7 minute read
Cultural & Social
SCOV Charity Works Pres. Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443 1969kal@comcast.net VP Joyce Shaw 425-765-1415 jwshaw29@gmail.com Finance Kathie Fogle 360-710-8927 kauaikath@yahoo.com Sec. Debbie Francis 402-216-4227 dejfrancis71@gmail.com Donations Kathy Hrdy 520-262-5477 jkhrdy2@outlook.com Sep.-Apr., Second Tue., 9 AM, WC3
Year-end salad luncheon
Our club benefits Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse and IMPACT of Southern Arizona Food Bank. Our annual salad luncheon was held at our last meeting of the season on April 12. As you can see in the picture, we had lots of good food. We do not meet during the summer, but you may go to the Emerge website www.emergecenter.org for information regarding in-kind and monetary donations.
We will be collecting donations all summer for our Accessories Boutique that will be held on October 29. To donate items, contact the following individuals: jewelry, Elaine Deeter 209-985-6663 or Vicki Gushwa 701-367-3298; purses, Linda Wilkes 520-395-2370; shoes, Kathy Hrdy 520262-5477; hats and scarves, Chris Curtis 585-203-7824; fashion tops, Jan Fischer 520-825-2401; fashion jackets, Debbie Francis 402-216-4227 and for sweaters, Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443.
We will provide updates regarding boutique donation locations and events in the monthly Tipster article, the weekly “This Week in SCOV” email and the SCOV Facebook page throughout the summer.
See Democratic Club Richard Kopp 520-342-6633 richardkopp@mac.com Sat., Jun. 18, 1 PM, Catalina Vista
The 2022 elections are upon us and candidates are out there to win your vote.
Come join our Democratic Club meeting Saturday, June 18, 1 PM, in person at Catalina Vista.
We’ll present ways for us to help get out the vote: projects to elect the candidates we want to see elected. Among these are Postcards to Swing States, AZ Ground Game, Vote Forward, and of course, Oro Valley Democrats and the new LD17 Democrats. We have lots of ways to reach out to Arizona voters.
Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Pres. Mary Murck 612-205-0084 mmurck@earthlink.com Membership Chair: Marion Olson 520-839-2273 me_olson@hotmail.com www.scovff.weebly.com, Facebook: www.bit.ly/FidosFacebook Next membership meeting: Nov. 17 Social meetups at the K-9 Korral in mornings and evenings
Follow the leader. Mary Murck photo
This year Fido’s Friends membership grew a lot. A good season was enjoyed with many more people attending Fido’s Friends meetings, connecting on social media, enjoying Yappy Hour and having their dogs use the park. Some improvements were really appreciated by many members, including taking advantage of the new option of having two separate areas for the dogs. Club members are working on maximizing the parking area to make it simpler and safer to park. Once all parts of the dog park improvement project are complete, we’ll have a good, safe area for the dogs to socialize, run, romp and play. One of the final pieces the club is tackling is obtaining shade structures.
Fewer dogs are here in the summer and it’s quieter in the heat, but some of the dogs still enjoy the socializing and being out and about, and so do their people. Have a great summer everyone.
Garden Club Co-Pres. Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425 bwisbey90@msn.com Co-Pres. Peggy Knapp 520-825-0664 pegnap@gmail.com VP Charlotte Herbert 541-580-6289 charlotte.h12@gmail.com https://sites.google.com/view/scov-garden-club/home
Havurah David/Marilyn Smoler 520-818-7880 www.havurahscov.org
Best wishes for a happy, healthy and cool summer to our SCOV community. Our board of directors will be busy the next few months planning a calendar filled with informative and entertaining events. In the July Tipster, look for information about our summer movie night, which will be held Saturday, August 6. And check our website every month for details about all of our programs. Come join us.
Mindfulness Meditation Club Summer contact Bonnie Grant-Baird BJGRANTB77@gmail.com Pres. Linda Bold lindabold6@gmail.com Sec. Sue Harrington sueellenharrington@gmail.com Tues., 3 PM, Catalina Vista
Mindfulness Meditation Club continues to meet weekly through the summer, 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Room. The format is 20 minutes discussion of mindfulness reading, 25 minutes silent sitting meditation, 10 minutes silent walking meditation and 25 minutes silent sitting meditation. We encourage everyone to come regardless of their experience
or schedule. It is completely acceptable to come or leave quietly at any time based on your need. We welcome all to come and steep themselves in the insights that come from the stillness of silent meditation.
For more information, you may arrive a few minutes early to ask those who regularly attend or email Sue or Linda.
Prepare & Share - Dining Pres: Dorothy Leonard 781-929-5067 dleonard@hbs.edu VP Charlene Meyers 808-937-2178 macrolady.arizona@gmail.com www.scovprepareandshare.weebly.com
This club provides an enjoyable monthly social evening from fall through spring. You can get to know some of your SCOV neighbors who enjoy cooking (and eating) interesting food. We just completed a very successful winter-spring season with four monthly meal themes that resulted in very creative menus. Photos are available on the Prepare and Share website. Members who are in SCOV year-round will be able to participate in summer activities. Watch for email announcements. Club members are looking forward to our fall kick-off dinner on November 14 for the 2022-2023 season. If you have suggestions or questions, please contact a club officer.
Republican Club Pres. Marilyn Rego 520-575-4022 mmrego@centurylink.net Second Mon., 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball (no Jun. or Jul. meeting) scovrepublicanclub@gmail.com
We will resume monthly meetings after the primary election on August 2. We will keep you informed of the next meeting date. Be sure to vote.
Scandinavian Heritage Club Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 sigridkf@gmail.com
Singles Clubs
Active Solos Club
Co-Leader Leslie Fisher 520-955-4258 leslieafisher@yahoo.com or Co-Leader Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069, janemail11@yahoo.com www.scovsolos.com
We are an informal club, created to give unpartnered singles a chance to meet other singles and have fun. Our first official club year ended in May, so we will not be scheduling events outside SCOV until the fall. However, we look forward to continuing our monthly happy hour gatherings throughout the summer at The Views Restaurant. Check our website for the updated calendar.
Sun City Singles
Pres. Anthony Delprete 520-989-0120 Ticket Sales Gail Brandt 520-825-7480 Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 PM; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 PM
We welcome guests. First time visitors may purchase a ticket to one of our activities. On Thursday, June 9, Catalina International Caterers will provide dinner for us at the Desert Oasis Recreation Center. We will enjoy Caesar salad, Moroccan apricot ginger chicken, spinach fettuccine marinara, glazed carrot wheels and double chocolate brownies. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour will be at 5:30 PM, followed by dinner at 6 PM. Entertainment will be provided by Chuck Moses.
On Friday, June 24, we will celebrate happy hour at Desert Oasis. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour will be at 5:30 PM, followed by a light dinner at 6 PM. Entertainment will be provided by Christine Vivona and her husband, Rob Boone, jazz harp and piano/trombone. For further information please contact Eleanor Mishur 520-818-3374.
Ticket sales Fri., Jun. 3, 10-11 AM, Desert Oasis. Dinner tickets, $20 pp and happy hour tickets, $10 pp. Checks only please, payable to Sun City Singles Spanish Cultural Club (SCC) Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-818-3319 gclerch@comcast.net Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta) Fourth Mon., 7 PM, Catalina Vista
Wisconsin Club
Anne Rusch 920-202-0008, annerusch@yahoo.com
Our club’s next annual party is tentatively scheduled in the Activity Center on March 11, 2023. We are seeking energetic volunteers willing to share their fresh ideas and talents with our planning committee. It’s a great way to meet new people and enjoy the camaraderie we have established. It is vital that we recruit more volunteers if we want to keep the Wisconsin Club alive. Contact Anne.
Sun City Variety Theatre Membership contact: Karen Alexander 909-379-8167 Sep.-Apr., Third Thu., 10 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Stephanie Consalvo and friends from March’s production of Big Guns
The Theatre Club is taking some “zzzzzz’s” for the summer and will be back again in September. Good news: The Costume Closet will be reopening with summer hours in June. The closet will be open the second Wednesday of each month from 9-10 AM. Costume Closet information can be found under For Your Information on page 11.
Veterans Club of SCOV Pres. Mike LaBarbera 812-431-7427 mclabarb@aol.com First Mon., 1 PM, Oct.-May, Catalina Vista www.vbscov.weebly.com Happy hour meet and greet, First Wed., 3:30 PM, The Views Restaurant
Club member Mike Monroe (right) carried an unclaimed Veteran for burial during a ceremony at the Arizona Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery at Marana
Club meetings are monthly from October to May. Monthly guest speakers cover a range of topics to inform club members of veteran organizations, VA compensation and entitlements. Club activities and relevant issues are sent by email. Join us Wednesday, June 1, 3:30-4:30 PM, at The Views Restaurant for a meet and greet happy hour.
Our current membership is over 285 veterans. If you