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Table Tennis Co-chairs Pat Norkooli 719-650-9787 patricia.norkooli@live.com Megan Jacoby 949-697-4665 cobymeg@gmail.com Catalina Vista

Attendance has increased for table tennis while room availability has decreased. Many other clubs are now using rooms that were originally designated for table tennis. As a result, our schedule for play fluctuates considerably, and it is recommended that players call Catalina Vista at 520-8258613 to make sure rooms are available the day they want to play.

Please note that Tuesdays from 1:30-3:30 PM are now reserved for women. There is no table tennis on the first Tuesday of every month. All other days are for both men and women. Thanks for your understanding. February Schedule

Tue., Feb. 8, 15, 22 1:30-3:30 PM women club play 3:30-5:30 PM all club play

Thu., Feb. 3, 17, 24 5:30-8:30 PM all club play

Fri. No Fridays available in February

Sat., Feb. 5, 12, 26 9 AM-Noon all club play

Tennis Pres. Jim Benshoof 612-799-5918, jabenshoof@msn.com Treas. Randy Harvey 402-990-7009 Men’s tennis, Tue., Thu., Sat., 8-10 AM, Bill Pitts 317-308-8155 Mixed tennis, Tue., Thu., Sat., 10 AM-Noon, Jen Garvin 520-400-4368 Ladies’ tennis, Mon., Wed., Fri., 8 AM-Noon, Chris Gerber 763-360-839 Jan Dunbar 815-766-0819 Mixed doubles socials, Susan Hernandez 310-433-7474

The SCOV Women’s Interclub Tennis Team celebrates a great year of competition and camaraderie

Congratulations to the SCOV Women’s Interclub Tennis Team for a great season of competition and camaraderie with tennis clubs across Tucson this fall. Tennis is in full swing this February with fun events and socials starting February 9 with the Women’s Valentine’s Day Round Robin and Social. Next is the Men’s Doubles Tournament February 14-27. Don’t miss the Mixed Doubles and Social event on February 20, a great way to play and meet fellow tennis enthusiasts. All SCOV residents are welcome to use our wonderful tennis courts. If you have any questions or would like to join the club, send an email to Jim Benshoof. Wallyball Pres. Chris Baird 520-344-9170 cbaird0622@gmail.com VP Don Kahl 605-310-3270 kahl.don@gmail.com Treas. Janell Raty 530-401-2477 janell066@yahoo.com Game days, Tue., Fri., setup 12:45 PM, play 1-3 PM, AFC/Racquetball Ct. www.wallyball.us

Wallyball is volleyball played on a racquetball court, with three to five players on a side. Players use the side walls to create angles, but the ball cannot hit the ceiling or the back wall of the opposing team. It is great aerobic activity that burns calories, tones muscles, improves coordination and balance.

Come to the racquetball court in the AFC/Gym to see if the game is for you. Men and women are welcome, and tryouts are encouraged. Set up is at 12:45 PM, Tuesdays and Fridays, and games start at 1 PM. For additional information, contact one of our officers. We look forward to seeing you there.

Water Volleyball Pres. Pete Coy 360-739-4100 Petecoy@gmail.com VP Rich Winter 520-900-7542 Richwinmaui@gmail.com Treas. John Lesko 248-231-0546 Azjl1946@gmail.com Casual play Sun., Thu., 1-3 PM; Advanced play Mon., 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis pool

Yes, we play water volleyball in the winter, and the pool is well-heated. We use the Desert Oasis pool three days per week and have loads of fun. Our club charter says it best. “The purpose of the club is to meet neighbors, have fun and get exercise.” Recreational water volleyball is Sunday and Thursday each week and includes players of all skill levels. Everyone is welcome regardless of their ability. For most players, the more they play, the better they get. Advanced play on Mondays is for the more competitive players, but still comes with loads of laughs. Please feel free to put your suit on and come by to play or just watch. You will always be welcome.

Day Trippers Chair Laura Suchocki 520-612-7226 Membership Laura and Tom Held 520-447-5170 Third Sun., 1 PM, Catalina Vista

We are planning many wonderful trips and events for 2022. Sign up at the meetings. Always bring your checkbooks and wear your name tags. Fri., Feb. 25: Tucson Rodeo. Bus leaves 10:30 AM. $100 pp includes reserved covered seating in the Vaquero Club, Texas BBQ buffet and 3 free drinks from the bar. Monitor: Laura Suchocki Wed., Mar. 23: Chihuly glass blower, Phoenix Botanical Gardens. $85 pp, lunch included at Cheddars. Monitor: Laura Suchocki Sat., Apr. 9: Blessing of the Vineyard at Sonoita. In addition to tasting a variety of wines from several wineries near Elgin, AZ, there will be a procession through the Sonoita Vineyard following Father Greg.

Included in the cost of $60 pp are 10 wine tasting tickets. More info to follow. Monitor: Pam Divis Thu., Apr. 21: Dolly Steamboat. $81 pp includes lunch and boat trip. Monitor: Laura Suchocki Sun., May 8–Sun., May 15: Utah National Parks. Monitor: Laura Suchocki Wed., Jun. 1: Gaslight Theatre on Broadway to see The Three Musketeers, dinner at Little Anthony’s. Bus leaves 4 PM. Monitor: Lynn

Krivitz June: Lavender farm (plants in bloom)

What is an artifact?

Statues, depictions, artificial flowers, decorative yard ornaments or other man-made artificial decorations are not allowed in front yards. They may be placed on top of front- or street-facing courtyard walls. Refer to Development Standards Section 2.17 xiv.

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