GROW 0.9 2011 Evaluation

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Evaluation Grow 0.9 2011




Grow in numbers


Grow program


Train the Trainers


Train the Coordinators


International trainers


Grow 0.9 curriculum






Analysis of the impact


Analysis of the qualitative data


Analysis of the quantitative


Impact of Grow 0.9 on trainers


Skills developed during the sessions






Contact details

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

Grow in numbers 1,700 900 13 107 26 12 14 1200 12000

Online applicants



High schools

International trainers

EVS volunteers

National Partners



Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


GROW program Grow 0.9 took place between the 7th of March and the 20th of April 2011 in thirteen big cities in Romania: București, Brașov, Cluj, Constanța, Craiova, Iași, Oradea, Pitești, Ramnicu-Valcea, Sibiu, Suceava, Târgu-Mureș and Timișoara. There were 40 trainers (28 of which were international), 107 high schools and over 900 participants involved in the project. The sessions that were held over the entire country included 12 trainings on different topics such as: effective communication, good and bad habbits, European citizenship, discrimination and last but not least organizing an event. Grow 2010 is part of the longer term Grow 2010-2015 project. This project aims to be the number-one national educational programe adressed to highschool students. The program will offer high school students a professionally designed educational curriculum that complements the formal education system. The four module curriculum has been developed with the support of an Educational Board, gathering personalities and top-notch experts in education and adolescent psychology. The program is based on a specialized program for each year, starting with the 9th grade and ending with the 12th grade. Grow’s long-term objective: To develop an educational curriculum complementary to the formal educational system through which the high-school students will develop self esteem but also the required abilities for their professional future prospectives. The goal is to build a constructive attitude for a sustainable change in the Romanian educational system. Grow’s measurable objective for 2010 would be to reach 2000 highschool students. The differences between Grow and other projects are that: -Begun with just 11 cities, so has plenty of room for expansion. -5 year program -Four highschool grades To sum up, the unique elements of the project are: - the magnitude of a nation wide project - specific approach by a personalized curriculum for each highschool level - long term approach of a 5 year program - international trainers delivering courses in English - professional courses designed by consultancy specialists and directed to adolescent psychology. 4

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

Train the Trainers Train the Trainers represents the preparation conference for Grow trainers, where local project managers and international trainers, together with The School of Values and AIESEC member, discuss the content of the curriculum and training. The aim of it being to successfully prepare the trainers to deliver grow sessions to a high standard required by the project. TTT also serves as a motivational conference due to the presence of a large number of internationals, all heading towards the same idea and taking part in the creation and the development of common directions and values. TTT took place at Predeal between 28th Febuary and 4th March 2011. The international trainers involved in the project came from 12 different countries:Chile, Serbia, Bulgaria, Nigeria, Brazil, Poland, Netherlands, Russia, Cambodgia, Taiwan, Japan and Germany. They came to Romania via the international volunteer prgram initiated and developed by AIESEC.

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


Train the Coordinators Train the Coordinators is the preparation conference for the local project managers. The main reason for this event is to prepare, develop action plans and to align strategies. Details of the projects are all defined for a smooth implementation.


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

International Trainers























You can find the name and nationality of the trainers in the next page.

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Name and Country Vathana Seourn , Cambodgia Muktar Ali Magashi, Nigeria Lucas Carneiro, Brazil Elitsa Hristova, Bulgaria Cristiane Campos, Brazil Ljubomir Gavrilovic, Serbia Beata Piskadlo, Poland Chou Tzu-Ting, Taiwan Christian Tala-Sanchez, Chile Julita Wiecek, Poland Pawel Raczyk, Poland Wilma Boewe, Netherlands Tanya Rukomeda, Russia

No. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Name and Country Michal Zabkowski, Poland Reiko Kawakami, Japan Kamilla Misiejuk, Poland Natalia Borowik, Poland Misaki Takenaka, Japan Marta Jarzabek, Poland Hanna Adamus, Poland Katarzyna Woznyak, Poland Tomasz Helm, Poland Irina Trifonenkova, Russia Learta Gurma, Albania Magdalena Bak, Poland Helen Baumann, Germany

GROW 0.9 Curriculum 1. Intro to Grow 0.9- Getting to understand the project, its agenda, the trainers, the trainers countries and the other participants. 2. “Did I make myself understood?”- In this session the participants will develop their communication skills and will learn how to speak efficiently. They will also receive trainings on communicating effectively. This session is created and supported by BRD- Groupe Societe General, Romania. 3.” Your haircut doesn’t suit you, but how can I say that politely?” In this session the participants will develop their feedback skills, understanding how constructive it is. They will also learn the ways of expressing oppinions without the reverse effect 4. “Good habits, bad habbits” Participants will have the opportunity to debate about the pros and cons of eating healthy and oral hygene while at the same time receiving information on these topics. The session is sustained by Wringley, Romania. 5.”Eco-living-small things I can do to help Earth” Participants will build a green and recyleable city. They will also find out more about an eco environment.


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

6.”Friends say that know me, but I am not sure. What defines me?” In this session, participants will be offering training on self-understaning and self-evaluation. Furthermore, they will indentify and analyse weaknesses and strengths in order to develop themselves better. 7. “How to organize a special event?” Through basic project management skills, participants will learn how to actively get involved in organizing the ceremony of Grow 0.9 8. “We are all different- Why discriminate?” In this session the participants will be given information on the differences between people and and how to respect these differences. 9. “European citizenship- what has that got to do with me?” In this session the participants will understand the implications of Romania being apart of the European Union: the liberties, opportunities and obligations as a EU citizen. The session is created and sustained by the EU Parliament. 10. “Closing session and ceremony” During the closing ceremony, certificate will be given to the participants.

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


13 cities 107 highschools Bucuresti

Liceul Teoretic” Ion Barbu”, Liceul Bilingv”George Coșbuc”, Liceul „Spiru Haret”, Liceul”Tudor Vianu”, Liceul „Gheorghe Șincai”, Liceul „Gheorghe Lazăr”, Școala Centrală, Colegiul Economic”A.D.Xenopol”, Licul Teoretic „Al.I .Cuza”, Col.Naț. „Iulia Hașdeu”, Liceul „Jean Monnet, Col.Naț.”Mihai Eminescu”, Liceul” Ion Creangă”, Liceul „Ion Neculce”, Colegiul” Ion Luca Caragiale”, Col.Naț „Mihai Viteazul”


Colegiul Naţional “Unirea”, Colegiul Naţional “Dr. Ioan Meşotă”, Colegiul Naţional Economic “Andrei Bârseanu”, Colegiul Naţional de Informatică “Grigore Moisil”, Colegiul Naţional “Andrei Şaguna”, Colegiul Naţional “Emil Racoviţă”, Liceul Pedagogic “Andrei Mureşanu”


Liceul”Mircea cel Batran” , Liceul” Traian” , Liceul „Ovidius” , Liceul „Mihai Eminescu” , Liceul Pedagogic ,Liceul „Calinescu”, Liceul „Decebal”, Liceul „Regina Maria”


Colegiul National “Carol I”, Colegiul National “Fratii Buzesti”, Liceul teoretic “Henri Coanda”, Grupul scolar “Matei Basarab”, Grupul scolar “Traian Vuia”, Liceul de informatica “Stefan Odobleja”.


Liceul Teoretic” Avram Iancu” , Liceul „Racovita” , Liceul „N.Balcescu” , Liceul „George Cosbuc” , Liceul” Gh.Sincai „, Liceul „Toduta” , Liceul „Gheorhe Baritiu” , Liceul „Ghibu” , Liceul „Lucian Blaga”


Liceul de Informatică “Grigore Moisil”, Colegiul Naţional “Mihai Eminescu”, Colegiul Naţional, Colegiul Economic Administrativ, Colegiul Naţional de Artă “Octav Băncilă”, Liceul Teoretic “Dimitrie Cantemir”, Liceul Teoretic “Miron Costin”, Liceul Teoretic “Garabet Ibrăileanu”, Colegiul Tehnic “Gheorghe Asachi”, Colegiul Tehnic “Dimitrie Leonida”, Grupul Şcolar Tehnoton.


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


Colegiul National “Emanuil Gojdu”,Colegiul National “Mihai Eminescu”, Colegiul Economic “Partenie Cosma”,Liceul Pedagogic “Iosif Vulcan”,Liceul Teoretic “Aurel Lazar”, Liceul Baptist “Emanuel”,Liceul Greco-Catolic,Colegiul Tehnic “Mihai Viteazul”


Liceul „I.C.Bratianu”,Colegiul „Zinca Golescu”, Colegiul „AL. Odobescu”,Liceul”Ion Barbu”, Colegiul Economic „Maria Teiuleanu”, Liceul „Armand Calinescu”,Colegiul” Ion Cantacuzino”


Colegiul National „Octavian Goga”, Colegiul National „Gheorghe Lazar”, Liceul Teoretic „Onisifor Ghibu”, Liceul de Arta, Colegiul National „Samuel Brukenthal”.


Col.Nat.”Petru Rares” , Col Nat” Dimitrie Cantemir”, Col. Nat.”Stefan cel Mare”, Liceul Crestin” Filadelfia”, Colegiul de Arte” Ciprian Porumbescu”

Rm valcea

Colegiul National „Al.Lahovari”, Col National „Mircea cel Batran” ,Liceul Sanitar , Liceul Energetic

Targu-Mures Colegiul Naţional „Alexandru Papiu Ilarian”, Colegiul Naţional „Unirea”,Colegiul Economic „Transilvania”, Liceul Teoretic „Bolyai Farkas”, Liceul de Arta , Liceul pedagogic „Mihai Eminescu” ,Grup Şcolar „Electromureş” ,Grupul Şcolar „Gheorghe Marinescu” ,Grupul Şcolar „Constantin Brâncuşi”, Grupul Şcolar „Emil A. Dandea” Timisoara

Liceul »Vlad Tepes », Colegiul National Banatean,Liceul Waldorf,Liceul « Ana Aslan »,Liceul « Henri Coanda », Liceul Teoretic « Jean Louis Calderon », Liceul « William Shakespeare », Liceul Teoretic « Nicolaus Lenau », Liceul » Grigore Moisil », Colegiul National de Arta » Ion Vidu », Colegiul Tehnic « Ion Mincu ».

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


Testimonials “Grow has been a challenging exprience, full of suprises, a blowing wind that has totally changed me, after only 4 months. I am glad that I had this opportunity and such a great team. I feel that Grow achived its goal: to reach 80 highschool students from Iasi and to enlarge their perspectives over the places they live in but also to know themselves better. I wish, in a few years, to see one of these stdents as coordinator manager of the Grow program, because I am proud to know that everyone has done what they desired.” Maxim Doina Organisation Committee President from Iasi “The last 2 months were an amazing experience for me. I met fantastic people, who showed me what its like to experience the Romanian culture and everyday lifestyle. I met this country just like I dreamed about – from the inside, from the locals point of view, not as a tourist with a map and guide. I confronted stereotypes, myths and views that I knew before I come here. About my work, at the beginning, I had a doubts if I could handle it. I become responsible for the development and education of young people with high expectations. Now, I feel like I have managed to succeed at this task. This required me to create and develop many new skills. I think that the teenagers taught me almost as much as I taught them Even if they did it unconsciously. I’m going to really miss them. This traineeship gave me a lot: new experiences, friends, unforgettable emotions, and also new skills that will surely be useful for me in my future life. I don’t regret, even a bit, my decision to come to this country for my practice.” Julita Wiecek Trainer from Poland “GROW wasn’t just an amazing experience, but also my united family with whom I could speak my mind without feeling awkward. I may not be a superhero, but I don’t want to be. Now, I am more than that, I am a better person. From GROW I’ve learned to be open minded, to be nice to the people around me and to have faith in myself. Also, I’m glad that I had the chance to meet such amazing people who appreciated me for what I am. I’ve never felt so confident in myself, thus I want to thank GROW and AIESEC for everything. :) “ Anca Petrariu Student from Iasi


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

“Grow was incredible...At the beginging I didn’t expect to be like this but after but after each session I realised that Grow has changed me a lot.The trainers were the best ever, and the sesions were so fun and we really learned how to do things,how to respect others and the most important thing, how to comunicate.At closing ceremony we all were so proud about how we had changed, how important this project was for us. All in all, I have to say a big thank you to the AIESEC members and for the trainers( Kamila and Klavdij) and also... I hope to see you again next year....Love you,Grow!! “ Loredana Bertişan Student from Iasi “What could I say about Grow? Grow was for me, and I am sure it was the same for the others, just like a second family and the best experience of my life until now. Grow offered me the opportunity to develop myself, to understand myself and the others, something that before attending Grow I couldn’t do. Through Grow, I grew more and I learnt things that I didn’t know. I met new people,I made life long friendships and I learnt to overcome my fear of speaking in public. I saw what it means to work in a team. I learnt that everyone is unique in their own way, that discriminating or judging someone is not good, but now I respect others opinions and follow my dreams no matter how hard they are to attain. All these and many others thanks to the trainers and the organising team who worked so that we can have this unique experience. They have always been there to help us, while also being our friends. They have also become our friends. They taught us that no matter what sex, religion or culture, everybody is unique. They made the impossible, possible. And the most important: we love them and we are greatful to them for everything they did for us. I could speak all day supporting Grow but it would not be enough. Grow went over the lines of simple words being everything I wanted from the project. Personally, I get nostalgic eveytime I speak about Grow and what it meant for me. Finally, I would like to thank all those who were involved in organising this project and I’d like to tell them that thanks to their involvement, we all now have the courage to fight for what we want no matter the challenges. “ Drilea Cristina Alexandra Student from Brasov

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


Analysis of the impact Executive summary This report was commissioned to analyse the feedback written by the teenagers who have taken part in the GROW 0.9 2011 Spring edition. The method of analysis includes online feedback given by the participants from all over Romania. The research draws attention to the fact that approximately 90% of the participants found the program very useful for their educational needs and applicable in their daily life. Further investigation revealed that the trainers who delivered the trainings picked their favourite sessions to be the ones which developed participants creativity, proactivity and team working skills. Moreover, the skills on which the curriculum of GROW 0.9 covers are the desirable competencies which are searched by Romanian companies. The GROW program is the best way for the participants, despite their young age, to be prepared both for their future challenges at work and in their everyday life at school and university.

How did we get feedback? We asked participants all over the country to give us feedback after every session. We used two ways of collecting data: - quantitative - to get a general conclusion about the perception of the project among the students (questions 1 & 2) - qualitative - to see what the participants actually felt about the session (questions 3 - 5)


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

Analysis of the quantitative data All the sessions were considered as very useful for the educational needs for more than 90% of the participants.

1. How useful do you think this session was for your educational needs?

Participant´s answer

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%











Number of the session A very good level

An acceptable level


Just a bit

Not at all

Participant´s answer

2. How applicable in your daily life is information or skills you received during the program? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%











Number of the session A very good level

An acceptable level


Just a bit

Not at all

Approximately 90% of the participants believed that the information and skills they received during the program have a good applicability in their daily life.

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


According to the trainers the best sessions were the ones which concerned the everyday problems and required the participants to be creative, proactive and work as a team.

Ranking of the sessions according to the trainers 8 - We are all different - Why discriminate? 5 - Eco-living - small things I can do to help Earth 4 - Good habits, bad habits 7 - How to organize a special event? 6 - Friends say they know me, but I am not so sure, what defines me? 3 - Your haircut doesn't suit you, but how can I say that politely? 2 - Did I make myself understood? - Communication skills 9 - European citizenship - what has that got to do with me? 1 - Intro to GROW 0.9 10 - Closing session and ceremony 0%











Analysis of the qualitative data 3. What did you like the most about this session? 1 – Intro to GROW 0.9 What I liked the most about the first session was that our trainees tried to make us find much information about our colleagues and about them, but in an informal way, through games and communication exercises, so I had a great time. (Iaşi) 2 – Did I make myself understood? - Communication skills This session was very useful for me because I learned how to develop my skills, especially my English, and to speak in public by overcoming my shyness. I have been waiting for a long time to manage to do it so it was a very precious lesson for me. (Iaşi)


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

3 – Your haircut doesn’t suit you, but how can I say that politely? I really liked that I learned many new things about feedback that I didn’t know until then and that things are really useful in everyday life and helped my personal development. I also liked that we were also given various examples and some colleagues have even played roles in different situations and showed what was actually feedback and how you can give or receive it. (Bucharest) 4 – Good habits, bad habits (debate) The most thing that i liked about this session is that we’ve been in each situation, pro, contra and observators. and we learned how to support our ideas. how to listen to the other’s ideas, and to discuss on a subject. it was very helpful. (Oradea) 5 – Eco-living - small things I can do to help Earth (simulation) I liked it because we talked about a worldwide problem but we did not just talk about it, we thought about what we can do as a society to overcome it and I personally started doing something after the session and I’m going to tell all my friends and relatives. (Bucharest) 6 – Friends say they know me, but I am not so sure, what defines me? I liked this session because I found out more things about me and my personality. Now, I know I am a cool person and I know how to put in light my strong points and how not to be too disappointed because of my weak points. Now I am less shy and more self confident. (Suceava) 7 – How to organize a special event? I liked that we had a lot of team work and that we planed our organization for a real event, Global Village. (Bucharest) 8 – We are all different - Why discriminate? This was one of the best sessions. It was nice and interesting to hear other opinions about discrimination and after the session I have a different point of view. (Iaşi) 9 – European Citizenship I think this session was actually very good for us because it helps us know and these are the responsibilities a citizen of the European Union has: to know the main things about our country and our possibilities. (Bucharest) 10 – Closing session and ceremony I like that we had a moment of quiet when we had to imagine ourselves in a few years from now, it was interesting. (Bucharest) Analysis of the feedback shows that the participants appreciated not only the content but also the format of the sessions. Moreover, they have noticed an impact of GROW 0.9 on their own lives.

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


4. How do you think this session could have been better? 1 – Intro to GROW 0.9 I think that this session could be better if I would learn some “tricks” which could help me to improve my English and if I would know the level of English language learning that I should be at, because I want to cope with any English exam i will have, like Cambridge. (Oradea) 2 – Did I make myself understood? - Communication skills This session is very interesting, but if we can do more activities, it can be more funny. (Ramnicu Valcea) 3 – Your haircut doesn’t suit you, but how can I say that politely? I would have liked if we worked on small groups, and talked about a certain theme and them summarize the main ideas. (Cluj Napoca) 4 – Good habits, bad habits (debate) This session could have been better by adding a discussion about what other people consider a good or a bad habit and why. (Bucharest) 5 - Eco-living - small things I can do to help Earth (simulation) I think maybe we could have gone outside and pick up some trash as part of our session, but the weather was bad (Constanta) 6 - Friends say they know me, but I am not so sure, what defines me? More detailed personality test. (Craiova) 7 - How to organize a special event (WG) We could have worked more on such an event ,plan future nights out and projects. (Bucharest) 8 - We are all different - Why discriminate (roleplay) I think that this session could be better by having involved children with disabilities with whom we could interact in order to learn better how to not discriminate and to help people with this kind of problems (Craiova)


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

Analysis of the feedback shows that the participants want to work in smaller teams, improve their English and get involved in extracurricular activities.

Impact of GROW 0.9 on the trainers The experience strengthened my self-awareness, especially of were my strengths are and reinforced my desire for reaching the goals that I had set before.

Helen from Germany Trainer in Oradea

By changing myself in new situations I’m more confident about myself. Plus the people that I met on my way motivated me to realize the plans that I had but I wasn’t sure if I can manage them. They show me also different point of view on some things.

Julita from Poland Trainer in Constanta

GROW experience changed my mind about world in general and made that i want to work and countine my education abroad. Hania from Poland Trainer in Sibiu

It is clear from the feedback that GROW not only has an impact on the participants, but on the trainers who deliver the sessions as well.

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


Skills developed during the sessions Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10

- getting to know each other - interaction with new people - oral and non-verbal communication skills - ability to give and receive feedback - increased empathy - debating skills, and how to lead a healthy life - making arguments and defending them - creativity skills - how to live sustainable with the environment - self-awareness - finding personal strengths and weaknesses - event management skills - personal accountability - discrimination simulation - value: respect for differences between individuals - European citizenship - raising awareness on what it means to be a EU citizen - practicing session - public speaking skills

Comparison of the qualities* searched by companies and those provided by the Grow project All skills required by Romanian companies are covered within the GROW project, however they are only taught to a basic standard in this edition. Later editions will cover these topics in more detail. Companies in Romania 1. Analytical capabilities 2. Passion at work 3. Learning continuosly 4. Innovation skills 5. Problem solving 6. Team working skills 7. Being proactive 8. Communication skills

Grow 0.9 + + + + + + + +

* The competencies were chosen by Catalyst, one of the biggest graduate recruitment companies in Romania.


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

1. Analytical capabilities Session 4 Good habits, bad habits Session 7 How to organize a special event?

Applying logical thinking to the gathering and analyzing of arguments which could be useful to win a debate. Preparing an event according to a given structure and being prepared to solve the problems which could show up during the organisation.

2. Passion at work Session 6 Friends say they know me, but I am not so sure, what defines me?

Getting to know their own personalities and preferences so that they can choose a workplace in the future that they will be satisfied with.

3. Learning continuously All sessions

Participants were encouraged to show interest in acquired a deeper knowledge of the discussed topics.

4. Innovation skills Session 4 Good habits, bad habits Session 5 Eco-living - small things I can do to help Earth Session 7 How to organize a special event?

Participants learnt how to defend their points of view in a debate by looking for the arguments that support it while also convincing an audience of their point of view effectively. Developing how to think creatively about how to build a ecological city from rubbish, while also imagining new solutions for the environmental problems in our cities. Coning up with good ideas that work and can be implemented into a real event.

5. Problem solving

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


Session 3 Your haircut doesn’t suit you, but how can I say that politely?

Coming up with good arguments for a particular debate and then giving each other feedback on these arguments.

Session 5 Eco-living - small things I can do to help Earth

Devising ways on how to modify their daily activities in order to save energy an protect the environment.

Session 7 How to organize a special event?

Learning to cope with unexpected problems during a project or event.

6. Team working skills Session 4 Good habits, bad habits

Working together in a team in order to win a debate against another team.

Session 5 Eco-living - small things I can do to help Earth

Working together in a team to build an ideal ecological city and finding new solutions for our everyday environmental problems.

Session 7 How to organize a special event?

Brainstorming a vision for an event. Collaborating in a group to implement a project into reality.

7. Being proactive Session 5 Eco-living - small things I can do to help Earth (simulation)

Realizing that just small things can make a massive impact in life.

Session 8 We are all different -Why discriminate?

Looking at the practical solutions to increasing tolerance in our society.

After this session participants felt more proactive and wanted to do something for their community.

8. Communication skills Session 1 Intro to GROW 0.9


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

Interacting and befriending new people during the ice breaker games.

Session 2 Did I make myself understood? - Communication skills

Learning about the theory of verbal, non-verbal, and para-verbal communication and putting it into practice during the exercises;

Session 3 Your haircut doesn’t suit you, but how can I say that politely?

Practicing using communication skills learnt from previous sessions effectively while receiving feedback on their progress.

Conclusion The goal of the four year GROW program is to make a new generation of the Romanian teenagers who will have the skills and courage to make a change. GROW 0.9 is the first step on this way. According to the feedback, the teenagers are very interested in learning practical skills which are in the centre of the activities in the sessions. They learn how to express their own ideas, create arguments to defend their points of view in front of the others, respect the other people’s ideas, know how to give feedback, etc. In the short term, it helps them to be more self-confident at school, to get involved or initiate extra activities and to be more aware about their strong and their weak points. In a long term they will be well prepared to choose the right career path and follow it. As the participants are now open-minded and sensitive to other peoples problems, they will now not only contribute to their community, but will also possess the skills required to help them bring their ideas to a reality.

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


Partners This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation

Contact details

Dragos Belduganu

sales manager 0745 267 871

Andrei Stoica

marketing and communication manager 0757 081 189 strada Sperantei, nr. 27, parter, sector 2, Bucuresti

Grow 0.9 2011 Evaluation


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