St Peter’s Church
Perhaps he is the most famous artist in the world, and certainly the man who created the world’s most famous painting, the Mona Lisa (image left), the lady with that tantalising, mysterious smile. But there is so much more to know about Leonardo da Vinci, who was born in Italy, died in France, and is known throughout the world. An enticing opportunity to hear much more about him, and gaze at some of his most famous works, including The Last Supper, will be offered at a lecture to be given by the local art historian Kay Blackburn at St Peter’s Church in Belgrave Road, Seaford, at an event that is open to everyone. Kay is embarking on a considerable challenge, for Leonardo was undeniably an Italian polymath of the Renaissance who was active not just as a painter but
also as a draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect who lived from 1452 to 1519. Quite a man....and quite a challenge for Kay, who plans to talk about a range of his works – portraits, narratives and mysterious subjects, and not only art. There is also his more scientific studies and designs, nature studies, engineering projects including a prototype helicopter and tank. All this will be at the start of December and so will lead up to a more festive feeling by looking at some Christmas-related paintings, sketches and art works, including The Virgin of the Rocks which is in the National Gallery in London. This special lecture is on Tuesday 6th December, at 2.30pm, and appropriate Christmas refreshments will be included in the price of the tickets, only £7. It is best to book through the benefice office at St Peter’s Church on: 01323 899054. Or you can email at:
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