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On the Cover
The Vendor List is on the SCOV website. After logging in, go to Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List.
The Vendor List also may be viewed at the monitor’s desk at Catalina Vista during business hours (during Activity Center renovation). Please check the Vendor List often, as changes are made frequently.
Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on the Vendor List.
Finance-Budget Quarterly Zoom meetings on Mondays. Check SCOV calendar for dates and times.
The Finance-Budget Committee (FBC) meetings are typically held quarterly. The FBC meeting practice is to allow FBC members and up to 15 residents to attend in person. All others may attend via Zoom. The SCOV website provides the Zoom link.
When necessary, the FBC will meet more frequently (e.g., budget preparation, audit results and when information is requested by the Board of Directors). Find meeting dates, times, location and other information on the SCOV website under Members > Committees > Finance-Budget. Current financial information is also available on the website under Members > Financials.
Food and Beverage Chair Bob Landis landisrc@gmail.com
The Food and Beverage Committee has changed its charter and will now focus on increasing and enhancing the participation of the community in The Views Restaurant. The committee will not meet in the summer but will have a session in early September. During the summer, the restaurant will continue to provide its many food and entertainment services and serve as a great hangout for you, your neighbors and friends. Your continued generous gratuities to our servers are much appreciated by them.
Friends of the Library Co-Pres. Carol Tombre mctombre@yahoo.com Co-Pres. Kari Dufur karidufur@gmail.com Membership Andrea Houston ahoust2@lsu.edu
Garry Buck’s Great Views in April was an Oscar-winning success. He reviewed 21 foreign and indie films for Friends of the Library (FOL) members. All his reviewed films can be found in your SCOV Library. Thank you Garry. Pick up your FOL application in the Library.
We are sad to say FOL president Lynne Davis will be stepping down from a position she has held off and on since joining in 2016. Her wonderful leadership, gentle humor and caring about our Library has brought membership to a record total of almost 800 members. A huge thank you to Lynne.
FOL has such a devoted membership of readers that we are inviting all avid readers to write reviews of their favorite books published between November 2021 and September 2022. The November Great Reads will be filled with suggestions from you and presented by FOL board members. Call Andrea Houston 520-825-6919 or Sherry Small 412-9151667 for review parameters and details.
Check Coming Events on page 12 for Book Bingo, a new, fun, community program open to all. A full house turned out for the Book Bingo kickoff on April 20 with Sherry Small (left) calling the winning numbers
Gift Shop Co-Chairs Melanie Stinson 971-506-8655, Maxine Yunker 970-691-7990 Gift Shop 520-917-8051 Shop hours: Mon.-Fri., 10 AM-4 PM, Sat., 10 AM-1 PM www.suncityorovalley.com/gift-shop
Jen Garvin (left) and Elise Collin
Featured artists for June are Elise Collin and Jen Garvin. Elise has enjoyed art all her life. In college she learned to use the potter’s wheel and mix glazes and graduated with a degree in interior design. Today she enjoys making functional pottery such as platters, bowls, kitchen tools, etc. She is most inspired by Japanese designs and shapes.
Jen has loved gardening her entire adult life. She creates living vignettes using potted plants, sculpture and secret surprises in the garden. Although she does create functional pottery, she has the most fun creating garden totems, planters, sculpture, bird houses and garden art.
Make sure to visit the Gift Shop to see the work of these artists and enjoy the coolness of the shop on a hot summer day.
Government Affairs Chair Earl Vittitoe earlvv@gmail.com Second Wed., 1 PM, on Zoom
The nonpartisan Government Affairs Committee conducts political forums and secures speakers on issues that are of special interest to our community.
Vermilion fly catcher perched on a tee marker from The Views Golf Club. Photo by Sheryl Hester