Youth Board Games @ȘdV

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In Play4FinancialSkills, young people learn financial vocabulary, practise the language of personal wellbeing, find out how to build a budget, find the answer to putting off immediate gratification and how to save for the future. In addition, they discover the secret of giving to charity, learn how time can work in their favor if they start investing their pocket money early, discover that money has to be put to work and that it is essential to wake up richer tomorrow than today.

Young people explore the concept of wealth development and growth and learn how to plan for a more assertive future; practice identifying long-term financial goals and how to integrate them into their own financial plan; practice working with personal budgeting; learn ways to manage financial risk and investment volatility; explore concepts of debt and credit score and the importance of healthy credit; learn about investment tools and learn about inflation, diversification, compound interest and compounding, savings-centered concepts, financial protection and financial security.

How can we expect young people to manage their own money when they become adults if we don't expose them to practical experiences with money early on? Financial education should be an ongoing process because we tend to assume that people will learn about money on their own. Today's reality shows us that a paradigm shift is needed in terms of long-term thinking, responsible money management, financial wellbeing and maintaining living standards throughout life, right up to retirement.

In Play4FinancialSkills, 8+ year olds learn to earn money early, learn to save, learn to spend on necessary products and services, and at the same time practice appropriate responses to in-game challenges, demonstrating that they are making progress. Through a set of hands-on materials, participants, by age group, go through a series of profound educational experiences, from learning or recalling familiar financial concepts to cognitive understanding, while learning how to emotionally embody the reality that any educational process requires time and a long-term investment of personal and parental energy.

A good way to understand the individuality of how children and young people learn is to apply what Howard Earl Gardner has defined as 'multiple intelligences'. Gardner's theory shows us that people have unique and distinct intelligence profiles that are shaped by various biological, social and environmental factors. He stated that, one child may have stronger musical and mathematical intelligence, while another may have stronger linguistic and interpersonal intelligence, and these distinct profiles are so different because of individual experiences and genetic variations.

In Play4MI, young people discover exactly what each intelligence means and learn how to use this

native power

to learn more easily and identify the easiest ways to develop and empower their own potential.


Young people identify their untapped intellectual potential and analyze the level of intelligence each of them possesses in varying degrees and combinations. They learn that the strength of their current profile can change over time and that to improve their native talents it will be essential to engage in activities of all kinds, to experience new learning contexts, in order to grow at their own pace.


The Japanese concept of IKIGAI, translated into a board game-based experience, gives young people the opportunity to take stock of their personality characteristics, deeply personal aspects, knowledge, skills, archetypes and values. #self-discovery

With Play4IKIGAI, young people will learn to identify their outer, middle, inner IKIGAI, as well as define their own zone of genius, understanding how they can extract the unique essence of who they are as individuals or who they want to be In doing so, they discover what is that something ˝ worth living for" that gives much meaning to their own lives.

Once through Play4IKIGAI, young people strengthen their understanding of themselves: they know who they are, what they like, what defines them as an individual and what opportunities they have to fulfill their potential. In the end, they even become able to accurately note who they are: their defining strengths, what they think they still need to work on given the weaknesses that make them not always feel exactly at ease, what threats might arise from the school and social environment given the context they are in now or might be in in the future, and what might be the present and future opportunities that the young person is offered by their family, school, community, society, that they could learn to spot, in time, even if they are not (very) visible.

When young people feel that their life is too busy and feel that all their energy is focused on school/service and learning/progressing, they become confused and lose focus on the other important areas of life. Lack of balance, can lead to frustration and intense stress.


The Wheel of Life helps young people to identify which areas of their lives are flourishing and which need more effort to recalibrate. They find out if there are areas that they don't get as much attention as they would like, and in addition, which areas they are putting too much more effort into than they would ideally like. These areas drain them of energy and enthusiasm, which they would be better directed elsewhere. Once they've identified the areas that need attention, it's time to plan the actions needed to restore the balance they aspire to.

Through a visual representation of the main areas of young people's lives, the Wheel of Life tool can help them identify which areas of their lives are thriving and which need more effort to recalibrate.

Technological innovation and IoT solutions have transformed the world into a global one. IoT has a significant impact on our daily lives, connecting us virtually, both personally and socially.

In Play4IoT, through transfer to reality, participants discover that (1) Robots will not be able to replace humans, but will cooperate with them, because they are more reliable and ˝skilled˝ at precision work (2) Industry 5.0 will create more jobs than it eliminates, because automation opens more job opportunities than it eliminates. It is good to know that robots lack adaptability, empathy and critical thinking skills. (3) Professionals have more opportunity than ever to become coveted candidates for the jobs of the future by better preparing themselves for the V.U.C.A.* environment.*

In Play4IoT, young people are learning that solutions based on objects connected to the internet require less human intervention in any operation, resulting in more accurate and less error-prone results. *Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity

#IoT #digitization of the physical world #industry 5 0 #digital skills

Play4Universal Values


A life based on strong values is a life with less self-distrust, more openness to the world and opportunities, more careful selection of the people in our lives, and a more clearly defined purpose for ourselves. Personal values can guide us in reducing the pronounced conflict between generations. The more we understand the need to change principles, values, mindsets and cultural patterns, the quicker we can contribute to finding solutions that are adapted to present and future generations.

In Play4UV, young people identify, become aware of, analyze and reflect on how, in order to solve a problem or a difficult situation, personal example can influence the contribution or the lives of others. In doing so, they discover and validate their values, identify the ways in which their decision-making influences their own value system and how it interferes with, or is in dissonance with, the values of the community in which they live, learn, live with their peers.

Young people learn about the transformative stages of the personal value system, which begins in childhood, changes in adolescence and consolidates in adulthood. At the same time, they become aware of the process of practicing personal values in society and how they can be influenced by various factors.


In the simulation there are 106 jobs of the future, organized by applicability: 'jobs requiring people skills', 'jobs requiring practical aptitudes' and 'jobs requiring high-performance digital competency'.

With Play4FutureJobs, young people have the opportunity to learn the importance of higher-order cognitive skills such as complex problem solving, originality, fluency of ideas and active learning, which research shows will be the most in-demand skills in the future.

With Play4FutureJobs, we offer a broad, largely optimistic view of the future that we believe will be useful for young people to understand the continuing trends in the hypertechnologized job market. Young people will discover a surprisingly complex set of skills needed and rewarded in the future labor market, as they go through a wellrounded experience of what the occupations of the future could be.

Abilities allow differentiation between individuals. People differ from each other according to their personal abilities. The same practical, intellectual or creative activities are performed by different individuals at different levels of quality, with greater or lesser, very high or very low efficiency.

Play4TechnicalSkills includes a set of 52 human skills ranging from cognitive to physical, identified by Fleishman & Reilly, (1992). Through this simulation, young people learn that in addition to skills, the successful performance of an activity depends on knowledge and skills, interests and attitudes.

Knowledge and skills, in the absence of aptitudes, ensure that professional activities are only performed at an average level. If, in addition to knowledge and skills, you also have aptitudes, then you can achieve better results at school or in the job. Thus, in this exercise, young people are made aware of their own basic skills and the importance of easily identifying which of these skills match their own vocational and educational interests.


An individual's interests, preferences and competences create a specific personal disposition, which leads to a particular way of perceiving things and events, of thinking and feeling according to one's own mental positioning, and thus to a specific way of acting and reacting to the outcomes one achieves This sequence of development is continuous and evolves in relation to the environments and people with whom the individual interacts throughout his or her life.

Starting from his own areas of interest and preferences - the ideas and concepts he is attracted to, the objects he likes, the people he spends time with and the types of activities he resonates with - can help the young person discover which are his qualitative and quantitative behavioral indicators that drive him forward to assert himself, perform in all areas of life, create well-being for himself and others.

Through the Career Bus, we challenge young people to identify their desires and aspirations for selffulfilment, to deepen their ideas about the future social status they want, to define what role they would like their career to play in their lives and to find the right paths to selffulfilment. Our foray begins by identifying areas of interest as well as exploring personal preferences.

With Career Bus, young people learn how to formulate arguments to positively influence their parents about their own passions, skills and interests that should be paramount in their school/academic path and future career.

CareerBus Junior

8-10 Yearolds

According to Holland's theory, occupational interests are essential motivational factors in career choice and determine the degree of satisfaction and the level of performance that individuals achieve in the activities they pursue. Therefore, the purpose of this exercise is to challenge students and their parents to make more informed educational decisions.

Through Career Bus Junior, we challenge children to find out more about their passions, the skills they have and their level of attractiveness to different occupations.

As a result of this educational experience, children can reflect on what they have seen and heard, having the opportunity to remember and be tempted to question future educational decisions with their parents.

This simulation takes young people on an initiatory journey into the world of knowledge and exploration through 1+4 distinct and measurable dimensions of active citizenship. It also provides useful benchmarks and knowledge about European Union: peace, democracy, social equity and sustainability.

Play4CivicSkills BoardGame

Play4CivicSkills provides young people with some benchmarks that bring together the three big areas of society - the democratic state, the coordinated market economy and the supportive civil society, where without citizens' involvement, increasing the quality of life and preparing for the hyper-digitalized future would not be possible. Through dialog and interactivity, with the help of cards on specific themes, young people learn relevant information on participatory and reformoriented civic engagement and the importance of motivating citizens to be active citizens in the long term. They also have the opportunity to debate the topics by simulating real-life situations on specific topics.

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