understood the importace of planning a budget and how to do it, compared to the data in the begging of the project according to which 48% of the had an idea about this topic. 48%


I understand what it means to be an entrepreneur



Entrepreneurship is a hot topic nowadays. Many of the teenagers heard of it and think about it, and we concluded that GROW helps them understand what the concept of entrepreneurship means and how it works. After some sessions about this topic more teenagers (only 32% of them in the beginning) acknowledged what entrepreneurship is about.

I am knowledgeable about the Romanian labor market To dream of the future is something, to make planes for future and to be informed and connected with the real world is a bit different. GROW helps students, with topics such as “vocational path” or „how to build a CV” to understand the demands on the labor market and how to be prepared for it. 39%


The number of those aware of the labor market increased from 39% to 77%. 21



• •

2.700 posters, 28.750 flyers and 5.500 booklets 1 radio spot distributed nationally

Over 120 online and offline articles

7 TV shows – Digi 24 Craiova, Antena 1 Cluj, TVR 1 Craiova, TVR Iaşi

Media Partners: Kiss fm, Romania Pozitivă, CSR Media, Ştiri ONG, Comunicare publică, PR Total, Adevărul, Biz Braşov, Edu news, ARCRomânia, Radio România Actualități, Learning network, Eurodesk, Lume bună, Buzz camp, Educativa, Supertineri, Intuitext, Liber în mişcare, Studentie.ro, Jurnal de Bucureşti, Gazeta de Sud, Ziare.com, Ora de ştiri Cluj


ŞCOALA DE VALORI is a modern non-governmental organization that envisions to contribute to the development of a society based on values through innovative education. The School of Values` MISSION is to question the boundaries of traditional education and to provide young beneficiaries with valuable information, character forming experiences, interaction with positive role models and international exposure. THE PURPOSE of these experiences is to increase personal responsibility and control over life choices. THE VALUES of the organization reflect the path that The School of Values chose to follow by itself in order to transform its vision into reality.

AIESEC members become positive change agents in our global society. IN ROMANIA, AIESEC has been actively involved in the education of young people for almost 20 YEARS. AIESEC is now present in 15 CITIES around the country: Arad, București, Brașov, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța, Craiova, Galați, Iaşi, Pitești, Ploiești, Oradea, Sibiu, Suceava, Timişoara, Târgu-Mureș, 40 universities, has over 300 partners in its local branches and has developed over 60 PROJECTS. www.aiesec.ro

www.scoaladevalori.ro 23

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