Teachers Board Games @ ȘdV

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We all know that Gen Alpha youngsters are born in a time when technological devices are getting smarter, objects and people are interconnected, and the physical and digital worlds are increasingly intertwined. As technologies advance in all areas, personalization in the digital world will become part of everyday life, and the experiences, attitudes, and expectations of Gen Alpha youth will be increasingly attuned to the new world that is poised to change the future more rapidly than we have previously imagined.

This board game provides pre-university teachers with real opportunities to remind themselves of their role as teachers in the classroom and colleagues in the chancellor's office, so that they can learn to access new information on how they can rewrite their curricula, change pedagogical methodologies and reinvent themselves as educational facilitators, understanding the importance of keeping up to date with how contemporary students learn, develop and grow from one age stage to the next.

#digital literacy #adaptability #flexibility #teamwork #collaboration #problem solving #critical thinking #emotional intelligence

Bloom's Taxonomy

Most teachers are familiar with Bloom's taxonomy - the model that categorizes different levels of human cognition into thinking, learning and understanding. But, in a digital age, teachers may want to rethink how to use it, considering this the digital version of Bloom's Taxonomy. It's well known that Bloom's Taxonomy provides an easy to use toolkit centered on 6 cognitive processes through which people learn. There are 6 cognitive levels of learning from easy to difficult.

It is essential to realize that a basic understanding of Bloom's Taxonomy and how it is applied in the classroom can provide ease in the process of clarifying learning objectives, facilitate the adoption of technology in delivery, and encourage the development of relevant learning activities for any learner. #teamwork #collaboration #pedagogy #problem

This simulation, supports pre-university teachers with the aim of deepening their understanding of Bloom's Taxonomy Revised, especially in the digital version, which in addition to placing creativity at the top of the pyramid, emphasizes the importance of using the taxonomy more widely as a tool for curriculum planning, designing classroom activities, meta-cognition centered delivery, and assessing the impact of learning.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) fosters the identification of the nature of knowledge that teachers would be well-suited to integrate technology into classroom teaching, while addressing the complex nature of teachers' knowledge. The TPACK framework extends Shulman's idea of pedagogical content knowledge.

Cadrul TPACK nu oferă orientări specifice privind conținutul educațional (știință sau muzică), abordările pedagogice utile (didactice sau constructiviste) sau tipurile de tehnologii care trebuie utilizate în predare (digitale sau analogice).

Play4TPACK supports teachers in the process of understanding the problems students have in understanding content knowledge. In the simulation, teachers map students' needs and characteristics in order to design the best learning processes and use the most appropriate technological tools in teaching.

Bullying can happen wherever young people gather together, at home, at school, in society and of course online. The adults around young people have a crucial role to play in tackling bullying: teachers, parents, carers, psychologists, counsellors and other professionals working to implement prevention and intervention programs in schools, at home and in the community.

Play4AntiBullying BoardGame

With Play4AntiBullying, we aim to reduce the incidence and prevalence of bullying among young people through intervention activities for those involved in bullying situations, with management strategies at individual, group/classroom, but also at whole school and community level, led by teachers.

Play4AntiBullying promotes a culture of bullying management that is based on sound research. Therefore, the exercise includes detailed information on the phenomenon of bullying, conceptual delimitations, types and forms of manifestation, as well as updated data on the psychological realities behind this behavior.

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