Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team – New Phone number alert Phone line hours: Mon to Fri: 9am – 5pm. Tel: 01323 364058 This month we are asking you to use our new phone number please as we move into a new stage of supporting those are still vulnerable. In July there was a marked downturn in the number of calls for support. We are delighted that so many of you are now able to reassert your independence. So, with that in mind we have reduced our hours for the time being. The phone line will not be manned on Saturday mornings either. We are constantly monitoring the national and local situation and will react speedily to any further decrease or potential increase, in requests for help and according to local public health advice. This means we may make sudden service changes but there will always be an answerphone message to let you know, a post on our Facebook page, website and via other local media. We have also set up a Constitution with Management Committee so that we are able to ensure safe governance for our registered volunteers and the residents we are helping. Just so you all know who the mysterious ‘we’ are, the officers are as follows: Chair Sarah McStravick Vice Chair Rev Arwen Folkes Secretary Becky Francomb Treasurer Stephen Gauntlett Helpline Coordinator Carole Henderson Volunteer Coordinator Richard Wright Despatcher Coordinator Heidi Kahlsdorf Safeguarding Officers Sarah McStravick, Rev Arwen Folkes Solutions Coordinator Jo Peppard Lewes District Council Liaison Christine Brett Seaford Town Council Liaison Jean Cash So we and our myriad of unsung back of house and practical support volunteers are still going to be here for you. We are able to respond to anyone who suddenly has to go into isolation, but this means we need your
help to enable us to pay for the phone line, PPE and other things we need to keep everyone safe. Many people have offered to donate to support us in the last few weeks but previously we did not have a means to collect any money. There is no obligation from those we are helping but we have set up a ‘GoFundMe’ which you can find on our Facebook page and website or ring our help line 01323 364058 if you are not online, and we will tell you what to do. A big thank you to everyone who has already done so. Remember you can also contact us on our website: and fill in the request form for support. Thank you to everyone who has pulled together to make this possible. If we cannot help you, we know some people who can, so here are some useful numbers. Please note the Lewes Community Hub (LDC) phone line (LDC) is paused for the time being. NHS responders (GoodSAM) 0808 196 3646 (8am-8pm) (includes patient transport volunteers) Sea friends/Listening Ear 01323 914689 Havens Community Cars (volunteer car drivers) 9.30–3pm 01273 918226 East Sussex Adult Care (including emergency duty service) 0345 60 80 191 East Sussex Children and Families 0345 6080192 out of hours 01273 335905/6 National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 Samaritans 116123 Shout (text service for those in Crisis) text 85258 Silverline (listening service for older people 24/7 24/7 0800 4708090 Sussex Mental Health Helpline for those in Crisis freephone 0300 5000 101 runs 24/7 Switchboard LGBT support 10am –10pm 0300 330 0630
Please stay safe and stay socially distanced. Sarah McStravick (Chair) and The SVET Team
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