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Meet your leaders
Meet your leaders
Hear from our 2023 student leaders on the experiences that have shaped them and their views on community and leadership.
I began my journey at Scotch College in Year 3. I was very nervous but excited about coming over from Swanbourne Primary School. I knew that many of my mates at Swanbourne would eventually be coming to Scotch. After hearing the great stories and experiences at Scotch that my brother Tony would talk about, I was eager to start. The opportunities and experiences that Scotch provides are like none other. The move from Swanbourne to Scotch College was made so easy not only for myself but also for my family. The welcoming nature of the Scotch community is something my family and I are so grateful for.
The Captain of School leads our students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. What’s the best way to strengthen connections amongst our student body?
Building connections with boys throughout the whole school is a difficult task. However, as a leader, I believe the best way to build connections is to be a great role model to my peers and, most importantly, the younger boys. As School Captain, I want to inspire, motivate and be an encouraging influence on the younger boys at Scotch. The best way to stay connected with the younger years is by doing the small things, whether it be attending their sporting event, visiting their classroom, introducing myself to the boys in the Junior and Middle Schools, or perhaps encouraging them to come and watch the Senior boys play in PSA Sport, as I once did. As a Year 3 in the Junior School, I would have loved nothing more than for a Senior School boy to say hello. These little things leave a lasting impression and build connections throughout the whole school.
I began at Scotch as a not-so-nervous, overconfident Year 7, where I was greeted with a firm handshake and a g’day by my homeroom teacher, Mr Tresise. The first thing that struck me about Scotch was how welcoming and polite all the boys were. It doesn’t matter how well you know them; you can always count on a Scotch boy to make you feel at home.
Leadership can be learned in many ways. How have your school experiences shaped who you are as a leader?
During my time at Scotch, I have had the good fortune of immersing myself in all aspects of the school. The great thing about participating in many endeavours is that you can learn skillsets and leadership characteristics from all types of personalities. From Debating in Years 7, 8 and 10, I learned to be a better public speaker and talk in front of an audience. I also built on this by doing the Drama production this year. However, it was in the sporting sector playing footy where I learnt what it meant to be a part of a team. With the high level of talent at Scotch, it was hard to be the best player on the team, but learning how to play a role and be a part of a successful team helped me develop into a better leader. However, the most valuable lesson I learned through my school experiences was how to relate to all kinds of people and personalities. It is your job as a leader to build relationships with everyone in the school. By doing academics, Sport, Drama and other Co-Curricular activities, I learned how to connect with all types of people, and I think I became a better leader as a result.
I arrived at Scotch College in Year 7 and have been active within the Service community since Year 9 when I was introduced to the Duke of Edinburgh by my House Head, Mrs Lilford.
Service is a longstanding part of the Scotch experience. What service activity had the greatest impact on you, and what did you learn from it?
Although I have participated in a wide range of Service activities, the activity that impacted me the most was the Friday afternoons I spent with my friends at All Abilities Cricket. Engaging in community service is not just about completing your Duke of Edinburgh hours or pleasing a parent or teacher, but placing the needs of others before your own and having fun while doing so. All Abilities Cricket is the perfect place for this. By playing sports together, bonds quickly grew and we
all enjoyed spending our Friday afternoons together. All Abilities Cricket had the greatest impact on me because I could directly see the effects of my contribution. Seeing the smiles light up on the participants’ faces as we threw a cricket ball back and forth to their laughs as we put on a ‘masterclass’ made my day and was a great example of the impact service can have on a community. Knowing you have made someone’s week a little bit better is a great feeling. I recommend everyone to get down to Cresswell Park and experience it for themselves.
I came to Scotch in Year 7 as an excited new boarder from Kojonup. Going from a year group of 30 to 200 boys was a change I will not forget and the number of opportunities I have had along the way is countless compared to anything I could have imagined. This College on the hill truly has set me up for life and opened my eyes to a world outside the school walls.
Our younger boarders often look to Senior boarders for support in navigating homesickness. What piece of advice from your peers do you remember the most?
Being a boarder is a unique experience that doesn’t come without its challenges, homesickness being the main culprit. I remember when I was in Year 8 at the end of the school year and all I wanted to do was go home. It wasn’t until one of the older boys at the time came to me and said, mate, everyone gets homesick and the only way to deal with it is to get as busy as you can, keep your mind off home, and enjoy your time here a little more. He was not only right but helped spark a fire in me that looks for every opportunity to try something new at Scotch. Those words from the older boarder have stuck with me my whole schooling career and I hope it can continue for others in the future as well.