Evaluare GROW 2015

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4 6 8 9 10 12 14 Learning Model 2010 - 2015 Figures


BRD & Accenture Participant profile


16 18 20 22 The Color Run Summer Camp

Testimonials Impact Report

23 25 27

Inside and Outside the classroom Coordinators

The G Generation Organizers


WHAT IS GROW? ...GROW is the PROJECT THAT HELPS the youth generation of today to become the change of tomorrow, through education. ...GROW is the nationwide youth development program that represents a long term, NON-FORMAL EDUCATIONAL ENGAGEMENT designed to improve the quality of education in Romania. Organized by Școala de Valori in partnership with AIESEC, GROW project addresses high school students in Romania (age 14-18). The program offers high school students a PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED educational curriculum that COMPLEMENTS THE FORMAL education system. It has been developed with the support of an Educational Board, gathering personalities and top-notch experts in education and psychology of adolescents, especially to address key needs for the development of the teenage participant. …GROW is the project made for the teenagers who want to make A DIFFERENCE, to discover their potential and have the courage to be themselves and STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD. …GROW is the project that combines non-formal education with an international and multicultural environment which emphasizes on self-learning, values and authenticity

Be the change you want to see in the world!

Mahatma Gandhi

LONG-TERM VISION GROW aims to be the number one national education program for high school students as it is unique among any other program: • INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE - international student trainers, delivering workshops in English; • NATIONWIDE PROGRAM - high accessibility of teenagers to the educational centers • PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUM DESIGN based on training expertise, psychology of the teenager, professional consulting and an education process audited by an Educational Council; • LONG-TERM APPROACH - GROW is not a summer camp or a weekend training seminar, but a long unitary educational program; • EXPERTISE - previous projects developed by Școala de Valori members and their partner AIESEC between 2005-2009.


students know themselves better; • BASIC TO ADVANCED SKILLS - some topics such as project management and career orientation or proactivity which are done at different levels of difficulty for more high school grades; • SELF-CONFIDENCE AND COURAGE - the overall gain that most students recognize after GROW is “self-confidence”, initiative and courage to do more; • SENSE OF DIRECTION - many of the students say that GROW helped them find out which path they want to follow in life. They have finally discovered the answer to the question “do you know what you want to do when you GROW up?”



practic e learn step up




Built and constantly updated SINCE 2010, our learning model called “Practice, Learn, Step Up” incorporates efficient learning techniques with innovative ideas and skillful trainers prepared quarterly in internal trainings. Following DALE’S CONE OF EXPERIENCE and using all its 6 levels, our workshops combine applied theory (20%), facilitated communication and experential activities in a real educational context (65%) and debrief (15%), the follow-up being rarely used. From a 90 minute workshop, we have allocated only 20 minutes for the actual presentation, the rest of the time being left for the ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT of the participants. After EVALUATING THE NEEDS and the current status of our participants, we customize the trainers’ preparation conferences for a best fit to the profile of the teenagers. While Learning by Practicing parts pursue an ACTIVE LEARNING APPROACH, engaging the participants in team work, simulations, role plays, presentations, demonstrations, mentoring and processing the experience, the Step Up part stimulates participants to be creative regarding their future, to discover that KNOWLEDGE gives you the chance to find the right path to the change you want to make. PRACTICE, LEARN, STEP UP includes a variety of

different learning models and uses certain “tools” in order to increase the learning level, such as peer-topeer learning, group talks, long debriefs, self-evaluation, friendly relations between the trainer and the participants, all of them developing skills like self-awareness, responsible decision making and relationship skills.


At a first sight, it may appear that GROW is aiming for many different TYPES OF TEENAGERS – fluent in English, talented, exceptional, open-minded, creative, passionate and so on... But in all this variety, they actually have ONE GREAT THING IN COMMON, one goal that makes them fit perfectly in our profile: they all want to MAKE A CHANGE, they all want to be the change. Therefore, one main feature in the profile of the teenager who participates at GROW is the motivation that can bring out the best in everyone. Our wonderful participants are looking for knowledge and skills in order to become a better person and are eager to discover their potential. They are already THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE and they certainly want to be prepared for it, so they are expecting to find out how to pick the best fit for themselves when searching for a future job. Moreover, they want to meet new people, make new friends, and, last but not least, to have fun and be happy. THE GROW JOURNEY will fulfill their expectations and inspire the participants to be the best version of themselves, to get out of their comfort zone and change the world. Also, a very powerful trait in the profile of a GROW teenager is definitely related to the COMMUNICATION AREA. They become more sociable, they can express their ideas more easily, hold a speech in front of an audience with no fear and, most important, they get an amazing self-confidence boost! The results? Well, after following the GROW path, the participants will not only have the skills, but the courage to be a part of a community with STRONG VALUES, community that can change our future society. Also, their new profile will put a point on professionalism and authenticity. THEY WILL STEP OUT of the crowd, dare to dream big, be the open-minded teenagers of today who will achieve success tomorrow.


GROW is one of those projects that really makes a difference. It engages students in so many different ways that it is almost impossible not to notice the changes that they have undergone after taking part in the training courses. They are more self-confident and daring. They don’t care about mistakes or failure anymore. The chains of fear, embarrassment and self-consciousness vanish. The GROW experience definitely has an empowering effect! Ana-Maria Gioc, teacher, Colegiul Național Grigore Moisil, București

I really appreciated that I made the decision to come to Romania to join the GROW project. It really improved me a lot. For example, the public speaking skills, patience, independence, communication skills, accepting the different cultures and making a lot of friends around the world. The students are smart and think about their future. Obviously, some people are very confused, but I still hope that I can impact them in the future and I will encourage them all the time. I enjoyed every moment in Romania. Thank you for the GROW project. Huimin Zhang, GROW international trainer, China


I took part in two of the GROW terms, during spring 2015 as a 10th grader and during spring 2014 as a 9th grader and I find it hard to describe how much GROW has helped me. I used to be extremely shy, and I barely wanted to say anything in English when I first joined GROW, and then I slowly started to open up and now I seem to never stop talking. In my first year of GROW I didn’t really know what should I do, so I mostly sat somewhere in the back and listened, then I began to realize that these people actually want to help me learn something, and that my group mates are just as eager to learn as I am. But that was only the first year, and I would say that I loved my second year of GROW ten times more than the first. I loved every minute of GROW and I’m very thankful for everything that I have learned and for all the friends I have made there. Diana Noveanu, GROW participant, Cluj-Napoca

This is the project that changed my view on what a high school student should do during his 4 years of high school. I realized that apart from learning and getting good grades, I have to get involved in a great variety of projects, events and organizations so I will be able to help the people around me and to get a more practical education that the one I receive in school. They really shaped my character during the time I spent around them, being part of the reason I am the person I am today. GROW is the best thing that could’ve happened to me during my high school years. Ovidiu Mărginean, GROW participant, Târgu-Mureș

GROW is probably the best project I’ve taken part in so far and we can all agree on that. New friends, from different high schools or different countries, interesting sessions, endless jokes and memories, plenty of opportunities, these are only a few advantages that pop in my mind when I think of it, and the list can go on. But, as the Ambassador of GROW, I believe that the best bit was sharing the whole experience. Even though it was something new for me, I felt like it was worth spreading the word among my friends and fellow high school mates, because GROW is something bigger than it looks like.

And, with every smile and laughter on the faces of those who I’d convinced to join us on this lovely journey, I knew that I accomplished my mission, to spread the knowledge and happiness as much as I can. Gabriela Bianca Gheorghe, GROW ambassador, Brăila

GROW 2015 was a total blast! Everything from the trainers to the discussed topics brought out a heartwarming feeling that made me realize what a great combination this project provides - learning new things, having fun with awesome people from all around the world and, of course, socializing with other students of your age. I especially loved the subject about European values, one that showed how intertwined our lives as Europeans are, but also what different ideologies and cultures the world has to offer. GROW is the best alternative if you’re looking for something fun, exciting and surprising, but one that still allows you to improve your personal-development by bringing you up to date with subjects of global interest such as time management, communication skills and budgeting. Simply put, this project offers the foundation of an informed and active citizen concerned with the society around him; it sparks the change we are searching for to ensure an evolution. If you want to be a part of this evolution, I recommend wholeheartedly to start GROWing. Andreea Pop, GROW participant, Târgu-Mureș



TRAIN THE TRAINERS is the preparation conference for GROW trainers, where local project managers and international trainees, together with the Școala de Valori and AIESEC members, DISCUSS THE CURRICULUM, how the trainings align to the delivery standards of the project, and ways to IMPLEMENT THE PROJECT. Also, it can be said that Train the Trainers is a MOTIVATIONAL CONFERENCE because of the presence of a large number of international people, combined with the idea of being a part of a movement and thus leads to the creation of common directions and values, shared by all the people involved in the GROW project. TRAIN THE COORDINATORS is the preparation conference for local project managers, based on discussing and sharing the VISION OF THE PROJECT. Moreover, in the conference everybody has the chance of creating action plans, brainstorming and aligning the strategies. Finally, all the project’s details are defined for a SMOOTH IMPLEMENTATION.


young volunteer, between 18 and 23 years old | open-minded, curious and proactive interested in solving society’s issues through education | managing GROW in his city, together with a team of 3-8 volunteers, for a period of 4 months | volunteer in AIESEC

Ana-Maria Dumitriu, Galați

Bianca Popa, Târgu-Mureș

Cătălin Aldea, Cluj-Napoca

Claudia Becea, Craiova

Cristian Rizea, Râmnicu-Vâlcea

Cristiana Grigoriu, Iași

Dragoș Dendiu, Timișoara

Ionuț Bucur, București

Irina Livițchi, Suceava

Iuliu Țurcanu, Sibiu

Alina Jescu, Sibiu

Alina Vlăzan, Cluj-Napoca

Monica Zamfir, Pitești

Patricia Țandrău, Oradea

Andra Șerban, Craiova

Andrei Radu, Galați

Georgiana Porușniuc, Iași

Hajdo-Sukosd Emoke, Timișoara

Ilinca Ștefănescu, București

Oliviu Kudelca, Oradea

Petruța Moldovan, Târgu-Mureș

Ștefan Blându, Suceava

Vlad Zamfirică, Pitești

Nicuța Stănculea, Brăila


<< 09 -10 >> 11-12

very good English | experience in working with youth | training skills | proactivity and passion for education | willing to gain personal and professional development | ready to have an impact on society | able to create a learning and development environment

Ahmed Adel Radwan, București

Beatriz de Moraes, Târgu-Mureș

Charisa Qudsi, Pitești

Chua Yu Geng Cluj-Napoca

Eric Adan Cruz, Galați

Giovana Singnorete, Târgu-Mureș

Izazi Nur Shabrina, Galați

Jiang Yuxin, Iași

Carolina Coutinho, Iași

Caroline Gibim, Timișoara

Dario Zappala, Pitești

Deborah Jovita, Craiova

Ding Teik Jin Andrew, Timișoara

Hsieh Hsin Ting, București

Hsin Fang Kuo, Cluj-Napoca

Ingan Sembiring, București

Caio Beck dos Santos, București

Jonathan Mendonsa, Suceava

Khrystyna Tryhub, Cluj-Napoca

<< 09 -10 >> 09-10


<< 09 -10 >> 09-10 Kuan Yun Ting, Timișoara

Larissa Paula Santos, Sibiu

Lee Chin Miao, Oradea

Leonam Almeida Târgu-Mureș

Lina Nepomuceno, București

Liu Jingyi Carolyn, Târgu-Mureș

Lucas Moura, Oradea

Luiza Pinto Medina, Sibiu

Marina Ferreira, Pitești

Nataliia Beresten, Sibiu

Nisiagka Elena, București

Omotola Saliu, București

Phong Jia Yi, București

Rossana Furtado, Râmnicu Vâlcea

Ruwaida Zafira, Iași

Tan Jun Pin, Râmnicu Vâlcea

Teng Le-Chia Chloe, Sibiu

<< 09 -10 >> 11-12 Tian Xie, Galați

Tomas Suardi, Oradea

Tzu Chi Liu Eric, Suceava

Yiran Li, Pitești

Yolanda Kartika, Suceava

Ahmad Abdelnaby, București

Aimen Nadeem, București

Amna Jung, Sibiu

Anna Adoue, Târgu-Mureș

Antonis Theoharis, Cluj-Napoca

Artur Tsatinyan, Iași


Aydin Mehdiyev, Pitești

Bakhtawar Tunio, Oradea

Balaji Vivek Srinivasan,


Charlotte Hang,

Galați + Brăila

Arthur Fachini, Craiova

<< 11 -12 >> 11-12

<< 11 -12 >> 11-12 Chung Ching Lilianna, București

Diana Cortez, Craiova

Ellen Yeung , Suceava

Eugene Ng Shear Kuang,

Fahad Fayyaz, Pitești

Faysal Lahrouchi, Oradea

Filothei Matsigou, București

Giuliana Kaori, Târgu-Mureș

Jad Fares, București

John Manuel Evangelista


Joie Chan, Timișoara

Khurram Ghayas, Craiova

Ku Wing Yee (Natalie),

Lee Fai Wun, Iași

Lin Yun Pey (Ian), Târgu-Mureș

Manutchaya Ryeowook

Maria Paulina L. Mayor,




Galați + Brăila

Martha Dobreva, Iași

Mohamed Mekkawy, Cluj-Napoca

Muhammad Hamza, Iași

Muhammad Pirani, Timișoara

Nahum Jaime Sanchez,


Nardeen Fawzi Ayad Iași

Ngan Kian Ann, Suceava

Obed Perez, Cluj-Napoca

Roberto Chong, București

Robin Stewart, București

Sherief Khalil, Pitești

Sheza Naem, Pitești

Tariq Sadiq Syed, Galați + Brăila

Vicky Miliou, Târgu-Mureș

Wingki Li, Craiova

Yu-Yi Chiang (Cindy), Târgu-Mureș

Zhang Huimin, Pitești

<< 11 -12 >> 11-12


1. Welcome to GROW. (Let the travel begin!) 2. What did you say? (Communication Skills - supported by BRD) 3. Feedback me softly (Feedback Skills) 4. Good habits, bad habits (How to Debate) 5. How to track money to climb mountains (How Do I Budget – supported by CETELEM) 6. Facing the mirror in me (Self-Awareness) 7. We are all different. Why discriminate? (Different Perspectives) 8. European citizenship - what has that got to do with me? 9. My learning style - education adapts to me (supported by Accenture) 10. What happiness means to me? (by Coca-Cola HBC) 11. Closing Session of GROW. Not done yet, my friends!

1. Welcome to GROW. (A new beginning) 2. Letting life passing you by? (Proactivity) 3. Presentation Skills. (How to present well in front of an audience) 4. Practi-Finance for creating your reality (Budgeting Skills – supported by CETELEM) 5. What do I have deeply inside (Personal Values) 6. Personal Effectiveness (Time and Space Management - supported by BRD) 7. How to make things happen (Project Management Advanced) 8. My learning style - education adapts to me (by Accenture) 9. European and Romanian Values (About community values) 10. What happiness means to me? (by Coca-Cola HBC) 11. Closing Session of Grow. (“Every ending is a new beginning”) 1. Welcome to GROW and Get to Know Each Other 2. Who Am I? What Do the Others See? (Self-Awareness&Branding) 3. How to Swim in a Lake Full of Crocodiles (Critical and Systems Thinking) 4. Be a Leader! How? (Leadership Skills) 5. How to Make Things Happen (Team Management) 6. A Penny Earned is a Penny Saved (How Do I Budget) 7. Business Bite – Customer satisfaction is important (by BRD) 8. Think of a career not a job, a look forward on work skills 2020 (supported by Accenture) 9. Women and Men are from Different Planets 10. Closing Session of GROW

1. Welcome to GROW and Get to Know Each Other 2. Personal Values - How to make life choices 3. What Tools Do You Need to Fix A Table (Vocational Path) 4. Sell a Pumpkin and Buy a House (Entrepreneurship) 5. Women and Men are from Different Planets. ( How culture affects genders) 6. Think of a career not a job, a look forward on work skills 2020 (supported by Accenture) 7. What’s out there for me - Career opportunities and CV (by BRD) 8. The ultimate challenge (Time for your personal pitch) 9. European Parliament Simulation. (Legislation) 10. Closing Session of GROW. (Anything is possible!)


FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAINERS: • Trips around Romania • Global Village • Treasure Hunt • World Cafe • Bowling, Movies, Karaoke

FOR GROW PARTICIPANTS: • Team Buildings • Movie Night • Karaoke Time • Globatic • Treasure Hunt • Snow fight (spring edition) • Water fight (summer edition) • Laser tag, Paintball, Bowling • GROW Picnic • Free hugs • Quiz Night • Photography workshop and Photo contest


Common values, the desire to GROW, the passion for education and multiculturalism – all these were brought together in 5 years of GROW. 5 YEARS WITH 14,084 TEENAGERS that enjoyed the GROW experience, 510 international trainers who delivered with dedication and enthusiasm the sessions and 184 VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS together with another 1200 volunteers who reunited their forces in order to make this project happen, bring smiles to young faces and change lives. After these 5 years of GROW, former coordinators from 2013-2015 have COME TOGETHER and organized between the 6th and 11th of July - GROW Summer Camp - at the Șăulia Summer Camp (Mureș county), TO CELEBRATE TOGETHER with other 112 ambassadors, former coordinators and internationals the results and impact that the project had through educational games, trainings in non-formal education and irresistible challenges combined with internationalism, a campfire and unforgettable stories under the roof of GROW. 20


IN WHAT PLACE can you possibly find 150 beautiful volunteers from București, Galați, Brăila, Constanța Cluj, TârguMureș and Bistrița, all full of energy, with bright smiles on their faces, taking care of the well-being of thousands of people, painted from head to toe with colors and glitter, wearing tutus, magic wands and crowns for kings and queens? AT THE COLOR RUN, OF COURSE! Hundreds of people stepped into our magic place called GROW WONDERLAND, dressed up as fairytale characters, took photos, played games, spun the wheel of luck, found out who WE are, what is GROW and DONATED FOR A BETTER EDUCATION.


I KNOW WHAT SKILLS I know ASK whatNOWADAYS skills employers ask no EMPLOYERS I know what skills employers ask nowada employees - before GRO FROM EMPLOYEES employees - before GROW - BEFORE GROW 7,83% 13,86% 7,83%


Disagree 31,33% 31,33%

Making plans about WHERE YOU WANT TO WORK after high school is important, knowing what skills you should develop is important, too. Many teenagers are already thinking about that and we have concluded that GROW helps them understand what skills employers ask nowadays from employees. AT THE END OF THE PROJECT, the percentage of the ones who didn’t knew anything about this subject (they strongly disagreed or disagreed with the affirmation ”I know what skills employers ask nowadays”) decreased to 0%. Then, 40,74% of teenagers ( with 26,88% more than at the beginning) strongly agreed that now they know more things about the skills that the employers are interested in. BEFORE GROW, 31,35% of the teenagers didn’t had a clear idea about their goals in life. After GROW, their number decreased with 20%. Also, if before GROW only 16,42% of them knew which is their purpose in life, their number doubled, now the ones who KNOW THEIR PURPOSE REACHING 30,30%. If you are curious about the vision of today’s teenagers related to what kind of person they would like to be, here I have clear purposethey in have life -mentioned: before GROW are theaTOP 9 KEYWORDS successful, confident, friendly, happy, funny, more sociable, brave, 0,75% 4,48% kind, independent. 16,42%

Neither Agree




I know what skills employers ask today fr

I KNOW WHAT SKILLS employees-employers after GROWask to I know what EMPLOYERS ASK skills TODAY employees- after GROW FROM EMPLOYEES - AFTER GROW 12,96% 40,74%








Making plans about where you want to work after high school is im should develop is important, too. Many teenagers are already thin concluded that GROW helps them understand what skills employ

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4,48% Then, 40,74% of teenagers ( with 26,88% more than at the beginn 0,75%

Atknow the end ofthings the project, the percentage of the ones who d 16,42% more about the skills that the employers are intereste (they stronglyI disagreed orpurpose disagreed with- before the affirmation have a clear in life GROW Strongly disagree nowadays”) decreased to0,75% 0%. 4,48% 26,12%



Then, 40,74% of teenagers ( with 26,88% more than atorthe Neither agree dis Strongly disagree know more things about the skills that the employers are i Agree 26,12%


Disagree Strongly agree Neither agree or dis Agree Strongly agree


I have a clear purpose in life - after GROW

Strongly disagree 26,12%

Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree

I HAVE A CLEAR 3,03%IN LIFE PURPOSE 6,06% I have a clear purpose - AFTER GROW in life - after GROW 3,03%



Neither agree or disa Disagree Agree


Neither agree Strongly agreeor dis


Strongly agree 52,24%


Agree Strongly agree


Before GROW , 31,35% of the teenagers didn’t had a clear idea about th their number decreased with 20%. Also, if before GROW only 16,42% of number doubled, now the ones purpose life, their BeforeinGROW , 31,35% of the teenagers didn’t had awho clearknow idea their aboutpu th

their number decreased with 20%. Also, if before GROW only 16,42% of purpose in life, their number doubled, now the ones 23 who know their pu

I have a clear purpose in life - after GROW

If you are curious about the vision of today’s teenagers r person they would like to be, here are the top 9 keyword If you are curious about the vision of today’s teenagers r successful, confident, friendly, happy, funny, more socia person they would like to be, here are the top 9 keyword


Ștefan Pălărie, President Școala de Valori


Over 107 articles released | 4 TV appearances | 2600 posters | 27000 flyers | 5000 booklets Media partners: România Pozitivă, CSR Media, Știri ONG, Radio România Actualități, Intuitext, Studenție.ro, Gazeta de Sud, Ziare.com, Ziarelive.ro, PRwave, LZR.


AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization RUN BY STUDENTS and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national / social origin.

ȘCOALA DE VALORI is a modern non-governmental organization that envisions to contribute to the development of a society based on values through innovative education. MISSION – to create a community of autonomous teenagers who will act collaborative, responsible and ethical. VISION – a society which generates trust, stability and courage. scoaladevalori.ro

AIESEC members become POSITIVE CHANGE AGENTS in our global society. aiesecbucharest.ro



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