Connecting You Summer 2021

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Summer 2021


Faith Guides – a light in young people’s lives It’s Your Move – 20 years of impact Amplify – equipping young evangelists 40186 Connecting You JJA 2021 stg 9 AW.indd 1

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Bringing hope and hot chocolate

Joel Barwick is a youth worker in Newcastle and, more recently, a Faith Guide. We asked him about how it’s changed his outlook and experiences of mission.

Celebrating 20 years of It’s Your Move!

It’s been 20 years since It’s Your Move was first introduced to help children take the daunting step to secondary school. We share how it came about, why it’s stood the test of time, and how one volunteer now uses it annually in ten schools across Lincolnshire.

Young evangelists find their voices through Amplify

We meet the young evangelists taking part in Amplify, an evangelism mentoring scheme developed by SU and other partners which encourages and equips them to share their faith.


‘By giving, you receive’

Vicki Sellick, who recently received an MBE for services to social action, has volunteered on SU sailing holidays for 20 years. She shares how she became involved, why it became her passion, and how it’s changed her life.

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Published by Scripture Union, Trinity House, Opal Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 ODF © Scripture Union 2021 Registered Charity 213422 Limited Company 00039828 Registered in England and Wales

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Thankful and hopeful “ In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel” Philippians 1:4,5 As I write this letter at the end of March, we are starting to see COVID restrictions relax a little and I’m full of hope for the season ahead. Over the difficult past year, God has truly blessed us as a movement, and we are so thankful for all your prayers and gifts that have allowed mission to thrive against the odds. Since the launch of the Revealing Jesus framework last October, even with all the restrictions in place, it’s been wonderful to see so many churches and Faith Guides overcoming the hurdles to make a renewed commitment to reaching the 95 with Jesus’ love. I’d like to thank you for your partnership in that. It might still be early days, but stories like Joel’s on page 4 are an encouraging insight into the way God uses the time and skills of his people as they volunteer them to serve his mission. I’m sure you’ll join me in praying that Spencer and the other young people in Joel’s community will know and understand God’s love for themselves and continue to grow in that faith. Like last year, we have had to cancel our residential holiday programme this summer. But we are pleased that many of our missions and other events can once again run in some

form. In addition, lots of our holidays will also be going online again and we are also planning some new oneday ‘holidays’, so we’re excited by these new opportunities. Please do pray that many children and young people will have the opportunity to grow in faith this summer. It’s only thanks to our wonderful volunteers that our holidays and events can take place, whether online or in person, and it’s not often we get to publicly honour the commitment and sacrifice of our volunteers. So, at the start of the year, we were particularly pleased to hear that holiday volunteer Vicki Sellick has been awarded an MBE for her work in social action. You can read her encouraging story on page 22. So, thank you! However you partner with Scripture Union, whether that’s as a volunteer, a Faith Guide, through prayer or through giving, I am grateful for your partnership as we share God’s timeless story with the youngest generations.

Myles MacBean, National Director

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Bringing hope and hot chocolate Joel Barwick is a youth worker with St Thomas’ church in Heaton, Newcastle. Last October, after meeting SU Mission Enabler Geoff Brown and hearing about the Revealing Jesus mission framework, Joel became a Faith Guide. We asked him about how it’s changed his outlook and experiences of mission. 4

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Why did you decide to become a Faith Guide? ‘I get great support from JOEL my church, BARWICK but it’s so good to be able to tap into SU’s expertise in youth mission – and having the mission framework is so helpful, it’s helped me think more long term. Even as you’re planning how to connect with young people, you’re thinking down the track to how that might play out into the “Grow” stage. It gives you more focus.’ What’s youth work looked like for you since you became a Faith Guide? ‘The pandemic’s limited what we can do, so we’ve been doing detached youth work, going down to a park in Walker (a deprived area of Newcastle) at 6pm each Friday

for an hour. There’s usually between 5 and 30 young people, aged as young as 8. Some are there even in the torrential rain and freezing temperatures – we suspect they don’t have the safest of spaces at home and feel more comfortable on the streets, even in bad weather.

The kids are opening up to us now, and some of their situations are heartbreaking. ‘It’s an opportunity to be a light in their lives – we take down hot chocolate and snacks and, now they know us, they run up all excited. We might do a bit of socially distanced sport and chat (sometimes we use SU Rooted Cards – they’re great for starting conversations!). ‘The kids are opening up to us now, and some of their situations are

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heartbreaking. Spencer, who’s ten, comes down from his home two miles away on his little scooter. One night, we gave him a packet of crisps, but he wouldn’t eat them – he said, “I want to give them to my mum because we’ve run out of food”. His mum’s got 5 kids under 14. We took them food that night and arranged for a food bank to keep them supplied. Now Spencer comes to see us every Friday and we’ve started a homework club with him because he struggles with school – it’s been OK under the current restrictions as he’s considered vulnerable.’ Do you have any sense of how the next mission framework stages – Explore, Respond and Grow – might develop? ‘We’re still at the Connect stage through the detached youth work, but I can see the homework club graduating towards the Explore

stage. I think other needs will emerge as we get to know the kids more. Whatever comes next has to be shaped by them. So we’re really open to what it might be.’ Would you recommend being a Faith Guide? ‘Absolutely. I think when it comes to youth work, some churches aren’t sure what they can offer or where to start. Having the Revealing Jesus framework and someone to lead you through putting it into practice is hugely beneficial. I can pick up the phone to Geoff (SU Mission Enabler), sound him out on my ideas and he’ll help me improve on them. Not only that, he’ll come and lend a hand too. At the moment he’s out every Friday night, chatting to the young people right alongside me – I’m continually blown away by how servanthearted SU people are.’

Find out more about the Revealing Jesus mission framework and being a Faith Guide! We’re looking for volunteers, commissioned by their local church and supported by Scripture Union, to act as Faith Guides for children and young people without church backgrounds, walking alongside them as they journey to faith. Could that be you, or someone you know? Find out more and apply at


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Please pray for Faith Guides and other volunteers

Sunday 30

Praise God for Joel and the many other people who have already signed up to be Faith Guides. Ask God to bless, inspire and guide them as they walk with children and young people on their faith journey.

Monday 31

Reflect on Matthew 9 verse 38 – with millions of children and young people not part of church, please pray that more people will become Faith Guides.

Tuesday 1

1–7 June is Volunteers’ Week, an annual celebration of volunteers across the UK. Celebrate with us as we give thanks to God for all our wonderful volunteers, in their many roles!

Wednesday 2

Think about the ways in which you give your free time in God’s service,

and give him thanks for the ways he has blessed you through this.

Thursday 3

Please pray for all our holidays and missions volunteers, like Vicki Sellick (see page 22), and that we will be able to return to running our full range of events in person again very soon.

Friday 4

Give thanks to God for all those who volunteer in their communities, like Anna Davis (see page 11), helping children and young people to discover the joy of knowing Jesus for themselves.

Saturday 5

Praise God for young volunteers like Bradley Shaw (see page 17), and how God uses their commitment both to inspire younger people and to help them grow in their own faith and understanding.

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Sunday 6

Pray for the SU Global Board as they meet this week. High on the agenda will be preparations for the General Assembly which is due to be held 2–5 July.

Monday 7

Sue Clutterham of Local Mission Partner Archway Trust (working in Northants) retires at the end of July. Give thanks to God for Archway’s ministry. Pray for the Trustees as they plan for future work amongst young families, so that the children with whom relationships have been established can be nurtured and discipled.

Tuesday 8

Ask God to bless the technical team looking after our IT services. Pray that they might continue to provide leadership in digital transformation, enabling us to focus more of our time on our mission, rather than administration.

Wednesday 9

There will be no residential activities this summer, but some will be replaced by online events. Some missions will be running in a reduced way and in line with current guidelines. Pray for activity leaders and team members as they prepare against this background.


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Thursday 10

Give thanks for Annabelle Mundy who started as a Development Hub Assistant at the end of April and pray that she will settle into her new role and make a positive contribution to the ministry.

Friday 11

Local Mission Partner GenR8 (working in Cambridge) ask for prayer for their ongoing relationship with primary schools and for their team of volunteers as they look to reconnect and restart face-to-face work in the academic year ahead. Pray too for new volunteers to join the team.

Saturday 12

Pray for Angela Grigson, Senior Content Manager, as she finalises the pages for the main resource book and the children’s booklets for the Diary of a Disciple holiday club material, which goes to press at the end of June and will be published in October.

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Sunday 13

Pray for SU Denmark as they look for a new National Director, who can help inspire people to engage with God’s Word. Ask that God will lead them to the person of his choice.

opportunities for them to meet the 95 and to invite them on a journey of exploring relationship with Jesus.

Monday 14

Pray that God will guide Local Mission Partner Matlock Area Schools Trust as they look to the future, wondering whether to appoint a new primary schools worker or to explore a new way of working as they take the good news of Jesus into schools.

Tuesday 15

For many years the Lagger Camps run by Mission Enabler Steve Hutchinson have helped children to have a living encounter with God. Many missed out last year, so this year there will be non-residential days; pray that despite the disappointment of not being able to spend the week together these days will be very special and that children will be drawn closer to Jesus.

Thursday 17

Thank God for all who faithfully support the work of Scripture Union. Pray that they may have the ability to grasp God’s love in Christ and to see that God can do far more than we dare to ask or imagine (see Ephesians 3:16–21).

Friday 18

Local Mission Partner MINE Youth is based in East Newcastle. Tonight DJ Genesis will be joining their Friday night detached session in Walker Park. Young people will have a chance to try their hands at djing, learn some skills, and reflect through music on who they are and who God is.

Saturday 19 Wednesday 16

Thank God for all the Faith Guides already registered. Pray for more

Pray for Grace Inwood, Facilities Administrator as she continues to make the SU national office, Trinity House, Covid-safe for staff returning to the office as the nation comes out of lockdown.

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Celebrating 20 years of It’s Your Move! Yes, it’s 20 years since It’s Your Move was first introduced to help children take the daunting step from primary to secondary school. We share how it came about, why it’s stood the test of time, and how one volunteer, following God’s call, now uses it annually in ten schools across Lincolnshire. 10

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Emlyn Williams, formerly SU’s Head of Schools, recalls how It’s Your Move came about. Emlyn ‘In 1999, a williams Plymouth church asked if we could publish a suitable book that they could gift to local schoolchildren for the Millennium. And so Ro Willoughby in our publishing department produced two anthologies (KS1 and KS2) of Christian writings. At their launch, SU released the results of a survey which highlighted how little today’s children knew about the Bible. The Times picked up on it, ran an article – and suddenly, in response, thousands of churches were ordering multiple copies of the books to take into their local schools. It was the first time that this had happened – usually it was our staff going out to schools. There was clearly a hunger for more, so SU developed It’s Your Move.’

An early edition

Since then, It’s Your Move has helped over two million children in their school transition. ‘I think there are several reasons for its enduring success,’ observes Emlyn. ‘Schools see the need for it, it’s not too heavily “spiritual” and the churches pay for the books so it costs them nothing. Churches like it because it gets them an invitation into the school and a chance to build a relationship with staff and pupils. Children enjoy it because it gives them good advice balanced with lighter, fun content. And, of course, the issues around school transition haven’t changed, so it’s still relevant.’ SU volunteer Anna Davis uses It’s Your Move in ten Lincolnshire schools. She says, ‘Schools ministry wasn’t something I planned – God called me to it! So I Anna prayed, had a go and DAVIS he blessed what I did. I started by doing occasional assemblies, then introduced It’s Your Move. Working with just one class, you have to capture the children’s attention quickly! I used an idea from one of the extra It’s Your Move resources – I give the children different snacks such as chocolate and fruit to illustrate that they

It’s Your Move has helped over two million children in their school transition.

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might not have a choice over the school they move to, but it’s really not so bad when we have a positive attitude and help each other. (I take extra snacks too as they are very popular!) We talk a bit about their concerns, then I give out It’s Your Move books for them to look through and take home.

‘If you’re doing It’s Your Move for the first time this summer, remember, the children are far more anxious than you are, with this big school transition ahead! It’s a great way to connect with them – they will be so grateful that you’re there, that you care about their concerns, and you want to help make it easier for them.’

‘Last summer when schools were closed, I used the It’s Your Move workshop video that SU brought out. It was well designed to keep the children’s interest, with lots of variety including pupils talking about their own experiences of moving school. I videoed myself on my phone to top and tail it and sent the edited version out to the schools. They were happy to use it – they felt it was good for the children to see someone different on screen, and to be encouraged at a time when they really needed it. I hope I’ll be allowed back in school so I can make this year’s It’s Your Move experience even more interactive.

Order copies of It’s Your Move – call us on 01908 856000 Get additional FREE resources at You’ll find videos (including a new and improved workshop for 2021), lesson plans and much more!


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Sunday 20

Please pray for the WAY2GO children’s ministry conference being held by SU New Zealand next Saturday. Pray for the workshop leaders and for the key speaker Terry Williams, SU Global Children’s and Families Ministry Consultant.

Monday 21

At the heart of the new framework is the desire to see Grow Communities emerge. Pray for the team in the north region as they work to turn this into reality alongside churches who have established Grow Communities, are planning them or have yet to catch the vision.

(Finance and Gifts for donations; Supporter Care for orders and subscriptions, Mission Enablers for the recruitment of new Faith Guides, as well as the Project, IT and Database teams) who are familiarising themselves with the system.

Thursday 24

Mandy Hagon, PA to the Mission Development Director, asks us to pray for the Mission Development team as they prepare for a new director to join them and that the team would gel quickly. Pray for Mandy as she helps the director to settle in.

Friday 25

Tuesday 22

LMP Beverley Schools Christian Trust has found opportunities for schools work limited in recent years, even more so during the pandemic. Please pray that as things open up, they and their partners will be able to forge good links with the secondary school.

Wednesday 23

We are working towards the launch of a new database in September to help us stay better connected with supporters. Pray for staff users

Potters Bar holiday club ran for the first time in 2018 and involves all the churches in the town. Pray for Cath Hawes, Atalie Gaines and Joel Mercer as they take on leadership of the holiday club for the first time this year.

Saturday 26

Please pray for Local Mission Partner Contagious as they relaunch with a new name, considering the changing landscape and new ways of serving Alnwick. Pray too that they will be able to bring youth cell groups together in person, especially reengaging those young people who have found Zoom hard.

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Sunday 27

Praise God for his leading as seven of the SU movements across Australia unite to form SU Australia. Pray that this will lead to more mission opportunities and transformed lives and that the process of coming together will go smoothly.

Monday 28

Please pray for Sam, Anji, Maddy, Alison, Cathy, Jo, Laura, Scott, Jay, Annie and Jon of Local Mission Partner Staffs Youth Net. Pray for the young people they will be connecting with over the summer, and as they hope to pick up a number of projects again next term.

invitation to lifelong faith as they form Grow Communities and find ways to continue to explore and grow in faith and understanding.

Friday 2

Please pray for the concluding sessions of the ‘Moving to High School’ (It’s Your Move) project run by Local Mission Partner CSCW in Chester, for their first term delivering Kintsugi Hope wellbeing groups across high schools and the developing local school prayer group network. Pray for wisdom and guidance as plans take shape for the next academic year.

Saturday 3

Tuesday 29

Pray for sensitivity and creativity for the Development Hub as they look to produce a completely new range of resources aimed to introduce the 5–8 and 14–18 age groups to Jesus.

Wednesday 30

Pray for wisdom and insight for Gaenor Hall, Senior Fundraising Manager, as she works with the Fundraising team, developing supporter relationships and looking to increase levels of support for the ministry.

Thank God for blessing us throughout the Covid season with the early fruits of the Revealing Jesus framework, and for giving us the ability to learn and adapt to the new blended offline/online world we live in. As Covid restrictions relax, pray that we might continue to innovate boldly and refine our new vision for serving the church and the children and young people of England and Wales.

Thursday 1

Pray for children and young people who have responded to Jesus’ 14

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Sunday 4

Please pray for SU Sri Lanka who has 17 programmes planned for 2021. They ask that they may know God’s help to continue their mission in the midst of challenges and achieve their aim of reaching non-Christian children in new regions.

Monday 5

Each year the south west region partners with Local Mission Partner South West Youth Ministries to give placements to trainees, giving missional experience and opportunities to grow as disciples of Jesus. Give thanks for this year’s trainees. Some will stay on to study for a theology degree, whilst others will move on and new ones will arrive.

Tuesday 6

Pray for Sue Hill, Mission Events Coordinator, as the Mission Events team continue to process volunteer applications for the events that are able to run this summer. Pray for all those children and young people taking part that, as they hear about Jesus, they will respond by giving their lives to him.

Wednesday 7

Please pray that Local Mission Partner ACTS and the churches in Thanet will work effectively together to be good news to children, families

and schools. Pray for Maggie Paddison as she plans how best to serve schools and support them with wellbeing issues.

Thursday 8

Scripture Union has been supporting the holiday club in Hexham for 50 years. Thank God for all the children who have encountered Jesus through the work of the holiday club and pray for the preparations for the coming summer.

Friday 9

Terry Clutterham, Director of Culture and Innovation, is retiring at the end of July after more than 20 years at SU. Please join us in giving thanks for all the many ways God has used Terry in his ministry here. Pray for him and his wife Sue as they enjoy this next season of life together.

Saturday 10

Give thanks for the trustees of Scripture Union England and Wales who bring varied skills and experience to the task of overseeing strategy and ensuring good practice and compliance. Pray for them as they meet next Thursday that God will guide their thinking.

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Young evangelists find their voices through Amplify They’re full of faith, passionate in sharing Jesus with those who don’t yet know him – and they’re not yet 18! Meet the young evangelists taking part in Amplify, an evangelism mentoring scheme developed by SU and other partners which encourages and equips them to share their faith.


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‘One of my friends at college seemed really interested in faith and Caitlin really wanted to come to church,’ says Caitlin, ‘But her mum wouldn’t let her. So I decided to take church out of my building and take my Bible into college. [Now that friend] helps me write my blog and I include God in that – and I just see such a positive effect and she’s got so many questions… We shouldn’t confine God to a church building – he’s everywhere so we need to take him outside of the church…’ Caitlin is a graduate of Amplify, a year-long mentoring programme for young Christians who are already passionate about sharing their faith, particularly with other young people who don’t have church backgrounds, but want to learn how to do that more effectively and confidently.

Amplify involves staff and volunteers from an impressive range of Christian organisations, including Scripture Union, Youth for Christ, The Message and HOPE Together, among others. Staff and volunteers from each organisation mentor a small group of students through regular online sessions. Bradley Shaw, one of SU’s Amplify volunteers says, ‘The students may not think of themselves as evangelists. One told me, “I just talk bradley to my non-Christian shaw friends and family about God, I don’t preach in the street”. But not all evangelists are going to be the next Mike Pilavachi! Often it’s simply about being who you are and letting God’s light shine through you, where you are. Amplify helps them become comfortable and confident about enabling that to happen. We as mentors share our own experiences, help the students think

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through how they might answer difficult questions about faith, and support them on their journey. I think it’s helped me to be a better evangelist too!’ Amplify students also take part in masterclasses led by renowned evangelists, exploring how to share their faith through sport, drama, music, social media, social action and more. And twice a year there’s a conference for the whole year group to get together, along with all their mentors, for a day of worship and celebration. Dozens of young Christians have completed Amplify since its inception in 2019, including:

• Josh, who subsequently went on

to livestream services to hundreds of people from his church building during lockdown, and set up an Instagram channel to share his faith with other young people.

• Katie, who helped to build up her

school Christian Union from 2–3 people to 25 – one of the girls who found faith through the CU now helps Katie run it.

• Alice, who took a non-Christian

friend to a Christian conference. They had lots of discussions about faith along the way and, before they returned home, Alice’s friend decided to follow Jesus.

South East team leader Ben Poch, who is part of the Amplify leadership team, says ‘It’s so exciting to see that, despite the challenges of the pandemic, these young Christians are out there, sharing Jesus in so many ways. God has blessed them with the passion to share the gospel. We just want to help them discover their “sweet spot” in terms of how to go about it. Who knows, in years to come, some of them may become Faith Guides, helping to grow the faith communities of tomorrow!’

Amplify 2022 – open NOW for applications! If you know young Christians aged between 11 and 17 who might like to be on Amplify 2022, visit to find out more – applications close at the end of August.


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Please pray for young Christians as they share their faith

Sunday 11

Reflect on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20) – praise God for how he is putting that desire to share their faith into the hearts of young Christians like Caitlin, Josh, Katie and Alice.

Monday 12

Pray for young Christians across the country, that God will give them the wisdom to know when and how to share what Jesus means to them.

Tuesday 13

Ask God to provide all young Christians with wise and spiritually mature mentors, whether through programmes like Amplify or within their own church communities, so they can develop in their faith.

Wednesday 14

Reflect on 1 Timothy 4 verse 12 – pray that God will strengthen all young Christians to have courage and confidence to talk about their faith in their everyday lives.

Thursday 15

Please pray for all the young Christians who have already been through the Amplify programme in the last three years that God will open up opportunities for them to serve him using what they have learned.

Friday 16

Pray too for God to prompt church youth and children’s leaders across the country to prayerfully consider who they might put forward for the next Amplify course in 2022.

Saturday 17

Give thanks to God for all the partners that deliver Amplify – Scripture Union, Youth For Christ, The Message, Pais Movement, Church of England, Alpha, Redeemed Christian Church of God, Advance, Luis Palau, Evangelical Alliance and HOPE Together. Praise him for the different gifts that each organisation is able to offer through its staff and volunteers.

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Sunday 18

Pray for the participants in SU Singapore’s Certificate in Practical Children’s Ministry which was conducted via Zoom every Tuesday from February to May. Pray they will have a continuing passion to share the gospel with the next generation.

Monday 19

Mission Enabler Neil Jackson asks us to pray for Faith Guide Chenda Nuttall who is based in Penrith in Cumbria and is running several outreach activities for families in August. Following on from this, families (most of whom are from outside the church) will be invited to join a new fortnightly family event ‘Family Zone’ which will be starting in September.

Tuesday 20

Pray for churches that are using the Wonder Zone holiday club material this summer asking that children will get to hear and understand the good news of Jesus as they explore the wonders of the natural world.

Wednesday 21

Local Mission Partner Brentwood Schools Christian Worker Trust is thankful that they were able to create digital It’s Your Move resources last year and is delighted 20

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to support Year 6 pupils of the Brentwood area with IYM lessons and books again this year. Please pray for these lessons.

Thursday 22

Livewires is a technology holiday for 11- to 14-year-olds, and their online activities start today. Pray for good relationships and an openness to be established so that young people feel confident to explore faith and ask questions.

Friday 23

Pray for Faith Guides as they help facilitate Grow Communities that they will find the right balance of support and nurture while letting the children and young people respond to Jesus in ways that are appropriate for them.

Saturday 24

Pray for Bex Jignasu, Mission Partners Coordinator, as she continues to support our mission partners in the best way for them. Pray especially that she may be able to help them embrace and understand the Revealing Jesus framework, and help them to implement the vision.

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Sunday 25

SU in English-speaking Canada has produced one-minute videos providing clear answers to some of children’s biggest questions as a free resource for children’s ministry workers, youth workers and parents. Pray that these will be widely used.

which is being used across the Spanishspeaking world, including through 11 SU national movements. Pray that the app will be a way to bring God’s light to those who are experiencing difficult and sometimes dangerous times.

Monday 26

Thursday 29

Please pray for the South East team as they look to inspire the local church to reach out to the 95 through equipping, training and supporting Faith Guides. Pray that as they speak at church network groups across the region, churches would be inspired to join in this great adventure.

Thank God for the way that Mission Enabler Lisa Jones has been able to facilitate closer relationships between the Minnis Bay Mission and Local Mission Partner ACTS Thanet. Pray that this will lead to ongoing and effective year-round work with children and young people.

Friday 30

Tuesday 27

Local Mission Partner Faith in Schools (who work in Newham) ask us to pray that they may revive their relationships with schools and churches (especially those they haven’t been able to work with regularly for the last 15 months) as they plan for the next academic year.

Wednesday 28

Give thanks for the launch of Guardianes de Ancora, the Spanish version of the children’s Bible app,

Following on from a year of online work, the mission team are back in Minnis Bay this week. Pray for them as connections are re-established and for Avtar Hunter-Singh as he leads the team.

Saturday 31

Join with Local Mission Partner Re:generation (Harrow) in praising God for the many online resource requests they have had from schools for RE lessons and assemblies. Pray that God will open doors in schools across Harrow and that the It’s Your Move sessions this term will have a lasting impact.

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‘By giving, you receive’ Vicki Sellick, who recently received an MBE for services to social action, has volunteered on SU sailing holidays for 20 years. She shares how she became involved, why it became her passion, and how it’s changed her life. 22

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When I was 18, my teacher invited me to be a cook on SU’s Mallards sailing Vicki holiday on the Sellick Norfolk Broads. It was like entering a different world. The 1930s yachts had no electricity so we cooked supper on a little gas burner and sang Mallards sea shanties by candlelight. During the day, we’d be out on the water, revelling in the enjoyment of learning to sail, spotting birds in the reeds and listening to the songs of warblers.

It’s been amazing to see young people give their lives to Christ or come back to Christ; to see them return year after year, their faith renewed.

But the greatest attraction was being with Christians from across the country, helping these young people to know Jesus and form a lifelong relationship with him. There was no polished spiritual programme – we simply shared in conversation why Jesus meant something to us and what he could mean to them. One lad, whose parents weren’t Christians, had come on Mallards

with his church youth group. During the week, he realised that Jesus wasn’t just a storybook character but real and present, someone he could have a relationship with. It was brilliant to pray with him as he chose to follow Jesus, and to witness God’s great peace descend on him. Later I did a sailing qualification and, for a while, helped lead Mallards with a friend. It’s even how I met my husband! It’s been amazing to see young people give their lives to Christ or come back to Christ; to see them return year after year, their faith renewed. They’ve brought friends who have also become disciples and matured into young leaders, encouraging the next set of young people. By giving you receive – and as an SU volunteer I’ve received joy, inspiration and made lifelong friends. Now, heading a social action charity, I’ve applied what I’ve learned as a volunteer in working with local communities, encouraging them to look out for one another.

Could you volunteer with SU? If you’ve been inspired by the volunteers we’ve featured in this edition, check out our volunteering opportunities at

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Prayers Sunday 1

SU Japan thank God that their publication ministry has been active during Covid, three titles being published. Pray that sales will grow through visits to churches and through Christian bookstores.

Monday 2

Some videos produced in schools before lockdown will be used for the Guardians of Ancora holiday clubs. Pray that through them children will engage with the Bible stories in lifechanging ways.

Tuesday 3

Give thanks for Mission Enabler Hannah Legge who has just returned from helping run Sports Ministry outreach at CreationFest, a Christian festival in Cornwall. Pray that the hundreds of children and young people who attended will continue to grow in their understanding of Jesus and how much he loves them.

Wednesday 4

Please pray for the staff and volunteers of Local Mission Partner The Lighthouse Project in Crawley as they prepare for the start of the new school year. Pray that schools will welcome them back and that they will have many opportunities to share the Christian faith and values


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with children and young people.


Thursday 5

Give thanks for the way in which the Rooted programme has enabled many young people to explore what Jesus means to them, at their own pace and in their own way. Pray that the resources and the groups will continue to help young people find a meaningful relationship with Jesus.

Friday 6

Please pray for the central region staff team (Simon Barker, Steve Hutchinson, Hannah Legge, Matt Farley and Karen Quinney) as they support Faith Guides in their summer outreach activities as well as those SU holidays and missions taking place across the region either face to face or online.

Saturday 7

Give thanks for Regional Mission Team Leader in the south west, Margaret Lilley, who has been on staff for almost 21 years. Pray that as she takes a sabbatical later this month it will be a time of rest, reflection, and spending time with her family.

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Sunday 8

SU Malawi praise God for the 220 teachers they trained to run Bible clubs and respond to the problem of teenage pregnancies and school dropouts. Pray for the implementation of the Smooth Stone Sport project to share the good news with at-risk young people.

Monday 9

Please pray for trustees of Local Mission Partner Bodmin Youth Project (Jon, Steve, Alistair and Lizzy), as they seek God’s guidance for the future of the work which provides youth groups for the churched young people and a football outreach in the town.

Thursday 12

Pray that as Faith Guides use Go Wild resources this summer, children will get to know the great Creator God as they explore the great outdoors.

Friday 13

Our National Director, Myles MacBean, asks us to pray for vision, guidance, wisdom, stamina and the right heart as he seeks to continue serving Scripture Union across the many facets of the movement and with many competing priorities for his attention.

Trevor Ranger of Local Mission Partner Synergy Christian Trust has produced a new album of all-age worship songs to bring the message of Jesus to life for children and young people. Please pray that the album’s message of a certain hope in Jesus will resonate with many children and adults alike.

Wednesday 11

Saturday 14

Tuesday 10

Port St Mary Beach Mission is 120 years old this year. Thank God for the way the mission has grown and adapted to reach children and families from across the Isle of Man and pray for those stepping into new roles this summer due to the uncertainties of travel to the island as a result of Covid.

The new supporter relations database (see 23 June) is undergoing user acceptance testing, a critical phase where we make sure that the system works as expected and identify and fix any bugs. Pray for our external suppliers and all involved, that they may be able to spot the areas requiring attention.

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Prayers Sunday 15

Pray that the new website RaamattuStartti developed by SU Finland and based on the E100 youth Bible reading programme will be widely used and that it will help many individuals and groups to understand more about what God is saying to them.

Monday 16

Pray for Mark Green who, as Digital Transformation Manager, has a key role in the implementation of the new database of supporters, volunteers and donors. Pray for him as he oversees the testing and works with external suppliers.

Tuesday 17

Grow Communities are a key element of the Revealing Jesus framework. Ask God to continue to reveal himself to children and young people as they explore the Bible and worship together in Grow Communities.

Wednesday 18


Pray for the team in Wales as they aim to ensure that key resources are available in the Welsh language. The team support Faith Guides and churches who work in a range of areas, from those where Welsh is a significant minority language to those where Welsh is the predominant language of everyday life.

Thursday 19

Local Mission Partner Cadwyn Teifi, working in Tregaron and the surrounding area, is excited about working with the new Revealing Jesus mission framework and is looking to appoint a worker when Covid restrictions are eased. Pray for trustees as they revise their policies and that as lockdown ends there will be many opportunities to visit schools.

Friday 20

Jo Morley leads the Mission Events team who support the holiday and mission programme. Even though it’s only August she is already starting to work on the plans for 2022 – pray for wisdom in developing the programme and the plans for the coming year.

Saturday 21

Please pray for Sarah Howard-Smith as she manages the administration of Faith Guides who are assigned to the SU North team, ensuring that they receive appropriate support and encouragement. 26

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Prayers Sunday 22

SU Chile ask us to pray for their programme for adolescent children and families that they have been able to develop online despite the pandemic. Pray for all those they will reach in 2021 with the message of hope in God in these difficult times. Pray also for more volunteers willing to serve these needs.

Monday 23

Thank God for the continued generous gifts from all who faithfully support the work of SU. Pray for an increase in sustainable giving that will enable the ministry to develop and grow.

Tuesday 24

There is now a new Guardians of Ancora Collection available to all Faith Guides as part of the Revealing Jesus mission framework. Pray that these resources will give Faith Guides confidence and inspiration and that they will be effective in helping children connect, explore, respond and grow on their own faith journeys.

Wednesday 25

Please pray for the Mission Events team as they support holidays and missions running in a whole mix of new and old formats this summer.

Thursday 26

On March 1, Mick Moffett started his work as a children and youth officer for Local Mission Partner H4V (Hope for the Valleys) working to reach children and young people in the valleys of South Wales. Pray that he may know God’s strength, opportunities will open in schools, colleges and in the community to share the gospel and many would come to know Jesus.

Friday 27

SU’s Human Resources Officer Adelaide Nketsia provides HR advice, ensuring compliance with statutory obligations and best practice. Please pray for Adelaide as she continues to support managers enabling them to achieve the movement’s mission in effective ways.

Saturday 28

Pray for the Content team as they finalise the April–June 2022 issue of Daily Bread which will be going to the printers shortly, asking for the ability to focus on the right details to help readers meet God in life-changing ways as they read the Bible.

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28/04/2021 12:06

A brand-new Scripture Union sports resource All you need to run a fun football & faith session for 8- to 14-year-olds

Connect with the buzz & excitement of major football tournaments or use it at any time! Flexible and free – Perfect for use in your community, in your garden or on the sports field

Find out more: 40186 Connecting You JJA 2021 stg 9 AW.indd 28

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