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Student council focuses on mental health
Student council focuses on mental health
Student Council Kofi Raffan
This began with a reflection of our progress in the first term and a unanimous decision to change our approach in the latter half of the year. Men’s Health Week was a great opportunity to raise awareness surrounding speaking out as a male and addressing our feelings. A number of activities were on offer for the boys and were very well received . These encouraged supportive behaviour, and acknowledging the theme of ‘Creating and Promoting Healthy Environments’.
A 5-1 win to the Student Council against a team of teachers in an indoor soccer match showed that teachers can be vulnerable figures too, yet they are still here to support us along our Scotch journey. It was a fun match, and thanks to the staff who were involved.
A push-up challenge that included 3,139 push-ups, one for every suicide in 2020, was held on the top oval with over 100 participants. This was partnered with Chapel services that featured discussions surrounding anxiety and mental health among students, and the important role of our school Psychologists. All in all, it was an impactful week that was a great reminder of the importance of good mental health, particularly in the male demographic.

Middle and Senior School boys getting behind R U OK? Week
As we approach the end of the academic year the Student Council representatives had their last opportunity to make an impact. So, with Book Week and R U OK? Week, the boys separated into two groups with the joint goal of organising activities that encouraged future involvement from the Year 9s to 11s and promote the importance of the two respectively.
Scotch is breaking down the stereotypes and stigmas around reading and the library and the boys are beginning to understand the benefits of literature and enjoying the opportunities in the library. RUOK Week followed a similar format to Men’s Health Week, although with a greater emphasis on talking about your situation. A Year 12 rendition of George Ezra’s ‘Anything For You (Tiger Lily)’ communicated that vulnerability is okay and that at Scotch we are a community that works together and helps each other. 2022 has been different, however the Student Council is proud of the changes it has made and how we have adapted to new roles.
Hopefully, what we achieved in 2022 will become standard practice in years to come.