13 minute read
Association Committees
Following Kate Cusumano’s “Great Reads” event highlighting several authors appearing at the Tucson Festival of Books, we have added several of these authors’ books to our collection and are on the pre-order list for their new releases. There are some great new titles coming this spring. These will be highlighted in “This Week in SCOV” as soon as they are available.
Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis ldavis@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8073
Shorten Your Workouts
A lack of time is one of the main reasons for not sticking with exercise. A growing body of research suggests that so-called high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, can greatly reduce the amount of time you need to exercise while producing benefits that are the same as–or even greater than–what you get from conventional moderate-intensity cardio workouts. HIIT involves going hard for, say, 30 seconds, then easy, hard, then easy, and so on–as opposed to exercising at the same intensity for 30 minutes or more. A wide array of exercises, from walking to biking, can be adapted to HIIT. Studies show as little as 10 minutes of HIIT (including rest intervals) can be beneficial, so if that’s all the time you have, lace up your sneakers and go. The decreased time commitment, along with the fact that breaking up exercise into intervals can make it less boring, increases the odds that you’ll keep at it. Special Note From the Aquatic and Fitness Center (AFC)
Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, to discuss questions or concerns with the AFC. Hours of operation for the AFC and Desert Oasis are on page 2.
Tuesday, February 8, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.
Wednesday, February 9, the Desert Oasis pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and reopen the following morning at the regular time.
All SCOV trash and recycle pickups take place on Monday. Don’t forget: Republic Services picks up between 6 AM and 6 PM on Mondays. You must have your trash and recycle bins out at 6 AM or you risk a missed pickup.
SCOV has a dedicated customer service representative with Republic Services. Many of you are aware of the labor challenges the country is currently experiencing, and Republic Services highly encourages residents to email any service issues, rather than telephone, in order to receive the best service. Our representative can be reached at scov@ republicservices.com. This email is listed on the Republic magnet you received in your annual dues mailing.
Visit our web page where you can find the following information: 1) Recycling: View a video and web page on what Republic accepts in their recycling bins. Glass is accepted for recycling. 2) Holiday schedule: Check when you need to shift setting your bins out due to a holiday. 3) Report a problem: Missed pickup? Bin damaged? Click the Report Missed Pickup tab, fill out our form and Republic will receive a copy. Active Health Chair Rita Menet 920-659-1428 rita.menet@gmail.com Next meeting Mon., Feb. 14, 3 PM, WC1
We are hoping to resume Active Health presentations and activities in February. Please watch for announcements in “This Week in SCOV.”
Aquatic Fitness Center Advisory Cliff Miller 5cliff15@gmail.com First Wed., 11:30 AM, WC1
We encourage residents with ideas for the AFC committee to fill out an AFC agenda submission form. Email Cliff Miller 5cliff15@gmail.com to request the form. Complete and return the form ten days prior to the next meeting and we will put you on the agenda.
Architectural Review Kris Ahlstrand 510-693-5502 ARC@suncityorovalley.com Zoom meetings Second and Fourth Tue., 2 PM
Over the past year, the Architectural Review Committee has received a large number of applications to modify or add walls or fences. When contemplating such a modification to your property, it will be helpful to review the governing documents. For your convenience, the following are excerpts of what our governing documents state about walls.
Master Declaration, Section 4.19 (5th Amended)
Development Standards, Section 2.3 (c)
“Rear yard, side yard, patio and Courtyard Wall surfaces shall be masonry or stucco. Wall surfaces shall be finished on both sides by the property Owner erecting the Wall. Wall materials shall reflect the character of the home and subdivision.
Maximum height shall be measured from the finished grade of the Lot on which the Wall is built (not including Landscaping material) and shall not exceed 3’6” in the Front Yard within 20’ of the front property line or 6’ in other areas.
No Wall of any nature of height greater than 5’ shall be built within a distance of 15’ of the rear property line of a lot bordering the Golf Course.”
These are just a few of the requirements to get you started. Consult the online governing documents on our SCOV web page under Members > Documents > Master Declaration > Development Standards. For questions, please contact us at arc@suncityorovalley.com.
Artisan Center Renovation Task Force Chair Tim Kelley tkelleyscov@gmail.com See SCOV calendar for meeting dates, time and location
The Artisan Center Renovation Task Force (ACRTF) may meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month as needed. The SCOV website will have current meeting notices. The current ACRTF practice is for vaccinated members to attend in person. Unvaccinated committee members and all others may attend via Zoom.
An updated version of “A Discussion of the Existing and Future Facility Requirements for the Artisan Clubs of SCOV” is now available on the SCOV website.
The ACRTF Charter and other information for the task force are on the SCOV website (go to Members > Committees > ACRTF).
Community Directory Chair Lisa Collins 812-344-4773 scov.community.directory@gmail.com www.scovaz.com/members/services/directory
The SCOV community directory is completely separate from the administration’s HOA database. Here are four ways the SCOV community directory is used. 1. Paper phone book: Includes names, addresses, phones, occupations, and hometowns. Omits emails, units, and lots. Residents are listed by name, street and hometown. Updated annually. 2. Online directory: Located in the nonpublic area of the SCOV website. Includes emails, units, and lots, plus incremental search. Updated monthly. 3. Posse: Gets an updated phone list each month. You can be unlisted in the directory but still provide your phone number for just the Posse. 4. Party planners: Can request contact information for all listed residents in their unit, state, etc.
New owners are unlisted by default. To be listed in the directory, the preferred method is to complete the online form “Change your directory listing.” Otherwise, you can fill out an orange card at the Welcome Center.
Consumer Referral - Vendor List Susanna Moran scovconsumerservices@gmail.com
The Vendor List is on the SCOV website. After logging in, go to Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List.
The Vendor List may also be viewed at the monitor’s desk at Catalina Vista during business hours (during Activity Center renovation). Please check the Vendor List often, as changes are made frequently.
Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on the Vendor List.
Election Visit HOT TOPICS > VOTE 2022 for information
Ballots and Forums
On Tuesday, February 15, a ballot will be either emailed or USPS mailed to homeowners. If you have not already done so, create a contact for Vote-Now using the email address (elections@vote-now.com) so that when the online ballot is sent, your email provider will recognize the sender and you will receive the email. If you do not receive the email, call the Administration Office 520-917-8082 for assistance. If you lose your email or want a paper ballot, the Administration Office can help with that as well.
You will be voting to fill two three-year positions on the Board of Directors. At the time this article was submitted, there were no initiatives on which you will be voting.
Biographical flyers are inserted into this Tipster for each candidate and also on VOTE 2022. This is a good tool to get to know the candidates a little better. If you have additional questions, they will provide their contact information.
Board Candidate Forums are Monday, February 7, 9 AM and 6 PM, on Zoom. Videos of the forums will be posted on the VOTE 2022 web page and you will receive an email with a link for easy access. Mark your calendar now.
Finance-Budget Chair Tim Kelley tkelleyscov@gmail.com Quarterly Zoom meetings on Mondays. Check SCOV calendar for dates and times.
The Finance-Budget Committee (FBC) meetings are typically held quarterly. The current FBC practice is for vaccinated members to attend in person. Unvaccinated committee members and all others may attend via Zoom.
When necessary, the FBC will meet more frequently (e.g., budget preparation, audit results and when information is requested by the Board of Directors). Find meeting dates, times, location and other information on the SCOV website as well as current financial information.
The FBC meets on Monday, February 28, 2 PM, for the first review of the proposed 2022-2023 SCOV budget.
Food and Beverage Chair Wendy Hughes whughes851@hotmail.com First Mon., 2-3 PM, WC1
Staffing issues have been resolved, and our dining room is open all day again. There have been some requests to make reservations at The Views Restaurant for meals and social gatherings. Seating at the restaurant is on a first- come, firstserved basis. At this time, reservations are not accepted. If your club wants to have a luncheon or dinner at The Views Restaurant, call Errick Owens to discuss your request.
Friends of the Library Lynne Davis lynnedavis100@gmail.com Andrea Houston ahoust2@lsu.edu
The much-anticipated Home Tour sponsored by The Friends of the Library (FOL) is Saturday, February 26. This gives you the opportunity to visit 10 beautifully updated and/ or remodeled homes of your neighbors. It is the perfect opportunity to get ideas for your own house. Ticket sale information is below. All proceeds support the SCOV Library so more wonderful books, movies and audios can be purchased for you to enjoy.
FOL will provide a bus for persons interested in attending the Tucson Festival of Books. Bus ticket sales are Tuesday, March 1, and Wednesday, March 2, 9 AM - Noon, Library lobby. Tickets are $5 for members, and $10 for nonmembers. The bus leaves behind the Welcome Center Sunday, March 13, 8:30 AM, and departs UArizona campus at 3:30 PM. Home Tour tickets go on sale Tue., Feb. 8, 8:30 AM-Noon (FOL members only) and Wed., Feb. 9, 8:30 AM-Noon (all SCOV residents), Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Room. $25 pp cash, check or credit card. Purchaser must be SCOV resident. Limit of four per purchase. Gift Shop Co-Chairs Melanie Stinson 971-506-8655, Maxine Yunker 970-691-7990 Gift Shop 520-917-8051 Shop hours: Mon.-Fri., 10 AM-4 PM, Sat., 10 AM-1 PM www.suncityorovalley.com/gift-shop
Joan Caine, Pat Norton and Bill Norton
February featured artists are Joan Caine, and husband and wife team, Bill and Pat Norton.
Each of Joan’s glass pieces is unique. She creates fused glass plates, bowls and vases of various sizes, shapes and
colors, as well as decorative or display pieces. She loves experimenting with techniques that result in one-of-a-kind glass pieces.
Bill taught shop at junior high, high school and junior college levels. Upon retirement, he became intrigued with wood turning and free-form carving. His top goal is never to have two projects that look the same.
Pat, better half of Bill, adds ruffle scarves, baby cocoons, hats and bootie sets to the shop. It is a new experience for her to sell her items because she has always donated her creations. Now, for every cocoon set she sells, she donates another to Seniors for Kids.
Government Affairs Chair Earl Vittitoe earlvv@gmail.com Second Wed., 1 PM, on Zoom
The nonpartisan Government Affairs Committee conducts political forums and secures speakers on issues that are of special interest to our community.
Holiday Lights Chair Linda Bretz 603-459-4219 lindaebretz1@gmail.com www.SCOVLites.com
The Holiday Lights Committee thanks everyone who supported the 2021 outdoor lighting displays. Materials are being purchased for 2022 to enhance the newly renovated Activity Center exhibit.
Classes to make the “flowers” are Wednesdays, starting February 9, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Room. The first 12 volunteers will be accepted. You must pre-register with Linda Bretz at NashuaChristmas@comcast.net. The 90-minute classes are free of charge, but donations for future materials are appreciated (checks to SCOV). See SCOVLites. com for further details.
Loan Room - Community Assistance Chair Gay Russell Third Thu., 3 PM, WC1 (currently not meeting) Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 AM www.suncityorovalley.com/members/services/loan-room/
The Loan Room is a free service to all SCOV residents. It is located at the end of the Cart Barn and is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-9 AM. Reservations may be made up to two months before an item is needed, but walk-ins are also welcome. We have recently purchased a few new tri-fold mattresses as these have proven to be very popular. Recently we were given a new-to-us rocking horse toy (pictured), which we expect to be in high demand. We recommend reservations for one-ofa-kind toys. Most medical items are available at all times, although we are currently running low on rolling knee walkers. We do not carry tools of any kind. Please feel free to visit us when we are open to see what we have or check out the website. Thank you for your continued support of this program. Long Range Planning Chair Sharon Kennedy kennesk@comcast.net Second and Fourth Wed., 10 AM, on Zoom
The purpose of our committee is to develop and recommend to the Board a rolling 5-to-10-year plan to maintain and further enhance the quality of life for current residents, while ensuring SCOV remains competitive in attracting additional active, involved people to our community. Committee documents, past agendas, minutes and our Request Project Consideration form are available on the SCOV website. Our meetings are open to all residents.
Neighborhood Pride Co-chairs Janette Simister, Anita Nisonger Questions, 520-917-8079 scoroval@ciramail.com Third Tue., 2 PM, WC3
Did We Get Our Winter Rains?
Our rains in the past couple of months are mainly the cause of all the unwanted growth in our yards: weeds and grass. Putting pre-emergence down in your yard will save you from having so many weeds appear later, and it is well worth the cost and time to do it. If you choose not to use preemergence, you need your yard maintained monthly during the summer growing season. Even with pre-emergence, yards need to be cared for, at least every other month. If you leave our community for cooler climates for a few months each year, it’s not too soon to line up a landscaper to take care of your yard while you’re away. We live in the desert, but grass, weeds, bushes and trees grow profusely during our summer monsoon season, and do need attention. Rain brings growth, summer and winter.
Posse Chair Linda Simōn 520-789-7169 posse@5LP.com First Tue., 3 PM, Desert Oasis www.scovaz.com/committees/posse/ (must be logged in first)
I hear people say they are interested in joining the Posse but can’t because they don’t drive at night. Another reason is they don’t have anyone to go out with. Also, I hear the reason is they go to bed early. Be flexible. The Posse has drivers willing to pick you up and take you home before and after a shift. We have other singles willing to go on patrol with you. Take a nap the day of your tour, then stay up later that night. We’re only asking you to commit to two shifts a year. The benefits outweigh your concerns. You will meet new people and will be helping your community. The Posse needs you. Your community needs you. You can do it. Call chair, Linda Simōn, for more information.
Properties Chair Rich Oaks richoaks114@gmail.com Third Thu., 9 AM, WC1 and via Zoom
The solar energy systems installed at various SCOV buildings during 2016 continue to produce electricity, reduce the Association’s utility costs and reduce our community’s carbon footprint. The project, valued at $1.2M in 2016, was developed and installed with no cost to SCOV. The Association purchased the systems in November 2021. The lower utility costs resulting from SCOV’s ownership will repay the purchase price of $664,413 in approximately six years. The Properties Committee unanimously supported the purchase of the solar systems. Our recent meetings have been in person and via Zoom. Please see the calendar on the SCOV website for scheduled meeting dates, times and meeting format.