Raport Anual 2012 - Scoala de Valori

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201 annual2 report

N THE 31ST OF DECEMBER 2012, Școala de Valori has evaluated its activity after the first three years of existence as an organization. An intense year full of events has ended, a year during which we grew up by doing things, and a year that brought us a lot of success on all levels. THE SOCIAL IMPACT of our activity has continuously increased, not only due to the increased number of beneficiaries but also due to the variety of our projects and the diversity of the teenagers that we worked with during the whole year. The impact has been measured using evaluation instruments, but the most important was the feedback from the teenagers, parents, teachers, school principals, company executives concerning the activities that we all developed together. The acknowledgments from the beneficiaries and the revelations that we produced in them filled us with the energy needed to go on with the activities. LAST YEAR, the GROW program has visibly developed, as proven by the large number of applicants for the beginning of 2013 (over 3,500 teenagers from all over the country). Then, new programs were developed: THINK AHEAD workshops, the DRUM SIGUR Program, and other projects that make us proud: ZENTIVA EXPRESS, INVENTICA, FABRICA DE VALORI, the activities within the “ȘCOALA ALTFEL” program. But the most important of all our achievements is an established working team and the implementation of working processes. I THINK THAT EVERY LEADER of an organization would feel the way I feel while writing those words, but please allow me to believe that I am part of an extremely special organization, with a special working method. I believe that all collaborations that we had during 2012 proved that we are a successful organization, capable of accomplishing the things it initiates. Therefore, I invite you to join and support this organization in its road to “building a society based on values, throughout innovative education”. I promise you not only that you will be very proud of the impact generated, but also that you will find great pleasure in working with people within Școala de Valori. I find this pleasure every day, working with this wonderful team.

Ștefan Pălărie

our VALUES: integrity freedom perseverance innovation sustainability loyalty

SCHOOL OF VALUES is a modern non-governmental organization that aims to contribute to the develop of a values based society in Romania through innovative education.

Who are

THE ORGANIZATION’S MISSION is to push the boundaries of traditional education by efficiently providing individuals with valuable information, powerful shaping experiences, interaction with role models and international exposure in order to increase personal accountability and control over life choices. The primarily beneficiary target group is represented by HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, with a strong focus on REBUILDING THE QUALITY OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION in Romania.




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ESTABLISHED IN FALL 2009, in Bucharest, the School of Values organization ran projects in partnership with AIESEC Romania and got specialized in creating educational programs and long term educational processes. Over 1000 Romanian VOLUNTEERS were involved and more than 10.000 h of educational content were delivered.

s ner t r



international trainers



years of activity

educational experiences for Romanian teens

21 cities


national and international:

Charlemagne Award, April 2011

Best youth project in Romania Civil Society Gala, May 2011

Best idea of financial education award for teenagers Educational Awards Gala, Dinu Patriciu Foundation

Most popular educational project Charlemagne Award, April 2012

Best youth project in Romania

200 high schools in Romania


romanian teenagers’

This survey was answered by 1256 GROW participants, with ages between 14 and 16 years, all interested in self development.

teens on

SUCCESS: I think success means for me the reward of my work. Success is a point where life shows you that every effort worth. It is a point where your dreams turn into reality. Success represent not the final destination, it represent the beginning. For many people success means to have a lot money or a big house. But, for me success means following my dreams, being happy, having respectful relationships with those around me, staying true to my values and doing what I love everyday. For me, success is happiness and satisfaction. There are many forms of success: personal success and professional success. Success is a journey which requires self-awareness, confidence, optimism, courage and perseverance. Success requires work, commitment and a positive attitude. Success means, above all, hard work. No matter what others think or say, I don’t rely on luck. I believe that if you want to achieve something you have to make your own choices and work as hard as you can,instead of “letting fate decide”. If I were to say what my goals are, well... studying at a good university, getting a satisfying job, helping people, making friends and the list will probably go on as time goes by. Being happy with who I am, and what I am doing. For me, success means maintaining balance in my life and accomplishing my life goals.

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top 20 by teens

our w rk practice, learn, step up, GROW REPRESENTS a long term, non-formal educational engagement designed to improve the quality of education in Romania. It is organized in partnership with AIESEC in 15 Romanian cities and it addresses the key needs of high school students (age 14-18). The program has been developed with the support of an Educational Board gathering personalities, top-notch experts in education and adolescent psychology. PRACTICE with the help of our international trainers from 107 countries all over the world: trainings, coaching activities, debate sessions, peer to peer learning, team simulations, individual and group simulations, sharing and learning from the others, individual and group evaluations. The official GROW language is English. LEARNing experiences are designed to strengthen the connection between participants and trainers, to deepen the curriculum impact, all based on innovative education. In order to have a value driven individual we offer the perfect environment to learn and develop. The courses take place around the entire country and include trainings like presentation skills, public speaking, personal awareness, personal effectiveness, project management skills, Romanian values. STEP UP for the future while you have the opportunity to mix internationalism, cultural sensitivity, creativity and team work with having fun and practicing some of the skills gained during the project! THE MAIN GOAL is to build up a constructive attitude for a sustainable change in the Romanian educational system.

GROW! Since developing attitudes and values requires a slow process, the GROW program is designed as a long term approach (2010-2015). That is why it’s made out of 4 DISTINCT EDITIONS, each of them addressing a different grade of students, digitally called: GROW 0.9, GROW 1.0, GROW 1.1 and GROW 1.2. Each GROW edition is comprised of a 6 WEEKS EXPERIENCE in which the high-school participants in the program can attend a group of 10 educational sessions (2 hours long each), along with other educational experiences.

all edition have in common: BASIC TO ADVANCED SKILLS – some topics such as project management and career orientation or proactivity, are done at more grades at different levels of difficulty. SELF-CONFIDENCE AND COURAGE – the overall gain that most students say about, after GROW, is “selfconfidence” and courage to dare to do more. SENSE OF DIRECTION – many of the students say that GROW helped them find out which way they want to go. They finally found out the answer to the question: “do you know what you want to be when you will grow up?”


GROW 0.9

Focused on socializing and making friends, it helps students improve their self-esteem and be more communicative. • Communication Skills • Communication Skills - Feedback • Cooperation - Team Work • Project Management • European Citizenship • We are all different; why discriminate? • Health. A possible personal value? • Who am I ?

GROW 1.0 Is focused on team work and increasing selfconfidence through being “in front” and taking actions, know themselves better and become better organizers. • Self Expression - Presentation Skills • Self Expression - Public Speaking • Managing Time and Space • Managing Information • Proactivity • Project Management - Advanced • Romanian culture influence • Who am I ? - Personal Values

GROW 1.1

Self-awareness and developing management skills (team management, leadership, negotiation), offering a basic career orientation support. • Advanced Project Management • People Management • Negotiation • Networking • Leadership - Basics • Proactivity - Developing the Attitude • Who am I? - Values, Mission and Life Vision • Early Career Orientation

GROW 1.2

Is almost entirely focused on career orientation (opportunities, options, entrepreneurship) and self-presentation (personal branding, goals setting). • My vocational path - Self Awareness • Career Opportunities • Entrepreneurship - another path in life • Personal Branding • CV + Interviewing • Time Management - Priorities • Pers. Values -The roof of Life Choices • Anything is possible! - Motivational session

practic e, learn, step up! GROW aims to be the number-one nationwide education program addressing high school students as it is unique through specific approach for each high school grade and the fact that the courses are delivered in English by international trainers

Outside class activities These are activities, besides the trainings designed to strengthen both links between pupils and connections between trainers and participants and also to deepen the impact curriculum, all of these being based on unconventional education. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES organized in 2012 during the GROW program were: picnics, events, company visits, company presentation, job shadowing, internships for teenagers, contests, simulations and fairs. The activities were held in partnership with BRD Groupe Société Générale, Decathlon, HP, METRO, Kruk and European Parliament, running a total of 24 sessions throughout 10 cities.

Reaching out to teenagers from rural areas In the summer of 2012, for the first time in a city, GROW was implemented in PARTNERSHIP with a third organization, in order to reach out to young people who usually couldn’t have access to the program: World Vision Ialomița. WORLD VISION Ialomița is caring for over 650 TEENAGERS (14 to 19 years old) from rural areas, offering them support for formal school and engagement in educational activities with the aim of helping them to fulfil their individual potential. One of the critical priorities is career orientation. The partnership brought World Vision ADDED VALUE to its project portfolio: • Quality – Offer high-value educational content to some of the best 80 teenagers • Experience – The project’s implementation is training a World Vision representative through a specialized preparation conference • Accessibility – Bring new educational activities and international trainers in the community (rather than sending the teens away) • Comfort – Close collaboration, being informed in time, professional project management and evaluation reports.

Impact analysis:

first of all, Grow improves the participants’ sense of direction. The teenagers know more about their future plans. They become more aware about their future and of their power as creators of their own path. Moreover, they start to be creators of their own future.

secondly, it raises the self-esteem and the self-awareness of the students involved in the program. Overall the teenagers know themselves better: 90% of them feel usually comfortable around successful people, 91% are comfortable trying new things and more than 85% of the students claim to know what they are good at and what is difficult for them.


participants gain a wider perspective on information (how to find it, how to use it, to share it). Almost 90% of the participants claim to know where to find the information they need – and more than 90% share their knowledge with the people around them with a significant increase than at the beginning of the program.

Long term GROW objectives GROW provides young people early experiences of personal development, opening their view over the world and building their confidence. On a long term, GROW SETS OUT TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE EVOLUTION OF SOCIETY, by taking part in the education of people who share the same values and positive aspirations and follow them independently. As a long term objective WE AIM TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON 11,300 PARTICIPANTS BY 2015, increasing the number of participants each year.

Behind me it’s a story, a memorable one, a unique one. It’s the way I became who I am today, it’s the color in my eyes and the smile on my face, it’s what we name GROW. We are here to LEARN as much as we can. To receive as much information as we need, to accept points of view to make ours, to make mistakes and then to teach others what we’ve learned from them. This is what GROW does. GROW understands this natural way of learning and transforms it into a STEP. It’s not an insignificant step. It’s a way to correct what you’ve done wrong, to find out new life styles. Each GROW trainer has his own style, his own culture, and they are not afraid to come into the light and to share with us their magnificent life. Here we create a strong relationship between the learner and the trainer. GROW also helps you to discover your needs and transmits you the most important information you need so that, one day, you will feel that GROW change who you were in what you are TODAY as it happened with ME. With GROW Everybody STEPS into the light! Anita Kacso, GROW 0.9 participant

We are living frantic times, everything takes place in high speed and it affects our lives. Parents don’t spend enough time with their children as „time is money”... Even in the evening they don’t have the time to talk about what happened during the day, they’re already beat ... So teenagers complete their „education” with what they can find on the Internet, on social networks, without having a selection of values... We confide everything to school, to formal education, neglecting the very important role of informal education. How can you not be happy when your child wants to „grow” in value in a project like GROW?! I am such a parent whose child had the great inspiration to get involved in such a project. Well, I think I never saw my child more involved in something than now. And excited! After each session, he would come home and feel the need to tell me about what new things he did, what he learned ... It fascinated me too and I can even say I learned something new too. For instance, as a teacher, I enjoyed the energizing games and I have in mind to play too with my students in the future, when I need to break the ice... The great benefit of this project remains the fact that teenagers learn to socialize, to eliminate every kind of discrimination, to be tolerant with those around them, to communicate in English, to perform ... I don’t think there is a more beautiful and proper activity for this summer. New things have been learned, through playing, new friendships were made, maybe for lifetime... So, they GREW. Valerica Schinteie Professor, Timișoara GROW is something every country should have, because it not only teaches the fundamentals of co-operation to kids but its impact is something far more bigger, in my opinion it inspires the young generation to take charge of their own lives and to think about their future and goals. Basically speaking, these students will be in charge of the country after 10-15 years and this is the time to open their genius minds. And that is exactly why in my opinion every country, be it a first or a third world country, should have this kind of programs to educate the young masses regarding their main responsibility and that is taking charge of their lives! To me, this whole project was amazing, not only did I meet individuals from many countries but I also learned a lot from the children too. In fact, their creative yet simple ideas are very interesting and they are in my opinion in that stage of life where if they are motivated to get something done, they will do it. Shayan Rizwan international trainer

weekend world-wide

have you ever thought whether the world could fit under one roof? With all the fervency, perfume and colours you are dreaming of every time you are planning to discover the world. But you don’t need to leave the country, nor the city, in order to see some exotic cultures. You only have to open your heart, let your imagination run wild and share what you feel with others. We propose a game. If you were the ambassador of a part of this world, which part you would choose? What would it say about you and how would you describe it to others? The game lasts 2 years. Grow organizes in 14 cities together with the participants in the project. After they have interacted with the trainers from all the continents for six weeks, they have the opportunity to tell stories about those cultures. The imaginative exercises within a team are an informal way to discover things about themselves, about cultural openness and about the way they can be good ambassadors in their country.

activities: • Live instruments and voice concerts • Traditional, modern or classic specific dances • Karate & Arc & Mime representations • Body painting with henna • competitions such as ”Did you know that?” • Foods specific to each culture • Traditional clothes, flags, photos, maps, symbols and souvenirs belonging to another culture • Lessons for the public to teach them some words in the participant countries’ languages • Sport presentations specific to each country • Specific music and movies • Photos and stories about the personalities • Pictures and drawing • Plays

impact IN APRIL 2012, thousands of people from Romania and 42 international trainers have participated in the event, each of them being involved in the presentation of a culture. They were involved in all the activities, from the arrangement of the place to the costumes and specific food. Everything was organized by 19 year olds. WHY? Because we want to create a positive impact on teenagers through their direct involvement in promoting other cultures and traditions to the larger public, and this is possible only through working in a team with international students, because we want to involve the participants’ family and friends in the event organization because we understand that Grow is a project where the mixture of cultures and traditions is everywhere.

HINK AHEAD offers teenagers informal educational workshops on personal development, professional orientation and autonomy. During one weekend, the students will work in a group of 30 participants together with 3 facilitators. THE STUDENTS start the process by identifying their personal values, what they want to do in life, what success means for them, what the best and most convenient field is for them to work in, taking into consideration their talent and passion and what kind of skills they need to develop. In an OPEN ENVIRONMENT and through interactive exercises they are encouraged to interact with one another, to overcome any fears of public speaking and to speak about who they are in front of their classmates. The students also learn many things by listening to various guest speakers, talking about their successful careers, starting with their high school education and ending with their current job.

the concept

The workshop gives both practical and theoretical knowledge to help improve students’ studying techniques and comprises of:


% experiential learning


% learning


meeting a role model


% theory

who can attend? Think Ahead has been created for high school students, 9th to 12th grade. The project can be easily customized for students at a variety of schools, from secondary technical schools to theoretical and art high schools

impact 2012 THE WORKSHOP has had 270 participants in all the country. In Pitesti, 38 students have participated, 30 students have participated in Constanta and 149 students have taken part in Bucharest. This year, the project has had 10 workshops and among them there were: • 7 Think Ahead projects (Gândește pentru tine) • 2 workshop sessions about understanding values • 1 argument session THE CITIES where the workshops took place: Bucharest: 8 workshops; Pitesti: 1 workshop; Constanta: 1 workshop In Bucharest, many students from other parts of the country (Galati, Gura Humorului) have participated.

There are SIX SECTIONS (covering 12 hours in two days), in which groups of ten are formed, and various ingenious solutions are used to help the learning process.




This project helped me realise that although 20 my30dream is difficult to reach, it is not impossible. I am more selfconfident, and I realize now that I can reach my dream. Beatrice Listman, a first-time participant in the Think Ahead project:

Every time I participate in a project provided by School of Values, I go home with new ideas and I reflect upon them for a few days. Although I have participated in other projects with other trainers, I will choose School of Values, because what the trainers do with us is more motivational and interesting for me. They are the best and I will choose them again in the future. As usual, this was a simply wonderful experience. Andreea Traistaru, participant in the first Think Ahead project

I had the opportunity to meet open, ambitious and young people. This project has been a good opportunity to realize that everything is reachable and that it only depends on my will and my efforts. It was also a useful and revealing experience. Daniela Năstase, participant in her fourth Think Ahead project


Dedicated to outstandingly skilled 10th and 11th graders for whom passion represents the catalyst for performance, EUROEDU wants to discover the values in which this generation believes in and help students use their potential more efficiently, guiding them to a successful career and making their story an inspiration for other teens.

6 Project Stages: THE RESEARCH – made by Unlock Research, whose objective is to analyse the target group. The information obtained this way will be used in future School of Values projects. TRAININGS - In this stage, the students take part in a Career Orientation training which is based on key elements in choosing a career, such as: values, thinking patterns, passion, talent, purpose in life and local job market. The courses included in the training are adjusted to the student’s level of knowledge and expectations. LIVING LIBRARY - an event in which students interact with successful people, find out their story and the steps they took in order to get where they are now, but also discover their own definition of success. The discussion takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, as an informal talk, where the participants can address questions to the guests. The next 3 stages will take place in the first months of 2013: MOVIE ON PERFORMANCE - the students will tell their story on camera, in order to inspire others. PUBLIC SPEAKING - after a training held by School of Values trainers, the participants will hold sessions of public speaking in front of middle school pupils. BOARD OF PERFORMANCE - the participants, together with a management team from a partner company will work on finding new, creative, solutions for a real corporate task. The outcome of the project will be an article of 10 directions parents should follow in order to enable their kid to be successful - THE 10 COMMANDMENTS of a Performant Teenager – a Parent’s Guide.

MĂDĂLINA NEACŞU, participant I believe Ivan Patzaichin and Luiza Zan were the most inspirational “books” for me, they showed me you can have the life you want if you have the will-power and work hard, that in life you need to choose what’s right for you, that it’s your choice who you want to be and you don’t have to let yourself be (negatively) influenced by others. ALEXANDRA CUCU, participant Living Library was really inter-

Living Library THE EVENT took place on the 15th of November at the European Public Space in Bucharest. Living Library event is based on the concept of storytelling and inspirational stories. The participants were, for a day, readers of stories and characters. THE BOOKS in this library are human beings who answer to the student’s questions. The participants met great personalities, people who managed to transform their passions and skills into successful jobs; heard their stories and addressed inquiries. THE GUESTS of this edition were: Luiza Zan - jazz singer, Adrian Florea - trainer and successful entrepreneur, Ivan Patzaichin - multiple Olympic, World and European canoe-kayaking champion, Cristian Lupşa - editor Decât o Revistă magazine, Florin Iaru - poet, and Adina Vlad - Managing Partener Unlock Research.

esting. I left with a lot of new and useful informations. It was an honor for me to be able to meet almost every “book”, because it is really nice when someone takes the time to share their experiences with you, how they got where they are now or if they knew from the beginning what was their vocation. ANDREEA NEŞTIAN, participant The EUROEDU training was a great opportunity for me. I learned to develop and to analyze myself

more carefully in order to find out what I really want and I discovered how much I care for some of the values in my life. CRISTIAN LUPŞA, editor Decât o Revistă I felt really great this night. It’s the kind of meeting I could have used when I was their age. And, from a journalistic point of view, teenagers at this age ask more difficult



There were 174 TEENAGERS from 11 high schools in Bucharest registered for EUROEDU, from which we’re selected 67 to take part in the project.

• According to the feedback forms, most of the students who participated reached the conclusion that talent without a lot of work is worthless;

THE TRAINING took place on the 28th and 29th of October 2012 at the European Public Space. 53 passionate, talented and highly performing students were present and it was delivered by 5 School of Values trainers. THE DISCUSSED THEMES were selected based on the needs of the participants, as it came out from their application forms: personal values, personal development elements, talent, passion, life purpose, skills desired by employers. The training was designed on experiential learning and peer to peer interaction.

THE 11 HIGH SCHOOLS students registered for EUROEDU were from:

• 20% of them said they already found their path in life; • 30% of the participants said they will go again over the values they discovered during the training and they will take them in consideration for choosing their future career;

• 80% of the students became more aware of their talents and passions; • More than 50% of the participants appreciated the atmosphere of the training, the fact that they met people with common interests, performances and passions as they have;

• 75% of the participants said the project has brought them value; they discovered new things and learned from the trainers and from their peers. After Living Library, the percentage of the participants who agreed to this grew by 10%.

• 80% of the students became more aware of their values, realizing that they are “the main element and not just a simple observer” when it comes to making decisions.

George Coşbuc Bilingual National College Gheorghe Şincai National College Saint Sava National College Gh. Lazăr National College Tudor Vianu Mathematics National College Iulia Haşdeu National College I.L.Caragiale National College Informatics International High school Bucharest Ion Neculce Theoretical High school Spiru Haret National College Iuliu Maniu Technical College Barbu Ştirbei National College Călăraşi

questions than undergraduates or adults. Teenagers must be encouraged to ask this from the adults around them – more honest and straightforward answers than they usually get. LUIZA ZAN, jazz singer I am extremely honored to be here, among the “books” that were present tonight.

These young people have a totally different vision upon life than I used to have at their age. I feel they have a disadvantage by the so called cultural progress and by the fact that they have so many options they don’t know what they should choose. It’s great that Living Library offers them a few obvious guides to follow! FLORIN IARU, poet I always feel nostalgic when I see really young curious people, eager

20% 30% 50% 75% 80%

to achieve something, to be special, to make something out of their lives. What you want to do Is not special but extraordinary if after 30 or 40 years you can say you did something. IVAN PATZAICHIN multiple Olympic, World and European canoe-kayaking champion I felt a little nervous in front of the teenagers. They need just a little help in order to build their dreams as they have planned.

As a project manager I am grateful to the high school Barbu A. Stirbey from Buftea which took part in our project and I am also grateful to the IKEA Company, being aware that without their help, the professional training of the participants might not have been possible. Throughout this project, I want to inspire and guide the teenagers to act, to understand things and to be appreciated by others because we are building a new generation of professional employees and only in this way can they take care of themselves and others. This generation believes primarily in personal development, and they do not accept a mechanical rhythm coming from outside, but they listen to the interior mechanism, showing self-control in all circumstances of their life. With slow steps, but convinced of our success we go on! Alexandra Pârlogea, Project manager Drum Sigur The partnership has achieved all its objectives and has had a very impressive impact on the students registered in the project - the project was efficient for all the beneficiaries because both teachers and students were totally involved. The professional department of the professional school was considered to have many issues students had a tendency to break disciplinary rules, there was a high degree of absenteeism and drop-out rates. All these troubles were aggravated by students’ disadvantaged family backgrounds and having parents without certificated studies. Our practical instruction has given them the feeling of responsiveness and the students are serious, respect the time table and disciplinary troubles have decreased. The monthly training has represented real opportunities for our students to analyse the different situations they will have to face on the job market. Director Neagu Ion, Bucharest Technological High School Mecanică Fină

In September 2012, the School of Values, for the first time, launched “Drum Sigur” within the national project “Choose your own Way”, organized by the Ministry of Education. The project lasted 2 years (between 2012-2013 and 2013-2014) and ends with a certificate for professional training. THE PROJECT INNOVATION consists of the opportunity to speak to high school officials and an economic operator, who offers students support in preparation for the working world and increases the students’ CHANCES OF EMPLOYMENT at the end of the process. Considering the cooperation between the economic environment and the professional and technical secondary schools we reach the conclusion that a tripartite approach is ideal in order to have a higher impact on the next generation of technical specialists Romania needs. Thus, we have started our projects with two economic partners and two secondary schools in order to improve the evolution of the students from three perspectives: • TECHNICAL THEORY provided through formal methods given by teachers • THE PRACTICE provided by the employer, who offers 300 hours of practice for the students registered in the project • SOFT SKILLS, attitudes and values provided by School of Values in a nonformal educational program structured during the whole school year.

The Impact After two months of the development of the project “Drum Sigur”, we are sure that we are going in the SUITABLE DIRECTION: the partner corporations and the high schools want to continue their partnerships in 2013-2014, and the students are waiting for us to provide them with new training and balanced discussions. THE CONCLUSION is that, as the leaders of McKinsey & Company say in the global study “Education to Employment”, a regional approach with common resources from the economic and educational environment and a long-term strategy is the unique solution for increasing job performance and for reducing the gap between economy and education.

Drum Sigur aims at discovering the potential of high school students. The main objective is to help students improve their technical knowledge as well as helping them in areas outside the classroom.

the creativity


rganized by School of Values and the pharmaceutical company Zentiva S.A. România, this non-formal educational program is addressed to children whose parents are Zentiva employees, high school students from the 9th to the 12th grade inclusive. The project sets out to discover in each of the participants creativity and spirit for innovation and initiative. The final OBJECTIVE IS that they feel more confident in their own ideas, in their ability to give them form and to make them persuasive, by the end of the experience. Throughout the FIVE DAYS, participants have learned and use instruments and techniques of self-knowledge, teamwork, creativity and presentation, gaining notions of invention, marketing, product development and advertising. All for creating, presenting and “selling” the audience their own invention.

What teenagers gain? The whole !NVENT!CA experience develops independence, critical thought, presentation skills and self-discovery among 16 – 19 years old adolescents. And, above all, it helps them find out what they are best at and what role suits them in a team: a leader? a starter? a constructor or a sustainer? a good connector or a good researcher? Throughout the event, each team had his own coach and at the end of !NVENT!CA each participant received of a 1 to 1 coaching meeting with their team’s coach.

1 2 3

NEW ABILITIES: self-knowledge, creativity, presentation & selling, teamwork; NEW NOTIONS: marketing, invention, product development and advertising; NEW FRIENDS: not just among adolescents but also among the trainers responsible for the program.

Schedule: Between 3rd and 7th of September, for SIX HOURS per day, participants worked and had fun in a friendly environment, as following: DAY 1: Let’s meet! – get to know ourselves and the others; DAY 2: Forming teams and assuming roles – discovering together who works good with whom and why, what role suits each; DAY 3: Creativity, invention and field trip – understanding more about what creativity means and how we can unleash it; get inspired by renowned inventions that changed the world. Set out in Bucharest to look for those ideas that can make the starting points for each team’s invention; DAY 4: Developing and marketing the product – each team creates its own product and learns to present it and “sell” it in front of an audience; DAY 5: Presenting the inventions in front of a jury and awarding the prizes.

We noticed that teenagers enjoy feeling free, more confident and that they strive to be creative and to find the courage to always say what they believe and feel.

a non-formal education project for students from technical secondary schools in Bucharest

first words Between 9th and 13th July 2012, the pharmaceutical company Zentiva S.A. România and the NGO School of Values organized together Zentiva Express project. Taking into account the private sector’s need of employees with a technical education – on one side – and the last years changes in Romanian technical education – on the other – through this project, Zentiva S.A. România, with the support of School of Values, takes on the educative role for its own future specialists.

what is ZE?

Zentiva Express is a summer school for students coming from technical secondary schools in Bucharest.

50 STUDENTS will benefit from this FIRST STEP in the ZE project. THE SUMMER SCHOOL sets out to offer to the 50 participants the chance to increase their faith in their own strength, to increase their awareness of their own potential and to connect with their own values through sessions of non-formal education. DAILY SPECIAL THEME IN SUMMER SCHOOL: COMMUNICATION, CREATIVITY, PERSONAL VALUES, GENERATION GAP, PROBLEM SOLVING DAILY SPECIAL master trainer working with 50 de students for 2 hours/day, 14 groups – 12 students/ group THE SECOND STAGE consists of a practical session for 30 selected students The internship WILL END with the final selection of 15 students that will benefit of a scholarship throughout the school year 2012 – 2013, after which they will enter a two-months apprenticeship period. In January

2014, at the end of the project, the students are ready to be employed by the company.


The candidate’s profile concerned SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS in the 11th grade, interested in working in the near future in the pharmaceutical production field.


• almost 100 APPLICANTS from 12 secondary schools in Bucharest, double the number of available positions in the project; • 15 technical high schools out of which 8 then signed a partnership agreement with School of Values; • 74 students were INTERVIEWED and only 50 of them attended Zentiva Express Summer School; • for the PRACTICAL PERIOD 30 students suited the profile; • 11 STUDENTS QUALIFIED for a scholarship; • for the Summer School there were 4 TRAINERS from School of Values.

We see this project as a part of our organization’s future. This year, the Zentiva România drugs factory celebrates fifty years – for fifty years we promise respect for life and for fifty years we respect our promise. The Zentiva Express project gathers fifty young people eager to build their own future in the pharmaceutical industry after their graduation, and involves a complex team of professionals from our organization, people who, one day, will become the mentors for those youngsters whom we will employ at the end of the project. We wish for the educational programs dedicated to youngsters to become one of our organization’s traditions because, as Romania’s health is today in good hands – our hands –, we have the duty to prepare the next generations in the spirit of the same values that built us and that still guide us: professionalism, dedication, innovation. Ms. Margareta Tănase, Zentiva Industrial Operations Manager

Zentiva Express means a lot to me. As a project manager I did everything I could to give to these highschoolers a chance to improve their future and to become independent without forgetting about their values and their life principles. As a trainer it was amazing to see in the beginning a bunch of 50 unmotivated students transforming from little ducks to smiling shiny swans in the end. This transformation is completed by their new acquired skills and their new friendship that there to last.

My mind is traveling in a train called Zentiva Express where for 5 days I lived a fantastic story with a new family. The one took the tickets for this journey didn’t know what to expect, but I can say what I remained with after getting to know and to work with them. I have the feeling that the power is in you but you need the others to release it. Once it has been released, it is unstoppable and it leads you where you wanted to be. This is what teenagers, trainers or partners did together in Zentiva Express and I am proud of us.

Bogdan Anghel

Andreea Dinu, Trainer

Project Manager and Trainer


For me as a trainer and as a friend, it was great to see teenagers transforming their fear of interacting with others in braveness determined by their lack of attention from others. We had 5 full days of joy and pure happiness, in which 50 de young people learned, played and grew a lot together and now they have the chance to shape their future in a company that respects and encourage their values. Alexandra Pârlogea, Trainer

Every year YOU pay the income tax. Did you know that you can redirect 2% of this amount to an NGO?

Although this Tax Code facility started in 2003, as it is shown in the Ministry of Finance statistics for the fiscal year 2012, the total number of people who chose to redirect 2% of the income tax paid to the state is 1.663.925, and the amount of 114.275.170 RON was redirected to 26.032 NGOs. (source www.doilasuta.ro) This amount is not a sponsorship or a donation but is a part of the state budget redirected by each

citizen to the NGO sector. This law is considered by many people as indirect support offered to the nonprofit organizations or a model of „transition philanthropy” given by its application only in the Eastern European countries. Most of the time, people sympathize with the causes that – either associate with brands that enjoy great credibility, or they are very popular - says Rodica Lupu in the Careers Magazine, 2011. In this way, the statistics show that ONLY 6% of the Romanian people donate for EDUCATION and most of Romanians (79%) donate to child protection organizations. Be aware that if you choose not to fill out the form 230 to redirect

2%, the amount will go to the state budget. We can do this TILL 25 OF MAY 2013. So we would like to ask you to personally decide where your 2% goes. If you are touched by a particular cause, do not hesitate and choose an organization that produces the change. But if you are still confused, I will make a suggestion Choose EDUCATION. Choose School of Values and sustain the personal development for over than 4000 high-school Romanian students. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED THE SCHOOL OF VALUES LAST YEAR : DONATORS, SPONSORS, COMPANIES!

new initiatives MAGINE that somewhere there is a high school where the STUDENTS do the following things: They help each other, they have constant and open conversations with their teachers, they make suggestions about how to improve classes, they transform their classroom into a creative, friendly and beneficial place for learning, they paint and decorate their classroom with their favourite colours and pictures, they love their classroom, they preserve it and they are happy coming to school, they work in teams and they try to get scholarships or prizes from partner corporations, they are persuaded that the final exam is not an obstacle but a necessary exam which stimulates their power of concentration and challenges their will and also helps them to succeed in life, they appreciate their classmates, they respect their teachers, and they say proudly: “this is my high school!”. Try again to imagine a high school where the TEACHERS are enthusiastic, happy to spend time with the students, are emotionally close to students, find some appreciative words for the evolution of their students, are aware of the limits of our educational system, always complete their lessons with interesting and useful approaches and discussions, teach their students how to reflect upon their personal choices and upon the world and their life, inspire respect through punctuality, lesson preparation,

Adoptă un liceu

steadfastness and honesty, are applauded sincerely by the students at the end of each year, are proud of what they teach and call their school “my school!”. Imagine a high school where you can feel PARENTS’ and students’ satisfaction as well as the satisfaction of teachers and corporations. Imagine the RESULTS and the EFFECTS. We have imagined all these things for a long period of time and we have realized that this is the dream of teachers, parents and children. We have also imagined that each high school in Romania, both the best college and the most poorly performing industrial school, must become “my high school!” . Through the project „Adoptă un liceu”, you are invited to contribute to THE TRANSFORMATION of a high school into a more preferable institution called „My School”. This process lasts a period of THREE YEARS, provided and facilitated by the organizers: ROI organization and the School of Values. In 2013, the organizers will start the project in five high schools, which will be chosen this Spring through a selection process. After this process, new high schools will have the possibility to join us and become beneficiaries of this transformation.

pentru domnișoare! It is very important to know yourself better, to know who you are and what you want. At the same time it is very important to be able to be honest with yourself and to get advice from people who can give you the answers to any specific questions you have. Our boot camp represents the ideal opportunity where you can learn how to succeed. THE CAMP is designed for female teenagers attending high school that are aged between 15 and 19 and also young women in their first year of university. WHAT SHOULD YOUNG WOMEN EXPECT? • career orientation; • individual coaching sessions; • open discussions about sexuality and femininity; • useful information about food, sport, health and vitality; • identifying values and beliefs; • writing objectives; • more self-confidence; • have a strategy and a personal agenda; • prioritize activities; • to be involved and to respect engagements; • identify the habits that do not let them act and replace them with other habits in order to achieve maximum potential; • efficiently plan a week, even if it’s school or holiday; • identify the features of their personality; • pay more attention to the things that they are passionate about; • take part in outdoor activities, a full day for walking, trips and creative games. ONE WEEK, SIX NIGHTS, starting at 6.30 am and finishing at 10.30 pm. Each day will end with an evening meditation. Registration starts in March 2013 and the boot camp takes place between 28 July and 3 August 2013.

IRECT DIN CUTIE offers a daily and customized program that takes into account all the things in a teenager’s life. The project was initiated from the desire to help young people DISCOVER THEIR VALUES, identify meaningful objectives for their life and contribute to their personal and professional development. A teenager’s thoughts, his vision, the support of a coach, challenges, suggestions and actions for GETTING WHAT HE REALLY WANTS. The coaching project “Direct din Cutie” is designed for teenagers attending high school (ages 15 - 19). WHAT PARTICIPANTS GET OUT OF THIS PROJECT: One to one coaching sessions (2 sessions of 90 minutes and 2 sessions of 30 minutes) • their set of values and written objectives; • specific solutions to their problems; • a personal agenda, doing things timely and without delay; • prioritize their activities and know how much time they need to spend on them, in order to be happy; • apply study techniques that will help them finish their homework faster or get better at time management; • learn to make and keep engagements; • be aware of any negative and inconvenient aspects and start replacing them; • pay more attention to the things that their are passionate about; • increase self confidence. If they are not sure about which university they want to attend, the project “Direct din Cutie” offers them THE POSSIBILITY to start researching the faculties and departments they are interested in, and in the end, they will choose the best department for them. If they have identified the faculty and the profession they want to join, they will be able to see if it is really for them and if they have the necessary skills for it. Is getting the dream job too difficult? NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE - all they have to do is organize, collect all the necessary information and start working! ONE MONTH AND A WEEK (35 days) ; Registration starts in March 2013.

Ștefan Pălărie

Dragoș Belduganu Head of Social Engagement

Head of Marketing and Communication

Irina Ionescu

Alexandra Pârlogea

Cristian Bejan

Armina Sîrbu

Elena Costea

Head of Corporate Engagement

Project Manager EuroEdu

Ionela Ion

Foundraising Coordinator

Andreea Dinu Project Manager GROW

Project Manager Think Ahead/ Trainer

Head of Educational Design and HR



Diana Pintilie

Financial Manager

Project Assistant

Bogdan Anghel Trainer



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