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Association Committees

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Republic Services scov@republicservices.com www.suncityorovalley.com/members/services/trash

SCOV has a dedicated customer service representative with Republic Services. Many of you are aware of the labor challenges the country is currently experiencing, and Republic Services highly encourages residents to email any service issues rather than telephone, in order to receive the best service. Our representative can be reached at scov@ republicservices.com. This email is listed on the Republic magnet you received in your annual dues mailing.

Visit our web page where you can find the following information: 1) Recycling: View a video and web page on what Republic takes in their recycling bins. Glass is accepted for recycling. 2) Holiday schedule: Check if you need to shift setting your bins out due to a holiday. 3) Report a problem: Missed pickup? Bin damaged? Click the REPORT A PROBLEM tab, fill out our form and Republic will receive a copy.

Active Health Chair Rita Menet 920-659-1428 rita.menet@gmail.com Next meeting Mon., Nov. 8, 3 PM, WC1

There are many support groups here in SCOV that may lend a listening ear and positive word to assist you during these challenging times. Please see the Partnered Organizations section in this issue of the Tipster and the inserted flyer regarding SCOV support groups.

Cliff Miller

Architectural Review Kris Ahlstrand 510-693-5502 ARC@suncityorovalley.com Zoom meetings Second and Fourth Tue., 2 PM

Aquatic Fitness Center Advisory

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) continues to remain extremely busy during these hot summer months with a minimum of 10 submittals to review at each of our twice-a-month Zoom meetings. Residents who submit complete applications gain speedy review and approval of their projects. One way to ensure a complete application and a project that meets the Development Standards for a Permanent Improvement is to have a pre-submittal meeting with ARC representatives. Before you begin preparing your application on the SCOV website, take the time to read all the directions, especially the specific items that must be included with your submittal. Use the drop-down menus: Members > Members Services > For Your Home > Read More > Start Submittal.

The ARC members devote many hours year-round reviewing projects and then discussing them in Zoom meetings held every second and fourth Tuesday at 2 PM. We encourage anyone who is planning a project or just interested to join us online. The link to our meetings can be found on: Members > Committees > Architectural Review > Read More > Join ARC’s Zoom Meeting.

The Artisan Center Renovation Task Force (ACRTF) may meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month as needed. The SCOV website will have current meeting notices.

The SCOV website (Members > Committees > ACRTF) provides the Charter for the task force. The website also provides “A Discussion of the Existing and Future Facility Requirements for the Artisan Clubs of SCOV.” An informal working group comprised of representatives from each of the artisan clubs met over the winter of 2021 to research and write this discussion paper.

The ACRTF is now building on the previous work and will identify and work with an architect to develop a comprehensive recommendation for the renovation of this 34-year-old Artisan Center facility.

Community Directory Chair Lisa Collins 812-344-4773 scov.community.directory@gmail.com www.scovaz.com/members/services/directory

Watch “This Week in SCOV” email for information about this year’s paper directory.

New residents are unlisted by default. This includes those who move within SCOV. Renters aren’t included, unless they’re long-term year-round residents.

I use the monthly SCOV Resale Report to update the directory database. Those who have sold their homes are removed from the database, and the new owners are added as unlisted.

To be listed in the directory or to change your information, the preferred method is to complete the online form “To change your directory listing….” Otherwise, you can fill out an orange card at the Welcome Center.

You can choose to be listed and still have address, phones, or emails unlisted in either the paper book or the online directory. Email addresses are not published in the paper book.

Consumer Referral - Vendor List Susanna Moran scovconsumerservices@gmail.com

The Vendor List is on the SCOV website. After logging in, go to Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List.

The Vendor List may also be viewed at the monitor’s desk in the Activity Center during business hours until renovation begins. Please check the Vendor List often, as changes are made frequently.

Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on the Vendor List.

Finance-Budget Quarterly Zoom meetings on Mondays. Check SCOV calendar for dates and times.

The Finance-Budget Committee (FBC) meetings and Quarterly Financial Conversations with Residents are held quarterly. At times, when necessary, the FBC will meet more frequently (e.g., budget preparation, audit results, and when information is requested by the Board of Directors). Find meeting dates, times, location and information on the SCOV website. The latest financial information is also available on there.

Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley

Chair Wendy Hughes First Mon., 2-3 PM via Zoom. No meeting in Sep.

The Views Restaurant is bringing back the community table. If you are new to SCOV or just want to meet new people, please stop and have a meal at the community table. It’s available Monday through Thursday; breakfast from 7-9 AM, lunch from 11 AM-1 PM and dinner from 6-8 PM.

Please continue to be respectful to the wait staff. We are adding new people to our staff, and everyone is doing their best to provide you with prompt and courteous service.

There will be no meeting in September due to Labor Day falling on the first Monday. Hopefully, we will have our first in-person meeting in October.

Friends of the Library Andrea Houston ahoust2@lsu.edu Pat Brown patbrown630@gmail.com Lynne Davis lynnedavis100@gmail.com

The Library offers good reading and movies. Read the book, then watch the movie, or vice versa. Check our Library for these combinations. In addition to good books, the Library has audio books, puzzles and more.

Friends of the Library (FOL) members will have their first Great Reads on November 17. If you want to become a member of FOL, please check with the Library. Membership fee is $15/single or $20/family. The Library continues to be a great resource for our community.

Gift Shop Co-Chairs Melanie Stinson 971-506-8655, Maxine Yunker 970-691-7990 Gift Shop 520-917-8051 Shop hours: Mon.-Sat., 10 AM-1 PM www.suncityorovalley.com/gift-shop

Kris Cohen, left, and Maxine Yunker

As fall approaches, we want to thank our residents for supporting the Gift Shop through difficult times. Featured artists this month are Kris Cohen and Maxine Yunker. Kris began her needlework journey working on stamped pillow cases and dish towels, learning from her mother, gradually settling on cross stitch as her passion. Cross Stitch is a great stress reliever with a therapeutic rhythm, requiring focus. There are no limits to one’s creativity. Her latest enhancements are by adding charms and using silk ribbon to add more dimension to the designs.

Maxine Yunker creates beaded jewelry concentrating on fun and easy to wear earrings, bracelets, and necklaces for everyday, as well as for special occasions. She also makes eyeglass lanyards to help us remember just where your glasses are. She reminds us that wearing jewelry makes any outfit a bit more special. Government Affairs Chair Don Teiser 520-333-2525 donteiser@gmail.com Second Wed., 1 PM, WC1

The nonpartisan Government Affairs Committee conducts political forums and secures speakers on issues that are of special interest to our community.

Holiday Lights Chair Linda Bretz 603-459-4219 lindaebretz1@gmail.com

The Holiday Lights Committee is enjoying our monsoon season while considering our work that needs to start in November. The ornaments for this year have been made, and the committee’s focus will soon be working with maintenance staff on additional electric outlets needed for this year’s display. Outside décor focus for 2021 will be around The Views Restaurant and the Welcome Center as the Activity Center will be under renovation. A Hanukkah display is on our wish list for décor, but we need a volunteer to help guide us in that direction.

Progress is being made finding residents who are excited to share their holiday spirit for this year’s brand new Holiday House Tour, scheduled for December 4. A few interior decorators will help enhance the holiday décor of these homes. Florists willing to donate their skills for free advertising on the tour are also being sought. Our Angels (SCOV volunteers) will help set up and participate during the tour. A few more volunteer homes beautifully decorated inside for Hanukkah as well as Christmas are needed. Contact Linda Bretz nashuachristmas@comcast.net or 603-459-4219 if you know of any stunning homes, decorators or florists who might consider participating in this new event. Meetings will start in early October to get acquainted and discuss details.

Loan Room - Community Assistance Chair Gay Russell Third Thu., 3 PM, WC1; Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 AM www.suncityorovalley.com/members/services/loan-room/

The Loan Room is located at the end of the Cart Barn and is a free service to all SCOV residents. It is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-9 AM, for walk-ins, pickups and reservations. Reservations may also be made on the SCOV website under Loan Room. When using the website, you are making a request that will be confirmed by email once our volunteers have had a chance to be sure what you are requesting is available. Please give us a week to confirm your request. The Loan Room will be closed September 14, 16, 21 and 23. Medical emergencies during those two weeks will be responded to by Gay Russell. When picking up equipment or returning it to the Loan Room, please remember to bring someone with you to help if you cannot handle this on your own. Always bring your SCOV card and let us know if your address, telephone number or card number has changed.

Thank you for your continued support of the Loan Room and the aluminum can recycling program.

Long Range Planning Chair Sharon Kennedy kennesk@comcast.net Second and Fourth Wed., 10 AM, on Zoom

The purpose of our committee is to develop and recommend to the Board a rolling 5 to 10-year plan to maintain and further enhance the quality of life for current residents, while ensuring SCOV remains competitive in attracting additional active, involved people to our community. Committee documents, past agendas, minutes and our Request Project

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